Transpek Finance Limited: Securities & Exchange Board of India
Transpek Finance Limited: Securities & Exchange Board of India
Transpek Finance Limited: Securities & Exchange Board of India
a) In terms of Clause 40A of the Listing Agreement read with Rule 19A(1) of the Securities Contracts (Regulations)
Rules, 1957, the Target Company is required to maintain at least 25% public shareholding for listing on a
continuous basis. In the event that the acquisition made in pursuant to the Offer results in the public shareholding
of the Target Company falling below such minimum level, the Acquirer undertakes to take necessary steps to
facilitate compliance of the Target Company with the relevant provisions of the Listing Agreement and other
applicable laws, within the time period mentioned therein and in accordance with methods prescribed for the
same or in accordance with such other directions as may be provided by the SEBI, on a case to case basis.
b) The Acquirer undertakes to bring the public shareholding at minimum stipulated level i.e. 25% within the time
permitted under the Securities Contract (Regulation) Rules, 1957 and in accordance with Regulation 7(4) of the
c) Further, the Acquirer shall not be eligible to make a voluntary delisting offer under the SEBI (Delisting of Equity
Shares) Regulations, 2009, unless a period of twelve months have elapsed from the date of completion of the
offer period as per regulation 7(5) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011.
The Acquirer proposes to acquire 16,90,535 (Sixteen Lakhs Ninety Thousand Five Hundred And Thirty Five
Only) fully paid up equity shares of ` 10.00/- each pursuant to Share Purchase Agreement entered on
January 16, 2015 at a price of ` 13.00/- each aggregating to ` 2,19,76,955 (Rupees Two Crores Nineteen Lakhs
Seventy Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Five Only), which has triggered the mandatory open offer
requirements, details of which are as follows:
% w.r.t.
% w.r.t.
No. of
Name of
No. of
Name of the Sellers
to the
to the
total paid
total paid
Acquirer Shares
up capital
up capital
Mr. Mukesh D Patel
Mr. Niraj M Patel
Abhigam Consultants Private Limited
Infratech 16,90,535
Mr. Dushyant D Patel
Ms. Minu D Patel
The Acquirer intends to take control over the Target Company & make changes in the Board of Directors of the
Target Company subsequent to the completion of this Open Offer in accordance hereof.
Thus Open Offer is being made by the Acquirer in compliance with Regulations 3(1) & 4 read with other
applicable provisions of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
The Acquirer is hereby making a mandatory Open Offer in terms of SEBI (SAST) Regulations to the equity
shareholders (except parties to the SPA) of the Target Company to acquire 9,28,798 fully paid up equity shares
(Offer Size) bearing a face value of ` 10/- each representing 26.00% of the total issued, subscribed, paid up
and voting capital of the Target Company at a price of ` 13.00/- (Rupees Thirteen Only) per fully paid up equity
share, payable in cash, aggregating to ` 1,20,74,374/- (Rupees One Crore Twenty Lakhs Seventy Four Thousand
Three Hundred Seventy Four only) subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in this DPS and in the Letter
of Offer that will be circulated to the shareholders in accordance with the regulations, (Letter of Offer/Offer
Document) whose names appear on the register of members of the Target Company or beneficiaries on the
beneficiary records of the Depository Participant as on the Identified date i.e. February 27, 2015.
The prime object of the Offer is to change the control and management of the Target Company. Sukruti Infratech
Pvt. Ltd is the only Acquirer for the proposed Open Offer. The Acquirer is yet to finalize on how it would
implement the future plans. It also aims to expand the business horizon under corporate status for diversifying
into different activities subject to approval of the shareholders. The Acquirer reserves the right to modify the
present structure of the business in a manner which is useful to the larger interest of the shareholders. Any
change in the structure that may be affected will be in accordance with the laws applicable.
The current and proposed shareholding of the Acquirer in the Target Company and the details of its acquisition(s)
is as follows:
No. of equity shares % of total fully paid up capital
Shareholding as on date of PA
Shares Proposed to be acquired pursuant
to SPA
Shares acquired between the PA date &
the DPS date
Post offer shareholding
*Assuming full acceptances
The entire issued, subscribed & paid up equity shares of the Target Company are listed on Bombay Stock
Exchange Limited (BSE) & Vadodara Stock Exchange Limited (VSE). The scrip code on BSE & VSE is
531254 & 423 respectively. The scrip ID on BSE is TRANSPEKF.
