Relativity Qs
Relativity Qs
Relativity Qs
A spaceship is travelling to the right at speed 0.75 c, through a tunnel which is open at
both ends. Observer A is standing at the centre of one side of the tunnel. Observer A, for
whom the tunnel is at rest, measures the length of the tunnel to be 240 m and the length of
the spaceship to be 200 m. The diagram below shows this situation from the perspective of
observer A.
Observer B, for whom the spaceship is stationary, is standing at the centre of the
IB Questionbank Physics
According to observer A, the spaceship is completely inside the tunnel for a short
time. State and explain whether or not, according to observer B, the spaceship is
ever completely inside the tunnel.
Two sources of light are located at each end of the tunnel. The diagram below shows this
situation from the perspective of observer A.
According to observer A, at the instant when observer B passes observer A, the two
sources of light emit a flash. Observer A sees the two flashes simultaneously. Discuss
whether or not observer B sees the two flashes simultaneously.
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
A spaceship is travelling to the right at speed 0.75 c, through a tunnel which is open at
both ends. Observer A is standing at the centre of one side of the tunnel. Observer A, for
whom the tunnel is at rest, measures the length of the tunnel to be 240 m and the length of
the spaceship to be 200 m. The diagram below shows this situation from the perspective of
observer A.
Observer B, for whom the spaceship is stationary, is standing at the centre of the
IB Questionbank Physics
According to observer A, the spaceship is completely inside the tunnel for a short
time. State and explain whether or not, according to observer B, the spaceship is
ever completely inside the tunnel.
IB Questionbank Physics
Two sources of light are located at each end of the tunnel. The diagram below shows this
situation from the perspective of observer A.
According to observer A, at the instant when observer B passes observer A, the two
sources of light emit a flash. Observer A sees the two flashes simultaneously. Discuss
whether or not observer B sees the two flashes simultaneously.
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
IB Questionbank Physics
The rest mass of rocket 1 is 1.0 103 kg. Determine the relativistic kinetic energy of
rocket 1, as measured by an observer on Earth.
(Total 8 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
State and explain how this apparatus was used to try to measure the speed of the Earth
relative to the ether.
State the result of this experiment and explain how this result supports the special theory
of relativity.
(Total 6 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
State how the frequency as measured by observer B compares with the frequency as
measured by observer A.
IB Questionbank Physics
The lasers are now placed on a spaceship, which is accelerating upwards at a constant rate
of 9.81 m s2, far away from any other masses as shown below. The distance of observer
D from the laser is 1.00 102 m. Observer C is at the bottom of the spaceship.
Explain, with reference to the equivalence principle, the frequencies measured by observers
C and D, as compared to observers A and B.
(Total 6 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Carrie measures her spaceship to have a length of 100 m. Peter measures Carries
spaceship to have a length of 91 m.
According to Carrie, it takes the star ten years to reach her. Using your answer to (a)(ii),
calculate the distance to the star as measured by Peter.
IB Questionbank Physics
According to Peter, as Carrie passes the star she sends a radio signal. Determine the time,
as measured by Carrie, for the message to reach Peter.
(Total 8 marks)
(Total 2 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Carrie measures her spaceship to have a length of 100 m. Peter measures Carries
spaceship to have a length of 91 m.
According to Carrie, it takes the star ten years to reach her. Using your answer to (a)(ii),
calculate the distance to the star as measured by Peter.
IB Questionbank Physics
According to Peter, as Carrie passes the star she sends a radio signal. Determine the time,
as measured by Carrie, for the message to reach Peter.
Carrie and Louise, two observers in a spaceship, view a light source placed close to Carrie.
When the spaceship is travelling at a constant velocity, they both measure the frequency of
the light source and obtain identical values.
IB Questionbank Physics
Calculate the potential difference through which a proton, starting from rest, must be
accelerated for its massenergy to be equal to three times its rest mass-energy.
IB Questionbank Physics
State and explain why Michelson and Morley rotated the apparatus through 90.
IB Questionbank Physics
Explain how spacetime is used to describe the gravitational attraction between Earth and a
satellite orbiting the Earth.
(Total 6 marks)
Ann and Sue are twins. Sue remains on Earth. Ann travels to the star Sirius in a spaceship
moving at a speed of 0.80 c, as measured by Sue. The distance between Earth and Sirius is
8.8 ly, as measured by Sue.
Calculate the time elapsed, as measured by Sue, between Ann leaving Earth and
reaching Sirius.
IB Questionbank Physics
State and explain whether Ann or Sue measures the proper time between Ann
leaving Earth and arriving at Sirius.
