Quantifiers Sentences PDF
Quantifiers Sentences PDF
Quantifiers Sentences PDF
Nurjannah 101104155
ICP Of mathematics 2010
Mathematics and Science Faculty
Almost all theorems in mathematics applies to every member of the
universe of discourse. For example, the right-angled triangle the square of sideeffect side elbow. This theorem is intended for any right triangle. So in fact the
theorem involves a universal qualifiers. Emphasis that the theorem of a universal
qualifiers load is very closely related to the proof of the theorem. Since the
theorem is true for members of the universe of discourse is the infinitive, then by
showing examples, although a million examples, not to prove the truth of the
This paper described the sentence qualifiers that express notions of
constant, modifiers, open sentences, and the types of sentences qualifiers
described and examples.
1. Universal Quantifiers
Universal Quantifiers indicate that each object has properties in sentences
express. We can put the words "For all / any x" in front of an open sentence that
contains the variable x to produce a sentence which has a truth value. The value of
x is determined based on universes of discourse. Universal Quantifiers is
symbolized by "". Universal Quantifiers indicate that something is true for all
individual-individual. Consider the following sentence:
"All elephants have trunks"
So if the predicate "has a proboscis" is replaced with the symbol B can then be
G (x) B (x), can be read "If x is an elephant, then x has a trunk". But the above
sentence is not a sentence because the sentence above quantifiers is not contain
with the word "all". To that should be added so that it becomes a universal symbol
of quantifiers.
( x) (G (x) B (x)), so it can now be read "For all x, if x is an elephant, then x
has a trunk".
Statements that contain the word "all", "every", or in other words the same
meaning, indicating universally quantifiers, then used a universal quantifiers. In
English, for example, for the word "every people", "all people", "anybody", "each
people", and others.
For example if known logic statement, "Every student should learn from
text books", if you want to be written in predicate logic, it is determined eg B for
"must learn from the textbook", so if it is written B (x), means "x should learn
from textbook ". The word "every student" indicated is true for every x, then the
writing is complete:
( x) Bx, read "For every x, x must learn from the textbook".
However, the above notation is not perfect because x has not appointed a
student, it must be emphasized and should be written:
1. All green plants need water to grow.
If x is a green plant, then x need water to grow green plants (x) needs
water to grow (x)
( x) (green plants (x) needs water to grow (x))
( x) (T (x) A (x))
2. "All the artists are pretty".
If x is an artist, then x gorgeous, Artist (x) gorgeous (x).
( x) (Artist (x) gorgeous (x))
( x) (A (x) C (x))
3. If it is known the equation x +3> 10, where x is the set of positive integers
A> 5.
Determine the truth value of ( x A) x +3> 10. To determine the truth
value, it must be checked one by one.
A = {1,2,3,4}. If universally quantifiers, then for all values of A which are
incorporated must satisfy the equation
For A = 1, then
A = 2, then
A = 3, then
A = 4, then
can be demonstrated by the use of words: "some", "there is", "at least one", and
other words of similar meaning.
Consider the following sentence:
"There are students who receive scholarships achievement"
To do quantifiers existential in the statement, carried with following ways:
(Student (x)
1. "Some people are diligent worship".
If written using predicate logic, then:
"There is a person x, and x diligent worship".
( x) (Person (x)
K (x))
, then [
, then [
not meet
statement is true.
3. Double Quantifiers
Domain or universe of discourse interpretation quantifiers very important
to determine the type of quantifiers to be used and influence the writing of the
symbol. See the following example:
"Everyone loves Jogjakarta"
Furthermore, it can be written symbols with predicate logic
The symbol can be read "For all y, y love Jogjakarta". The problem that happens
is someone domains for different bias y. There are those who consider human y,
but maybe someone else can assume y any living creatures, eg chicken, ducks,
maybe even y can be any object. Of course this kind of chaotic domain
interpretation because that surely meant only person or human. Therefore, to
ensure that only the domain interpretation, writing of the symbol should be
corrected as follows:
Now these symbols can be read "For all y if y is one, then y love
Jogjakarta". To write a proper symbol, it should put the first domain of
interpretation because the domain interpretation It affects the writing and at the
same time avoid ambiguity. Examples of domains that are common interpretation
among other humans, animals, plants, prime numbers, natural numbers, and so on,
which will use a universal quantifiers. However if certain or all of them, for
example some men, or one man alone, will wear a different quantifiers is
quantifiers existential.
The next issue is how if qualifiers wear two different symbols on the
writing that comes from a statement. Is the domain interpretation will also be
different or the same?.
Consider the following example:
With predicate logic notation symbols, such as the following will written
C (y, x)))
Now consider if quantifiers turns out to involve more than one type of
example quantifiers with the following statement:
"There is a positive number x such that for all positive numbers y apply y
with universal quantifiers, which are connected only "x life". Again, note writing
and laying the parentheses.
In general, the relationship between the double quantifiers placement
are as follows:
Determine the negation of predicate logic following:
1. ( x) ( y) x = 2y with its domain is an integer
( x) ( y) x = 2y -read "for all integers x, y are integers which satisfy x =
y Reads : All fruit store did not sell at least one kind of fruit".
Changing statements into predicate logic which has a double quantifiers
For example:
"There is someone who knows everyone"
The steps are:
knows y
Universal Quantifiers indicate that each object has properties in sentences
express. We can put the words "For all / any x" in front of an open sentence that
contains the variable x to produce a sentence which has a truth value. The value of
x is determined based on universes of discourse. Universal Quantifiers is
symbolized by "". Universal Quantifiers indicate that something is true for all
individual. Quantifiers existential showed that among the objects (terms) in
universal, at least one term / phrase object meets nature has revealed. We can put
the words: "There is .....", "Some x are .....", "Yes ......", "At least there is one x
........." in front of an open sentence that contains the variable x. Quantifiers
existential symbolized by "". Domain or universe of discourse interpretation
quantifiers very important to determine the type of quantifiers to be used and
influence the writing of the symbol.
Hurley . 2003. A Concise Introduction to Logic. Sidney : McGraw Hill.
Makinson, David. 2004. Set Logic and Math For Computing. Germany : Springer.
Rautenberg, Wolfgang. 2005. A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic.
Germany : Springer.