DSEAR Dust Explosions

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Dust Testing

Dust Testing

Explosion Testing
for industry

+44 (0)1753 855782

Explosion Hazard Testing Ltd
8 Dalton Court, Astmoor Industrial Estate, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1PU.

Dust Testing for DSEAR &

ATEX Compliance

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September 2010

Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

This document provides an introduction to dust explosion testing and its importance in making process
plant safe from fire and explosion. It describes the standard laboratory tests and the parameters they
measure, enabling plant engineers and system designers to make informed judgement on safety matters
such as: what is safety critical information and what is simply interesting to know; whether explosion and
ignition information can be reliably taken from published data; is data required for every dust and powder
being handled, or can worst case materials be identified?
Dust explosions are fortunately rare occurrences, but they have the potential to kill and legislation under
the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Dangerous Substances and Explosion Atmospheres
Regulations 2002 is in place to ensure safety in the workplace.

UK Statistics fire and explosion

Analysis of dust fires and explosions reported to the Health & Safety Executive over a ten year period
show 295 events (being a combination of fire, explosion and fire & explosion incidents) and the results
are summarised in Figure 1 below, with 41 explosions resulting in injury or death.

Figure 1 no. of reported UK incidents

Figure 2 breakdown by industry

Figure 2 shows a breakdown by industry of the explosion incidents. The most common ignition sources
identified were mechanical sparking, smouldering dust deposits and frictional heating.

What is an explosion?
An explosion is a freely travelling combustion front and can be thought of as a fast fire. When confined,
the combustion front moves at a relatively slow speed (typically 10 metres per second, but strongly
material dependent), yet generates a rise in pressure that will travel at the speed of sound (330 metres
per second).
Explosions have a characteristic pressure/time relationship with a substantial portion being uniform i.e. a
constant rate of pressure rise. When the combustion front reached the vessel walls, it has consumed all
the available fuel or oxygen and self-extinguishes, resulting in a maximum pressure attained. Laboratory
experiments demonstrate that this pressure, known as the maximum explosion pressure or Pmax, is
independent of the vessel volume.

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Rates of pressure rise are dependant on volume; the larger the volume, the slower the pressure rise. The
cube law accurately describes the relations between volume and rate of pressure rise.

KST = explosion constant for dust

KG = explosion constant for gas or vapour

A number of conditions must be satisfied simultaneously for a dust explosion to occur:


the dust must be combustible

the dust must have a particle size distribution that will propagate flame
the dust must be in suspension in the atmosphere with sufficient oxygen to sustain combustion
the dust concentration must be within the explosible range
there must be present an ignition source of sufficient energy to initiate the explosion

Dust explosions may be classified as being either primary or secondary in nature. Primary dust
explosions occur inside process plant or similar enclosures and are generally controlled by pressure relief
through purpose-built ducting to atmosphere. Secondary dust explosions are the result of dust
accumulation inside the factory being disturbed and ignited by the primary explosion, resulting in a much
more dangerous uncontrolled explosion inside the workplace.
Historically, fatalities from dust explosions have largely been the result of secondary dust explosions.
The two photographs below show the aftermath of a large secondary dust explosion that occurred at
Imperial Sugar, Georgia on February 8 , 2008, killing 14 and injuring 36.
The official investigation into the incident by the US Chemical Safety Board can be downloaded from the
CSB website www.csb.gov.

Secondary explosions may be avoided by good housekeeping and appropriate process control, stopping
dust from leaking, implementing good cleaning regimes and keeping the factory clear of dust.
There is debate about how thick a layer of dust is needed to support a secondary explosion, but a simple
test is to walk through it leaving footprints is an indication of secondary explosion hazard.
Accumulations of dust on ledges, tops of bins etc. should not be tolerated.

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Secondary dust accumulation

Explosion Hazard Testing Ltd

Laboratory Tests
A number of laboratory tests have been developed and refined over many years to characterize the
explosion and ignition potential of dusts. The tests described here are designed to simulate plant
operation under worst case conditions that will provide a single value for the test material that can be
applied across a wide range of plant processes and equipment. For example, the 20 litre sphere test
apparatus induces a dust turbulence that is similar to that found inside a hammermill. Conditions inside
(say) a hopper will be considerably less onerous, but the lower explosibility is simply absorbed as
additional safety margin to simplify the testing procedure. Occasionally, plant conditions may exceed that
induced in the standard test and a more strenuous test may be required, as in the case of a jet mill
micronizer or a contained explosion forcing jet flame ignition into an adjoining vessel. Under these
circumstances, seeking specialist advice is recommended.
Test standards are continually under development and it is recommended that testing is undertaken to
the latest applicable EN standard wherever possible.

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

The Classification Test

The classification test provides a qualitative assessment of whether or not a suspended dust is capable of
initiating and sustaining an explosion in the presence of small sources of ignition. The test may be carried
out in either the Hartmann Tube or 20L sphere apparatus.
An explosible dust - termed Group A - will propagate flame away from the ignition source.
A non-explosible dust - termed Group B - will not propagate flame away from the ignition source.
There is currently no European standard for classification, but one is in preparation.
NOTE: Experience has shown that a small number of materials classified as Group B in the Hartmann
Tube may indeed be capable of supporting combustion at higher energies than those used in the
standard test (hot coil & 10kV spark). Should higher energy ignition sources, or temperatures, be present
or suspected in the industrial application, classification must be continued in the 20L sphere and MIT
furnace see pages 4 & 8.
Sample preparation
The dust is tested as received, unless the particle size and moisture content are not known on plant, in
which case the sample is dried at 105 C for 1 hour and sieved below approximately 63m to investigate
the flammability of a fine dust fraction.
Test method
Initially a small amount of dust, typically 0.5 g, is placed in the dispersion cup around the mushroom
shaped deflector and it is then suspended around the ignition source either by an instantaneous or
continuous blast of air.
If flame propagation is observed the dust is regarded as explosible and the test ended. If flame
propagation does not occur, the amount of dust and the dispersion conditions are varied followed by
drying and sieving of the material sample to encourage flammability.
Ignition sources
Tests are conducted in two series of trials with different sources of ignition, being electric spark and hot
coil. The electric spark is produced by a high voltage transformer having a 10kV, 0.024A output, the spark
bridging a 0.5cm gap between a pair of ignition electrodes. This provides a spark having an energy in the
region 8-10J. The hot coil is made from 20SWG Kanthal A wire and consists of approximately 8 turns
having an external diameter of 1cm. It is heated to a bright red heat (approximately 800 C) by a
transformer having an output of 10V and 20A.
Test criterion
The criterion for explosion is the observation of flames, no matter how small, moving away from the
ignition source. Sparks or smoke from particles landing on the hot coil are ignored.
A sequence of 10 failures to ignite to hot coil and 10 failures to ignite to electric spark, both over a range
of dust concentration and dispersion conditions, are required for Group B classification.

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Minimum Ignition Temperature Test

The minimum ignition temperature (MIT) is the lowest temperature of a hot surface that will cause a dust
cloud to ignite and propagate flame. The test follows BS EN 50281-2-1:1999 (Methods of determining
minimum ignition temperatures).
Sample preparation
The sample is prepared to be homogeneous and should generally be fine enough to pass a 71 m sieve.
However, if it is necessary to test a coarser dust, the sample will be sieved to 500 m and the fact will be
stated in the test report.
Test method
Approximately 0.1 g of dust is placed in a dust holder at the top of a
temperature controlled furnace with an open bottom. The dust is
dispersed by compressed air downwards past the hot surface of the
furnace to see if ignition occurs and flames are produced below. If
the dust does not ignite, the furnace temperature is increased and
the test repeated until ignition of the dust occurs or a maximum
temperature of 800 C is reached.
Once ignition has been established, the mass of the dust sample and
injection pressure are varied to find the most vigorous flame
discharge. The temperature of the furnace is then reduced
incrementally until flame propagation is no longer observed. At this
temperature, the dust mass and injection pressure are varied to
confirm that no ignition is found over ten consecutive tests.
Test criterion
The minimum ignition temperature (MIT) is the lowest
temperature of the furnace at which flame is observed
minus 20 C for furnace temperatures over 300 C or minus
10 C for furnace temperatures under 300 C.
For items of plant such as driers, the internal temperature
is generally limited to two thirds of the minimum ignition
temperature when measured in degrees Centigrade. For
example, a dust with a minimum ignition temperature of 450
C would require a maximum operating temperature in the
drying process of 300 C.

