The Dumb Waiter

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The Dumb Waiter 1957


Dumb Waiter

Waiter: A person who waits for a time, event, or opportunity (Oxford)

menacers menaced: AS susceptible to menace as those they terrorize.
Concept of time
Class: cricket, football
Authority: he
Mechanical, routine: this job
Building tension/ominous atmosphere: pending catastrophe
Metaphor of capitalism: Gus questions status quo of the organization
(society), so he must be removed. In this light, The Dumb Waiter can be
read as an anti-corporate update of Beckett's Waiting for Godot, an
allegory of in- fighting and what corporate workers will do to please their

Pinter plays
Pinter's plays generally take place in a single, prison-like room.
His works blend comedy and drama, often focus on jealousy, betrayal, and
sexual politics,
Pinter's language, usually lower-class vernacular, has been described as poetic.
His compressed, rhythmic lines rely heavily on subtext and hint at darker
meanings. Torrent of language to keep from saying anything.
Dialogue. Ability to reproduce human speech (realistic and superrealistic
dialogue, since he captures the essence so perfectly that it seems more real
than actual speech.). Techniques: clichs, jargon, imagery, repetition or near
repetition, silences and pauses. In real life people do not or cannot impart the
amount of information of the average stage play. Constrast with events (nonrealistic).
Silences in his plays (speech is a stratagem to cover the nakedness of silence.
whereas Beckett's silences hint at alienation, boredom, and the slow approach
to death, Pinter's are ominous and violent. The true natures and motivations of
his characters emerge in their silences.
Comedies of menace (first phase): Expose the existence of personal menace in
the world which causes the individuals destruction under the pressure of that
menace: a threat to the status quo / stets kw/. Communication (to gain
reassurance, but it is broken: lack of communication creates further menace ),
Need to verify things (determine reality), but this is impossible, there are no
hard distinction between real/unreal, true/false. Nothing is truly verifiable.

Mood of menace. Audience is as vulnerable as the characters.

Humor to heighten the tension of the action (contrast). Funny things said in
unfunny situations.

THEMES: The Silence and Violence of Language: Lurking underneath this

silence is always the threat of violence, the anticipation of something deathly
the play ends as Ben trains his gun on Gus in silence. Ben frequently changes
the conversation and never replies with any emotional depth to Gus's more
probing questions. they both avoid discussing with any profundity the
newspaper articles.
The language itself is also tinged with violence, especially when the topic is
something seemingly trivial. The men's argument over the phrase "Light the
kettle" is intertwined with the act of physical violence.
Anxiety Over Social Class Gus and Ben are both lower-class criminals. His
profound shame over his class emerges in interactions with those upstairs via
the dumb waiter, and much of this shame is tied to language.
MOTIFS. Repetition
SYMBOLS The dumb waiter. It serves as a symbol for the broken, one-sided
communication between Gus and Ben. They never have a fully open dialogue.
This disconnection is the essence of their relationship.

The Silence and Violence of Language
Pinter's work is heavily influenced by Samuel Beckett, who used silence-filled
pauses for a revolutionary theatrical effect. Pinter has spoken of speech as a
stratagem designed to cover the nakedness of silence, and these aims are
often evident in the dialogue of Gus and Ben. Ben's most prominent response
to Gus's constant questions about the nature of their jobs is silence. Lurking
underneath this silence is always the threat of violence, the anticipation of
something deathlythe play ends as Ben trains his gun on Gus in silence.
Gus's questions and lamentations are also deflected, delayed, or interrupted.
Ben frequently changes the conversation and never replies with any emotional
depth to Gus's more probing questions. In the same way, they both avoid
discussing with any profundity the newspaper articles about death, skipping
past them to more trivial matters, such as the malfunctioning toilet. Ben
sometimes delays his response until they are interruptedby the sound of an
inanimate object, such as the toilet (which flushes on a delay) and the dumb
The language itself is also tinged with violence, especially when the topic is
something seemingly trivial. The men's argument over the phrase "Light the
kettle" is filled with Ben's barbs that intimidate and shame Gus. Moreover,
when Ben screams "THE KETTLE, YOU FOOL!" and chokes Gus, one gets the
feeling that his words are intertwined with the act of physical violence.
In a sense, the looming presence of Wilson is the most dominating silence in
the play. Assuming Wilson is the one sending the men messages through the
dumb waiter and the speaking tube (and Gus does say at one point that
sometimes Wilson only sends messages), then the audience never gets a
chance to hear him, but only hears him through a secondary mouthpiece as the
men read or repeat his orders. His mysteriousness is one of the more sinister
components of the play, for Wilson seems to be everywhere through his multitiered organization. He performs an off-stage role similar to that of Godot in
Beckett's Waiting for Godot, but whereas Godot symbolizes a neutral god-like
figure for whom the characters wait, Wilson is a malevolent god whom the
characters wait for in violent silence.

