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Simulating Switched Capacitor Circuits With

David Stoops



WITCHED capacitor circuits have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is due in large part to the availability
of the high quality switches provided by CMOS technology. Further, switched capacitor designs have greatly benefited from
the substantial developments in the field of digital signal processing. The dependence of filter coefficients on capacitance ratios
allows precision on the order of 0.1% in switched capacitor filter implementations. Switched capacitor circuits can also be used
to realize circuits such as mixers, voltage controlled oscillators, signal processing circuits, etc.
By their very nature, switched capacitor circuits are time varying. Simulation of such circuits typically requires a transient
analysis tool such as HSPICE. In order to obtain a frequency response of a switched capacitor circuit with such a tool, a
transient analysis would be required where the time step is determined by the highest frequency and simulation time is
determined by the lowest frequency. In addition, some post processing will be required on the output data of the transient
analysis to extract gain and phase information. This technique is time consuming and places a high demand on computer
resources. If many different frequency response simulations are required to optimize a design such an approach becomes
impractical. Mathematical models using tools such as MatLab and MathCad can use z-transform equations to provide transient
and frequency responses. However, z-transforms represent an idealized circuit realization that may hide many real world
limitations of the actual physical implementation of the design such as linearity, clock overlap, dynamic range, etc.
A tool that has been widely used to provide ac analysis of switched capacitor circuits is SwitCap, developed by Columbia
Universitys Department of electrical engineering. Certainly SwitCap has been a useful tool providing quick simulations of
switched capacitor circuits in both time and frequency domains. However, in its present form, it is limited to analysis using ideal
(linear) elements, and it does not provide noise analysis.
Cadence Design Systems has developed a tool, SpectreRF, a simulator that does time and frequency domain analysis of switched
capacitor circuits. Features claimed for the tool include noise analysis, modeling of non-ideal components, distortion analysis,
and modeling of periodic time-varying circuits in general, not just switched capacitor circuits.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an introductory tour of SpectreRF while at the same verifying its simulations by
comparison with simulations from existing tools. SpectreRF has some striking similarities to SPICE: just as an operating point
analysis must be done in SPICE before an ac analysis can be done, SpectreRF requires first computing a periodic operating point
using what it calls Periodic Steady State analysis (PSS). After the PSS analysis is completed, a Periodic AC analysis (PAC)
may be run to find the frequency response of the switched capacitor circuit. Noise behavior of the circuit can be simulated with a
Periodic Noise analysis (Pnoise). This simulation can be used to find the noise referred to the input or to the output of the
switched capacitor circuit.
Section II of this paper discusses the circuits used in evaluating SpectreRF. Section III discusses the periodic steady state
analysis, and section IV discusses periodic small signal analyses. Section V discusses the simulation of switched capacitor
circuits with SpectreRF and compares the results from SpectreRF with Matlab and Switcap.


The circuits used to demonstrate these analysis tools are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the switched capacitor biquad
filter used. The transfer function for this circuit is given as

0.0108 z 2 + 0.0037 z + 0.0108

z 2 1.7935 z + 0.8203
This circuit has zeros at z = 0.1694 j 0.9855 and two poles at z = 0.8968 j 0.1272 . It has a DC gain of -0.5dB,
H ( z) =

0.5dB ripple in the passband, and a 3dB bandwidth of 1.38MHz when a T=22.2nS (f=45MHz) clock is used. The capacitor

values used are:
A 5th order elliptical filter is also simulated by cascading two biquad filters and a single pole filter. The transfer function that
describes this filter is

0.0006z 5 - 0.0017z 4 + 0.0011z 3 + 0.0011z 2 - 0.0017z + 0.0006

H ( z) =
z 5 - 4.7345z 4 + 8.9956z 3 - 8.5729z 2 + 4.0975z - 0.7857


The capacitances used for this filter are as follows:

Biquad 1
Biquad 2
Single pole
After performing node voltage scaling and capacitance minimization, with a minimum capacitance of 100fF, the capacitances
Biquad 1

Biquad 2

Single pole

Transistor models for the TSMC .35m process are used for the switches. The devices modeled in these examples have a gate
width, W, of 5um, and a channel length, L, of 0.4um. These switches are controlled by a square wave clock that goes from
1.65V to +165V with rise and fall times of 10pS and a period of T=22.2ns.



