How To Study The Bible and Enjoy It

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Lesson One
(Adapted and Expanded From A Series Of Lessons By Brother Neil R. Lightfoot)
I. Introduction
1. Erasmus of Rotterdam said many years ago, I would to God that the ploughman would sing
a text of the Scripture at his plough-beam; and that the weaver at his loom with this
would drive away the tediousness of time. I would the wayfaring man with this pastime
would expel the weariness of his journey. And to be short, I would that all the
communication of the Christian should be of the Scripture ....
2. Many times, Christians consider BIBLE STUDY to be more of a DUTY rather than a
pleasure. The newspaper, a magazine, or comic book seems more interesting.
3. Reasons WHY Christians many times DO NOT ENJOY their BIBLE STUDY:
a. Because man is an earthly being, he concentrates on physical things, NOT the
b. Sometimes, children were forced into Bible reading at an early time when it was
difficult for them to understand it.
c. There has been a wrong teaching in religion that only the highly educated can
really understand the Bible.
d. Is it possible that the traditions of men have overshadowed the Word of God?
These human traditions can make VOID Gods Word (Matthew 15:1-9)?
e. Christians often have NOT GRASPED the absolute IMPORTANCE of Bible
Study. They have not understood WHY God considers it essential
(John 12:48).
f. Christians sometimes have NOT TASTED the JOY of their own PERSONAL
DISCOVERY of Gods truth. Many times, they just LISTEN TO OTHERS
rather than digging for themselves.
g. Many times, Christians to NOT UNDERSTAND the Bible. They will cry out,
like the Ethiopian, How can I (understand) except someone shall guide me
(Acts 8:30).
II. The Scriptures Teach Us That We Should DELIGHT and Find JOY in the Scriptures
A. I rejoice at Thy Word like one who finds great spoil

(Psalm 119:162).

B. Notice the delight of the Psalmist as he considers the Word of the Lord
(Psalm 119:14, 24, 70, 77, 92).

C. Blessed is the man who walks NOT in the way of sinners, but his delight is in the
Law of the Lord, and he meditates on it night and day (Psalm 1:1-6).
D. Job had not departed from the commandments of the Lord, but had treasured the
Words of His mouth (Job 23:12).
E. Jeremiah had eaten the words of the Lord, and they had become the joy and delight
of his heart (Jeremiah 15:16).
F. Jesus said, These things I have spoken to you that your joy may be full
(John 15:11)
G. After Jesus resurrection, on the road to Emmaus, He interpreted to two disciples the
Scriptures concerning Himself, and their hearts burned within them (Luke 24:
27, 32). Does our heart burn within us as we study the Word of God?
A. A humble submission to the Lord, and fervent prayer for WISDOM and INSIGHT
(James 1:5; Philippians 1:9-11).
B. A positive DECISION to LOVE the Word of God. There is a great difference between
the person who eats with an APPETITE, and a person who eats out of a sense of
1. Great peace have those who love Thy law

(Psalm 119:165).

2. Consider how I love Thy precepts (Psalm 119:159, 47, 48, 97, 103, 113,
119, 163, 167)
3. I love Thy commandments more than fine gold Therefore, I hate every false
way (Psalm 119:127, 128).
4. Those who DO NOT LOVE TRUTH will be judged

(II Thessalonians 2:10-12).

5. People did not understand, for they could NOT bear to hear His Word
(John 8:43).
C. Christians must read and study the Bible with an EXPECTATION that they will
1. Paul expected the readers of the inspired Word to understand what they heard.
He asked that these Scriptures be read to the church (I Thessalonians 5:27;
Colossians 4:16).
2. Paul, by revelation from God, made known the mystery of the gospel. His
understanding came from God, but, when the Ephesians read the Word,
they could understand this mystery hidden in generations past, but now
revealed (Ephesians 3:1-4).
3. If we do not really desire and expect to understand the Word of God, then our
Study is just a pious waste of time.
D. We should read and study the Bible truly BELIEVING it to be what it is: The INSPIRED

