Frankie Stein/Doll: Aka "Frankie" Frankie Is Chaotic Good Doll Is Neutral Evil
Frankie Stein/Doll: Aka "Frankie" Frankie Is Chaotic Good Doll Is Neutral Evil
Frankie Stein/Doll: Aka "Frankie" Frankie Is Chaotic Good Doll Is Neutral Evil
aka Frankie
Frankie is Chaotic Good
Doll is Neutral Evil
Str 17
Con 17
Int 16
Wis 17
Cha 18
+4 Belt
+6 Harness
+6 Headband
21 +5
23 +6
24 +7
+7, second action at Init check -10, free actions and a single move action only.
Fast Heal 9, regenerates also by untyped damage, cold, force attacks, electricity, bludgeoning
13/-, Resistance 20 to fire, acid,positive energy. 50% chance to ignore criticals/sneak attacks.
Age: 7
Eyes: Green
Level: 19
Height: 56
Prestige Class:
Weight: 107lbs
Living Construct, Lawful subtype, Chaotic subtype, Evil subtype,Shapechanger Subtype Despite her subtypes, she is Chaotic Good
Special Abilities
Living Construct Traits
Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, the sickened condition, energy drain. Does not heal naturally, and is also affected by spe
well as constructs. Spells from the healing subschool provide only half the effect however. Can be raised or resurrected. No need to sleep, eat or breathe, but can b
Other Abilities
Animate Object at will. In conjunction with Clockwork Centurion, she can animate either 3 toys or 1 construct with an hours work.
Channel Positive Energy- Doll is a tap to the Positive Energy Plane (a xag-ya)
Necromantic Butterfly tattoo- + 1 to all rolls, comprehend all mundane languages
Standard Action to take the form of any My HD/CR (9HD/CR) animal, plant, dragon or monstrous humanoid
Cast Summon Natures Ally VIII/Summon Monster VIII at will
+4 Robe
+4 Robe
+3,+4 Robe
Perception (Wis)
Disguise (Cha)
Stealth (Dex)
Endurance (Con)
Drive: +14
Profession: Cook
Intimidate (Cha)
Tumble (Dex)
+41(+38 to all
perform checks)
Survival (Wis)
Heal (Wis)
Diplomacy (Cha)
Craft (toymaking)
Craft (painting)
Profession: Baker
Planar Blade
All saves 10+ level + Str or Dex (DC 21)
Immune to mind-affects, poison, disease,fatigue, exhaustion,
Healed by untyped , cold, force, bludgeoning, electricity,positive energy, anything that heals constructs and fast heals 9/round.
Resistance 20 to fire, acid
Fast heal/regrow lost limbs. body parts.
HEALS objects or constructs to full health with a standard action (touch)
Ghost touch property to all attacks.
Plane Shift at will. Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally Spells at will (1/2 Level -2)
Attunements (Terrific)Construct, Cold, Change, Force, Travel, Electricity, Bludgeoning, Sonic (Great) Transformation, Positive
Extra action each round, normal initiative-10 (free actions/single move only)
Automatically recognizes Transmutation spells/effects/properties.+4 vs Transmutation. May elect not to be polymorphed/transformed.
Convert any damage inflicted into Force damage.
May not be unwillingly teleported/block teleportation int/out up to Long range. Teleport up to ground speed or 2x ground speed and 1 attack.
May Swap places with target via teleport (unwilling gets a save)
Foes criticalled are dazed 1 round per 1 crit mod, may shift foe bludgeon damage in feet. When bludgeoning, each attack removes 1 Natural
armor (healed like ability damage). When missing a target, foe takes half damage in bludgeoning (doesnt decrease Nat armor )
Throw voice with sonic attunement to any place she's been.
Take human form (general or specific,+10 to Disguise)Bite attack heals that much damage. Standard action to shapeshift into creature with
CR/HD = 1/2 Level-2
Cast fabricate at will (turns one item into like item of same material, up to 10'cube per level), reincarnate at will
The first healing past maximum health stacks on as temporary HP.
Overcomes all Hardness/DR.
