Geddes, Barbara - Paradigms and Castles
Geddes, Barbara - Paradigms and Castles
Geddes, Barbara - Paradigms and Castles
Sand Castles
Theory Building and Research Design
in Comparative Politics
FLACSO- Biblioteca
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IT. Series.
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L in d a L. F o w ler, Candidates, Congress, and the Am erican Dem ocracy
O le R. H olsti, Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy
Scott G ates and B rian D. H u m es, Gam es, Information, and Politics:
To John
may not have had much experience with it or who may have
misconceptions about it. The chapter also reviews the many sub
stantive areas in which rational choice arguments have been
used, so that those interested will know where to find out more. I
do not seek to proselytize for the rational choice approach. In
stead, I use it as an example of an approach that incorporates
many of the features that contribute to theoretical fruitfulness.
We should keep these features in mind as we search for ap
proaches that suit particular subjects better than rational choice
The choice of approach logically precedes the proposal of
hypotheses and testing, though one may, of course, test hypothe
ses drawn from multiple approaches. If the order o f chapters in
this book followed this logic, the chapter on approaches would
come near the beginning. I put it at the end, however, because I
do not want rational choice to frame the whole book. I believe
the methodological suggestions made here are relevant and use
ful to anyone who seeks to explain political outcomes, regardless
o f approach.
The book covers a narrow and perhaps idiosyncratic range of
topics. Certainly there are other aspects of research design that
deserve attention. I do not claim that if we follow the advice in
this book, scholars in other disciplines will stop responding to the
term political science with amusement. We have a long way to go
before the wishful thinking embodied in that label approaches
reality, and some believe that the aspiration displayed in that
name is not only unrealistic but undesirable. For those who find
science as a vocation 1* a compelling goal, however, the advice
in this book aims to prevent casual, uninformed, or unintended
ventures off the long path leading to that goal. It aims not to
provide a set of clear and mechanical rules of research design,
but rather to foment thoughtful and innovative ways of using the
inadequate and fuzzy evidence we actually have in order to build
Big Questions, L iule Answers
exciting shows both its creator and those who are exposed to it
something about the process that they had not perceived before.1
When a model seems to fit the essential features of a situation, it
enables the analyst to understand that situation more clearly and
deeply than before. It also aids in communicating this under
standing to others.
The collective action problem, usually expressed in purely
verbal terms, is probably the best-known example of a model
that simply changed the way we understand the world. Prior to
the dissemination of the idea that individuals will not find it
rational to expend their own resources in order to secure public
goods for groups of which they are members, the failure of vari
ous disadvantaged groups to organize politically was considered
puzzling. Much ink was spilled explaining false consciousness.
Since Mancur Olson's very striking articulation (1965) of the
collective action problem, our baseline expectations about politi
cal mobilization have been inverted. We now find it puzzling,
and hence worthy of explanation, when large groups do manage
to organize in order to press for some public good.
Another widely used model is the idea of evolutionary selec
tion. The central idea here is that outcomes may occur in the
absence of intentional decision making because the actors, orga
nizations, states, parties, or other entities that fail to behave in
certain ways will lose office or go out o f existence. Thus the only
ones that remain will be those that did behave as required, even
though they may not have understood their situation or made
conscious decisions about it. Probably the most famous example
o f the use of this logic comes from Richard Nelson and Sidney
Winter (1982), who found that managers of firms do not really
think much about maximizing profit. Nevertheless, they argue,
firms behave as though their managers sought to maximize
profit, because the firms of those managers who deviate greatly
from what they would do if they were maximizing profit go bank
rupt. The same logic can be used to explain the prevalence of
contiguous territorial states as the main large-scale form of gover
nance in the world today. A t one time, many rulers laid claims to
noncontiguous pieces of territory, and they did not decide to give
up outlying bits in order to concentrate on consolidating their
rule in the contiguous areas. Instead, wars, uprisings, and the
F o r an extensive and wonderfully useful discussion o f m odels in the social
sciences, see L a ve and M arch (19 75).
edly asking, If this argument were true, what would I see in the
real w orld? Some scholars seem impelled by intuition to engage
in this kind of reasoning, but anyone can train himself to do it as
part of a regular routine. To demonstrate deriving implications
from an argument, let us use Barrington M oores famous apho
rism no bourgeois, no democracy 3 (1966, 418) as a simple
example. Since there are no contemporary societies that are liter
ally without a bourgeoisie, and since the aphorism is stated in
absolutes but the world is probabilistic, it can be restated in
social sciencese as: The likelihood of democracy increases once
the size of the bourgeoisie has passed a certain threshold. If
bourgeois is taken to refer to the commercial and industrial bour
geoisie but not government bureaucrats, the implications of this
argument include the following:
Democracies would not be expected to occur before the
industrial and commercial revolutions.
The establishment of democracies would be expected
first in the countries that industrialized first.
In the contemporary world, democracy would be more
likely in more industrialized countries.
Democracy would be less likely in countries in which
wealth comes mainly from the export of mineral re
sources (because comparative advantage might be ex
pected to reduce industrial investment).
The likelihood of democracy would decline as state own
ership of economic resources rose.
Democracy would be less likely in countries in which
foreigners or pariah capitalists excluded from the politi
cal community own most enterprises.
The point of this rather simpleminded exercise is that to test
the famous aphorism, one need not count the members of the
industrial and commercial bourgeoisie in each country and then
correlate the count with the Freedom House democracy scale.
Instead of, or in addition to, a direct test of an argument, one can
figure out some of its observable implications and test them.
Some of the implications of any argument will be consistent with
more than one theory, but if enough implications can be drawn,
This academ ic sound bite is M oores summ ary o f M arx, not o f his own argu
ment. It is useful in the current context because it is so sim ple, not because it captures
M o o res argum ent.
not all will be consistent with both the proposed argument and
the same rival hypothesis. Although one cannot test all argu
ments and cannot always reject alternative interpretations for
given sets of findings, one can, through tests of multiple implica
tions, build support for a particular causal explanation one brick
at a time.
