A Report On Soap Making in Nigeria

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Vol. 7(4), pp.

139-145, April, 2013

DOI: 10.5897/AJPAC11.016
ISSN 1996 - 0840 2013 Academic Journals

African Journal of Pure and Applied



A report on soap making in Nigeria using indigenous

technology and raw materials
Warra, A. A.
Department of Biochemistry, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, P.M.B. 1144, Aliero, Nigeria.
Accepted 31 January, 2013

In everyday life we use soap to wash dishes, clean clothes, or keep our bodies presentable to nose and
eye. Soap therefore has numerous applications in our daily life. One of its great values is keeping our
household a far better place to live and work. However, contrary to what one may think, soap was
invented not only for the purpose of personal hygiene; rather, it was invented to solve other purposes.
Colourful yarns were valued very early in the history of textiles; wool as it comes from the sheep is
coated with a layer of grease that interferes with the application of dyes, soap was used to solve this
problem. This report attempts to explore the technology of soap production in Nigeria using indigenous
raw materials.
Key words: Soap, raw materials, technology, chemistry, quality control.
There could be hundred different ways of explaining what
really a soap is and what can be regarded as a soap; we
can regard it as any cleaning agent, manufactured in
bars, granules, flakes, or liquid form, made from a
mixture of mostly sodium or potassium salts of various
fatty acids of natural oils and fats.
In addition to basic raw materials, other substances of
medicinal importance are added as ingredient to produce
medicated soaps; there are other types of soap which are
soaps of metals other than sodium and potassium called
metallic insoluble soaps that are not used as cleaning
agents, but are used for other purposes. Examples are,
calcium and magnesium soap used as lubricants and
driers, aluminum and chromium soaps for sizing paper,
lithium stearate (a lithium soap) for thicken oils into
grease etc.
In this context, our discussion will be limited to soaps
as cleaning agents.

A short history
Throughout history people were known to have taken
bath in herb waters and other additions to the bathing
medium thought to be beneficial. Cleopatra of Egypt for
example used mares milk, honey and essential oils in
her bathing rites.
Historical studies revealed that soap were utilized in
both ancient Egypt and Babylonia 5000 years ago.
Mixtures of animal fats and alkaline plant ash were used
to produce soap (Phanseil, 1998). Ancient peoples were
believed to have employed wood ashes and water for
washing and to have relieved the resulting irritation with
grease or oil. In the first century A.D., Pliny describes a
soap of tallow and wood ashes used by Germanic tribes
to brighten their hair. It is recorded that Babylonians were
making soap around 2800 B.C and it was known to the
Phoenicians around 600 B.C. These early references to

*Corresponding author. E-mail: aliyuwarra@yahoo.com. Tel: +2348076297326.


Afr. J. Pure Appl. Chem.

Table 1. Fatty acid profiles Shea butter versus competitors.

Oil type
Cocoa butter
Palm oil (husk)
Shea butter
Burkina Faso





0 - 0.5

0 - 1.6



30 - 40




30 - 50

41 - 50

4 - 11

0 - 7.5

Source: (Ferris et al., 2001).

soap and soap making were for the use of soap in the
cleaning of textiles fibers such as wool and cotton in
preparation for weaving into cloth. From the long history
of ancient civilizations until today, the basics of soap
making has not fundamentally changed, meaning that the
basic process has not changed. Hence, blending the old
tradition with modern day knowledge of surface active
agents, accuracy, combination of good and carefully
selected ingredients mixed and stirred at the right
temperature and time can with experience produce the
finest soaps (Ellis, 2008)
In this work, attempt was made to explore the ways of
improving indigenous technology for soap production by
the use of available local raw materials.

Shea nut fat is composed principally of triglycerides

(triacylglycerols) containing an oleic acid moiety at the 2position and saturated fatty acids, usually stearic or
palmitic acids, at the 1- and 3-positions (Acquaye et al.,
2001). Chemical analysis of Shea butter extracted from
nuts samples from four African countries (Uganda,
Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Mali) were conducted by the
Ben Gurion University, Isreal, as part of the ongoing EU
funded INCO project on Shea. Fatty acid analysis shows
there is a high level of variability in Shea oils across
Africa (Table 1). The Ugandan sample had a 59% oleic
acid content compared with 47% for Nigeria and only
39% for Burkina Faso (Ferris et al., 2001).
Jatropha seed oil


