Complete Cofferdam
Complete Cofferdam
Complete Cofferdam
Last Name
First Name
Aneesh Reddy
ID #
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 5
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 58
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 60
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Types of cofferdams. For use on land: (a) cross-braced sheet piles; (b) cast-in-place concrete
cylinder; (c) anchored sheet piles; (d) braced vertical piles with horizontal sheeting. For use in water: (e)
cross-braced sheet piles; (f) earth dam; (g) tied sheet piles; (h) anchored sheet piles with earth berm; (i)
steel sheet-pile cellular cofferdam; (j) rock-filled crib. ................................................................................ 7
Figure 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6: Pile hammers ............................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: Crane with pile hammer .............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 8: Clamshell ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 9: Trailer-mounted boom concrete pump ........................................................................................ 19
Figure 10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 11: Dewatering pumps ..................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 12 Figure 13: Steel sheet piling ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 14: H-piles and/or wide flange beams ............................................................................................. 22
Figure 15: Traditional Sheet Pile Shapes .................................................................................................... 23
Figure 16: Typical Types of Interlocks ....................................................................................................... 24
Figure 17 Sheet pile .................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 18: Taunsa Barrage (downstream face) ........................................................................................... 39
Figure 19: Cofferdam completed in parallel at the front and back of the enclosure ................................... 40
Figure 20: Dump truck unloading stone at the nose of the cofferdam ........................................................ 42
Coffer dams are temporary enclosures to keep out water and soil so as to permit dewatering and
construction of the permanent facility in the dry environment. The word "cofferdam" comes from
"coffer" meaning box, in other words a dam in the shape of a box. Generally a cofferdam
involves the interaction of structure, soil and water. In the construction of cofferdams
maintaining close tolerances is difficult since cofferdams are usually constructed offshore and
sometimes under severe weather conditions. Under these circumstances, significant deformations
of cofferdam elements may happen during the course of construction and therefore it may be
necessary to deviate from the design dimensions in order to complete the project according to
In our report we will be focusing on the construction process, equipment used for construction
and the various types of coffer dams. And also we will be discussing a case study which
describes the construction of a cofferdam that was built to facilitate the construction of sub weir
and rehabilitation of Taunsa Barrage, which is situated on the huge river of the Indus valley
known as the Indus River, in the province of Punjab, India. In this case study, the equipments
used in the cofferdam construction are dump trucks, loaders, scrapers, vibratory pile driver,
backhoe and dewatering pumps. The means and methods utilized to construct the coffer dam and
their productivity analysis are clearly shown. To facilitate productivity calculations the project
was divided into four phrases. Taunsa barrage was constructed in the year 1958 and currently
supplying water for four main canals - two on the right of the bank and two on the left of the
Working inside a coffer dam can be dangerous if it is not installed properly or not safely
pressurized. Various materials are used for its construction and its design must be compatible
with weather conditions, waves, currents, construction equipment, construction methods, internal
permanent structures and ground conditions. There are various types of cofferdams such as
braced, earth type, timber crib, double walled sheet pile and cellular which are discussed below.
Generally, major loads imposed on cofferdams are hydrostatic forces of water and dynamic
forces due to current and waves and heavy equipment is used for its construction such as pile
drivers, cranes with clamshell buckets, concrete pumps trucks as well as pumps for dewatering
are used in the construction process. The effective management of equipment on site as well as
workers is an important step in cost control and maintaining efficient productivity.
A cofferdam is a temporary structure designed to keep water and/or soil out of the excavation
in which a bridge pier or other structure is built.
- Standard Handbook of Heavy Construction
The construction process for each type is different based on whether it is used on land or in
water, as illustrated in figure 1. In general there are five types of coffer dam and they are as
follow (Nemati, 2007):
Timber Crib
Figure 1 Types of cofferdams. For use on land: (a) cross-braced sheet piles; (b) cast-in-place
concrete cylinder; (c) anchored sheet piles; (d) braced vertical piles with horizontal sheeting. For
use in water: (e) cross-braced sheet piles; (f) earth dam; (g) tied sheet piles; (h) anchored sheet
piles with earth berm; (i) steel sheet-pile cellular cofferdam; (j) rock-filled crib.
