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A New Framework For Addressing Temporal Range Queries and Some Preliminary Results

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A New Framework for Addressing Temporal Range

Queries and Some Preliminary Results

Qingmin Shi and Joseph JaJa
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
January 29, 2003

Given a set of n objects, each characterized by d attributes speci ed at m xed time
instances, we are interested in the problem of designing space ecient indexing structures
such that arbitrary temporal range search queries can be handled eciently. When m = 1,
our problem reduces to the d-dimensional orthogonal search problem. We establish ecient
data structures to handle several classes of the general problem. Our results include a linear
size data structure that enables a query time of O(log n log m= log log n + f ) for one-sided
queries when d = 1, where f is the number of objects satisfying the query. A similar result
is shown for counting queries. We also show that the most general problem can be solved
with a polylogarithmic query time using nonlinear space data structures.

1 Introduction
In this paper, we introduce a framework for exploring temporal patterns of a set of objects
and discuss the design of indexing structures for handling temporal orthogonal range queries
in such a framework. We assume that each object is characterized by a set of attributes,
whose values are given for a sequence of time snapshots. The temporal patterns of interest
can be de ned as the values of certain attributes remaining within certain bounds, changing
according to a given pattern (say increasing or decreasing), or satisfying certain statistical
distributions. We focus here on temporal patterns characterized by orthogonal range values
over the attributes. More speci cally, we are aiming to design indexing structures to quickly
nd objects whose attributes fall within a set of ranges during a given time period speci ed
at query time. In the dynamic case, either objects or time snapshots can be added or deleted.
 Supported in part by the National Science Foundation through the National Partnership for Advanced
Computational Infrastructure (NPACI), DoD-MD Procurement under contract MDA90402C0428, and NASA
under the ESIP Program NCC5300.

Our framework is very general and encompasses problems in multidimensional range search
and temporal range search for data time series.
More formally, let S be a set of n objects fO ; O ;    ; On g, each of which is characterized
1 2
by a set of d attributes whose values change over time. We are given m snapshots of each
object at time instances t ; t ; : : : ; tm. The set of values of the d attributes of object Oi at
1 2
time instance tj is denoted as a vector v(i; j ) = [vij (1); vij (2); : : :; vij (d)].
We are interested in developing a data structure for S so that the following types of
queries, called temporal range queries, can be handled very quickly:
Given two vectors a = [a ; a ;    ; ad] and b = [b ; b ;    ; bd], and two time
1 2 1 2
instances ts and te. Find the set Q of objects such that for every Oi 2 Q,
ak  vij (k) < bk for all 1  k  d and ts  tj  te.
Note that the general multidimensional orthogonal range search is a special case of our
problem corresponding to a single time snapshot. Typically, we measure the complexity in
terms of the storage cost of the data structure and the query time as functions of n,m, and
d, where typically d is considered to be a constant.
Many applications fall in a natural way under our general framework. The following is a
list of a few such examples.
 Climatologists are often interested in studying the climate change patterns for certain
geographical areas, each characterized by a set of environmental variables such as
temperature, precipitation, humidity, etc. Given a time series of such information for
n regions, one would like to quickly explore relationships among such regions by asking
queries of the following type: determine the regions where the annual precipitation is
above 40 inches and the summer temperature is above 70 F between the years 1965
and 1975.
 In the stock market, each stock can be characterized by its daily opening price, closing
price, and trading volume. Related interesting queries that fall under our framework
are of the following type: determine the stocks, each of whose daily opening price is
less than $2 and whose daily trading volume is larger than 200 million shares during
the year 2000.
 As an application related to data warehousing, consider a retail chain that has stores
across the country, each of which reports their sales on a daily basis. A typical query
will for example be to identify the stores whose sales exceeded $100,000 for each of the
past 12 months.
 Consider a set of n cities, each characterized by annual demographic and health data,
for a period of 30 years. In exploring patterns among these cities, one may be interested
in asking queries about the number of cities that had a high cancer rate and a high
ozone level between 1990 and 2000.
The d-dimensional orthogonal range search problem, which is a special case of our prob-
lem, has been studied extensively in the literature. The best results do achieve linear space
and polylogarithmic query time for three-sided reporting queries and four-sided counting
queries for d = 2 [13, 3], and for dominance reporting queries for d = 3. Otherwise, all
fast query time algorithms require nonlinear space, sometimes coupled with matching lower
bounds under certain computational models[2, 5, 4]. Note that we can't treat our problem as
an orthogonal range search problem by simply treating the time snapshots as just an extra
time dimension to the d dimensions corresponding to the attributes. This is the case since
the values of an object's attributes at di erent time instances cannot be treated simply as
independent of each other. However we can combine all the attribute values of an object
together to specify that object, resulting in a (md)-dimensional range search problem, which
is clearly quite undesirable, especially for large m.
Another related class of problems that have been studied in the literature, especially the
database literature, deals with a time series of data by appending a time stamp to each piece
of data separately. Hence such an approach will be quite inecient to capture temporal
information about single objects since it will have to process the values at all the time
steps between ts and te. Examples of such techniques include those based on persistent data
structures [6], such as the Multiversion B-tree [10] and the Multiversion Access Methods [20],
and the Overlapping B -trees [12] and its extensions such as the Historical R-tree [14], the