1. The Thessalonians heard the message from Paul, and accepted it NOT as the word
of men, but the Word of God
(I Thessalonians 2:13).
2. When we read and study, think of the WORDS as coming from the living God
with an attitude that says, Speak Lord, thy servant heareth.
E. As noted above, Christians should STUDY with the expectation that the LORD WILL
HELP US! Ask God for help! (James 1:5; Psalm 25:4, 5).
F. Christians should STUDY expecting to APPLY THE SCRIPTURE to THEMSELVES
FIRST. What does this Scripture SAY TO ME! It is a LAMP to OUR FEET!
(Psalm 119:105).


Lesson Two
I. Introduction
1. In our last lesson, we noted that it is ESSENTIAL that we LOVE the Scripture. Review
the Scriptures that were studied.
2. How can WE LEARN to LOVE the Scriptures?
a. We must THRUST ourselves in that direction. We must READ and STUDY
them in order to learn to LOVE THEM!
b. A person LEARNS to LOVE ANYTHING by beginning to DO the thing he
wants to love. For example, a person will BEGIN TO LOVE the game of
BASKETBALL by beginning to PLAY THE GAME. The same is true of
Our LOVE for Scripture. The more we DO, the more we LOVE IT!
3. When we READ and STUDY the Bible, we NOT ONLY will LEARN the Bible, but we
4. Many times, people DO NOT LOVE THE BIBLE, for, instead of STUDYING the
Scripture, they study books ABOUT THE BIBLE, not the Bible itself.
5. The Scripture divides itself into DIFFERENT LEVELS of detail and difficulty:
(Hebrews 5:11-6:3)
a. They needed to be teachers, but still NEEDED a TEACHER
b. They needed another lesson on the ABCs of Gods oracles.
c. They needed MILK and not SOLID FOOD. Examine also I Corinthians
2:6; 3:2; 14:20; Ephesians 4:13, 14; I Peter 2:1, 2 concerning the NEED to

Be SPIRITUALLY MATUREor adult, full grown in the Lord.

d. Spiritual babies cannot discriminate between good and bad, and will just
Eat what is set before them.
e. These Hebrew Christians needed to mature and learn Gods Will concerning
the PRIESTHOOD OF JESUS discussed in Hebrews 7. See also
Hebrews 5:8-11.
6. They must GO BEYOND:
a. Repentance from a sinful life and faith toward God (Mark 1:14, 15).
b. Teaching on the difference between New Testament baptism and other
ablutions, whether Jewish washings, baptism of John the Baptist, etc., and
also the teaching of the laying on of hands.
c. Teaching on the resurrection and judgment to come (I Corinthians 15:12-23;
John 5:28, 29).
d. Christians must PROGRESS beyond the FIRST PRINCIPLES and STOP
the continual practice of laying a foundation! GO ON TO MATURITY!
II. A Consideration of the CORRECT APPROACH to Bible Study
A. Christians MUST WORK HARD in their BIBLE STUDY. They must SEEK
DILIGENTLY! It takes a great amount of EFFORT! There is NO INSTANT
LEARNING in Bible Study. There is NO INSTANT COFFEE!
a. People are WISE who seek after God (Psalm 14:2)
c. Search for the Lord with all your heart
d. Seek and you shall find!

(Proverbs 2:1-5)

(Jeremiah 29:13)

(Matthew 7:7)

e. Be NOBLE, worthy of respect in SEARCHING the Scripture

(Acts 17:11)
a. THINKING! Intellectual laziness is the cause of much USELESS
Bible study, and the cause of much FALSE TEACHING!
b. A man named Torrey said that men seek new methods of Bible study, but
their real desire is to learn WITHOUT WORK!
c. D. R. Dungan in his study of Hermeneutics said that the STUDY of the
Scriptures is like the STUDY of any other SUBJECT. To be a

