Essey Speech

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According to Robert Maynard Hutchins, The object of education is to

prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. Such

simple sentence may give different perceptions to one that listen to it.
However, in dealing with education for our children, I believe that each of us
here wants the same things to give to our children. I believe that education
should be taught to inspire and encourage these students to be more than
what they have learned in school. Therefore, education is not only the
responsibility of the teachers and school but also require participation of the
A Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is a formal organization composed
of parents, teacher and staff that is intended to facilitate parental
participation in a school. The main role of the local PTA is to build strong
working relationship among parents, teacher and schools in support of
students. This can include recruiting and coordinating volunteers, providing
special recognition in awards ceremonies or through other activities,
organizing parent education events, planning teacher appreciation activities
and much more.

As a President of Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), we state the

association is to act as a platform for parent and teachers to discuss issues
pertaining to our childrens education. These objective, however, appear to
have taken a back seat. Parent sitting in PTA committees now focus on
raising funds to upgrade school facilities.

My fellow parents and teachers of the association, thus it is important

to be involved and to acknowledge the power of education for our future
generation. With the advancement of technologies and information, it is
important for us to provide the best education for our children at every level

that they are in. This speech is also intended to give some suggestions in
order to solve the problems. Such matters that have been identified
previously, includes: parents concern about the poor performance of their
children, especially in Mathematics, Science and English Language. Parents
urges for teachers and students in improving the teaching and learning style
for that particular subjects. Also to finds solutions in order to overcome the
insufficient funds to carry out school projects.
Recently, there have been major concerns from parents relating to
their children poor performance in academic in this school. Many students
seem to have difficulties with particular subjects which are Mathematics,
Science and English Language. As the president of the Parents Teachers
Association, such matter also worries me as I am also a parent. There have
been a major changes happened to our education syllabus that requires
changes to particular subjects. Perhaps those changes did affect our
childrens performance in their studies. But to blame on such changes solely
would not be fair. Therefore, the rising numbers of complaint from parents
should be taken seriously by teachers and this school as it is the
responsibility of both parties to find solutions for it. As our education policies
and methods nowadays are keep improving, parents and teachers should be
aware of such situations. Children are not as the same as we were before.
Such poor performance in academic may be affected by the ways that the
teachers use to teach the students. Also, lack of understanding of the topics
or concepts of certain subjects may lead to failure in particular subjects.
However, it is not the problems with the teaching style if the student
itself could not cope with the subjects. To overcome this matter, parents
could send their children to attend extra classes for particular subjects. Also,
parents should make sure that they spend some times with their children in
solving homework. Parents may also encourage their children to read books
related to the subjects and revise may also help.

Education does not only involve black boards and chalks anymore, it is
a wide new experience for the new generation. At the young age, our
children are exposing to difficult subjects such as science and technology,
languages and problem solving. Also, other subjects which are familiar like
history, geography and many others may seem simple to the adults but the
topics discussed nowadays are getting complicated. This is where our roles
as parents and teachers should be played. As a parent, we should monitor
our childrens interest and focus in study. With a little help and
encouragement from parents, i believe that these students could achieve
better result each time. Teaching may be the only role for teachers in school
but with a little attention to every student could help them to pay attention
to the learning process in the class room. Teacher should be proactive in
attracting students to listen to them by giving rewards the students that
perform or otherwise. Teachers also could use new types of media to teach
which may include computers, videos, audios, field trips and many more. In
order to provide such medium, schools should have suitable funds to support
such projects. Lack of funding may interrupt the process of learning for our
students. To attract such funding for the students, parents, teachers and
school should cooperate for the sake of education. This can be done through
charity events or sales, mini carnival or agree to pay certain amount of fees
to the association.

Teachers and school should not be the only party that is responsible for
the poor performance in academic of the students. Parents and students it
selves, should also participate and help to identify the reasons toward the
problems. Advancement in technology and information should be used wisely
by all parties to improve the academic performance and also improve the
learning and teaching methods at school.

Education of any forms is a life-long learning experience that happens

to everyone.
Parents are always the closest companion that set the attitude of their
children. Along the way, school and teachers also plays a role to mould these
children into a better shape for the nation. Parents concerns and teachers
attentions may help students to feel more useful and inspired to be more
than an ordinary person.

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