Normal Protein Diet and L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate For Hepatic Encephalopathy

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Normal Protein Diet and L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate

for Hepatic Encephalopathy
Suzanna Ndraha, Marcellus Simadibrata

Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia - Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Jl. Diponegoro no. 71, Jakarta Pusat 10430, Indonesia.
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Excessive protein intake can cause hepatic
encephalopathy (HE). Restricting protein in HE is
becoming a controversy, because it can worsen
malnutrition. This article reports the case of an under
nourishment HE which is treated with L-ornithine-Laspartate (LOLA) and given appropriate diet according
to the nutrition status.
A 62-year-old man came with chief complaint of
having reduced consciousness since 6 hours before admission. He had been diagnosed as liver cirrhosis for 6 years.
Several days prior to admission he took high protein diet.
Physical examination revealed under nutrition and
unconsciousness. Hepatic encephalopathy was confirmed
with low critical flicker test (CFF), and high blood
ammonia level. He was treated with adequate diet and
LOLA to decrease blood ammonia and improve the CFF.
During the treatment, consciousness improved to normal,
CFF increased and ammonia level decreased.
In this case, the HE was treated with LOLA without
protein restriction. The HE improvement, in this
circumstance may be caused of LOLA treatment that helps
decrease the plasma ammonia level.
Adequate diet, 35-40 kcal/kgBW/d and protein intake
1.5 g/kgBW/d, has been administered safely to this
patient with stage II hepatic encephalopathy. LOLA seemed
to be effectively reduced ammonia level and improved the
Key words: liver cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy,
L-ornithine L-aspartate, critical flicker test, blood
ammonia level.



Liver cirrhosis is the end of various type of liver

disease. It can evoke various complications such as
reduced of liver synthetic function (coagulopathy),
reduced liver capability for detoxification (hepatic
encephalopathy), and portal hypertension with all its
complications.1,2 Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is one
of liver cirrhosis complications that brings high
morbidity and mortality effects. The incidence rate of
HE in liver cirrhosis are various from 30-45%3 and
also 50-70%, 4 where most of it is considered as
minimal HE.
Increases of ammonia levels in the blood, among
others, is the effect of over intake protein and
gastrointestinal bleeding, until now has been
considered to have the major role in HE pathogenesis.4,5
Due to that, the management of HE especially tends
to reduce the amount of ammonia in the blood, besides
to overcome the initiating factor. The efforts to reduce
the amount of ammonia in the blood are done by giving
lactulose, antibiotics for intestine sterilization, and
constrict the protein intake. Constricting protein intake
in HE nowadays is becoming a controversy, because it
can worsen malnutrition.6 Many researcher reported
that malnutrition can increase mortality rate in liver
cirrhosis.6-8 Contrariwise, nutrition improvement can
increase muscle mass, which is needed for ammonia
detoxification.7 For the nutrition improvement a diet of
25-35 kcal/Kg per day and protein 1-1.5g/Kg/day is
LOLA nowadays is started to be used to overcome
HE since it is proven can reduce ammonia level in the
blood,8 LOLA stimulates the urea cycle and glutamine
synthesis, which is the important mechanism in
ammonia detoxification.10,11 With the intake of LOLA

Vol 42 Number 3 July 2010

L-ornithin L-aspartate in Hepatic Encephalopathy due to Liver Cirrhosis

it is intended to reduce the ammonia level in the blood,

so that it is unnecessary to constrict protein intake in
liver cirrhosis patients with malnutrition.
This article reports the case of hepatic
encephalopathy which is treated with LOLA and given
35 kcal/kg/day diet and 1.5g/kg/day protein.

