English Learning Material: Drama

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Distance Learning Module in English 1

2010 Secondary Education Curriculum


Explore Your Understanding:

In this part of the module, you are to demonstrate understanding of the different
types and forms of Philippine drama as well as the features, elements, and conventions
which distinguish them from narratives.
You will also answer a diagnostic test to find out if you are familiar with any
concepts related to Philippine drama and to check your readiness and competence on the
prerequisite skills to the tasks at hand.

At the end of this module, you are expected to write a meaningful reaction paper
based on a drama presentation which will be graded based on criteria presented at the
latter part of the module.
As you do the following tasks, you will be guided by the essential question How
does one show appreciation of Philippine drama?
Welcome to module 2! In this module, you are yet to engage to
various activities that would allow you to see yourself on the shoe of
another person and express your thoughts regarding it.
I can sense the excitement in you, but first let us examine if you
have prior knowledge on the topics contained in this module. Are you
ready for the test? You are indeed!

Activity 1: Think ahead Diagnostic Test!

Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represent a concept or idea
which is about to be discussed in this module. Dont leave any unanswered item!

From Oli Impan by Alberto Florentino

After the liberation of Manila, hundreds of indigent families settled in the

squalid, cramped space of the bombed ruins of an old government building on
Juan Luna. For more than a decade these squatters tenaciously refused to
move out in spite of court rulings

But this is ours!

No, its not ours!
Yes it is!
How do you know its ours?
Weve always been here, havent we?
Yes, but it doesnt mean its ours!

1. The boy and the girl in the story are examples of what dramatic conventions?
A. stage craft
B. character
C. setting
D. plot
2. The exchange of lines between the boy and the girls is also known by what dramatic
A. Design
B. exposition
C. dialog
D. setting
3. Which of the following words is a convention anchored on Philippine concept of
A. liberation
B. ours
C. indigent
D. squatters
4. Which of the following lines expresses partial disagreement?
A. But this is ours!
B. its not ours!
C. Weve always been here, havent we?
D. Yes, but it doesnt mean its ours!
5. The text suggests that the play is a _____________.
A. a comedy
C. a tragedy
B. a farce
D. a musical
6. These are plays that are light in tone, and have happy endings and its main objective
to make the audience laugh.
A. Comedy

B. farce

C. tragedy

D. fantasy

7. It is characterized by greatly exaggerated characters and situations. Characters tend

to be one-dimensional and often follow stereotypical behavior.

A. tragedy

B. farce

C. comedy

D. fantasy

8. A form of drama that usually involves serious subject matter and the death of one or
more main characters. These plays rarely have a happy ending.
B. tragedy

B. farce

C. comedy

D. fantasy

9. This form typically involves a villain a heroine, and a hero who must rescue the
heroine from the villain.


B. tragedy

C. musical

D. melodrama

10. Which of the following symbols represent drama?



B. books

C. curtain

D. mask

Processing points:
This test will not be recorded. Your score in this test will be compared with the test
that you are to take at the end of this module.
In this way, we can be assured that you have learned something from this module.

Activity 2: MY TYPE OF DRAMA

This activity measures your prior understanding of the types of drama. Try to label
each photo with the types of drama found in the word pool. Then explain your answer.









Processing points:
Which theme appeals to you the most? Why?

Activity 2: ICONICS

Connect all the icons to form a single idea on how drama depicts life.

Activity 3: COMMERCIAL

View commercials about the connection between drama and life. Focus your
attention to the lyrics of the famous commercial jingle so you may sing along as the
commercial is played.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpUCS0NZxLU

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49dk6xsFjNw&NR=1

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct1oq-auRYs&feature=related

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ourx95ng5uk&feature=related

Processing points:

How did feel about the commercials?

What do you appreciate the most about it.


Imagine you own the Philippine franchise of the show Who Wants to be a
Millionaire?. You are to decide which of the questions below deserves to be the million
peso question. Write a check (/) mark opposite the million peso question you have chosen.

Processing points:
What are your bases in selecting your one million peso question?

Activity 5: Check My Question!

You have selected the most important question
in Activity 4, now it is time to make an evaluation of your
chosen question using the checklist below:
Write your question here:
Start evaluating your chosen question here:

Processing points:
Characteristics of essential question



1. It has no simple right answer.

2. It could be argued.
3. It provokes critical thinking.
4. It raises other important questions.
5. It is related to life.
Are all the characteristics expressed in your chosen question? If so, then your
question is an essential question!
If not, try selecting another question and repeat the process enumerated in this
The correct answer is How does one show appreciation of Philippine drama? Do we
have the same answer? Very good!
Lets explore further and answer this question in the activity that follows:
Activity 6: My Tentative Responses
Now its time to examine what comes in your mind if the question is posted for you to
answer. Answer the question below using the diagram.
Tentative answer 1:

Tentative answer 2:
Tentative answer 3:

Processing Points:
Like a rubiks cube, all your answers are accepted as of this moment. We need series
of mixing and matching to perfect the answer and that would only be possible if we are to
finish the next phase.
Activity 7: The expecting writer
What are your expectations in this topic? Are you curious to know what output is
expected of you to accomplish at the end of this topic?
Based on the clues presented, draw a circle on the output you are to accomplish in
this module.
Written output
Requires analysis of
Needs to draw your
opinion and your feeling
towards an issue.

a colorful poster

an insightful slogan

a meaningful reaction paper

an original extended dialog

a mask

a shop list.

