CHAPTER 1 The Good and Beautiful GOD
CHAPTER 1 The Good and Beautiful GOD
CHAPTER 1 The Good and Beautiful GOD
Chapter Challenge
Perhaps the greatest challenge of this first chapter is simply processing all the information
it contains. In particular,the four components of transformation may be overwhelming. Some
readers may be familiar with “narrative” language, others may be familiar with soul-shaping
exercises, some may be familiar with small group experience, and most will be familiar with the
Holy Spirit. Few people will be familiar with all four of these areas, and certainly some people
will be unfamiliar with all four of these areas. For this reason, as a leader you will need to be
thorough in helping people to understand what they have read. Be prepared to draw illustrations
from the chapter itself as well as from others in the group so they can more fully understand what
they have read. Have a clear image in your own mind of these three areas—and especially how the
Spirit works in and through them to bring us to fullness of life.
j Mustard seeds
j Small pots
j Potting soil
j Water for watering the seeds
j Name tags
j DVD Be Still cued to “Being Still” segment
j DVD player and television or computer and video projector
If your group members do not know each other well, spend a few minutes having everyone tell
their name again, share a blessing they received this week and one experience that was difficult
this week. Their sharing can be simple.
Following this conversation, have the class recite Colossians 3:1-2. Go directly from the
Colossians passage into 5 minutes of silence.
5 Minutes of Silence
[Near the beginning of each class there will be 5 minutes of silence. Why 5 minutes of silence?
We live in a world that is filled with noise and distractions. It is easy to enter one conversation
still processing the last conversation. In the midst of all this busyness it is also difficult to hear
the whispering voice of God. When we gather with friends to share our spiritual journey, what
we want is to hear God’s voice in the lives of those around us. With a little silence we will be
prepared to listen. Initially, 5 minutes of silence will seem like a very long time, but trust the
value of this practice. Before long the group will crave this time rather than dreading it.]
Discussion Questions
[Note: Each week read through the questions before you begin discussion. Note any
questions you especially want to discuss. Depending on your group size and the conversation,
you may not have time to discuss all these questions.]
1. Have you ever tried to change something about yourself? What process did you use? How
successful were you in changing?
2. The author gives us a diagram for transformation (p. 24). It is made up of personal
narratives, soul-training exercises,community and the Holy Spirit. Have any of these been
a part of how you have changed in the past? Explain.
3. Our narratives are stories that shape the way we live. To help you understand the concept of
narratives better, think of a story from your life that defines success for you. Talk about
that with the group.
4. Many people are tempted and have been taught to practice spiritual disciplines to please
God when, in fact, they are a means of transforming the soul. How does that alter your
approach to the practices you already do?
5. When has a small group of people spurred you on and encouraged you on your journey?
6. From the section on the work of the Holy Spirit (pp. 28-31), what insights did you gain
about the Holy Spirit and how it impacts our narratives, Soul-Training or sense of
Break [5 minutes]
Encourage everyone to take their seeds home and care for them over the coming weeks. The
plant may serve as a focal point for meditation as they continue over these next several weeks.
During the last 5 minutes have group members discuss their previous experiences of being
silent, which is one of the spiritual exercises for the coming week. Some people are completely
comfortable with silence and cannot get enough while others struggle with silence, even 5
minutes of silence. To help those who are less comfortable with silence, show the segment
“Being Still” from the DVD Be Still, which gives helpful tips on being quiet with God.
Go in Peace [5 minutes]
Conclude by having one person in your group read these words from the first chapter of The
Good and Beautiful God aloud.
When the Spirit has changed our narratives sufficiently, we begin to think differently. As a
result we begin to believe in and trust a good and loving God who is strong and powerful. We
begin to see how Jesus lived a perfect life that we cannot live and offered that life to the
Father on our behalf, setting us free from having to earn God’s love and favor. And as we
engage in soul-training exercises—especially in the context of community—our confidence
that God is at work in and among us increases. This creates an inward change that manifests
itself in outward behavior.
Now, when faced with an airport delay, we can take a deep breath and remember who we
are. . . . we can endure these trials with
love, joy, peace, patience and kindness ( p. 31).
Go from this place, savoring the good news that God is at work in and among you. Amen.