HR -tree [17], and the Overlapping Linear Quadtrees [18, 19]. To answer a query that

involves a time period, the query time of these methods will often depend on the length of
the time period, which is undesirable for our general problem since the temporal range query
could cover a very long time period characterized by the two parameters ts and te.
Another related topic involves the so-called kinetic data structures, which are used for
indexing moving objects. Queries similar to ours involving both time periods and positions
of objects have been studied, for example in the work of Ararwal et al. [1] and Saltenis et.
al [15]. However, the objects are considered there to be points moving along a straight line
and at a consistent speed. As a result, the positions of the objects need not be explicitly
stored. In our case, such a problem will be formulated as the positions of each object at
di erent time instances (that are the same for all the objects), without any assumption about
expected trajectories or speeds.
Before stating our main results, let us introduce two main variations of temporal range
queries, which are similar to those appearing in orthogonal range search queries. The report-
ing query requires that a list of the objects (or their indices) be generated as an answer to
the query, while the counting query requires only that only the number of objects satisfying
the query be generated. Our results include the following:
 A linear space data structure that handles temporal range queries for a single object
in O(1) time, assuming the number d of attributes is constant.
 Two data structures that handle temporal one-sided range reporting queries for a set
of objects in O(log m log n + f ) , and O(log m log n= log log n + f ) time respectively,

the rst using O(nm) space, and the second using O(mn log n), where f is the number
of objects satisfying the query, and d = 1.
 Two data structures that use O(nm log(nm)) and O(nm log  (nm)) space respectively

to answer the temporal one-sided range counting queries. The rst data structure
1 In this paper, we always assume the logarithmic operations to be of base 2.

enables O(log (nm)) query time and the second enables O((log(nm)= log log(nm)) )
2 2

time, under the assumption that d = 1.

 By a reduction to the 2d-dimensional dominance problem, the most general problem
can be solved in polylogarithmic query time using O(nm polylog(n)) space. When m

is extremely large, we show that it is possible to use o(nm ) space to achieve polylog-

arithmic query time.

Before proceeding, we notice that the actual time instances ft ; t ;    ; tmg can be replaced
1 2
by their subscripts f1; 2;    ; mg. By doing so, we introduce the additional complexity of
having to convert ts and te speci ed by the query to l and l respectively, where tl1 is
1 2
the rst time instance no earlier than ts and tl2 is the last time instance no later than te.
This conversion can be done in O(log m) time and O(m) space using binary search or an
asymptotically faster O(log m= log log m) algorithm with a larger constant behind the big-O
notation and the same O(m) space using the fusion tree of Fredman and Willard [7]. In
the remaining of this paper, we assume that the time instances are represented by integers
f1; 2;    ; mg and the time interval in the query is represented by two integers l and l . For
1 2
brevity, we will use the [i::j ] to denote the set of integers fi; i + 1;    ; j g. Without causing
confusion, we will call the set of contiguous integers [i::j ] a time period.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses a special
version of the temporal range search problem, which involves only a single object. The data
structure for the reporting case of temporal one-sided range queries is covered in Section 3,
while the counting version is covered in Section 4. In Section 5, we deal with the two-sided
temporal range query, and conclude in Section 6.

