P-N Junction Diode
P-N Junction Diode
P-N Junction Diode
P-N Junction diode is a 2-terminal, 2-layer, single-junction semiconductor device made out of a
single block of silicon or germanium, with one side doped with acceptor (p-type) impurity and
the other side with donor (n-type) impurity. Very important device with numerous applications
like Switch, Rectifier, Regulator, Voltage multiplier, Clipping, Clamping, etc.
At the instant the two materials are joined, electrons and holes near the junction cross
over and combine with each other
Holes cross from P-side to N-side
Free electrons cross from N-side to P-side
At P-side of junction, negative ions are formed
At N-side of junction, positive ions are formed
Further movement of electrons and holes across the junction stops due to formation of
depletion region
Depletion region acts as barrier opposing further diffusion of charge carriers. So diffusion
stops within no time
Current through the diode under no-bias condition is zero
Application of external voltage across the two terminals of the device
Reverse bias
Free electrons in n-region are drawn towards positive of battery, Holes in p-region are
drawn towards negative of battery.
Depletion region widens, barrier increases for the flow of majority carriers
Majority charge carrier flow reduces to zero
Minority charge carriers generated thermally can cross the junction results in a current
called reverse saturation current Io
Io is in micro or nano amperes or less
Io does not increase significantly with increase in the reverse bias voltage
Forward bias
Electrons in n-type are forced to recombine with positive ions near the boundary,
similarly holes in p-type are forced to recombine with negative ions
Depletion region width reduces
An electron in n-region sees a reduced barrier at the junction and strong attraction for
positive potential
As forward bias is increased, depletion region narrows down and finally disappears
leads to exponential rise in current
Forward current is measured in milli amperes
Diode characteristics
ID is diode current
Io is reverse saturation current
VD is voltage across diode
VT is thermal voltage = T / 11600
is a constant = 1 for Ge and 2 for Si
For positive values of VD (forward bias), the first term grows quickly and overpowers the
second term. So,
For large negative values of VD (reverse bias), the first term drops much below the second
term. So,
Diode resistances
Two types of resistances are defined for a diode :
Static or DC resistance:
It is simply the ratio of diode voltage and diode current
The dc resistance at the knee and below will be greater than the resistance at the linear
section of characteristics.
The dc resistance in the reverse bias region will naturally be quite high
Dynamic or AC resistance
AC resistance is nothing but reciprocal of the slope of the tangent line drawn at that point
Derivative of a function at a point is equal to the slope of the tangent line at that point
Dynamic resistance can be found using previous equation, no need of characteristic curve
Dynamic resistance in reverse region is very high, since slope of characteristic curve is
almost zero
The resistance calculated using equation does not include the resistance due to the metal
contact (usually less than 0.1 )
Diode is often replaced by its equivalent circuit during circuit analysis and design
Equivalent circuit is obtained by replacing the characteristic curve by straight-line
As third approximation, even the cut-in voltage can be neglected (Ideal diode)
Reverse saturation current approximately doubles for every 10 degree rise in temperature
Where, Io1 is reverse sat current at temperature T1 and I02 is reverse sat current at
temperature T2
Cut-in voltage decreases with increase in temperature
Breakdown region
When a diode is applied with too much reverse bias, the current increases sharply. This is
called diode breakdown
The reverse voltage at which breakdown occurs is called breakdown voltage or zener
voltage: VB or VZ
Zener breakdown: