Roleplaying in The Disgaeaverse Sourcebook: Translation: Enjoy This Picture, Dood

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Translation: enjoy this picture, dood

MINION CLASSES Ninja Minion Hit Die: d8 BAB: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Reflex Skills: maximum ranks in Hide, Move Silently, Balance, Jump Proficient: Simple and Martial weapons Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Nameless Killer Teamwork Affliction Punch! Sneaky Spell-likes Gained Halt 3/day Command 1/day Darkness 1/day Charm Person 1/day Confusion 1/day

Nameless Killer (Ex): the Ninja Minion isn't important enough to have unique feats. For every feat he would gain, he instead deals +1 damage on all attacks against people suffering from any penalty or affliction. Spell-like Abilities (Sp): as the Ninja Minion gains levels, he gains access to Spell-like Abilities. The Save DC, if any, is 10 + HD + Cha. Teamwork (Ex): a second-level Ninja Minion may combine magical power with another. Two Ninja Minions acting on the same Initiative count (even if one delays so as to act on the same count) may combine their efforts by both using the same SLA on the same target. The effect only occurs once, but the Caster Level and Save DC both increase by +1 for each additional Ninja Minion doing this, after the first. Affliction Punch! (Sp): a fourth-level Ninja Minion who hits a foe with a melee weapon may, if the foe is flanked or denied their Dexterity bonus to AC, cast one Spell-like Ability on that target as a Swift action. Sneaky (Ex): a fifth-level Ninja Minion gains a +4 Competence bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.

Preacher Minion Hit Die: d6 BAB: +1/2 Good Saving Throws: Will Skills: maximum ranks in Heal, Concentration and Knowledge (Religion) Proficient: Simple weapons and Light armour Level 1 2 3 4 5 Espoir 1/day Healer's Hands Braveheart 1/day Cure Serious Wounds 1/day Special Healing in Bulk, Cure Light Wounds at will

Healing in Bulk (Su): a Preacher Minion does not get feats. Instead, for every feat she would get, instead just add +1 to the amount healed when she restores HP to anyone. Cure Light Wounds (Sp): the Preacher Minion can cast Cure Light Wounds at will Espoir (Sp): at second level, the Preacher Minion can cast Espoir once per day. This spell has a range of Close and a Standard action casting time. It removes any and all of the following effects from a single target: Fatigue, Daze, Shaken, Confused, Charmed, Sickened. Healer's Hands (Ex): people like healers. At third level, the Preacher Minion is just liked, and most people start off Friendly towards her and anyone she serves. Braveheart (Sp): a fourth-level Preacher Minion is able to cast a lesser version of Braveheart once per day. It has a Standard action casting time, and affects one creature within Close range. For one round, the target gains a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls, and a +2 bonus to any Save DC. These are all Enhancement bonuses. Cure Serious Wounds (Sp): a fifth-level Preacher Minion can cast Cure Serious Wounds once per day.

RACIAL CLASSES: Reaper of Souls I harvest the souls of the dead. Since hanging around with you, I have gained ten souls just today. You've been busy, haven't you?

Requirements: Base Will Save: +5 Skills: Knowledge (Religion) +10 Race: Ghost or Vampire Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Will Skill Points: 4+Int Proficiencies Gained: Scythe Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Hug Me Headless Scythe Trail, Frosty Touch Shadow World Nightmare World, Soul Eater Spooky Dark Breath Casting Ability +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level

Hug Me Headless (Ex): despite the size, a Reaper of Souls can use a scythe in a grapple without penalty of any kind. Likewise they may use it in cramped conditions, when swallowed etc. Casting Ability: at every odd level, the Reaper of Souls gains an effective level in an existing spellcasting class. Caster level, spells known and spells per day are gained, but no other features are. If it possesses no spellcasting ability, then at first level it must choose one to gain, treating this as the first level. Scythe Trail (Su): at second level, the Reaper of Souls gains the ability to magically propel a wielded scythe along a trail. It can travel up to 2 squares per hit die, but the trail must be unbroken and both start and end adjacent to the Reaper. Make one attack roll and apply the result against every opponent in the area of effect. If two scythes are being wielded and the Reaper possesses the Two Weapon Fighting feat, then two attacks may be made, one for each of them. Frosty Touch (Su): a second-level Reaper of Souls can add 1d6 Cold damage to all melee attacks made. Shadow World (Sp): at third level, the Reaper of Souls can create a Shadow Well effect at will, though only one such effect may be active at a time. Nightmare World (Sp): at level four, the Reaper of Souls can create an Evard's Black Tentacles effect at will, though only one such effect may be active at a time. Soul Eater (Su):a fourth-level Reaper of Souls gains Devour the Soul and Essence Gourmand as bonus feats. Spooky Dark Breath (Su): a fifth-level Reaper of Souls gains a terrifying breath weapon. This breath weapon is a 45' cone and can be used once per minute as a Standard action. All in the area must make a Fortitude save (Con-based) or suffer one negative level per two hit dice the Reaper possesses and become Panicked for three rounds. On a successful save, they still suffer 1d4 points of Negative energy damage per hit die and are Shaken for one round.