2 Preliminaries: Handling Range Queries of a Single

Consider the case of temporal range queries involving only a single object O. We provide
a simple solution to this case, which will be used to handle the more general case. Let the
values of the attributes of O at time instance j be [vj (1); vj (2);    ; vj (d)]. Given two real
vectors a = [a ; a ;    ; al] and b = [b ; b ;    ; bl], and two time instances l and l , we will
1 2 1 2 1 2
describe an ecient method to test whether the following predicate holds:
P : For every time instances j that satis es l  j  l , ak  vj (k)  bk for all
1 2
k between 1 and d.
Since we are assuming that d is a xed constant, we can restrict ourselves to the following
case. Let the object O be speci ed by [v ; v ;    ; vm], where each vi is a real number.
1 2

We develop a data structure that can be used to test the following predicate for any given
parameters l , l , and a:
1 2

P 0: For every time instances j satisfying l  j  l , vj  a.

1 2

We start by making the following straightforward observation.

Observation 1 A predicate of type P 0 is true if and only if minfvj jj 2 [l ::l ]g  a. 1 2

Using this observation, our problem is reduced to nding the minimum value vj of the object
during the time period [l ::l ] and comparing it against the value of a.
1 2
The problem of nding the minimum value in time period [l ::l ] can be reduced to the
1 2
problem of nding the nearest common ancestor in the so called Cartesian tree, as described
in [8].
A Cartesian tree [21] for a sequence of m real numbers is a binary tree with m nodes. In
our case, a Cartesian tree for time instances [l::r] with l  r has r l + 1 nodes. The root
stores the smallest value vj over the time period [l::r]. If there are multiple vj 's with the
smallest value, the earliest one is chosen to be stored at the root. The left subtree of the
root is the Cartesian tree for time instances [l::(i 1)] and the right subtree is the Cartesian
tree for the time instances [(i + 1)::r]. The left (resp. right) tree is null if i = l (resp. i = r).
The tree nodes are labeled l through r according to the in-order traversal of the tree (which
correspond to their time instances). Figure 1 gives an example of the Cartesian tree.

2 8

3 4

4 2

5 5




Figure 1: A Cartesian tree for the sequence [8; 4; 6; 3; 5; 1; 7; 8]. The number outside each
node represents the time instance of the attribute value stored at the node.
It is easy to realize that the smallest value among fvi; : : :; vj g is the one stored in the
nearest common ancestor of nodes i and j . This problem was addressed in [9], where the
following result is shown.
Lemma 1 Given a collection of rooted trees with n vertices, the nearest common ancestor
of any two vertices can be found in O(1) time, provided that pointers to these two vertices
are given as input. This algorithm uses O(n) space.
It is easy to see if a tree is complete, we can easily solve the nearest common ancestor
problem in linear space and constant time by labeling the tree nodes in the order of the in-
order traversal and performing bit-operations on the labels corresponding to the two vertices.
Harel and Tarjan solve the the same problem for any arbitrary tree by rst transforming
it into a compressed tree of logarithmic depth, augmenting the subtrees of it into complete
trees without asymptotically increasing the overall storage cost, and applying the technique
for complete trees. For details see [9].
Given the above lemma, we immediately have the following result.
Theorem 1 Predicate P 0 can be evaluated using O(1) time with O(m) space data structure.
If we build a Cartesian tree where an internal node stores the maximum instead of the
minimum value, we can evaluate predicates involving upper bounds instead of lower bounds.
We call the former Cartesian tree a minimum Cartesian tree and the latter a maximum
Cartesian tree. By building both the minimum and the maximum Cartesian trees for each
of the d attributes, we will be able to evaluate the general P predicates in linear space and
constant time, which is optimal.
Corollary 1 A P predicate can be evaluated using O(1) time with O(m) space data structure.