The trading turnover of the equity shares of the Target Company during Twelve calendar months preceding the
month of PA (January 2014-December 2014) on BSE & VSE are detailed below:
Total Number of
Trading turnover
shares traded during
Total No. of Equity
Name of the Stock
(as % of total
the preceding 12
number of
calendar months prior
capital listed
listed shares)
to the month of PA
Bombay Stock
9.93% rounded
Exchange Ltd.
off to 10%
Vadodara Stock
Exchange Ltd.
The equity shares are thus frequently traded on BSE within the meaning of Regulation 2(1)(j) of the SEBI (SAST)
The Offer Price of ` 13.00/- (Rupees Thirteen only) per fully paid-up equity share of face value of ` 10.00/- each
is justified in terms of Regulation 8(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
a) Highest negotiated price per share for acquisition under
` 13.00/the SPA
b) The volume-weighted average price paid or payable for
` 13.00/- (The Acquirer
acquisition(s), whether by the Acquirer or by any person(s) acting
acquired 8,62,575 shares
in concert, during the fifty-two weeks immediately preceding the
constituting 24.15%
date of public announcement
of paid up capital)
c) The highest price paid or payable for any acquisition, whether
by the Acquirer or by any person(s) acting in concert, during the
` 13.00/Twenty-six weeks immediately preceding the date of the Public
` 9.70/-
For financial
For Nine
year ended Months ended
on December
31, 2014
31, 2014
(Unaudited but
Net Income (Fig in Lakhs)
Net worth (Fig in Lakhs)
Book Value Per Share (Rupees)
Earnings per Share (EPS) (Rupees)
In view of the above parameters considered and in the opinion of the Acquirer and Manager to the Offer, the Offer
Price of ` 13.00/- per fully paid up equity share is justified in terms of Regulation 8(2) of the SEBI (SAST)
Regulations, 2011.
No adjustment has been carried out in the offer price as no corporate actions were announced before or as on
the date of this DPS.
Irrespective of whether a competing offer has been made or not, the Acquirer may make upward revision(s) to
the offer price and/or offer size subject to the other provisions of these regulations, at any time prior to the
commencement of the last three working days before the commencement of the tendering period i.e. up
March 10, 2015.
Where the Acquirer has acquired or agreed to acquire any share or voting right in the Target Company during the
offer period, whether by subscription or purchase, at a price higher than the offer price, the offer price shall stand
revised to the highest price paid or payable for any such acquisition. Provided that no such acquisition shall
be made after the third working day prior to the commencement of the tendering period and until the expiry of
the tendering period. In case of revision in the Offer price, shareholders would be notified.
Where the Acquirer acquires shares of the Target Company during the period of twenty-six weeks after the
tendering period at a price higher than the offer price under these regulations, the Acquirer shall pay the difference
between the highest acquisition price and the offer price, to all the shareholders whose shares were accepted
in the open offer, within sixty days from the date of such acquisition. However no such difference shall be paid
in the event that such acquisition is made under an Open Offer under the SEBI (SAST) Regulations or pursuant
to Securities & Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity shares) Regulations, 2009 or open market purchases
made in the ordinary course on the Stock Exchange, not being negotiated acquisition of Equity shares whether
by way of bulk deals, block deals or in any other form.
The total fund requirement or the maximum consideration for the Open Offer assuming full acceptance of the
Offer would be ` 1,20,74,374/- (Rupees One Crore Twenty Lakhs Seventy Four Thousand Three Hundred
Seventy Four only) i.e. consideration payable for acquisition of 9,28,798 fully paid up equity shares of the
Target Company at an Offer Price of ` 13.00/- (Rupees Thirteen only) per equity share.
In accordance with Regulation 17 of the Regulations, the Acquirer has opened an Escrow Account under
the name and title of Transpek Finance Limited - Escrow Account 200999872699 with IndusInd Bank
Ltd - Mumbai (Escrow Bank) and made a deposit of Rs. 30,50,000 (Rupees Thirty Lakhs Fifty Thousand Only)
being more than 25% of the total consideration payable in accordance with the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011.