Flower Queen Everyone always falls asleep around me. Am I that boring, or is it just allergies?

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +5 Skills: Knowledge (Nature) +8 Race: Alraune Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special Relaxing Aura Sudden Thorn Feast Slasher Crown of Thorns Petal Storm Horrid Vines Verdant Assault Mighty Growth Plant Friends Sudden Forest Spell-like Abilities at will Espoir Cure Critical Wounds Neutralise Poison Braveheart Restoration Suggestion Greater Restoration Break Enchantment Mass Braveheart Heal

Relaxing Aura (Su): creatures adjacent to the Flower Queen, even Undead and Constructs, regain HP each round equal to the Flower Queen's Hit Dice. Excess healing is wasted. Spell-like Abilities (Sp): as she gains levels, the Flower Queen gains more spell-like abilities to use. See the table above. -Espoir: as the Preacher Minion -Braveheart: Standard action casting time, affecting one target within Close range. A Will save negates (Harmless), and SR also applies. The target gains +1 per 3 Caster Levels to their Attack rolls and Save Dcs as an Enhancement bonus, and may add the Caster Level as an Enhancement bonus to damage rolls. This lasts for 3 rounds. -Mass Braveheart: Like Braveheart, except one target per Caster Level. Sudden Thorn (Ex): with an Immediate action, a second-level Flower Queen can make a giant thorn jab out of the ground within Close range, dealing 2d6+Con Piercing (Wood) damage to a land-based target. Feast Slasher (Ex): at level three, the Flower Queen can use a Standard action to hurl a pair of giant bladed flowers out to Close range with Ranged Attacks. Each deals 2d8+Con Slashing (Wood) damage and has a crit value of 18-20. Anyone hit takes damage again on their next turn this is regular damage even if they suffered a critical hit. Crown of Thorns (Ex):starting at level four, every round, on the Flower Queen's turn, adjacent foes automatically take Sudden Thorn damage. Petal Storm (Su): at level five, the Flower Queen can spend a Standard action to hurl a blast of petals out to Medium range, exploding in a 20' radius Blast. All in the area suffer 1d6 Sonic damage per 2 HD, with a Ref save for half (Charisma-based). Those who fail the save must pass a Will save (same DC) or fall Asleep for 1d4+1 rounds. Horrid Vines (Ex): at level six, the Flower Queen's vines improve, extending out 5' further (thus threatening and being able to make attacks out one square further) and granting a +4 bonus on Trip, Grapple and Disarm attempts. Verdant Assault (Ex): starting at level seven, the Flower Queen can use a Full Round action to launch a barrage of giant thorns that target ground-based foes in a 40' long Zig-Zag. Enemies touching the ground in the area must pass a Ref save (Con-based) or suffer 2d6 Piercing (Wood) damage per Hit Die. Mighty Growth (Ex): at level eight, the Flower Queen grows one size-category larger, replacing the usual ability score changes with +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Natural Armour. Plant Friends (Ex): a ninth-level Flower Queen gains a Leadership rating. The Cohort can be whatever, but the Minions must all be Eryngi. Sudden Forest (Su): with an Immediate action, the Flower Queen can make up to 10 Colossal trees suddenly sprout within Medium range.

Orc King: Behold the king... THE KING OF KINGS! (on your knees, dog!)

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Leadership Race: Orc Features: Hit Die: d12 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort Skill Points: 2+Int Class Skills: Bluff, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jumpm Sense Motive Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Special: Rage, Attack More! Rocket Punch Supreme Dogpiling Orc Throw Great Orc God Rage Dice: +1d6 +2d6 +3d6

Rage (Ex): the Orc King gains the Rage ability of a Barbarian. As he gains levels, he gains additional Rage dice. You figure it out, genius. Attack More! (Ex): any round in which the Orc King makes a Charge, Standard Attack or Full Attack, he may make a single attack at his highest attack bonus with a Swift action. Additionally, by spending a Move-Equivalent action shouting orders, he grants this ability to all allies within 50' for one round. Rocket Punch (Su): when charging, the second-level Orc King can move 50' further and can Fly (Perfect) for that round. The next round he will start to fall if he doesn't charge again. Supreme Dogpiling (Ex): when Flanking or Aiding Other, the level three Orc gives/receives a +5 bonus instead. Likewise, when attacking an enemy he Flanks, or receiving an Aid Other, he may add his Base Attack Bonus to the damage. Orc Throw (Ex): if the level four Orc King hits an opponent with a melee attack, he may elect to launch them 50' into the air at an angle. They land 50' away and take falling damage for that distance as well. For every size category the target exceeds the Orc King's by, both distances are reduced by 10 feet. Great Orc God (Su): once per minute, a level five Orc King can call upon the Great Orc God. It appears in a 15' radius, 50' tall column in Close range. All in the area just take 1d6 Bludgeoning damage per Hit Die, and are knocked Prone.

