Clinical Guideline: Annals of Internal Medicine
Clinical Guideline: Annals of Internal Medicine
Clinical Guideline: Annals of Internal Medicine
Clinical Guideline
levels of certainty about net benefit (both tables are available at
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Clinical Guideline
Figure. Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention in adults with
cardiovascular risk factors: clinical summary of U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation.
Risk Assessment
Well-established risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) include obesity, hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and tobacco use.
Behavioral Counseling
Intensive behavioral counseling interventions are effective in making small but important changes in health behavior
outcomes (dietary intake and physical activity) and selected intermediate clinical outcomes (lipid levels, blood pressure,
fasting glucose levels, diabetes incidence, and weight) after 12 to 24 mo.
Many types of intensive counseling interventions are effective. Such interventions focus on behavior change;
include didactic education plus other components, such as audit and feedback, problem-solving skills, and
individualized care plans; and are typically delivered by specially trained health professionals.
The USPSTF concludes with moderate certainty that intensive behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful
diet and physical activity have a moderate net benefit in adults who are overweight or obese and at increased risk for CVD.
The USPSTF has a wide range of recommendations focusing on CVD prevention, including tobacco cessation; aspirin use;
screening and counseling for obesity; and screening for lipid disorders, blood pressure, and diabetes. These
recommendations are available on the USPSTF Web site (
This online-first version will be replaced with a final version when it is included in the issue. The final version may differ in small ways.
Behavioral Counseling in Adults With Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Clinical Guideline
differences among populations, interventions, and outcomes. Overall, there is no consistent evidence of benefit
on intermediate health outcomes for interventions involving physical activity only.
Health Behavior Outcomes
The USPSTF considered 61 trials (n 31 751) reporting outcomes related to health behaviors (6). Three of
these trials reported only health behavior outcomes and not
intermediate health outcomes. Overall, objectively measured and self-reported changes in dietary intake (such as
decreased total and saturated fat, increased fruits and vegetables, and total calories) and physical activity were consistent with intermediate outcome findings. Several trials in
persons already receiving medication to decrease blood
pressure or cholesterol level reported statistically significant
improvements in dietary intake and physical activity but
found no benefit on intermediate outcomes.
The DPP was a good-quality, high-intensity trial of a
combined behavioral counseling intervention aimed at preventing diabetes in overweight persons with impaired fasting glucose (11) (see the Implementation section for more
detail). It was one of the few trials included in the review
that assessed health, intermediate, and behavioral outcomes. The trial enrolled 2161 participants in the intervention and placebo groups (mean age, 51 years). More than
one quarter (26.9%) and one third (34.6%) of participants
had hypertension or dyslipidemia, respectively, and the
mean BMI was 34 kg/m2 (6). Overall, at 3 years, persons
in the intervention group had a 0.22-mmol/L (4-mg/dL)
decrease in fasting blood glucose level, a 58% reduction in
diabetes incidence, and decreases in blood pressure and
lipid measures.
PREMIER was a good-quality trial aimed at decreasing blood pressure in persons who were not yet receiving
medication (13) (see the Implementation section for more
detail). The trial enrolled 304 participants in the hypertension subgroup (mean age, 52 years; mean systolic blood
pressure, 144 mm Hg) (6). Approximately two thirds of
participants had a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2. After 18
months, only 21% of persons in the intensive counseling
intervention group versus 41% in the usual care group
were receiving hypertension medication. Participants in the
intervention group also had decreases in blood pressure
and lipid measures after 6 months; however, the improvements generally decreased after 18 months.
The evidence reviewed by the USPSTF shows the effectiveness of intensive behavioral counseling interventions
in making small but important changes in health behavior
outcomes and selected intermediate clinical outcomes after
12 to 24 months. Total cholesterol levels decreased by approximately 0.08 to 0.16 mmol/L (3 to 6 mg/dL), and
LDL cholesterol levels decreased by approximately 0.04 to
Annals of Internal Medicine
This online-first version will be replaced with a final version when it is included in the issue. The final version may differ in small ways.
Clinical Guideline
Burden of Disease
The evidence review (6) for this recommendation addressed whether primary carerelevant counseling interventions for a healthful diet and/or physical activity modify
self-reported behaviors, intermediate physiologic outcomes
(such as lipid levels, blood pressure, glucose tolerance,
weight, and BMI), diabetes incidence, and cardiovascular
morbidity or mortality in adults with known cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, impaired fasting glucose or glucose intolerance, or the metabolic syndrome). The adverse effects of counseling interventions
were also reviewed.
This recommendation is intended to complement the
USPSTFs 2012 recommendation on behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet and physical
activity for CVD prevention in persons without cardiovascular risk factors (C recommendation). The evidence review did not include interventions specifically focused on
weight loss, which are addressed in the USPSTFs recommendation on screening and counseling for obesity (B recommendation). Trials conducted exclusively in persons
with diabetes were excluded.
Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling Interventions
The USPSTF considered 74 trials (with 77 intervention groups) in its review (6). Interventions that combined
a healthful diet and physical activity were evaluated in 49
trial groups, diet-only interventions were evaluated in
18, and interventions involving physical activity only
were evaluated in 10. Of the interventions reviewed,
2 were low-intensity, 48 were medium-intensity, and 37
were high-intensity. Interventions were defined as low-,
medium-, or high-intensity on the basis of the amount of
interaction with a provider (30, 31 to 360, and 360
minutes, respectively). Interventions targeted various risk
factors, including dyslipidemia (17 trials), hypertension
(18 trials), impaired fasting glucose or glucose tolerance
(16 trials), and a combination of risk factors (26 trials). A
substantial majority of trial participants had a BMI greater
than 25 kg/m2. The median BMI was 29.8 kg/m2 (interquartile range, 28.4 to 31.2 kg/m2).
Patient Health Outcomes
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Behavioral Counseling in Adults With Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Clinical Guideline
differences among populations, interventions, and outcomes. Overall, there is no consistent evidence of benefit
on intermediate health outcomes for interventions involving physical activity only.
Health Behavior Outcomes
The USPSTF considered 61 trials (n 31 751) reporting outcomes related to health behaviors (6). Three of
these trials reported only health behavior outcomes and not
intermediate health outcomes. Overall, objectively measured and self-reported changes in dietary intake (such as
decreased total and saturated fat, increased fruits and vegetables, and total calories) and physical activity were consistent with intermediate outcome findings. Several trials in
persons already receiving medication to decrease blood
pressure or cholesterol level reported statistically significant
improvements in dietary intake and physical activity but
found no benefit on intermediate outcomes.
The DPP was a good-quality, high-intensity trial of a
combined behavioral counseling intervention aimed at preventing diabetes in overweight persons with impaired fasting glucose (11) (see the Implementation section for more
detail). It was one of the few trials included in the review
that assessed health, intermediate, and behavioral outcomes. The trial enrolled 2161 participants in the intervention and placebo groups (mean age, 51 years). More than
one quarter (26.9%) and one third (34.6%) of participants
had hypertension or dyslipidemia, respectively, and the
mean BMI was 34 kg/m2 (6). Overall, at 3 years, persons
in the intervention group had a 0.22-mmol/L (4-mg/dL)
decrease in fasting blood glucose level, a 58% reduction in
diabetes incidence, and decreases in blood pressure and
lipid measures.
PREMIER was a good-quality trial aimed at decreasing blood pressure in persons who were not yet receiving
medication (13) (see the Implementation section for more
detail). The trial enrolled 304 participants in the hypertension subgroup (mean age, 52 years; mean systolic blood
pressure, 144 mm Hg) (6). Approximately two thirds of
participants had a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2. After 18
months, only 21% of persons in the intensive counseling
intervention group versus 41% in the usual care group
were receiving hypertension medication. Participants in the
intervention group also had decreases in blood pressure
and lipid measures after 6 months; however, the improvements generally decreased after 18 months.
The evidence reviewed by the USPSTF shows the effectiveness of intensive behavioral counseling interventions
in making small but important changes in health behavior
outcomes and selected intermediate clinical outcomes after
12 to 24 months. Total cholesterol levels decreased by approximately 0.08 to 0.16 mmol/L (3 to 6 mg/dL), and
LDL cholesterol levels decreased by approximately 0.04 to
Annals of Internal Medicine
This online-first version will be replaced with a final version when it is included in the issue. The final version may differ in small ways.
Clinical Guideline
Of the 74 trials reviewed by the USPSTF, only 6 specifically reported adverse events during the trial and 6 specifically reported no adverse events (6). Few trials reported
details about the adverse events, but most were minor,
including musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal symptoms.
In trials evaluating physical activity interventions, a few
participants reported fatigue, muscle soreness, or other minor musculoskeletal injuries. Serious adverse events were
rare. There was no consistent evidence that behavioral
counseling interventions led to paradoxical changes in intermediate or behavioral outcomes.
Estimate of Magnitude of Net Benefit
The USPSTF assessed the overall effectiveness of intensive behavioral counseling interventions on intermediate and behavioral health outcomes to be moderate. The
changes in lipid and blood pressure measures were generally small, but these effects were combined with reductions
in weight and sustained improvements in healthy lifestyle
behaviors. The effects are consistent across a substantive
body of evidence for various CVD risk factors and interventions. The USPSTF concludes that, because a substantial majority of trial participants were overweight or obese,
these persons will accrue benefits from these interventions.
The potential harms are small at most; therefore, the
USPSTF concludes that these interventions have a moderate net benefit.
Response to Public Comments
The American Heart Association recommends that clinicians use counseling interventions to promote a healthful
diet and physical activity that include a combination of 2
or more of the following strategies: setting specific, proximal goals; providing feedback on progress; providing strategies for self-monitoring; establishing a plan for frequency
and duration of follow-up; using motivational interviews;
and building self-efficacy (19).
The American College of Sports Medicine has published recommendations for health professionals who
counsel healthy adults on individualized exercise programs.
It recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise
per week and 2 to 3 days of resistance, flexibility, and
neuromotor exercises per week (20). Previous statements
by the American Academy of Family Physicians about
counseling for diet and physical activity have been consistent with those of the USPSTF; it is currently updating its
recommendations (21).
From the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, Rockville, Maryland.
Disclaimer: Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of
the U.S. government. They should not be construed as an official position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services.
Financial Support: The USPSTF is an independent, voluntary body.
The U.S. Congress mandates that the Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality support the operations of the USPSTF.
Disclosures: Authors followed the policy regarding conflicts of interest
described at Disclosures can also be viewed at
Requests for Single Reprints: Reprints are available from the USPSTF
This online-first version will be replaced with a final version when it is included in the issue. The final version may differ in small ways.
Behavioral Counseling in Adults With Cardiovascular Risk Factors
1. Murphy SL, Xu J, Kochanek KD. Deaths: final data for 2010. Natl Vital Stat
Rep. 2013;61:1-117. [PMID: 24979972]
2. Flegal KM, Graubard BI, Williamson DF, Gail MH. Cause-specific excess
deaths associated with underweight, overweight, and obesity. JAMA. 2007;298:
2028-37. [PMID: 17986696]
3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of
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U.S. Government Printing Office; 2010.
4. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2008 Physical Activity
Guidelines for Americans. ODPHP publication no. U0036. Washington, DC:
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5. Ford ES, Bergmann MM, Boeing H, Li C, Capewell S. Healthy lifestyle
behaviors and all-cause mortality among adults in the United States. Prev Med.
2012;55:23-7. [PMID: 22564893] doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.04.016
6. Lin JS, OConnor EA, Evans CV, Senger CA, Rowland MG, Groom HC.
Behavioral counseling to promote a healthy lifestyle for cardiovascular disease
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U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence synthesis no. 113. AHRQ publication no. 13-05179-EF-1. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality; 2014.
7. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Counseling and interventions to prevent
tobacco use and tobacco-caused disease in adults and pregnant women: U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force reaffirmation recommendation statement. Ann
Intern Med. 2009;150:551-5. [PMID: 19380855]
8. Fiore MC, Jaen CR, Baker TB, Bailey WC, Benowitz NL, Curry SJ, et al.
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S.
Public Health Service; 2008.
9. Etz RS, Cohen DJ, Woolf SH, Holtrop JS, Donahue KE, Isaacson NF, et al.
Bridging primary care practices and communities to promote healthy behaviors.
Am J Prev Med. 2008;35:S390-7. [PMID: 18929986] doi:10.1016/j.amepre
10. Curry SJ, Grossman DC, Whitlock EP, Cantu A. Behavioral counseling
research and evidence-based practice recommendations: U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force perspectives. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:407-13. [PMID:
24723080] doi:10.7326/M13-2128
11. Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, Lachin JM,
Walker EA, et al; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Reduction in
the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl
J Med. 2002;346:393-403. [PMID: 11832527]
12. Ma J, Yank V, Xiao L, Lavori PW, Wilson SR, Rosas LG, et al. Translating
the Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle intervention for weight loss into pri-
Clinical Guideline
This online-first version will be replaced with a final version when it is included in the issue. The final version may differ in small ways.
Appendix Table 1. What the USPSTF Grades Mean and Suggestions for Practice
The USPSTF recommends the service. There is high certainty that the net benefit is
The USPSTF recommends the service. There is high certainty that the net benefit is
moderate or there is moderate certainty that the net benefit is moderate to
The USPSTF recommends selectively offering or providing this service to individual
patients based on professional judgment and patient preferences. There is at least
moderate certainty that the net benefit is small.
The USPSTF recommends against the service. There is moderate or high certainty
that the service has no net benefit or that the harms outweigh the benefits.
The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance
of benefits and harms of the service. Evidence is lacking, of poor quality, or
conflicting, and the balance of benefits and harms cannot be determined.
I statement
The available evidence usually includes consistent results from well-designed, well-conducted studies in representative
primary care populations. These studies assess the effects of the preventive service on health outcomes. This
conclusion is therefore unlikely to be strongly affected by the results of future studies.
The available evidence is sufficient to determine the effects of the preventive service on health outcomes, but
confidence in the estimate is constrained by such factors as:
the number, size, or quality of individual studies;
inconsistency of findings across individual studies;
limited generalizability of findings to routine primary care practice; and
lack of coherence in the chain of evidence.
As more information becomes available, the magnitude or direction of the observed effect could change, and this
change may be large enough to alter the conclusion.
The available evidence is insufficient to assess effects on health outcomes. Evidence is insufficient because of:
the limited number or size of studies;
important flaws in study design or methods;
inconsistency of findings across individual studies;
gaps in the chain of evidence;
findings that are not generalizable to routine primary care practice; and
a lack of information on important health outcomes.
More information may allow an estimation of effects on health outcomes.
* The USPSTF defines certainty as likelihood that the USPSTF assessment of the net benefit of a preventive service is correct. The net benefit is defined as benefit minus
harm of the preventive service as implemented in a general primary care population. The USPSTF assigns a certainty level on the basis of the nature of the overall evidence
available to assess the net benefit of a preventive service.