Casta Painting Art Race and Identity in Colonia
Casta Painting Art Race and Identity in Colonia
Casta Painting Art Race and Identity in Colonia
Module Leader
Rebecca Earle
This module explores the distinctive vision of colonial Mexico purveyed via the artistic genre
known as the casta painting. Casta paintings depict the outcomes of different types of inter-ethnic
mixing, and often come in series of 16, showing many different family groups. They are quite
remarkable. Consider, for example, Jos de Alcbar's painting showing a family group consisting, we
are told in the helpful label, of a Black father, and Indian mother and their 'Wolf' son:
1 assessed essay of 5,000 words. You may also write an unassessed essay of 2,500 words. This essay
is optional but if you choose to write it you should submit it to me by the end of week 7.
week 1: Introduction
week 2: Race and Caste in Colonial Mexico
week 3: Men and Women
week 4: Materialities
week 5: Families
week 6: Reading Week
week 7: Trip to Breamore House
week 8: Student presentations.
week 9: Student presentations
week 10: Conclusions: Race, Class and the Colonial Imagination
Seminar Readings
week 1: Introduction
What are casta paintings?
Peruse the illustrations in one of the following books:
Artes de Mxico: La pintura de castas, no. 8 (1990).
Carrera, Magali, Imagining Identity in New Spain: Race, Lineage, and the Colonial Body in
Portraiture and Casta Paintings, University of Texas Press (Austin, 2003).
Garca Siz, Mara Concepcin, Las castas mexicanas. Un gnero pictrico americano, Olivetti
(Milan, 1989).
Katzew, Ilona, Casta Painting: Images of Race in Eighteenth-century Mexico, Yale University Press
(New Haven, 2004).
Katzew, Ilona, ed., New World Orders. Casta Painting and Colonial Latin America, Americas Society
(New York, 1996).
Skim the chapters on colonial Spanish America in one of the following:
Bakewell, Peter, A History of Latin America (Blackwell, 1997).
Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Spanish America (Cambridge University Press, 1987).
Lockhart, James and Stuart Schwartz, Early Latin America (Cambridge University Press, 1983).
Williamson, Edwin, The Penguin History of Latin America (Penguin, 1992).
week 2: Race and Caste in Colonial Mexico
How well do the racial taxonomies of casta paintings reflect the lived experience of eighteenth-century
Mexicans? Do you agree with Susan Kellogg that these paintings help legitimise mestizaje by making
it seem part of everyday life?
Bourbon Society
Cope, R. Douglas, The Limits of Racial Domination: Plebeian Society in Colonial Mexico City, 16601720, University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, 1994).
Vinson III, Ben, Studying Race from the Margins: The Forgotten CastesLobos, Moriscos,
Coyotes, Moros, and Chinos in the Colonial Mexican Caste System, International Seminar
on the History of the Atlantic World (Harvard University, 2000).
Viqueira Albn, Juan Pedro, Propriety and Permissiveness in Bourbon Mexico, trans. Sonya LipsettRivera and Sergio Rivera Ayala, SR Books (Wilmington, 1999).
Casta Paintings
Deans-Smith, Susan, Creating the Colonial Subject: Casta Paintings, Collectors, and Critics in
Eighteenth-Century Mexico and Spain, Colonial Latin American Review 14:2 (2005)
Katzew, Ilona, ed., New World Orders. Casta Painting and Colonial Latin America, Americas Society
week 5: Families
To what extent to casta paintings engage with Enlightenment debates about domesticity and the
family? What images of paternity and maternity do they promote?
Fernndez de Lizardi, Jos Joaquin, The Mangy Parrot: The Life And Times Of Periquillo Sarniento
Written By Himself For His Children, trans. David Frey, Hackett (2005).
Premo, Bianca, Children of the Father King: Youth, Authority, & Legal Minority in Colonial Lima,
University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill, 2005), chaps. 5 and 6
Casta paintings
Lpez Beltrn, Carlos, Hippocratic Bodies: Temperament and Castas in Spanish America (15701820, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 8:2 (2007).
Loren, Diana DiPaolo, Corporeal Concerns: Eighteenth-Century Casta Paintings and Colonial Bodies
in Spanish Texas, Historical Archaeology, Vol. 41, No. 1: Between Art & Artifact (2007), pp.
week 6: Reading Week
week 7: Trip to Breamore House (Hampshire) to view collection of casta paintings
week 8: Student presentations.
Please present an analysis of a specific casta painting.
week 9: Student presentations, cont.
week 10: Conclusions: Race, Class and the Colonial Imagination
What accounts of the current popularity of casta paintings?
Primary Sources
Konetzke, Richard, ed., Coleccin de documentos para la formacin social de Hispanoamrica, 14921810, CSIC (Madrid, 1953-62).
Juan, Jorge and Antonio de Ulloa, A Voyage to South America (London, 1806).
Fernndez de Lizardi, Jos Joaquin, The Mangy Parrot: The Life And Times Of Periquillo Sarniento
Written By Himself For His Children, trans. David Frey, Hackett (2005).
OCrouley, Pedro Alonso, A Description of the Kingdom of New Spain, ed. and trans. Sen Galvin
Casta Paintings, Collecting and Visual Culture
Artes de Mxico: La pintura de castas, no. 8 (1990).