Cold (free action 1/round) 2x Level to adjacent foes. Medium Ranged Touch (Fort Save or Paralyzed 1rnd/lvl, Fort each round)
Ice Blocks (10'cube/level, as Immovable Rods, 50hp, 5 Hardness, Fire vulnerability. Melt in 1 minute if left alone
Force Magic Missile at will ('nevermissiles").
Electricity (2xLevel)d8 19d8 Bolt (Long Range)
Sonic (2xLevel)d6 Sonic Close range burst. 1/round. Strike opponent and deal (2xLevel) Sonic damage to close range
Positive 1pt/level to 15' area.
Slayer Class Abilities
Essence: 1/2 Level + Con.Restored by resting for 4 hours/ by killing a creature before she rests/destroy 10 gp/level in property.
Signature Weapon: Needle Rapier +1 to hit and attack equal to level, rounded down. Can strike foes out to 10ft.
Any other creature attempts to use it the weapon, it temporarily loses any special qualities it has, and is -4 to hit.
+4 to Sunder and disarm with it.Spend 1 essence to call the weapon to hand (immediate action).
Standard action, a slayer can destroy force effect with her signature weapon.
Bane special quality (you may change the creature type each 24 hour as a free action).
Any weapon or object destroyed by a slayer signature weapon cannot be repaired by any means.
The signature weapon cannot be broken anymore unless the slayer is dead.
Slay (Ex): 1 essence(standard action,) signature weapon only, inflicts x5 damage
Destroyer (Ex): Signature weapon may deal +2d6 damage to any unattended object, structure, or construct.
Nihilism (Ex): May add her charisma or wisdom (whichever is higher) modifier to their will save.(tacks with the Wisdom modifier)
Slaughter (Ex): May make an extra attack at -5 during a full attack.
Madness (Ex) and (Su): Spend 1 essence + touch attack (standard action) 4d6+4 wisdom damage (will save for half). Using this ability is a
supernatural standard action, the DC is charisma-based. Any creatures attempting to probe/read/enter the slayers mind takes 1d6 wisdom
Einhander [TOP]
+5 "parry" bonus to AC. Treat one-handed weapon as two-handed (or light as a one handed weapon) for
damage, disarming, power attack and other relevant effects. As Standard Action, make a single attack and foe is
flat-footed. May make an extra attack per round with all attacks taking -2.
Fencing [TOP]
With finessable weapons/Weapon Focus weapons and your off hand is empty, add your Dex to damage (+
Strength), +2 bonus to all opposed maneuvers (disarm, etc) shield bonus to AC equal to 1/4 your BAB, rounded
Human-like Skill
training [TOP]
Within 30' of target, ranged weapons gain +3 to-hit. Add BAB to damage in first range increment. No AoO
when making ranged attacks. May make ranged AoO within 30ft, movement in this area does not provoke AoO.
As Full Attack, ranged whirlwind attack against foes in first increment of ranged weapon.
+4 armor bonus to AC (+1 enhancement bonus/+1 for every 3 ranks in Endurance over 6). AC applies to touch
AC as well. Unarmed strikes +1 enhancement bonus (+1 for every 3 ranks in Endurance over 9 that you have
and considered adamantine. Ignore 50% of critical hits/sneak attacks. You gain DR 10/- and energy resistance
20 against all types of energy damage.
Avenging Doll Style with Needle, Unarmed Strikes, Daggers, +2 to hit and damage. Hit foe, Fort save DC 10
+1/2 level + Str) or dazed 1 round. May take 10 with school weapons. DC to disarm school weapons is +4. +5
to hit on any one attack after the first each turn. If you hit your foe twice, you gain The Edge.
Resilience [TOP]
Resist size dependent effects as if one size larger (does not stack with other sources) Mettle class feature
(succeed at a Fortitude Partial or Will Partial saving throw, there is no effect). Gain Fast Healing or increase by
1. Immune to fatigue/exhaustion. Immune to anything requiring Fortitude save.
Improved Critical
Improved Initiative
Reload as a free action/draw thrown weapons as a free action. Make a single attack as a swift action, if I have
the Edge, they cannot deflect/block with Deflect Arrows or similar feats. Volley - Full-round action, 60-ft. cone
attack. Threaten an area out to 15 feet. You may make attacks of opportunity normally against enemies within
that distance. You may also make a single attack with a ranged weapon as an immediate action .Doubleshot All of your ranged attacks deal double damage and consume twice as much ammunition.
Clockwork Centurion
Repair constructs using Craft skill and Heal DC table for Heal. Constructs under your long-term care gain the
natural healing and first aid restores one hp. Gain a leadership score equal to three less than your ranks in Craft,
plus Int mod, and appropriate followers for it (all constructs, need not be sapient). Can repair your followers
back to animation if they are destroyed. Gain a construct cohort (If mindless, it has mental scores equal to your
craft ranks, plus distributive points equal to 1 per Int mod. You can repair your cohort if it is destroyed.Once per
day, you can awaken a mindless construct, causing it to gain an Intelligence score of 3d6. If its Wisdom or
Charisma scores are 6 or below, they are also raised to 3d6. This is a spell-like ability, and takes an hour of
Blitz [TOP]
When charging, lose Dex to AC, gain +1d6 damage. Go all out when attacking, add your BaB to damage, but
provokes an AoO. Full Attacks made with a -2 instead of a -5.Free Intimidate check when you damage foe. You
may make a Full Attack action as a Standard Action.
Target any foe you can hear with your ranged attacks. May deliver Touch Attacks via ranged. Full Round
Action, make one ranged attack (+20 Insight bonus to hit) that is automatically a critical threat. If the threat
range of your weapon is 19-20, your critical multiplier is increased by one.
Deflect Arrows
Once per round per point of Dex mod, use a free hand to deflect ranged attack. (aware/not flat-footed). Use any
weapon to deflect. May deflect ranged attacks vs allies in your reach. Deflect magical rays/exceptional weapons
like alchemist's fire with this ability.
Insightful Strike
May use your WIs instead of Str Mod for melee if higher. Edge vs anyone with Wis and Dex lower than your
Wis. Double critical threat range and critical multiplier (x2 to x3,x3 to x5,x5 to x7) Any melee attack
considered to have enchantment bonus equal to Wis mod.
You may add your stealth check - 10 to the DC to track you regardless of how fast you move in a round. If you
do not move faster than your base rate, however, you may extend this tracking benefit to those within 30 feet of
you through your Team Player stealth skill ability. As a standard action, you can control ambient sounds within
30 feet of yourself for a round. You can specifically duplicate any effect from Control Sound, Silence, or
Ventriloquism, and in general can make sound you've heard come from any part of the area, displace sounds in
the area, or suppress any sounds or sounds. You're so quiet that people don't even remember you when you're
standing right next to them. Your opponents count as flat-footed whenever you attack them.
FlawsNannys Call- She is unable to resist aiding children in need, even if that means abandoning an ally to certain death to rush into a
burning building.
Command Word- (Her command word is attend) Treat this as a Suggestion spell (8th level caster).
9mm Pistol,
Sword of
the Planes
+3 on the Astral/Ethereal/natives of
+4 any other plane/vs Outsiders
er Sword
Boat, Folding- Normally a 12x6x6 box. Boat Form10x4x2 one pair oars, anchor, mast and sail, holds 4
people. Ship Form- 1 deck, single row of 5 sets of oars, rudder,
anchor, deck cabin, holds 15 people. Command word changes
it into other forms.
Kindle Fire
3 marble statues of Mages, one each shooting emerald lightning, ruby fire
and sapphire ice
Sunrod- 9 spares
2 small silver orbs of Kaboom and youre gone- DC 20 Reflex save, 15ft
radius or deleted from existence. (Limited Wish or better to recover)
Digital Camera
Really pretty dress, earrings and necklace (Elvish) Perfume, Really pretty
brush, hairclips. Various articles of modern clothing for about 5 changes,
as well as modern toiletries and perfumes.
Money Bag- 251,470gp, 1450 platinum, 50000 silver,
2 x 100gp Diamonds, 4 Spinels 50gp each, 4 Gold Pearls 100gp each, 1 Ruby 500gps,
Coins to US Dollars- $1,826,693,850