SUCCESS, mental hard work is necessary. Is it necessary for us to

Study VERY HARD in secular school?
B. We must have a willingness to SEEK HUMBLY!
1. Jesus was thankful that the GREAT THINGS of God, which were hidden from
The WISE of this world, were revealed unto BABIES (Matthew 11:25)
a. Mr. Worldly Wise considers the CROSS of Christ to be foolishness
(I Corinthians 1:18-25)
b. A BABY is TEACHABLE! He is NOT PROUD! Be like a BABY!
2. Sometimes, people go to the Bible, NOT to learn in a humble manner, but
rather in an attempt TO CONFIRM THEIR OWN OPINIONS!
3. NOTE: The Bible closes up to the wise-fool, but opens up to the BABY!
C. We must have a willingness to SEEK HONESTLY!
1. In the parable of the SOWER, there is the HARD heart, the SHALLOW heart,
the CROWDED heart, but also the good and HONEST heart that the
Lord desires (Matthew 13:1-23; Luke 8:1-15)
2. Pride or PREJUDICE concerning holding on to PAST TEACHING makes it
very difficult for a person to be HONEST in Bible study.
3. The Jews were BLIND to the TRUTH. Therefore, they could NOT BELIEVE
(John 12:37-40)
4. Convince a man against his will and he will be of the same opinion still
is an OLD, but TRUE SAYING!
D. We must have a willingness to SEEK OBEDIENTLY!
1. We must be prepared to revise our beliefs and change our lives as we read,
study, and understand.
2. Ezra had prepared his heart toSTUDY the Law of the Lord, then to
PRACTICE it, and then to TEACH Gods statutes to Israel (Ezra 7:10)
3. Blessed are those who HEAR the Word of God, and KEEP it
(Luke 11:28)
4. Is MY WILL in harmony with the WILL OF GOD? Do I really believe the song,
Have thine own way, Lord, have thine own way. Thou art the POTTER, I
am the CLAY.. Mold me and make me after Thy Will .....?
E. We must have a willingness to OBEY IMMEDIATELY!
1. I hasten and do not delay to keep thy commandments

(Psalm 119:60)

2. IF YOU KNOW these things, said Jesus, Blessed are you if YOU DO THEM
(John 13:17)

3. The principle is IF WE USE TRUTH, WE WILL GET MORE! If we refuse

Truth, we will LOSE it!
4. BE DOERS of the WORD and NOT HEARERS only

(James 1:22-25)

F. We must have a willingness to SEEK MEDITATIVELY!

1. Meditate comes from a Greek word meaning to attend. It is to READ
carefully, PAY ATTENTION to it, and THINK ABOUT IT.
2. The man is blessed who meditates on the Law of the Lord both DAY and
NIGHT (Psalm 1:1, 2)
3. Notice the emphasis on MEDITATION in Psalm 104:34 and Psalm 119:15, 23, 48,
78, 97, 99, 148.
G. We must have a willingness to SEEK PRAYERFULLY!
1. Someone has said, HE WHO PRAYS WELL, STUDIES WELL!
2. The Psalmist PRAYED, Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out
of thy law (Psalm 119:18)


Lesson Three
I. Introduction
1. The previous lessons have been concerned with RIGHT ATTITUDES in Bible study
2. Men must OPEN THEIR MIND to TRUTH, be willing to STUDY it, and then willing
to PUT IT INTO PRACTICE (Review Ezra 7:10)
3. Except for such beautiful teachings as the TEN COMMANDMENTS, the Bible is
NOT a series of one sentence PROPOSITIONS. God did not write the Bible in
this way.
4. On the other hand, God placed HIS WILL in books of POETRY, HISTORY,
5. The Bible must be studied by following the same PRINCIPLES that would be followed
in reading and STUDYING ANY BOOK.
a. The Bible is written by INSPIRED MEN in the language of HUMAN BEINGS.
(II Timothy 3:14-17; II Peter 1:20, 21). What do these WORDS mean?
What was this Holy Spirit-guided man really saying?
b. One should NEVER just flip open the pages of the Bible and select a

verse or verses by accident!