Indigenous raw materials
Animal fat
Tallow is one of the principal fatty materials used in soap
making. Romans were doing soap made from animal fats
and wood ashes 2500 years ago (McGraw-Hill
Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 2007). Soaps
made from animal fat contain more of 16- and 18- carbon
fatty acids and are generally harder and easy to form into
shapes (Robertson, 2006). Tallow oil include, palmitic
acid (CH3(CH2)14CO2H, stearic acid CH3(CH2)16COOH)
and oleic acid (CH3(CH2)7CHCH(CH2)7COOH
Shea nut fat
Shea nut solid fat (butter or stearin) is ideal for use in
making cosmetics, soap and detergents (Fintrac, 1990).

Oil for soap making is the most profitable use; the fruit of
Jatropha contain viscous oil that can be used for soap
making (Openshaw, 2000). It is rich in palmitic acid, with
high levels of hydrophobicity, and makes a soft, durable
soap under even the simplest of manufacturing
processes (Pratt et al., 2002). High oil content of
Jatropha curcas indicated that J. curcas are suitable as
non-edible vegetable oil feedstock in oleochemical
industries (biodiesel, fatty acids, soap, fatty nitrogenous
derivatives, surfactants and detergents (Akbar et al.,
Castor seed oil
Abitogun et al. (2009) confirmed the presence of
ricinoleic acids, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and
dihydroxylstearic acid; this is an indication of good quality
that can be modified so as to be useful in cosmetics. This
oil differs from all other commercial oils in being rich in
ricinoleic acid (~90%, 12-hydroxyoleic). Compared with



Table 2. Some physical and chemical characteristics of oils extracted from sesame seed grown in Jigawa State,
Nigeria* (Mohammed and Hamza, 2008).


Analysis/physical and chemical characteristics

Iodine value (gI2 /100 g)
Oil content (%)
Specific gravity (g/cm )
Acid value (mg KOH/g)
Peroxide value (Meq KOH/g)
Saponification value (mg KOH/g)
Cyanide test



*The values are mean of three replicates.

the common vegetable oils, castor oil is more viscous,

less soluble in hexane, and more soluble in ethanol, all
as a consequence of the presence of the hydroxy acid.
This hydroxy acid has several interesting properties by
which it can be converted to useful products.
CH3(CH2)5CHOHCH2CH=CH(CH2)7COOH [ricinoleic acid
(12-hydroxyoleic acid)]. Sulfation converts the hydroxyl
group to a sulfate (-OSO2OH) with improved surfactant
properties. Apart from soap, it is the earliest anionic
surfactant (Gunstone, 2005).One of its uses is in the
manufacture of transparent soaps (Kochhar, 1998). The
inferior qualities of the oil are frequently employed in
India for soap making (Grieve, 2009). In Nigeria, castor
bean was cultivated on over 6,000 ha across most of the
states. The crop grows in the wild even where it is not
cultivated. Benue, Gombe, Yobe, Cross Rivers, Kogi,
Ebonyi, Kwara, Zamfara and FCT are the promising
producers where the bulk of the hectares are cultivated.
The output is estimated at twelve thousand metric tonnes
(12,000 mt) (Raw Materials Research and Development
Council, 2009).
Neem seed oil
Oil extracted from its seeds composed primarily of
triacylglycerols of oleic, strearic, linoleic, and palmitic
acids. The seeds yield 40% of a deep yellow oil, the wellknown Margosa oil (Girish and Shankara, 2008). Of all
other industrial uses in India, neem oil has been a major
ingredient in soaps for at least 50 years (National
Research Council, 1992). The indigenous neem seed oil
is presently obtainable at Saberg International Ltd.,
producers of proudly Nigerian Naija Neems (Neem oil) at
Technology Incubation Centre, Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State,
Sesame seed oil
Sesame is an important export crop in Nigeria, and

Nigeria has a substantial role in the global sesame trade.

