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9 April 2013
12 June 2006
16 February 2005
This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.
1.1 Scope. This specification covers ship hull anticorrosive and antifouling paint systems.
1.2 Classification. Paints covered by this specification are of the following types, classes, grades, and
applications, as specified (see table I and 6.2).
1.2.1 Types. The types of ship hull anticorrosive and antifouling paint systems are as follows:
Type I

Paint systems having topcoats that contain biocide(s) other than copper which ablate or selfpolish. Copper content less than three weight percent.

Type II

Paint systems having topcoats that contain biocide(s) (copper or other biocide not cited in
Type I) which ablate or self-polish. Copper content may be greater than three weight percent.

Type III -

Paint systems having topcoats that are foul-release and contain no biocide. Biofouling is
released by ship movement through the water.

Type IIIa -

Advanced foul-release coatings systems having topcoats that are foul-release and contain no
biocide. Biofouling is released by ship movement through the water.

Type IV -

Paint systems having topcoats that contain biocide(s) (copper or other) which do not ablate or

1.2.2 Classes. The classes of ship hull anticorrosive and antifouling paint systems are as follows:
Class 1

Paint systems for use on rigid, fiberglass, wood, or metallic substrates, other than aluminum.

Class 2

Paint systems for use on aluminum substrates.

Class 3

Paint systems for use on elastomeric substrates.

Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Sea Systems
Command, ATTN: SEA 05S, 1333 Isaac Hull Avenue, SE, Stop 5160, Washington Navy Yard DC 20376-5160 or
emailed to, with the subject line Document Comment. Since contact information
can change, you may want to verify the currency of this address information using the ASSIST Online database at

FSC 8010

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1.2.3 Grades. The grades of ship hull anticorrosive and antifouling paint systems are determined by the volatile
organic compound (VOC) content in the ready-to-apply condition.
Grade A -

VOC of the antifouling topcoats less than or equal to 400 grams per liter (g/L) [3.4 pounds per
gallon (lb/gal)]. VOC of any other individual paint in the system less than or equal to 340 g/L
(2.8 lb/gal).

Grade B -

VOC of the antifouling topcoats less than or equal to 400 g/L (3.4 lb/gal). VOC of any other
individual paint in the system less than or equal to 250 g/L (2.1 lb/gal).

Grade C -

VOC of the antifouling topcoats less than or equal to 400 g/L (3.4 lb/gal). VOC of any other
individual paint in the system less than or equal to 100 g/L (0.8 lb/gal).

1.2.4 Applications. The applications of ship hull anticorrosive and antifouling paint systems are determined
(defined) by the expected service life.
Application 1

Paint systems for use on the underwater hull with a service life of 3 years without failure
due to loss of adhesion, blistering, flaking, depletion by excessive ablation, or loss of
antifouling capability (except minor sliming and biofouling from the boottop to the light
load line).

Application 2

Paint systems for use on the underwater hull with a service life of 7 years without failure
due to loss of adhesion, blistering, flaking, depletion due to excessive ablation, or loss of
antifouling capability (except sliming and biofouling from the boottop to the light load

Application 3

Paint systems for use on the underwater hull with a service life of 12 years without failure
due to loss of adhesion, blistering, flaking, depletion due to excessive ablation, or loss of
antifouling capability (except sliming and biofouling from the boottop to the light load

Application 4

Paint systems for use on high-speed vessels attaining 40 knots or greater with a service life
of a minimum of 2 years without failure due to loss of adhesion, blistering, flaking,
depletion by excessive ablation, or loss of antifouling capability (except minor sliming and
biofouling from the boottop to the light load line).
TABLE I. Coating system type, class, application matrix.





App 1

App 2

App 3

App 4





















































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1.3 Part or identifying number (PIN). PINs to be used for ship hull anticorrosive and antifouling paint systems
acquired to this specification are created as follows:


Prefix for


Type Code

Type (see
code below)

Class (see
code below)

Grade (see
code below)

Application (see
code below)

Class Code

Grade Code

Application Code













Examples: M24647-A2C1
2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this specification. This
section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specification or recommended for additional
information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document
users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of documents cited in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this
specification, whether or not they are listed.
2.2 Government documents.
2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a
part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are
those cited in the solicitation or contract.

Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials: Methods of Inspection,

Sampling and Testing


Material Safety Data, Transportation Data, and Disposal Data for

Hazardous Materials Furnished to Government Activities



Coating Systems for Ship Structures


Paint, Epoxy-Polyamide, General Specification for

(Copies of these documents are available online at or

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2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications. The following other Government documents,
drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified,
the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.
29 CFR 1910

Occupational Safety and Health Standards

29 CFR 1910.1200

Hazard Communication

40 CFR 60,
Appendix A,
Method 24

Determination of Volatile Matter Content, Water Content, Density,

Volume Solids, and Weight Solids of Surface Coatings

40 CFR 261.24(a),
Method 1311

Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP)

(Copies of these documents are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington DC 20401 or online at
2.3 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the extent
specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or
Threshold Limit Values (TLV) for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Work Environment
and Biological Exposure Indices
(Copies of this document are available from the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1330
Kemper Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240 or online at
ASTM A1011/A1011M

Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon,

Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with
Improved Formability, and Ultra-High Strength


Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and



Standard Test Method for Consistency of Paints Measuring Krebs Unit

(KU) Viscosity Using a Stormer-Type Viscometer


Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Checking of Exterior



Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Cracking of Exterior



Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paints

ASTM D1475

Standard Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks, and Related

ASTM D2244

Standard Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances and Color

Differences from Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates

ASTM D2369

Standard Test Method for Volatile Content of Coatings

ASTM D2621

Standard Test Method for Infrared Identification of Vehicle Solids from

Solvent-Reducible Paints

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ASTM D3278

Standard Test Methods for Flash Point of Liquids by Small Scale ClosedCup Apparatus

ASTM D3335

Standard Test Method for Low Concentrations of Lead, Cadmium, and

Cobalt in Paint by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

ASTM D3623

Standard Test Method for Testing Antifouling Panels in Shallow


ASTM D4400

Standard Test Method for Sag Resistance of Paints Using a Multinotch


ASTM D4938

Standard Test Method for Erosion Testing of Antifouling Paints Using

High Velocity Water

ASTM D5479

Standard Practice for Testing Biofouling Resistance of Marine Coatings

Partially Immersed

ASTM D6442

Standard Test Method for Determination of Copper Release Rate from

Antifouling Coatings in Substitute Ocean Water

ASTM D6990

Standard Practice for Evaluating Biofouling Resistance and Physical

Performance of Marine Coating Systems

ASTM E1347

Standard Test Method for Color and Color-Difference Measurement by

Tristimulus Colorimetry


Standard for Shipbuilders and Marine Paints and Coatings

Product/Procedure Data Sheet

ASTM F1130

Standard Practice for Inspecting the Coating System of a Ship


Standard Test Method for Specific Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline


(Copies of these documents are available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., P.O. Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 or online at

Near-White Blast Cleaning

(Copies of this document are available from SSPC Publication Sales, 40 24th Street, 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA
15222-4656 or online at
2.4 Order of precedence. Unless otherwise noted herein or in the contract, in the event of a conflict between
the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this
document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 Qualification. The paints furnished under this specification shall be products that are authorized by the
qualifying activity for listing on the applicable qualified products list before contract award (see 4.2 and 6.3).
3.2 Description of paints. Each paint system being qualified to a type, class, grade, and application of this
document shall consist of the following individual paints.

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3.2.1 Anticorrosive paint (first coat). When required, the first coat of anticorrosive paint is intended for direct
application to the substrate being painted. Paint systems submitted for qualification to Classes 1 or 2 of this
specification shall be qualified with anticorrosive paints that conform to MIL-DTL-24441, MIL-PRF-23236, or a
commercial anticorrosive paint from the same manufacturer. Paint systems submitted for qualification to Class 3
(elastomeric substrates) do not require qualification with anticorrosive coatings, but shall be qualified with any
required adhesion-promoting tie-coat. The paint shall be a light, pastel color.
3.2.2 Anticorrosive paint (second coat). The second coat of the anticorrosive layer shall be gray, except as
noted in 3.4.1.b for submarine service.
3.2.3 Tie-coat. Tie-coat(s), if required, is intended for application to the anticorrosive paint and overcoated
with antifouling paint.
3.2.4 Antifouling topcoat. Antifouling topcoat(s) shall be of the applicable type (see 1.2.1).
3.2.5 System identification. Manufacturer shall, at the time of qualification submittal, identify by unique
nomenclature the total system being qualified and each individual product constituting the system by unique
alpha/numeric nomenclature [product name, alpha/numeric identification, color, and required application thickness
in micrometers (m) or mils (thousandths of an inch)]. At a minimum, the manufacturer shall identify the

All types, classes, grades, and applications, including any required adhesion promoting tie-coats.


The product(s) constituting the antifouling topcoat(s).

c. For Classes 1 and 2, the commercial product designation for the vendors approved MIL-DTL-24441,
MIL-PRF-23236, or commercial anticorrosive coating being qualified with the antifouling topcoat(s).
3.2.6 System modifications. Given the long duration of selected tests, it is conceivable that certain commercial
products may be modified over the course of the qualification process. The manufacturer shall note any changes.
Examples include, but are not limited to, paint VOC reductions or slight (less than 3 percent by weight) additive
modifications/additions. It is not NAVSEAs intent to discourage positive formulation changes; however, when
specified (see 6.2), the manufacturer will provide a written certification and technical justification that such changes
do not negatively affect the long-term properties of the material. Should the material properties discussed under
tables II, III, or IV be affected, the new material shall be submitted, and the qualification process repeated.
3.2.7 Underwater hull cleaning. The vendor shall estimate the frequency and process for underwater hull
cleaning. The vendor shall estimate the amount and type of coating damage that will result from completing the
recommended hull cleaning processes when hard-shelled fouling organisms (e.g., barnacles, bryozoan, tube-worms,
or oysters) are removed by cleaning. Estimates shall be based on cleaning a panel or hull when a minimum of
20 percent of the surface being cleaning is fouled with hard-shelled with vendor recommended cleaning equipment.
Unless approved prior to testing, mechanical cleaning shall not be allowed as a supplemental measure to satisfy any
of the requirements of 3.4.4.
3.3 Material requirements. The paint systems furnished under this specification, when mixed and applied in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions, shall produce a coating that satisfies all the requirements of this
specification. The composition of the paint furnished under this specification shall be the responsibility of the
manufacturer, except as limited by this specification.
3.3.1 Types. The five types of antifouling topcoats will function in accordance with an identifiable release
mechanism, as specified in 1.2.1.
3.3.2 Classes. See 1.2.2.
3.3.3 Grades. See 1.2.3.
3.3.4 Applications. Applications shall be as defined in 1.2.4.

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3.3.5 Composition. The manufacturer is given a choice in the formulation of the paints described by this
document, provided the end product conforms to all requirements of this specification. Soluble metals content and
total metal content of each individual paint of the paint system shall be less than the values listed in tables II and III
when tested in accordance with 4.4.11. Copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) contents listed in tables II and III do
not apply to antifouling topcoat paints of Types I, II, and IV. Lead levels in antifouling topcoat paints of Types I,
II, and IV shall be less than 600 mg/L of soluble lead and/or its compounds and less than 0.06 weight percent total
lead and/or its compounds.
TABLE II. Soluble metals content.

Maximum (soluble), mg/L

Antimony and/or its compounds


Arsenic and/or its compounds

Barium and/or its compounds (excluding barite)


Beryllium and/or its compounds


Cadmium and/or its compounds

Chromium (VI) compounds

Chromium and/or chromium (III) compounds


Cobalt and/or its compounds


Copper and/or its compounds


Fluoride salts


Lead and/or its compounds

Mercury and/or its compounds


Molybdenum and/or its compounds


Nickel and/or its compounds


Selenium and/or its compounds

Silver and/or its compounds

Tantalum and/or its compounds


Thallium and/or its compounds

Tungsten and/or its compounds


Vanadium and/or its compounds


Zinc and/or its compounds


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TABLE III. Total metals content.