6. For example, it is INCORRECT to pull out verses from a setting or context and place
a meaning on them that is CONTRARY to what God wants. One might take the
verse that says, He went away and hanged himself (Matthew 27:5), combine it with,
Go and do the same (Luke 10:37), and add What you do, do quickly
(John 13:27). Such a twisting of the Scripture will cause something untrue to be
taught. See the twisting of Scripture discussed in II Peter 3:14-16.
II. Studying an ENTIRE BOOK of the BIBLE
A. Studying an ENTIRE BOOK is probably the BEST METHOD of Bible study, but it is
surely more difficult for some to do.
1. It is a VERY GOOD METHOD of Bible Study, for one will learn the
BACKGROUND of the specific book he desires to study.
2. It is also a very GOOD METHOD, for it helps us NOT to take particular verses
out of their setting or CONTEXT. This will be discussed in a later lesson.
1. Select FIRST a book of the Bible that is relatively SHORT, so that the task
will not be so large that the student becomes discouraged.
2. Select a book that is relatively EASY TO UNDERSTAND. In other words, do
NOT begin with the book of REVELATION, etc..
3. In the New Testament, some good suggestions would be PHILIPPIANS,
C. Get an UNDERSTANDING of the overall CONTENT of the book
1. This can be done by READING THE BOOK from first to last. For example,
the book of Philippians has only FOUR CHAPTERS.
2. Read through the BOOK a NUMBER OF TIMES, perhaps as many as TEN
times. The student will be surprised how much this reading will help him
understand. He will also begin to see the SEVERAL SECTIONS of the book.
3. In these several readings of the book, the student should NOT stop to ponder
difficult verses that he cannot understand. This can be done later.
D. Prepare an INTRODUCTION of the book. In this, the student is trying to learn the
answers to MANY QUESTIONS that will give him a good BACKGROUND. What
are some NECESSARY QUESTIONS to ask?
1. Who wrote this book? Who is the inspired author?
2. To whom was it written? To an individual? Or, a congregation?
3. From where was the book written?

4. When was it written?

Or, if this is uncertain ---

5. What was the condition or situation of the author when he wrote?

6. What was the condition of the person or persons who received the book?
7. What was the purpose of the author in writing the book? What was the
THEME of the writing?
8. What does the book say about the character or the kind of person the author
9. What does the book say about the character or the kind of person the people
are who received the book?
10. What are the major ideas or topics in the book?
11. What are the main words in the book?
E. Now, read the book slowly and answer the questions given above. Record the
information in a notebook or on sheets of paper and then review and study it.
F. This material will now be valuable to the student, for he has prepared it himself. It is
his material.
G. Some people want to OMIT this part of their study. However, many particular passages
of Scripture cannot be understood if the general content of the book is not known.
H. Prepare an OUTLINE of the book. Select the MAIN POINTS that are discussed
in each chapter. Write them down.

(See below)

J. CLASS ASSIGNMENT: Select a SHORT BOOK of the New Testament, perhaps

one of those given above, and complete an INTRODUCTION, following the
guidelines given above.
A. There are some PROBLEMS and DISADVANTAGES of studying the Bible by using
1. Sometimes, the chapters are NOT really divided at the best place. For example,
It would be better to include Hebrews 2:1-4 with Hebrews chapter one.
2. Also, studying the Bible by picking out a particular chapter may SEPARATE that
chapter from the BOOK and may FAIL to consider the CONTEXT of that
chapter. For example, I Corinthians 13, the chapter on LOVE cannot be
understood correctly without placing it in the CONTEXT of SPIRITUAL
GIFTS discussed in I Corinthians 12 as well as I Corinthians 14. The phrase,
If I speak with the tongues of men and angels .... if I have the gift of prophecy,
etc. refers back to the spiritual gifts listed in I Corinthians 12.