Annual exports of sesame from Nigeria are valued at
about US$20 million and Nigeria is the primary supplier of
sesame seed to the worlds largest importer, Japan
(Chemonics International Inc., 2002). The seed has been
called queen of the oil seed crop because of the high
yield of oil and its quality. Apart from its uses in cosmetics
and perfume, it is also used for the manufacture of soap
(Gandhi and Taimini, 2009). The hot-expressed oil is
used chiefly for soap making (Jamieson and Baughman,
1924). The work of Mohammed and Hamza (2008)
justified some quality characteristics of Nigerian variety of
sesame seed oil (Table 2).
There are five major steps for soap making process:
(a) Saponification,
(b) Soap washing or glycerol extraction,
(c) Fitting,
(d) Moulding,
(e) Drying.
Although in some simple hard soap making, the steps
can be classified further into seven main steps:
(1) Getting the right mixture of oil/fat and alkali, called
(2) Boiling down removing the unwanted water, and
checking for doneness,
(3) Treating with salt to remove water, impurities, and
glycerin a process called graining this step makes a
good solid soap for washing clothes,
(4) Adding colouring agents (colourants) and perfumes,
(5) Pouring into moulds, called setting,
(6) Breaking the green soap out of the mould and
splitting it into finished sizes and,
(7) Drying and airing the green soap.


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Figure 1. Saponification reaction. R is the long chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Concise chemistry of soap making

Chemical reactions






In saponification reactions, esters are split into alcohols

and salts of carboxylic acids (Figure 1). The word
Saponification is derived from the latin word saponins,
meaningsoap though the word has a wide application,
for example, in papermaking, many components of wood
pitch may become saponified under alkaline papermaking
conditions (Mini-encyclopedia, 2008). Saponification is
also widely used in more general term to refer to alkaline
hydrolysis of any type of ester.
The overall reaction of triacylglycerol saponification can
be thought of occurring in two steps. The first step is the
hydrolysis of the ester linkages to produce glycerol and
three fatty acid molecules: Fat or oil + 3H2O3 fatty acids +
glycerol. The second step involves a reaction between
the fatty acid molecules and base (usually NaOH) in the
alkali solution. This is an acid-base reaction that
produces water plus salts: 3 fatty acids + 3NaOH  3
fatty acid salts + 3H2O
Indigenous technology saponification
Mixing the fat or oil with base (alkali) can be done using a
specially designed mixer. Small scale soap makers in
Nigeria mostly use manual mixer.
Simple cold-process soap making procedure

For each soap formulation, pour directly 200 g/dm NaOH

solution into the stainless steel container (pot) containing
the fat and oil in the ratio 1:1 (v/v). Warmed gently the
fats/oil and pour into the stainless steel soap making pot
followed by the alkali solution to form an intimate mix and
then stir frequently for 10 to 15 min using wooden stirrer.
Perfume and other ingredients can be added as additives
at the last time before pouring the saponification mixture
into moulds. After pouring, the soap is allowed to harden

by air-drying for 24 h to obtain the soap bars, according

to the method reported by Warra (2009) and the soap
bars can then be observed for colour, texture, lathering
and cleaning power.
Moulding and cutting
In this step, melted soap is poured into shaped-mould for
it to set and harden in. Sometimes, the soap is broken
out of the mould and split down to required sizes with a
wire. The soaps are cut using cutting machine which can
be made locally into different designs and size.
This is the use of special stamp (either electric or
manual) and trade marks on the products (soap
products). Murjanatu Muhammad Abba illuminated the
growing role of stamping in selling products in Nigeria
when she wrote This is very vital in selling products in
Nigeria as most Nigerians buy name not the quality of the
product (Abba, 2008). Wooden or plastic, handmade
stamp and stamp box or manual stamping machine are
Soap is normally obtained as having moisture content.
Drying is required to reduce this water content of the
soap to a carefully defined and controlled level, especially
for toilet soap bars. Soap at control moisture content will
generally produce, after, subsequent processing, a bar of
the required appearance. This cannot be achieved until
the soap has been aired for hours or up to about 1 month
in the case of dry hard soap that takes longer to use up.
This is the use of special materials to package products


to the market. The products are finally packed in cartons.