A PSS analysis is used to compute the periodic operating point that small signal analyses, such as the periodic AC analysis, will
be linearized about. This is the equivalent of computing the DC operating point prior to an AC analysis using SPICE. This
analysis must precede any of the other periodic small signal analyses.
The periodic steady state analysis uses a time domain analysis technique called the shooting method. The basis of this technique
is that a periodic equation satisfies v(t)=v(t+T), where v(t) is a periodic function, and T is the period. The shooting method finds
a set of initial conditions, v(0), that results in steady-state behavior. This is an iterative process that starts with a v(0) and
calculates v(T) as well as dv(T)/dv(0), the sensitivity of the final state at time T to the initial state. As shown in [1], the iteration
equation formed is


(r )

= v0

( r 1)

J ( v0

( r 1)


] [

( v0

( r 1)

,0 ) v 0

( r 1)


where r is the iteration number, J(v0) is the sensitivity, I is the identity matrix, and is the state transition matrix, with
v(t1)= (v(t0),t1,t0) and T(v(0),0)= (v(0),T,t0). This is simply the application of Newtons method to the equation
The function T(v(0),0) is the solution to the equation f(v(t),t)=i(v(t))+dq(v(t))/dt+u(t)=0 over the interval t0 to t0+T. This
equation is typically solved also using the Newton method. This means that the shooting method described, also called the
shooting-Newton algorithm, is a multilevel Newton algorithm.
The shooting method has several advantages over other periodic steady state methods, such as harmonic balance. The shooting
method is able to handle circuits that are strongly nonlinear. This is because even though the circuit is strongly nonlinear, the
function T(v(0),0) is usually near linear. This means that the Newton method used to evaluate the periodic operating point will
converge in a few iterations. The evaluation of T(v(0),0) requires solving the differential equation

f (v (t ), t ) =

dq (v (t ))
+ i (v (t )) + u (t ) = 0

which may be strongly nonlinear. However, this is done using a transient analysis, which is quite robust. The equation for
f(v(t),t) is Kirchovs current law.
The shooting method, since it is based on a transient analysis, is able to handle circuits with inputs that change sharply, such as
square waves. During the sharp transition, the transient analysis, used to evaluate T(v(0),0), can take smaller time steps to
achieve better accuracy. While the circuit is not changing so sharply, the transient analysis is able to take larger time steps, and
therefore speed up the simulation.
The disadvantages of the shooting method are that other methods, particularly harmonic balance, are more efficient for smaller,
linear circuits. In fact, if a circuit is linear and has sinusoidal currents and voltages, then a harmonic balance analysis is exact,
where as the shooting method may not be. However, this is only advantageous for very specific systems. Further, the shooting
method has difficulty handling distributed components. With distributed components, the state vector is infinite dimensionally.
With a large state vector, the shooting method becomes computationally expensive. Harmonic balance on the other hand,
naturally handles such devices. However, in IC analysis, most devices can be represented as lumped devices, and so the shooting
method works well.
SpectreRF implements the shooting-Newton algorithm in its periodic steady state analysis. The PSS analysis starts with an
initial transient analysis [2]. The transient analysis starts at tstart and lasts till tstab+max(tstart,tonset) where tstart is the time at which
the transient analysis starts, tonset is the time at which all sources have become periodic, and tstab is additional time that the
transient analysis runs. Both tstart and tstab are user specified, while tonset is automatically calculated by SpectreRF. After the
initial transient analysis, the shooting interval begins. During the shooting interval, SpectreRF implements the shooting-Newton
algorithm. The tstab parameter is a user specified parameter that gives Spectre additional time for stabilization. It allows extra
time for initial transients to decay or circuit startup. For example, an oscillator requires enough time for the oscillations to grow.
There are other periodic steady state analyses, such as the quasi-periodic steady state analysis and the reader is referred to [1,3]
for more information regarding these analyses.


An electrical network can be modeled by Kirchovs current law [1], which is mathematically stated in the equation

f (v (t ), t ) =

dq (v (t ))
+ i (v (t )) = e(t )

where v(t) are the node voltages, dq(v(t))/dt represents current from charge storing devices, i(v(t)) represents currents from
conductances, and e(t) represents excitation currents. f(v(t),t) is, in general, a nonlinear, time-varying equation. For periodic
circuits, v(t) can be solved with methods such as the shooting method, which was discussed in section III. If the solution to
f(v(t),t) for a specific, periodic input, eo(t), and a specific circuit that is periodic with a commensurate period to eo(t), is denoted
vo(t), then f(v(t),t) can be expanded into a series about the solution vo(t). This is written as

1 n f (v(t ), t )
v(t )
n =1 n!
v (t )= v

f (v(t ), t ) = f (v0 (t ), t ) +

(v(t ) vo (t ))n
(t )


Noting that f(vo(t),t)=eo(t), equation (6) can be rewritten as

1 n f (v(t ), t )
v(t )
n =1 n!
v (t )= v

e(t ) = e(t ) eo (t ) =

(v(t ) vo (t ))n

(t )


