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8.1 As a general rule, passing the Written Comprehensive Examinations (WCE)

is a pre-requisite to thesis or dissertation writing. Students are allowed to
take the WCE after they have passed all coursework of their program.
8.2 Generally, the WCE in the various programs are scheduled once each
term, although some programs only schedule these annually. The
WCE normally cover four (4) to five (5) areas of the major content
and/or core subjects. As a general policy, a student must take all the
examinations in the defined subject areas in one (1) testing period.
8.3 WCE, if and when scheduled for the term, are administered on the second
half of the term. The guidelines for enrollment in comprehensive
examinations are listed below:
8.3.1 The enrollment for WCE is similar to that for a regular course.
However, this is done manually at the Office of the University
Registrar (OUR) from Week 7 to Week 11 of the term only.
8.3.2 To enroll in WCE, the student must submit in quadruplicate the
accomplished Application for Written Compre Examination (Form
No. E-25). This is available at the academic department, the Office
of the Vice Dean or at the Front Desk of the OUR. A copy may be
downloaded from http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/offices/registrar/pdf.
8.3.3 The accomplished form must be accompanied by a Certification
of Academic Completion which can be secured from the Front
Desk of the OUR.
8.4 The student is officially informed about the results of the WCE by the
respective departments about three (3) weeks after the end of the last
testing date.
8.5 Students who fail the WCE may apply for a re-test in the area(s) where
they failed. Students who fail a second time must audit the courses for
which they did not pass the WCE. After auditing, they may take the
WCE for the third time. A student who fails a third time in any of the areas
of the WCE is rendered ineligible to continue in the program.

Graduate Student Handbook

8.6 Some programs may require a separate Oral Comprehensive Examination

(OCE). The guidelines for enrollment in OCE are listed below:
8.6.1 The enrollment for OCE is similar to that for a regular course.
However, this is done manually at the OUR from Week 7 to
Week 11 of the term only.
8.6.2 To enroll in OCE, the student must submit in quadruplicate the
accomplished Application for Oral Compre Examination (Form
No. E-26). This is available at the academic department, the Office
of the Vice Dean or at the Front Desk of the OUR. A copy may
be downloaded from http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/offices/registrar/pdf.
8.6.3 The accomplished form must be accompanied by a Certification
of Academic Completion which can be secured from the Front
Desk of the OUR.
9.1 Upon completion of all coursework and other requirements of the program,
a student may enroll in thesis or dissertation writing. The thesis or
dissertation or the equivalent research work entails an in-depth study and
an extensive investigation of a problem. It must show originality and
should contribute to the existing field of knowledge, preferably in
conformity with institutional goals, thrusts, and objectives, and should

manifest the students competence in research.

9.2 Enrollment in the graduate thesis or dissertation has the following stages:
9.2.1 Thesis/Dissertation Writing The thesis/dissertation writing course is enrolled
similar to a regular course. However, this is done
manually at the Office of the University Registrar
(OUR) up to the end of Week 2 of the term only. To enroll in the thesis/dissertation writing course, the
student must submit in quadruplicate the accomplished
Enrollment of Thesis/Dissertation Writing (Form No.
E-24). This is available at the academic department, the
Office of the Vice Dean or at the Front Desk of the
OUR. A copy may be downloaded from http://
De La Salle University The accomplished form must be accompanied

by a Certification of Academic Completion
which can be secured from the Front Desk of
the OUR. The thesis writing course for the masters program
is six (6) units. Enrollment in the thesis course is
valid for nine (9) consecutive terms. The assessment for thesis writing course has three
components: (1) Tuition; (2) Research Supervision;
and (3) Miscellaneous, scheduled as follows: For the doctoral program, the dissertation writing
course is twelve (12) units and valid for fifteen (15)
consecutive terms. The assessment for dissertation writing course has three
components: (1) Tuition; (2) Research Supervision; and
(3) Miscellaneous, scheduled as follows: A student who goes beyond the enrollment validity
for thesis/dissertation shall be required to retake the
thesis/dissertation cycle, that is, start from Term 1.

*Term here does not refer to the trimester of the School Year, but the instance of
enrollment of the student.
Term* Tuition Research
Term 1
Term 2 to 9 Enrolled with zero
(0) unit

*Term here does not refer to the trimester of the School Year, but the instance of
enrollment of the student.
Term* Tuition Research
Term 1
Term 2 to 9
Enrolled with zero
(0) unit

Term 3 to 15


Graduate Student Handbook

9.2.2 Proposal Defense Only if and when the adviser has recommended the
defense of the thesis/dissertation should the student
enroll for proposal defense. The enrollment is done
manually at the OUR up to the end of Week 7 of
the term only. To apply for proposal defense of thesis/dissertation,
the student must submit in quadruplicate the
accomplished Application for Thesis/Dissertation
Defense (Form No. E-22). This is available at the
academic department, the Office of the Vice Dean
or at the Front Desk of the OUR. A copy may also
be downloaded from http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/
offices/registrar/pdf. A student needs to be enrolled in the thesis/dissertation
writing course during the term to be allowed to apply
for thesis/dissertation proposal defense. Payment for thesis/dissertation defense may not be
carried over to another trimester even if no defense
transpired, except when the department is unable
to convene a panel for the current term. If revisions in the thesis/dissertation are required
by the proposal defense panel, the revised version
should be submitted to the members of the proposal
defense panel, through the adviser, not later than
the end of three (3) terms from the term of defense. A student unable to submit the revised thesis/
dissertation within the allotted period shall be
deemed to have failed the proposal defense. As such,
the student needs to repeat the entire thesis/
dissertation cycle.
9.2.3 Final Defense Only students who have successfully completed the
Proposal Defense are qualified to apply for the Final
De La Salle University The conditions, policies and procedures in