Carrera, Magali, Imagining Identity in New Spain: Race, Lineage, and the Colonial Body in
Portraiture and Casta Paintings, University of Texas Press (Austin, 2003).
Cowie, Helen, Conquering Nature in Spain and its Empire, 1750-1850, Manchester University Press
(Manchester, 2011).
Deans-Smith, Susan, Creating the Colonial Subject: Casta Paintings, Collectors, and Critics in
Eighteenth-Century Mexico and Spain, Colonial Latin American Review 14:2 (2005)
Donahue-Wallace, Picturing Prints in Viceregal New Spain, The Americas, 64:3 (2008).
Ebert, Anne, La representacin de las Amricas coloniales en los cuadros de castas, Scientia, vol. x,
no. 10.
Estenssoro Fuchs, Juan Carlos, Los colores de la plebe. Razn y mestizaje en el Per colonial, Los
cuadros de mestizaje del Virrey Amat. La representacin etnogrfica en el Per colonial,
Museo de Arte (Lima, 2000).
Fisher, Abby Sue, Mestizaje and the Cuadros de Casta: Visual Representation of Race, Status, and
Dress in Eighteenth Century Mexico, D.Phil, University of Minnesota, 1992
Frutas y Castas Ilustradas, Museo Nacional de Antropologa Ministerio de Educacin, Cultura y
Deporte (Madrid, 2004).
Garca Siz, Mara Concepcin, Las castas mexicanas. Un gnero pictrico americano, Olivetti
(Milan, 1989).
Katzew, Ilona, Casta Painting: Images of Race in Eighteenth-century Mexico, Yale University Press
(New Haven, 2004).
Katzew, Ilona, ed., New World Orders. Casta Painting and Colonial Latin America, Americas Society
(New York, 1996).
Katzew, Ilona, and Susan Deans-Smith, Race and Classification: The Case of Mexican America,
Stanford University Press (Palo Alto, 2009).
Kellogg, Susan, Depicting Mestizaje: Gendered Images of Ethnorace in Colonial Mexican Texts,
Journal of Women's History, Volume 12, Number 3 (2000), pp. 69-92.
Leibsohn, Dana, and Barbara Mundy, Vistas: Visual Culture in Spanish America, 1520-1820,
Lpez Beltrn, Carlos, Hippocratic Bodies: Temperament and Castas in Spanish America (15701820, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 8:2 (2007).
Loren, Diana DiPaolo, Corporeal Concerns: Eighteenth-Century Casta Paintings and Colonial Bodies
in Spanish Texas, Historical Archaeology, Vol. 41, No. 1: Between Art & Artifact (2007), pp.
Majluf, Natalia, ed. Los cuadros de mestizaje del Virrey Amat: la representacin etnogrfica en el
Per colonial, Museo de Arte de Lima (Lima, 2000).
McIntrye, Kellen Kee and Richard Phillips, eds., Women and Art in Early Modern Latin America, Brill
(Leiden, 2007).
Scott, Nina, Measuring Ingredients: Food and Domesticity in Mexican Casta Paintings,
Gastronomica, Winter 2005, Vol. 5, No. 1, Pages 7079.
Sentiments and Emotions
Barker-Benfield, G.J. The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain,
University of Chicago Press (Chicago, 1996).
Haidt, Rebecca, Embodying Enlightenment: Knowing the Body in Eighteenth-Century Spanish
Literature and Culture, St. Martins Press (New York, 1998).
Material Culture
Bauer, Arnold, Goods, Power, History: Latin Americas Material Culture, Cambridge University Press
(Cambridge, 2001).
Carrillo y Gariel, Alebardo, El traje en la Nueva Espaa, Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e
Historia, 1959.
Earle, Rebecca, Two Pairs of Pink Satin Shoes!!: Clothing, Race and Identity in the Americas, 17 th19th Centuries, History Workshop Journal, issue 52 (2001), pp. 175-95.
Earle, Rebecca, Consumption and Excess in Colonial and Early Independent Spanish America,
Imported Modernity in Post-Colonial State-Formation: The Appropriation of Political,
Educational and Cultural Models in Nineteenth-Century Latin America, eds. Marcelo Caruso and
Eugenia Roldn Vera, Peter Lang (Frankfurt am Main, 2007), pp. 341-61.
Earle, Rebecca, Clothing and Ethnicity in Colonial Spanish America, The Fashion History Reader:
Global Perspectives, eds. Giorgio Riello and Peter McNeill, Routledge (London, 2010), pp. 3835.
Colonial Culture and Society
Alberro, Solange, et al., El placer de pecar y el afn de normar: ideologas y comportamientos
familiares y sexuales en el Mxico colonial, Planeta (Mexico, 1986),
Alberro, Solange, et al., Seis ensayos sobre el discursos colonial relativo a la comunidad domstica,
(Mexico City, 1980)
Arrom, Silvia, Marriage Patterns in Mexico City, 1811, Journal of Family History, vol. 3/4 (1978),
pp. 376-391
Arrom, Silvia, The Women of Mexico City, 1790-1857, Stanford University Press (Stanford, 1985)
Boyer, Richard, The Lives of the Bigamists: Marriage, Family and Community in Colonial Mexico,
University of New Mexico Press (Albuquerque, 1995)
Boyer, Richard, Respect and Identity: Horizontal and Vertical Reference Points in Speech Acts, The