Revised Constitution June 8 2014

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Constitution of the Engineers Club

(Revisions June 8, 2014 July 25, 2009)

We, the students of the University of Oklahoma enrolled in an engineering curriculum College of
Engineering, in order to increase our knowledge and to promote a better fellowship among
students, faculty, and staff, do hereby adopt this constitution of the Engineers Club.
Article I: Definition
Section 1. The name of the organization shall be Engineers Club.
Section 2. The color of the organization shall be Kelly Green.
Section 3. The insignia of the organization shall be the shamrock.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to foster the high ideals of the Engineering profession,
to stimulate interest in engineering related the departmental and College of Engineering
activities, to promote the mutual professional welfare and ethical standing of its members, and
to develop in its members the students of engineering the attributes necessary for effective
leadership and the assumption of the responsibilities of citizens of a democracy.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the University of Oklahoma in
an engineering curriculum College of Engineering or students enrolled in a pre-engineering
curriculum at the University College are Active Members.
Section 2. All faculty members and full time staff personnel in the University of Oklahoma
associated with engineering curricula College of Engineering are Associated Members.
Section 3. Membership in, association with, and benefits emanating from Engineers Club and
its related activities shall be based upon such considerations as performance, educational
achievement, and other criteria related to the goals of the organization and purposes of the
activities. Judgments in this regard based solely on an individuals race, color, religion, national
origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital status, or political belief
are not judgments based on such considerations. Further, the purpose of the organization must
be consistent with public policy as established by the prevailing University of Oklahoma
University Community standards.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1. The Officers of the Engineers Club shall be President, First Vice President, Second
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian Fall Festival/New Engineers Welcome
Chairman, Webmaster Open House Chairman, Fall Festival Chair Engineers Week Chairman,
Career Fair Chairman, Engineers Week Chair Points Chairman, Williams Student Leadership
Retreat Chair Webmaster, Winter Ball Chair Historian, two (2) Willoughby Lounge Managers
Williams Student Leadership Retreat Coordinator, Points Chair and Willoughby Lounge
Manager., Intramural Chair, Engineering King, and Engineering Queen.
Section 2. The qualifications to be an elected officer are as follows:
Must be an Active Member
Must be in good academic standing as outlined by the University of Oklahoma with the
College of Engineering
May not serve in the same office more than twice.
The officers must represent at least three different engineering schools majors. If three
schools are not represented at after the conclusion of the elections process, they must be held
again in their entirety within 3-9 calendar days. the newly elected President will appoint
individuals [CDG9] to one of the appointed positions until three schools are represented.
Section 3. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, then the First Vice President shall
assume the office of President. Should a vacancy occur in any other office, the President shall
call for an election to fill that office at the next appropriate Engineers Club meeting.
Section 4. The Engineers Club may recall elected officers by the following guidelines:
Before the motion is made to initiate a recall vote, the initiating officer must receive
advisor approval. By holding a special officer meeting, where a vote will be taken. The officers
up for recall shall be removed from office if a vote of two-thirds of all officers calls for it.
A recall vote may only be called by a motion presented at an officer meeting with a
second and a third immediately following. Recall of any Engineers Club officer requires an
election to replace the officer at the next months general meeting.
A recall vote is successful with a majority vote of all officers.
A successful recall vote must be followed by the rules outlined in Article IV, Section 3.
Article V: Elections
Section 1. The Election of Officers shall be held annually in the two weeks at the Engineers
Club meeting following the end of the Engineers Week. The outgoing President shall preside
over the election of new officers and shall release his/her office immediately after the election of
new officers is completed. All offices shall be chosen by a majority of the Active Members
present at the meeting.

Section 2. The Term of Office shall commence upon election and shall continue for one year or
until the next election. Should an officer fail to meet the requirements of Article IV, Section 2,
such officer shall be immediately removed from office.
Article VI: Interpretation
All powers over the Engineers Club not specified in the Constitution or By Laws of the
Engineers Club shall lie with a majority of officers with an Advisors approval.
Article VII: Advisors
Section 1. Engineers Club shall have as an advisor one or more a full-time member(s) of the
University faculty or staff.
Section 2. The Advisor(s) must be selected by the Engineers Club Officer Council being
approved by a simple majority. honor all goals of the organization as well as the Constitution
and shall promote the welfare of the club and its members. At the following Engineers Club
meeting, the selected Advisor must be presented to the attending members and approved by a
simple majority.
Section 3. As necessary a new Advisor may be selected and approved by a majority of the
Engineers Club Officers. At the following Engineers Club meeting, the selected Advisor must
be presented to the attending members and approved by a majority. Advisor must accept and
agree to honor all goals of the organization as well as the Constitution. He/She must agree to
promote the welfare of the club and its members.
Article VIII. Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any Aactive Mmember who
presents a Proposed Amendment Petition to the Engineers Club Oofficers. Such petition must
be signed by ten Active Members.
Section 2. Proposed amendments must be approved by a two-thirds () majority of the
Engineers Club Officers and the advisor(s) before an amendment may be presented to the
entire Engineers Club. The Engineers Club officers must pass the amendment by a simple
majority before the amendment may be presented to the entire Engineers Club.
Section 3. Proposed amendments shall be posted outside the Engineers Club Office for a
period of at least two weeks prior to the next Engineers Club meeting.
Section 4. Adoption of amendments requires a two-thirds () vote of Aactive Mmembers
present at the Engineers Club meeting.

Article IX: Preemption Statement

Section 1. Engineers Club is subject to not governed by a national or parent organization and
abides by the University of Oklahoma Student Code as well as all Llocal, Sstate, and Ffederal
Section 2. If there is a conflict between a national or parent organizations rulings, constitution,
or direction and the University of Oklahoma Student Handbook, the Student Handbook
preempts the national or parent ruling.

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