Metals content (total),
%WT maximum

Antimony and/or its compounds


Arsenic and/or its compounds


Barium and/or its compounds (excluding barite)


Beryllium and/or its compounds


Cadmium and/or its compounds


Chromium (VI) compounds


Chromium and/or chromium (III) compounds


Cobalt and/or its compounds


Copper and/or its compounds


Fluoride salts


Lead and/or its compounds


Mercury and/or its compounds


Molybdenum and/or its compounds


Nickel and/or its compounds


Selenium and/or its compounds


Silver and/or its compounds


Tantalum and/or its compounds


Thallium and/or its compounds


Tungsten and/or its compounds


Vanadium and/or its compounds


Zinc and/or its compounds

0.25 Identification characteristics. Manufacturer shall disclose to the Government the identification
characteristics required in table IV in accordance with the test method listed therein for each individual paint (mixed
and individual components, as applicable) in the system. Paint identification characteristics listed in table IV, when
tested in accordance with requirements in 3.4, shall conform to the values disclosed by the manufacturer. Toxicity. The paint shall contain no detectable asbestos, asbestos from pigments, benzene, toluene,
chlorinated solvents, hydrolyzable chlorine derivatives, coal tar or coal tar derivatives, tri-butyl tin compounds, or
any ACGIH carcinogenic or ACGIH suspected carcinogenic compounds. Crystalline silica shall be limited to
0.1 percent by weight of the dry film (see 3.5). Toxic products. When evaluated in accordance with 4.6 [the Health Hazard Assessment (HHA)], the
paint shall have no adverse effect on the health of personnel when used for its intended purpose (see 4.6 and 6.6).

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TABLE IV. Identification characteristics 1/.

Applicable ASTM
test method

Biocide (record manufacturing range or variation, %, method used to determine) 2/ 6/
Volatiles (record manufacturing range or variation, %)


--ASTM D2369

Nonvolatile vehicle (record manufacturing range or variation, %)

ASTM D2697

Consistency, gram equivalent KU (record manufacturing range or variation, KU)


Weight per unit volume (record manufacturing range or variation, g/L)

ASTM D1475

Dry-to-touch time [record maximum not to exceed 2 hours at 20 C (68 F), at

ASTM F718 film thickness]

ASTM D5895

Dry-hard time [record maximum not to exceed 16 hours at 20 C (68 F), at

ASTM F718 film thickness]

ASTM D5895

Flash point [record required minimum not less than 21 C (70 F)]

ASTM D3278

Pot life (where applicable) (record hours, temperatures)


R0 1.8 4/
All other paint system colors

--ASTM D1729

Infrared spectra of nonvolatile vehicle

ASTM D2621

Sag resistance (record minimum value)

ASTM D4400



Copper leach rate (Types II and IV only)

--2/ 6/

Ablation/erosion rate (Types I and II only)

ASTM D6442

2/ 6/

ASTM D4938,
ASTM D4939, or as
approved by

Copper content (Types II and IV only) 2/



Manufacturing range percentages having variations of more than 3%, without supporting documentation,
will be rejected and can cause delay or rejection of qualification. When specified (see 6.2), manufacturers
will provide documentation for any identification characteristics deemed non-applicable (i.e., drytime for a
tie-coat designed to be overcoated before completely drying). Also, should a test method not be applicable
for the product, the manufacturer will record the data and the alternative test method used.


Antifouling topcoats only.


VOC shall be determined in accordance with 4.4.3.


Determine in accordance with 4.4.8.


Certify in accordance with


Value as determined by manufacturer.

3.4 Qualitative requirements. See table IV for required tests.

3.4.1 Color. Colors of the individual paints of the paint systems shall:
a. Be as reported by vendor as an identification characteristic for that paint, when tested in accordance with, for the colors of the individual anticorrosive and tie-coat paints, except R0 color paints.

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b. For submarine service, have an Rw = 0.90.2, when measured in accordance with, for the R0 1.8
dark gray/black color anticorrosive topcoats of the paint system.
TABLE V. Tests.



Pigment (pesticide), %

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D2371

Volatiles, %

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D2369

Nonvolatile vehicle, %

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D2697

Consistency, gram equivalent KU

3.3.5 & table IV


Weight per unit volume, g/L

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D1475



Copper content of pigment, %

3.3.5 & table IV

Dry time, minimum

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D5895

Flash point, C

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D3278

Infrared spectra of nonvolatile vehicle

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D2621

Sag resistance

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D4400
(Method A)

Lead content

3.3.5 & table IV

ASTM D3335


3.4.1, table IV, 3.8


Condition in container

Shelf life

Partially full container

Accelerated storage stability

Resistance to tropical biofouling

- Panel tests
- Ship tests

Spraying properties



Brushing properties



Rolling properties






Cathodic protection compatibility



Pressure cycling





of table IV

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3.4.3 Storage stability. A previously unopened, original container of paint, when stored and tested as required
in through, shall:

Readily mix with a mechanical mixer within 5 minutes to a smooth uniform condition.


Be free of grit(s), seed, tough or gummy sediment, skins, hard pigment settling, and persistent foam.


Not vary from the characteristics established by table IV by more than the following:
(1) Consistency ten Kreb units (KU).
(2) Dry-to-touch and dry-hard times 60 minutes.
(3) Color see 3.4.1.a and 3.4.1.b.

(4) Each individual paint of the system shall be readily applied to the manufacturers ASTM F718 wet film
thickness with no sagging, running, or streaking. Shelf-life. An original, unopened can of each individual paint or component of the system shall meet
the requirements of 3.4.3 when conditioned as specified in Partially full container. Each individual paint or component of the system shall meet the requirements
of 3.4.3 when conditioned as specified in Accelerated storage stability. An original, unopened can of each individual paint or component of the
system shall meet the requirements of 3.4.3 when conditioned as specified in Condition in container. When tested in accordance with, the coating system or components shall
meet the requirements of 3.4.3.
3.4.4 Resistance to tropical biofouling organism attachment. Physical damage to the antifouling topcoat related
to the toughness of the film to withstand immersion and fouling growth/release shall be considered as part of the
percent of the total surface susceptible to marine fouling. Panel testing ( and ship testing ( may be
done concurrently at the discretion of NAVSEA. Panel tests. Type I, type II, and type IV, all grades and classes, application 1 and 2 paints. Type I, Type II, and
Type IV, all grades and classes, Application 1 and 2 paints shall meet the following requirements when tested in
accordance with

The anticorrosive paint layer shall:

(1) Not be exposed at any point due to erosion of the antifouling paint.
(2) Be free of peeling or flaking and shall not be rated lower than 8 few for blistering.


The antifouling topcoat shall not be rated:

(1) Lower than 9 (any pattern type) for checking.
(2) Lower than 9 (any pattern type) for cracking to the anticorrosive coating.
(3) Lower than 8 few for blistering.

c. The fouling resistance (FR) rating of the antifouling topcoat shall not be less than 90 (slime excluded) at
any time during the test. Type I and type II, all grades and classes, application 3 paints. Type I and Type II, all grades and
classes, Application 3 paints shall meet the requirements of, when tested in accordance with Type III, all grades, classes, and applications paints. Type III, all grades, classes, and applications
paints shall meet the following requirements when tested in accordance with
a. For those panels with more than 25 percent hard-fouling (i.e., barnacles, encrusting bryozoa, and
tubeworms) after the static immersion period, 60 percent of this fouling shall release by a 20 knot velocity in
channel flow testing.


