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Antoaneta Topalova
Final Reflection/ Philosophy Statement
Loyola University Chicago


Prior to entering this class, my leadership philosophy was very vague. I knew the
denotation of leadership however, the concept of leadership as well as its connotative meaning
were evading me. To me leadership was exemplified by someone with authority, such as an
instructor, a supervisor, parent; someone who had a superior title. However, through class
dialogues, readings and reflecting back on personal experiences connected to leadership, my
leadership philosophy has certainly evolved into something more tangible and defined.
Although, I must admit, I sense that my leadership philosophy will continue to develop and
evolve as time goes on and as I encounter different leadership approaches, and as I implement
my own leadership approach. In my eyes leadership is a fluid concept, which can be perceived
differently and therefore implemented differently.
Northouse (2013) encompasses various characteristic components connected to
leadership development. He mentions the significance and application of the style approach,
trait approach and skills approach. The style approach emphasizes the behavior of the leader.
This distinguishes it from the trait approach, which emphasizes the personality characteristics of
the leader, and the skills approach which emphasizes the leaders capabilities (p. 75). The
authors work certainly prompted me to reflect on my current and past experiences with
leadership and see how each approach was employed differently by my former and current
superiors. The above listed approaches are interconnected and impact one another. It is difficult
to separate the trait approach from the style approach, simply because, a persons personality
characteristics dictate their behavior to a certain extent. For an example, my hyper organized
personality leads my hyper organized work ethic, which lends its self to broaden my capabilities.
In addition to my leadership philosophy being enlightened by the various approaches, it is
also impacted by situations. Hence, the reason why Northouses (2013) situational approach


resonated with me. The situational approach possesses awareness and inclusive characteristics
because, of the consideration aspect regarding subordinates. The essence of situational
leadership demands that leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of
subordinates (p. 99). I find the ability to be accommodating to subordinates highly significant.
Whether a leaders leadership style is centered on delegating, supporting, coaching or directing,
depends on the subordinates competency level. This certainly connects with servant leadership
and the notion of inclusivity and consideration.
Even though leadership comes in different forms and capacities, the most common vision
of leadership is an individual leading a group of people who are striving to attain the same goal.
For that reason, I highly value servant leadership and believe that even small nuances of it are
appropriate and pertinent for all leaders. A quality leader should empower their subordinates and
guide them in reaching their fullest potential. Out of all the styles and approaches we covered in
class, in my opinion, servant leadership conveys the most humility and care for others. This is
evidently depicted in its definition, emphasizes that leaders be attentive to the concerns of their
followers, empathize with them and nurture them (Northouse, 2013, p. 219). I definitely want
to internalize this leadership style and employ it whenever I am presented with the opportunity to
be a leader.
As alluded to earlier, thanks to this leadership class I was able to practice introspection
and consciously think about the leadership skills I have developed and the leadership skills I
need to continue to develop. This transitions well when answering the questions of how my
philosophy will translate into practice. I can confidently say that over time, I have developed
great management skills. There is certainly a difference between management and leadership,
however, I believe that management has a leadership undertone. This theory of mine stems from


the fact that when a person is managing a project or a group of individuals, there is a common
goal at hand. However, management does not excessively possess the humane characteristics
that leadership does. True leaders desire to help their subordinates grow and develop into leaders
themselves. True leaders care about inclusivity and are also agents of change, as well as
advocates for their subordinates. With this being said, by no means am I insinuating that I do not
have some of the leadership qualities I mentioned. It is just the opposite, and the fact that I have
not been able to practice and apply some of these leadership qualities simply because, I have not
been presented with the appropriate opportunity. For that reason, the quality at which I can
perform management skills surpasses the quality at which I can perform my leadership skills.
Hence, why I question if my philosophy will adequately translate into practice. Frankly, I
believe a lot of that has to do with the position(s) I secure in the future and whether there is the
opportunity for me to practice and enhance my leadership skills.
Leadership is also intricately connected with ethics. According to Northouse (2013), In
regard to leadership, ethics has to do with what leaders do and who leaders are. It is concerned
with the nature of leaders behavior, and with their virtuousness (p. 424). This also connects
with leadership pedagogies and how those are employed, along with how an individual initiates
ethical leadership among their community (Meixner & Rosch, 2011).
Northouse (2013) talks about the principles of ethical leadership which are building
community, respecting others, serving others, showing justice, and manifestation of honesty. All
principles resonate with me and I believe each one has an equal weight of significance. If a
leader lacks ethical guidance, then in my eyes, their ascribed title is questionable.
Echoing what I have mentioned earlier, I believe ethical values and morals ought to
navigate a leaders style and approach. At least that is the philosophy that I intend to follow. I