If instead of the aphorism which is itself an assertion about a
correlation I had used an argument that, like those advocated
by Bates et al., showed the moving parts in the causal mecha
nism. the number of implications would have been multiplied.
Implications can be drawn from every link in the logical chain,
not just from the hypothesized relationship between initial cause
and final effect. Big, romantic, untestable ideas can be made
amenable to rigorous investigation by first breaking them up into
their component processes and then theorizing these processes
one at a time. In the example below, I demonstrate drawing
implications from causal mechanisms.
Breaking up the traditional big questions of comparative poli
tics into the processes that contribute to them would make pos
sible the construction and testing of theories. I would not label
this shift in the focus of analysis as a move from grand to mid
range theory. A persuasive theory, backed by solid evidence,
about one of the several processes that combine to lead to a
transformational outcome strikes me as very grand indeed.
An Example of Breaking Up a Big Question
into Processes
during the stage when the analyst has to figure out how to think
about the problem in a fruitful way. This example goes through
those initial steps in considerable detail.
I chose transitions as an example because of its normative and
academic importance. During recent decades, the last authoritar
ian holdouts in capitalist Europe, nearly all countries in Latin
Am erica and Eastern Europe, and some countries in Asia and
Africa have democratized. At the beginning of 1974, the year
identified by Samuel Huntington (1991) as the start of the third
wave of democratization, dictatorships of one kind or another
governed 80 countries.4 Only 15 of these dictatorships still sur
vived at the end of 2000. During these years, 93 authoritarian
regimes collapsed (some countries endured more than one dicta
torship during the period). These transitions had resulted in 40
democracies that survived at the end of 2000, some quite flawed
but many stable and broadly competitive; 9 democracies that
lasted only a short time before being overthrown in their turn;
and 35 new authoritarian regimes, 15 of which lasted into the new
millennium.5 No one knows if these will be the last transitions for
these countries, but so far, contrary to initial expectations, new
democracies have proved fairly resilient. The study of these transi
tions has become a m ajor focus of scholarly attention.
Some of the finest minds in comparative politics have worked
on this subject. The body of literature on transitions now includes
hundreds, perhaps thousands, of case studies of particular transi
tions, dozens of comparisons among small numbers of cases, and
at least half a dozen important efforts at theoretically informed
generalizations. A number of descriptive generalizations have
become rather widely accepted. One example is the observation
that there is no transition whose beginning is not the conse
quence direct or indirect of important divisions within the au
thoritarian regime itself" (O Donnell and Schmitter 1986, 19); a
second is that pacts between competing elites facilitate the success
ful transition to democracy (Karl 1986, 1990; Higley and Gunther
4. Figures here and elsewhere in this chapter are drawn from a data set I have
collected that includes all authoritarian regim es (except m onarchies) lasting three
years or m ore, in existence at any time since 1946, in countries with a million or
m ore inhabitants. If m onarchies and countries with less than a million inhabitants
were included, the number o f authoritarian regim es would be larger. See G eddes
(1999a) for more details about the data set.
5. O utcom e numbers exclude regim es in countries created as a result o f border
changes during transitions, thus they do not sum to 93.
Minority Faction
4, 5
2, -10
3, -10
5, 4
M a jo rity
Fig. 2.1.
(Leader's Faction)
in office
out of office
in office
8, 10
5, 1
out of office
3, 9
0, 0
Fig. 2.2.
policy, some for the pure enjoyment of influence and power, and
some for the illicit material gains that can come with office. The
game between single-party factions is shown in figure 2.2. The
insight behind this game is that everyones cooperation is needed
in order to achieve a desired end, and no one can achieve it
alone. In this game, no one ever has an incentive to do anything
but cooperate to remain in office.
In this game the best outcome for everyone is for both the
majority faction and the rival faction to hold office (payoffs are
shown in the upper left cell). The worst outcome occurs when
both are out o f power (shown in the lower right cell). The upper
right cell shows the payoffs when the party has lost control of
government but the minority faction still fills some seats in the
legislature or holds other offices as an opposition to the new
government. The minoritys payoff when in opposition is lower
than when its party holds power because the opposition has
fewer opportunities to exercise influence or line pockets. In the
lower left cell, the minority faction is excluded from office, but
the dominant faction of the party still rules. In this case, the
minority continues to receive some benefits, since its policy pref
erences are pursued and party connections are likely to bring
various opportunities, but members of the excluded minority
receive none of the specific perquisites of office. The majority is
also worse off, because exclusion gives the minority an incentive
to try to unseat the majority. Combatting the minority is both
risky and costly for the majority.
Factions form in single-party regimes around policy differences
and competition for leadership positions, as they do in other kinds
of regimes, but everyone is better off if all factions remain united
and in office. This is why co-optation rather than exclusion charac
terizes established single-party regimes. Neither faction would be
better off ruling alone, and neither would voluntarily withdraw
from office unless exogenous events changed the costs and bene
fits of cooperating with each other (and hencc changed the game
In contrast to what happens in military and single-party re
gimes, the political fate of the close allies of a personalist dicta
tor is tied to the fate of the dictator himself. [IJnsiders in a
patrimonial ruling coalition are unlikely to promote reform. . . .
Recruited and sustained with material inducements, lacking an
independent political base, and thoroughly compromised by cor
ruption, they are dependent on the survival of the incumbent
(Bratton and van de Walle 1997, 86). Personalist dictatorships
rarely survive for long after the death or ouster of the dictator,
perhaps bccause dictators, in their efforts to defend themselves
from potential rivals, so assiduously eliminate followers who
demonstrate high levels of ability and ambition.