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b. 80 percent of the total panel surface shall be free of hard-fouling (i.e., barnacles, encrusting bryozoa,
tunicates, and tubeworms) after each test run at 20 knots and 85 percent of the surface shall be free of hard-fouling
after testing at 30 knots.
c. Areas shall not accumulate fouling over a 1-year cycle. Any hard-fouling not removed at the end of a test
cycle shall be noted. This fouling in this area would be expected to grow over the next static immersion period.
Under the next flow channel cycle, this fouling shall be exposed to more significant hydrodynamic forces and be
removed. This is to say, the 2nd flow channel run shall remove any fouling left from the 1 st run, and the 3rd run shall
remove any fouling left after the 2nd run, etc.

There shall be less than 1 percent of the antifouling coating affected by damage after the test period.

e. Type IIIa (only). There shall be 80 percent of the total panel surface free of hard-fouling (i.e., barnacles,
encrusting bryozoa, tunicates, and tubeworms) after testing at a 10-knot velocity in flow channel testing. Ship tests. Ship tests shall meet the requirements of and when tested in accordance
with Ratings will exclude areas (e.g., docking blocks) not coated with the antifouling materials. Performance criteria. The test coating shall perform equal to or better than a qualified coating which
is applied to the entire underwater hull for patch testing, or as a patch for full ship testing. Performance criteria
include, but are not limited to, fouling control, ablation/erosion rate (if applicable), physical performance, and
cleaning requirements. Length of testing. Testing (patch or full ship) performed on any Government vessel shall be for
12 months minimum; commercial vessels shall be for 24 months minimum. Service life determination. The Government will monitor the performance of qualified products on
operational ships to establish compliance with the service life requirement for the appropriate application of the
paint system, as specified in 1.2.4.
3.4.5 Spraying properties. Each individual paint of the paint system, when mixed in accordance with
manufacturers instructions as listed on its corresponding ASTM F718 product data sheet, shall spray satisfactorily
when tested as specified in 4.4.5. The dry film shall show no running, sagging, blooming, blushing, bubbling,
cratering, dusting, floating, fogging, hazing, mottling, orange peel appearance, pinholing, seeding, or streaking.
3.4.6 Brushing properties. Each individual paint of the paint system, mixed in accordance with the
ASTM F718 product data sheet, shall brush easily and have good flowing and spreading qualities when tested as
specified in 4.4.6. The dried film shall show no running, sagging, blooming, blushing, bubbling, cratering, dusting,
floating, fogging, hazing, mottling, orange peel appearance, pinholing, seeding, or streaking.
3.4.7 Rolling properties. Each individual paint of the paint system, mixed in accordance with ASTM F718,
shall roll easily and have good flowing and spreading qualities when tested as specified in 4.4.7. The dried film
shall show no running, sagging, blooming, blushing, bubbling, cratering, dusting, floating, fogging, hazing, mottling,
orange peel appearance, pinholing, seeding, or streaking.
3.4.8 Recoatability. When tested as specified in 4.4.2, a recoat layer of antifouling paint shall show no peeling,
flaking, or delamination from the overcoated antifouling paint layer. The recoat layer shall also meet all the
requirements of for Type I, II, and IV paints and for Type III and Type IIIa paints.
3.4.9 Cathodic protection (CP) compatibility. When tested as specified in 4.4.9, the test paint shall not peel,
flake, blister, dissolve, or otherwise fail. Lifting of the antifouling from the primer around the drilled hole shall not
exceed 12.7 millimeters (mm) [0.5 inches (in)]. This test shall not apply for coatings being qualified for Class 3
(elastomeric) substrates. Anticorrosive primers that have been tested and approved for CP compatibility in
accordance with MIL-PRF-23236 need not be retested under this specification.
3.4.10 Pressure cycling. Pressure cycling shall be performed to determine compatibility of the qualifying paint
system to Class 3 substrates for submarine service. NSWC-SSES Code 617 may be contacted for pressure cycling


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3.5 Directions for use. The manufacturer shall provide written directions on each container for the mixing and
applying of the paint supplied and this direction shall include all information necessary to comply with the OSHA
Hazard Communication Act and FED-STD-313. Requirements for ASTM F718 product data sheets shall be as
specified (see 6.2).
3.6 EPA registration number. A U.S. EPA FIFRA antifouling paint registration number is required for all
Type I, II, and IV antifouling topcoat paints submitted for qualification to, or supplied to this specification. The
container label shall be EPA-approved (see 5.1). The manufacturer qualifying a Class 1, Grade C and Class 3,
Grade C antifouling topcoat paint may substitute a legal determination or EPA finding that the product does not
require registration under the provisions of FIFRA.
3.7 Volatile organic content (VOC). The VOC of each individual paint in the paint system shall not exceed that
allowed for the specific grade (see 3.3.3) for which qualification is being sought when tested in accordance with
3.8 Workmanship. The material shall be produced in accordance with the best commercial practices and shall
be of a quality necessary to ensure a uniform, packaged product in conformance with the requirements of section 3
when tested as specified in section 4. The paint described shall be suitable for the purpose intended (application to
ship in dry-dock, under ambient condition, with conventional tools, and equipment).
3.9 Batch specific VOC certification. Manufacturer shall prepare label instructions in accordance with
29 CFR 1910. Each container shall be affixed with a hazardous chemical warning label in accordance with
29 CFR 1910.1200. To comply with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollution (NESHAP) requirements for shipbuilding and ship repair, the following two statements
shall appear on each paint-can label:

Certification that the paint in the container meets the NESHAP requirements for shipbuilding and ship

b. Statement of the ratio of volatile content to solids expressed as grams of volatile organic hazardous air
pollutants (VOHAP) per liter of solids.
4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:

Qualification inspection (see 4.2).


Conformance inspection (see 4.3).