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20 litre sphere apparatus

Explosion Hazard Testing Ltd

Example MIT test results

Minimum ignition
Grain dust
490 C
Coal dust
no ignition up to 850 C
400 C
480 C
650 C
430 C

September 2010

Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Layer Ignition Temperature Test

The layer ignition temperature (LIT) test determines the lowest temperature at which a layer of dust of
specific thickness, usually 5mm, ignites on a heated surface. Layer ignition temperatures are generally
much lower than dust cloud ignition temperatures (MIT). It is an important test for industrial premises
where heat generating equipment is present - such as electric motors or light fittings - as it evaluates the
maximum permissible surface temperature to prevent fires and smouldering material.
The test is carries out according to BS EN 50281-2-1:1999 (Methods of determining minimum ignition
Sample preparation
The sample is prepared so as to be homogeneous and representative of the material handled on plant.
The dust sample will generally be tested as received, although sieving to sub 200 m may be carried out
to remove large particles. If it is necessary to test a coarser dust, passing a test sieve with a nominal size
of aperture up to 500 m, the fact will be stated in the test report.
Test method
A layer of known thickness is created by filling a 100mm diameter ring placed on the hotplate apparatus,
levelling with a straight edge and removing any excess. A thermocouple positioned on top of the layer
monitors the dust temperature during the test and the temperature is continuously recorded using data
logging equipment.

The ambient temperature is also measured locally to the apparatus and must be within the range 15 C to
35 C.
Test criterion
Tests are repeated with fresh layers of dust until a minimum ignition temperature has been found. This is
the lowest temperature, rounded down to the nearest integral multiple of 10 C, at which ignition occurs in
a layer of given thickness. The highest value at which ignition does not occur is also recorded. The latter
temperature must be no more than 10 C lower than the minimum ignition temperature recorded and is
confirmed by at least three tests.
Ignition is considered to have occurred if:
1. visible glowing or flaming is observed; or
2. a temperature of 450 C is measured; or
3. a temperature rise of 250 K above the temperature of the heated plate, is measured.
Any thickness of dust layer may be investigated, but 5 mm is generally regarded as representing the
thickest layer of dust likely in a factory having fully enclosed plant and process operations allied to a good
standard of housekeeping. Where there is the possibility that dust layers in excess of 5 mm may be
formed, the maximum permissible surface temperature must be reduced.
By limiting the temperature of any surface to below the layer ignition temperature (LIT) - usually with a 75
C safety margin - fires caused by hot surfaces may be avoided.
NOTE: Some materials exhibit more than one stage of self-heating, and it may sometimes be necessary
to prolong the test in order to fully explore this possibility. With organic dusts, combustion will usually take
the form of charring followed by the appearance of smouldering with glowing which will progress through
the layer and leave a residue of ash. With dust layers composed of certain divided metals, ignition may be

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

characterised by the relatively sudden appearance of highly incandescent smouldering combustion

progressing rapidly through the layer.
Temperature vs time - ignition

Typical 5 mm layer ignition temperature

test trace for sewage sludge, showing
ignition on a hot surface at 260 C


Temperature (deg C)






Time (hours)