3 Handling One-Sided Queries for an Arbitrary Num-

ber of Objects
In this section, we deal with temporal range queries for n objects with only one attribute,
that is d = 1. Let vij denote the value of object Oi at time instance j . We want to preprocess
the data and construct a linear size data structure so that queries of the following type can
be answered quickly:
Q : Given a tuple (l ; l ; a), with l  l , report all objects whose attributes are
1 1 2 1 2
greater than or equal to a for all time instances between l and l .
1 2

We call such queries temporal one-sided reporting queries.

Observation 1 is again very important in answering queries of type Q . A straightforward
approach to solve our problem would be to determine for each possible time interval the set
of minimal values, one for each object, and store the minima corresponding to each time
interval in a sorted list. A query can then be immediately handled using the sorted list
corresponding to the time interval [l ; l ]. However, the storage cost would then be O(nm ),
1 2

which is quite high especially in the case when m is much larger then n. We will develop an
alternative strategy that requires only linear space.
Assume that we have built a Cartesian tree Ci for object Oi. Then, each attribute vij of
this object can be associated with a sequence of contiguous time instances during which vij is
the smallest. We call this sequence the dominant interval of vij . In fact, the dominant interval
corresponds to the set of nodes in the subtree rooted at the node j in Ci. For example, the
value vi of the object i whose corresponding Cartesian tree is shown in Figure 1 is associated

with time interval [1; 5]. Let [sji ::eji ] be the dominant interval of attribute vij .
Consider the set of nm tuples (vij ; sji ; eji ; i; j ). One way for answering a Q query would be
to identify those 5-tuples that satisfy [sji ::eji ]  [l ::l ] and vij  a. However an object can be
1 2
reported many times, which defeats our goal of achieving a query time of O(logc(nm) + f ),
where c is a small constant and f is the number of objects satisfying the query. Consider

for example the object given in Figure 1. A query with l = 2, l = 3, and a = 0 would
1 2
report it three times, for the 5-tuples that correspond to time instances 2, 4, and 6. In fact,
an object can be reported m times in the worst case.
This problem is taking care of in the next lemma.
Lemma 2 An object Oi should be reported if and only if therej exist a unique 5-tuple
(vi ; si ; ei ; i; j ) such that the following conditions are true: [si ::ei ]  [l ::l ]; j 2 [l ::l ]; and
j j j j
1 2 1 2
vij  a.
Suppose an object Oi needs to be reported. This means its values during the time period
[l ::l ] are no smaller than a. Let vij = minfviljl  l  l g. It is obvious that the 5-
1 2 1 2
tuple (vij ; sji ; eji ; i; j ) satis es the three conditions in Lemma 2. On the other hand, it is
straightforward to see that the existence of such a 5-tuple ensures the presence of object
Oi in the answer to the query. The uniqueness of the 5-tuple (vij ; sji ; eji ; i; j ) is guaranteed
by the de nition of dominant intervals [sji ::eji ]. Indeed, suppose we have another 5-tuples
(vij ; sji ; eji ; i; j 0) that satis es [sji ::eji ]  [ts::te], j 0 2 [ts::te], and vij  a. By de nition, both
0 0 0 0 0 0

j and j 0 are the smallest values during the time interval [l ::l ]. Without lose of generality,
1 2

assume j < j 0, then sji > j , which is in contradiction to the condition that sji  l  j . 2
0 0