have grown fond of the utilitarian approach which is under the teleological ethical theories.
Utilitarianism states that we should behave so as to create the greatest good for the greatest
number (Northouse, 2013, p. 425). This approach depicts care for others and inclusivity, which
are some of the guiding principles of ethical leadership. Fried (2010) emphasized the integral
part that inclusivity and cultural awareness play into the application of ethics.
Individuals must reflect on their own personal ethics and the ways they adapt to both the
ethical codes of their professions and the ethical expectations of the institution where
they workEach of us must identify the stakeholders in these dilemmas and decide how
to construct solutions to our problems that all can live with (p. 126).
This is the primary reason why I choose to employ a utilitarian ethical approach to my leadership
style and truly take everyones experiences and backgrounds into account.
Pondering on the topics of social justice and leadership, I believe that often times the two
terms ought to be used interchangeably. A quality leader cares about social justice and advocates
for social justice. On the other hand, in order for social justice to be carried out and kept alive,
our society needs socially responsible leaders. We need leaders who are compassionate, who at
their core have strong ethical principles, and leaders who care about humanity.
Considering the turbulent times our nation is experiencing, I found the work of Preskill
and Brookfield (2009) to be quite revitalizing. It is my belief that leaders must be able to sustain
hope in the face of struggle. Critical hope comprehends at a profound level how complex
and multifaceted is the fight for social justice (171). The ability to foster and then cultivate
critical hope among a community ought to be a requirement for leaders. It is during times such
as these where authentic leaders can rise to the challenge and instill hope into our hearts. It is


during such chaotic times where a regular patron, who does not have an assigned leadership title,
can rise to the occasion and enact change.
The development of social perspective taking is critical to leadership in a complex,
changing world (Ostick & Wall, 2011, p. 339). I intend to have social perspective taking as the
leading principle when employing social justice and engaging with diverse constituencies. I live
in an ever-changing society comprised of various ethnic and social identities. As a leader, if I
am not cognizant of this reality, and if I do not consciously employ principles and initiatives who
complement this reality, then I am not a true socio-conscious and responsible leader. I would
have to argue that the same notion applies to all leaders, whether they are self-proclaimed or
I identify as a person with an ethnic background, and therefore, diversity,
multiculturalism and social justice significantly influence my understanding of leadership. For
me, it is impossible and meaningless to detach those three concepts from the overarching idea of
leadership. My ethnic identity, along with my gender identity, have also predisposed me to feel
more connected to people from diverse backgrounds. As mentioned earlier, social perspectives
taking is an imperative leadership characteristic, which needs to be practiced more often.
Having spectacular leadership skills can be considered as a hot commodity, especially in
todays world. I am looking forward to developing my leadership skills and employing them
some time in the near future. I fully understand that in order for me to successfully acquire
leadership skills, I need to have a leadership mentor who is stimulating, motivating and ethical.
In order for our society to produce strong and capable leaders, we must all come together and
instill and practice the integral leadership qualities we desire for our leaders to embody.


Fried, J. (2010). Ethical standards and principles. In J. H. Schuh, S. R. Jones, & S. R. Harper
(Eds.), Student services: A handbook for the profession (5th ed., pp. 107-127). San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Meixner, C., & Rosch, D. (2011). Powerful Pedagogies. In S. R. Komives, J. P. Dugan, J. E.
Owen, C. Slack, & W. Wagner (Authors), The handbook for student leadership
development ( 2nd ed., pp. 307-338). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Northouse, P. G. (2012). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Ostick, D. L., & Wall, V. A. (2011). Considerations for Culture and Social Identity Dimensions.
In S. R. Komives, J. P. Dugan, J. E. Owen, C. Slack, & W. Wagner (Authors), The
handbook for student leadership development ( 2nd ed., pp. 339-364). San Francisco, CA:
Preskill, S., & Brookfield, S. D. (2009). Learning as a way of leading: Lessons from the struggle
for social justice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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