4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall consist of all tests specified in table IV and 4.5.
The products tested shall be materials drawn from regular production stocks. Testing of products on Government
ships shall be conducted at the convenience of the Government.
4.3 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall consist of the table V tests marked as such. Tests
shall be performed on each lot offered for delivery in accordance to the requirements of this specification.
4.3.1 Lot. A lot shall consist of an individual paint of the paint system of the same type, class, grade, and
application from a single uniform batch or a uniform blend of batches offered for delivery at one time. Batch. A batch shall consist of a quantity of an individual paint of the paint system from a single
finished product manufactured at the same time from the same units (sacks, cans, barrels, and so forth) or same
supplier lot labeled ingredients.
4.3.2 Sampling. Two representative random samples from each lot shall be tested. The samples shall be
packaged in separate containers. Minimum size for each sample shall be two containers of the size specified
(see 6.2). If one or more defects are found in any sample, the entire lot shall be rejected. The contractor has the
option of screening 100 percent of the rejected lot for the rejected characteristic(s), or providing a new lot which
shall be inspected as specified in 4.3.


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4.4 Test methods (all types). Test methods shall be as listed in table IV or as otherwise specified herein. The
requirements listed in table IV shall be tested in accordance with the applicable tests and test paragraphs listed
therein. Results of tests shall be in accordance with the requirements paragraph listed in table IV or in the test
4.4.1 Resistance to tropical biofouling organism attachment. Panel test.

Tests shall be conducted in Biscayne Bay, Florida; Daytona Beach, Florida; or Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.


Tests shall include 12 test panels prepared for each paint system.


Test panels shall be as follows:

(1) Class 1 panels shall be made of the steel specified in ASTM A1011/A1011M and a minimum of
3.175 millimeters ( inch) thick.
(2) Aluminum test panels for Class 2 testing shall be ASTM B209 (alloy 5086 H112) and a minimum of
6.35 mm ( inch) or as approved by NAVSEA.
(3) Test panels for Class 3 testing shall be of the material to which the coating is to be applied.
(4) Surface preparation of all steel test panels shall be in accordance with SSPC-SP 10/NACE No. 2
procedures; aluminum test panels shall be free of all contamination including dirt, grease, oil, and corrosion product;
and elastomeric substrates shall be in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
d. Paint thicknesses of each individual coating and the total system shall be in accordance with the
manufacturers ASTM F718 product data sheet.
e. Waterline immersion testing on six panels for each paint system shall be conducted in accordance with
ASTM D5479, and shallow submergence testing shall be conducted on the remaining six panels for each paint
system in accordance with ASTM D3623 for Type I, II, and IV paints. All panels in these tests shall be under
cathodic protection from a zinc anode. This shall be done with either an individual anode per panel or with a single
anode of sufficient capacity to polarize the entire set of test samples. Rate as follows:
(1) Fouling shall be rated in accordance with ASTM D6990 (for the purposes of fouling rating, the rating
shall be calculated by subtracting from 100 the percent of the surface area covered with fouling, not the sum of
individual species present).
(2) Checking shall be rated in accordance with ASTM D660.
(3) Cracking shall be rated in accordance with ASTM D661.
(4) Blistering shall be rated in accordance with ASTM D714.
(5) Inspect for exposed anticorrosive paint, as appropriate. Fouling at the panel edges shall be neglected.
Of the six panels in each test (waterline and shallow immersion), three shall be left undisturbed, under immersion for
the test duration. They shall not be rinsed in any fashion. The remainder may be removed on a regular schedule and
rinsed with low pressure water [<350 kPa (50 psi)] for inspection. At the end of the requisite exposure period, all
panels shall be low pressure rinsed, inspected, and rated.
f. Types I, II, and IV, all classes, all grades, Application 1 paints shall be tested for 12 months. Paint systems
shall meet the requirements of
g. Types I and II, all classes, all grades, Application 2 paints shall be tested for 24 months, with an evaluation
made after 12 months. Paint systems shall meet the requirements of
h. Types I and II, all classes, all grades, Application 3 paints shall be tested as in, and then show
sufficient ablation/erosion rates (see table IV) to meet the service life requirement.

Testing of systems belonging to Type III, all classes, grades and applications shall be conducted as follows:


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(1) The testing shall consist of test panels subjected to a static exposure for a 2-4 month period [in
Biscayne Bay, Florida; Daytona Beach, Florida; or Pearl Harbor, Hawaii followed by flow channel testing
(ASTM D4938)]. This process is one cycle. The total test shall include a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 cycles
or extend nominally 1 to 2 years in duration. Testing shall be completed until at least one observation of 25 percent
hard-fouling and one observation of 40 percent hard-fouling (i.e., barnacles, encrusting bryozoa, and tubeworms)
occurs following the static period or the maximum of 8 test cycles are completed.
(2) Each test panel shall be 6 inches by 12 inches by 0.125 inches thick. Four panels shall be subjected to
testing. Test panels shall be exposed nominally 1 meter below the waterline. The test surface shall face horizontal
down. (Only one side of the panel shall serve as the test surface.) The backside of the panel shall be coated with a
nontoxic material and secured in such a fashion to a backing plate to discourage fouling on this surface.
(3) For testing, the panel shall be removed from the static test site and immersed into a flow channel
apparatus for testing in general accordance with ASTM D4938. Single-sided exposure of the test surface is
acceptable. Should the flow channel not be co-located with the exposure site, transportation of the panels is
acceptable provided that: (a) they are maintained in a wet condition immersed in a sample of the local seawater, and
(b) the transportation and flow channel testing can be initiated within 36 hours.
(4) Within the flow channel, two panels shall be installed in the test section with a maximum velocity of
20 knots. Two shall be installed in the section with a maximum velocity of 30 knots.
(5) The flow channel shall allow for incremental velocity testing up to the test speeds. The initial velocity
(in the 20-knot section) shall be in the range of 3-6 knots. Increments in the test velocity shall be about 8 percent.
The flow channel shall be run with fresh, natural seawater. A maximum temperature rise of 5 C is allowed between
the background temperature and the test temperature. The complete test run shall extend for 36 hours (nominally).
(6) At the conclusion of the flow channel run, the panels shall be removed from the test, photographed,
and returned to the static exposure site. Panel shall remain wet in seawater during all phases of testing and

