Xaverian Mission Newsletter February 2010
Xaverian Mission Newsletter February 2010
Xaverian Mission Newsletter February 2010
Vol. 57 - No. 1 | February 2009
plan: we are called to form one family Frs. Ramos, Garduno and Casillas, all
in which all – individuals, peoples and from Mexico, share some of their first
Highlights nations…” struggles and hopes as they begin their
missionary work. Fr. Rocco Puopolo
Our missionary commitment as Catho- also graces our pages again in his ongo-
• Young Xaverian Missionaries lics counts these words as guide posts ing work through the Africa Faith and
Prepare for First Mission in the challenges of world mission to- Justice Network based in Washington
day. Our Founder, Blessed Guido Maria DC. They are trying to see how healing
• From Milwaukee to Bangla- Conforti, many years ago shared this and reconciliation can occur after the
desh: A Young Missionary vision “to make the world one family” pain and grief of horrific wars, and the
Reflects as a guiding principle in the new chal- outrageous violence they reeked. There
lenges we face as missionaries today. are many stories of this healing,
• Restorative Justice in Africa
This is the best way of thinking of glob- unleashed through the mission of the
• Zimbabwe, St. Paul, and alization in a world whose borders are Church, that we need to listen to. This
True Power disintegrating not only politically and is restorative justice.
economically, but morally and spiritu-
• To Live and Work for Peace ally. As we begin a new Lenten Journey we
focus on the overwhelming compassion
• Sharing Missionary Lives on We hope this issue of XMN provides a of Jesus on the cross, coming from the
College Campuses glimpse of the vision of the Holy Father very heart of God the Father, and
in the zeal and enthusiasm of some of shared by us as disciples of Christ in a
our newest missionaries in the field. world longing for authentic peace. CC
Xaverian Missionaries in the World
Xaverian Missionaries
Provincial Headquarters
12 Helene Court
Wayne, NJ 07470-2813
Tel.: (973) 942-2975
Fax: (973) 942-5012
Email: xavwayne@optonline.net
International Theology House
recently arrived to Bangladesh for galis, who say: "Otithi narayan - the
1347 East Hyde Park Blvd. my first mission experience, along guest is God"!
Chicago, IL 60615-2924
Tel. (773) 643-5745 with Father Marcos Garduno and
Email: xavformation@hotmail.com Father Melecio, all from Mexico. We We often participate in meetings or-
are preparing for our missionary life. ganized specifically for the "new" mis-
St. Therese Catholic Chinese
Mission sionaries in the country. Last July, for
218 West Alexander Street The Constitutions of the Xaverian example, Mr. Atul Francis, Director of
Chicago, IL 60608–0000 Missionaries reminds us that "the ini- Caritas Bangladesh, shared with us
Tel. (312) 842-6777
Email: tial period of transition in the mission how we may live, think and act like
info_church@sttheresechinatown.org field is a particularly significant mo- the Bengali people.
ment in the life of a Xaverian. It re-
quires a warm acceptance of the new The Complexity of a Nation
Xaverian Mission Newsletter There are 150 million people In Bang-
world, serious study of the reality and
the language of the place ...". ladesh. Approximately 98% are Ben-
Official publication of the
Xaverian Missionaries galis, the other 2% are aborigines of
of the United States We are really buckling down to the various ethnic groups. 90% are Mus-
books in order to study lims, others are Hindu,
Coordinating Editor
Fr. Carl Chudy the language and culture Christians, Buddhists and
of the Bengali people, animists. This enormous,
Editorial Team
Fr. Tony Lalli because you cannot ac- diverse tide of people is
Fr. Joseph Matteucig cept and love what you both the strength and at
Fr. Alfredo Turco do not know! We are the same time, the
Layout Consultant approaching this new weakness of Bangladesh.
