Source Code Surf

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Option Strict

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Diagnostics


Public Class frmSURF
' member variables '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Dim blnFirstTimeInResizeEvent As Boolean = True
'used to throw out first time in form resize event, see resize event comments fo
r details
Dim intOrigFormWidth As Integer
'vars used to save original
Dim intOrigFormHeight As Integer
'form and image box sizes,
Dim intOrigImageBoxWidth As Integer
'used to resize image box
Dim intOrigImageBoxHeight As Integer
'when form is resized
Dim capWebcam As Capture
'Capture object for webcam
Dim blnWebcamCapturingInProcess As Boolean = False
'variable to keep track of if SURF function has been added to application's list
of tasks
Dim imgSceneColor As Image(Of Bgr, Byte) = Nothing
'original image scene, in color
Dim imgToFindColor As Image(Of Bgr, Byte) = Nothing
'original image to find, in color
Dim imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder As Image(Of Bgr, Byte) = Nothing
'use as a copy of image to find, so we can draw a border on this image without a
ltering original image to find
Dim blnImageSceneLoaded As Boolean = False
'flag to track if a scene image has been loaded successfully
Dim blnImageToFindLoaded As Boolean = False
'flag to track if an image to find has been loaded successfully
'resulting image of image scene and image to find concatenated together,
Dim imgResult As Image(Of Bgr, Byte) = Nothing
'with border drawn around found image, and key points and matching lines also dr
awn if chosen
Dim bgrKeyPointsColor As Bgr = New Bgr(Color.Blue)
'color to draw key points on result image
Dim bgrMatchingLinesColor As Bgr = New Bgr(Color.Green)

'color to draw matching lines on result image

Dim bgrFoundImageColor As Bgr = New Bgr(Color.Red)
'color of box to draw around found image in scene portion of result image
Dim stopwatch As Stopwatch = New Stopwatch()
'stopwatch to track processing time
' constructor ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Sub New()
'this call is required by the designer
intOrigFormWidth = Me.Width
intOrigFormHeight = Me.Height
intOrigImageBoxWidth = ibResult.Width
intOrigImageBoxHeight = ibResult.Height
End Sub
Private Sub frmSURF_Resize( sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Han
dles MyBase.Resize
'This If Else statement is necessary to throw out the first time the frm
SURF_Resize event is called.
'For some reason, in VB.NET the Resize event is called once before the c
onstructor, then the constructor is called,
'them the Resize event is called each time the form is resized. The fir
st time the Resize event is called
'(i.e. before the constructor is called) the coordinates of the componen
ts on the form all read zero,
'therefore we have to throw out this first call, then the constructor wi
ll run and get the correct initial
'component location data, then every time afte that we can let the Resiz
e event run as expected
If(blnFirstTimeInResizeEvent = True) Then
'if first time in resize event
blnFirstTimeInResizeEvent = False
'update flag variable
'after first time in resize event
ibResult.Width = Me.Width - (intOrigFormWidth - intOrigImageBoxW
'resize image box to form
ibResult.Height = Me.Height - (intOrigImageBoxHeight - intOrigIm
End If
End Sub
Private Sub rdoImageFile_CheckedChanged( sender As System.Object, e As System.E
ventArgs) Handles rdoImageFile.CheckedChanged
If(rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then
'if image file was just chosen
If(blnWebcamCapturingInProcess = True) Then
'if webcam capturing is in process (i.e. if webcam radio button was previously c
RemoveHandler Application.Idle, New EventHandler(Address
Of Me.PerformSURFDetectionAndUpdateGUI)
'remove event from application i

blnWebcamCapturingInProcess = False
'update flag variable
End If
imgSceneColor = Nothing
'reset class level variables
imgToFindColor = Nothing
imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder = Nothing
imgResult = Nothing
blnImageSceneLoaded = False
blnImageToFindLoaded = False
txtImageScene.Text = ""
'reset form
txtImageToFind.Text = ""
ibResult.Image = Nothing
Me.Text = "Instructions: use ""..."" buttons to choose both imag
e files, then press Perform SURF button"
title bar text
btnPerformSURFOrGetImageToTrack.Text = "Perform SURF Detection"
'update button text
ibResult.Image = Nothing
'make image box blank
lblImageScene.Visible = True
'show controls that are used for still images
lblImageToFind.Visible = True
txtImageScene.Visible = True
txtImageToFind.Visible = True
btnImageScene.Visible = True
btnImageToFind.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub rdoWebcam_CheckedChanged( sender As System.Object, e As System.Even
tArgs) Handles rdoWebcam.CheckedChanged
If(rdoWebcam.Checked = True) Then
'if webcam was just chosen
imgSceneColor = Nothing
'reset class level variables
imgToFindColor = Nothing
imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder = Nothing