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Lower Explosion Limit Test

The lower explosion limit (LEL) - also known as the minimum explosion concentration - is the lowest
concentration of dust cloud that will allow combustion. The lower explosion limit decreases with
decreasing particle size and decreasing moisture content. Therefore the particle size distribution and
moisture content are determined for the sample as tested and stated in the test report.
The test following BS EN 14034-3:2006 (determination of the lower explosion limit LEL of dust clouds) is
carried out in the 20 litre sphere apparatus.
Test method
10 g of dust is placed in the dust container and the explosion chamber is evacuated to 0.4 bar. An
automatic test sequence is initiated to pressurise the dust container to 20 bar and activate the two
chemical igniters, each having an energy of 1 kJ, 60 msec after the dust has been dispersed.
A test series is undertaken with a systematic decrease of the dust concentration until no ignition of the
dust / air mixture is observed. After each test, the explosion vessel is cleaned to remove any dust
remaining from the previous test.
Test criterion
An ignition is deemed to have occurred if the maximum explosion pressure is at or above 0.5 bar.
The final test is repeated to ensure no ignition is found in three consecutive tests and confirm the lower
explosion limit has been reached.
Knowledge of the lower explosion limit may be used as evidence of explosion prevention in areas where
the concentration of dust can be reliably controlled. The test is also helpful in determining where
hazardous area zones exist for dust (zone 20, zone 21 & zone 22) under ATEX or DSEAR legislation.
Example test results

Dust sample

LEL (gm )

Grain dust


Coal dust


Wheat flour




Aluminium dust


Sewage sludge


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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Minimum Ignition Energy Test

The minimum ignition energy (MIE) test measures the ease of ignition of a dust cloud by electrical and
electrostatic discharges. The test is carried out according to BS EN 13821:2002 (Determination of
minimum ignition energy of dust / air mixtures).
Ignition energy is influenced by a considerable number of factors, the most important being; median
particle size, dust moisture content, dust cloud turbulence and dust concentration. Inductance in the spark
generation circuit may also have an effect as protracted sparks (i.e. with inductance) are generally more
incendive than purely capacitive discharges. Investigation of MIE for electrostatic discharges is carried
out with no inductance in the spark generating circuit.

Test method
The MIKE3 apparatus consists of a borosilicate tube placed over a
dispersion cup and fitted with two electrodes. The electrodes are
connected to a circuit that produces an electrical spark of known

Explosion Hazard Testing Ltd

Sample preparation
Where the particle sizes of the material in the plant are not known, tests are carried out on dust samples
of particle sizes e.g. less than 63 m. Where the moisture content in
the plant is not known, the sample is carefully dried e.g. at 50 C
under vacuum, or at 75 C and atmospheric pressure until the
sample weight has reached a constant value.

A weighed sample of dust is placed in the dispersion cup, which is

blown up through the tube with compressed air past the ignition
source. If flame propagation is observed, the energy of the spark is
reduced until no flame propagation is seen for 10 consecutive tests.
At that spark energy, a range of dust sample weights and ignition
time delays are tried to thoroughly investigate potential dust
explosion conditions.
Test criterion
The test result is stated as an energy range, indicating that ignition took place at the higher value and no
ignition took place at the lower value. The MIE is a measure of how sensitive an explosible dust is to
electrical spark ignition. It gives guidance on whether ignition by electrostatic discharge from plant
personnel or process conditions is likely to occur in practice.

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Limiting Oxygen Concentration Test

The limiting oxygen concentration (LOC) is the highest concentration of oxygen that prevents a dust
explosion taking place. The test is mandatory if inerting is to be used as a method of dust explosion
prevention under ATEX or DSEAR.
The test is carried out according to BS EN 14034-4:2004 (Determination of the limiting oxygen
concentration LOC of dust clouds).
Test method
The test is carried out in the 20 litre sphere apparatus. 5 g of dust is placed in the dust container and the
explosion chamber is filled with a known concentration of oxygen in nitrogen. An automatic test sequence
is initiated to pressurise the dust container to 20 bar and activate the ignition source 60 msec after the
dust has been dispersed. Once ignition is achieved at a known oxygen concentration, the level of oxygen
is reduced until a point is reached at which no ignition occurs. At an oxygen level 1 % above the minimum
found, the quantity of dust injected is adjusted to find the most explosible concentration in a reduced
oxygen atmosphere (which is generally at lower dust concentrations than at normal atmospheric
conditions). Subsequent tests are carried out with this mass of dust, and the oxygen concentration is
gradually reduced until no ignition is found in three consecutive tests.
Test criterion
An ignition is deemed to have occurred if the maximum explosion pressure is at or above 0.5 bar. Test
work is normally undertaken with nitrogen, but it is important to test with the appropriate inert gas in use
on plant. Substantially different results are obtained with different inert gases e.g. steam, nitrogen, carbon
In practical applications, it is usual to include a safety margin when applying the test results to plant
design. The safety margin should reflect the size of the plant and its control system for rectifying oxygen
increases, plus the level of oxygen monitoring installed, the sensor accuracy and response time.
Example test results
Coal dust
Sewage sludge
Aluminium dust
Maize starch

