Consumers and Producers 1st Grade Lesson

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Lesson: Consumers and Producers Subject Area: Social Studies

I. Standard: 1E1.0.1 Distinguish between producers and consumers of goods and services II. Objective/Benchmark: The students will discover what a producer does: they provide a good or a service. *I know that a producer provides a good or a service. The students will give an example of a producer and what they produce. *I can give an example of a producer and tell what they make or do. The students will discover what a consumer is: they buy the goods or services from the producers. *I know that a consumer buys things or receives a service from a producer The students will give an example of a consumer and what they consumer. *I can give an example of a consumer and tell what good or service they are receiving. III. Anticipatory Set: Have the students come and sit in the meeting area ready to learn. Ask them to give you a thumbs up if they remember what a producer and consumer are from yesterday or a thumbs down if they dont quiet remember. Today we are going to learn more about producers and consumers. Read the rhyme Simple Simon ( filename=em464_story.swf&lid=464) and then go through the questions about who is the producer and who is the consumer in the rhyme. ( filename=em464_story_questions.swf&lid=464) IV. Input: Have the students come and sit in the meeting place ready to learn. Ask them to give a thumbs up if they remember what a producer and consumer are from yesterday or a thumbs down if they dont quiet remember Tell them that we are going to learn more about consumers and producers today Read the rhyme Simple Simon filename=em464_story.swf&lid=464

Go through questions about who is the producer and who is the consumer in the rhyme. Discuss different consumers and producers through activity. Have students touch their stomachs if they think that the person is a consumer and touch their head if they think they are a producer. Then move the person down to check. Discuss what good or service the producer is providing and what good or service the consumer is receiving. Ask questions like Does that person do something for others? Did that person receive something from someone else? Tell the students it is now their turn to become producers. Model what should be done by having a student pull out a task and then explain what they would do. Then have them pretend they are finished with the good or service and have them tell you the consumer that they are completed. The consumer will then pay for the service with bunny money. Ask the class who the consumer was, who the producer was, and what good or service did they provide? Tell them they will have 5 minutes to complete their task so they must get right to work. Consumers also want quality products so make sure you do your task neatly. Have the students pick out a task to complete. The task will either be a service that they provide or they will create a good. When they are done with their task they must come up to the consumer (the teacher) and the consumer will pay the producer in bunny money for their service or product. Bring the whole class back together and have students share who they were and what service they provided for the consumer. The students responses should be something like this. I was a producer and I cleaned up the floor for Ms. Failing the consumer. Challenge them to decide if they provided a service or a good.

Thinking Levels: Remembering: Put your thumb up if you remember what a consumer and producer is and your thumbs down if you dont quiet remember. Understanding: Classify the given pictures into consumers or producers. Applying: Who was the consumer in Simple Simon? Who was the producer? What did they produce? Who was the consumer? Analyzing: What services does that consumer/producer provide or receive? Evaluating: Creating: Become a producer and complete your service or good for the consumer. Learning Styles and/or Accommodations:

Learning Styles: o Auditory- Students will hear questions and answers/discussion around what are producers and what are consumers o Kinesthetic-Students will become producers and produce a good or service. They will also respond to questions with touching their head or stomach. o Visual-Students will see the rhyme, questions, and picture activity on the SMART board. o Verbal-Students will answer questions verbally. While students are performing their services you can check in with students who may be struggling with the concept and reinforce it by connecting what they are doing to the word producers and how they are providing you, the consumer, a service. Specific services can be given to certain students based on what they are good at or like to do. You might provide harder services for students who understand the concept better to allow them to think about how what they are doing is a service to the consumer (you).

Materials: SMART board producer jobs/services sheets paper and crayons for some services internet bunny money Methods: Read the rhyme Simple Simon and answer questions. Identify different producers and consumers through activity on SmartBoard and discuss what services they are providing and what services they are receiving. Role play being a consumer and producer Wrap up what a consumer and producer is by discussion how we became consumers and producers. V. Modeling: Model their activity by having one student pick a task out of the jar. Read the task out loud and explain what would need to be done to complete the task well. Then have the student pretend like they have completed the good or service. Have the students come up to the consumer (the teacher) and the consumer will pay for the good with bunny money. VI. Checking for Understanding: Check for understanding of the students knowledge of what a consumer and producer is throughout the lesson. After demonstrating with one student ask the

class who the producer was, who the consumer is, and what good or service did they provide. VII. Guided Practice: Have the students begin to complete their tasks. If students are struggling understanding what to do you can help them by reinforcing who they are and what good or service they are providing to the consumer. VIII. Independent Practice: Tell the students it is now their turn to become producers. Have the students pick a service or a good to produce out of a bucket. Then tell them they have 5 minutes to complete their task that they choose. When they are done they come tell the consumers they are completed with their task or service and the consumer will pay for the service in bunny money. IX. Closure: Bring students back together and discuss what some of the different services were that they were providing. Ask them who were the producers and what did they produce or what service did they provide? Who were the consumers? What services did they receive? What did they do when they received a service? X. Assessment: Listen to the students responses during the closer discussion to see if they understand what a consumer and producer are and what role each of them play. XI. Resources: filename=em464_story.swf&lid=464 filename=em464_story_questions.swf&lid=464 filename=em464_dragndrop_v2_save_2.swf&lid=464

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