B. There are some ADVANTAGES in studying ONE CHAPTER at a time:

1. This is a smaller UNIT with which the student will work.
2. The student is able to MASTER the material, and REMEMBER it better.
C. A PROCEDURE to follow in STUDYING a CHAPTER of the Bible:
1. READ the chapter a number of times.
2. DIVIDE it into its MAIN POINTS. Here is an example in I Corinthians 13.
a. The Great IMPORTANCE of LOVE (I Corinthians 13:1-3)
(I Corinthians 13:4-7)
(I Corinthians 13:8-13)
3. Examine a number of questions that MAY BE ASKED concerning a CHAPTER
that the student is considering.
a. What is the principal or main SUBJECT of this chapter?
b. What is the leading LESSON of this chapter?
c. What is the focal or foundation VERSE of this chapter?
d. Who are the MAIN or PRINCIPAL PERSONS in this chapter?
e. What does this chapter say concerning CHRIST?
f. Is there an EXAMPLE for me to follow in this chapter?
g. Is there an ERROR or FALSE TEACHING in this chapter for me
h. Is there a DUTY in this chapter for me to OBEY?
i. Is there a PROMISE in this chapter for me to RECEIVE?
j. Is there a PRAYER in this chapter for me to PRAY?
D. STUDENT ASSIGNMENT: Select a CHAPTER in the Bible, perhaps one that is
Well known, and begin studying it by ANSWERING the questions noted above.
1. This could be an excellent way for adult classes in congregations to study the
2. The TEACHER of the class could select the CHAPTERS to be studied.
3. The chapters selected could then be given to the CLASS for study during the
week. The students could be asked to study these chapters by answering the
QUESTIONS given above.

4. Then, one chapter could be STUDIED in CLASS EACH WEEK.


Lesson Four
IV. Studying INDIVIDUAL VERSES of the Bible
A. There are PROBLEMS or DISADVANTAGES also in studying individual verses.
1. Sometimes, the student will only study his FAVORITE VERSES, and so,
his knowledge is very INCOMPLETE! Others could be neglected.
2. Also, there is the danger of isolating these verses without looking at the
CONTEXT, the verses BEFORE and AFTER the selected verse. In this case,
the true meaning of the verse is not found. It is possible to use a verse out
of context, and place a meaning on it that even the inspired author would
NOT recognize.
B. BUT, there are also ADVANTAGES in studying individual verses.
1. If done carefully and correctly, this method can help greatly in understanding
an entire passage.
2. Many times, our MINDS can store up and remember A SMALLER AMOUNT
of TRUTH found in a verse easier than trying to remember so much more.
The student can be encouraged to think about the beautiful meaning of one
C. The PROCEDURE to follow in studying INDIVIDUAL VERSES:
1. Try to get the meaning of EACH WORD in the verse.
a. This does not mean that the student must go to the secular dictionary.
b. The best way is to let the BIBLE EXPLAIN ITSELF. See how a WORD is
used in other parts of the same book, or elsewhere in the Bible.
For example, how is the word justify used in the book of Romans, or
the words eternal life in the gospel of John. Note how the word
Believe or believing is defined in John and other places.
2. Carefully STUDY the CONTEXT. (See the lesson on Context to follow)
a. Always study the verses ABOVE and BELOW the verse being examined.
b. For example, John 6:44 must be studied along with John 6:45. They must
go together! John 12:32 cannot stand alone. It must be combined with
John 12:33. John 5:24 and John 5:25 must be examined TOGETHER.