Processing points:
Good! The performance you are expected to carry out is a meaningful reaction paper
about a drama presentation. You will be graded based on the following criteria:

Focus/ theme

Are you enjoying the activities so far? Are you excited to learn more?
I am so glad to hear that! But before we go further, let me remind you to bear in

How does one show appreciation of

Philippine drama?

Bear in mind that this question will be your guide in FIRMING UP your
understanding of Philippine drama.
Think of all your tentative answers to this question and have them validated as
you go on with the next phase.
Good luck!

FIRM UP Your Understanding

This part of the module will enable you to illustrate or crystallize your knowledge
of the different types and forms of Philippine drama, as well as the features, elements
and conventions which distinguish them from narratives.
This also highlights grammar lessons on words/phrases showing agreement or
You may have all these things contained in the varied activities you are to
accomplish. You will be engaged in meaningful and challenging activities that will enrich
what you have learned.
Lets start the discussion!


Lesson 1: Types and Forms of Drama

As you study drama and theater, you'll realize

that there are many types of drama. The laughing and
weeping masks, are known symbol of drama,
represent the two main types of drama, comedy and
tragedy. Within those types evolve several other forms
of drama known today.

Comedy - We usually refer comedy as plays that are light in tone, and have
happy endings. The objective of a comedic play is to make the audience laugh. In
modern theater, there are many different approach to comedy, ranging from realistic
stories, to outrageous slapstick humor.
Farce - is a sub-category of comedy, characterized by greatly
exaggerated characters and situations. Characters tend to be onedimensional and often follow stereotypical behavior. Farces typically
involve mistaken identities, lots of physical comedy and outrageous plot
Musical - In musical theater, the story is told not only through
dialogue and acting but through music and dance. Musicals are often
comedic, although many do involve serious subject matter. Most involve a
large cast and lavish sets and costumes.

Tragedy - a tragedy was often a historical drama featuring the downfall of a great
man in ancient times. In modern theater, tragedy now usually involves serious subject
matter and the death of one or more main characters. These plays rarely have a happy
Melodrama - is another type of exaggerated drama. As in farce,
the characters tend to be simplified and one-dimensional. The formulaic
storyline of the classic melodrama typically involves a villain a heroine,
and a hero who must rescue the heroine from the villain.

Why is it important to you, as a student of drama be able to

recognize these different types of drama?

Activity 8: Select and Project!

At times, the images we present to public do not

represent who we are.
We need to do this to feel the sense of
belongingness which can only be possible if we
pretend to be somebody else.
But acceptance at the end of the day remains to
be of personal choice and disposition.
Below is a sample set of self-image question that will gauge how you see and
feel about yourself.
1. How much time do you spend each morning on how you look?
2. What impact do your friends and others at school have on the way you dress, your
hairstyle, and even the slang you use?
3. Which TV shows depict what you wear or how you act?
4. What impact, if any, does TV or print advertising have on the way you feel about
yourself, or the way you feel you need to look or act?
5. How do you struggle to "keep up" with your friends?
6. What are the things your parents and friends say that make you feel good or bad?
7. Are you what you want to be, in terms of looks, grades, athletics, and popularity?
8. What would your self-image be like if nobody said anything negative to you?
9. Why do you think people your age have a low self-image?

10. Do you need to get some new friends and/or new hobbies?
11. What would you really like to do, but don't, because youre concerned about your
friends opinions?
12. What are the ways you can do to improve your self-image?
Processing points:
The same situation is prevalent to the selection you are going to read at this
Follow the story of Florencia Aragon de Caracoles who would like to be called
Flory, a masterpiece of a Filipino playwright and artist, Wilfredo Ma. Guererrio.

Activity 9: Word for Word

Here are words extracted from the play. Do you know what these words mean?
Try filling out the diagram below:


Processing points:
While accomplishing the chart, I have learned that
I felt
I realized that

Call Me Flory
By Wilfredo Ma. Guererro

The Cast:

Florencia Aragon de Caracoles

The action takes place somewhere in San Lorenzo
Village. When the curtain rises, we see Florencia and Matilde,
seated on the sofa, Matildes sala, talking.
FLOR : Yes, Matilde, when you called me up by my
phone to come, and see you, I cam right aways.