Type IIIa shall be tested as above for Type III paints, except that the flow channel velocity shall be 10 Ship test. Ship tests (patch and full) shall:

a. Have individual paints of the total system applied and cured in accordance with the requirements of the
manufacturers ASTM F718 product data sheet for those products (see 3.3).
b. Have the test ship(s) operate in high biofouling tropical or sub-tropical areas such as the Caribbean,
Mediterranean, or Western Pacific. Ship antifouling coatings shall not be underwater scrubbed or otherwise
maintained. Data from ships subject to underwater hull cleaning shall not be accepted.
c. Have ship inspections conducted in accordance with ASTM F1130. Rating of waterborne ships shall be in
accordance with standard industry practices. Record:
(1) Checking in accordance with ASTM D660.
(2) Cracking in accordance with ASTM D661.
(3) Blistering in accordance with ASTM D714.
d. Biofouling or physical failure due to verifiable physical damage that has removed the anticorrosive paint to
the steel hull or removed the antifouling paint to the anticorrosive layers may be subtracted from the percentage area
biofouled or anticorrosive paint failure.
e. Have patch tests of 3 meters (10 feet) in width (minimum) located amidships with underwater hull systems
running from the keel to the heavy load line and boottop systems running from the heavy load line to the light load
line. Patch tests shall include:
(1) A 3-meter (10-foot) wide (minimum) section of the antifouling component of the paint system being
qualified, applied over a standard NAVSEA-approved antifouling system.
(2) A 3-meter (10-foot) wide (minimum) section of a NAVSEA-approved antifouling system, for
comparison, if a NAVSEA-approved antifouling system is not applied to the test ship. This shall be of the same
class and type as the system being qualified (i.e., one shall use a Type I, Class 1 coating as a control for a Type I,
Class 1 qualification process.)


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(3) Manufacturer commercial ship patch tests shall be on commercial, Military Sealift Command (MSC),
Maritime Administration (MARAD), or other Government agency ships. The application and inspections shall be
certified and verified by a disinterested third party mutually agreed on by NAVSEA and the paint vendor and shall
be at the vendors cost. The ship operations (travel routes, ports, times in port, and lay-up times) shall be recorded.
(4) Tests of paint systems intended for elastomeric substrates shall be conducted only on Government
ships having extensive elastomeric surfaces.
f. Full ship applications shall consist of a full hull application of the manufacturers total commercial system,
except that the following shall be included:
(1) Unless waived by NAVSEA, there shall be a control paint system applied consisting of a system
chosen from the qualified products list (QPL) of this specification, or as otherwise approved by NAVSEA. This
control paint system shall be applied to provide a comparator for the test system.
(2) Commercial, MSC, MARAD, or other Government agency ships applications and inspections must be
certified and verified by a disinterested third party mutually agreed on by NAVSEA and the paint vendor at the
vendors cost. The ship operations shall be certified and verifiable with travel, port time, and lay-up times
(3) The application and inspections of full ship applications to Government ships shall be at a Naval
shipyard or under Navy contract at a commercial shipyard. The application shall be inspected by a Navy
representative at Navy cost.
g. Paints in service on Navy ships will be monitored by the Government for 2, 5, 7, or 12 years, as
appropriate. Paints shall meet the requirements of
4.4.2 Recoatability. Types I, II, and IV. Two panels from each set of test systems shall be retrieved from those tested in after completion of the required test. These panels shall be removed from test and shall be cleaned for a
period not to exceed 2 minutes with freshwater at a nominal pressure of 15,000 to 20,000 kPa (2175 to 2900 psi).
Test panels shall not be allowed to dry between being removed from test and the pressure cleaning. Dry for 24
hours at ambient conditions. Recoat one-half of each test panel with one coat of the same topcoat as originally used.
Recoating shall be in accordance with the manufacturers ASTM F718 instructions. Application and curing of this
recoat paint film shall be in accordance with the manufacturers ASTM F718 instructions. The recoated panels shall
be immersed for 3 months as specified in Rate as specified in Test paints shall meet the
requirements of 3.4.8. Types III and IIIa. Two panels of each set of test systems shall be retrieved from those tested in,
after completion of the required test. These panels shall be removed from test and shall be cleaned for a period not
to exceed 2 minutes with freshwater at a nominal pressure of 15,000 to 20,000 kPa (2175 to 2900 psi). Test panels
shall not be allowed to dry between being removed from test and the pressure cleaning. Dry for 24 hours at ambient
conditions. Recoat one-half of each test panel with one coat of the same topcoat as originally used. Recoating shall
be in accordance with the manufacturers ASTM F718 instructions. Application and curing of this recoat paint film
shall be in accordance with the manufacturers ASTM F718 instructions. The recoated panels shall be tested for
3 months as specified in Rate as specified in Test paints shall meet the requirements of 3.4.8.
4.4.3 Volatile organic content (VOC). VOC shall be determined in accordance with EPA Method 24
(40 CFR 60). The VOC of each paint shall comply with the requirements of table IV and 3.7.
4.4.4 Storage stability. Shelf life. Store an original, unopened container of each individual paint or component of the system
for two years under warehouse conditions, at or below 27 C (80 F), and at or below 50 percent relative humidity.
Original, unopened containers of Type III and Type IIIa paints shall be stored for up to one year under the same
warehouse conditions. Paints shall conform to the requirements in Partially full container. Expose a sealed, two-thirds full container [4 liters (1 gallon) or less] of each
individual paint or component of the system for 7 days at 60 C (140 F). Paints shall conform to the requirements


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MIL-PRF-24647E Accelerated storage stability. Expose an original, unopened container of each individual paint or
component of the system to a temperature of 60 C (140 F) (nominal) continually for 30 days. Paints shall conform
to the requirements in Condition in container. Condition in container shall be determined in accordance with FED-STD-141,
Method 3011.3. Paint shall meet the requirements of
4.4.5 Spraying properties. Each individual paint of the paint system shall be mixed in accordance with the
manufacturers ASTM F718 product data sheet. Using the manufacturers ASTM F718 designated spray equipment,
spray each paint onto individual ground-glass panels to the manufacturers ASTM F718 recommended wet film
thickness. The panel shall be observed for spraying properties. The dry film shall be inspected for running, sagging,
blooming, blushing, bubbling, cratering, dusting, floating, fogging, hazing, mottling, orange peel appearance,
pinholing, seeding, or streaking. The test results for each individual paint shall meet the requirements of 3.4.5.
4.4.6 Brushing properties. Each individual paint of the paint system shall be mixed in accordance with the
manufacturers ASTM F718 product data sheet. Using the manufacturers ASTM F718 designated equipment,
brush each paint onto individual ground-glass panels to the manufacturers ASTM F718 recommended wet film
thickness. The brushing properties of the paint shall be determined. The dry film shall be inspected for running,
sagging, blooming, blushing, bubbling, cratering, dusting, floating, fogging, hazing, mottling, orange peel
appearance, pinholing, seeding, or streaking. The test results for each individual paint shall meet the requirements
of 3.4.6.
4.4.7 Rolling properties. Each individual paint of the paint system shall be mixed in accordance with the
manufacturers ASTM F718 product data sheet. Using the manufacturers ASTM F718 designated equipment, roll
each paint onto individual ground-glass panels to the manufacturers ASTM F718 recommended wet film thickness.
The rolling properties of the paint shall be determined. The dry film shall be inspected for running, sagging,
blooming, blushing, bubbling, cratering, dusting, floating, fogging, hazing, mottling, orange peel appearance,
pinholing, seeding, or streaking. The test results for each individual paint shall meet the requirements 3.4.7.
4.4.8 Color. Anticorrosive, tie-coat paints. Red antifouling topcoats shall be visually consistent with the pigments
used. The color of black and gray antifouling topcoat paints and individual paints (except anticorrosive topcoats in
R0 colors) shall be determined. Use at least three standard illuminants to compare the color. In case of doubt, color
differences (delta L, delta a, and delta b) shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D2244 using a D-65 light
source, a 45-degree illumination angle, and a 0-degree viewing angle. Color shall be in accordance with the
requirements of 3.4.1.a. Color of camouflage R0 anticorrosive paints. Test panels of each R0 dark gray/black color paint shall be
prepared and allowed to cure at least 24 hours before testing. The ASTM D2244 LH value color of the R 0
anticorrosive topcoats shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E1347. Before measuring the color, wet the
surface of the painted test panel with water to which a small amount of colorless surfactant has been added (a water
solution containing less than 1 percent surfactant). The area to be measured shall be completely coated with the
water film when it is inserted into the reflectometer for measurement. Check the test panel for complete water
coverage after the measurement is completed. If the water film does not completely cover the area just measured,
discard the measurement and repeat the process until a measurement is obtained on a test panel having complete
water coverage both at the start and the end of the measurement. This ASTM D2244 LH value obtained is defined
as Rw. The Rw measured shall conform to the appropriate requirements of 3.4.1.b.