3. If there are SIMILAR verses in OTHER CHAPTERS or BOOKS, these can also
be studied to assist in a correct interpretation of the TEXT. For example, the
commandments in the household passages of Ephesians 5:22-6:9 may be
compared to SIMILAR verses in Colossians 3:18-4:1.
V. Studying SPECIFIC WORDS found in the Bible
A. This can be a very ENCOURAGING and EXCITING method of study.
B. There are at least TWO DIFFERENT WAYS that this kind of study may be done.
1. One may obtain a BIBLE CONCORDANCE, go to a specific word, and then
consider every passage where this word is found.
2. Or, the student may WRITE DOWN the occurrences of a particular word in a
book of the Bible that he is reading and studying.
C. Note the following EXAMPLES of WORDS that may be discovered a number of times
in a book of the Bible:
1. Study the meaning of the word BELIEVE in the gospel of John.
2. See how the word SAINTS is used in the book of Ephesians.
3. Examine how the word KNOW is used in the gospel of John, and I, II, and III
4. The student may even look at a PHRASE such as in Christ, and how it is used
throughout the New Testament. For example, he can discover the blessings
that are found in Christ as noted in the book of Ephesians.
5. Another example would be to examine the word Spirit in the book of Romans,
And how it is in GREAT CONTRAST to the word Flesh.
6. Or, the student may study carefully HOW the word HATE is used in Scripture to
mean to LOVE LESS than someone else (Study Genesis 29:30, 31; Romans
9:13; John 12:25; Luke 14:26).
D. The study of BIBLICAL WORDS is somewhat different from the SUBJECT method of
studying the Bible.
2. For example, if one studies the SUBJECT of WORSHIP, he will examine
not only the WORD Worship as it is used in the Bible, but he will ADD
a study of OTHER words such as PRAISE, or SACRIFICE. He will
search for other words that deal with the same SUBJECT.

1. Do NOT just study when you feel like it, or when you think you have time.
2. Set aside a definite TIME, a SPECIFIC time for Bible study. For example, each
morning for one half hour at 6:00 A. M. etc.
3. Studying the Bible on a regular schedule does NOT WASTE time. A person
can do A BETTER JOB during the day when HE TAKES TIME TO READ
B. STUDY AT THE BEST TIME OF DAY FOR YOU! This will be different in the lives
of different people. Study the Bible when you have a few minutes to relax. One
pioneer gospel preacher carried a small New Testament in his pocket while plowing in
the rice field. He would read a verse at the end of the field and think about it as he
plowed the next part.
1. Learn what a PARABLE is, and why it was used by Jesus.
2. Study concerning the meaning of figures of speech such as a metaphor. For
example, This is my body .... (Matthew 26:26-28) is a metaphor. The
phrase, Go and say to that fox.... (Luke 13:32) is a metaphor.
3. Study the meaning of the figurative language called metonymy such as used in
the phrase, He took a cup.... (Matthew 26:26-28).
4. Learn about the beautiful VISIONS such as those found in the book of Revelation.
E. READ THE SCRIPTURES ALOUD. This helps the student to REMEMBER!
F. MEMORIZE THE SCRIPTURE! The Psalmist laid up Gods Word in his HEART that
he might NOT sin against the Lord (Psalm 119:11).
G. PARAPHRASE WHAT YOU READ. This means that the student should try to
explain the Scripture in his own words. Learn to explain!
example, examine ALL PASSAGES that speak about MALCHUS EAR

Someone cut off the ear of a servant of the high priest (Matthew 26:51)
The same information is found in Mark (Mark 14:47)
It was the RIGHT EAR of this servant
(Luke 22:50)
PETER did it, and the servants name was MALCHUS (John 18:10)

I. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! In the parable of the SOWER, Satan came and

snatched away the SEED, the WORD of the Lord from the heart (Matthew
13:4, 19). If YOU STOP studying, START AGAIN!
J. PRAY YOUR LIFE INTO WHAT IS STUDIED! Pray that your life will truly conform
to the Scripture you have studied.


Lesson Five
I. Introduction
A. When we study a VERSE, a PARAGRAPH, a CHAPTER, or even a larger section of
Scripture, it is always necessary to examine the following important questions:
(This has been examined in a previous lesson).
1. Who is the inspired author?
2. To Whom is the writing addressed?
3. Who are the people, individuals, or groups mentioned in the text? For example,
Herod the Tetrarch, Nicodemus, etc..
4. When was it written? What is the situation at the time of writing?
5. What kind of writing is it? Is it Poetry, biography, parables, etc.?
6. What is the place of writing? etc.
B. The word CONTEXT literally means to weave together. Therefore, the context
of a passage refers to ALL THE IDEAS woven together in that passage.
C. We must also examine very carefully the CONTEXT of the passage of Scripture
What is the subject being discussed in the chapter? Or, in the book?
What is being said by the inspired author BEFORE the verses being studied?
What is being said AFTER the verses being studied?
In other words, WHY did the inspired author write these verses in this
section of Scripture?
5. A person should NEVER open a book, just pick out a SENTENCE in that
Book and place a meaning on it WITHOUT EXAMINING the sentences
BEFORE and AFTER that sentence.