MATIL: Thats nice of you, Mrs. Delos Reyes.

FLOR: I hope you dont mind, Matilde. My last name is Caracoles. My full name is really
Florencia Aragon de Caracoles. But just call me Florencia. We must be good friends. Its quite an
honor to know you, Matilde.
MATIL: Oh, dont mention it. I was told by Marilu to get in touch with you. She said youd
surely help.
FLOR: Youre so modest, Matilde. You dont mind if I call you Matilde? Since we are going to
collaborate-re-work together, we might as well call each other by our first names.
MATIL: As you wish. Well, I called you because
FLOR: Just call me Flory. Or Floring.
MATIL: Well, Flory, I called you because
FLOR: Did you say Marilu called you up? Marilu de Legaspi?
MATIL: Exactly.
FLOR: Marilus husband owns that big department store on Buendia, doesnt he?
MATIL: Yes, but what I really called you up for
FLOR: Well, my husband bought the Legaspis rice fields in Pangasinan. It cost us one hundred
thousand, but it was worth it.
MATIL: Thats nice.
FLOR: Well, no, just how did you want me to collaborate-er-help?
MATIL: Its a benefit show we are holding up to collect funds for the Sapang Palay People. You
know the place?
FLOR: (With a gesture of disgust) Uff, yes. Those squatters who were formerly in Intramuros. Thank
God they were evicted. Can you imagine? I used to hear Mass everyday at the Cathedral. And
whenever we passed by those streets, I felt myself suffocating with the smells and sights of those
horrible, uff, such disgusting people, squatters all.
MATIL: It is not their fault, really. After the war, thousands came from the provinces and didnt
know where to settle.
FLOR: Uff, dont talk to me about them. I couldnt hear Ma properly. I couldnt pray because of
them. Once a little boy made a face at me. Can you imagine-he stuck out his tongue at me. But I
forgive him, just as our Lord forgave His enemies.
MATIL: This drive we are conducting
FLOR: And another time a woman spat on my car it wasnt the Mercedes Benz this time just
the Buick which I used to take the children to school and the maid to go to marketing yes, a
spat on my car. Uff, I had to hear two Masses that morning because I was so furious. Thats why
I transferred to the Santuario de San Antonio in Forbes Park. Oh, the beauty and quiet of the
place. And such decent, respectable people. There you see the Matias family, the Legaspis, the
Urdanetas, the Zarates. You must hear Mass there too, Matilde.
MATIL: I go to Ermita church, I was born there.


FLOR: Uff, such a small church-no distinction at all. You know who sat beside me the other day
in the church? Mrs. Consuelo Cartinage who is related to Count Cartinae. The Count, they say,
is related to Queen Isabella of Spain. I think I saw Mrs. Cartinage nod and smile at me.
MATIL: Thats nice.
FLOR: Ah yes, its so nice meeting decent people. People who have money and prestige and class.
Not that I am a snob. But it seems to me that we must learn to be aloof from the common hoi
polloi. The bakya crowd, as they call it. Not that I am charitable. After all, I give large sums to
the church. And whenever I give a party I never forget to send a dozen of eggs to the nuns of
Santa Clara. I have heard rumors that I might be given a Papal decoration. Now, I think you were
saying something, Matilde?
MATIL: Yes, we are raising money for the Sapang palay people. And we are calling it Sapang
Palay Drive.
FLOR: Much as I find those horrible people distasteful, I should like to help. How do you want
me to collaborer-cooperate?
MATIL: We are showing a movie with Elizabeth Taylor not yet released to the public and
we are selling tickets.
FLOR: Who are the committee?
MATIL: Mrs. Consuelo de Cartinage is the Chairman.
FLOR: Ah, really?
MATIL: And theres Mrs. Urdaneta.
FLOR: The wife of Senator Urdaneta?
MATIL: Yes of course the First Lady is overall Chairman.
FLOR: How much are the tickets?
MATIL: At one hundred pesos.
FLOR: Oh, thats nothing. Here, give me one.
MATIL: We were thinking of making you a member of the committee.
FLOR: I shall be delighted to serve such a noble cause. Those poor Sapang Palay deserve all the
help they can get. As Lord said, those of us who have much must share with the lesser one-or
something like that, any-how.
MATIL: Members of the committee are supposed to dispose of at least five tickets.
FLOR: Ay, this is my chance to get acquainted with the Urdanetas of Forbes Park. Next time I
hear Maa I shall approach
MATIL: If you wish I could tell the first Lady to give you a ring.
FLOR: (Excitedly) Oh, will you? Ill give you my private number in my bedroom. People use to
call up and say all sorts of ugly things
MATIL: What things?
FLOR: Oh, it doesnt matter now. Who else is in the committee?
MATIL: Maria Cruz de la Dolorosa.
FLOR: Uff, that woman.
MATIL: You know her?