Calculate the time taken for the spaceship to reach Sirius, as measured by Ann.
As Ann approaches Sirius, she sends a radio message back to Sue. The distance
between Sirius and Earth, as measured by Ann, is 5.28 ly. Determine the time, as
measured by Ann, that it takes for the signal to reach Sue.
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Ann and Sue are twins. Sue remains on Earth. Ann travels to the star Sirius in a spaceship
moving at a speed of 0.80c, as measured by Sue. The distance between Earth and Sirius is
8.8 ly, as measured by Sue.
Calculate the time elapsed, as measured by Sue, between Ann leaving Earth and
reaching Sirius.
State and explain whether Ann or Sue measures the proper time between Ann
leaving Earth and arriving at Sirius.
Calculate the time taken for the spaceship to reach Sirius, as measured by Ann.
IB Questionbank Physics
As Ann approaches Sirius, she sends a radio message back to Sue. The distance
between Sirius and Earth, as measured by Ann, is 5.28 ly. Determine the time, as
measured by Ann, that it takes for the signal to reach Sue.
As soon as Ann arrives at Sirius, she immediately turns around and returns to Earth at a
speed of 0.80c, as measured by Sue. The return journey gives rise to the twin paradox.
IB Questionbank Physics
Two protons are travelling towards one another along the same straight line. The speed of
each proton is 0.70c as measured by a laboratory observer. Calculate the relative velocity
of approach, as measured in the frame of reference of one of the protons.
IB Questionbank Physics
Determine the potential difference through which a proton must be accelerated in order to
reach a speed of 0.70c.
(Total 9 marks)
Calculate the Schwarzschild radius for an object of mass 2.0 1031 kg.
IB Questionbank Physics
A starship is stationary just outside the event horizon of a black hole. A space station is
also stationary and is located far away from the black hole and any other massive object.
The starship transmits a radio signal to the space station. Explain why the signal
received at the space station is shifted to a lower frequency than the transmitted
The starship remains stationary just outside the event horizon for one hour as
measured by an observer in the starship. The time elapsed, as measured by an
observer in the space station, is ten hours. Determine, in terms of the Schwarzschild
radius Rs of the black hole, the distance of the starship from the event horizon of the
black hole.
(Total 8 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
A spaceship moves with speed v = 0.600c relative to a space station. Two lasers, A and B,
on the space station are 5.00 m apart as measured by the space station observers. The
gamma factor for a speed of v = 0.600c is =1.25.
A radio signal is sent to the spaceship from the space station. The transmission lasts
for 6.00 s according to space station clocks. Calculate the duration of the
transmission according to the spaceship observers.
IB Questionbank Physics
Calculate the distance between the lasers A and B according to the spaceship
The lasers in (b) are fired simultaneously according to the space station observers.
Light from each laser makes a mark on the spaceship. The spaceship observers measure
the distance between the two marks to be 6.25 m. According to the spaceship observers
determine the difference in time between the firings of the two lasers.
(Total 9 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
The diagram shows two inertial frames of reference. Frame S moves with velocity v = 2.0
108 m s1 relative to frame S along the x-x-direction. When the origins of the two frames
coincided, the clocks in both frames were set to show zero.
An event takes place at x = 5.0 103 m when the clocks in frame S show t = 3.0 105 s.
By using Galilean transformation equations, determine the position and time of this
event in the S frame of reference.
A laser, at rest in the frame S, emits a ray of light along the negative x-direction
(i.e. towards the left). The speed of the ray of light is measured to be c in the frame
S. Show, using the relativistic velocity addition formula, that the speed of the ray of
light in the frame S is also measured to be c.
IB Questionbank Physics
A spaceship moves with speed v = 0.600c relative to a space station. Two lasers, A and B,
on the space station are 5.00 m apart as measured by the space station observers. The
gamma factor for a speed of v = 0.600c is =1.25.
IB Questionbank Physics
A radio signal is sent to the spaceship from the space station. The transmission lasts
for 6.00 s according to space station clocks. Calculate the duration of the
transmission according to the spaceship observers.
Calculate the distance between the lasers A and B according to the spaceship
The lasers in (b) are fired simultaneously according to the space station observers.
Light from each laser makes a mark on the spaceship. The spaceship observers measure
the distance between the two marks to be 6.25 m. According to the spaceship observers
determine the difference in time between the firings of the two lasers.
(Total 9 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
IB Questionbank Physics
A monochromatic beam of light is emitted from the floor F of the rocket. The beam is
received at the ceiling C of the rocket. Suggest why the frequency of the light beam
measured at C is less than the frequency measured at F.