Diamand Design, Wrentham, MA culture for us with a
mind and heart open to Unfortunately, the Ben-
Allied Printing, Marlboro, MA welcome all that we galis are still living in a
experience. Moreover, caste system where large
Email & Web: our attitude of openness populations are consid-
www.xaviermissionaries.org to the Bengali culture is ered a lesser class peo-
also an important cul- ple, a mindset which is
$10.00 per year tural value for the Ben- difficult to overcome.
was ordained a priest in my home think of things, and some attitudes
country of Mexico with a dream to that I carry around with me.
begin my first mission experience
in Bangladesh. I arrived in our commu- I am struck by contrasts as well. For
nity of Franklin, Wisconsin to spend an example, even though women appear
intense year improving my English to be in a more subservient position in
skills. society, it is at least ten years that
Bangladesh has enormous political
Six months after my arrival to our mis- struggles. In the recent elections,
sions in Bangladesh, I immediately Sheikh Hasina Wajed, a woman, is the
began student both the language and new Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
culture. I am just beginning to speak Before the elections, since they could
in the local language of Bangla. In not agree on how Bangladesh should
fact, my first mass in the the local be ruled, the Army took over. This is
language was this past Christmas. I the first year in many years that con-
consider this event a symbolic rebirth trol of the country is transferred from
as I begin my new mission here. the military to civilian rule.
ecently I had the chance to visit of them in midst of a busy market and
to Ghana, Liberia and Sierra listened to their stories of the conflict,
Leone, researching restorative displacement and disappointment.
justice processes there. I am the di- When asked if they could suggest a way
rector of The Africa Faith and Justice forward that would restore peace to
Network and we are looking into where Yendi in a just manner, I was surprised
this process of restoring communities to discover a very wise and creative
broken by conflicts happens and how it response, one I would not have thought
could be affirmed as a compliment to of from my experience nor found in any
other forms of doing justice. conflict resolution manual that I am
familiar with. It was an example of the
Children Recovering from War wisdom and knowledge of the way for-
From the first meeting on my trip with ward that is very present in African
the “push boys” from the Northern Societies.
Ghana city of Yendi, I saw restorative
justice at work. These secondary Fambol Tok
school boys and girls are displaced and The most powerful example of this was
work the Medina market in Accra, out found in Sierra Leone where I met the of evening circles around the fire, shar-
of school and living on the streets be- organizers of Fambul Tok (Family ing the stories of loss and hope, learn-
cause of a chiefdom rivalry hundreds of Talk), a Sierra Leonean initiative that ing to listen to each other and trust the
miles away that turned violent. I sat provides a local community the support strength of their community.
with a representative group of about 17 and guidance to create their own
framework and proc- One Son Lost, Another Gained
ess that can lead to Well into the first week, after a family
restoration. Fambul shared the loss of their only son, who
Tok’s first outreach they thought was alive but displaced in
was to the local com- neighboring Liberia or Guinea, one
munity in Kailahun, young man came forward to offer his
the very place in the condolences to the family, and, be-
Eastern Province cause of the support created by this
where the insurgents circle, admitted to killing this son. He
of the 14 year war was younger then, and drugged and
had their headquar- part of that maddening crowd of child
ters and whose local soldiers, but he did remember that he
community had ex- killed that boy. He knelt before the
perienced the war family, now wailing and crying uncon-
from start to finish. trollably. When the crying subsided,
in the uncomfortable silence of not
This broken commu- knowing what to do or where to go
nity welcomed Fam- next, the young man spoke. He knows
bul Tok’s guidance as he did wrong. There is no way he could
they themselves set bring back their son. But what he
up a process to bring could do is take his place. Any task
the community to- that the son would have done, brushing
gether. After prelimi- the farm, mending the roof, etc., he
nary background in- would do for the rest of his life. The
formation to all in the family accepted. Restoration was
community that achieved.
framed the work
ahead, the commu- Check out Fr. Rocco’s Blog on his trip
nity initiated a series at: www.rjwestafrica.blogspot.com
Fr. Rocco Puopolo with the “Push Boys” (former child soldiers) of
Madina Marken in Accra
Xaverian Mission Newsletter ▪ February 2009 5
Catholic Commitment to Global Solidarity
The Situation A very bad thing. It is very harmful to
At a time of dramatic global the immigrants and to a lesser degree
changes and challenges, Catho- it is harmful to our country as well.