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LOC (%) in nitrogen


September 2010

Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Explosion Indices Test (Kst & Pmax)

Kst and Pmax are explosive properties measured in the laboratory to quantify the severity of a dust
explosion. The explosion indices test follows BS EN 14034-1:2004 (determination of the maximum
explosion pressure Pmax of dust clouds) and BS EN 14034-2:2006 (determination of the maximum rate of
explosion pressure rise of dust clouds Kst).
Test method
The tests are carried out in a 20 litre sphere apparatus which reproduces a high state of turbulence to
simulate worst case process plant conditions.
A weighed quantity of dust is placed into the dust container. The main explosion chamber is then
evacuated to 0.4 bar absolute. An automatic test sequence is initiated to pressurise the dust container to
20 bar gauge, and then the fast acting valve on the dust container outlet is opened to allow material into
the explosion chamber.
The rebound nozzle ensures an even distribution of dust within the explosion chamber and the control
system activates two 5 KJ chemical igniters at the centre of the sphere 60 ms after the dust has been
Explosion pressures are measured for a range of dust concentrations using piezo-electric pressure
transducers. The tests are carried out over three series to ensure a thorough investigation of the
explosion properties. From the tests, the arithmetic mean of the maximum values (both maximum
pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise) is obtained.

The Kst value is calculated as the equivalent pressure in a 1 m sphere from the cube law (Kst = cube root
of volume x explosion pressure rise), as previously described.
ST class
The ST class is based on the Kst value as follows:
ST class
ST 0
ST 1
ST 2
ST 3

Kst (bar m/sec)

< 200
Between 200 & 300

Pmax & Kst data is used to design explosion protection systems, typically explosion venting & explosion
Example test results
Grain dust
Coal dust
Wood dust
Aluminium dust
Sewage sludge

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(bar m/sec)


ST class

September 2010

Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Self-heating Materials
Many materials exhibit self-heating where biological and/or chemical reactions (usually oxidation) take
place at an imperceptibly slow rate at room temperature. However, the rate of reaction increases rapidly
with temperature and given the right storage conditions may lead to spontaneous combustion. The
prediction of situations where spontaneous fires may occur and the identification of simple precautions to
prevent such fires are essential to manage the risk effectively.
A simple screening test is used to identify materials with self-heating or exothermic decomposition
Test method
The test is carried out in a mechanically ventilated oven with an inner chamber of sufficient size to
accommodate the test piece and allow free air circulation around it. A cubical wire mesh basket
measuring 100 mm on each edge is filled with the material under test and a 0.5 mm stainless steel
sheathed chromel/alumel thermocouple is inserted into the centre of the sample to monitor the central
temperature. The filled cube is then suspended in the oven together with a second thermocouple to
register oven temperature and both are connected to a data logger so that any tendency for self-heating
can be observed and recorded.
Ramped 100mm basket test

Temperature (C)

For the screening test, the temperature of

the oven is set to increase at a rate of 0.5
C per minute from room temperature up
to a maximum of 400 C for
approximately 24 hours. The central
thermocouple will detect any exothermic
reaction where the temperature increases
independently of the oven temperature.
The onset of exotherm may be measured
by determining the temperature at which
the central temperature exceeds the oven
temperature (crossing point) and by this
method comparisons can be made
between different materials under test.

Oven temperature


Sample temperature






Time (hours)

Test criterion
If the central temperature of the sample tracks the oven temperature for the whole of the test duration (24
hours), the material may be said to exhibit no propensity for self-heating over the time and temperature
ranges investigated.