IB Questionbank Physics
IB Questionbank Physics
Einsteins theory of general relativity predicts that a massive body causes a curvature
(bending) of space.
Describe how Eddingtons experiment provides evidence for the curvature of space
caused by the Sun.
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Ben switches on a light pulse that bounces vertically (as observed by Ben) between two
horizontal mirrors M1 and M2 separated by a distance d. At the instant that the mirrors are
opposite Jill, the pulse is just leaving the mirror M2. The speed of light in air is c.
On the diagram, sketch the path of the light pulse between M1 and M2 as observed by Jill.
The time for the light pulse to travel from M2 to M1 as measured by Jill is t.
IB Questionbank Physics
Using a Galilean transformation, derive an expression for the length of the path of
the light between M2 and M1.
State, according to special relativity, the length of the path of the light between M2 and M1
as measured by Jill in terms of c and t.
The time for the pulse to travel from M2 to M1 as measured by Ben is t. Use your
answers to (b)(i) and (c) to derive a relationship between t and t.
According to a clock at rest with respect to Jill, a clock in the spaceship runs slow by a
factor of 2.3. Show that the speed v of the spaceship is 0.90c.
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Ben switches on a light pulse that bounces vertically (as observed by Ben) between two
horizontal mirrors M1 and M2 separated by a distance d. At the instant that the mirrors are
opposite Jill, the pulse is just leaving the mirror M2. The speed of light in air is c.
On the diagram, sketch the path of the light pulse between M1 and M2 as observed by Jill.
IB Questionbank Physics
Using a Galilean transformation, derive an expression for the length of the path of
the light between M2 and M1.
State, according to special relativity, the length of the path of the light between M2 and M1
as measured by Jill in terms of c and t.
The time for the pulse to travel from M2 to M1 as measured by Ben is t. Use your
answers to (b)(i) and (c) to derive a relationship between t and t.
According to a clock at rest with respect to Jill, a clock in the spaceship runs slow by a
factor of 2.3. Show that the speed v of the spaceship is 0.90c.
IB Questionbank Physics
The length of a table in the spaceship is measured by Ben to be 1.8 m. Calculate the length
of the table as measured by Jill.
The questions (e) and (f) introduce the concepts of time dilation and length contraction.
Discuss how muon decay in the atmosphere provides experimental evidence for these
(Total 16 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Immediately after the conversion, the kinetic energies of the electron and positron are equal. The
magnitude of the recoil momentum of the gold nucleus is 0.880 MeV c1 and is in the direction of
the photon.
Calculate, immediately after the decay, the magnitude of the momentum of the electron.
IB Questionbank Physics
Calculate the value V of the potential difference through which an electron at rest must be
accelerated in order to have the same magnitude of momentum as that in (a).
(Total 6 marks)
Between leaving Bobs hand and landing on the floor, the ball follows the path shown.
State and explain whether, from the path followed by the ball, Bob can deduce that the
spaceship is at rest on the surface of a planet.
IB Questionbank Physics
Calculate the radius that Earth would have to have in order for it to behave as a black hole.
The mass of Earth is 6.0 1024 kg.
(Total 8 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Explain with reference to the concept of proper time, why the arrival of the light pulses at
Hermann will also be simultaneous to Albert.
(Total 3 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
When the spacecraft leaves Earth, Amanda, one of the astronauts in the spacecraft, is 20 years
The Lorentz gamma factor for a speed of 0.80c is =
the time taken for the journey to the planet as measured by an observer on Earth.
the distance between the Earth and the planet, as measured by Amanda.
Amandas age as the spacecraft goes past the planet, according to Amanda.
IB Questionbank Physics
As the spacecraft goes past the planet Amanda sends a radio signal to Earth.
Calculate, as measured by the spacecraft observers, the time it takes for the signal to arrive
at Earth.
(Total 7 marks)
The speed of light in free space is c and the orbital speed of Earth is v.
IB Questionbank Physics
using a Galilean transformation, the speed of light along the path from the mirror
M1 to the semi-transparent mirror S in terms of c and v.
With the apparatus in the position shown, an interference pattern was observed in the field
of view of the telescope. The apparatus was then rotated by 90.
IB Questionbank Physics
IB Questionbank Physics
Albert is at rest with respect to the ground. Hermann is in a carriage that is moving with
speed v relative to Albert in the direction shown. Two flashes of light are emitted from the
back and the front of the carriage. According to Hermanns clock they arrive at Hermanns
position simultaneously.
Explain with reference to the concept of proper time, why the arrival of the light pulses at
Hermann will also be simultaneous to Albert.