Angry Cat: Huh? Loyal ally? I'm only following you because you gave me a fish and said there may be more.

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +5 Race: Nekomata Special: Fighting Style (any) Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Ref Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Tumble Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special: Cat Dodge, Cat Kick! Razor Claws Cat Blast King of Beasts Cat Fight Real King of Beasts Fighting Styles: Fighting Style Master Fighting Style -

Cat Dodge (Ex): levels in Angry Cat stack with those of Monk for the purpose of determining Armoured in Life bonus to Armour Class. Cat Kick! (Ex): the Angry Cat gains another secondary natural attack to use in a Full Attack, just like the racial one from being a Nekomata. All such attacks are Magic Weapons and get the +1 bonus per three Hit Dice (round up). Fighting Styles (Ex): at level two, the Angry Cat gains a Fighting Style. At level five, she gains a Master Fighting Style, and any future Fighting Styles granted if she resumes taking Monk levels can instead be Master Fighting Styles. If a level six Angry Cat keeps taking Monk levels and is offered Master Fighting Styles from the Monk, she instead may take Grand Master Fighting Styles. Razor Claws (Ex): the Natural Weapons and unarmed attacks of the second-level Angry Cat enjoy a doubled Threat Range (19-20) and deal 2 Con damage on a successful damaging hit. Cat Blast (Su): with a Standard action, a level three Angry Cat may unleash a 5' wide, 60' long Line of energy. This deals 1d8 Force damage per 2 Hit Dice to all in the area, with a Ref save for half (Charisma-based). King of Beasts (Ex): with a Standard action, the level four Angry Cat can unleash a devastating flurry of attacks: make one unarmed or natural attack against a single opponent. She scores one hit for every point the attack roll exceeds their Armour Class by, though she cannot threaten critical hits with this. Cat Fight (Ex): at level five, the Angry Cat gains a third secondary attack, the same as the others. They all improve by one size-category, however. Real King of Beasts (Ex): at level six, the Angry Cat gains loyal followers she gains a Leadership score, though minions must all be Sabre Kitties and other Animals or Magical Beasts.

Crop Duster: I can't help it, I just keep flying towards the bonfires...

Requirements: Base Reflex Save: +5 Race: Mothman Skills: Tumble 10 ranks Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Bluff, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Search, Spot, Tumble Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Special: Hypnosis Sonic Pulse Nightmare Cocoon Swarm... of MOTHS Hell Diver Death Acrobat Devil Dust Fly Speed Boost: 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 100' 200'

Hypnosis (Su): any turn in which the Crop Duster moves so as to create a loop of movement, it may use a Swift action to force all inside the loop to make a Will save (Intelligence-based) or fall asleep for 3 rounds. Fly Speed Increase (Ex): as the Crop Duster gains levels, its Fly Speed increases. Sonic Pulse (Su): a second-level Crop Duster can use a Standard action to screech, making a 30' cone that deals 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die, with a Will save for half (Intelligence-based). Those who fail the save become Confused for 3 rounds. Nightmare Cocoon (Su): with a Standard action, a level three Crop Duster can surround a foe in Close range with a giant cocoon. They are entitled to a Reflex save (Intelligence-based), and if they fail, are trapped inside it for one minute. They are paralysed, though cannot be physically attacked inside it. On the other hand, they can't breathe, either. Swarm... of MOTHS (Ex): at level four, the Crop Duster can use a Full Round action to call an army of moths in as allies. It creates a Hellmoth Swarm (treat it as a Swarm of Wasps), which is loyal to it, but only one such swarm can exist at a time. Hell Diver (Ex): when a level five Crop Duster makes a charge attack against a foe who is lower than it, the attack deals +1d6 damage per 10' moved. Death Acrobat (Ex): when a level six Crop Duster makes a charge attack, there is a concussive wave that extends 50' out from the Crop Duster. All creatures (except for the Crop Duster itself) in the area take 1d8 Sonic damage per 2 Hit Dice, with a Reflex save for half (Intelligence-based). Those who fail the save are also knocked Prone. Devil Dust (Ex): against any melee attack, a level seven Crop Duster has Concealment, gaining a 50% Miss Chance against the attack. Additionally, any round in which it moves at least 50 feet, it gains 3 Mirror Images that last until the beginning of its next turn (or until destroyed).