lics in the United States face Unfortunately, U. S. immigration law
special responsibilities and opportuni- provides people with no other alterna-
ties. We are members of a universal tive in the exercise of their basic hu-
Church that transcends national man right to immigrate.28 Is this a
boundaries and calls us to live in soli- case of the ends justifying the means
darity and justice with the peoples of or the lesser of two evils — neither of
the world. We are also citizens of a which is morally admissible? No, be-
powerful democracy with enormous cause the act of immigration in the
influence beyond our borders. As exercise of one’s intrinsic human
Catholics and Americans we are rights are justifiable and not evil even
uniquely called to global solidarity.” when it involves the infraction of a
The US Catholic Bishops remind us in law that is itself unjust. The solution
“Called to Global Solidarity” in 1997 to illegal immigration is not to make
that this solidarity plays out in many immigration even more difficult and
"The so-called “illegals” are so ways, most perilous, but
not because they wish to defy poignant to- rather to
day, the remove the
the law; but, because the law
hotly de- causes of
does not provide them with
bated issue illegal immi-
any channels to regularize
of immigra- gration.
their status in our country –
which needs their labor: they
are not breaking the law, the Why does
One of the the Catholic
law is breaking them."
constant fea- Church care
Most Reverend Thomas Wenski, Bishop tures of so much
of Orlando American about US
history immigration
is the fact of reform?
immigration and the process of con- The explanation lies in the church's
version whereby the receiving popula- view of itself as a pilgrim people in a
tion learns to soften its heart and pilgrim church. It sees the Holy Family
open its arms to welcome the new- — in their flight to Egypt — as the ar-
comer. As we have seen with the ear- chetypal refugee family. Migrants
lier waves of Irish, German, Italian evoke its own history, including the
and Eastern European immigrants, this biblical exodus and exile, the itinerant
process takes time — time for the im- ministry of Jesus, and its 2,000-year
migrants to assimilate and time for missionary tradition. The stranger is
the receiving population to become welcomed as a Gospel imperative.
comfortable with the newcomers. The
ancestors of today’s Americans faced In Strangers No Longer, the church
and overcame many of the same ob- states that people have the right not
stacles that now confront today’s im- to migrate; that is, they should be
migrants. able to live freely in their countries of
birth. However, when this is impossi-
Isn’t Illegal Immigration a Bad ble, whether due to extreme poverty
Things? or persecution, the church says they
Yes, illegal immigration is a bad thing. have a right to migrate, and nations
eople who ob- things. Paul often
Zimbabwean Jesuit David serve Zimbabwe talks of power but in
Harold-Barry looks at the from afar often a way quite different
concept of power expressed explode, ‘Why is the from our leader.
in the letters of St Paul. situation going on so
How does Paul’s idea of long? Why don’t you do May the God of hope
power differ to the mani- something? Why don’t fill you with all joy
festations of political you get rid of that man and peace in your
power we see today? who is blocking every- faith, so that in the
thing?’ Those of us power of the Holy
www.thinkingfaith.org Spirit you may be rich
who live here do not
ask these questions. in hope. (Rom 15:13).
We are not interested
Glory be to him whose
in violence; we had
power, working in us,
years of it in the strug-
can do infinitely more
gle for independence
than we can ask or
and they were deeply
imagine. (Eph 3: 20)
traumatic. And be-
sides, bad as our situa- There is exterior
tion is, we have no power, which is the
wish to find ourselves imposition of some-
alongside Kivu and thing by brute force,
Goma, suffering the same Meanwhile they are con- that has no relationship to
misery as that caused by sciously planning the sort of the reality on the ground.
the Rwandan genocide. society they want. They There is also interior
now know – by a sort of via power, which is what Paul
But there is perhaps a negativa - what good gov- refers to. It is doing some-
deeper reason which we do ernance means and what thing, often painfully and
not often put into words. effective management of slowly, that relates, as it
Our president uses force to the economy means. We were organically, to some
stay in power but to use will never again tolerate need on the ground and
force to remove him would someone bulldozing his way which ultimately people
be inviting for ourselves through the institutions of accept because it has an
decades of instability. We the state. interior logic. This is the
prefer to wait. Eventually
power Paul writes of. And
circumstances will abound In this year of St Paul we
he is quite blunt about it:
that will make change in- have a sure theological
for Paul, power means the
evitable. What we are liv- base for this way of seeing
ing through now in Zim-
A depiction of St. Paul’s conversion
on the way to Damascus by Car- babwe is painful but it is
ravaggio. not time lost. People in
their thirties and forties,
educated reflective people,
have observed what has
been happening this past
ten years and they are
deeply embarrassed by the
continued presence of ‘the
old man’. But they want to
see him go peacefully.