Anxiety Over Social Class

Gus and Ben are both lower-class criminals, and most productions of the play
emphasize their social status with appropriate dialects and accents. Some
productions may even opt to give Ben a slightly higher-ranking accent, as he is
more concerned with his standing. He repeatedly admonishes Gus for his
"slack" appearance and habits, urging him to make himself more presentable,
but Ben also seems more resigned to his lowly criminal life; he considers them
fortunate for having jobs. His profound shame over his class emerges in

interactions with those upstairs via the dumb waiter, and much of this shame is
tied to language. The food orders from the dumb waiter are for increasingly
exotic foods with unfamiliar names, and Ben pretends to know how to make
them only to a point. When they decide to send up their cache of food, even
Gus feels he has to impress those upstairs by announcing the brand names of
their pedestrian foodstuffs. Ben also happily reports that the man upstairs,
presumably of higher social standing, uses the same debated phrase"Light
the kettle"as he does, and he warns Gus to observe decorum when talking to
the upstairs, as he demonstrates with his formal apology. Ben is far more
reverent of Wilson than the inquiring Gus, and his deference is attributed less
to feelings of respect than to an overriding inferiority complex; Wilson is their
leader for a reason, and he must obey him at all costs, even if it means
betraying his friend. In this light, The Dumb Waiter can be read as an anticorporate update of Beckett's Waiting for Godot, an allegory of in- fighting and
what corporate workers will do to please their superiors.

At the play's start and end, Ben expresses outrage at an article in the
newspaper while Gus sympathizes. Similar repetitions mark the action
throughout the play. Early on, Gus bemoans the dull sleep-and-work routine of
his life, and various repetitive actionsfrom Gus's tendency to run out matches
to his recurring trips to the bathroomemerge as the basis of this cyclical
fatigue. Language, however, is where Pinter's use of repetition points to
violence and the nearness of death. Gus almost always has to repeat and
rephrase his important questions to Ben, questions that touch upon darker
issues Ben does not wish to reveal. Ben's mechanical instructions to Gus on
how to execute their murder are repeated by Gus with similar detachment, and
when Ben echoes through the speaking tube his own mission to kill Gus, it
likewise echoes the previous interaction with Gus. Pinter has compared echoes
to silence, and if one views the silences in his plays as indications of violence,
then linguistic echoes and repetitive actions suggest violence as well.

The dumb waiter
The dumb waiter serves as a symbol for the broken, one-sided communication
between Gus and Ben. If messages are to be sent via the dumb waiter, then
only one person at a time can send them, and one cannot simultaneously
speak and listen through the dumb waiter's speaking tube. Correspondingly,
Gus and Ben never have a fully open dialogueminimized even more by Ben's
knowledge of his impending betrayal of Gusand whenever Gus tries to bring
up something emotional, Ben refuses to speak with him. This disconnection is

the essence of their relationship. They do not speak with, but to each other.
They are like the dumb waitermute carriers of information, not sharers of it.
Moreover, Ben, especially, is manipulated by Wilson in the same way that the
dumb waiter is controlled by its system of pulleys.

The Silence and Violence of Language
Pinter's work is heavily influenced by Samuel Beckett, who used silence-filled
pauses for a revolutionary theatrical effect. Pinter has spoken of speech as a
stratagem designed to cover the nakedness of silence, and these aims are
often evident in the dialogue of Gus and Ben. Ben's most prominent response
to Gus's constant questions about the nature of their jobs is silence. Lurking
underneath this silence is always the threat of violence, the anticipation of
something deathlythe play ends as Ben trains his gun on Gus in silence.
Gus's questions and lamentations are also deflected, delayed, or interrupted.
Ben frequently changes the conversation and never replies with any emotional
depth to Gus's more probing questions. In the same way, they both avoid
discussing with any profundity the newspaper articles about death, skipping
past them to more trivial matters, such as the malfunctioning toilet. Ben
sometimes delays his response until they are interruptedby the sound of an
inanimate object, such as the toilet (which flushes on a delay) and the dumb
The language itself is also tinged with violence, especially when the topic is
something seemingly trivial. The men's argument over the phrase "Light the
kettle" is filled with Ben's barbs that intimidate and shame Gus. Moreover,
when Ben screams "THE KETTLE, YOU FOOL!" and chokes Gus, one gets the
feeling that his words are intertwined with the act of physical violence.
In a sense, the looming presence of Wilson is the most dominating silence in
the play. Assuming Wilson is the one sending the men messages through the
dumb waiter and the speaking tube (and Gus does say at one point that
sometimes Wilson only sends messages), then the audience never gets a
chance to hear him, but only hears him through a secondary mouthpiece as the
men read or repeat his orders. His mysteriousness is one of the more sinister
components of the play, for Wilson seems to be everywhere through his multitiered organization. He performs an off-stage role similar to that of Godot in
Beckett's Waiting for Godot, but whereas Godot symbolizes a neutral god-like
figure for whom the characters wait, Wilson is a malevolent god whom the
characters wait for in violent silence.