(Total 4 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
When the spacecraft leaves Earth, Amanda, one of the astronauts in the spacecraft, is 20 years
The Lorentz gamma factor for a speed of 0.80c is =
the time taken for the journey to the planet as measured by an observer on Earth.
the distance between the Earth and the planet, as measured by Amanda.
Amandas age as the spacecraft goes past the planet, according to Amanda.
IB Questionbank Physics
As the spacecraft goes past the planet Amanda sends a radio signal to Earth.
Calculate, as measured by the spacecraft observers, the time it takes for the signal to arrive
at Earth.
(Total 7 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Suggest how the graph may be used in order to obtain the rest mass of the K.
Use the graph to determine the potential difference required to accelerate a K from rest to
a speed of 0.95c.
The K is unstable and decays into a muon and an antineutrino according to the reaction
K + v
The rest mass of the muon is 105 MeV c2. The rest mass of the antineutrino may be
assumed to be zero.
The K is at rest when it decays.
Show that total energy is conserved if the momentum of the muon is 234 MeV c1.
IB Questionbank Physics
A probe is at rest a small distance from a black hole of Schwarzschild radius 6.7 104 m.
The probe emits monochromatic light pulses that are received by a spacecraft very far
from the black hole.
According to a clock in the probe the pulses have a frequency of 4.5 1014 Hz, with one
pulse being emitted every two seconds. The frequency of the light as measured by a clock
in the spacecraft is 3.0 1014 Hz.
State the name of the phenomenon responsible for the observed change in the
frequency of the light.
IB Questionbank Physics
Determine, according to the spacecraft clock, how often the pulses are received by
the spacecraft.
Determine the distance of the probe from the centre of the black hole.
(Total 6 marks)
One of the two postulates of special relativity states that the laws of physics are the same
for all inertial observers. State the other postulate.
IB Questionbank Physics
Tom and Barbara are two observers each in a separate reference frame. The reference
frames are moving relative to each other in the same straight line with constant velocity.
Two lamps L1 and L2 are operated by the same switch. Tom is at the mid-point between
the lamps as measured in his frame of reference.
Tom measures the separation of L1 and L2 to be 1.5 m whereas Barbara measures the
separation to be 0.5 m.
State and explain which observer measures the proper length between L1 and L2.
IB Questionbank Physics
Calculate, in terms of the free space speed of light c, the relative speed between Tom
and Barbara.
Sketch a graph to show how the relative speed v between Tom and Barbara varies
with the length L between L1 and L2 as measured by Barbara. The data point (1.5,0)
is shown. On the v axis, label the point v = c.
(Total 11 marks)
One of the two postulates of special relativity states that the laws of physics are the same
for all inertial observers. State the other postulate.
IB Questionbank Physics
Tom and Barbara are two observers each in a separate reference frame. The reference
frames are moving relative to each other in the same straight line with constant velocity.
Two lamps L1 and L2 are operated by the same switch. Tom is at the mid-point between
the lamps as measured in his frame of reference.
Tom measures the separation of L1 and L2 to be 1.5 m whereas Barbara measures the
separation to be 0.5 m.
State and explain which observer measures the proper length between L1 and L2.
IB Questionbank Physics
Calculate, in terms of the free space speed of light c, the relative speed between Tom
and Barbara.
Sketch a graph to show how the relative speed v between Tom and Barbara varies
with the length L between L1 and L2 as measured by Barbara. The data point (1.5,
0) is shown. On the v axis, label the point v = c.
IB Questionbank Physics
On the axes sketch a graph to show the variation with speed v of the mass m of the proton.
IB Questionbank Physics
After acceleration the proton approaches an antiproton (proton with a negative charge) that
is moving along the same straight line but in the opposite direction. The relative speed of
approach of the particles, as measured in the laboratory frame of reference, is 0.987c.
Deduce that the speed of the antiproton is about the same as the speed of the proton in
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
gravitational red-shift.
IB Questionbank Physics
Aibhe is at rest in an inertial frame of reference A and Euan is at rest in an inertial frame
of reference B. B is moving in the x-direction, with speed v, relative to A. The table T is at
rest with respect to Aibhe.
IB Questionbank Physics
Two insects land at the same point on T. According to a clock at rest with respect to
Aibhe, one of the insects lands 2.4 seconds after the other. Calculate, according to Euan,
the time interval between the landings of each insect.
IB Questionbank Physics
Two other insects land at either end of the table. These two events may occur at the same
time as measured by one of the observers (Aibhe or Euan) but not to the other. Outline,
with reference to the postulates of relativity, why these times differ.
