The Barnabite Messenger Vol. 40 No. 1

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Vol. 40. No.

Spring 2015

The Barnabite Messenger

A Publication of the Barnabite North American Province
Dedicated to the Barnabite Missionaries in
AFRICA ~ Congo and Rwanda |Since 1955

Discovering Someone New

Our community in Youngstown is blessed with a new
Barnabite priest from Democratic Republic of the Congo in
Africa. You have probably seen him around, but did not have
a chance to get to know him. This new priest at the Fatima
Shrine is one you would certainly like to know.
His name is Fr. John Paul Bahati, CRSP. He was born in
1969 to Victor and Simile Cisumba in Mulwa, Bukavu,
Democratic Republic of Congo. He received his Baptism and
Confirmation in 1982. After finishing primary school, he
went into the Minor Seminary and studied there for six
years from 1985 to 1991. Although he was studying in a
seminary, his dream was never to become a priest. It was
through his spiritual director, Fr. Devloo, a Missionary of
Africa (White Fathers), that he found his vocation. Fr.
Bahati continued his studies in the Major Seminary of
Goma, which was under the direction of diocesan
priests, and there earned his degree in Philosophy.
At the age of twenty-six, Fr. Bahati entered the
seminary of the Barnabite Fathers in Mbobero, Bukavu.
One of his teachers was Fr. Frisia Constantino, master of
novices from 1994 to 1997. It was under Fr. Frisias guidance
that he entered the Barnabite novitiate. Fr. Bahati made his
first profession of vows in August 6, 1998.

Spiritual life is a cross to be carried

a step at a time and in a steady fashion.
St Anthony M. Zaccaria

Vol. 40. No. 1



Barnabite African Pro-Provincial Chapter in Rwanda, Africa, July 2012

He then went to Rome, Italy where he received his

degree of Bachelor of Theology in 2000 at the
Urbana Pontifical University. Fr. Bahati furthered
his studies at Romes Santa Croce University, where
he earned his degree in Social Communication. This
achievement gave him an opportunity to work for
three years as an immigration editor of Italys RAI
(Italian Radio and Television). The experience with
RAI made him become more familiar with the radio
and its techniques.
Fr. Bahati made his solemn profession in 2003 at the
Barnabite International Seminary in Rome and was
ordained to the priesthood on August 24 in the same
year in Bukavu.
Coming back to his country in 2007, Fr. Bahati
brought the same reliable performance of the radio to
Congo to support and integrate his countrys outcast.
He launched a radio that was supposed to provide a
religious programming to the South Kivu Region in
Congo while improving the condition of the areas

poor. However, this was not given full support by the

Ordinary of the place. Consequently, the project was
not materialized.
Meanwhile, Fr. Bahati was assigned to the parish of
Mbobero in Bukavu. His dedication and generosity
made him worked tirelessly for the people in this
parish, ensuring their spiritual growth as a spiritual
father and steward. Besides helping in the parish of
Mbobero, he also worked as chaplain and treasurer of
Saint Paul College and served in another parish in
Over eleven years of pastoral leadership in Mbobero
and Birava, Fr. Bahati has worked hard with prayer
groups. Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the
spirits to see whether they belong to God, because
many false prophets have gone out into the world (1Jn
4, 1). In this way, Fr. Bahati conducted people to look
into themselves and discern.
He founded a center for technology for orphans and


Vol. 40. No. 1



young people. He taught computer courses

and religion at Saint Paul College in
Mbobero and at Nyamokola Institute in
Communication in Ruzizi Missionaries
Institute in Bukavu, where he was a great
teacher. Among all these responsibilities, Fr.
Bahati was an associate editor of La Voce, a
Barnabite periodical based in Milan, Italy.
In addition to his pastoral work at Mbobero
parish, Fr. John Paul was a spiritual leader
of schools. The education is the key!
Through this ministry, he was able to
initiate an effort with the Ensemble vocale
Ambrosiano in Milan, Italy which offer
financial assistance to African children. He
still works with them until the present. In
2010, Fr. John Paul renovated the primary
school of Kacuba in Bukavu.

Childrens Mass at St. Pauls parish in Mbobero,

Bukavu, celebrated by Fr John Paul

determination, and a willingness to face defeat after

defeat are what we need to achieve our goal, said
Fr. John Paul.

This year, Fr. John Paul joined our community in

Fatima Shrine, Youngstown, New York. USA.

Fr. John Paul

Whatever we want out of life, we can get with Gods

mercy. We only have to make sure that we never stop
working toward our desired goal. Persistence,






Fr. John Paul with Children from St. Paul parish in Mbobero, Bukavu, RDC

Vol. 40. No. 1




The Archives of the Barnabite Fathers in Mbobero the Mother
house of the missions of Africa contain the unforgettable story of
the growth of Barnabite Mission beginning in Mbobero and
expanding into Birava (1968), Muhura (1977),Cyangugu ( 1987)
and Kinshasa (2004).

Zaccarian Apostolate
of Prayer 2015

The Barnabite Fathers have been called to provide integral,
intellectual formation to the best students: to give them a solid
secondary education; to form them as excellent Christian young
people; and prepare them for university studies. The opening of a
prestigious school marked their arrival in Africa. Through
influential friends, the Belgian Congo opened the Fathers a new
field of great human and apostolic value. After many years in
Brazil, Fr. Victor Dessart, was sent, in April of 1950, to start a
mission in central Africa. Before settling in Bukavu, he spent about
a year in the older mission of Mugeri, 60 kilometers from Bukavu.
Many Belgian Barnabites followed him, since the Belgian Province
accepted the mission wholeheartedly. Fr. Charles Leterme
completed the construction of the school in four years.
Continued on page 5

MARCH: For the Confreres who

are celebrating this year their 25th
and 50th anniversaries of religious
profession or priestly ordination.