Anxiety Over Social Class

Gus and Ben are both lower-class criminals, and most productions of the play
emphasize their social status with appropriate dialects and accents. Some
productions may even opt to give Ben a slightly higher-ranking accent, as he is
more concerned with his standing. He repeatedly admonishes Gus for his
"slack" appearance and habits, urging him to make himself more presentable,
but Ben also seems more resigned to his lowly criminal life; he considers them
fortunate for having jobs. His profound shame over his class emerges in
interactions with those upstairs via the dumb waiter, and much of this shame is
tied to language. The food orders from the dumb waiter are for increasingly
exotic foods with unfamiliar names, and Ben pretends to know how to make
them only to a point. When they decide to send up their cache of food, even
Gus feels he has to impress those upstairs by announcing the brand names of
their pedestrian foodstuffs. Ben also happily reports that the man upstairs,
presumably of higher social standing, uses the same debated phrase"Light
the kettle"as he does, and he warns Gus to observe decorum when talking to
the upstairs, as he demonstrates with his formal apology. Ben is far more
reverent of Wilson than the inquiring Gus, and his deference is attributed less
to feelings of respect than to an overriding inferiority complex; Wilson is their
leader for a reason, and he must obey him at all costs, even if it means
betraying his friend. In this light, The Dumb Waiter can be read as an anticorporate update of Beckett's Waiting for Godot, an allegory of in- fighting and
what corporate workers will do to please their superiors.

At the play's start and end, Ben expresses outrage at an article in the
newspaper while Gus sympathizes. Similar repetitions mark the action
throughout the play. Early on, Gus bemoans the dull sleep-and-work routine of
his life, and various repetitive actionsfrom Gus's tendency to run out matches
to his recurring trips to the bathroomemerge as the basis of this cyclical
fatigue. Language, however, is where Pinter's use of repetition points to
violence and the nearness of death. Gus almost always has to repeat and
rephrase his important questions to Ben, questions that touch upon darker
issues Ben does not wish to reveal. Ben's mechanical instructions to Gus on
how to execute their murder are repeated by Gus with similar detachment, and
when Ben echoes through the speaking tube his own mission to kill Gus, it
likewise echoes the previous interaction with Gus. Pinter has compared echoes
to silence, and if one views the silences in his plays as indications of violence,
then linguistic echoes and repetitive actions suggest violence as well.