(Total 10 marks)
Aibhe is at rest in an inertial frame of reference A and Euan is at rest in an inertial frame
of reference B. B is moving in the x-direction, with speed v, relative to A. The table T is at
rest with respect to Aibhe.
IB Questionbank Physics
Two insects land at the same point on T. According to a clock at rest with respect to
Aibhe, one of the insects lands 2.4 seconds after the other. Calculate, according to Euan,
the time interval between the landings of each insect.
Two other insects land at either end of the table. These two events may occur at the same
time as measured by one of the observers (Aibhe or Euan) but not to the other. Outline,
with reference to the postulates of relativity, why these times differ.
IB Questionbank Physics
Muons are produced in the upper atmosphere by the bombardment of cosmic rays. The
muons travel close to the speed of light and are unstable. They have a very short half-life
as measured in a muons frame of reference. Explain how the detection of muons at the
surface of the Earth provides evidence for the special theory of relativity.
(Total 13 marks)
Particle A is at rest with respect to an observer. Another identical particle B is moving with
respect to the observer. Distinguish between the total energy of particle A and the total
energy of particle B as measured by the observer.
Particle A: ....................................................................................................................
Particle B: ....................................................................................................................
Two protons are travelling towards each other along the same straight line in a vacuum.
The speed of each proton, as measured in the laboratory frame of reference, is 0.960c.
IB Questionbank Physics
Calculate the relative speed of one proton with respect to the other proton.
Show that the total energy of one of the protons, according to an observer at rest in
the laboratory, is 3.35 GeV.
total energy of the proton formed plus the total energy of the neutron formed by the
IB Questionbank Physics
The diagram shows the paths followed by the neutron and pion in (c).
The dotted line shows the path of the original collision of the protons in (b). On the
diagram, draw the direction of the proton formed in the collision.
(Total 11 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Outline, with reference to the motion of photons in spacetime, what is meant by the
Schwarzschild radius.
The mass of the Sun is about 2 1030 kg. Show that, if the Sun were to become a black
hole, its radius would be about 3 km.
(Total 6 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
A spacecraft is moving with a speed of 0.80c with respect to observers on Earth. After 6.0
years of travel, according to the spacecraft clocks, the spacecraft arrives at a distant solar
Calculate the time the journey has taken according to an observer on Earth.
Calculate the distance between the Earth and the solar system according to an
observer on Earth.
The spacecraft observers send a signal to Earth to announce that they have arrived
at the solar system. The spacecraft continues to move. Determine how long it will
take the signal to arrive on Earth according to the spacecraft observers.
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
A spacecraft is moving with a speed of 0.80c with respect to observers on Earth. After 6.0
years of travel, according to the spacecraft clocks, the spacecraft arrives at a distant solar
Calculate the time the journey has taken according to an observer on Earth.
Calculate the distance between the Earth and the solar system according to an
observer on Earth.
The spacecraft observers send a signal to Earth to announce that they have arrived
at the solar system. The spacecraft continues to move. Determine how long it will
take the signal to arrive on Earth according to the spacecraft observers.
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics
Two electrons are travelling directly towards one another. Each has a speed of 0.80c relative to a
stationary observer. Calculate the relative velocity of approach, as measured in the frame of
reference of one of the electrons.
(Total 3 marks)
Distinguish between the rest mass-energy of a particle and its total energy.
The rest mass of a proton is 938 MeV c2. State the value of its rest mass-energy.
IB Questionbank Physics
A proton is accelerated from rest through a potential difference V until it reaches a speed of
0.980c. Determine the potential difference V as measured by an observer at rest in the
laboratory frame of reference.
(Total 7 marks)
The diagram below illustrates the distortion of space by the gravitational field of a black hole.
Describe what is meant by the centre and the surface of a black hole.
IB Questionbank Physics
Calculate the Schwarzschild radius for an object having a mass of 2.0 1031 kg (ten
solar masses).
Science fiction frequently portrays black holes as objects that swallow everything
in the universe.
A spacecraft is travelling towards the object in (a)(iii) such that, if it continues in a
straight-line, its distance of closest approach would be about 107 m. By reference to
the diagram and your answer in (a)(iii), suggest whether the fate of the spacecraft is
consistent with the fate as portrayed in science fiction.
In 1979, Wahl, Carswell and Weymann discovered two very distant quasars separated
by a small angle. Spectroscopic examination of the images showed that they were identical.
Outline how these observations give support to the theory of General Relativity.
(Total 10 marks)
IB Questionbank Physics