Hydrostatic pressure
Wave forces
Ice forces
Seismic loads
Accidental loads
Mooring forces
The loads imposed on the cofferdam structure by construction equipment and operations must
also be considered during installation of the cofferdam a well as during construction of the
structure itself. (Nemati, 2007)
Hydrostatic pressure
Two factors must be considered they are the maximum probable height outside the cofferdam
during construction and the water height inside the cofferdam during various stages of
construction. The hydrostatic pressure for partially dewatered cofferdam is shown in figure 3.
F1 = wh12/2
F2 = wh22/2
Where ,
w = unit weight of water
h1 = outside water height
F1 = outside hydrostatic force
F2 = inside hydrostatic force
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Current Forces on Structure
In a cofferdam, the current force consist not only the force acting on the normal projection of the
cofferdam but also on the drag force acting along the sides. With flat sheet piles, the latter may
be relatively small, whereas with z-piles it may be substantial, since the current will be forming
eddies behind each indentation of profile, as shown in figure 5.
Figure 5
Wave forces
Waves acting on a cofferdam are usually due to local winds acting over a restricted fetch and
hence are of short wavelength and limited to height. Waves can also be produced by passing
boats and ships, especially in a restricted waterway.
Ice forces
These are of two types, that is the force exerted by the expansion of a closed-in solidly frozenover area of water surface which is called as static ice force and the forces exerted by the moving
ice on breakup which is called as dynamic ice force. (Nemati, 2007)
Seismic Loads
In most of the projects, they are not considered in design of temporary structures. But for very
large, important, and deep cofferdams in highly seismically active areas, seismic evaluation
should be performed.
Accidental loads
Accidental loads are the loads usually caused by construction equipment working alongside the
cofferdam and impacting on it under the action of waves.
Mooring forces
They are derived from two separate actions. The first is the impact of the barge and tugboats as
they moor to the cofferdam or the waves are produced as they move the barges while moored.
The other force is the wind pressure on the total sail area of the barge. Gale force wind is a
common occurrence along most coasts and on large lakes. The combination of high wind and
waves will cause major damage to the cofferdam and equipment if no preparation is made to
accommodate those events. (Washington, 2013)
Scour of the river bottom or seafloor along the cofferdam may take place due to river currents,
tidal currents, or wave-induced currents. Some of the most serious and disastrous cases have
occurred when these currents have acted concurrently.A very practical method of preventing
scour is to deposit a blanket of crushed rock or heavy gravel around the cofferdam, either before
or immediately after the cofferdam sheet piles are set. A more sophisticated method is to lay a
mattress of filter fabric, covering it with rock to hold it in place. (Nemati, 2007)
Vibratory or Impact
Dewatering pumps
Diesel hammer.
Hydraulic hammer.
Hydraulic press-in.
Vibratory pile driver.
In the above 4 types of pile driving hammer, vibratory pile driver is most commonly used for
construction of cofferdam.
Vibratory pile hammers contain a system of counter-rotating eccentric weights which are
powered by hydraulic motors and designed in such a way those horizontal vibrations cancel out,
while vertical vibrations are transmitted into the pile. The pile driving machine is lifted and
positioned over the pile by means of an excavator or crane, and is fastened to the pile by a clamp
as shown in figure 6iaction breaks friction resistance between pile surface and the soil, thus the
force of gravity acting on hammer causes the pile to sink. Vibrating hammer typically weighs
from 2 to 20 tons and they are used to drive bearing as well as sheet piles.
Productivity Factors:
Power requirement
Operational efficiency for a pile driver typically range from 30 to 40 min per hour because of
time required to move the crane and equipment to the location of each pile and set up everything
for driving.
Cycle time depends on cross-section of pile, its length and subsurface soil conditions.
Productivity = Estimating driving rate * operating factor
The time required to drive piles (A) = (no of piles *length of the pile) / (productivity*working
hours per day)
Total time = A+ setup time + demolition time (Schaufelberger, 1998)
Figure 8: Clamshell
Clamshell has three capacities heaped capacity, plate line capacity/struck capacity and waterlevel capacity.
Productivity factors:
Class of materials.
Height of lift.
Angle of swing.
Bucket size.
Boom length.
Disposal methods.
Operator skills.
