Year 5 Semester Examination Paper 1 Multiple Choices Questions (50 Questions)
Year 5 Semester Examination Paper 1 Multiple Choices Questions (50 Questions)
Year 5 Semester Examination Paper 1 Multiple Choices Questions (50 Questions)
Paper 1
Multiple Choices Questions( 5 Questions!
Please tick/circle the correct answer and read the questions carefully.
1) How many food groups are there?
A) 5 )! ")# $) %
&) How many food groups which pro'ide energy to human (ody?
A) 1 )& ")) $) *
))How many food groups which helps in maintaining health of human (ody?
A) 1 )& ")) $) *
*) Her(i'ore is animal who eat +++++++++++++++.
A) plant
) meat
") meat and plants
$) water and plants
5) ,hich of the following animal is already e-tinct?
A) lion
) dodo (ird
") dinosaur
$) chicken
.or /uestion ! to 01 please refer to the diagram (elow
!) 2a(el the taste area of tongue in part A
#) 2a(el the taste area of tongue in part
%)2a(el the taste area of tongue in part "
0) 2a(el the taste area of tongue in part $
.or question1451*1 please refer to the diagram (elow
14) ,hat is the la(el for A
A) car(on dio-ide ) o-ygen ") nitrogen $) hydrogen
11) ,hat is the la(el for
A) is remo'ed from the (ody
) is taken into the (ody (y the
") is taken into the (ody
$) is a(sor( into the (ody
1&) ,hat is the la(el for "
A) heart ) lungs ") (lood $) water
1)) ,hat is the la(el for $
A) heart ) (ody cell ") (lood $) (ody tissues
1*) ,hat is the la(el for 6
A) is remo'ed (y
) is e-creted (y
") is digest (y
$) is a(sor( (y
15) 2argest cell in human (ody is +++++++++
A) sperm cell
) ner'e cell
") o'um cell
$) muscle cell
1!) 2argest organ in human (ody is ++++++++++++
A) stomach
) lungs
") skin
$) kidney
1#) A group of (ody cells is ++++++++++
A) cell
) (ody cells
") tissues
$) organ
1%) "ell is ++++++++++++
A) A group of organs
) smallest unit in li'ing things
") (uilding (lock of li'ing things
$) A group of tissues
10)lood 'essel takes (lood away from heart is ++++++++++++
A) artery
) 'ein
") capillaries
&4)lood 'essel takes (lood (ack to the heart is ++++++++++++
A) artery
) 'ein
") capillaries
&1) +++++++++++++ support plant7s flower and leafs.
A) root
) stem
") shoot
$) root hair
&&) ,hat is the process of making food (y green plant?
A) respiration
) (reathing
") photosynthesis
$) digestion
&)) .at function in our human (ody for +++++++++++++++++++
A) 8rowth and repair
) 6nergy
") "hemical reaction in the (ody
$) 3tore of energy
&*) A le'er consist of load1 ++++++++++++++++ and +++++++++++++++.
A) fulcrum1 effort
) force1 fulcrum
") effort1 force
$) friction1 gra'ity
&5) ++++++++++++ pull o(9ects down towards the centre of the earth.
A) friction
) gra'ity
") resistance
$) pressure
&!) 3mallest cell in human (ody is +++++++++
A) sperm cell
) ner'e cell
") o'um cell
$) muscle cell
&#) elow are the raw material for the process of plant making food e-cept
A) water
) sunlight
") car(on dio-ide
$) o-ygen
&%) Plant7s ++++++++++++ take in water and minerals from the soil.
A) root
) stem
") shoot
$) leaf
&0) :he food (elow contain fi(er e-cept+++++++++1
A) rice
) oat
") noodles
$) milk
.or questions )45))1 please refer to the diagram (elow
)4) ,hat is the part la(el in )4?
A) root
) stem
") shoot
$) leaf
)1) ,hat is the part la(el in )1?
A) root
) stem
") shoot
$) leaf
)&),hat is the part la(el in )&?
A) root
) stem
") shoot
$) leaf
))),hat is the part la(el in ))?
A) root
) stem
") shoot
$) leaf
)*) :he food (elow pro'ide fat e-cept+++++++++
A) palm oil
) (utter
") margarine
$) rice
.or questions )55*%1 please refer to diagram (elow
)5 ),hat is the (ody part la(el in )5?
A) gullet ) trachea ") nasal ca'ity $) Pharyn-
)!) ,hat is the (ody part la(el in )!?
A) esophagus ) trachea ") nasal ca'ity $) Pharyn-
)#),hat is the (ody part la(el in )#?
A) heart ) lungs ") 3tomach $) Pharyn-
)%),hat is the (ody part la(el in )%?
A) heart ) lungs ") 3tomach $) Pharyn-
)0),hat is the (ody part la(el in )0?
A) heart ) lungs ") 3tomach $) 2i'er
*4),hat is the (ody part la(el in *4?
A) heart ) lungs ") 3tomach $)3pleen
*1),hat is the (ody part la(el in *1?
A) heart ) gall (ladder ") 3tomach $) ile duct
*&),hat is the (ody part la(el in *&?
A) heart ) lungs ") 3tomach $)3pleen
*)),hat is the (ody part la(el in *)?
A) ile duct ) Pancreas ") 3tomach $)3pleen
**),hat is the (ody part la(el in **?
A) ile duct ) Pancreas ") 2arge intestine $)3mall intestine
*5),hat is the (ody part la(el in *5?
A) ile duct ) Pancreas ") 2arge intestine $)3mall intestine
*!),hat is the (ody part la(el in *!?
A) ile duct ) 8all ladder ") 2arge intestine $)ladder
*#),hat is the (ody part la(el in *#?
A) ;uscle ) 8all ladder ") 2arge intestine $)ladder
*%),hat is the (ody part la(el in *%?
A) ;uscle ) 8all ladder ") 2arge intestine $)ones
*0) A group of (ody tissue are ++++++++++++
A) cell
) (ody cells
") tissues
$) organ
54) A group of organs are ++++++++++++++++
A) cell
) system
") tissues
$) organ