In terms of an agreement dated January 16, 2015 between the Acquirer, Manager to the Offer and the
Escrow Bank (Escrow Agreement), Manager to the Offer have been solely authorized to operate and to realize
the value lying in the Escrow Account in terms of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011.
CA Alok Shah (Membership No. 42005), partner of CNK & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, having its
Office at C - 201/202, Shree Siddhi Vinayak Complex, Opp Alkapuri side Railway Station, Faramji Road,
Alkapuri, Vadodara - 390005, Tel. No. +91-265-2343483/2354353, has certified vide certificate dated
January 07, 2015 that Net worth of Sukruti Infratech Pvt. Ltd is ` 4,82,64,989 (Rupees Four Crores Eighty Two
Lakhs Sixty Four Thousand Nine Hundred & Eighty Nine Only) as on December 31, 2014.
CA Alok Shah (Membership No. 42005), partner of CNK & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, having
its Office at C - 201/202, Shree Siddhi Vinayak Complex, Opp. Alkapuri side Railway Station, Faramji
Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara - 390005, Tel No. +91-265-2343483/2354353, has certified vide certificate dated
January 16, 2015 that Acquirer has adequate financial resources available for meeting its obligation under the
offer in full as per Regulation 25(1) and 27(1)(b) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011.
Based on the above and in light of the escrow arrangements set out above, the Manager to the Offer is satisfied
with the ability of the Acquirer to implement the Offer in accordance with the Regulations as firm financial
arrangements are in place to fulfill the obligations under the Regulations.
In case of revision in the Offer Price, the Acquirer will further make Deposit with the escrow bank of difference
amount between previous Offer fund requirements and revised Offer fund requirements to ensure compliance
with Regulation 18(5) (a) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
Identified Date*
Date by which Letter of Offer will be dispatched to the
Open Offer for acquisition of 9,28,798 (Nine Lakhs Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Eight only)
fully paid up equity shares of ` 10.00 each from equity shareholders of Transpek Finance Limited (hereinafter
referred to as Target Company or TFL) except parties to Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) dated
January 16, 2015 by Sukruti Infratech Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Acquirer) pursuant to and in
accordance with Regulations 3(1) and 4 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition
of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011, as amended from time to time (Regulations or SEBI (SAST)
Regulations or SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011).
This detailed public statement (DPS) is being issued by Intensive Fiscal Services Private Limited, the Manager
to the Offer (Manager) on behalf of Sukruti Infratech Pvt. Ltd in compliance with Regulation 13(4) of the SEBI (SAST)
Regulations, 2011 and subsequent amendments thereto pursuant to the Public Announcement filed on January 16, 2015
with the Stock Exchanges/Target Company and filed on January 19, 2015 with Securities & Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) in terms of Regulations 3(1) & 4 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011.
A. Details of the Acquirer:
Sukruti Infratech Private Limited, a company incorporated on July 08, 2010 as Sukruti Infratech Pvt. Ltd
under the Companies Act, 1956 in the state of Gujarat having its registered office at 301, Atlantis Heritage,
Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Road, Vadi Wadi, Vadodara - 390003, Gujarat, India, Tel. No.:- (0265) 2345321, 2325321,
Email: is the only Acquirer in terms of Regulation 2(1)(a) of the
SEBI (SAST) Regulations. There is no Person(s) Acting in Concert (PACs) in this Open Offer.
The main object of the Acquirer is to carry on the business of construction and developers of houses, bungalows,
row houses, farm houses, resorts and to prepare and deal in materials necessary for building and to carry on
business as building contractors and to acquire Land and plots for colonization or otherwise, sell plots, construct
for special economic zone and industrial park and buildings for sale and rent or both on installments or otherwise,
to carry on in India or elsewhere, either alone or jointly with one or more person, government, local, or other
bodies, the business to construct, build, alter, acquire, convert, improve, design, erect, establish, equip, develop,
dismantle, pull down, turn to account, furnish, level, decorate, fabricate, install, finish, repair, maintain, search,
survey, examine, taste, inspect, locate, modify, own, operate, protect, promote, provide, participate, reconstruct,
grout, dig, excavate, pour, renovate, remodel, rebuild, undertake, contribute, assist, and to act as civil engineer,
architectural engineer, interior decorator, consultant, advisor, agent, broker, supervisor, administrator, contractor,
sub-contractor, turnkey-contractor and manager of all types of construction, developmental, infrastructures work
in all its branches such as roads, ways, culverts, warehouses, factories, building, structures, drainage and
sewage works, docks, harbors, irrigation works, foundation works, flyovers, airports, runways, rocks drilling,
aqueduct, stadiums, hydraulic units, sanitary work, hotels, public utilities, multistoried, colonies, complexes,
housing products and other works and for the purpose to acquire, handover, purchase, sell, own, cut to size,
develop, distribute or otherwise to deal in all sorts of land and building.