In personalist regimes, one leader dominates the military, the
state apparatus, and the ruling party, if there is one. Because so
much power is concentrated in the hands of this one individual, he
generally controls the coalition-building agenda. Consequently,
the game between factions in a personalist regime must be de
picted as a game tree instead of a two-by-two matrix in order to
capture the leader's control over first m oves.20 As shown in fig
ure 2.3, the leaders faction has the initiative, choosing to share
the spoils and perks with the rival faction or not. The choice I have
labeled hoard can be interpreted either as limiting the opportu
nities and rents available to the rival faction or as excluding some
of its members altogether. In the example shown in this figure, the
amount of hoarding is small (the payoff to members of the rival
faction for continued cooperation despite hoarding by the rulers
faction is 6); perhaps members of the rival faction are not offered
the choicest opportunities, or perhaps a few' of its members are
jailed but the rest continue to prosper. If the whole rival faction
were excluded from all benefits, their payoff for continued co
19. The econom ic shocks o f the 1980s and 1990s changed these costs and benefits
in many countries, reducing the incentive o f potential rivals to cooperate with rulingparty leaders and thus destabilizing regim es. T h e gam e used here shows the incen
tives to cooperate during good times. A different gam e would be needed to capture
(he choiccs facing single-party cadres after serious exogenous shocks.
20. Two-by-two m atrices, often used to dcpict simple prisoners dilem m as, battleof-the-sexes gam es, chicken gam es, and so on. assume sim ultaneous decisions by the
players or a lack o f information about how the other has chosen. M ore com plicated
gam es, including those in which one player chooses first and the second chooses
know ing how the first has chosen, have to be depicted using a gam e tree or equations.
F L A C S G -B ih lio te c a
Majority faction
Minority faction
cooperate /
(probability = p),
-2 p
12 p
Fig. 2.3.
1 0 ( 1 - P)
-2(1 - p)
-2 p
12(1 -p )
-2(1 -p )
operation would be much lower, but rarely lower than the payoff
for refusing to cooperate.
After the leader's faction has chosen its strategy, the rival
faction must decide whether to continue supporting the regime
or not. During normal times, it has strong reasons to continue.
Because its members face the prospect of losing all visible
means of support in a political transition, they have little option
but to cling to the regime, to sink or swim with it (Bratton and
van de Walle 1997, 86).
Unlike in single-party regimes, the leaders faction in a per
sonalist regime may actually increase benefits to itself by exclud
ing the rival faction from participation. Where the main benefits
of participation in the government come from access to rents
and illicit profit opportunities, the payoff to individual mem
bers of the ruling group may be higher if these benefits need not
be shared too widely. It may also be easier to keep damage to
the economy below the meltdown threshold, and thus increase
rival ousts the original leader. The officer corps will not, how
ever, go along with disintegration of the military into openly
competing factions. If elite splits threaten military unity and effi
cacy, some factions will opt for a return to the barracks. If the
soft-line faction can make a credible first move in that direction,
most other officers will go along.
Military regimes thus contain the seeds of their own destruc
tion. When elite rivalries or policy differences intensify and these
factional splits become threatening, a return to the barracks be
comes attractive to most officers. For officers, there is life after
democracy, because all but the highest regime officials can usu
ally return to the barracks with their status and careers untar
nished and their salaries and budgets often increased by nervous
transitional governments (Nordlinger 1977; Huntington 19 91).
Leaders of single-party regimes also face competition from
rivals, but most of the time, as in personalist regimes, the bene
fits of cooperation are sufficient to ensure continued support
from all factions. Leadership struggles and policy disagreements
occur, but they do not affect the desire of most cadres to remain
in office. For them, life after democracy would require some
unpleasant changes in lifestyle. They would have to compete for
the benefits they have become accustomed to monopolizing. Dur
ing leadership struggles, most ordinary cadres just keep their
heads down and wait to see who wins. Thus, leadership struggles
within single-party regimes usually do not result in transitions.
The close allies of personalist dictators have even less reason
to desert the ship in normal times. If the ship goes down, they are
likely to go with it. A s long as the dictatorship is able to supply
some benefits and has a sufficiently competent repressive appara
tus to keep the probability of successful plotting reasonably low,
they will remain loyal.
These differences explain why the early transitions literature,
drawing insights primarily from the transitions from military rule
in Latin Am erica, emphasized splits within the regime as causes
for the initiation of democratization though later studies did not.
In other parts of the world, where rule by the military as an
institution is less common, factions and splits could be identified
within authoritarian regimes, but they did not result in transi
tions. Instead, observers emphasized the importance of other
factors in bringing down long-standing dictatorships: economic
crisis (Haggard and Kaufman 1995), foreign pressure (Hunting
ton 19 91), and popular protest (Bratton and van de Walle 1992,
public opposition. Those who stick with the regime to the bitter
end are much less likely to find a rcspected place in the post
transition political world than are the close supporters of single
party and military regimes. For these reasons, the end of a personalist regime is more likely to be violent in one way or another
than is the end of a single-party or military regime. Thus, an
other testable implication of the cadre-interests argument is that
personalist regimes should be more likely than other forms of
authoritarianism to end in the assassination of the leader, popu
lar uprising, armed insurgency, civil war, revolution, or armed
invasion (cf. Skocpol and Goodwin 1994).
Violence and upheaval do not segue naturally into democratic
elections; consequently, transitions from personalist rule should
be more likely to end in renewed authoritarianism than are transi
tions from other forms of authoritarianism. Transitions accom
plished by uprisings, invasions, or assassinations often allow the
consolidation of power by those who overthrow the old regime.
In contrast, negotiations during transitions usually set a time for
elections and hammer out rules for how they will be conducted.
