Journal Presentation: The New England Journal of Medicine Case Records of The Massachusetts General Hospital
Journal Presentation: The New England Journal of Medicine Case Records of The Massachusetts General Hospital
Journal Presentation: The New England Journal of Medicine Case Records of The Massachusetts General Hospital
An 18-Year-Old Woman
with Acute Liver Failure
Presentor :-
JRA3 Medicine
RIMS Ranchi
Case 2-2017:
An 18-Year-Old Woman
with Acute Liver Failure
The patient had been well until 1 week before this presentation,
when rhinorrhea , sore throat, and cough developed. On the fourth
day of illness, she was seen in an urgent care clinic because of
worsening cough, wheezing, and dyspnea.
The pulse was 120 beats per minute, the blood pressure 102/76 mm
Hg, the respiratory rate 22 breaths per minute, and the oxygen
saturation 100% while she was breathing ambient air.
There was tenderness in the right upper quadrant. The capillary blood
glucose level was 121 mg per deciliter (6.7 mmol per liter), and an
electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia.
The abdomen was soft, with tenderness on the right side due to tender
hepatomegaly, and there was trace edema of the legs.
The results of the rest of SYSTEMIC examination were otherwise
Corrected reticulocyte
(normal range- adults 0.5-2.5)
The patient described in this case had severe hemolysis
as evidenced by schistocytes on peripheral blood smear,
reticulocytosis, elevated LDH
However,the patient’s platelet count was normal.
4-Ischemic Hepatopathy
•The Budd–Chiari syndrome, or hepatic venous
outflow obstruction, is another consideration
because the prevalence during pregnancy
and the puerperium is approximately 6.8%.