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Generic versus Actual Test Data

Of course, many common materials have been tested before and there is a considerable body of data
available from previous laboratory work. The problem facing plant engineers and system designers is
whether or not such data is truly representative of the materials to be handled by the plant under
consideration. Published test results usually have little by way of description or detailed specification, and
the question remains is this like my material?
To take an example, the explosion indices of sugar (sucrose) are commonly quoted as P max = 8.5 bar and
Kst= 138 bar m/sec. Yet sugar has a much wider range of explosibility, depending upon the manufacturing
source, particle size and moisture content, as illustrated in the table below. It cannot even be
characterised as an ST1 material, although in most applications this is probably the case.

Mean particle size



Kst (bar m/sec)

Pmax (bar)

ST class



ST 1
ST 1
ST 1
ST 2

With some materials, it is possible to carry out an assessment of explosion risk through the oxygen
balance thus:
CxHyOz + (x + y/4 z/2)O2 xCO2 + (y/2)H2O
where x,y,z are the number of moles of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen respectively
The oxygen balance, which is a measure of the lack of oxygen in the molecule necessary for
stoichiometric combustion, is derived from the following formula:
-16 x (2x +y/2-z) x 100/(molecular weight)
This approach is useful for chemical compounds, but is of little value for foodstuffs, for example. When
dealing with a multitude of different materials, a combination of form, quantity and chemical group can be
appropriate guidelines. Taking food ingredients as an example, a number of product categories could be
considered; flours, sugars, starches, cocoas, milk powders (including whey), egg powders, glutens,
enzymes, emulsifiers, powdered fats, gelling agents and miscellaneous. Examination of existing
explosibility and ignition data then allow us to make a number of reasonable assumptions:

Flours will tend to have high MIE, whereas sugars will generally be much lower.
MIT of flour is likely to be lower than sugar.
High fat flours, such as soya, may have lower LIT temperatures.
Dusty materials, such as cocoa powder, are likely to be drawn into dust extraction filters. If these
are protected by explosion venting, knowledge of Kst & Pmax is required to validate the protection

In this way, a structured examination of the plant and materials handled can be most useful in shaping the
test requirements for a project.

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Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Data Required for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

Explosion prevention and explosion protection must both be considered for DSEAR & ATEX compliance:
How could dust be ignited in the process?
Hot surface
LIT for dust layers
MIT for dust clouds
Electrostatic spark


Screening test

Specify equipment surface temperature
limits, including safety margin
Influences the choice of plant materials
(conductors/non-conductors), earth
bonding and personnel antistatic
Identify materials with the potential for
self-heating. Isothermal basket tests will
be required to specify safe storage

What is the best way to avoid an explosive atmosphere?

Dust control
Plant should be operated with low level
of dust present e.g. use dustsuppressed materials
Oxygen control
Plant should be operated under an inert
gas e.g. nitrogen. An operational safety
margin is required, based upon the inert
gas control system and plant layout

How can the plant be made safe?

Explosion venting
Explosion indices
Kst and Pmax
Explosion suppression
Explosion indices
Kst and Pmax
Explosion containment
Explosion indices
Kst and Pmax

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Verify vent design is adequate for the
materials being handled
Verify suppression design is adequate
for the materials being handled
Verify explosion containment and
explosion isolation design is adequate
for the materials being handled

September 2010

Dust Testing for DSEAR & ATEX Compliance

The following data should be regarded as essential, safety critical information:

Classification test where the flammability of the dust is not known
LOC where inerting is the basis of safety
Explosion indices (Pmax & Kst) where explosion protection is the basis of safety i.e. explosion
venting, explosion suppression or explosion containment
MIT for all plant where a dust cloud may come into contact with a high temperature surface,
such as a dryer
LIT for all plant where dust may accumulate on any surface that may get hot through electrical
or mechanical energy such as an electrical motor or gearbox
MIE for all plant, particularly where electrostatic ignition is possible
Screening test for any material that is suspected of being capable of self-heating

Copyright Michael Ward, M.A.

Explosion Hazard Testing Ltd, 8 Dalton Court, Astmoor Industrial Estate, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1PU.
Tel: 01753 855782

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September 2010

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