Fire Work Makers Daughter Planning

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Mr Harris Literacy Term 2a Week

Learning Success Lesson Differentiation CL Plenary
Objective Criteria Challenge AfL

1 Infer writers To be able to Explain to the class that in this unit we In pairs, read to the end of chapter 1. Look closely at 2
perspectives find will be looking at Narrative. Some of of the complex
from what is descriptive these stories have been passed down With highlighters, highlight other sentences that
descriptive phrases about the
written and phrases in the through generations (link to oral have been found
characters and any clues as to where
what is text about the tradition as discussed in myths and the story is set. and write on the
implied characters legends unit) Some of these stories IWB why have
and setting will be similar to traditional tales, such Challenge: they been chosen?
Experiment as the story we are starting with 0 Find 5 different complex sentences
with the order To be able to Firework Makers Daughter Phillip and explain why they are complex. Can the sentences
of sections say why the Pullman. be re-ordered to
to create author has create different
different chosen these Work in pairs with photocopies of effects?
effects words. What chapter 1.
does he want READ TO END OF
us to think Read opening sentence together CHAPTER 2 AT
about the what clues are there to the type of THE END OF THE
characters? story this is? It is in the style of a DAY
traditional tale if this is a traditional
To find tale, what other elements might be
examples of included?
complex A journey, magic, talking animals,
sentences special numbers (3 or 7), a message.
within a text.
. Read through to page 6. Identify how
the author describes the characters
what does he want us to think about
them? What word choices have
enabled him to do this?

Copy Chapter 1 for class.
LSA support BNA
2 Reflect on how To be able to Discuss how Lila is feeling when Work in a pair role play the Swap own writing
working in role write a script she writes the note on page 14. conversation that might have taken with partner and
helps to taking the role place if Lalchland had caught up with read out each
explore Lila.
of both Question: others writing. Be
issues characters What do we think Lalchlands reaction Question: a critical friend to
making use of to this note would be? How could he have persuaded her not your partner and
dramatic To be able to to leave? What would she have told show them where
conventions indicate how Look at pages 15,16 and 17 to her father so that she could go on and you think they
the words are highlight evidence of how he is follow her dream? have met the
said feeling. success criteria.
Model writing the start of the
conversation. Recap on basics of
To be able to Establish that the author doesnt just Speech.
add extra say that Lalchland is sad and upset READ TO END
details to your he expresses how he is feeling Explain that the children will be CHAPTER 4 BY
scene to through what he says AND his actions writing a conversation their role play END OF THE DAY
indicate find examples of this in the text. should have given them some good 3.
actions and ideas but they dont have to worry
about remembering word for word.
Go through the success criteria for
use of inverted commas together.
Children to write individual
3 Adapt To be able to Use enlarged copy of pages from Read chapter 3 collect different Look at the grids
sentence be able to chapter 1 or via W/B to highlight sentences that have been written to and collect some
construction identify use of punctuation. create a particular effect. of the sentences
to different different found. Reinforce
text types, sentence Question: NA and ANA: Create grid with the need for a
purposes and types What effects does using a variety headings variety of
readers of punctuation create? Dramatic/exciting sentences within
To be able to Comic our work.
Experiment identify find From Chapter 2 give children a Tension
with order of examples of short unpunctuated paragraph via Collect sentences from text Recap types of
sections to different W/B, discuss and model re- underneath then write own in the sentences
create sentences punctuating sentences from the same style
different within a text text. Short tension
effects and the effect BNA: Read with LSA and discuss sentence
they create Explain that today we are going to be Firework Makers Daughter text and
looking for sentences that have been effects by author. List sentence
To be able to chosen for different effects
be able to excitement/drama, comic or tension. Challenge: Write own sentences in 3 part
write own the same style
sentences in a Discuss what we mean by using Establish that the
similar style language to create a comic effect way for us to
the author doesnt just write a joke move our writing
what does he do? on to the next
level is to focus on
the variety of


Main task discussed, class work mainly on punctuation.
LSA support BNA
4 Punctuate To be able to Continue focus on direct and Look at a piece of text where the Discuss with class
sentences use correct reported speech. punctuation and organisation make it and model as.
accurately, punctuation of unclear who is saying what. Compare
speech within
including Discuss what we already know this with a piece of text that is very
a sentence, as
using inverted well as correct about the differences between repetitive in its style e.g., always an
commas and full stops and reported and direct speech. Recap adverb after speech
apostrophes capital letters at how we punctuate direct speech
and how this changes depending Discuss the limitations of each.
To be able to on where the speech is within the
include a sentence. READ TO END OF PAGE 108 (the
variety of both
first contestant will now begin his
direct and
reported Focus on two new areas display).
speech Reporting clauses developed into
actions using the word as, e.g.
demonstrate a What are you talking about?
good balance asked Chulak, as the other animals
between crowded round him.
direct and
reported Adverbs are used more sparingly
speech to achieve effects and not used in
every reporting clause

Look at page 75 to see how the

author has done this.

Include an action starting with as
in more than one clause.

LSA support BNA
5 and Experiment To use basic Recap on what we thought were Talk to partners about how the story Discus with class
6 with different punctuation elements of a traditional tale which of behind his about how he found his plans and what
narrative and these have we found in The Firework fortune and convinced Lotus elelments have
forms and connectives, Makers Daughter? Blossom to be his bride. been use. Class
write own use commas will green pen and
stories and inverted RECORD ELEMENTS CLEARLY ON Children to plan their stories onto a change plans as
commas. BOARD story mountain the children need required.
Adapt to ensure that they include as many
sentence To vary What was the message of the story elements of a traditional tale in their
construction sentence Lila had had what she was looking for stories. Their story will have the
to different openers and all along. same setting as The Firework
text types, connectives. Makers Daughter, so similar
purposes and Use Questions: references need to be included. (20
readers connectives What do we know about the character mins)
from the Chang?
board display We know that he loves Lotus Blossom.
that you have We know that at some point he was on
never used Rambashis boat being a pirate.
We know by the end of the story that
Chang the carpenter had found his
fortune and married Lotus Blossom.

Complete story mountain of new story.

LSA support BNA

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