Goniometry 2020
Goniometry 2020
Goniometry 2020
Goniometry is the measuring of angles created by the bones of the body at the joints.
These joints are measured by a goniometer. The goniometer has a moving arm,
stationary arm, and the fulcrum. The fulcrum or body is placed over the joint being
measured and on it is a scale from 0 to 180.
Patient Position: Supine Lying / Crook Lying
Start Position: Arm at side, palm facing medially
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Lateral aspect of center of humeral head (approximately 2.5
cm inferior to the lateral aspect of the acromion process)
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the lateral midline of the trunk
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the humerus, pointing
towards the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Normal ROM: 0 – 180 degrees
Alternate Position: Sitting
Patient Position : Prone lying
Start Position: Arm at side, palm facing medially
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Lateral aspect of center of humeral head (approximately 2.5
cm inferior to the lateral aspect of the acromion process)
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the lateral midline of the trunk
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the humerus, pointing
towards the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Normal ROM: 0 – 60 degrees
Alternate Position: Sitting
Patient Position : Supine Lying / Crook Lying
Start Position: Arm at side, Shoulder in external rotation
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Mid point of anterior aspect of the shoulder joint
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the Sternum
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the humerus,
Normal ROM: 0 – 180 degrees
Alternate Position: Sitting/ Prone
Patient Position : Prone Lying
Start Position: Shoulder Abducted 90 degrees, elbow flexed 90 degrees,
forearm in midposition
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: On Olecranon process of the ulna
Fixed Arm: Perpendicular to the floor
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the Ulna, pointing
towards the Ulnar Styloid process
Normal ROM: 0 – 70 degrees
Patient Position : Supine Lying / Crook Lying
Start Position: Arm is in anatomical position with a towel under the distal
end of the humerus with the elbow in extension.
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the humerus, pointing to
the top of the acromion process
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the Radius, pointing
towards the Radial Styloid process
Normal ROM: 0 – 140 degrees
Alternate Position: Sitting
Patient Position : Supine Lying / Crook Lying
Start Position: Arm is in anatomical position with a towel under the distal
end of the humerus with the elbow in Full Flexion.
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the humerus, poiting to
the top of the acromion process
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the Radius, pointing
towards the Radial Styloid process
Normal ROM: 140 –0 degrees
Alternate Position: Sitting
Patient Position : Sitting
Start Position: Shoulder is adducted and elbow flexed to 90 degrees with
the forearm in midposition. A pencil is held in tightly
closed fist, the tip of the pencil protruding from the radial
aspect of the hand.
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Over the head of the 3rd Metacarpal
Fixed Arm: Perpendicular to the floor
Movable Arm: Parallel to the pencil
End Position: The forearm is rotated internally so the palm of the hand
faces downwards towards the floor.
Normal ROM: 0 – 80/90 degrees
Patient Position : Sitting
Start Position: Shoulder is adducted and elbow flexed to 90 degrees with
the forearm in midposition. A pencil is held in tightly
closed fist, the tip of the pencil protruding from the radial
aspect of the hand.
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Over the head of the 3rd Metacarpal
Fixed Arm: Perpendicular to the floor
Movable Arm: Parallel to the pencil
End Position: The forearm is rotated externally so the palm of the hand
faces upwards towards the ceiling.
Normal ROM: 0 – 80/90 degrees
Patient Position : Sitting
Start Position: Foream resting on table in pronation, wrist is in neutral, the
hand is over the edge of the table
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: At the Ulnar Styloid Process
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the Ulna
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the 5th metacarpal
Normal ROM: 0 – 80 degrees
Patient Position : Sitting
Start Position: Forearm resting on table in pronation, wrist is in neutral,
the hand is over the edge of the table
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: At the Ulnar Styloid Process
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the Ulna
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the 5th metacarpal
Normal ROM: 0 – 70 degrees
Patient Position: Supine Lying
Start Position: Hip and Knee in neutral position.
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Over the Greater Trochanter of the femur
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the midaxillary line of the trunk.
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the femur, pointing
towards the lateral epicondyle of the femur.
End Position: Hip is flexed while flexing the knee.
Normal ROM: 0- 120 degrees
Patient Position: Prone Lying
Start Position: Hip and Knee in neutral position. Pelvis stabilized by
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Over the Greater Trochanter of the femur
Fixed Arm: Parallel to the midaxillary line of the trunk.
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the femur, pointing
towards the lateral epicondyle of the femur.
End Position: Hip is extended while keeping the knee extended
Normal ROM: 0 - 30 degrees
Patient Position : Supine Lying
Start Position: Hip and Knee in neutral position.
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Over the ASIS on the side of the hip being measured
Fixed Arm: Along the line between the two ASIS’s
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the femur (anteriorly),
pointing towards the mid patella
Normal ROM: 0 - 45 degrees
Patient Position : Supine Lying
Start Position: The hip on the nontested side is abducted to provide full
ROM in adduction to the tested side.
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: Over the ASIS on the side of the hip being measured
Fixed Arm: Along the line between the two ASIS’s
Movable Arm: Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the femur (anteriorly),
pointing towards the mid patella
Normal ROM: 0 - 30 degrees
Capsular pattern: Flexion, Extension
Goniometer Axis/Fulcrum: The Goniometer is placed on the line graphics to obtain a
measure of the arc of movement.
Normal ROM: Inversion: 0 - 35 degrees
Eversion: 0 - 20 degrees
Tape Measure: A linear measure is obtained through the use of a tape measure for
cervical spine movements.
Start Position: the patient is sitting in a chair with a back support. The head and neck are
in the anatomical position. The start position is same for all neck movements.
The Patient rotates the head (without flexing or extending) to the limit of motion.
A tape measure is used to measure the distance between the tip of the chin and the
acromion process.
difference between the two measures is the lumbar spinal