25 January 2010
Thank you for your hospitality and cooperation, and that of your staff, during
my visit on 13 January 2010 to look at the impact that links between
parents/carers and schools have on supporting and encouraging young
people’s achievement, well-being and personal development.
The visit provided valuable information which will contribute to our national
evaluation and reporting. Published reports are likely to list the names of the
contributing institutions but individual institutions will not be identified in the
main text.
The overall effectiveness of the school’s links with parents/carers and its
impact on the outcomes for students are good.
Parental expertise is used rarely as a resource for learning but the school
is actively engaged in plans to boost this. Some parents volunteer their
services and are engaged in activities such as language exchanges.
Homework is set consistently across the curriculum and parents and
students say completion rates are high. Parents mostly see their role as
supporting completion rather than being actively involved in home
Parents help review the effectiveness of events through questionnaires.
Most parents are very happy with recent improvements at Barr Beacon but
do not feel actively involved in shaping them. They feel the school would
be responsive to their ideas should they give them.
Parents understand what their children are learning through regular
sharing of information and most try to support this learning.
Improvements in examination results demonstrate that the school’s
strategies are increasingly effective.
Transition processes are effective and allow the school to gather good
information before students start school.
This is an inclusive school. The way in which parents and carers are
engaged makes it more so. The school cares passionately about its
students and supports families-in-need through a multi-agency approach.
This has been particularly successful in supporting students with the
potential to become disengaged with education. Some parents reflected
that this had resulted in their children gaining qualifications and college
places that otherwise would have been lost to them. Parents of students
with autistic spectrum disorder were full of praise for the recently
established support group they can attend.
You and your senior staff have a clear ethos of a close engagement in
your work with parents. You have an acute awareness of your community
and the school’s place in it. This has resulted in very good relationships
with parents who regard the school as a warm, welcoming place.
The vital role of parents and carers is mentioned positively many times in
the school improvement plan. Work with parents is being driven through
the Leading Parental Partnerships Award. However, not all staff, parents
or governors are currently aware of this work.
Governors share your view of the importance of parental involvement.
They agree that they could contribute more to the development of
parental expertise in the curriculum as they become more established.
The school is increasingly effective in breaking down any barriers parents
perceive towards their engagement. Parents report high levels of
satisfaction with the way the school is developing. A parental forum is
Parents spoken to comment very favourably about the school’s
communication, including the response time to enquiries. The small
number of complaints the school receives are usually resolved amicably.
I hope these observations are useful as you continue to develop the impact of
the work of parents and carers in the school.
Peter Gale
Her Majesty’s Inspector