Qualifications of Dai
Qualifications of Dai
Qualifications of Dai
Syedna Ahmad bin Muhammad also draws our attention to one more
important aspect: a Da'i who attributes to himself the attributes of God, he is
guilty of shirk and is ignorant of tawhid I.e. belief in unity of God. Such a
person cannot be fit to be Da'i. We know from our own experience that the
preceding and the present Da'is attributed themselves with attributes of Allah
like Qadi al Hajat etc. and make their followers perform sajda-e-ubudiyat
before them which is open shirk and hence they cannot be fit to be Da'i as per
the Risalah of Syedna Ahmad bin Muhammad Nishapuri.
Further on it is said in the Risalah that one who is incapable of bringing up
his followers in the knowledge of theology and knowledge of Allah (ulum-omaarif) cannot claim to be Da'i. Needless to say, the present hierarchy of
Fatimi D'awah calling itself the Kothar is totally unconcerned with such
knowledge. It is wallowing in luxury and is preoccupied with accumulation
of wealth and inculcating blind belief. Such people can hardly remotely
qualify for the august office of Da'i who is summoner to the way of Allah his
Prophet and his family (ahl al-bayt).
According to the Risalah under discussion, a Da'i must be properly equipped
with three types of siyasat: siyasat-e-khassa, siysat-e-hamma and siyasat-eamma.
Siyasat-e-khassa is control of one's self. One should abide by all the shariah
injunctions, practice what is good and keep away from what is forbidden.
One should refrain from evil and should imbibe all that Allah attributes to
m'umin in the Qur'an. In fact a Da'i has to be much more than a m'umin as he
is to lead all of them along the straight path.
Siyasat-e-hamma is the control over one's own household, one's staff and
servants. A Da'i has to see that his staff is properly trained in all the good
qualities, is cultured and refined in every way. It should have abiding interest
in and knowledge should keep away from lowly things and turpitude of
character. It should be exemplary in its behaviour towards others.
The messenger of Allah has also said that one who trains people of his
household properly will go to jannah along with them. Thus it behoves a Da'i
that he should train people from his household and his staff properly and
cultivate interest in knowledge and refine their behaviour. Again we know
from our experience how the members of the Kothar behaves with us and
how knowledgeable and refined they are. In fact, they are rude and violent
towards the m'uminin. Thus ultimately it reflects on the Da'i and his abilities.
consideration towards sinners and Da'i should also show mercy towards
A Da'i according to Syedna Ahmad bin Muhammad Nishapuri, should be
generous and not miserly. Allah does not like miserliness and he says that
those who are miserly and advise others to be miser and try to hide what
Allah has given to them with his grace, we have prepared painful punishment
for them. Thus to be miserly is inviting Allah's punishment.
When ordinary man is required not to be miserly what of a Da'i who is to lead
others. If a Da'i is miserly his followers will also become miserly and thus the
needy and the poor will ultimately suffer. It is incumbent on a Da'i that he
should spend generously on the needy and work for their welfare. The
Prophet has also said that Allah has not created any Wali but on generosity.
A Da'i should also be truthful and courteous and lenient. If a Da'i is not
truthful others will not be and whole system will be affected. Also courtesy
and softness is part of one's iman. One must show these qualities. A Da'i
should also be of sound opinion and a good administrator. The D'awah
cannot be run without sound administration.
A Da'i should also fulfill his word. This too is very important for good
behaviour. If a Da'i is found unfaithful to his words, his followers too would
refuse to abide by their word and whole system will be corrupted. A Da'i
should also be able to keep secrets because of running the system of D'awah
through thick and thin one must be able to keep secrets.
It is also necessary for a Da'i that he should not be revengeful, prejudiced and
quarrelsome. A respondent, for lack of sound knowledge and experience may
be lacking in these qualities but a Da'i has to take care of such situations. A
Da'i should also be capable of easily pardoning others.