Equipment conditions.
several factors affecting the productivity that must be taken into consideration from the hauling
unit (Truck mixer) and the concrete pump, such as:
Crew skills.
Type of formwork.
Figure 10
To calculate Concrete pump production we have to image the process of pumping concrete to the
final place could be column, slab, wall formwork or any shape that need to fill concrete I assume
the process it will be as;
RT2 = Required time to change the position of the pump * No. of Positions Change.
Where; No. of Positions Change depends on the site size and the boom length and the operation
skills are determining the no. of position change.
RT3 = Required time to Truck mixer maneuver for the first position
Where, CF4 = Truck mixer volume / (Speed of Pump * Type of formwork factor)
RT5 = Required time to switch the mixing trucks * No. of Mixer Trucks
Where; No. of Mixer Trucks = Total Concrete required / Truck mixer volume
Concrete pump Production (CCY / hr.) = Required Volume of Concrete / Total Time
Where; Total Time = RT 1 + RT 2 + RT 3 + RT 4 + RT 5
Figure 12
5.5 Barge:
A barge is a flat-bottomed boat, built mainly for river and canal transport of heavy goods. Some
barges are not self-propelled and need to be towed or pushed by towboats. If the cofferdam is
constructed far away from land then the goods and equipment are required to be transported to
the site of cofferdam construction. In barge is used to transport the required heavy goods and
equipment to the site. As shown in figure 13.
Properties of Steel Sheet Piling:
The following are the properties of steel sheet piles:
Moderately watertight
Can be cantilevered but typically require additional structural member i.e. wales and cross
The following are 4 types of components in braced type cofferdam:
Sheet piling
Bracing frame
Concrete seal
Bearing piles
The typical cofferdam, such as a bridge pier, consists of sheet piles set around a bracing frame
and driven into the soil to sufficient depth to develop vertical and lateral support and to cut off
the flow of soil or water. (Nemati, 2007)
The structure inside may be founded directly on rock or firm soil or may require pile
foundations. In the latter case, these generally extend well below the cofferdam. To dewater the
cofferdam bottom must be stable and able to resist hydrostatic uplift.
Placement of an
underwater concrete seal course is the fastest and most common method to withstand uplift.
Pre-dredge to remove soil or soft sediments and level the area of the cofferdam
Step 2 -
Drive temporary support piles and temporarily erect bracing frame on the support piles.
Step 3 -
Drive sheet piles to grade and ties are provided for sheet piles at the top as necessary.
Step 4 -
Excavate slightly below grade, while leaving the cofferdam full of water and drive bearing piles.
Place rockfill as a leveling and support course.
Step 5:
Figure: Tremie
Step 6:
Step 7:
Remove sheet piles and bracing, as well as backfilling and construct new structure
is set plumb in the proper location because it will be acting as a guide for the rest of the sheet
In final closure, it should never be made at a corner as this corner works in both directions. If
either sheet wall line is out of plumb, the sheet interlock will probably split open. The other
reason to be careful in initial alignment is that this will largely define the direction the piles will
take as they continue to penetrate the ground. If the interlock is started off tight and out of line, it
will likely split apart as it is being driven. This will damage the pile and may require very
expensive and time consuming repair procedures.
When the sheet piles are fully in place and driven to the top of the upper template, the template
wales can be lowered, if needed. The pairs of sheet piles should be advanced in about five foot
increments. With the sheets carefully driven and the wale in position, often the sheets are welded
or bolted to the top wale to provide cofferdam stability during excavation operations. A crane
and a clam bucket usually perform the excavation, although in some instances a backhoe can be
Excavation should be carried out along the sheet piles first, keeping a low hump in the middle.
This allows the clam bucket to rest against the sheets and stays upright so it can stuff the bucket.
If a depression is created in the middle of the excavation, the bucket will roll on its side and it
will not be able to excavate the wedge of soil adjacent to the sheet piles. When the excavation is
nearly complete, a steel beam spud is placed between the wales and the sheet pile alcoves.