imgResult = Nothing
blnImageSceneLoaded = False
blnImageToFindLoaded = False
txtImageScene.Text = ""
'reset form
txtImageToFind.Text = ""
ibResult.Image = Nothing
capWebcam = New Capture()
'to instantiate Capture object for webcam
Catch ex As Exception
'if not successful
Me.Text = ex.Message
'show error message on title bar
'and bail
End Try
Me.Text = "Instructions: hold image to track up to camera, then
press ""get image to track"" "
'update title ba
r text
btnPerformSURFOrGetImageToTrack.Text = "get image to track"
'update button text
imgToFindColor = Nothing
AddHandler Application.Idle, New EventHandler(AddressOf Me.Perfo
'add SURF function to applicatio
n's list of tasks
blnWebcamCapturingInProcess = True
'update flag variable
lblImageScene.Visible = False
'hide controls that are not used with webcam
lblImageToFind.Visible = False
txtImageScene.Visible = False
txtImageToFind.Visible = False
btnImageScene.Visible = False
btnImageToFind.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnImageScene_Click( sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs
) Handles btnImageScene.Click
Dim dialogResult As DialogResult = ofdImageScene.ShowDialog()
'bring up image scene file dialog box

If(dialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Or dialogResult = Window

s.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) Then
'if OK or Yes was chosen
txtImageScene.Text = ofdImageScene.FileName
'write file name to text box
'if cancel was chosen
End If
imgSceneColor = New Image(Of Bgr, Byte)(txtImageScene.Text)
'try to load scene image
Catch ex As Exception
'if not successful
Me.Text = ex.Message
'show error message on title bar
'and bail
End Try
blnImageSceneLoaded = True
'if we get here, scene image was loaded successfully, update member variable
If(blnImageToFindLoaded = False) Then
'if to find image has not been loaded yet
ibResult.Image = imgSceneColor
'show image scene we just loaded on image box
'if to find image has already been loaded
ibResult.Image = imgSceneColor.ConcateHorizontal(imgCopyOfImageT
'concatenate image to find with border and scene
image, show result on image box
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnImageToFind_Click( sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArg
s) Handles btnImageToFind.Click
Dim dialogResult As DialogResult = ofdImageToFind.ShowDialog()
'bring up image to find dialog box
If(dialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Or dialogResult = Window
s.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) Then
'if OK or Yes was chosen
txtImageToFind.Text = ofdImageToFind.FileName
'write file name to text box
'if cancel was chosen
End If
imgToFindColor = New Image(Of Bgr, Byte)(txtImageToFind.Text)
'try to load to find image
Catch ex As Exception
'if not successful
Me.Text = ex.Message

'show error message on title bar

'and bail
End Try
blnImageToFindLoaded = True
'if we get here, to find image loaded successfully, update member variable
imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder = imgToFindColor.Copy()
'make a copy of the image to find, so we can draw on the copy, therefore not cha
nging the original image to find
'draw 2 pixel wide border around the copy of the image to find, use same color a
s box for found image
imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder.Draw(New Rectangle(1, 1, imgCopyOfImageTo
FindWithBorder.Width - 3, imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder.Height -3), bgrFoundIma
geColor, 2)
If(blnImageSceneLoaded = True) Then
'if scene image is already loaded
ibResult.Image = imgSceneColor.ConcateHorizontal(imgCopyOfImageT
'concatenate to find image with border t
o scene image, show result on image box
'if scene image has not already been loaded
ibResult.Image = imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder
'show to find image border we just loaded on image box
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtImageScene_TextChanged( sender As System.Object, e As System.Eve
ntArgs) Handles txtImageScene.TextChanged
txtImageScene.SelectionStart = txtImageScene.Text.Length
'move caret to end of text box so file name is visible rather than file extensio
End Sub
Private Sub txtImageToFind_TextChanged( sender As System.Object, e As System.Ev
entArgs) Handles txtImageToFind.TextChanged
txtImageToFind.SelectionStart = txtImageToFind.Text.Length
'move caret to end of text box so file name is visible rather than file extensio
End Sub
Private Sub btnPerformSURFOrGetImageToTrack_Click( sender As System.Object, e A
s System.EventArgs) Handles btnPerformSURFOrGetImageToTrack.Click
If(rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then
'if using still images
If(txtImageToFind.Text <> String.Empty And txtImageScene.Text <>
String.Empty) Then
'check that something is entered
in each image file text box
PerformSURFDetectionAndUpdateGUI(New Object(), New Event
'call Perform SURF function

