FAQs of RA 9994
FAQs of RA 9994
FAQs of RA 9994
b) free services,
c) exemptions,
d) incentives,
e) government financial assistance, and
f) priority in express lanes.
What are the senior citizens Discount Privileges granted under RA 9994?
Senior Citizens are entitled to the following:
a) 20% discount on the purchase of certain goods and services,
b) special 5% discount on prime commodities and basic necessities,
c) 5% utility discount on electric and water consumption, and
d) 50% discount on electric, water and telephone consumption of senior citizens
centers and residential or group homes.
What transactions by senior citizens are covered by the 20% discount and
The 20% senior citizens discount and VAT-exemption shall apply only to the
following purchases of goods and services, when applicable:
a) the purchase of medicines, including the purchase of influenza and
pneumococcal vaccines, and such other essential medical supplies, accessories and
b) the professional fees of attending physician/s in all private hospitals, medical
facilities, outpatient clinics and home health care services;
c) the professional fees of licensed professional health workers providing home
health care services as endorsed by private hospitals or employed through home
health care employment agencies;
d) medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory fees in all private
hospitals, medical facilities, outpatient clinics, and home health care services, in
accordance with the rules and regulations to be issued by the' DOH, in coordination
with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth);
e) actual fare for land transportation travel in public utility buses (PUBs), public
utility jeepneys (PUJs), taxis, Asian utility vehicles (AUVs), shuttle services and
public railways, including Light Rail Transit (LRT), Mass Rail Transit (MRT) , and
Philippine National Railways (PNR);
f) actual transportation fare for domestic air transport services and sea shipping
vessels and the like, based on the actual fare and advanced booking;