FLOR: (Hesitating briefly.) Well, slightly. She used to buy-and sell after Liberation. She dealt
with jewelry. Now she is very rich. She puts on such airs. She has only two cars.
MATIL: That is usually one too many.
FLOR: Oh, no! We have five including two jeeps and the station wagon ewhich are used to take
my husband to Capipisa.
MATIL: That barrio in Cavite?
FLOR: (Embarassed) Er, no Matilde not that barrio exactly- but another barrio nearby where
my husband goes hunting.
MATIL: and he uses two jeeps and a station wagon to go hunting? My husband also goes
hunting in Batangas but he takes only our car.
FLOR: Er, no not at all the jeeps at the same time. But you know how men are. But we were
talking about cars. Yes, we have five, two Mercedes Benz, one Buick, one Impala, and one
Continentalthats my sons.
MATIL: We only have a 1960 Chevy.
FLOR: And Mrs. De la Dolorosa actually goes to Tagalog films.
MATIL: I go to Tagalog movies myself, when the film is interesting.
FLOR: Uff, with those actors and actresses getting involved in such scandalous incidentsuff,
never, no, never.
MATIL: Have you seen a Tagalog movie?
FLOR: Me? Oh, never in my life. Besides, my Tagalog is poor. I am from Pangasinan , you know.
But I am taking French lessons, and I dont want accent spoiled.
MATIL: Now back to the drive
FLOR: Who else is in the committee?
MATIL: Ding Tayabong from Bacolod?
FLOR: You mean the millionaire Tayabongs?
MATIL: You know her?
FLOR: Well, at a party I smiled at her and well, she must be short sighted or something
MATIL: Could we all gather at your place next week? That is
FLOR: Of course. My house is on Dewey Boulevard. It belonged formerly to the Delacampas
family who were murdered during Liberation. I have a large living room. Or perhaps we could
gather near the swimming pool.
MATIL: That would be perfect for a meeting.
FLOR: Do you think the first Lady would come?
MATIL: Well, I could ask her to be present.
FLOR: I should be extremely delighted if she could come.
MATIL: I am not sure. I could try.
FLOR: Please ask he to come and Ill buy all the ticket she wants. I have an official photographer
and he could take my picture with the First Lady. She is such a sweet lady. Tell her Ill buy ten
tickets and sell twenty to my friends if only shed attend.
MATIL: Im sure shell be pleased.

FLOR: But only on that condition. Ill buy as many tickets ifshe comes to my house. After all, my
heart bleeds for those displaced people in Sapang Palay. I shall go there and visit them. I shall
bring my photographer so I can send the picture to the papers. But I will not reveal my name. I
shall wear a black veil covering my face and bring the tuyo and tapa and dilis. I could buy some
stale bread from the bakeries and bring them too.
MATIL: Dont you think they will welcome something more substantial than dilis and tuyo?
After all, they eat that everyday, if at all. And stale bread is not exactly appetizing.
FLOR: What can these people expect, good-for-nothing, lazy, dirty and uncivilized. I think they
should be grateful I come to visit them.
MATIL: I am sorry to contradict you, Flor, but I am afraid they might resent it. Poor people are
sometimes proud, you know.
FLOR: Thats the trouble with poor people nowadays. They have no sense of gratitude. Why
before the war poor people were appreciativeyou could give them two centavos and they
would be so grateful theyd kiss your hands.
MATIL: Dou always expect gratitude from them? Times have changed. The poor need not to be
FLOR: Why not? After all we have no duty to help them. If they were not so lazy
MATIL: They may not be naturally lazy. Sometimes poor food and poverty force them to seem
FLOR: Oh, well, lets not talk about them. It makes me feel uncomfortable. (Osang enters)
MATIL: Come in, Osang, did you bring the towels?
OSANG: Yes, senora. I finished embroidering them yesterday.
MATIL: Let me see. (Looking at them.) How beautiful they turned out to be. (Flory stares at
Osang, fascinated)
OSANG: I wanted to bring them earlier; but you know how far Sapang Palay is.
MATIL: Of course, Osang. I was not in a hurry.
OSANG: (Scanning Florys face.) I may be mistakenbut arent you Enchang?
MATIL: You are mistaken, Osang. This is Mrs. Aragon de Caracoles.
OSANG: I cannot be mistaken. She is Enchang Aragon.
MATIL: I said shes Mrs. Florencia
OSANG: Of course! Florencia Caracoles, but we used to call her Enchang. We were neighbors in
FLOR: (Raising her face haughtily) I beg your pardon?
OSANG: Naku, beg your pardon pa raw.
FLOR: You must be mistaking me for somebody else.
OSANG: No, Im not. You used to live near the Cathedral, remember. You came there soon after
Liberation and borrowed some of my cardboards to cover your windows. Then you married that
Caracoles who made money with the Japs. He sold scrap iron remember? They used to call him
Juan Demonio, remember?
FLOR: I dont remember any of that silly nonsense.