Me.Text = "choose image files first, then choose Perform
SURF Detection button"
'remind user to choose b
oth image files before choosing Perform SURF
End If
ElseIf(rdoWebcam.Checked = True) Then
'if using the webcam
imgToFindColor = imgSceneColor.Resize(320, 240, INTER.CV_INTER_C
UBIC, True)
'use most recent image from webcam, which will be in img
SceneColor, then shrink and save as new image to track
Me.Text = "Instructions: to update image to track, hold image up
to camera, then press ""update image to track"""
title bar text
btnPerformSURFOrGetImageToTrack.Text = "update image to track"
'update button text
'should never get here
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ckDrawKeyPoints_CheckedChanged( sender As System.Object, e As Syste
m.EventArgs) Handles ckDrawKeyPoints.CheckedChanged
If(ckDrawKeyPoints.Checked = False) Then
'if draw key points was just unchecked
ckDrawMatchingLines.Checked = False
'uncheck draw matching lines check box
ckDrawMatchingLines.Enabled = False
'and disable draw matching lines check box
ElseIf(ckDrawKeyPoints.Checked = True) then
'else if draw key points was just checked
ckDrawMatchingLines.Enabled = True
're-enable draw matching lines check box
End If
If(rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then
'if using image from file
btnPerformSURFOrGetImageToTrack_Click(New Object(), New EventArg
'call SURF button click event to update image for draw k
ey points check box change
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ckDrawMatchingLines_CheckedChanged( sender As System.Object, e As S
ystem.EventArgs) Handles ckDrawMatchingLines.CheckedChanged
If(rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then
'if using image from file
btnPerformSURFOrGetImageToTrack_Click(New Object(), New EventArg
'call SURF button click event to update
image for draw matching lines check box change
End If
End Sub
Sub PerformSURFDetectionAndUpdateGUI(sender As Object, arg As EventArgs)

If(rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then

'if getting still image from file
If(blnImageSceneLoaded = False Or blnImageToFindLoaded = False O
r imgSceneColor Is Nothing Or imgToFindColor Is Nothing) Then
'if eith
er flag variable indicates we do not have image or either is null
Me.Text = "either or both images are not loaded or null,
please choose both images before performing SURF"
'show error message on title bar
'and bail
End If
Me.Text = "processing, please wait . . ."
'show processing message on title bar
'call DoEvents() to update form
'and start the stopwatch
ElseIf(rdoWebcam.Checked = True) Then
'else if getting image from webcam
imgSceneColor = capWebcam.QueryFrame()
'to get next frame
Catch ex As Exception
'if not successful
Me.Text = ex.Message
'show error message on title bar
'and bail
End Try
If(imgSceneColor Is Nothing) Then
'if next frame was not read successfully from webcam into scene image variable
Me.Text = "error, imgSceneColor Is Nothing"
'show error message
'and bail
End If
If(imgToFindColor Is Nothing) Then
'if we do not have an image to track yet,
ibResult.Image = imgSceneColor
'show scene image on image box
'and bail, note that this is not necessarily an error , the user may have not ch
osen an image to track yet
End If
End If
'if we g
et here, we know both color images are good, we can begin the SURF detection stu
ff . . .
Dim surfDetector As SURFDetector = New SURFDetector(500, False)
'instantiate SURF object, params are threshold and extended flag
Dim imgSceneGray As Image(Of Gray, Byte) = Nothing
'grayscale image scene
Dim imgToFindGray As Image(Of Gray, Byte) = Nothing
'grayscale image to find

