Korean Vs English
Korean Vs English
Korean Vs English
INGL 3104
February 9, 2015.
pronunciation when they are positioned at the end of a word, such as () g for k, () d for t,
and () b for p. There is also a consonant that has no sound, except when positioned at the end.
It goes from no sound () to /ng/. Some vowels consist of two letters, but one of them is not
pronounced. For instance, the vowel eo is pronounced o. It sounds complicated, but with
practice it becomes easy.
Last, we have the sentence structure. When we write in English, the basic structure of a
sentence is subject + verb + object. For example, we say I like that car. In Hangeul, this
structure would be subject + object + verb. Therefore, they would say, I that car like. They use
a lot the subject + verb structure. One big difference between Korean and English is that the verb
is placed at the end of the sentence in Korean, whereas in English it is somewhere in the middle.
Koreans say, You need to listen until the end of the sentence. In other words, you never know
the speakers complete idea unless you listen to the whole sentence.
There are many differences between Korean and English. They have completely different
alphabets, sounds, and sentence structure. It may seem really hard to learn a different language
from yours, but if you put your heart into it, it is not impossible. Learning new things is never a
bad thing: I have learned that you should crave for more knowledge and always have your mind
open to new things. Being able to communicate with others through a different language is a
wonderful experience. Can you understand me? Never put limits to your learning.