Week Four Read Me First: Technological Communication
Week Four Read Me First: Technological Communication
Week Four Read Me First: Technological Communication
CJA/304 Version 4
Read Me First
CJA/304 Version 4
The text reviews many of the technological advances police are currently using. You may be
familiar with many of these common tools and technologies. In addition, the text reviews many
current criminal activities that involve using a computer. Refer to the text and compare older
methods of committing crimes to new methods made possible through technology. Technology
has either made certain crimes obsolete or has made them more advanced and more difficult to
investigate. The text may not refer to the most recent technologies, but it describes how
technology has affected all forms of the criminal justice system.
Rapid and ongoing change is, and always will be, a fact of life in the law enforcement field. As
technology continues to advance, new technologies become available for use in criminal justice
settings to assist officers and law enforcement workers. Regardless of advances in criminal
justice technology, it is important to note that communication will always rely on human senses for
crime detection and protection.
Wallace, H., & Roberson, C. (2009). Written and interpersonal communication: Methods for law
enforcement (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.