OSANG: Of course after you married, you moved away and the last I heard was that you were
living on Dewey Boulevard.
MATIL: Dont you think you must be mistaking her for another person who looks like her?
OSANG: No senora: I am sure. Of course, if Enchang does not wish to recognize me, I am sorry
FLOR: Matilde, I must run along. I have an appointment with the beauty parlor. Send me any
number of tickets and I shall send you a check. Good-by. (She exits. Matilde stares at Osang.)
MATIL: Is it true Osang? Are you sure you are not inventing all of this?
OSANG: Why should I, senora? I was telling the truth.
MATIL: Did you say her husband collaborated with the Japs?
OSANG: I dot know if you can call it collaboration, but he sold scrap iron which he used to
gather, according to the neighbors, from the camps burned by the Americans.
MATIL: No wonder she used the word collaborate so often. And you say she used to live in
OSANG: Yes, just beside the Cathedral. She stayed there six months, then she married Juan
Demonio, I mean Mr. Caracoles.
MATIL: By the way I have some bedsheets, I want you to embroider them too.
OSANG: You want me to finish them in one week?
MATIL: No hurry Osang. Heres the money for the towels. (She gives her the money)
OSANG: Thank you, senora. I am sorryI hope I was not rude. You see, I thought Enchang
would recognize me.
MATIL: (Laughing briefly) Dont mention this to anyone.
OSANG: (Giggling) I wont. (She exits. Matilde goes to the phone and dials0
MATIL: Marilu? Florencia Aragon Caracoles was here a while ago Did I convince her? What
do you mean some? I am going to sell her fifty-hear it well-fifty tickets Why? Well, I cant tell
you over the phone, but shall we call it a mild form of blackmail, for lack of a better word?...
What? Yes a bit of blackmail. If she refuses, all I have to do is whisper her name Demonio in her
ear, and she wont be able to say no I know it is sneaky and all that, but she had it coming to
her, for being so pretentious Ill call you again. (She hangs up, smiling)
Activity 10: Understanding the Text
1. Where did the story happen?
2. Who are the characters in the story?


3. By what image does Flory want to project herself?


4. What was Florys purpose for pretending to be someone she is not?

5. Could we say that there are people nowadays who are like Flory? How?
6. How did Flory feel when Osang revealed who she really was? Would you do the
same to a friend?
7. If you were Osang, would you tolerate Flory? Why or Why not?
8. Do you think of Matildas plan to blackmail Flory to be a righteous thing to do?
Why or Why not?
Activity 11: Responding to the Text
Reviewing the text
How was Matilde related to Flory? What strategy did the former use for the latter
to buy tickets for the drive?
How did Flory become rich? How did Osang know her?
What impression did Matilde have on Flory after Osangs revelation?

Qualifying thoughts
What do you think of some Filipinos who are too colonial, those who show
preference for a foreign language and culture?
Making Interpretations
What does Flory mean when she says that she wants to collaborate with
Why does Flory stress much on the number of vehicles she owns, the English
films she watches and the church she goes to for mass?

Extending the text

What does the play say about the prejudices and biases with reference to a
persons status in life? Could events like this take place nowadays?

Challenging the text

In the play, Matilde did not inquire directly to Flory about the latters descent.
Unlike Osang, she decided to keep her notion of Flory within herself.
Do you think the play would have been more exciting if Matilde had confronted
Flory for being too pretentious? Explain.
Activity 12: Form and Substance

After reading
the story Call Me
Flory, to what type
of drama do you
think it belongs?
How? Plot your
answer on the


Processing points:
What can you say about the Call Me Flory being this type of drama? Do the
descriptions fit the story?

Activity 13: Whats in a Name? (From Florencia to Flory? Noel to Leon?)

Write a different name you sometimes wished you had. The name might be
controversial, or intriguing or even remote from the ordinary, or a popular choice.

Now visualize yourself as the bearer of that name. Write a one paragraph
character sketch of yourself with a new name.
My new name is __________________________.

Processing points:
Why did you choose this name?
Now which name is better? The old one or the new one? Why?

Activity 13: Try it Out

Compare the original dialog taken from the play with its modern day translation.
(The part wherein Flor comments about the people in Sapang Palay)

FLOR: (with a gesture of disgust.) Uff, yes. Those squatters who were formerly in
Intramuros. Thank God they were evicted. Can you imagine? I used to hear Mass
every day at the Cathedral. And whenever we by those streets in our Mercedez Benz
600, I felt myself suffocating with the smell and sight of those horrible people. Uff,
such disgusting people, squatters all.