Lemma 2 reduces the problem of determining the objects satisfying the query to nding
a 5-tuple for each such object, which satis es the three stated conditions. To solve the latter
problem, we rst single out those attributes that were taken during the time period [l ; l ] 1 2
and then lter them using the remaining two conditions.
We rst construct a balanced binary tree T based on the m time instances. The j th
leaf node starting from the left corresponds to time instance j . Each node v of this tree is
associated with a set S (v) of n tuples, one from each object. If v is the j th leaf node, then
S (v) = f(vij ; sji ; eji ; i; j )ji = 1; : : : ; ng. If v is an internal node with two children u and w
and the 5-tuples of object Oi in S (u) and S (w) are (vij1 ; sji1 ; eji1 ; i; j ) and (vij2 ; sji2 ; eji2 ; i; j )
1 2
respectively, then the 5-tuple of object Oi in S (v) is (vij ; sji ; eji ; i; j ), where j is either j or j , 1 2
depending on whether [sji1 ::eji1 ]  [sji2 ::eji2 ] or [sji2 ::eji2 ]  [sji1 ::eji1 ]. (The reason why one and
only one of the above conditions must be true should be easy to understand by recalling the
de nition of dominant intervals.) To give an example, let us consider the case where n = 2
and m = 8. The values of the attributes of the two objects and the corresponding 5-tuples
are given in Table 1. Figure 2 gives the corresponding tree structure.
Given a Q query (l ; l ; a), we can easily nd the set of at most log m allocation nodes in
1 1 2
T , using the interval [l ; l ]. An allocation node is a node whose corresponding time interval
1 2
is fully contained in [l ; l ] and that of whose parent is not. If the query time interval is
1 2
[2::6], for the example given in Figure 2, then the allocation nodes are b, k, and l. For each
allocation node v, we know that all the n samples in S (v) are taken during the time period
[l ; l ]. Therefore, if a 5-tuple (vij ; sji ; eji ; i; j ) 2 S (v) satis es [sji ::eji ]  [l ; l ] and vij  a,
1 2 1 2
then Oi should be reported. Otherwise, object Oi should not be reported. In either case,
no further search on v's descendants is needed. This is true because of the following. First,
if Oi is reported at node v, then there is no need to look for Oi any more. Second, if Oi
is not reported at v, this means either [sji ::eji] 6 [l ::l ] or vij < a. If the former is true,
1 2
then no tuple of Oi stored in the descendants of v can cover [l ::l ] because [sji ::eji ] covers
1 2

object O object O 1 2
j value 5-tuple value 5-tuple
1 8 (8,1,1,1,1) 5 (5,1,1,2,1)
2 4 (4,1,3,1,2) 2 (2,1,3,2,2)
3 6 (6,3,3,1,3) 4 (4,3,3,2,3)
4 3 (3,1,5,1,4) 1 (1,1,8,2,4)
5 5 (5,5,5,1,5) 7 (7,5,5,2,5)
6 1 (1,1,8,1,6) 3 (3,5,8,2,6)
7 7 (7,7,7,1,7) 6 (6,7,8,2,7)
8 2 (2,7,8,1,8) 8 (8,8,8,2,8)
Table 1: The values of two objects
p (1,1,8,2,4)

(3,1,5,1,4) (1,1,8,1,6)
n (1,1,8,2,4) o (3,5,8,2,6)

(3,1,5,1,4) (1,1,8,1,6) (2,7,8,1,8)

(2,1,3,2,2) k (1,1,8,2,4) l (3,5,8,2,6) m (6,7,8,2,7)

a b c d e f h i

(8,1,1,1,1) (4,1,3,1,2) (6,3,3,1,3) (3,1,5,1,4) (5,5,5,1,5) (1,1,8,1,6) (7,7,7,1,7) (2,7,8,1,8)

(5,1,1,2,1) (2,1,3,2,2) (4,3,3,2,3) (1,1,8,2,4) (7,5,5,2,5) (3,5,8,2,6) (6,7,8,2,7) (8,8,8,2,8)

Figure 2: The tree structure corresponding to the data given in Table 1. Each node contains
two 5-tuples, one from each object.