Thus, competitive regimes are more likely to succeed military
regimes than other forms of authoritarianism.
Like members of personalist cliques, cadres in single-party
regimes have few reasons to desert in normal circumstances.
Furthermore, because power is less concentrated in single-party
regimes, they are less vulnerable to the death or illness of lead
ers. Thus, we should expect single-party regimes to last longer
than either military or personalist regimes.
Because the dominant strategy of the ruling coalition in singleparty regimes is to co-opt potential opposition, such regimes
tend to respond to crisis by granting modest increases in political
participation, increasing opposition representation in the legisla
ture, and granting some opposition demands for institutional
changes. They attempt to give the opposition enough to deter
them from risky plots and uprisings while continuing to hang on
to power.
In the most common kind of regime crisis one caused by
poor economic performance leading to antiregime demonstra
tionsthe ruling elite in any kind of authoritarian regime tends
to divide into intransigents and moderates as they struggle to
respond. In military regimes, that division itself tends to per
suade many officers that the time has come for a return to the
barracks. In personalist regimes, the ruling coalition narrows as
A verage
L ength of
R ule (years)*
M ilitary
M ilitary/personalist
Single-party hybrids '1
Single-party (stringent
transition criteria)'
Single-party (less stringent
transition criteria)
Triple hybrid
( 12 )
(2 1 )
A verage
A ge o f
R egim es '1
P ercent
R egim es
in 2000
( 12 )
(6 )
(2 )
Note: Regimes maintained by foreign occupation or military threat are excluded. Number of
observations on which averages are based is shown in parentheses.
^Includes only regimes that had ended by December 2000.
includes regimes in existence in 1946, or that have come to power since then, that still
survived at the end of 2000.
The Rawlings government in Ghana held elections deemed free and fair by international
observers in 1996 (and elections boycotted by the opposition in 1992), and voters reelected
Rawlings. Many then considered Ghana democratic, but by the criteria used for this study its
transition was completed in 2000. If Ghana were classified as having made a transition in 1996,
this change would have no effect on the average length of personalist regimes.
dCategory includes both military/single-party and personalist/single-party regimes.
Six countries in this category have held elections deemed free and fair but nevertheless
returned the ruling party to power. The results if these countries are classified as having
democratized ai the time of the first free and fair elections are shown in the next row.
27. R em ind er: authoritarian interludes lasting less than three years have been
excluded from the data set. T h e military ruled during most o f these interludes. If they
were included, the average length o f m ilitary rule would be reduced. Nordlinger, who
did not exclude them from his calculations, found that m ilitary regimes last five years
on average (19 77, 139).
28. Regim es maintained in power by direct foreign occupation or the threat of
m ilitary intervention have been excluded from the calculation of average life span
here and from the statistical analysis below because their longevity depends on exter
nal events. The excluded regim es are those in A fghanistan, 19 79 -9 2; B u lgaria, 19 4 7 go; C am bod ia, 19 79 -9 0 ; C zech oslovakia, 19 48-9 0; G erm an D em ocratic R epublic,
19 4 5 -9 0 ; Hungary, 1949-90; and Poland, 1947-89. The average length of these
regim es is 34 years.
29. The stringent criteria fo r determ ining the end o f an authoritarian regim e re
quire not only that com petitive elections be held but also that the executive change
hands. The less stringent criteria count authoritarian regim es as ended if com petitive
elections are held and are considered free and fair by outside observers, regardless of
w ho wins.
ately before and after, I do not think the years excluded intro
duce bias into the results.
The countries left out of the data set, however, differ from
those included. Most had or have single-party or personalist/
single-party regimes. Their regimes have lasted an unusually
long time (excluding Cambodia, 32 .1 years on average). Dicta
tors still rule in five o f seven, and nearly all the countries are very
poor. If they were included in the data analysis, they would
probably further strengthen the coefficient for the effect of
single-party regime and reduce the effect of level of development
on the probability of regime stability. Since the data set is large,
however, and not very many cases have to be left out, I do not
think their exclusion has much effect on conclusions.
Region is used as a quasi-fixed effects estimator.30 Fixed ef
fects estimators are used to hold constant aspects of history and
culture that might affect the outcome of interest but that cannot
be directly measured. I have used region to hold constant some
of the possible effects of colonial history and cultural heritage.
Because regime types are nominal categories, they are en
tered into the model as dummy variables: if the regime is, for
example, military, it is coded on e ; otherwise, it is coded
zero. The lef(-out regime type is personalist, the middle cate
gory in terms o f longevity. Thus, the hazard ratios reported
should be interpreted as referring to differences between the
effect o f the type of regime associated with a particular ratio and
the effect of personalist regimes.
Hazard ratios have a simple intuitive interpretation. Ratios
above one mean that the variable associated with them increases
the probability of regime collapse. In the first column of table
2.2, the hazard ratio for military regime is 2 .8 1, which means
Usually, country dumm y variables are used as fixed effects estim ators, but
they could not be used to analyze this data set because they cause countries with only
one regime to be dropped from the analysis. In this data set, half the countries have
had only one authoritarian regim e, either because one stable regim e remained in
power for several decades or because the country is usually dem ocratic and had only
one postwar authoritarian interlude. A more serious problem than the loss of cases
per se is that regim es in the cases with only one regim e, are. on average, unusually
long-lived, and they are especially likely to be single-party regim es. T he use of
country fixed effects estim ators eliminates 60 percent o f the single-party regimes
from the analysis. When the analysis was done using country fixed effects estim ators,
the coefficient for the effect o f m ilitary regim e was artificially strengthened (since the
longest m ilitary regim es w ere elim inated), and th e effect of single-party regim e was
greatly w eakened (since most of the single-party regim es w ere elim inated, leaving an
unrepresentative set of m ostly A frican cases).
that, all else being equal, military regimes are nearly three times
as likely to break down as personalist regimes. Hazard ratios
between zero and one mean that the variable reduces the proba
bility of breakdown. In column i, the hazard ratio for single
party regimes, .39, means that, all else being equal, single-party
regimes have about 40 percent the chance of collapsing that per
sonalist regimes do.