Patient is a 62 year old man who was brought in

the emergency ward with chief complaint of reduced
consciousness which manifested as having had difficulty
in speaking since 6 hours prior to hospital admission.
From his history of illness, patient had been
experiencing fatigue and loss of balance since 3 days
prior to admission. Furthermore, patient constantly felt
drowsy; therefore, his sleeping hours increased in both
duration and frequency and family members often
unable to comprehend what the patient said. Six hours
prior to admission, he was unable to recognize the
people around him, further deterioration of speech skills;
therefore, family members decided to bring him to the
emergency ward of Tebet Hospital Jakarta.
Patient was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis due to
hepatitis B infection 6 years prior to admission. His
symptoms were swollen abdomen and feet which
resolved every time he received medications from the
doctor. He always performed his check-up routinely
every month up to this incident; furthermore, he also
paid high attention to his daily diet which was
specifically recommended by a nutritionist. However,
since several days prior to admission, patients serum
albumin level had been low, therefore his wife decided
to add more fish into his daily diet.
During physical examination in the emergency
ward, the patient was deemed with moderately ill
condition with disorientation. His body height was 168
cm; his weight was 62 kg and mid arm muscle
circumference (MAMC) 228 mm. He had normal blood
pressure, no signs of fever, however abnormalities were
found in his eyes which had anemic conjunctiva and
icteric sclera. Other abnormalities seen were spider
nevi on the chest and palmar erythem on his
extremities. In addition, collateral veins were
discovered on his abdomen with enlarged spleen up to
shuffner II, with no signs of ascites or extremity edema,
and a flapping tremor was also noticeable.
Laboratory results on admission showed a
condition of pancytopenia (Hb 11,7 g/dl, leukocyte 3270/
uL, platelets 65.600/uL, LED 50 mm/jam. Electrolyte
balance and prothrombine time were under normal
limits. Albumin was 2,4 g/dl, total bilirubin 1,98 mg/dl,

SGOT 75 iu/L, SGPT 32 iu/L. Urinalysis tests showed

no abnormalities and were under normal limits.
Current working diagnosis on arrival is hepatic
encephalopathy due to increased protein intake on
cirrhotic patient due to chronic hepatitis B infection.
Pancytopenia was suspected due to hypersplenism with
liver cirrhosis. USG of the abdomen is planned to
confirm the cirrhosis, blood ammonia level as well as
critical flicker test (CFF) to confirm hepatic encephalopathy. The patient was given a diet of 2100 calories
daily with 90 grams protein along with substituted
branch chained amino acids (BCAA), L-ornithine Laspartate (Hepamerz) I.V. 20 grams of (4 ampoules) /
day in 250 ml of infuse line for 5 days and later
replaced with oral route 3 x 6 grams for 2 weeks in
order to reduce the ammonia levels in the blood.
Lactulose of PO 4 x 15 ml was administered to facilitate transit to reduce further breakdown of ammonia.
During the follow up, we acquired the abdominal
USG results which confirmed the diagnosis of liver
cirrhosis and splenomegaly with minimal ascites.
Ammonia level showed 189 mmol/L (normal < 54mmol/
L), CFF 33,8 Hz (normal >39 Hz). These results
further strengthened the diagnosis of hepatic
encephalopathy on liver cirrhosis. After 2 days of
treatment, patients condition improved with increased
consciousness level up to fully alert, and no flapping
tremor was noticeable. Repeated measurement of
blood ammonia levels shows an improvement
(reduction up to 155 mmol/L) and furthermore, CFF
had increased up to 38.8 Hz.

This is a case of liver cirrhosis with the

complication of encephalopathy due to excessive
protein intake. Excessive protein intake is one of
several initiating factors of HE that cause increased
ammonia production.1 Forty per cent of ammonia is
generated by the intestine from nitrogenate substances,
caused by the action of bacterial urease and amino
acid oxidases, and the other 60% is derived from the
metabolism of glutamine and the transamination of other
amino acids.15 In normal subjects, intestinal ammonia,
produced from nitrogen products, is taken up by the
liver and metabolized to urea. In liver cirrhosis,
damaged livers do not accomplish this step adequately,
and splanchnic blood flow do not allow to penetrate
into the parenchyma; then, portosystemic shunts are
created and ammonia and other metabolites are sent
to the systemic circulation and finally reach the brain.
Ammonia inhibits excitatory post-synaptic potentials,