After the above process, tremie concreting is carried out so as to minimize the flowing concrete
contact with the water. The method is to induce the fresh concrete under the previously placed
concrete and pillow it up and out. The tremie placement is a continuous operation until
completed, going 24 hours a day without interruption. Tremie pours usually involve large
volumes of concrete, often several thousand cubic yards of concrete. When the concrete has
cured enough to gain enough strength to withstand the dewatering forces (about two or three
days), dewatering can begin. (Washington, 2013)
In dewatering process, the pumping out of water from the interior of a cofferdam is carried out in
such a manner that it prevents the possibility of water moving through uncured concrete. A
proper sump is placed outside below the elevation of the work which is placed and the pumped
water should be properly discharged according to the regulations. The most important aspect
during dewatering is that the underwater concrete should set so that it can withstand hydrostatic
pressure created by pumping. After the cofferdam is dewatered, the clean \up process can begin.
The surface will be rough and undulating. There will be layers of mud, debris, and dead fish that
must be cleaned up. Once the cleanup is done, the top of the tremie concrete will have about six
inches of laitance. The laitance is a weak layer of nearly pure cement that has been washed to the
surface of the concrete by the dynamics of the concrete tremie placement. While the cleanup and
laitance removal is progressing, the cofferdam will continue to leak and require substantial
pumping. The leakage water will be contaminated by the mud and debris in the cofferdam until
all remedial work and cleanup is completed. All water removed from the cofferdam during this
stage probably will have to be processed before returning the water to the river, lake, or bay.
At this point, a safety precaution is inserted. No gas-powered machinery should ever be allowed
inside a cofferdam. The danger for explosion and carbon monoxide poisoning is too great. Even
the use of diesel powered equipment in the cofferdam should be kept to an absolute minimum.
Whenever it is possible, engines outside the cofferdam should power all machinery. These
actions will both reduce congestion in the cofferdam and provide for safer working conditions.
(htt) (Washington, 2013)
The contractor must remove all the parts of the cofferdam after the completion of required work.
This shall be done in such a way as not to disturb or damage the permanent structure. Sheet
piling used in the construction of cofferdam may be left in place with the approval of the
Engineer, provided the pilling is cut off at elevations approved in advance by the Engineer and
the cut off portions are removed from the site. (Washington, 2013) (htt)
Hydroelectric Dam Construction Cofferdams are used to divert water away from the
shoreline of a river to allow for the foundations of a dam to be constructed. In this
application, generally one half of the river width is enclosed by the cofferdam at a time to
maintain overall flow.
Bridge Construction Cofferdams are used to divert water away from bridge foundation
positions, either on the shore or within the waterway.
Ship repair Sometimes cofferdams are used to generate a dry dock condition for a
ship in order for repairs to proceed. This generally occurs when the ship cannot be moved
to an actual dry dock, and it can also be more cost effective in some cases.
Oil Rig and Dam Construction This is the primary reason why coffer dams exist. They
are quick to build and use welded steel and other metals; they provide a temporary and
dry platform to work freely.
Ship Recovery
A very rarer use of a Coffer dams is to help in recovery missions for ships that have sunk
in shallow water. They can be built quickly and aid removal in certain circumstances. In
the past coffer dams have helped recover ships such as the USS Maine, a ship which sunk
in 1898 played an important part in Spanish-American history. By using a coffer dam to
pull up this ship from the sea bed it helped give researchers an insight into the history of
this boat.
good design
proper construction
Relatively expensive
When in flowing water log jams may occur creating added stress on structure
problem. By removing the lateral support provided by the overburden interlock, stresses have
increased. Where driving through the overburden was difficult, some sheets have not penetrated
to rock or have been driven out of interlock. Continued scour exposed these deficiencies and
resulted in loss of cell fill and subsequent failure. High water has contributed to several failures
by raising the level of saturation in the cell fill thus increasing interlock stresses.
Soil Mechanics:
Cofferdams built in accordance with current design practice have generally proved adequate as
far as the soil mechanics aspects of the design are concerned. However, there is the exception of
piping failures at cofferdam cells tying into existing structures or into high ground. In these
cases, failures have resulted from loss of cell fill due to piping caused by inadequate provision
for seepage control.