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4.4.9 Cathodic protection compatibility. Two steel panels shall be retrieved from those tested in after
completion of the required test. Each test panel shall be electrically connected by an insulated copper wire to an
ASTM G80 magnesium anode and shall have a 3.175 mm ( inch) (nominal) hole drilled through the coating to the
metal at the center of the test panel. The electrical resistance between a point on the surface of the anode and the
metal in the drilled hole of the test panel shall be less than 0.01 ohm, when checked with an ohm meter. Connecting
points on the test panel shall be coated with an epoxy compound for insulation. The test panel shall be reinstalled in
the ASTM D3623 test in such a manner as to separate the test panel from the magnesium anode by 60 centimeters (2
feet) (nominal) for a period of 3 months. At the completion of the 3-month test, inspect each test panel for lifting or
undercutting around the drilled hole, peeling, blistering, dissolving, or other paint film defects. Test results shall be
in accordance with the requirements of 3.4.9.
4.4.10 Pressure cycling. NSWC-SSES Code 617 may be contacted for material testing and qualification.
4.4.11 Soluble and total metal content. Soluble and total metal content shall be determined on a dry paint film
made from each individual paint of the paint system in accordance with the 40 CFR Part 261.24(a), Toxicity
Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). Test results shall be in accordance with the requirements of 3.3.5.
4.5 Toxicological product formulations. The toxic(s), biocides, or pesticides used in the product being
qualified shall be in accordance with the requirements of the type for which the product is being qualified (see 3.3.1
and 6.3). The contractor shall have the toxicological product formulations and associated information available for
review by the contracting activity to evaluate the safety of the material for the proposed use.
4.6 Toxicity. An HHA shall be conducted to ensure conformance to, as required by the qualifying
activity. The Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) will evaluate the paint using the
administrative HHA data provided by the manufacturer/distributor to the NMCPHC.
5.1 Packaging. For acquisition purposes, the packaging requirements shall be as specified in the contract or
order (see 6.2). When packaging of materiel is to be performed by DoD or in-house contractor personnel, these
personnel need to contact the responsible packaging activity to ascertain packaging requirements. Packaging
requirements are maintained by the Inventory Control Points packaging activities within the Military Service or
Defense Agency, or within the military services system commands. Packaging data retrieval is available from the
managing Military Departments or Defense Agencys automated packaging files, CD-ROM products, or by
contacting the responsible packaging activity.
(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)
6.1 Intended use. This specification covers a variety of high grade paint systems. These coatings are intended
for application to ship hulls to prevent marine biofouling and corrosion. Types I and II antifouling topcoat paints are
intended to polish (erode or ablate) under water flow conditions to provide a biofouling free, smooth hull for fuel
efficiency. Type III antifouling topcoat paints are intended to provide a foul-release topcoat while Type IV
antifouling topcoat paints provide biofouling control without eroding. The paint systems covered by this
specification include paints that can be applied to steel, aluminum, and rubber substrates. Antifouling paint
conforming to present air protection regulations (1990) is required as Grade A, but the specification provides grades
at lesser VOC levels to encourage manufacturers to develop more environmentally acceptable materials. Except for
the biocide-containing antifouling topcoats of Types I, II, and IV, the individual dried paint residues and dry paint
contaminated debris may constitute non-hazardous waste.
6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the following:

Title, number, and date of this specification.


Type, class, grade, and application of paint required (see 1.2).


Certifications (if any) required (see

d. Requirement for written certification and technical justification that formulation changes do not negatively
affect the long-term properties of the material (see


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e. Requirement for the documentation for any identification characteristics deemed non-applicable including
data and alternative test method used for test methods that are not applicable for the product (see table IV).

Requirements for ASTM F718 product data sheets (see 3.5).


Packaging requirements (see 5.1).


Size of container required (see 6.7).