A Da'i should have a sweet tongue and be highly courteous. He should also
be an eloquent speaker, in order to influence others. Also, a Da'i should be
very patient and capable of facing acute difficulties. If a Da'i has no patience
and looses temper easily, people will run away from him. Thus Allah says in
the Qur'an, "And hadst thou (ie. Prophet) been rough, hard-hearted, they
would certain have dispersed from around thee. So pardon them and ask
protection for them and consult them in (important) matters"(3:158), thus
Allah requires his messenger also to be forgiving and patient, not rough and
A Da'i should be courageous and independent. One who does not show
courage in times of hardship and cannot take independent decisions in
complex situation cannot be capable of running the affairs of D'awah. It is
also necessary for a Da'i to have highest respect for the ulama from different
fields of life. He should also be aware of their needs and requirements. He
should be a great friend of the ulama. He should spend most of his time with
them. It will benefit the Da'i and increase his own knowledge. Allah says in
the Qur'an that he raises the status of those who believe and those who have
been given knowledge. It is also in the interest of a Da'i to keep away from
mischievous elements who can create severe problems for him.
It is also necessary that a Da'i should not be man of worldly temptations as
temptation is root of many an evil. It is narrated from Amirul Moeminin
Maulana Ali (A.S.) that when he was asked what is Din, he replied taqw and
when he was further asked what is corruption of Din, he replied tama' (i.e.
temptation). Thus a Da'i must keep away from all worldly temptations.
It is also emphasised in the Risalah that the D'awah is for Imamuz Zaman and
that the Da'i should not ascribe it to himself. The misaq should also be
attributed to Imamuz Zaman, and never to Da'i himself. Then the text of the
misaq is given, which goes like this:
He should bind the respondent (mustajib, i.e. one who gives misaq) to belief
in Allah, his angels, his apostles, the Prophet, the Imams and the Imamuz
Zaman and that he would believe in Islam both manifestly and otherwise.
And that he would not reveal the secrets of the faith to those who do not
deserve it. And that he would not be untrustworthy to the faithful and that he
should befriend those whom Imams befriend and should be hostile to those
whom Imam declare hostile and keep away from enemies of Imams. (This
was the text of the misaq).
Further Sayedna Ahmad adds, it is expected of the Da'i that he should be
easily accessible to the people. He should keep his door open for others and
he should not remain hidden from people so that both opponents and
supporters can have access to him. If people cannot have access to him they
will hate him. It is, therefore, also necessary that his ushers (darbans) should
be polite and courteous. They should be pious and friends of m'uminin and
should be respectful towards them. If they come at a time when they cannot
be ushered in, they should keep talking to them politely until it is time to
usher them in.
It is also necessary for a Da'i to do justice to all the believers and protect
them from oppressors and tyrants. And if the believers develop differences
among themselves he should resolve them in a wise manner. He should not
allow the m'uminin to quarrel among themselves.
It is also necessary for a Da'i to take care of his companions. He should go
and inquire about his health if one of the companions falls ill or should
provide for the wife and children of one who goes out of town for work and
when he returns from his travel he should give all his due. These are the
things which bring pleasure to the faithful. According to the Hadith of the
Prophet the best thing after salat is to put happiness in the mind of a m'umin.
We have recounted above some of the qualifications laid down for a Da'i by
Syedna Ahmad bin Muhammad Nishapuri in his Risalah mentioned above
and which has been included by Syedna Hatim in his Tuhfat al-Qulub. It will
be seen that these qualification are most important for a Da'i if he wants to be
successful and if he wants to reach and call people towards Islam.
These qualities to be imbibed by the Da'i so that its affairs will become
smooth and unity and solidarity of the community will be strengthened.
Today the whole machinery of D'awat has become coercive. It's very spirit of
simplicity, renunciation, truthfulness, compassion and rectitude has been lost.
I am Dawoodi Bohra too. But the Bohras should read this write-up carefully
and give a deep thought to it