A few cofferdam failures have occurred because of foundation failure well below the base of the
cells. This mode of failure has been precipitated by faults, slip planes, or high uplift pressures not
recognized as problems during design. Also, foundation failure has occurred be- cause of
excavations located too near the cofferdam cells which allowed stress relief and relaxation of the
Saturation of Cell Fill:
Saturation of the cell fill is associated with many failures. The pressure of the water when
added to the lateral pressure of the cell fill increases the interlock stresses. The saturation of the
fill in the connecting arc is a particularly potent danger because of the magnitude of the tension
that can be created on the outstanding leg of a connector.
be caused by means other than the common leakage through the interlocks, holes, splices, and
filling by the hydraulic dredge method. Waves splashing over the top of the cells, leakage, or
breaks in the discharge lines of unwatering pumps over the cells can quickly cause saturation of
the fill.
Construction Practices:
A number of failures have occurred during construction of cofferdams which may have been
attributable, in part, to construction practices. Unless the sheet piling is driven in overburden, the
lateral stability of the cell is largely dependent on the support furnished by the template until fill
is placed in the cell. If this support is inadequate or the filling operations impose severe loads on
the sheet piles, local distortion or collapse may occur. The practice of driving sheet piles in pairs
may be detrimental if the bedrock is uneven. Windows or split interlocks can occur with possible
loss of cell fill and subsequent failure. Therefore, when piles are driven in pairs, the sheets
should be seated in rock individually.
Taunsa Barrage is situated on the huge river of the Indus valley known as the Indus River, in the
province of Punjab, India. The irrigation system has all the rivers interconnected through a series
of link canals that facilitate inter-basin transfers. The irrigation process is carried out by diverting
the water from the rivers through a sequence of barrages, releasing water into main canals and
subsequently to enormous irrigation network of distributaries and minor channels.
years the annual uttermost flood has been steadily reduced to about 650,000 cusecs. (Nadeem,
Figure 19: Cofferdam completed in parallel at the front and back of the enclosure
To supply water for irrigation during construction of the sub weir the main structure of the
barrage was kept in operation and because of this the sub weir was positioned at a distance of
925ft downstream of the existing barrage so that the silt load from the left and right pockets of
the barrage can be released downstream.
During the construction of one half of the sub weir, the other half of the barrage was kept open to
pass the river discharge with a much greater capacity than the maximum observed flood of
300,000 cusecs for the non-monsoon period (Oct to June) and from July to Sep the monsoon
period, no activity was performed inside the river channel. To safeguard against floods, the
maximum flow of 300,000 cusecs for the spring season was used to estimate the height of
cofferdams. And this in turn gave a capacity of half the barrage and the available river channel
downstream was much more than the required capacity for the flood. Hence, it guaranteed
satisfactory factor of safety for the diversion channel and the height of the cofferdam. To
safeguard the activities of the project, continuous monitoring of the flow of river was carried out
and to safeguard the current structure, construction activities were planned such that head across
the barrage remains within 15 ft whereas the design head across the barrage is 24 ft.
The main cost component of the project was sub weir estimated to be around $60 Million and
other temporary works like for care and handling of water was estimated to be $14 Million. A
detailed procurement plan for the required materials and equipment was organized to ensure that
the materials are available at the site at the right time. (Nadeem, 2008)
the stone in reverse on top of the embankment and dozers moved it across the flowing water. The
water washes away some stone and some was left behind at the toe of the embankment. The
earth fill material was also dumped from the top as it settles down under the load of machinery.
During the construction of the coffer dam high vigilance is required for monitoring day and
night. And also consistent maintenance of the cofferdams was also required like placement of
materials at the point of observed settlement to ensure that the required freeboard is not eroded
and the cofferdams perform the function they are built for that is to provide safe working
The construction of cofferdam was a continuous process so as to maintain a stable progress
inside the river. During the process, continual supply of materials made the operation successful.
For this purpose, during construction the stock piles of materials like stone and earth fill were
maintained at the site and supplemented by direct supplies from the quarries. When the
construction work approaches the center of the river channel, the velocity was constantly
increasing and so is the scour at the nose of the cofferdams, thus during this time more materials
is required to achieve the planned progress.
Figure 20: Dump truck unloading stone at the nose of the cofferdam
Careful planning was required to achieve the targets as there was very limited time was available
for the construction of cofferdam. This activity was the most critical in the time plan as no other
activity could have been carried out until the cofferdams complete.
Table 1 Quantities of material used for construction of cofferdams
Earth filling
Sheet piles -
224,000 sft
35-40 ft
Sand bags
60,000 No.