D. Let us AVOID, and FLEE FROM, the following approaches to the STUDY of
particular Scriptures:
1. Do NOT rely on just a DICTIONARY for the meaning of words
2. This may sound strange, but, also, do NOT limit the study of the meaning
of a word to the GREEK LEXICON. Let Gods Word give the meaning.
3. Let us never be SATISFIED with the explanation that a COMMENTARY
has given concerning a passage of Scripture. Just because something
is WRITTEN does NOT necessarily make it correct!
4. Similar to this, let us NOT accept just what an OLDER, GOSPEL
PREACHER has said about the Scripture. He may be passing on
to you only what he has heard from another. Let us TEST what is
said! He may be correct. He may be incorrect.
5. Let us NOT approach a Scripture with our minds already made up!
We can always LEARN MORE about Gods Word.

II. An EXAMINATION of the CONTEXT of a number of Scriptures

A. I Corinthians 13:1-13
1. This passage is the middle of a discussion on spiritual gifts. Chapter 12
lists these miraculous gifts. Chapter 13 shows a more excellent way,
LOVE. Chapter 14 shows how to regulate them while they are still
2. This is why Paul spoke the words, If I speak with the tongues ....
(I Corinthians 13:1), and the other gifts mentioned in 13:1-3.
3. That is why Paul mentions these same miraculous gifts in I Corinthians
13:8-10. They were to STOP, but LOVE never fails. Prophecies,
Tongues, and Knowledge are MIRACULOUS! They are the gifts
of I Corinthians 12.
a. The IMMEDIATE CONTEXT is the question of spiritual gifts
b. The REMOTE, or FAR AWAY CONTEXT, would be the MANY
problems of the church in the City of Corinth
B. I Corinthians 15:58
1. The word Wherefore shows clearly that verse 58 is a CONCLUSION
to the whole chapter, and specifically the teaching of Paul that we will
have a spiritual body in the resurrection.
2. The SUBJECT of I Corinthians 15 is the RESURRECTION.
a. Jesus WAS resurrected from the dead (I Corinthians 15:1-19)
b. Because He was resurrected, Christians will ALSO be
resurrected (I Corinthians 15:20-34, and will have a glorified
body (See I Corinthians 15:35-57)
c. The CONCLUSION is I Corinthians 15:58. BECAUSE OF ALL
OF THIS, Christians should be steadfast, unmovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord.
a. The Immediate Context is the RESURRECTION
b. The Remote Context again is the PROBLEMS that plagued
the church at Corinth
C. Romans 14:23
1. This verse is in the CONTEXT of the strong and weak Christians.
2. Some would consider certain meats to be unclean and would not eat them.
Others felt that meat is meat, and had no problem eating it
(Romans 14:14)
3. But, do not cause your brother to stumble (Romans 14:21)
4. If a man doubts that he should eat, and, yet, he is persuaded to eat,

he violates his conscience, and is condemned if he eats, for he

does NOT eat with faith (Romans 14:23)
5. So, what we do, that we do NOT BELIEVE WE SHOULD DO, is SIN.
6. Note that in this context, whether we use instrumental music in worship
or just vocal IS NOT UNDER DISCUSSION. That is NOT the
context. This topic must be discussed from other passages.
D. Acts 2:38
1. This verse should NOT be discussed by itself. It is in the context of
2. The FIRST GOSPEL SERMON had just been preached (Acts 2:22-36)
3. Peter had spoken of the DEATH, RESURRECTION, and ASCENSION of
4. He had proved the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, and had stated that
He is Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36)
5. The people were CUT to the heart. This shows BOTH their SORROW
and their FAITH in the message (Acts 2:37)
6. We are FAILING to give people the FOUNDATION of their faith
when we do NOT put Acts 2:38 into its proper CONTEXT.
E. Hebrews 10:25
1. The CONTEXT is the Lords ENCOURAGEMENT to remain LOYAL
to the Lord (Hebrews 10:19-31)
2. These Christians could TURN AWAY