the dominant intervals of all the other values of Oi stored in the subtree rooted at v. If the
latter is true, then we are sure Oi should not be reported at all.
One nal note is that, even though an object is represented multiples times in the form
of its tuples, it will be reported at most once. This can be justi ed as follows. If an object is
reported, then only one of its m tuples satis es the conditions derived from the query. Note
that even though a tuple may be stored in up to log m nodes, these nodes form a partial path
from the root to a leaf node and, as a result, only the node at the highest level corresponding
to [l ; l ] will be considered.
1 2
For each node v, looking for 5-tuples (vij ; sji ; eji ; i; j ) 2 S (v) that satisfy [sji ::eji ]  [l ; l ] 1 2
and vij  a is equivalent to a three-dimensional dominance reporting problem, which can
be solved in O(log n + f (v)) time using the data structure of Makris and Tsakalidis [11],
which we call the dominance tree. Here f (v) is the number of objects reported when node
v is visited. Note that there are 2m 1 nodes in the tree and each node is associated with

a dominance tree of size O(n). The overall size of the data structure is O(nm). A query
process involves identifying the O(log m) allocation nodes in O(log m) time and searching the
dominance trees associated with these allocation nodes. Hence O(log n + f (v)) time is spent
at each such node v. Therefore, the complexity of the overall algorithm is O(log n log m + f ),
where f is total number of objects reported.
In [16], we provide a faster algorithm for solving the the three-dominance query problem.
The algorithm uses O(n log n) space and O(log n= log log n + f ) query time, where  is an
arbitrarily small positive constant. Using this data structure instead of the dominance tree,
we can further reduce the query complexity to O(log m log n= log log n + f ) at the expense
of increasing the storage cost to O(mn log n). We thus have the following theorem.
Theorem 2 Given n objects, each speci ed by the values of its attribute at m time in-
stances, we can build an indexing structure so that any one-sided reporting query can be
answered in O(log n log m + f ) time and O(nm) space, or O(log m log n= log log n + f ) time
and O(mn log n) space, where f is the number of objects satisfying the query and  is an
arbitrarily small positive constant.
We next consider the counting query counterpart.

4 Handling One-Sided Counting Queries

In this section, we consider the following temporal range counting queries.
Q : Given a tuple (l ; l ; a), with l  l , determine the number of objects whose
2 1 2 1 2
values are greater than or equal to a for all time instances between l and
l. 2

The conditions stated in Lemma 2 (Section 3) can be expressed as sji  l  j , j  l  eji ,

1 2
and vij  a; and there is at most one such instance. Hence the answer to the query is
jA(l ; l ; a)j, where A(l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jsji  l  j; j  l  eji ; and vij  ag.
1 2 1 2 1 2
U (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jvij  ag,
1 2

B (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jl < j and vij  ag,

1 1 2 2

B (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jl > eji and vij  ag,

2 1 2 2

B (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jl < sji and vij  ag,

3 1 2 1

B (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jl > j and vij  ag,

4 1 2 1

C (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jl < sji ; l < j and vij  ag,

1 1 2 1 2

C (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jl > j; l < j and vij  ag,

2 1 2 1 2

C (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jl < sji ; l > eji and vij  ag, and
3 1 2 1 2

C (l ; l ; a) = f(i; j )jl > j; l > eji and vij  ag.
4 1 2 1 2

We have the following lemma:

Lemma 3 jAj = jU j jB j jB j jB j jB j + jC j + jC j + jC j + jC j.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Proof: Pi ; ; ; jBij
It is easy to see that A = U A = B [ B [ B [ B 2. Thus,3j Aj =
Pi;j2f ; ; ; g;i6 j jBi \ Bj j + Pi;j;k2f ; ; ; g;i6 j6 k jBi \ Bj \ Bk j j \i ; ; ; Bij. It is clear the
1 4 =1 2 3 4

