Narrative Writing PDF
Narrative Writing PDF
Narrative Writing PDF
WRITING stories of misadventure and
This unit of work is for students at Yr. 5 level or above. The aims of the ten
weeks long programme are the following:
To encourage students to create stories
To help them realise that they are doing this naturally by recounting
events from their daily lives
To stimulate students imaginations by presenting them with many
good short story models at their reading time
To teach them how to structure different types of narratives e.g.
stories of misadventure or quest, and narratives about people, places,
animals and things
To provide many opportunities for story making/telling/writing and
letting students use different parts of the story structures to do this
the beginning, the middle or the end, as well as working with
complete stories
To teach students to analyse and synthesise text
To teach students how to present information in point form and in
Tutors are asked to encourage and praise all efforts of the students and
guide them sensitively when necessary. Many young and older pupils who
request the help of tutors show a marked reluctance to write, pleading that
they cannot spell correctly, or they do not understand paragraphing and
other punctuation symbols. The spell-check on the computer can deal with
the first deficiency and teaching story structures can help with the latter,
along with topic writing. Listening exercises to identify longer and shorter
pauses can aid the identification of commas and full stops.
Formal grammar, punctuation, parts of speech and spelling lessons need to
be taught frequently.
B C Kenna RSM
G stories of
nture and ssearch
The word narraative is a big wordd meaning story. So,
S narrativve writing
g really
means story writing. I caan hear thee groans an
nd moans of the stuudents com
througgh cybersppace to my
y ears from
m far, far away
across the year
I ccant writee stories!
I ddont havee an imagination!
I hhave ideass, but I dun
nno how tto do puncctuation an
nd paragraaphs.
I hhate writinng, becausse Im no ggood at it!!
not write stories
likee those in the
Yes, Ive heard it all before. Maybee you cann
above pictures, but
b I bet you
y can telll me whaat you did when youu went cam
with a school grroup, or with your fa
family. I beet you can
n tell me ab
about an acccident
you haave had how
h you broke
thatt bone, or skinned your elbow
ws and kneees.
The evvents told about you
ur life are sstories and
d they don
nt even neeed an
imaginnation, beccause you can remeember the facts. Eveery time yoou tell som
what yyou did som
mewhere, you havee told a sto
Even iif you tell a story yo
ou need to put it tog
gether in th
he best waay possiblee, so
that it will be intteresting and
a easy too understaand.
There are only thhree or four simple parts to a good storry. They aare
1. Beginnin
2. Middle has one or more p
The Beginn
When you beginn a friendsship, you nneed somee informattion Wh
ho is this person?
Wheree does s/hhe live? What
is s/hee like? Maaybe theree are somee Whys yo
want too know abbout her orr him, andd youll fin
nd those answers
when you enjoy
your frriendship. Well, a sttory begin
nning answ
wers all orr some off these queestions.
So, whhen you arre plannin
ng your stoory (tha
at is so importtant!!!!)) you
think aabout the following
WHY are Mum and Dad going to Ballarat on such a hot day at the
Mum needs dentist - Dad wants new battery for old car.
I am going to put this information together in the first paragraph - the
beginning. This paragraph will be a little story and it leads you into a
longer one! Usually, the beginning is only several sentences, so it can
fit in one paragraph.
(The beginning)
Now, you discuss this beginning and see if you can find the information
that answers the questions about who, what, when, where, why. See
how I planned the little story for the beginning of a longer story it
was so EASY PEASY! The first paragraph is the most important one,
because if the reader doesnt like the beginning, she/he wont read the
rest! Note how I included a little hint of danger to come, with these
words bushfires burning south and west of Ballarat!
Here are some new ideas that you can organize under who, what,
when where, why
This part of the story tellss us about all the thiings that happen
afteer a probleem
occurss. Let yourr imaginattion run rioot. Put you
ur ideas in
n point forrm.
For exxample
There are three big
b compllications hhere the hose wont stretch, the fire iss
spreadding, flamees burn thee old manns pants.
Choose yyour action
Write the middlle of the story in intteresting sentences.
words carefully
Solution tells how the problem is solved - Mums efforts with the door-mat,
your spraying with the hose-water quenched (put out) the flames.
The Ending explains how the victims are at the end of the story.
Example: The poor old mans legs were badly burnt, so Mum drove him to
Emergency at the city hospital. The nurses looked after him well. That
evening we went to visit him. My father died last year and Mum packed up
some of his pyjamas and clothes and took them to Bob. That was the mans
name. The St Vincent de Paul men found Bob a place to live in the town and he
became a new uncle to me.
The Beginning
The Middle with Problem/s (This is the longest part of the story.)
The Solution explains how the trouble is put right.
The Ending tells how victims are at the end of the story.
Some teachers and text books confuse students by naming the simple parts of
a story with big words like
1. Orientation
2. Complication/s
3. Resolution
4. Conclusion
Why use big words when little words are easier to understand?
3. Have I included all the story parts e.g. the beginning, the middle, the
solution and the end?
4. Are my writing skills correct spelling, grammar, punctuation
5. Did I choose the best words to express my meaning e.g. adjectives,
adverbs, nouns, active verbs etc.
A quest is a search for something or someone! Fairy tales are usually quest
stories. In Cinderella the prince searches the land for the beautiful, good
person he has danced with the night before, because he wants to marry her.
In the story of Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf is searching for some really
tasty food Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood.
Police stories on TV are quest stories. The policemen are searching for lawbreakers.
When you write or tell a quest story you use the story parts given above.
Write a beginning for one of these topics, or write the whole story.
My Mother
1. Photo of bushfire selected from Images on web titled The Victorian Bushfires in 2009
2. Clipart: man with the leg of his pants on fire artist Ron Leishman
3. Clipart: traditional fairy tales free clipart images on that topic
B C Kenna RSM
Centacare Ballarat,