An election rally during the violent times in Zambabwe
Fr. Joe Matteucig
holliston.sx at
Some 245 people are missing Sierra Leone, Africa The faithful of the Diocese of
after a ferry sank en route be- Tai Nan are showing their great
tween the Island of Sulawesi and Son of Former President Sen- enthusiasm and devotion to Our
Borneo, said Transport Minister tences to 97 Years in Prison Lady of Wan Jin, whose image is
Jusman Syafii Djamal, adding on pilgrimage through the vari-
that first investigations indicate ‘Chuckie’ Taylor, son of the ous dioceses of the island of
that the cause of the disaster president Liberia Charles Tay- Taiwan, in order to “invoke the
were the bad weather condi- lor, already recognized last Lord's blessing on the country,”
tions. According to the 22 survi- October of being guilty of tor- on the occasion of its 150th
vors, the ferry capsized on Sat- ture and complicity in several anniversary of evangelization.
urday night after being hit by homicides between 1999 and Cardinal Paul Shan, Emeritus
over 5-meter high waves. The 2003: the sentence was issued Bishop of Kaohsiung, on behalf
director of maritime security of by a court in Miami. Born in of all the Bishops of Taiwan who
Pare Pare, the port on the west- Boston, a citizen of the United were on their Ad Limina visit in
ern coast of Sulawesi from States, 31 years, Charles Rome, presided the solemn pro-
where the ferry departed, said McArthur Emmanuel was judged cession that took place on De-
that the ferry flipped over dur- on the basis of a law that au- cember 13, which welcomed the
ing the night when most of the thorizes the federal courts over arrival of the pilgrim-statue of
250 passengers and 17 crew- crimes of torture perpetrated Our Lady of Wan Jin to Tai Nan.
members were sleeping. DRC by US citizens. During the presi- When the religious procession
dency, currently on trial in The passed in front of a Buddhist
Democratic Republic of the Hague by the UN for war crimes temple, even the Buddhists who
Congo committed during the civil war were inside the temple praying
in Sierra Leone, ‘Chuckie’ led came out with their hands in
The Catholic Church assists the “anti-terrorism” unit. prayer and bowed their heads in
after the massacres respect before the statue.
Vatican City
Caritas International is has sent Burundi, Africa
aid to 10,000 families in the Pope Benedict XVI on Gaza:
The Africa Faith and Justice
north of the Democratic Repub- “Military Options are No Solu- New Religious Congregation
Network [AFJN] strives to be a lic of Congo, where on Christ- tion” Approved
meaningful voice for Africa in mas Day, Ugandan rebels of the
U.S. public policy. AFJN stresses Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) “Once again I would repeat that The Archdiocese of Gitega has
issues of human rights and social carried out massacres on the the military option is not a solu- recently approved the new reli-
justice that tie directly into local population. “The rebels tion and that violence, wher- gious family of the Congregation
Catholic social teaching. AFJN have been terrorizing the people ever it comes from and what- of Mary, Queen of the Holy
of northern Congo for several ever form it takes, must be Priesthood. The Congregation
works closely with Catholic
months. However, the wave of firmly condemned”, said Pope was founded by diocesan priest
missionary congregations and Benedict XVI in a speech to the
violence during the holiday sea- Father Avit Vyumvuhore on Au-
numerous Africa-focused coali- son has left over 400 victims diplomatic corps accredited to gust 15, 1976, with the mission
tions of all persuasions to advo- from a series of massacres car- the Holy See. “The birth of of sanctifying the People of God
cate for USA economic and po- ried out by the LRA rebels on Christ in the poor grotto of and bearing witness to the irre-
litical policies that will benefit Christmas Day and the days that Bethlehem, naturally conducts placeable role of the priesthood
Africa`s poor majority, facili- followed. Officials said, “We are our thoughts to the situation in in ecclesial life. The charism
shocked by survivor's accounts. the Middle East, and first and given by the Founder (who was a
tate an end to armed conflict,