Under small signal conditions, v(t)-vo(t) is a small quantity, and (v(t)-vo(t))n is negligible for n>1. This leads to the small signal
approximation, specifically

e(t ) =

f (v (t ), t )
v (t )
v (t ) v (t )=vo (t )


where v(t)=v(t)-vo(t). Clearly equation (8) is a linear equation of v(t). In deriving equation (8), the assumption was made that
(v(t)-vo(t)) is a small quantity. This is true if vo(t) is a large signal, and v(t)~vo(t), in other words, v(t) is a perturbation of vo(t).
Equation (8) can be rewritten as

e(t ) =

d dq (v (t ) )
dCo (t )
v (t ) + di (v (t ) )
v (t ) =
v (t ) + Go (t )v (t )
dt dv (t ) v (t )=vo (t )
dv v (t )=vo (t )


Since the large signal excitation, eo(t) is periodic and the system responds in a periodic manner, with a period that is
commensurate with eo(t), vo(t) is periodic as well. If the period of vo(t) it To, then dCo(t)/dt and Go(t) are periodic with period To.
This is shown as

Co (t + To ) =

dq (v (t ))
dq (v(t ))
= C o (t )
dv (t ) v ( t ) = vo ( t +To )
dv (t ) v ( t ) =vo ( t )


If Co(t) is periodic with period To, then so is its time derivative. A similar proof can show that Go(t) is periodic with period To.
Equation (9) is a periodically time-varying, linear system in v(t). Since the system is linear and periodic, v(t) is, when
excited by the complex exponential U s e

j s t

, a sum of complex exponentials given by [1,4,5]

v (t ) =

V e (

n =

s n o



of the periodic steady state, vo(t). This result is

where o=2/To is the fundamental frequency
proved in appendix A. As (11) shows, there are output tones at s-n. These are sidebands produced by the time-varying
nature of the system.
Taking equation (11) and evaluating at t=t+To

v (t + To ) =

Vn e j (s nL )(t +To ) = e jsTo

n =

V e (

n =

s n o


= v (t )e j sTo


Equation (12) shows that a complete solution for v(t) over all time can be derived from the solution of v(t) over any time
interval of To. Furthermore, equation (12) can be rewritten as

v (t + To ) v (t )e j sTL = 0


Equation (13) can be solved using the shooting method described in section III [1]. There are other methods, such as harmonic
balance that can solve equation (13) as well.
Once v(t) is solved for over an interval To, the Fourier coefficients, Vn, in equation (11) can be solved for using methods such
as the discrete Fourier transform or the Fourier integral. The transfer function from the input to the output at sideband n is then
given as

H n ( j s ) =



The small signal frequency can be swept, and the Hn(js) can be calculated at the frequency points of interest. In this manner the
frequency response can be calculated for the system. This analysis computes the response from a source to every node in the
system, and is called a periodic AC analysis.
An extension of the periodic AC analysis is the periodic transfer function analysis. This analysis computes the transfer function
from every source in the circuit at the sidebands of interest to the output at the baseband frequency. This analysis is a periodic
AC analysis computed on the adjoint network [3,6,7].
The periodic noise analysis is another small signal analysis that computes the noise power from the components in a circuit to the
output. The periodic noise analysis uses an adjoint network to compute the transfer function from all noise sources at all
sidebands to the output at the baseband. The output noise can then be calculated as

S out ( ) = H i ( j ) S i ( )


i =1

where Si() is the power spectral density of noise source i, and Hi(j) is the transfer function from noise source i to the output.
The noise produced from a time-varying system is typically cyclostationary in nature.
The key assumption made in deriving the results in this section is that the system can be approximated by the first order term in
the power series. This assumption implies that the output is a near linear relationship to the input. Another assumption made in
these derivations is that the system responds periodically to a large signal periodic input.
There are other small signal analyses as well, such as the periodic s parameter analysis. The reader is referred to [2,3,8] for more
information on other small signal analyses.