connection with Proposal Defense should also be
followed when applying for the Final Defense. A student may have the Proposal Defense and Final
Defense within the same term, provided that the
deadlines for application and submission of
requirements are observed. If revisions in the thesis/dissertation are required

by the final defense panel, the revised version

should be submitted to the members of the final
defense panel, through the adviser, not later than
the end of three (3) terms from the term of defense
(six (6) terms for programs under the Colleges of
Engineering, Science, and Computer Studies). A student unable to submit the revised thesis/
dissertation within the allotted period shall be deemed
to have failed the final defense. As such, the student
needs to repeat the entire thesis/dissertation cycle.
9.2.4 Submission of Requirements
Upon successful completion of the Final Defense and upon
revision (if necessary) of the thesis/dissertation, the student
needs to submit the following to the department secretary: Four (4) compact discs (CDs) (of reputable brand)
containing the version consistent with the approved
graduate thesis/dissertation by the Final Defense
panel (including annexes, tables, and the like) in
non-editable Portable Document File (PDF) format,
readable in a standard computer, with CD and
transparent case labeled as follows:
Title of graduate thesis/dissertation
Program (e.g., PhD in Development Studies)
Name of student (Last name, first name, middle name)
Month and year of completion (e.g., July 2004)
Name of faculty adviser

Graduate Student Handbook Signed Approval Sheet Application to Graduate (Form S-01). A copy may
be downloaded from http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/
offices/registrar/pdf Photocopy of Official Receipt (payment of
graduation and other fees).
9.3 The composition of the defense panel is determined after consultations
among the Department Chair/Graduate Program Coordinator, faculty
adviser and the student.
9.3.1 The panel for the masters level consists of a chair and two (2)
members. For the doctoral level, the panel consists of a chair
and four (4) members.
9.3.2 As far as practicable, faculty members from schools other than
De La Salle University-Manila (DLSU-Manila) and experts in
the field should be invited to sit in the panel. The panel chair,
however, must come from DLSU-Manila. Each member of the
panel must be provided with a copy of the thesis/dissertation at
least two (2) weeks before the defense date.
9.3.3 The same members, or at least a majority of the proposal defense
panel, shall compose the final defense panel.
9.3.4 To officially convene the panel, at least two (2) of the three
members at the masters level and four of the five at the doctoral
level, should be present, provided the absentee member has
submitted written comments. The mentor and the chair should
be present at both proposal and final defenses.
9.4 In order to give recognition to outstanding research projects and upon

the recommendation of the chair of the defense panel to the department,

a student may be granted an award for outstanding thesis/dissertation,
subject to the following criteria:
9.4.1 Significant contribution to the development or refinement of
knowledge or improvement of practice;
9.4.2 Originality and creativity;
De La Salle University

9.4.3 Practicability in the discipline where it applies; the extent to

which the study reflects and responds to practical problems;
9.4.4 Identification of a strong theoretical framework within which
the problem is developed; and
9.4.5 Clarity and coherence of presentation and accuracy of
10.1 Students who have successfully completed the required number of units
and all the courses required in their curricula are eligible to apply for
graduation. In applying to graduate, the student needs to submit the
requirements in Section 9.2.4 of this Handbook and undergo other
procedures set by the Office of the University Registrar (OUR), such as
toga measurement for students attending the Commencement Exercises.
The OUR will post announcements regarding the procedures and deadlines
for the application to graduate.
10.2 Students may not participate in any commencement activity unless all
curricular requirements are completed and administrative sanctions, if any,
are served.
10.3 Students in the diploma/certificate programs need to submit the Program
Completion Form (Form No. S01A) at the end of their programs to receive
their Transcript of Records and Certificate.
10.4 The official date of graduation or completion is the last day of the term
when all the requirements of the program have been satisfied and submitted
to the OUR.
10.5 A student who has excellent academic performance throughout the
masters or doctoral program is awarded medals for academic excellence
upon graduation, subject to the following criteria:
10.5.1 Gold Medal for graduating With High Distinction
- A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.80 or
- A minimum grade of 3.00 in all courses;
- Must not have repeated any course;

Graduate Student Handbook

- Must have passed all written comprehensive exams (WCE)

or their equivalent on the first take
- Must have passed final thesis/dissertation defense with minor
or no revision
- Must have moral and academic integrity (no derogatory
record at the Discipline Office)
- Must have completed the program within the prescribed
program residency period (for ID#104 onwards, must have
completed the masters program in five (5) years or the
doctoral program in seven (7) years)
- Must have taken two-thirds (2/3) of the total academic units

at De La Salle University-Manila.
10.5.2 Silver Medal for graduating With Distinction
- A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.60 or higher;
- A minimum grade of 3.00 in all courses;
- Must not have repeated any course;
- Must have passed all written comprehensive exams (WCE)
or equivalent on the first take
- Must have passed final thesis/dissertation defense with minor
or no revision
- Must have moral and academic integrity (no derogatory
record at the Discipline Office)
- Must have completed the program within the prescribed
program residency period (for ID#104 onwards, must have
completed the masters program in five (5) years or the
doctoral program in seven (7) years)
- Must have taken two-thirds (2/3) of the total academic units
at De La Salle University-Manila.

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