1234 = 1234 = = =1 2 3 4
third and the fourth terms in the right hand side of this equation are both zero. As for
the second term, the only four non-empty intersections are B \ B , B \ B , B \ B , and 1 3 1 4 2 3
B \ B , which correspond to the sets C , C , C , C respectively. 2
2 4 1 2 3 4
The problem of determining the size of each of the sets U , Bi or Ci can be viewed as a
special version of three-dimensional dominance counting problem de ned as follows:
Q0 : Given a set V of n three dimensional points, preprocess V so that given a
point (x; y; z), the number of points in V that are dominated by (x; y; z) can
be reported eciently.
Unlike the reporting case, algorithms for the three-dimensional dominance counting prob-
lem that have linear space and polylogarithmic query time are not known to the authors' best
knowledge. However Chazelle gives a linear space and O(log n) time algorithm [3] for the
two-dimensional case. Using the scheme of the range tree, his result can easily be extended
to the three-dimensional case by rst building a binary search tree on the x-coordinates, and
then associate with each node the data structure for answering two-dimensional dominance
queries involving only the y- and z-coordinates. The resulting data structure provides an
O(n log n) space and O(log n) time solution.

By using the fusion tree techniques, we were able to improve the query time to
O((log n= log log n) ) at the expense of increasing the storage cost by a factor of

O(log n= log log n). For details, see [16]. Since we have a total of nm tuples, Theorem 3
Theorem 3 Given n objects, each characterized by the values of its attribute at m time
instances, we can preprocess the input so that any one-sided counting query can be answered
in O(log (nm)) time using an O(nm log(nm)) space data structure, or

O((log(nm)= log log(nm)) ) time using an O(nm log (nm)= log log(nm)) space data struc-
2 1+


5 Fast Algorithms for Handling Two-Sided Queries

In this section, we address the general type of queries for which the values of the objects to
be reported are bounded between two values a and b during the time period [l ::l ]. More 1 2
speci cally,
Q : Given a tuple (l ; l ; a; b), with l  l and a  b, report all objects Oi, such
3 1 2 1 2
that a  vij  b for all j = l ; : : :; l .
1 2

The following is a direct extension of Observation 1.
Observation 2 An object Oi should be reported for a Q query if and only if minfvij jj 2
[l ::l ]g  a and maxfvi jj 2 [l ::l ]g  b.
1 2
1 2

In this section, we rst show that, even for an arbitrary number d of attributes, the
two-sided queries can be handled fast if we are willing to use O(nm polylog(n)) space for

the indexing structure. We later show that we can achieve fast query time using o(nm ) 2

space in the case when m is extremely large. We start by looking at the case when d = 1,
which admits a simple solution.
To achieve a polylogarithmic query time, we compute for each pair of (t ; t ) 2 [1::m] 
1 2
[1::m] with t < t the minimum value mit1;t2 and maximum value Mit1;t2 for each object
1 2
Oi and index the n minimum-maximum pairs in a suitable data structure T t1;t2 designed to
eciently handle two-dimensional dominance queries. Pointers to these O(m ) structures 2

can be stored in a array to allow constant-time access. Given any query (l ; l ; a; b), we use
1 2
(l ; l ) to locate the appropriate data structure T l1;l2 in constant time and use it to answer
1 2
the two-dimensional dominance query: mti1;t2  a and Mit1;t2  b.
A possible data structure for T t1;t2 is the priority tree [13] or the improved version of the
priority tree that appeared in [22]. The former allows O(log n + f ) query time and the latter
allows O(log n= log log n + f ) query time, both using linear space.
We can handle counting queries in a similar fashion using as T t1;t2 Chazelle's linear space
data structure to achieve O(log n) query complexity or the one in [16] with O(n log n) space
and O(log n= log log n) query time. Since we have m(m 1)=2 (t ; t )-pairs, Theorem 4
1 2
Theorem 4 Given n objects, each of which is speci ed by the values of its attribute at m
time instances, it is possible to design an indexing structure so that the reporting version of
any two-sided query can be answered in O(log n= log log n + f ) time using O(nm ) space for 2

the indexing structure. The counting version can be handled in O(nm ) space and O(log n)

query time, or O(nm log n) space and O(log n= log log n) query time.