After the construction of coffer dam, dewatering was the main operation to be carried out. It
required immense pumping effort with proper planning in maintaining the water levels to
required point. Dewatering mainly required surface water removal and lowering of the
subsurface water levels. So the main equipments used for the dewatering process are large
number of tube wells along with pumps and screens in the substrata, based on the water level
required for concreting in different parts of the compound.
In the sub weir region, this process was mostly required and was considered very critical to
construction work. Here, to analyze the impact of sheet piles and overall stability of the
cofferdam section seepage modeling was carried out by using SEEP/W software. The quality of
results of the model depends on the parameters used for the analyses like the permeability of the
soil strata, boundary conditions, etc. However, once a realistic model is available, sensitivity
analyses may be carried out to study the impact of different parameters. And the decision to
install a sheet pile in the cofferdams was primarily based on the results of the model. (Nadeem,
With the use of ten new generator sets, there was continuous supply of electricity throughout day
and night to maintain the pumping operation. And also standby units were provided at the site to
minimize the risk of failure.
At the starting phase of the work, they have planned to establish single enclosure for construction
of sub weir. But after proper analysis of the flow conditions across the barrage, the results
suggested that it was required to construct four enclosures of 700 ft width each instead of one
single enclosure of 2800ft length. This subdivision resulted in an early start of construction of
sub weir and it assisted in rational phasing of dewatering for each enclosure in a separate
sequence. In order to lower the level of water table to require level, it required 50-60 wells in
each enclosure of 700 ft. The availability of pumps and generators was critical to achieve
dewatering of the site for construction, so there was extra capacity to make sure a continous
operation of the project.
The total generation capacity required for the pumps in the sub weir area was more than 3 MW
for which 8 generator sets of 375 KVA were provided. And for every two generators required for
dewatering, a standby generator was also provided to ensure uninterrupted power supply for
dewatering operation.
In the dewatering process, the pumped out water to be disposed in the surrounding water bodies
was considered a major task which required detailed planning. The specially designed disposal
mains of steel and flexible hose pipes were used to stream line the site and the pumped water
disposal point had to be clear of the coffer dam toe to safeguard against erosion of the cofferdam.
Dewatering pumps- tube wells along with pumps and screens in the substrata.
Weight of the above mentioned machinery was around 10-15 tons and can move freely on newly
constructed embankment. First stone dump was constructed followed by earthfill dump. To
construct stone embankment, the dumper is used to dump stone in reverse on top of the
embankment and dozer is used to move material across flowing water.
In the project, labors were working 24 hr per day. There are two shifts, day shift
and night shift.
During the execution of the project, job and management conditions are
considered as excellent hence f2 = 0.84 (Table 2.1)
In both earthfill and stonefill same dozer and truck type are assumed.
Dewatering is a hammock activity. Both sheet pile, excavation and dewatering are
planned simultaneously.
Duration = Quantity/Productivity.
The project is divided into 4 phrases, detail productivity analysis and duration
calculations for each phrase are shown below:
Figure 23
And by calculation we got 24 trucks which are used at the job site to deliver the stone.
Total stonefill quantity used = 37037.037CCY
Time required to dump the stonefill material = (37037.037*0.77) /(7.48*24) = 158.86/24 = 7
days (labour are assumed to be working 24 hr /day i.e 2 shifts per day )
Dozer productivity:
844H Wheel dozer is used to push the material because the concentrated wheel load will provide
compaction and kneading action to the ground surface and good for long distance, these two
features are required to satisfy the project criteria.
Name: 844H Wheel dozer
Operating weight = 156120 lb
Blade Capacity = 16.1 m3-30.7 m3 (21.1 yd3-40.2 yd3)
Direct Drive Forward
Speed (mph)
Productivity Calculation:
General output model:
P = (60 *Q * f * k* f2 * t)/CTc
Where; k = blade capacity correction factor (Given Graph) = 1 (zero grade)
Q = blade capacity in loose cy or m3 = 20 LCY
f = earth volume change conversion factor = 0.67
Speed (mph)
Articulate wheel Loader details:
Articulate wheel Loader of 4 cu yd heaped capacity - 33 sec cycle time (min) (notes table 8.9)
K = (80+100) / (2*100) = 0.9, f =0.79, f2= 0.84, t = 50/60 = 0.833
Job and management are considered excellent = 0.84
General Output Method (GOM):
P = (60*4*0.9*0.79*0.84*0.833) / (33/60) = 217 BCY/hr
Productivity of dump truck:
Name of the dump truck: SITOM MONSTER 4x2 dump trucks 15 ton: Standard Model
Sheet Piles were installed to cut seepage rate across the earthfill and improve its stability. The
length of the sheet pile is 40ft (EL 427- EL 387). The flow nets showed that the sheet piles are
useful in cutting down the seepage by about 35% of its original value.