They could drift away (Hebrews 2:1-4)

They could depart
(Hebrews 3:12, 13)
They could fail to enter the eternal rest (Hebrews 4:1-13)
They could fall away (Hebrews 6:4-6)
They could fall into the hands of the living God and be lost
(Hebrews 10:26-31)

3. Therefore, they should draw near to the Lord (Hebrews 10:22)

4. They should hold fast to their confession (Hebrews 10:23)
5. They should spur one another to love and good works
(Hebrews 10:24)
6. The ASSEMBLY was for great ENCOURAGEMENT (Hebrews 10:25)
F. Acts 5:29
1. The apostles had been placed in PRISON (Acts 5:17, 18)
2. An angel of the Lord released them (Acts 5:19-21), and they preached
in the temple again.
3. They were brought to the council (Acts 5:27)
4. They had been told NOT to preach in the name of Christ (Acts 5:28)
5. They boldly said that they must OBEY GOD
(Acts 5:29)
G. Acts 1:8

1. Jesus appeared to the APOSTLES during a period of 40 days after His

resurrection (Acts 1:1-4)
2. He told them that they would receive the HOLY SPIRIT (Acts 1:5)
3. This was immediately before Jesus ASCENSION (Acts 1:9-11)
4. They were to be eye witnesses of the resurrected Christ (Acts 1:8)(
5. Acts 1:8 is an OUTLINE of the book of Acts
a. The Gospel Preached in JERUSALEM (Acts 1-7)
b. The Gospel Preached in JUDEA and SAMARIA (Acts 8)
c. The Gospel Preached to the END of the EARTH (Acts 9-28)
H. John 16:13
1. This is the night before Jesus was BETRAYED. He had already washed
the feet of the apostles (John 13)
2. John, chapters 14-16, contains Jesus promise that He would send another
Comforter, the Holy Spirit. This promise was given to the
3. When the Spirit of truth had come, He would guide them (apostles)
into ALL TRUTH (John 16:13)
4. The CONTEXT shows TO WHOM this promise was given, and also
what the Holy Spirit would DO in revealing COMPLETE TRUTH to
these inspired men.
I. Luke 19:10
1. Jesus was in the area of JERICHO
(Luke 19:1)
2. It is in the CONTEXT of the story about Zaccheus, the tax collector
(Luke 19:2)
3. Salvation came to that house on that day (Luke 19:9)
4. The Son of Man came to seek and save the LOST! (Luke 19:10)
5. The REMOTE CONTEXT of Luke shows that Jesus is the Savior of
ALL who accept Him
a. Savior of Samaritans who were hated by Jews (Luke 10:25-37
b. Savior of publicans and sinners (Luke 15:1, 2) etc.
J. John 20:28
1. Doubting Thomas had not seen the resurrected Lord (John 20:24, 25)
2. When he saw Jesus, he believed
(John 20:27, 28)
3. Jesus approved of what Thomas said concerning His Deity and
4. The REMOTE CONTEXT of John 20:28 is the ENTIRE BOOK OF
JOHN which shows the Deity of Christ
a. He was with God in the beginning
(John 1:1)
b. He was with God (face to face) with God, and He himself
is God
c. All things were made through Him (John 1:1-3)


He became flesh
(John 1:14)
He made Himself equal with God (John 5:17, 18)
He came down from heaven
(John 6:38, 41, 51, etc.
Before Abraham WAS, I AM said Jesus
(John 8:58)
He prayed that the Father would give him the glory that He had
with the Father BEFORE THE WORLD WAS (John 17:5)
(John 20:28)

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