CA Alok Shah (Membership No. 42005), partner of CNK & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, having
its Office at C - 201/202, Shree Siddhi Vinayak Complex, Opp Alkapuri side Railway Station, Faramji
Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara - 390005, Tel No. +91-265-2343483/2354353, has certified vide certificate dated
January 07, 2015 that Net worth of Sukruti Infratech Pvt. Ltd is ` 4,82,64,989 (Rupees Four Crores Eighty Two
Lakhs Sixty Four Thousand Nine Hundred & Eighty Nine Only) as on December 31, 2014.
The Acquirer has entered into an agreement to acquire 16,90,535 (Sixteen Lakhs Ninety Thousand Five Hundred
And Thirty Five Only) fully paid up equity shares of the Target Company constituting 47.32% of the paid
up/voting capital of the Target Company pursuant to Share Purchase Agreement dated January 16, 2015.
The Acquirer holds 8,62,575 equity share of the Target Company representing 24.15% of issued, subscribed
and paid up capital of the Target Company as on date of this DPS.
The Acquirer is not forming part of the present Promoter group of the Target Company. As on date of this DPS,
there is/are no nominee(s) of the Acquirer on the Board of Directors of the Target Company.
The Acquirer has not been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities, in terms of directions issued under
Section 11B of the Securities & Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, (the SEBI Act) or any other Regulations
made under the SEBI Act, as amended from time to time.
Following persons are the key shareholders & in the control of the Acquirer:
Sr. No.
Name of the Person
No. of Shares
% w.r.t. to total paid up capital
Alpana R. Gandhi
Pankaj K. Parikh
Brief Financials of the Acquirer are as follows:
` in Lakhs except share data
For the 9 months
period ending
December 31, 2014
Total Revenue
Net Income
EPS (in `)
Net worth
(Source: Certificate dated January 20, 2015, from CNK & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants Statutory
Auditor of Sukruti Infratech Private Limited)
B. Details of Sellers:
% of
Part of
Name of the
Residential Address/
No. of
w.r.t. total
Registered Address
paid up
93, Urmi Society, Productivity Road,
Mr. Mukesh D Patel
Vadodara - 390007, Gujarat
93, Urmi Society, Productivity Road,
Mr. Niraj M Patel
Vadodara - 390007, Gujarat
1st Floor, ABS Tower, Old Padra Road,
Consultants Private
Vadodara - 390007, Gujarat
3-4, Akashwan Housing Complex,
Mr. Dushyant D
Gotri Sevashi Road, Sevashi,
Vadodara - 391 101, Gujarat
3-4, Akashwan Housing Complex,
Gotri Sevashi Road, Sevashi,
Ms. Minu D Patel
Vadodara - 391 101, Gujarat
The Sellers propose to sell 16,90,535 (Sixteen Lakhs Ninety Thousand Five Hundred And Thirty Five Only)
fully paid up equity shares to the Acquirer constituting 47.32% of the total paid up/voting capital of the Target
Company pursuant to SPA dated January 16, 2015 at a price of ` 13.00/- (Rupees Thirteen only) per equity share.
The Sellers have not been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities, in terms of directions issued under
Section 11B of the SEBI Act, 1992 or any other Regulation(s) made under the SEBI Act, as amended from time
to time.
C. Target Company:
The Target Company was incorporated as Kalali Finance and Leasing Company Limited on February 11, 1991
under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The Company got its certificate of commencement of business
on April 08, 1991. The name of the Company was changed from Kalali Finance and Leasing Company Limited
to Transpek Finance Limited on June 23, 1992 and the present registered office of the Target Company is at
First Floor, ABS Towers, Old Padra Road, Vadodara - 390007, Gujarat Tel. No.:- (0265) 2341648, 2341649,
Fax. No.: (0265) 2336908, Email:
The Target Company is also a non public deposit accepting Non Banking Finance Company registered with
Reserve Bank of India (hereinafter referred to as RBI). The Target Company got its certificate of registration
to carry on the business of NBFC on May 20, 2004 bearing registration number B.01.00070.