Wrapping the soaps into nice paper or clean polythene
will add greatly to its sales value. The cost associated
with packaging material is an important factor in the cost
of production. The cost packaging could be high for
consumer products. Therefore, it is always important for a
soap producer to estimate his packaging cost in order to
represent his operating expenses which have great
impact on the selling prize and profit or gain.
Safety precautions/hazards
1) Wear your gloves and goggles throughout the entire
soap making.
2) If sodium hydroxide touches the skin, immediately
rinse the affected area with running water
3) If a spill happens, take care of your skin first; rinse the
area with cool water. Then apply vinegar to the area and
rinse again.
4) Do not attempt to pour vinegar into your eye. Seek
medical attention for any sodium hydroxide spill that had
entered your eye.
5) Avoid contact with hot oils, as they can burn the skin.
Consult a professional for assistance.
6) Avoid contact with essential and fragrance oils. Wear
gloves and goggles while using them.
7) Flush the affected area with water.


handling of these chemicals.

Workplace safety
Workplace safety means having ingredients properly
labeled and stored, maintaining a clean, orderly, well-lit,
and well ventilated work area for making soap restricting
the access of children and pets to the storage and work
areas, having easy access to personal protective
equipment: a telephone, a fire extinguisher, and running
Complaint file
This is a file that contains a record of a customer
complaint, the date of the complaint, and the action taken
by the soap maker.
Batch code
This is a numbered record of each batch of soap. The
batch code sheet lists the company of manufacture, the
name of the soap maker(s), the date made, the
ingredients, weight numbers, any variation from the
normal soap making procedure, the cure date or do not
use before date, the expiration date, and any additional

Safety data and record keeping

Any soap making industry being it large or small scale
should have documented information on safety
categories and record keeping. The following parameters
are some of the important references used.
Material safety data sheet (MSDS)
This is a reference that contains pertinent information
related to the following safety categories for specific
material: Manufacturer or vendor information, chemical
composition, hazards and potential health effects, first aid
measures, fire fighting measures, spill measures,
handling and storage, exposure and protection, physical
and chemical properties stability and reactivity,
toxicological information, environmental information,
disposal considerations, transportation information, and
regulatory information. MSDS are usually available from
chemical manufacturer, a commercial source, or a private
library developed by the chemical plant.
According to Crowl and Louvar (2002), the industrial
hygienist or safety professional must interpret the
physical and toxicological properties to determine the
hazards associated with a chemical. These properties are
also used to develop a strategy for the proper control and

Ways of improving soaps quality

The use of glycerine
The presence of several polar-OH groups makes it
strongly attracted to water, a feature that makes glycerine
useful as a skin softener in products such as lotions,
cosmetics, shaving creams, and liquid soaps.
The use of sequestrants
Many manufacturers use chelating molecules in their
commercial soap products, often EDTA derivatives are
used which helps to bind with any free calcium or
magnesium ions to prevent soap scum (a process called
sequestration). These also help to reduce fragrance loss,
discolouration and rancidity.
Checking the soap pH
Checking the pH of soap is necessary not only for the
purpose of improving soaps quality but to regulate the pH
level which shall not contribute to the harshness of hands


Afr. J. Pure Appl. Chem.

and skin. For the purpose of protecting public health, high

pH levels in the 9 to 11 range or low in the 3 to 5 level are
considered deleterious to the skin. This is in accordance
with NAFDAC regulatory requirements on cosmetics,
soaps and detergents (Umar, 2002).
The use of silicates
Sodium silicate [Na4(SiO4)] - an example of large family
of silicates, (commonly known as water glass) is used
commercially in detergents, where it maintains a constant
pH and can degrade fats by hydrolysis.(Housecroft and
Constable, 2006). Sodium metasilicate is a basic salt
used in detergent, partly as a basic buffer and partly to
keep dirt from settling back on to the fabric (Jones and
Alkins, 2002). The SiO32- ions are attached to dirt
particles, giving the particles a negative charge and
thereby preventing them from merging with others into
larger, insoluble particles.
Perfuming and colouring
When the soap is melted for the last time before being
poured out into moulds, it can be coloured and perfumed.
It is best not to do this any earlier in the method, as the
lye water could hurt the perfume or colouring. If you have
perfumes or colouring, try them out on small amounts of
Chemical analysis of fats and oils
To determine the industrial value of a particular oil or fat
which is dependent on composition and purity, a number
of chemical tests are carried out to have quality control
over fats and oils used as raw materials for the
production of soaps. Parameters: (1) saponification value
(2) and iodine value (3) acid value
Soap production can be regarded as one area of
business that is lucrative and needs only little capital to
start with, and considering the vast available resources in
Nigeria there is need to design and develop strategy on
war footing in order to explore and utilize full benefits of
these raw materials using the available indigenous
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