6.3 Qualification. With respect to products requiring qualification, awards will be made only for products
which are, at the time of award of contract, qualified for inclusion in Qualified Products List QPL No. 24647
whether or not such products have actually been so listed by that date. The attention of the contractors is called to
these requirements, and manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products that they propose to offer to the
Federal Government tested for qualification in order that they may be eligible to be awarded contracts or orders for
the products covered by this specification. Information pertaining to qualification of products may be obtained from
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, ATTN: SEA 05S, 1333 Isaac Hull Avenue, SE, Stop 5160,
Washington Navy Yard DC 20376-5160 or emailed to An online listing of
products qualified to this specification may be found in the Qualified Products Database (QPD) at
6.4 Material safety data sheets and ASTM F718 product data sheets. Contracting officers will identify those
activities requiring copies of completed Material Safety Data Sheets prepared in accordance with FED-STD-313 and
ASTM F718 product data sheets. An MSDS and ASTM F718 product data sheet will be included with all packaged
or packed paint containers (see 3.5). The pertinent Government mailing addresses for submission of data are in
6.5 Shelf-life. This specification covers items where the assignment of a Federal shelf-life code is a
consideration. Specific shelf-life requirements should be specified in the contract or purchase order, and should
include, as a minimum, shelf-life code, shelf-life package markings in accordance with MIL-STD-129 or
FED-STD-123, preparation of a materiel quality storage standard for Type II (extendible) shelf-life items, and a
minimum of 85 percent shelf-life remaining at time of receipt by the Government. These and other requirements, if
necessary, are in DoD 4140.27-M, Shelf-life Management Manual. The shelf-life codes are in the Federal Logistics
Information System Total Item Record. Additive information for shelf-life management may be obtained from DoD
4140.27-M, or the designated shelf-life Points of Contact (POC). The POC should be contacted in the following
order: (1) the Inventory Control Points that manage the item and (2) the DoD Service and Agency administrators for
the DoD Shelf-Life Program. Appropriate POCs for the DoD Shelf-Life Program can be contacted through the DoD
Shelf-Life Management website:
6.6 Toxicity evaluation. The NMCPHC requires sufficient information to permit an HHA of the product.
Upon completion of the HHA, a copy will be provided by the NMCPHC to the Government for evaluation.
6.7 Packaging recommendations. Suggested packaging requirements are contained in tables VI and VII.


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TABLE VI. Packaging.


Recommended requirements for direct Government acquisitions

Containers (except
Type VIII and Type

a. The components should be specified to be furnished in cans appropriate to kit

requirements capable of holding 0.47 liter (1 pint), 0.945 liter (1 quart), 3.78 liters
(1 gallon), and 18.9 liters (5 gallons). Kits should consist of two containers, one of
which should be large enough to contain all components for mixing purposes.
b. Multiple friction plug containers should be in accordance with PPP-C-96, Type V,
Class 2. Interior coatings should be as specified therein. Exterior coatings,
including side seam stripping, should be as specified therein for Plan B. Wire
handles as specified therein, should be provided for the 1-gallon container. Closure
of the properly filled and sealed cans should be as specified in the appendix thereto.
c. All containers should comply with the requirements of the Uniform Freight
Classifications (UFC), the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC), and the
applicable requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR, Department of
Transportation (DOT).
d. Unit of procurement: The paints covered by this specification should be purchased
by volume. The unit of procurement should be in multiples of 1 liter or 1 U.S. liquid
gallon at 15.5 C (60 F).

Commercial packaging
(including Type VIII
and Type VIIIa)

a. Commercial packaging should be to ASTM D3951.

b. All containers should comply with the requirements of the UFC, the NMFC, and the
applicable requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR, Department of
Transportation (DOT).


Packing should be specified as follows:

a. Overseas delivery packing. Intermediate containers of like-size kits of paint should
be packed in close-fitting wood boxes conforming to ASTM D6251, overseas type,
or ASTM D6880, Class 2. Box closure and strapping should be as specified in the
applicable box specification or the appendix thereto except that strapping should be
flat and the finish B.
b. Domestic delivery (Level B) packing. Level B packing should be as for Level A,
except that boxes should be domestic type or class and the strapping should be finish
A or B.
c. Commercial packing. The paint in the unit kit and intermediate containers should, as
applicable, be packed in multiples of like sizes in accordance with UFC, NMFC, and
49 CFR requirements.


Intermediate containers should be palletized in accordance with MIL-STD-147. Only

one size unit or intermediate container should be placed on a pallet.


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TABLE VI. Packaging - Continued.


Recommended requirements for direct Government acquisitions

Intermediate containers

Paints should be packaged in intermediate containers as kits. Intermediate containers

should be close-fitting corrugated fiberboard boxes in accordance with UFC, NMFC, and
49 CFR requirements. Fiberboard used in the construction of interior (unit and
intermediate) and exterior containers, including interior packaging forms, should
conform to ASTM D4727. ASTM D4727 classes should be domestic fire-retardant or
weather resistant fire-retardant (see 6.2).

Packing for
acquisitions involving
direct delivery to Navy
ships or installations

Treated lumber and plywood. All lumber and plywood, including laminated veneer
materials, used in shipping container and pallet construction, member, blocking, bracing,
and reinforcing, must be fire-retardant treated material in accordance with MIL-L-19140
as follows:
a. General use, weather resistant:
MIL-L-19140, Type II, Category I.
b. General use, non-weather resistant:
MIL-L-19140, Type I, Category I.

Unit kits

The paints covered by this specification should be packed and packaged as kits.

Material safety data

sheets (MSDS) and
product/procedure data

A copy of the MSDS and company product data/procedure sheets should be attached to
the shipping document for each destination (see 6.4).

VOC certification

VOC certification sheets will be provided by the manufacturer for each batch of
combined Parts A and B for each coat of the coating system when requested by the
procuring activity.
TABLE VII. Marking.

Marking type

Recommended marking

Bar codes

Marking should include bar codes.

Hazardous warnings

a. Labels should be in accordance with 29 CFR Parts 1910, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1926,
and 1928.
b. All individual containers should have the following marking:
CAUTION: This paint contains volatile solvents, with probable hazardous vapors.
Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors or spray mists.
The solvents are highly flammable, avoid open flame and smoking.
c. Each component container, shipping container, and palletized load should be marked
with the appropriate hazardous symbol.
d. Unit containers should be marked: This product is Asbestos, Lead, Chromium,
Cadmium free, except for possible trace levels. Types V, VI, and VII should also
be marked: This product is free of volatile organic hazardous air pollutants
(VOHAPS/HAPS), except for possible trace levels.


Contains (insert VOC content) grams per liter (insert VOC content in lb/gal) of volatile
organic content per 40 CFR 60, Appendix A (EPA) Method 24. Maximum thinning
allowed is (insert number in g/L, lb/gal and volume/gal [if appropriate]).

Hazardous air

Contains [insert HAP content here in g/L and lb/gal] solids (nonvolatiles) per 40 CFR

Shelf life

Each unit container, intermediate container where applicable, and shipping container
should be marked as follows: Date of first re-inspection (insert here date 2 years after
date of manufacture).


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6.8 Subject term (key word) listing.

Cuprous oxide
Underwater hull
6.9 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with
respect to the previous issue due to the extent of the changes.

Army CR4
Navy SH
Air Force 99

Preparing activity:
Navy SH
(Project 8010-2013-015)

Review activities:
Army MR
Navy CG

NOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this document. Since
organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above using the
ASSIST Online database at


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