The strategy described above can be extended to handle any arbitrary number d of
attributes describing each object. Our general problem will be reduced to O(m ) 2d- 2

dimensional dominance queries. Using the results of [16], we obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 5 The general temporal range query problem, with n objects, each with d > 1
attributes speci ed at m time instances, can be handled with a data structure of size O(m  2

n log n(log n= log log n) d ) and a query time O((log n= log log n) d + f ). The counting
2 3 2 2

query can be handled in O((log n= log log n) d ) time using O(m n log n(log n= log log n) d )
2 1 2 2 2

Clearly the space used to handle two-sided queries, even in the case when d = 1, is
quite high. An interesting problem is whether there exists a data structure whose size is
o(nm ), such that the general temporal range search problem can be solved in time that

is polylogarithmic in nm and proportional to the number of objects found. We provide a

partial answer to this question by showing that this is indeed the case when m is extremely
Theorem 6 Given n objects, each characterized by the values of its attribute at m time
instances such that m > n!, it is possible to design an indexing structure such that the
reporting version of any two-sided query can be answered in O(logc n + f ) time using an
o(nm2) space.
For each pair of time instances j and j , let mji ;j = minfvij jj 2 [j ::j ]g, and Mij ;j =
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2

maxfvij jj 2 [j ::j ]g. Let (ij ;j ; ij ;j ; : : :; ijn ;j ) be the permutation of (1; 2;    ; n) such that
1 2 1
1 2 1 2
1 2

mji ;j  mji ;j      mji ;j . Similarly, let (I j ;j ; I j ;j ; : : :; Inj ;j ) be the permutation

1 2
j1 ;j2
1 2
j1 ;j2
1 2
j1 ;j2 1
1 2
1 2 1 2
1 2
of (1; 2; : : : ; n) such that MIj ;j  MIj ;j  : : :  MIj ;j . We de ne two mappings f j ;j

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 2
j ;j 1 2
j ;j 1 2
j ;j
1 2
and F j ;j , such that ijf ;j k = k and IFj ;j k = k for k = 1; 2;    ; n. Thus an object Oi

1 2 1 2 1 2
j1 ;j2 j1 ;j2
( ) ( )
corresponds to two numbers f j1 ;j2 (i) and F j ;j (i) that basically give the ranks of Oi for the
1 2

time period [j ::j ] with regard to its maximum and minimum values respectively. In other
1 2
words, point (f j1 ;j2 (i); F j1;j2 (i)) is the representation of object Oi in the two-dimensional
rank space corresponding to the time period [j ::j ]. 1 2
Note that there are at most O(n!) permutations of (1; 2; : : : ; n). Therefore at most
O((n!) ) di erent point sets are possible for each pair of j and j . During preprocessing
1 2
time, we simply build one priority tree for each possible point set and construct an array of
m entries that indicate for each pair (j ; j ) the corresponding priority tree.
1 2
Since the query is given as (l ; l ; a; b), we have to map the numbers a and b to the rank
1 2
space of (l ; l ) before the corresponding priority tree can be searched. Let aj1;j2 and bj1 ;j2
1 2
be the parameters used to search the appropriate priority tree. Then aj1;j2 is equal to the
number of points that are always greater than or equally a during the time period [l ; l ] 1 2
and bj1 ;j2 is equal to the number of points that are always less than or equal to b in that
period. These two numbers can be independently computed using the results in Section 4.
Even without using the fusion tree, this step still can be done in O(log (nm)) time using 2

O(nm log(nm)) space.

The storage cost for the priority trees and the array is O(m + n(n!) + nm log(nm)) = 2 2

o(nm ). Therefore the total storage cost is o(nm ). After the ranks of a and b are determined,
2 2

the query can be answered in O(log n + f ) time. Thus the total computational time is
O(log (nm) + f ).2

6 Conclusion
We have introduced in this paper a general class of problems involving temporal range
queries, which seems to be widely applicable. We have shown that this problem can be
reduced to a number of multidimensional dominance search problems, and hence can in
principle be solved fast using nonlinear space data structures. Special cases for one-sided
queries were shown to admit elegant solutions using linear size data structures and polylog-
arithmic query time. A simple intriguing problem is whether the two-sided version for d = 1
can be solved in polylogarithmic time using linear space. Note that this problem can easily
be reduced to solving the one-sided version for d = 2, and hence it is somewhat the easiest
problem to tackle next.

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