In spite of the presence of sol- foremost to the Holy Land, missionary in Africa and Europe)
establish equitable trade and
diers in some towns, many peo- where over these last few days is that of praying and working
investment with Africa and pro- ple fear new episodes of vio- we are witnessing a recrudes- for the holiness of all the bap-
mote ecologically sound devel- lence. The inhabitants of the cence of violence, which causes tized, especially for the holiness
opment. villages attacked have fled damages and huge sufferings of priests, spreading the spiritu-
empty-handed and Caritas is amidst the civilians. This situa- ality of the love Jesus related to
The Executive Director is trying to provide for those who tion further complicates the his Disciples: “Love your ene-
Xaverian Missionary, were forced to flee on Christmas pursuit of a way out of the con- mies and pray for those who
Fr. Rocco Puopolo. Day and the days following.” flict between Israelis and Pales- persecute you” (Mt. 5:44). The
Up to 150,000 people are tinians, profoundly desired by Institute includes both a mascu-
thought have left their homes to many of them and the entire line and feminine branch (the
Get Involved at: seek safety following violence world”, added the Pontiff. latter being a more recent foun-
www.afjn.org which has seen rebels burning dation).
villages, hacking people to
issionaries who and friendly Program for Lent 2009
work many years in approach
far flung places with the
worldwide have the for- students,
tune to “bring home” brings an The Xaverian Missionaries in the
these rich, eventful ex- important Democratic Republic of the
periences in order to share dimension to Congo
them with us and to help ministry
By Fr. Pascal Kamanzi Kasanziki
us know the global links with the
Rector of our International
we all have as Catholics. Catholic
students of Theology Program in Chicago
Fr. Adolph Menendez the campus.
worked for 23 years in He says that Saturday, March 28
Mexico and before that, in sharing
more than seven in Japan. his mission- Our Lady of Fatima Shrine
From there he came to the ary life and Fr. Adolph Menendez with some international students at a 101 Summer Street
Eastern Illinois University the mission special program at the University. Holliston, MA
and finally to the Univer- of the Call 508-429-2144
sity of Illinois in Cham- Church, they come to un- horrors of war, was kidnapped for reservations
paign/Urbana to work in derstand their lives as a by rebels there and eventually
campus ministry. Presently gift of God given for the found freedom. He brings this
he serves the mission edu- benefit of others. Also, he rich faith experience to Illinois
cation program of the enjoys to see the signs of State University in Normal/
Catholic student center wonder in them as they Bloomington, Illinois.
and the Hispanic Aposto- come to know more of the
late. ways of God. On staff at the Catholic Stu-
dent Center, he assists with
Fr. Adolph, whose warm Fr. Victor Mosele, another the sacramental life of the
Xaverian students and is present to
Mission- them for counseling and
ary work- friendly chats. Fr. Victor says
ing in that many of the students
campus have little idea of what the Margaret Toner, founder of the
ministry, missionary commitment of the Xaverian Mission Guild of
Kearny, NJ more than 40 years
worked Church in the world is really
ago passed away on January 8,
for more all about today. He tries to 2008 at the age of 93.
than 30 “fill the gap” of knowledge
years in and appreciation for mission in Fr. Maloney remembers her: “I
Sierra order to help the students recall her enthusiasm, her
Leone, understand their commitment gentleness, her spirited antics,
West of global solidarity as Catho- her willingness to be there for
her children and for her
Africa, lics.
neighbors and friends and for
where in
Check out Fr. Victor’s Book, her relatives still in Scotland.”
his last She worked tirelessly for many
years Running for My Life, at Ama-
years in the support of the
experi- zon Bookstore. (See details on missionary work of the Church.
Fr. Victor Mosele talks with students at the FOCUS confer-
ence, a meeting of Catholic college students nationwide. enced the page 12) She will truly be missed.
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U.S. Postage 101 Summer Street