As on date of this DPS, the authorized share capital of the Target Company is ` 7,50,00,000/- (Rupees Seven
Crores and Fifty Lakhs only) divided into 75,00,000 equity shares of ` 10.00/- each. The issued, subscribed &
paid up capital of the Company is ` 3,57,23,000/- (Rupees Three Crore Fifty Seven Lakh Twenty Three Thousand
only), comprises of 35,72,300 fully paid-up equity shares of ` 10.00/- each.
The entire issued, subscribed & paid up equity shares of the Target Company are listed on Bombay Stock
Exchange Limited (BSE) & Vadodara Stock Exchange Limited (VSE). The scrip code on BSE & VSE is 531254
& 423 respectively. The scrip ID on BSE is TRANSPEKF. The Shares of the Target Company are frequently
traded on the BSE in terms of Regulation 2(1)(j) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011.
The Board of Directors of the Target Company are Mukesh Patel, Dushyant Patel, Upendra Patel and
Yashwantbhai Patel.
The financials highlights of TFL are given below:
` in Lakhs except share data
Total Revenue
Net Income
EPS (in `)
Net worth/Shareholders Fund
(Source: Annual Report for the financial year ended March 31, 2012, March 31, 2013 and March 31, 2014)
D. Details of the Offer:
The Acquirer hereby makes this Offer to the equity shareholders (other than parties to the SPA) of the Target
Company to acquire up to 9,28,798 (Nine Lakhs Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Eight only) fully
paid up equity shares of ` 10.00/- each representing 26.00% of the paid up/voting capital of the Target Company
in terms of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations at a price of ` 13.00/- (Rupees Thirteen only) per fully paid up equity
share (Offer Price) payable in cash.
The offer is made to (i) all the equity shareholders (except parties to the SPA) whose names will appear on the
register of members of the Target Company or as beneficiaries on the beneficiary records of the Depository
Participant as on the Identified Date i.e. February 27, 2015 and (ii) to those persons who own the shares any
time prior to the closure of the tendering period, but are not the registered shareholder(s).
This Offer is subject to the receipt of the statutory and other approvals mentioned in paragraph VI of the DPS.
In terms of Regulation 23 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, if the statutory approvals are refused, the Acquirer
reserves the right to withdraw the open offer.
This offer is not subject to any minimum level of acceptance. The Acquirer will acquire all the equity shares
of the Target Company that are validly tendered as per terms of the Offer up to a maximum of 9,28,798
(Nine Lakhs Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Eight only) fully paid up equity shares.
This is not a Competitive Bid in terms of regulation 20.
The Manager to the Offer, Intensive Fiscal Services Private Limited, does not hold any equity share in the Target
Company as on date of this DPS. The Manager to the Offer further declares and undertakes that they will not
deal in their own account in the equity shares of the Target Company during the Offer Period.
The SPA is subject to compliance of provisions of SEBI (SAST) Regulations and in case of non compliance
with the provisions of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011; the SPA shall not be acted upon.
E. As on date of this DPS, the Acquirer does not have any intention to sell, dispose off or otherwise encumber any
significant assets of TFL for a period of two years except in the ordinary course of business of the Target
Company. However, the Acquirer may give effect to such alienation for a period of two years subject to passing
a special resolution by the shareholders of Target Company by way of a postal ballot and the notice for such
postal ballot shall contain reasons as to why such alienation is necessary. The Acquirer intends to seek a
reconstitution of the Board of Directors of the Target Company after successful completion of Offer.
F. In terms of Clause 40A of the Listing Agreement with BSE read with Rule 19A(1) of the Securities Contracts
(Regulations) Rules, 1957, the Target Company is required to maintain at least 25% public shareholding for listing
on a continuous basis. The present Offer after considering the Existing Holding of the Acquirer, SPA and Open Offer
Shares would result the Public shareholding in the Target Company falling below the minimum level required as
per the Listing Agreement entered with the Stock Exchange for the purpose of listing on continuous basis.