FLOR: (With a gesture of disgust.) Eww! Yeap! Those jologs who were formerly in
Intramuros? Thanks Bro they were evicted. Can you comprehend? I used to hear mass
every day at the cathedral. And whenever we passed by those yucky shanties in our
Expedition, I felt myself suffocating with the smell and sight of those pitiful yagits. Eww,
disgusting people, all jologs.

Processing points:
Explain which between the dialogs is better in expressing a meaningful message.


Lesson 2: Drama Conventions

Conventions are the specific actions or techniques the actor, writer or
director has employed to create a desired dramatic effect/style on a stage play or
dramatic performance.
The conventions of a drama are the ingredients which all examples of drama
share. They act a little like rules not necessarily rigid rules but rules you need to follow
in order to create something which audiences will recognize as part of a particular
genre. Like other conventions governing speech and behavior, for example audiences
seem to assimilate the conventions of genres unconsciously.
For Philippine drama, the following conventions can be observed: Plot,
characters, conflicts, settings, music and dialogue.
Activity 14: Conventions Conveyed
Choose three (3) teleseryes / dramas that you know and look at short extracts
from them. Use the organizer below:



Activity 15: Convenient Conventions

Below are other dramatic conventions. Are you familiar with these conventions?
Try to recall any drama presentation or teleserye you have seen, and describe how
exactly they were used in the scene.







Source of visuals: http://www.slideshare.net/search/slideshow


Activity 16: Commercializing Conventions

Did you know that commercials that feature drama also use conventions? Point
out the conventions used in the following advertisements:



Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeCevc23SUk



Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4wR3OOemlM


Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljy-TcplGug

Processing points:


What important contribution does convention in commercial drama has in

becoming a wise buyer/consumer?

Activity 17: Conventions Illustrated

Philippine contemporary drama, especially those that are satirical in theme, has a
very distinct convention. Below are editorial cartoons that represent the conventions.
Unravel the conventions expressed by each of the items below.





*Source: http://www.google.com.ph/image editorial cartoons

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
Processing points:
Which convention is akin to Wilfredo Ma. Guererros Call Me Flory Justify your
Can you identify with the convention expressed in the play? In what way?

Lesson 3: Expressions of Agreement and Disagreement

Telling people how you feel about something requires a bit

of politeness. You have to be able to say what you want to say
without offending the other person. This means finding ways of
saying what you want to say and using a lot of polite expressions
in your speech.
Here are some expressions for agreement and disagreement.

Disagreement or Partial Disagreement

I agree.
I think so, too.
Im in complete agreement with you.
Thats true, and....
Thats right, and...

Well, maybe. But

Well, I believe..
Well, that might be true, but...
Well, I think that....
Well, in my opinion, ....

Im with you 100%

I couldnt agree more

Well, my feeling is that....

I cant really agree with that. I think that....
Oh, I dont think so. I think that....
I dont agree with that. I think.
I completely disagree. I think that....

Activity 18: Agree or Disagree

Below are two columns that are labeled differently. The first column is for words
which express agreement while the other is for words which express disagreement.
Complete the entries in both columns.

Expressions for agreement

Expressions for disagreement

Activity 19: Blank Filler

Below are incomplete dialogs. Provide words expressing agreement or
disagreement to complete the dialog.
Flor: You are so modest, Matilde. You dont mind if I call you Matilde?


Matil: We were thinking of making you a member of the committee.


Matil: Poor people are sometimes proud you know.

the dialogs in class.
Activity 20: In My Opinion

Flor: You must be mistaking me for somebody else.





Flor: People used to call up and say all sorts of ugly things.





Activity 20 : I Stand, My Stand

Read the article below, then answer the questions that follow:

Reasons behind the issue in Spratly Islands

The Spratly Islands which consists of more than
100 reefs, islets and islands, occupies less than five square
kilometers, and spread over more than 400,000 square
kilometers of sea, located between the Philippines and
Vietnam, in the area of the South China Sea.
The Spratly Islands, regarded as part of the great
sweep of archipelago of Southeast Asia consisting of more
than 30,000 and which so complicates geography,
governance, and economics in the region. Considering the
size of Spratly Islands and its geographical location makes
it less interesting. But considering these islands as territorial markers rather than a place of
habitation may be more important.
Native islanders dont occupy the place, even though abundant fishing grounds surrounds
the area. Initial surveys indicate that the islands may contain oil and gas, which makes it a much
bigger reason why the other countries are claiming it.
Approximately 45 islands occupied by relatively small numbers of military forces from
China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Brunei established a fishing zone which
overlaps the southern reef, but does not directly made any formal claim. The Spratly Islands located
in the Southeastern Asian group of reefs and islands in the South China Sea, about two-thirds of the
Vietnam to the southern Philippines.
Claims of the Spratly Islands proved its worth the the countries involved, owing the history
behind it as described by global security.
Political issues within the Philippines or even internationally makes Spratly Islands more
controversial than before.