Productivity Calculations:
Type: Crane with vibrating hammer of 100 ft/hr driving rate is used and operational efficiency =
40 min/hr
Then productivity = 100 ft/hr * (40/60) = 66.66 ft/ hr
The time required to drive 40ft long 1120 piles is
(1120*40ft/pile)/(66.66 ft/hr*24hr/day) = 28 days
or steel h-pile of 40ft length around 2.5 piles/hour (table 18.2 construction equipment
management john E. Schaufelberger, prentice hall)
Duration = (1120/2.5)* 60 = 23 days
Therefore it takes around a month to complete installation of sheet piles.
Table 2: Type of pumps and their capacities which were made available at the site are
Mud pumps
Productivity calculation:
Size of the single enclosure = 700*9843*40= 275.6 M cu ft or 7804122.9 m3.
The total amount of water in the single enclose = (7804122.9*1000kg/m3)/3.785
= 2061.85 M gallon.
The combined capacity of all pumps used in the site = 220 cu sec or 98742.86 Gallon/min.
Total Duration of dewatering = (2061.85 M*4)/ (98742.86*60*24) = 60 days or 2 months.
Figure 24
Bucket capacity
Engine(water cooling)
Pear part Rctary radivs
Min clearance
Perfomance patameter
Traveling Speed(Low/High)
Swing speed
Climb capacity
Max traction force
Operation range
Max excavation height
Max excavation depth
Max unceding height
Max excavation radius
0.45 (m3)
2.2/4 (km/h)
70 (%)
4910 (mm)
(Weiku, 2011)
Productivity calculations:
General output model:
P = (3600*Q*f*k*f1*f2*t)/CT
Substrata soil = medium sand to fine sand
k = bucket fill factor = (95+110)/2 = 102.5 (Table 8.4).
Q = bucket capacity = 0.45 LCM (0.59 LCY)
f = earth volume change conversion factor= 0.89
f1 = swing depth factor = 1
f2 = job and management conditions = 0.84
t = operating time factor = 50/60 = 0.833
CT = cycle time in seconds = 14sec (Table 8.5)
In this case study, the coffer dam was constructed on the Indus River for rehabilitation of Taunsa
Barrage. The construction process was carried out with proper initial analysis of the site for
construction and dewatering processes. They have carried out 24 hours vigilance over the coffer
dam during and after construction process which enabled them to detect faults or failures in the
coffer dam. Overall construction period of cofferdam is 6 months because overlap between
activity duration.
Phrase 1
Dump truck
7.48 BCY/hr*24
Stone fill
= 179.52 BCY/hr
179 BCY/hr
265.37 BCY/hr
Dump truck
41.63 BCY/hr*6
3 months
= 249.78 BCY/hr
217 BCY/hr
Phrase 2
Sheet Pilling
66.66 ft/ hr
driven Vibratory
1 month
Phrase 3
220 cu sec or
98742.86 Gallon/min
2 months
Phrase 4
73.86 BCM/hr
3 months
Every cofferdam is unique and requires thorough analysis. The designer must take into account a
large number of parameters. The design must be compatible with the weather conditions, waves,
currents, construction equipment, construction methods, internal permanent structures, and
ground conditions. Comparable cost studies should be analyzed to determine if the cofferdam
method is favored over other techniques, such as precast or caisson construction. Often the
cofferdam designer must work closely with the project design engineer to arrive at a mutually
satisfactory procedure.
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5. Nadeem, M. (2008). Coffer dam construction and dewatering Taunsa Barrage
rehabilitation project.
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7. Schaufelberger, J. E. (1998). Construction Equipment Management. Prentice Hall.
8. Washington, E. (2013). pdhcenter. Retrieved Feb 2013, from