That the Lord fill those celebrating

Jubilee Anniversaries of Religious
Profession or Priestly Ordination with
all the gifts necessary for the
performance of their generous pastoral
service and the fruitful witness of their
consecration to God.

APRIL: The 150th Anniversary of

placing the Order under the
patronage of St. Joseph (General
Chapter of 1865)

That the Congregation continues always

to trust in the faithful care of St. Joseph,
and go to him with confidence for all
material and spiritual needs.


MAY: The Blessed Virgin Mary,

"sublime example of perfect
consecration; teacher of
unconditional discipleship and
diligent service." (Vita Consecrata,
n. 28)

That the Virgin Mary helps us to remain

faithful to our vocation, to progress in
our journey of holiness and to live fully
our consecration.

Vol. 40. No. 1



Fathers abandoned the Institute with great sadness

and were dispersed; some to Italy, some to the
nearby Parish, others to old or new missions. After
over a quarter century, in 2003, the Fathers
resumed the direction of the Kitumaini Institute,
which took back its original name, St. Paul


In October 1957, the Father General, Emile Schot,
inaugurated The most beautiful college of the
Barnabite Fathers around the World. The first
rectors (principals) were fathers Grard Rose, Henri
Grillet, Fernand Mertens, Alphonse Decarne,
Bernard Verhoeven, Lino Castagna, and Grard


The challenges of the years 1972-76 brought the
creation of a new parish and with it a new
Barnabite Community. Formally, that Community
began in 1975 but in reality it was formed a few
years later. The Fathers built a little house for
prayer on Kacuba Street in Bukavu, Congo for
sustaining the spiritual life of the people. Many

Starting in 1965, many Italian Barnabite Fathers also

came to the Congo: Luciano Landoni, Aldo Rizzi,
Eduardo Garlaschi, Erba Angelo, Damioli, Giovanni
Sala, Giuseppe Pozzi, Costantino Frisia, Gianfranco
Pessina and Brother Arturo Vegini. In 1967, the
direction of the mission of
Lombardia Province.
The Mission endured very
during these years. There
was a revolutionary war
and tribal fights, after
independence (1960-1964);
there were the terrorist acts
of Mulele and his bands
(1964); Jean Schrammzs
mercenaries pillaged the
College lost everything.
All of the fathers of the
forced to go either to
Europe or other areas of
the Congo.

Pupils of the Kacuba Primary School enjoy a class break

In 1968 the troubles ceased
only to begin again with
the phenomenon of Zairisation, an attempt to
pastoral activities began at that time: youth
return the country to its pre-colonial roots resulting
ministry for young men; for young women
in name changes and altered teaching methods (the
vocational education by the Angelic Sisters and
College becomes Institute Kitumaini). Tensions grew
later the Dorothean Sisters; assistance to the poor
between the only political party and the Church
and the elderly; care for orphans; etc. Now, in
until, finally, the great school was taken from the
addition to the St. Paul College, the Community
Fathers and the Community sent away (1976). The
began a parish ministry. Some Barnabites wanted

Vol. 40. No. 1



to serve in the parish although they were working at
the College. The new Community began, in March
1975 with the inauguration of Saint Paul Parish. The
first pastor was Fr. Luciano Landoni. The Parish
flourished in the first years with rapid growth in a
variety activities. Buildings were built (the church, the
dispensary). Parish life was organized (liturgy and
catechesis, social promotion and schools, meetings,
visiting the countryside). The people were saddened
by the sudden death of Fr. Luciano Landoni in May,
1977. After him the Mbobero parish has had many
pastors: Fr. Lino Castagna (1977-1979); Fr.
Gianfranco Pessina; Fr. Giovanni Sala; Fr. Luigi Villa
(1992-1993); Fr. Fabien Muvunyi (1993-2001); Fr.
Toussaint Bulambo (2002-2004); Fr. Didier
Ntamurhomukenyi (2004-2007); Fr. Emmanuel
Kilamaneno (2007-2012); Fr. Emmanuel Sota; and
now Fr. Emmanuel Ntaboba.

scholarships; and vaccinations of infants, etc. There is

an immense amount of urgent needs to be met. We are
often unable to fulfill all the needs. Resources are
lacking in quantity and quality. We are hampered in
our work but accept our limitations and seek the help of
Fr John Paul Bahati, CRSP


With the passing of time, the Parish needs to renovate
its buildings. There are many tasks to accomplish, but
money is scare. Mbobero is a human melting pot. It
has many villages scattered around Lake Kivu; many
up in nearby hills. It is situated 10 kilometres from
Bukavu. Mbobero is no longer countryside but not yet
a city: Many young men and educated people go to
Bukavu and absorb its mentality.
Socially, the
structures of the past are being crushed by modern
ideas. Traditional culture is mixed with a restless
modernity in search of new models of society.
Unfortunately these models destroy the family and the
clan. And the Christian community is a victim of that
sad evolution. The Parish (Fathers, collaborators and
Parishioners) focus only on the important issues:
evangelization and catechesis, administration of the
sacraments, animation of groups, schools and medical
clinics. Other activities are also important for the
parish: Assistance to the sick and young mothers,
fighting malnutrition, and education of the poorest
young men. The key word in the African Catholic
Church is: DEVELOPMENT. This is an ongoing
loved program: build of bridges and roads; planting
for food and soil conservation; providing of clean
water and nutrition; adult literacy programs and

Fr. Bahati prays in the front of

of the statue of Our Lady Fatima

The Barnabite Messenger

Address: P.O. Box 167 | Youngstown, NY 14174-0167


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