As mentioned in the introduction, switched capacitor circuits are difficult to simulate due to their time varying nature. During
one clock phase, the capacitors are switched to a charging position, and during another clock phase, they are switched to a
discharging position. SpectreRF is able to simulate these circuits with its periodic steady state analysis and periodic small signal
The switched capacitor circuit is driven by a large signal, the clock. The clock is used to turn on and off switches, which are
typically MOSFETs. The circuit responds in a strongly nonlinear manner to the clock. The switched capacitor circuit is also
driven by an input signal. The circuit is designed to respond in a linear fashion to the input signal. This situation represents a
periodically varying system that SpectreRF can simulate.
In order to simulate this circuit, the input signal should be set to zero, and the a periodic steady state analysis should be run with
the clock alone driving the circuit. After the periodic steady state solution has been calculated, the input signal should be
applied, and a periodic AC analysis can be run. This will give the frequency response of the switched capacitor circuit. In doing
this analysis, several assumptions have been made. The first assumption is that the switched capacitor circuit responds in a
periodic manner to the clock. This assumption is obviously true. The effect of the clock on the switched capacitor circuit is to
change the conductances of the switches, either turn on the transistors, or turn them off. The signal path is defined by the
transistors that turn on. Since the clock is periodic, the signal path in the circuit will be periodic. This means that the circuit will
respond in a periodic manner with the same period as the clock. Another assumption made concerning the periodic steady state
analysis is that the periodic response is a near linear function. This assumption is also true. With no input applied, there is no
source to charge the capacitors. Since no capacitors are charging, the state of the circuit will be the same at the beginning and
end of the period. These are the only assumptions made concerning the periodic steady state analysis. The small signal analyses
makes another assumptions about the circuit. The assumption is that the circuit responds linearly to the input. Switched
capacitor circuits are typically designed to do this. Thus this assumption is true by design.
The circuits presented in section II were simulated in SpectreRF and Switcap. The circuit transfer functions were used in Matlab
to computer the ideal frequency response. Figures 3-4 show the SpectreRF results of the biquad filter and the 5th order elliptical

filter respectively. These graphs were imported into Matlab, and compared against the results from Switcap and Matlab. These
comparisons are shown in Figures 5-8 respectively. As the graphs show, there is good agreement between Switcap, Matlab, and
Figures 9 and 10 show the results of a periodic noise analysis for the biquad filter and the 5th order elliptical filter. As the graph
shows, the noise in the circuit consists of white noise that has been shaped by the filter. It is obvious from the graph that flicker
noise has not been incorporated into the transistor model. There is also some peaking around the cutoff frequency. The graphs
also show the effect of the number of sidebands used in the noise calculations. The periodic noise analysis takes into account the
noise folding due to the time-varying nature of the circuit. Therefore, the more sidebands used in the calculation, the more
accurate the answer will be. However, the accuracy increases little after so many sidebands are taken into account.
Another capability of SpectreRF is its ability to calculate distortion. The method used to calculate distortion is to run a
quasiperiodic steady state analysis. In the quasiperiodic steady state analysis, one large signal is applied and multiple moderate
tones are applied to the circuit. The steady state is then calculated, and the output tones can be displayed. Figure 11 shows the
results of such an analysis when a 1V sinusoid with a frequency of 100KHz is applied to the input. As can be seen, there are
tones at multiples of the fundamental.


This paper has compared several methods to simulate switched capacitor circuits, including a new tool, SpectreRF, aimed
specifically at RF and switched capacitor circuit simulations. It has also described some of the theory behind the SpectreRF
simulator. Two switched capacitor filters have been simulated in order to demonstrate the SpectreRF analyses. The paper also
verified that the switched capacitor filters simulated did not violate the assumptions made in the derivation of the simulation
algorithms. The results were presented, and the transfer functions obtained by SpectreRF were compared to those obtained from
Switcap and Matlab. The results were in close agreement showing that SpectreRF provides valid simulation results for AC
analysis. This paper has validated some of the theory and math behind SpectreRF, but has not verified these results with
physical circuits. SpectreRFs simulations would have to be verified by comparison with actual circuit results, which is beyond
the scope of this paper.
[1] K. Kundert. Simulation Methods for RF Integrated Circuits. Proceedings of ICCAD. November 1997.
[2] Affirma RF Simulator (SpectreRF) Theory. Cadence Design Systems.
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September 1999.
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[7] A. Opal, J. Vlach. Adjoint Network of Periodically Switched Linear Circuits. IEEE. VI-298 - VI-301, 1998.
[8] Affirma RF Simulator (SpectreRF) User Guide. Cadence Design Systems.
[9] SwitCap, www.cisl.columbia.edu/projects/switcap.
[10] Matlab, www.mathworks.com.
[11] J. Phillips, K. Kundert. Noise in mixers, oscillators, samplers, and logic: an introduction to cyclostationary noise.
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Figure 1. Low pass switched capacitor biquad filter

Figure 2. Low pass single pole switched capacitor filter

Figure 3. SpectreRF simulation results for a biquad switched capacitor filter.

Figure 4. SpectreRF simulation results for a 5th order elliptical switched capacitor filter.


Figure 5. Comparison of biquad magnitude transfer

function of SpectreRF, Switcap, and Matlab.