React on the following questions and use appropriate expressions for agreement
and disagreement.

Do you think that spratly really belongs to the Philippines?



Should we need other countries to harness Spratlys resources or the

government should invest on doing it?

Article lifted from: http://pinoymaritime.com/blog/2008/06/reasons-behind-the-issue-in-spratly-islands/

Activity 21: Verbal Exchange

Compose a dialog about a film you have recently watched. Be reminded that the
dialogs must consist of at least five examples of direct speech. Underline the words
which express agreement or disagreement.

Title of the movie

Processing points:
What UNDERSTANDING can you draw out of the activities you have
accomplished, the learning you have gained and the realities about life
represented by drama you have read?
Thats fantastic!

How about making your UNDERSTANDING more ESSENTIAL? Rearrange the

words in the box to reveal the hidden understanding.

is exhibited by making sense of

presented in it.
Understanding and appreciation of drama
and reacting to the different issues
Write the Essential Understanding here:
Thats impressive! You have completed the FIRM UP phase! Im sure the next
phase will be a lot more fun and exciting!

DEEPEN Your Understanding

Welcome to the Deepen Phase!

In this phase, you are provided with thought-provoking questions that will make
you reflect, revisit, rethink, and revise your earlier assumptions about Philippine drama.
You are also expected to deal with authentic situations to highlight the grammar
structure of the dramatic texts discussed herein. The differentiated instruction will
address your uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses and will reinforce what you have
At the end of the phase, you will be engaged in meaningful self evaluation of
learning through a short summative test.
Are you ready to deepen your understanding further? What are you waiting for?
Start at once!

Always bear the ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDING in mind as you answer the

succeeding activities. Good luck!

Activity 22: Realities on Cam

Choose a specific reality or game show in our country and samples of which are
shown below.

Act as you were members of a media board or a television program critic as you
deliver your commentaries.

Activity 23: Probing Affiliates

Compile examples of articles highlighting words expressing agreement and

Processing point:
How do expressions of agreement and disagreement affect your persuasive skill
as a writer?
Activity 24: Mock Election
On a clean bond paper, compose a slogan that reflects your stand on the
question, Are you in favor of using the Filipino language during English time?
At the bottom part of your slogan, explain your stand on the question, use
expressions of agreement and disagreement about the question.


Activity 25: Drama Inventory

Watch/listen to various drama media then complete the table below:



Radio Drama

TV Drama

Activity 26: Student mini-discussion and summary by teacher (30 minutes)

What would you do if the following people were expressing an opinion with which
they totally disagreed:
a) your mother
b) your friend
c) your neighbor
How do culture and status affect the :
A. decision to express disagreement?
B. extent to which disagreement is expressed?
C. choice of language used to express ones views?


Activity 27- Dialogue Practice (35 minutes)

Express your stand on the following issues. Use expressions of agreement and
disagreement in giving your stand.









Processing point:
How does it feel to know how to say word with courtesy?
Activity 28: Smoking Stimulus
Below is a sample dialog about smoking, underline the expressions of agreement
and circle the disagreement. Come up with another way on how these words can be
expressed. Write your answers about the underlined or circled expression.

A Friendly Argument about Smoking (Useful words and phrases in italics)

A: Hi __________________ .
B: Hi __________________ . Whats happening?
A: Nothing much. Im just watching a debate on TV. Its about banning smoking in public buildings.

B: Oh, yeah. I heard that that was going to be on. So, what do you think about it?
A: Well, I dont think people should be allowed to smoke in public places, so I support the ban.
B: Really? Im surprised. Im a smoker, so I should have the right to smoke whenever I want.
A: But dont you think that non-smokers have rights, too?
B: Sure. You dont have to smoke if you dont want to. Whats the
A: Well, I think that I should have the right not to breathe smoke.
B: So why cant you just go outside if it bothers you?
A: I could ask you the same question. Why cant smokers just go
outside if they want to smoke?
B: Well, smoking is part of my lifestyle. I can think better if I have a
A: I can breathe better if I dont have to breathe smoke. Smoking is bad for your health. Doctors say
that even breathing second-hand smoke can cause cancer.
B: Well, Im a smoker, and my health is good.
A: Yes, but will it be good in fifteen years?
B: I hope so.
A: I hope so, too. Listen, I think well just have to agree to disagree about this subject. Do you want
to watch the debate with me?
B: Sure.

Processing point:
What benefit can we get from having wide range/ knowledge about the
expressions of agreement and disagreement?


Activity 29: Quota on Quote
The morale of Call Me Flory by Wilfredo Ma. Guererro is summarized in this
quotation We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the
end we become disguised to ourselves . Explain this quotation in your own words.