As can be seen in column 1, military regimes break down
more readily than all other types. The hazard ratio for the mili
tary regime variable is substantively large and statistically signifi
cant. The two intermediate regime types, military/personalist
and single-party hybrid (in which personalist/single-party re
gimes predominate, since there are very few military/single-party
regimes), are, not surprisingly, not very different from personal
ist regimes. Single-party regimes, however, are more resilient
than personalist regimes to about the same extent that military
regimes are less resilient, and this difference is also statistically
significant. Finally, the triple hybrid regimes, which combine
characteristics of single-party, personalist, and military regimes,
2 .81 **
0 .39 **
0 .04 **
0 .53 *
M odel
M ilitary
M ilitary/personalist
Single-party hybrids
Triple hybrid
Log G D P per capita
Grow th G D P per capita
A sia
C entral A m erica, Caribbean
Eastern E u ro p ea
M iddle East
North A frica
South A m erica
Sub-Saharan A frica
Percent Muslim
D ependence on oil
Dependence on minerals
N o f observations
1.2 2
0 . 18 *
0 .42 *
2 .83 **
0 .38 *
M odel
0 .54 *
1 .0 1 *
10. 26 **
3.44 *
M odel
0 .004 **
0 .0 1* *
0 .05 **
1.0 2**
IKLALSO - tttoiioteca
B ig Questions, Little A n sw ers
This chapter began with the claim that one of the practices hinder
ing the accumulation o f theory in comparative politics is the way
we usually go about trying to explain compound outcomes such as
democratization. I argued that greater progress could be made
toward actually understanding how such outcomes occur by exam
ining the mechanisms and processes that contribute to them,
rather than through inductive searches for the correlates of the
undifferentiated whole. Coherent deductive arguments can be
devised to explain constituent processes, and hypotheses derived
from the arguments can be tested.
I attempted to demonstrate the usefulness of this approach
with an extended example. After identifying seven constituent
processes of the large, complicated phenomenon of democratiza
tion, 1 proposed a deductive argument based on the individual
interests of regime insiders to explain why elite splits play a
larger role in some instances of authoritarian breakdown than
others, and why some authoritarian regimes initiate political lib
eralization in the absence of societal pressure to do so. Although
this argument as a whole is not testable, it was a simple matter to
derive implications of the argument that could potentially be
The only impediment to testing these hypotheses was the need
to gather an appropriate data set. Data gathering was a major
and time-consuming effort, but once the data had been gathered,
it was possible to show not only that predicted differences ex
isted, but that they were quite large and statistically significant.
I make no grand claims for the cadre-interests argument itself.
It may not be true. It is possible that when other variables are
taken into consideration, the relationship that seems apparent
now between regime type and longevity will disappear. Even if
true, the argument explains only one element of the compound
process of regime transformation. I do claim, however, that an
argument from which an implication has been tested on evidence
from a large number of cases is more likely to prove of lasting
value than untested arguments induced from a handful of cases.
And once data have been gathered, more implications can be
tested. If those tests also conform to expectations generated by
the argument, our confidence that the argument is true will in
crease. I also claim that to tack down an explanation of one
Faclor X
Fig. 3.1.
Fad or X
Fig. 3.2.
between X and the rate of development. The only things that can
actually be explained using a sample selected on the dependent
variable are differences among the selected cases.
When one looks only at the cases above the broken line in
figure 3 .1. two kinds of mistaken inference can occur. The first
involves jumping to the conclusion that any characteristic that
the selected cases share is a cause. The other involves inferring
that relationships (or absence of relationships) between variables
within the selected set of cases reflect relationships in the entire
population of cases.
In the statistical literature, attention has focused on the sec
ond kind of faulty inference (Achen 1986; King 1989). If the true
relationship between factor X and the dependent variable is that
shown in figure 3.1 but one selects cases in a manner that results
in the examination only of cases located above the broken line,
statistical procedures carried out on the selected cases may indi
cate that no relationship exists or even that the relationship is the
opposite o f the true one. Selection on the dependent variable
biases statistical results toward finding no relationship even when
one does, in fact, exist.
In nonquantitative work, however, the first kind of faulty
inference is at least as common as the second. If the main causes
of the dependent variable are factors R through T, not including
X, and one selects cases from one end of the dependent variable,
X may appear to be important in the selected sample either
because of random variation or because it explains some of the
differences among cases still remaining in the data set even after
the selection has limited it (01 because it is correlated with some
other factor that explains the remaining differences). In the
former situation, the true relationship might look like one of
the panels in figure 3.2, but the analyst on the basis of bits and
pieces of information rather than a systematic check assumes
that cases C through I are located in the lower left quadrant and
concludes that factor X causes the outcome of interest even
though, in fact, no relationship exists. In the latter situation,
factor X makes a minor contribution to the outcome, but the
analyst overestimates its importance. An example should help to
make these points clearer.
A Straightforward Case of Selection on the
Dependent Variable
To test this or any other hypothesis, one must first identify the
universe of cases to which the hypothesis should apply and then
find or develop measures of the hypothesized causes and effects.
The theory or hypothesis being tested determines the appropri
ate unit of analysis and the universe of potential observations.