Dim vkpSceneKeyPoints As VectorOfKeyPoint

'vector of key points in scene image
Dim vkpToFindKeyPoints As VectorOfKeyPoint
'vector of key points in to find image
Dim mtxSceneDescriptors As Matrix(Of Single)
'matrix of descriptors to be queried for nearest neighbors
Dim mtxToFindDescriptors As Matrix(Of Single)
'matrix of descriptors for to find image
Dim mtxMatchIndices As Matrix(Of Integer)
'matrix of descriptor indices, will result from training descriptors (call to Kn
Dim mtxDistance As Matrix(Of Single)
'matrix of distance values, will result from training descriptors (call to KnnMa
Dim mtxMask As Matrix(Of Byte)
'both input and output to function VoteForUniqueness(), indicates which row is v
alid for the matches
Dim bruteForceMatcher As BruteForceMatcher(Of Single)
'for each descriptor in the first set, this matcher finds the closest descriptor
in the second set by trying each one
Dim homographyMatrix As HomographyMatrix = Nothing
'used for ProjectPoints() function to set location of found image in scene image
Dim intKNumNearestNeighbors As Integer = 2
'k, number of nearest neighbors to search for
Dim dblUniquenessThreshold As Double = 0.8
'the distance difference ratio for a match to be considered unique
Dim intNumNonZeroElements As Integer
'used as return value for number of non-zero elements both in matrix mask, and a
lso from call to GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures()
'params for use with call to VoteForSizeAndOrientation()
Dim dblScaleIncrement As Double = 1.5
'determines the difference in scale for neighboring bins
Dim intRotationBins As Integer = 20
'number of bins for rotation out of 360 deg, for example if set to 20, each bin
covers 18 deg (20 * 18 = 360)
Dim dblRansacReprojectionThreshold As Double = 2.0
'for use
with GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(), the maximum allowed reprojection
error to treat a point pair as an inlier
Dim rectImageToFind As Rectangle
'rectangle encompassing the entire image to find
Dim ptfPointsF As PointF()
'4 points defining box around location of found image in scene, in float type (i
n VB, "Single" => float)
Dim ptPoints As Point()
'4 points defining box around location of found image in scene, in integer type
imgSceneGray = imgSceneColor.Convert(Of Gray, Byte)()
'convert scene color image to grayscale
imgToFindGray = imgToFindColor.Convert(Of Gray, Byte)()
'convert to find color image to grayscale

vkpSceneKeyPoints = surfDetector.DetectKeyPointsRaw(imgSceneGray, Nothin

'detect the key points in the scene, 2nd param is a mask, use Nothing if not nee
mtxSceneDescriptors = surfDetector.ComputeDescriptorsRaw(imgSceneGray, N
othing, vkpSceneKeyPoints)
'compute scene descriptor, params are sc
ene image, mask, and image scene key points
vkpToFindKeyPoints = surfDetector.DetectKeyPointsRaw(imgToFindGray, Noth
'detect the key points in the image to find, 2nd param is a mask, use Nothing if
not needed
mtxToFindDescriptors = surfDetector.ComputeDescriptorsRaw(imgToFindGray,
Nothing, vkpToFindKeyPoints) 'compute to find descriptor, params are to find
image, mask, and image to find key points
bruteForceMatcher = New BruteForceMatcher(Of Single)(DistanceType.L2)
'instantiate brute force matcher object with L2, squared Euclidean distance
'add matrix for to find descriptors to brute force matcher
mtxMatchIndices = New Matrix(Of Integer)(mtxSceneDescriptors.Rows, intKN
'instantiate the indices matrix, params are rows
and columns
mtxDistance = New Matrix(Of Single)(mtxSceneDescriptors.Rows, intKNumNea
'instantiate the distance matrix, params
are rows and columns
bruteForceMatcher.KnnMatch(mtxSceneDescriptors, mtxMatchIndices, mtxDist
ance, intKNumNearestNeighbors, Nothing)
'find the k-nearest match, last
param is a mask (use Nothing if not needed)
mtxMask = New Matrix(Of Byte)(mtxDistance.Rows, 1)
'instantiate matrix mask
'set value of all elements in mask matrix
Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(mtxDistance, dblUniquenessThreshold,
'filter the matched features, such that if a match is no
t unique, it is rejected
intNumNonZeroElements = CvInvoke.cvCountNonZero(mtxMask)
'get number of non-zero elements in mask matrix
If(intNumNonZeroElements >= 4) Then
'if at least 4,
'eliminate the matched features whose scale and rotation do not agree with the m
ajority's scale and rotation
intNumNonZeroElements = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientat
ion(vkpToFindKeyPoints, vkpSceneKeyPoints, mtxMatchIndices, mtxMask, dblScaleInc
rement, intRotationBins)
If(intNumNonZeroElements >= 4) Then
'if still at least 4 non-zero elements,
'get the homography matrix using RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus)
homographyMatrix = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrix
FromMatchedFeatures(vkpToFindKeyPoints, vkpSceneKeyPoints, mtxMatchIndices, mtxM
ask, dblRansacReprojectionThreshold)
End If