The dumb waiter

The dumb waiter serves as a symbol for the broken, one-sided communication
between Gus and Ben. If messages are to be sent via the dumb waiter, then
only one person at a time can send them, and one cannot simultaneously
speak and listen through the dumb waiter's speaking tube. Correspondingly,
Gus and Ben never have a fully open dialogueminimized even more by Ben's
knowledge of his impending betrayal of Gusand whenever Gus tries to bring
up something emotional, Ben refuses to speak with him. This disconnection is
the essence of their relationship. They do not speak with, but to each other.
They are like the dumb waitermute carriers of information, not sharers of it.
Moreover, Ben, especially, is manipulated by Wilson in the same way that the
dumb waiter is controlled by its system of pulleys. Themes
The Silence and Violence of Language
Pinter's work is heavily influenced by Samuel Beckett, who used silence-filled
pauses for a revolutionary theatrical effect. Pinter has spoken of speech as a
stratagem designed to cover the nakedness of silence, and these aims are
often evident in the dialogue of Gus and Ben. Ben's most prominent response
to Gus's constant questions about the nature of their jobs is silence. Lurking
underneath this silence is always the threat of violence, the anticipation of
something deathlythe play ends as Ben trains his gun on Gus in silence.
Gus's questions and lamentations are also deflected, delayed, or interrupted.
Ben frequently changes the conversation and never replies with any emotional
depth to Gus's more probing questions. In the same way, they both avoid
discussing with any profundity the newspaper articles about death, skipping
past them to more trivial matters, such as the malfunctioning toilet. Ben
sometimes delays his response until they are interruptedby the sound of an
inanimate object, such as the toilet (which flushes on a delay) and the dumb
The language itself is also tinged with violence, especially when the topic is
something seemingly trivial. The men's argument over the phrase "Light the
kettle" is filled with Ben's barbs that intimidate and shame Gus. Moreover,
when Ben screams "THE KETTLE, YOU FOOL!" and chokes Gus, one gets the
feeling that his words are intertwined with the act of physical violence.
In a sense, the looming presence of Wilson is the most dominating silence in
the play. Assuming Wilson is the one sending the men messages through the
dumb waiter and the speaking tube (and Gus does say at one point that
sometimes Wilson only sends messages), then the audience never gets a
chance to hear him, but only hears him through a secondary mouthpiece as the
men read or repeat his orders. His mysteriousness is one of the more sinister
components of the play, for Wilson seems to be everywhere through his multitiered organization. He performs an off-stage role similar to that of Godot in
Beckett's Waiting for Godot, but whereas Godot symbolizes a neutral god-like
figure for whom the characters wait, Wilson is a malevolent god whom the
characters wait for in violent silence.

Anxiety Over Social Class

Gus and Ben are both lower-class criminals, and most productions of the play
emphasize their social status with appropriate dialects and accents. Some
productions may even opt to give Ben a slightly higher-ranking accent, as he is
more concerned with his standing. He repeatedly admonishes Gus for his
"slack" appearance and habits, urging him to make himself more presentable,
but Ben also seems more resigned to his lowly criminal life; he considers them
fortunate for having jobs. His profound shame over his class emerges in
interactions with those upstairs via the dumb waiter, and much of this shame is
tied to language. The food orders from the dumb waiter are for increasingly
exotic foods with unfamiliar names, and Ben pretends to know how to make
them only to a point. When they decide to send up their cache of food, even
Gus feels he has to impress those upstairs by announcing the brand names of
their pedestrian foodstuffs. Ben also happily reports that the man upstairs,
presumably of higher social standing, uses the same debated phrase"Light
the kettle"as he does, and he warns Gus to observe decorum when talking to
the upstairs, as he demonstrates with his formal apology. Ben is far more
reverent of Wilson than the inquiring Gus, and his deference is attributed less
to feelings of respect than to an overriding inferiority complex; Wilson is their
leader for a reason, and he must obey him at all costs, even if it means
betraying his friend. In this light, The Dumb Waiter can be read as an anticorporate update of Beckett's Waiting for Godot, an allegory of in- fighting and
what corporate workers will do to please their superiors.

At the play's start and end, Ben expresses outrage at an article in the
newspaper while Gus sympathizes. Similar repetitions mark the action
throughout the play. Early on, Gus bemoans the dull sleep-and-work routine of
his life, and various repetitive actionsfrom Gus's tendency to run out matches
to his recurring trips to the bathroomemerge as the basis of this cyclical
fatigue. Language, however, is where Pinter's use of repetition points to
violence and the nearness of death. Gus almost always has to repeat and
rephrase his important questions to Ben, questions that touch upon darker
issues Ben does not wish to reveal. Ben's mechanical instructions to Gus on
how to execute their murder are repeated by Gus with similar detachment, and
when Ben echoes through the speaking tube his own mission to kill Gus, it
likewise echoes the previous interaction with Gus. Pinter has compared echoes
to silence, and if one views the silences in his plays as indications of violence,
then linguistic echoes and repetitive actions suggest violence as well.

The dumb waiter
The dumb waiter serves as a symbol for the broken, one-sided communication
between Gus and Ben. If messages are to be sent via the dumb waiter, then
only one person at a time can send them, and one cannot simultaneously
speak and listen through the dumb waiter's speaking tube. Correspondingly,
Gus and Ben never have a fully open dialogueminimized even more by Ben's
knowledge of his impending betrayal of Gusand whenever Gus tries to bring
up something emotional, Ben refuses to speak with him. This disconnection is
the essence of their relationship. They do not speak with, but to each other.
They are like the dumb waitermute carriers of information, not sharers of it.
Moreover, Ben, especially, is manipulated by Wilson in the same way that the
dumb waiter is controlled by its system of pulleys.

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