If a theory suggests a relationship between some cause and
individual behavior, the test of hypotheses derived from that
theory should be based on observations of individuals. Where
the unit of analysis is the individual, valid inferences can often be
made in studies of single countries or even single towns, because,
unless the town has been chosen precisely because the particular
kind of individual behavior to be explained prevails within it,
observing a range of individuals within a town does not entail
selection on the dependent variable. The full range of individual
variation may well occur within a town. Thus, for example, the
research design used in William Sheridan Allens The Nazi Sei
zure o f Power (1973) avoids selection bias by including both
individuals who embraced Nazism and those who resisted, and
also by including change in individual attitudes over time.5
If, however, the hypothesis predicts country-level outcomes,
as those linking labor repression and growth usually do, one
should test it on a set of countries that reflects a reasonable range
In his critique o f K in g, K eoh an e, and Verba (19 9 4 ), R ogow ski (1995) has
noted that A lle n s thoughtful study o f one town in which Nazism enjoyed an early
and substantial success deepens and enriches our understanding of the rise o f Nazism.
In the com parative field, we are inclined to equate cases autom atically with territorial
entities, but the unit o f analysis used by A llen is clearly the individual, not the town,
and thus he did not select on the dependent variable.
io o
using the same criteria. While it is obvious that some such aid to
memory is required for dealing with eighty-four cases, explicit
coding rules also increase the precision of studies that focus on
only a few cases. I would urge getting into the habit of writing
down explicit coding rules, no matter what the number of obser
vations. It helps the analyst stick to the same rules across coun
tries and time, and it also helps readers understand exactly what
the analyst means when she makes assessments of key causal
factors. The phrase labor repression no doubt has somewhat
different connotations for scholars with different areas of exper
tise. but the person who has read the coding scheme in appen
dix B will have a very clear idea of what is meant by the term
Although the indicator of labor repression created in this way
is an imperfect measure of a complex set of phenomena, and
experts might have small disagreements about the placement of a
few cases, this measure is at least as precise as the verbal descrip
tions available in the literature. It seems, therefore, adequate to
the present task of demonstrating a methodological point.
Tests of the hypothesis linking labor repression to growth us
ing these data are shown in figures 3.3. 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6. Figure
3.3 shows the relationship between average labor repression and
average growth from 1970 to 1981 for the sample of NICs most
frequently studied (Taiwan, South K orea, Singapore, Brazil, and
M exico). This scatterplot reflects the most commonly chosen
research strategy for studying the NICs in the 1970s and 1980s. It
shows that repression and growth were both relatively high in all
five countries. Analysts assumed, without checking carefully,
that most of the cases they had not examined would lie in the
lower left quadrant of the figure. From data like thesebut in
verbal form researchers have concluded that labor repression
contributes to growth. The plot shown here actually lends some
plausibility to the argument because, using the quantitative mea
sure of labor repression I created, it is possible to show small
differences in labor repression that are not discernible in the
verbal descriptions. Original statements o f the argument did not
distinguish levels of repressiveness among these cases of rela
tively high repression.
Note that the faulty inference expressed in the literature on
the NICs is the opposite of the one that a thoughtless analyst
using statistical methods would have drawn. A number cruncher
might have concluded, on the basis of these data points, that
* T iM t n
S o uth K orea
M co #
Growth In
G O P ptr capita
Labor R*pm*lon
Fig. 3.3. Labor repression and growth in the most frequently studied
cases, 1970-81. (GDP per capita from Penn World Tables.]
10 2
H b c r R*pr*lon
Slope c oe ffic ien t (S) 2 73. R 1* 36
Fig. 3.4. Labor repression and growth in the Asian cases, 1970-81.
(GDP per capita from Penn World Tables; for Thailand, from World Bank
(% per capita)
(% per capita)
R >c 0Q1
10 3
Labor FUpr**ion
Fig. 3.5. Labor repression and growth in the full universe of developing
countries, 1970-81. The countries included, and their labor repression
scores, appear in appendix B. (GDP per capita from Penn World Tables.)
(0 4
Qrottth In
O DP p*r c*ptt
* .09
Labor Repr*t*lofi
How the Cases You Choose Affect the Answers You Get
0 - 5)
- .000
O L S with
Fixed Effects"
P > \Z\
io 6
Dominant Class Has Independent
Economic Base and Shares Power,
Either through Representative
Institutions or Decentralization
Fig. 3.7.
10 7
E lite S p lit
D o m in a n t C lass E co n o m ic ally
In d e p e n d e n t, S hares P ow er
C hina, a fte r T a ip in g R ebellion
D o m in a n t Class D e p e n d e n t,
E xcluded fro m P o w er
Russia, W o rld W a r 1
E lite C ohesive
J ap a n
C h in a , b e fo re T a ip in g
R e b e llio n
Russia, b e fo re W o rld W a r 1
io 8
V illage A utonom y
No Revolution
China, in area controlled by
V illage Dependence
G erm any,
China, before Communists
Fig. 3.9. Given an elite split, the effect of village autonomy on the
likelihood of revolution
direction and one of the reasons that Skocpol's study has been
considered so persuasive.
Skocpol makes no effort, however, to test other links in the
chain of argument with comparable care. In particular, she offers
no contrasting cases to strengthen her claim that
developments within the international states system as
such especially defeats in wars or threats of invasion and
struggles over colonial controls have directly contributed
to virtually all outbreaks of revolutionary crises. (2 3)10
This claim, which looms large in the overall thesis, seems espe
cially problematic if we accept her implicit definition of threat
ened," that is, as threatened as late-eightcenth-century France.
Fiance arguably the most powerful country in the world at the
time was certainly less threatened than its neighbors.
Most countries in the world have suffered foreign pressures as
great as those suffered by prerevolutionary France, and yet revo
lutions occur infrequently. This raises the question. A re revolu
tions infrequent because of the absence of appropriate structural
conditions, as Skocpol's argument implies, or because foreign
threats have less causal impact than Skocpol believes? To distin
guish between these two possibilities, one would need to choose
a set of cases in which the structural conditions identified by
Skocpol did in fact exist (in effect, holding the structural condi
Note that "contributed to virtually all" is a probabilistic statem ent, not a
statem ent that foreign threat is necessary but not sufficient to explain revolution.
