Revised Constitution June 8 2014
Revised Constitution June 8 2014
Revised Constitution June 8 2014
Section 2. The Term of Office shall commence upon election and shall continue for one year or
until the next election. Should an officer fail to meet the requirements of Article IV, Section 2,
such officer shall be immediately removed from office.
Article VI: Interpretation
All powers over the Engineers Club not specified in the Constitution or By Laws of the
Engineers Club shall lie with a majority of officers with an Advisors approval.
Article VII: Advisors
Section 1. Engineers Club shall have as an advisor one or more a full-time member(s) of the
University faculty or staff.
Section 2. The Advisor(s) must be selected by the Engineers Club Officer Council being
approved by a simple majority. honor all goals of the organization as well as the Constitution
and shall promote the welfare of the club and its members. At the following Engineers Club
meeting, the selected Advisor must be presented to the attending members and approved by a
simple majority.
Section 3. As necessary a new Advisor may be selected and approved by a majority of the
Engineers Club Officers. At the following Engineers Club meeting, the selected Advisor must
be presented to the attending members and approved by a majority. Advisor must accept and
agree to honor all goals of the organization as well as the Constitution. He/She must agree to
promote the welfare of the club and its members.
Article VIII. Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any Aactive Mmember who
presents a Proposed Amendment Petition to the Engineers Club Oofficers. Such petition must
be signed by ten Active Members.
Section 2. Proposed amendments must be approved by a two-thirds () majority of the
Engineers Club Officers and the advisor(s) before an amendment may be presented to the
entire Engineers Club. The Engineers Club officers must pass the amendment by a simple
majority before the amendment may be presented to the entire Engineers Club.
Section 3. Proposed amendments shall be posted outside the Engineers Club Office for a
period of at least two weeks prior to the next Engineers Club meeting.
Section 4. Adoption of amendments requires a two-thirds () vote of Aactive Mmembers
present at the Engineers Club meeting.