End If
imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder = imgToFindColor.Copy()
'make a copy of the image to find, so we can draw on the copy, therefore no chan
ging the original image to find
'draw a 2 pixel wide border around the copy of the image to find, use same color
as box for found image
imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder.Draw(New Rectangle(1, 1, imgCopyOfImageTo
FindWithBorder.Width - 3, imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder.Height - 3), bgrFoundIm
ageColor, 2)
'next we will draw the scene image and image to find together in the result imag
'3 conditionals are necessary, depenting on which check boxes are checked (draw
key points and / or draw matching lines)
If(ckDrawKeyPoints.Checked = True And ckDrawMatchingLines.Checked = True
) Then
'if drawing both key points & ma
tching lines on result image,
'use DrawMatches function, combines scene image and copy of image to find into r
esult, then draws key points and matching lines all in one step
imgResult = Features2DToolbox.DrawMatches(imgCopyOfImageToFindWi
thBorder, _
vkpToFindKeyPoints, _
imgSceneColor, _
vkpSceneKeyPoints, _
mtxMatchIndices, _
bgrMatchingLinesColor, _
bgrKeyPointsColor, _
mtxMask, _
ElseIf(ckDrawKeyPoints.Checked = True And ckDrawMatchingLines.Checked =
False) Then
'if drawing key points but not matching
lines on result image,
'draw scene with key points on result image,
imgResult = Features2DToolbox.DrawKeypoints(imgSceneColor, vkpSc
eneKeyPoints, bgrKeyPointsColor, Features2DToolbox.KeypointDrawType.DEFAULT)
'then draw key points on copy of image to find,
imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder = Features2DToolbox.DrawKeypoints
(imgCopyOfImageToFindWithBorder, vkpToFindKeyPoints, bgrKeyPointsColor, Features
imgResult = imgResult.ConcateHorizontal(imgCopyOfImageToFindWith
'then concatenate copy of image to find
onto result image
ElseIf(ckDrawKeyPoints.Checked = False And ckDrawMatchingLines.Checked =
False) Then
'if not drawing key points or matching lines,
imgResult = imgSceneColor

'assign scene image to result image

imgResult = imgResult.ConcateHorizontal(imgCopyOfImageToFindWith
'then concatenate copy of image to find
onto result image
'should never get here
End If
If(homographyMatrix IsNot Nothing) Then
'check to make sure homo
graphyMatrix is not null, this is necessary b/c in a moment we will call a homog
raphyMatrix function
'in this next portion we draw a border on the scene portion of the result image,
around where the found object is located
rectImageToFind.X = 0
'to start with, set the rectangle to be
rectImageToFind.Y = 0
'the full size of the image to find
rectImageToFind.Width = imgToFindGray.Width
rectImageToFind.Height = imgToFindGray.Height
'next, instantiate an array of PointFs corresponding to the rectangle
ptfPointsF = New PointF() { New PointF(rectImageToFind.Left, rec
tImageToFind.Top), _
PointF(rectImageToFind.Right, rectImageToFind.Top), _
New PointF(rectImageToFind.Right, rectImageToFind.Bottom), _
New PointF(rectImageToFind.Left, rectImageToFind.Bottom) }
'ProjectPoints() will set ptfPointsF (pass by reference) to be the
'location of a box in the scene portion of the result image, where the box surro
unds the image we are looking for
'convert from ty
pe PointF() to type Point(), this is necessary at this step b/c ProjectPoints()
takes type PointF() but DrawPolyline takes type Point()
ptPoints = New Point() { Point.Round(ptfPointsF(0)), _
Point.Round(ptfPointsF(1)), _
Point.Round(ptfPointsF(2)), _
Point.Round(ptfPointsF(3)) }
imgResult.DrawPolyline(ptPoints, True, bgrFoundImageColor, 2)
'draw border around found image in scene portion of result image
End If
'end of the SURF detection stuff, now we update the form . . .
ibResult.Image = imgResult
'assign resulting image to image box on form
If(rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then
'if using image from file,
'stop the stopwatch and update the form title bar with the time

Me.Text = "processing time = " + stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.

ToString() + " sec, done processing, choose another image if desired"
End If
End Sub
End Class

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