O ther statem ents o f this argum ent, however, can be interpreted as m eaning that
external threats are necessary but not sufficient causes o f revolution (D ion 1998).
tions constant). Within this set of countries, one would then need
to assess the relationship between level of threat and revolution
ary outcome. If threat and occurrence of revolution tended to go
together in this set of cases, we would have greater faith in the
correctness of Skocpols argument. If, however, high levels of
threat did not seem to increase the likelihood of revolution within
this set of eases, we would feel more skeptical about it.
To carry out this test, as with the prior one, we first need to
establish the appropriate domain of the argument. The question
of what would constitute an appropriate domain for testing Skocpols argument is controversial. Skocpol herself is extremely
modest about the domain for her argument, stating at one point:
Can [the arguments presented in this book] be applied beyond
the French, Russian, and Chinese cases? In a sense, the answer
is unequivocally 4no'. . . . [T]he causes of revolutions . . . neces
sarily vary according to the historical and international cir
cumstances of the countries involved (288). Skocpol does not
eschew generalizability entirely, however, since she evidently
considers scventeenth-century England, eighteenth- and nine
teenth-century Prussia, and mid-nineteenth-century Germany
and Japan within the domain of her argument. But she does
explicitly limit her argument to agrarian states/ which I take as
including countries in the early stages o f industrialization (since
all the cases included in her study had begun to industrialize) but
excluding fully industrialized countries and preagrarian primitive
societies. She also limits the argument to countries that have
never been colonized; wealthy, historically autonomous and
well-established imperial states" (288); and countries whose
state and class structures had not been recently created" (40).
In the face o f such modesty, the rest of the scholarly community
has two options in assessing the study. One is to accept the selfimposed limitations suggested by the author and try to test the
argument on the set of cases implied by them. The broadest inter
pretation of these limiting criteria suggests that the appropriate
universe thus defined would include, besides some (but not all) of
those actually used by Skocpol, only the larger and wealthier p reWorld War 1 states of Europe: Belgium , the Netherlands, Spain,
Portugal, Sweden, Lithuania before 1795, Poland before parti
tion, Austria, the Austro-Hungarian Em pire, and the Ottoman
Empire. This universe includes a fair number of nonrevolutions,
so it would be quite possible to retest the argument on this set of
i io
reduced village control over land, but this reduction in the func
tions that had contributed to building village autonomy and soli
darity was at least partially offset by the increase in absentee
landlordism that accompanied increasing commercialization.
Much of the land in these countries was held in large tracts.
Some peasants lived on the haciendas, but many lived in tradi
tional villages, owned tiny parcels of land or had use rights to
communal land, and worked seasonally on the haciendas. These
villages often had long histories of conflict with large landowners
over land ownership, water rights, and grazing rights. Villages
governed themselves in traditional ways. Landlords have rarely
lived in villages in these countries. In short, the rural areas of
these Latin American countries approximate Skocpol's descrip
tion of the autonomous, solidary village structure that makes
possible peasants' participation in revolution. Differences of
opinion are, of course, possible about whether peasants in these
countries were really autonomous enough from day-to-day land
lord control to enable them to play the role Skocpol allots to
peasants in bringing about social revolutions. Perhaps the best
evidence that they were is that revolutions have in fact occurred
in several of these countries, and peasant rebellions have oc
curred in most of them.
With these structural features on which the outcome is contin
gent held constant, it becomes possible to test the relationship
between external threat and revolution. In the test below. I have
used a higher level o f threat than that experienced by France in
the late eighteenth century. I wanted to choose a criterion for
assessing threat that would eliminate arguments about whether a
country was really threatened enough, and I found it hard to
establish an unambiguous criterion that corresponded to the
France threshold." Consequently, the criterion used here is loss
of a war, accompanied by invasion and/or loss of territory to the
opponent. With such a high threat threshold, finding cases of
revolution in the absence of threat will not disconfirm Skocpols
argument, since the countries may have experienced external
pressures sufficient to meet her criteria even though they did not
lose wars. If, however, several countries did lose wars (and the
structural conditions identified as necessary by Skocpol are pres
ent) but have not had revolutions, this test will cast doubt on her
Figure 3.10 shows eight instances of extreme military threat
that failed to lead to revolution, two revolutions (if the Cuban
N o Revolution
Peru (1 8 3 9 )
Bolivia (1 8 39 )
M exico (1 8 4 8 )
M exico (1 8 6 2 -6 6 )
P araguay (1 8 69 )
Peru (1 8 83 )
Bolivia (1 8 8 3 )
Colom bia (1 9 03 )
Mexico, revolution 1 9 1 0 -1 7
Nicaragua, revolution 197 9
All O thers
Note: T h e C uban Revolution is not, in Skocpol's term s, a social revolution because it did
not entail m assive uprisings of the low er classes.
revolution of 1959 is not counted, because it does not fit Skocpol*s definition of a social revolution as entailing massive upris
ings of the lower classes) that w'ere not preceded by any unusual
degree of external competition or threat, and one revolution, the
Bolivian, that fits Skocpol's argument. I do not think any foreign
power deserves credit or blame for any of the revolutions that
have occurred, and thus the finding that two revolutions oc
curred without unusual foreign threat is not undermined by for
eign influences on revolutionary outcome. The United States
may deserve credit or blame for the nonoccurrence of revolu
tion in El Salvador and Guatem ala, but if these revolutions had
been successful, they would have increased the number of cases
in which revolutions occurred in the absence of unusual foreign
threat and thus added to the evidence undermining Skocpol's
argument. In short, among these cases there is little support for
the claim that foreign threat increases the likelihood of revolu
tion. If we accept the idea that the domain depends on the argu
ment itself, then these findings suggest that if Skocpol had se
lected a broader range of cases to examine, rather than selecting
on the dependent variable, she would have reached different
This test does not constitute a definitive disconfirmation of
Skocpols argument. Competing interpretations of all the con
cepts used in the argumentvillage autonomy, dominant-class
independence, military pressure exist, and different opera
tionalizations might lead to different results. In particular, my
P( D,WH)
P,il,(W H)P(D|W H) + Pllo,(R H )P (D |R H )'
Posterior (WH|D) is the probability that the working hypothesis
(the one being tested) is true, in light of the new evidence
collected in a study.