How are you to relate this value to your own experience or another story you
have read in the past? Accomplish the chart below:


We are so accustomed to disguise

ourselves to others that in the end we
become disguised to ourselves


Related readings

Processing points:
What similarities between your life and theirs have you discovered? How did you
feel about it?
What realities about life have you realized from the activity?
What do you do to show your appreciation of Philippine drama?

Remember your Essential Understanding:

Understanding and appreciation of drama is exhibited by

making sense of and reacting to the different issues
presented in it.

Congratulations for completing the DEEPEN phase! But to ensure your

understanding, please try answering the test below:
1. Which convention is common between Call Me Flory by Wilfredo Ma. Guererro
and The World is an Apple by Alberto Florentino?

Central theme talks about life in poverty.

The conflict is about how to deal with much wealth.
The main characters are female of high social class.
The authors purpose is to entertain.

2. Which convention is revealed through Flors denial of her past?

A. Squatters way of dealing with poverty.
B. Social climbers defense mechanism against being humiliated.
C. The title is not related to the story.
D. The story is very foreign.
3. What type of drama is Call Me Flory classified?
A. Musical
B. Tragedy
C. Comedy

D. Melodrama

4. The Portrait of An Artist as Filipinos is also a Philippine drama by Nick Joaquin

which portrays same values as that of Call Me Flory but of different setting. The
story ended in an explosion as the mark of Hispanic-American War. How is this
drama classified?
A. Comedy
B. Musical
C. Melodrama
D. Tragedy

5. The Trumpets is an all-Filipino theater arts group which forte is to stage plays
that are intended to be sung. Into which type of drama do these performances
A. Tragedy
B. Comedy
C. Musical
D. Melodrama
6. Why Women Wash the Dishes is a play that depicts a betting game between
couple whom either one wouldnt like to wash the dishes. The play is filled with
humor and antiques. In the end, the wife lost in the game and was tasked to
always wash the dishes. This drama is a type of __________.
A. Melodrama
B. Farce
C. Musical
D. Comedy

From We Filipinos Are Mild Drinkers by Alejandro Roces

American Soldier: Hello, my little brown brother!

Alejandro: Hello Joe.
Processing point:
American Soldier: Any bars in this town?
Alejandro: I am sorry Joe, but there are no bars in this barrio.
American Soldier: Oh, hell! You know where I could buy more whiskey?
Alejandro: No Joe. I am sorry. We do not drink whiskey.
7. Was Alejandro courteous enough to answer the questions of the American

Yes because he should, hes talking to an American soldier.

Yes because he kept on saying sorry as a sign of respect.
No because hes too drunk to show courtesy.
No because the American soldier is too boastful with his answers.

8. Were Alejandros answers all in form of disagreement?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Cant really tell.
9. The line No Joe. I am sorry. We do not drink whiskey is a ________.
A. Complete agreement
C. partial disagreement
B. Complete disagreement
D. partial agreement


10. If you were Alejandro, which of the following is the best expression of
disagreement can you use?
A. Id love to join you Joe, but we Filipinos are mild drinkers.
B. No I dont drink. Go home.
C. I promise to join you next time.
D. I said no and thats final.

You have done very well.

Congratulations! You have made it to the last phase.

TRANSFER Your Understanding

Welcome to the Transfer Phase!
This part of the module will allow you to make independent applications of the
various processes (drama review, play reaction paper production, critiquing an original
extended drama script, etc) you have learned. This will enable you to do independent
performance or project using varied and complex assessment procedures and most
importantly, see the connections between tasks in this module and the real world.
Are you ready to transfer your understanding?
Activity 37: DRAMA REVIEW
Activity 30: The Guru
Assume the role of a play critic. Design your own play evaluation scheme.




Processing point:
You are now equipped with skills in reacting to a drama presentation, are you
convinced that you are now a credible drama critic?

Activity 31: DRP (Drama Reaction Paper)

Watch any Philippine drama presentation on stage or television. Evaluate the

strengths and weaknesses of a play or drama presentation based on the following
1.Stage Performance
2. Production
3. Performance of the actors/ actresses
4. Connection between the play and real life.
5. Setting, scenery, lighting, audio aspect, costumes, and other audio-visual aspects.


Processing points:
How important is your knowledge of expressions of agreement and disagreement
in giving out reactions?
What other benefits do making reactions teach one in the process?
How is this skill in giving reactions bring out understanding and appreciation of
Philippine drama?

Congratulations! You have successfully finished this module. Remember once

again that .

Understanding and appreciation of drama is exhibited by

making sense of and reacting to the different issues
presented in it.

Have a nice day!


Resources: Books, Internet, Multimedia materials, Computer, DVD, CD, Graphic

Organizer, pictures, drawings, art materials, film clips,

e-journals, Philippine Drama books

1. Dr. Nilda Sunga for the indicators used to evaluate an essential question which
appeared in activity 5 of explore phase.
2. Mr. Larry T. Diaz for providing the graphics/visuals in this module.


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