Suzanna Ndraha

thereby, producing a general depression of the CNS

Encephalopathy diagnosis was proven with the
increased of ammonia level, which supported the theory
that acknowledge that ammonia hold an important role
in the HE mechanism. Laboratory results of 2.4 g/dl
albumin level, 1.98 mg/dl total bilirubin level, normal
prothrombine time, minimal ascites (under control) and
minimal encephalopathy shows that liver function level
of the patient is classified as Child Pugh B so the
possibility of HE due to endogen factor is not likely.
Flicker test nowadays is considered as a sensitive
test, simple, and reliable to diagnose HE in liver
cirrhosis.12,13 The CFF of 33.8 0.58 Hz in this patient
showed the existence of HE caused by increased
ammonia level due to increased protein intake priory.
The patient has 22,1 kg/m2 BMI (Body Mass
Index) that shows normal nutritious, but apparently
MAMC shows that actually the patient has started to
undergo minor malnutrition. It was known that the
weight of liver cirrhosis patients was more affected by
ascites and edema, therefore calculation and measurement using MAMC suggested to evaluate nutrition
status. 14
According to European Society for Clinical
Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) Guidelines 1997,
protein intake should decrease to 0.51.5 g/kg body
weight/day if stage I or II encephalopathy is present
and to 0.5 g/kg body weight/day if stage III or IV
encephalopathy is present.8,9 However, in this stage II
HE patient, protein intake did not decrease to 0.5-1.5
g/kgBW. The patient was given normal diet for liver
cirrhosis without encephalopathy, 35-40 kcal/kgBW/d
and protein intake 1.5 g/kgBW/d, to avoid worsening
of malnutrition.8,9
The improvement of HE in this patient, although
receiving normal protein diet, is supported by studies
of Cordoba16 and Gheorghe.17 Cordoba compared the
effects of low and normal protein diet in HE, and found
that normal protein diet can be administered safely to
cirrhotic patients with episodic hepatic encephalopathy.16 Gheorghe noted that dietary protein restriction is
not required for the improvement of HE. 17 These
findings support that low protein diet is not required
and is better avoided in treating HE.
The patient was given protein diet with branch chain
amino acid (BCAA) substitute, in order to improve the
nutritional status. The usefulness of branched-chain
amino acid (BCAA) supplementation in patients with
cirrhosis has long been debated. It was proposed that
depletion of BCAAs, as seen in many patients with

Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med

advanced liver disease, might promote the development

of hepatic encephalopathy by enhancing the passage
of aromatic amino acids across the bloodbrain
barrier, resulting in the synthesis of false neurotransmitters. For this reason, it was hypothesized that BCAA
supplementation might improve hepatic encephalopathy. However, some controlled trials showed no
benefit of BCAAs in hepatic encephalopathy with
BCAA treatment. Contrariwise, there is evidence of
the beneficial effects of BCAAs in the treatment of
malnutrition in patients with advanced cirrhosis.8
To overcome the increasing ammonia level, the
patient was given LOLA 20 g intravenous (4 ampoules
dissolved in 250 cc carrier solution over 4 hours) for 5
days followed by LOLA granules 6 g three times daily
for 2 weeks. LOLA acts to stimulate the urea cycle
and glutamine synthesis which are important
mechanisms in ammonia detoxification, and by that it
is considered an ammonia lowering treatment.7,11 Many
clinical trials found that LOLA improved HE better
than placebo.11,18-20 Furthermore, giving LOLA in this
patient reduced the risk of increasing ammonia level
due to non restriction of protein diet. It appears that
the normal protein diet given to this patient did not
worsen EH, in this circumstance may be caused by
LOLA treatment that helps decreasing the plasma
ammonia level.

Adequate diet, 35-40 kcal/kgBW/d and protein

intake 1.5 g/kgBW/d, has been administered safely to
this patient with stage II hepatic encephalopathy. LOLA
seemed to be effectively reduce ammonia level and
improve the encephalopathy.




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