Prior(WH) is the analysts belief about whether the working
hypothesis is true before conducting the study.
P(D|WH) is the probability that the data uncovered in this
study would turn up i f the working hypothesis were true.
Prior(RH ) is the analysts belief about the likelihood that the
rival hypothesis (the most likely alternative to the working
hypothesis) is true prior to conducting the study.
12. See B au m oeller and G oertz (2000) for a careful non-Bayesian approach.
How the Cases You Choose A ffect the Answ ers You G et
(WH)D) = [0.5(1)]
H ow the Coses You Choose A ffect the Answ ers You Get
H ow the Cases You Choose A ffect the Answ ers You Get
\ 19
Fig. 3.11. Inflation in Chile, 1930-96. (Data for 1930-61 from Hirschman 1973; 1962-63, Corbo Loi 1974; 1964-96, IMF 1997.)
blow the Cases You Choose Affect the Answers You Get
12 1
Inflation R ate (% )
Y ear
Inflation R ate (% )
l ()82
2 12
12 2
How the Cases You Choose A ffect the Answ ers You Get
12 5
12 6
Tim e 2
Tim e 1
Fig. 3.12. Regression of growth in GDP per capita for 1991 on growth
in GDP per capita for 1990 for developing countries. (GDP per capita
from Penn World Tables.)
How the Cases You Choose A ffect the Answ ers You Get
1 27
one end of the continuum, but that the agencies supplying the
treatment" do.
Regression to the mean can also affect one's ability to assess the
effect of spontaneous treatments such as military interventions.
If democratic breakdown usually occurs during economic crises,
then a research design that compares economic performance be
fore and after military interventions is likely to overestimate the
beneficial effects o f military rule on the economy, for exactly the
same reasons that educational researchers might be tempted to
overestimate the beneficial effects of a remedial reading tech
nique. On average, the poor economic performance of the prebreakdown period was caused by both systematic and unfortunate
serendipitous factors, but the serendipitous factors that affect per
formance during the later period under military rule will, on aver
age, be average. If, for example, one compares the growth rate in
Argentina, Brazil. Chile, and Uruguay during the year prior to the
most recent breakdown of democracy with the average during the
first five years of military rule as a number of authors attempting
to assess the effects of bureaucratic authoritarianism did, though
usually not quantitatively one is tempted to conclude that mili
tary rulers handle the economy belter than do elected politicians.
On average, per capita income declined by 1.5 percent during the
year prior to breakdown in these countries, but it grew 0.8 percent
per year, on average, during the first five years under military rule
(not including the breakdown year itself).16
One cannot, however, conclude from these figures that mili
tary regimes perform better. To assess that question, one would
need to model the regression to the mean that would be expccted
in the relevant years and then compare economic performance
under the military with that predicted by the model. Alterna
tively, one might compare growth during military rule with long
term growth in the same countries, since the ups and downs
in the error term would be evened out by averaging over many
years. Average growth in these four countries from T95t to the
year before military intervention ranged from 0.9 percent for
Uruguay to 3.2 percent for Brazil, all higher than the average
during the first five years of military rule.17 A more careful test
could certainly be done, but this simple one is sufficient to sug
16 . T hese p ercen tages, as well as those in the follow ing p arag rap h , w ere calcu
lated from the Penn W orld Tables.
17 . Years included for A rg entin a arc 19 5 1 to 1965 . because the m ilitary ruled for
m ost o f the tim e after that.
12 9
The examples in this chapter have shown that choosing cases for
study from among those that cluster at one end of the outcome to
be explained can lead to the wrong answers. Apparent causes that
all the selected cases have in common may turn out to occur just as
frequently among cases in which the effect they arc supposed to
have causcd has not occurred. Relationships that seem to exist
between causes and effects in a small sample selected on the depen
dent variable may disappear or be reversed when cases that span
the full range of the dependent variable are examined. Arguments
that seem plausible if a historical study or time series begins or
ends at a particular date may seem less persuasive if the dates of
the study are changed. Regression to the mean can lead the un
wary researcher into explaining changes that did not occur. In
short, selecting cases without giving careful thought to the logical
implications of the selection entails a serious risk of reaching false
This is not to say that studies of cases selected on the depen
dent variable have no place at all in comparative politics. They
are useful for digging into the details of how phenomena come
about and for developing insights. They identify plausible causal
variables. They bring to light anomalies that current theories
cannot accommodatc. In so doing, they contribute to lhe cre
ation and revision o f proposed theories. By themselves, how
ever, the} cannot test the theories they propose (cf. Achen and
Snidal 1989). To test theories, one must select cases in a way that
docs not undermine the logic of inference.
If wr want to begin accumulating a body of theoretical knowl
edge in comparative politics, we need to change the conventions
governing the kinds of evidence we regard as theoretically rele
vant. Conjectures based on eases selected on the dependent vari
able have a long and distinguished history in the subfield, and
they will continue to be important as generators of insights and
hypotheses. Regardless of how plausible such conjectures are,
however, they retain probationary status as accumulated knowl
edge until they have been tested, and testing them usually re
quires the thoughtful selection of cases from the full range of
possible outcomes.