Figure 7. Comparison of 5th order elliptical filter

magnitude transfer function of SpectreRF, Switcap, and

Figure 6. Comparison of biquad phase transfer function of

SpectreRF, Switcap, and Matlab.

Figure 8. Comparison of 5th order elliptical filter phase

transfer function of SpectreRF, Switcap, and Matlab



Figure 9. Output noise of the biquad filter.

Figure 10. Output noise of a 5th order elliptical filter.



Figure 11. Results of the quasi-periodic steady state analysis. The distortion components are shown at multiples of the
100KHz fundamental.


Appendix A
The goal of this appendix is to show that a periodically varying linear system responds to a complex exponential input with a
series of complex exponential outputs. The proof starts by showing that convolution with the impulse response in the time
domain translates to multiplication with the system function in a transformed domain. The proof then uses the Fourier transform
kernel to analyze an arbitrary periodically varying system. The proof shows that a periodically varying impulse response will
result in a periodically varying system function in the Fourier domain. The system function is then turned into a Fourier series.
It is then shown that the system, when excited by a complex exponential, will result in a series of complex exponentials at the
The integral transform is defined as

F ( ) = f (t )K (t , )dt


where K(t,) is the kernel of the transformation and is the variable of the transformed domain. The inverse integral transform is
given as

f (t ) =

j 2

F ( )k (t , )d

where k(t,) is the inverse transform kernel and C is an appropriately chosen contour in the -domain.
A linear systems output is related to its input through the convolution integral. This is shown as

y (t ) =

h(t , )x( )d


Using equation (2) to replace x() in equation (3), y(t) can be written as:

y (t ) =


j 2



If the order of integration is changed, then y(t) is

y (t ) =

j 2


C h(t , )k ( , )d d


But the inner integral in (5) can be rewritten as follows

k (t , )

y (t ) =

h(t , )k ( , )d d =
F ( )k (t , )G ( , t )d

j 2 C
j 2 C
k (t , )


where G(,t) is defined as

h(t , )k ( , )d

k (t , )


It can be easily seen that if the system is stimulated by an input signal equal to the inverse kernal, k(t,), then G(t,) is the output
response of the system divided by the inverse kernal; that is,

G ( , t ) =

y (t )
x (t )

x ( t ) = k ( t , )

In this definition, is treated as an input parameter.


Equation (6) shows that the output is equal to inverse transform of the system function multiplied by the transformed input. This
means that the input/output relationship of convolution in the time domain turns into multiplication in the transformed domain.
An interesting point to be noted in the derivation of equation (6) is that no restriction has been placed on the system other than it
has to be linear.
If the inverse transform kernel is chosen to be ejt, then =j and the inverse transform is the inverse Fourier transform. With
that particular inverse transform kernel, the transform kernel is e-jt. With this transform, the system function in equation (7)

G ( j , t ) =


j (t )
h(t , )e

If h(t,) is periodic, then it remains unchanged by a shift of a period. This means that

h (t + nT , + nT ) = h (t , )


If h(t,) is periodic, then under the Fourier transform, G(j,t) is periodic with respect to t. This is shown as

G ( j , t + nT ) =


j ( t + nT )
h(t + nT , )e

Choose =u+nT and d=du, then equation (11) becomes

G ( j , t + nT ) =

h(t + nT , u + nT )e

j ( t + nT u nT )



Using equation (10), equation (12) can be rewritten as

G ( j , t + nT ) =

h(t , u )e

j ( t u )

du = G ( j , t )


Equation (13) shows that a periodic impulse response produces a periodic system function when the Fourier transform kernel is
used. Since G(j,t) is periodic with respect to t, it can be expanded into a Fourier series. Therefore, a periodic system function
can be written as

j nt

G( j , t ) =

g ( )e

n =

If an input of e

j s t


is applied to a linear system, then, using the relationship from equation (6) the output can be written as

y (t ) =


G ( j , t ) ( )e d
j t


where (s) is the Fourier transform of the complex exponential. The integral of equation (15) can be evaluated and y(t)
j t

y (t ) =

G ( j s , t )e

If G(j,t) describes a periodic system, then equation (14) can be substituted in equation (16) and the output can be shown to be


y (t ) =


g ( )e

n =


e j s t


Since gn(s) is a constant, and 2/TL can be written as L, equation (17) can be rewritten as

y (t ) =

a e (

n =

s n L



Equation (18) shows that a periodically time-varying system with a complex exponential input at frequency s will produce
outputs at tones s , s L , s 2 L , K
Equation (18) shows that a periodically varying system with a complex exponential input produces a series of complex
exponentials at the output.


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