Killer Puppet: I'll make you a deal no strings attached!

Requirements: Race: Marionette Special: Sneak Attack +1d6 Skills: Sleight of Hand 8 ranks Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 6+Int Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Perform, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Special: Spooky Spell-likes Grand Juggler Puppeteering Puppet, Fake Visions Deadly Illusion Poison Poison Sneak Attack: +1d6 +2d6 -

Spooky Spell-likes (Sp): the Killer Puppet can cast Mirror Image, Scare and Eyebite once each per hour. The save DC for any Spell-like ability is Intelligence-based, Sneak Attack (Ex): at levels two and four, the Killer Puppet gains an additional Sneak Attack die. Grand Juggler (Ex):at level two, the Killer Puppet threatens squares out to 15 feet and can make Attacks of Opportunity with thrown weapons. Puppeteering Puppet (Su): starting at third level, if the Killer Puppet is engaged in a Grapple with a foe no matter who is on top it may use a Standard action to force them to make a Will save (Intelligence-based). If they fail, they are Dominated by it for one hour or until it Dominates another creature. Fake Visions (Sp): the level three Killer Puppet can also cast Major Image, Minor Image and Silent Image once each per hour. Deadly Illusion (Su): the Mirror Images of a level four Killer Puppet may attack on its turn. If it directs them to attack, then they can each make one attack with a weapon just as though they had its equipment. Any that hit do damage as normal but then disappear as though struck. Poison Poison (Su): with a Standard action, the level five Killer Puppet can blast lasers out, making a Ranged Touch Attack against all enemies within a 30' radius. Those hit suffer 1d8 Light damage per hit die, and must pass a Fort save against a Poison (Intelligence-based). The Primary and Secondary damage are the same: 2d6 Con.

True Succubus: Hey, I'm not Chaotic Evil, just Chaotic Naughty~!

Requirements: Race: Empusa Special: able to cast, as a Spell, Spell-like Ability or Supernatural Ability, any Cure Wounds spell. Skills: Diplomacy 8 ranks Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 6+Int Proficiencies Gained: Dire Syringe Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes, Nobility and Royalty), Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Extra Charming, Hip Attack Life Theft Suggestive Man-Catcher Temptation Sweet Dreams, Great Charming Heart Breaker Nightmare Dual-Attribute DOUBLE SEXY, Awesome Charming

Extra Charming (Su): the True Succubus gains additional daily uses of Charm Person equal to her class level. At level six, it becomes Charm Monster instead. At level ten, it ignores immunity to [Charm] or [Mind-Affecting] effects, and can thus affect Oozes and Undead and shit. Hip Attack (Ex): the True Succubus can actually use her tail for more than looking cute. She may use it for a Tail Thrust as a natural weapon. It reaches out to 5 and 10 feet, deals 1d6+Strength in damage, is a Magic Weapon, and additionally, any damage it deals is restored to the True Succubus. Life Theft (Su): at second level, the True Succubus steals serious amounts of life force with her kisses. She may elect to make a target Fatigued and deal 1d6 damage or non-lethal damage (her choice) per 2 hit dice, regaining an equal amount of Hit Points/removing an equal amount of nonlethal damage. Additionally, any time she deals damage with a Spell-like or Supernatural ability, even non-lethal damage, she regains half that amount as healing. Suggestive (Sp): the level three True Succubus can cast Suggestion once per hour, and Greater Command at will. The DC for both is Charisma-based, and scales with hit dice like all effects should. Man-Catcher (Ex): starting at level four, all of the attacks (including damaging Spells, Spell-Like and Supernatural Abilities) of the True Succubus deal double damage to foes who are Charmed or Fascinated by her, or who are currently following her Suggestions. Temptation (Sp): the fifth-level True Succubus can cast Manifest Desire, Silent Image and Rainbow Pattern at will. The DC for any of these is Charisma-based, and scales with hit dice. Sweet Dreams (Su): at level six, the True Succubus can use a Standard action to will a target in Close range to sleep. They get a Will save (Charisma-based) and, if they fail, they fall asleep for one hour or until awoken. If forcefully awoken, they suffer 3d6 damage, plus her Hit Dice. Heart Breaker (Su): a seventh-level True Succubus can cast Greater Whelm at will, and can cast Overwhelm a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier. Those who pass the save against Overwhelm suffer from Crushing Despair (no save) for four rounds. Nightmare (Su): an eighth-level True Succubus may afflict any sleeping character within Close range with deadly nightmares as a Standard action. The target must make a Will save (Charismabased) or instantly die of fear. If they pass the save, they wake up instantly, Panicking for 1d4 rounds then being Shaken for one minute. Dual-Attribute (Su): at level nine, the True Succubus has a special ability where, with a Standard action, she can launch her evil nature at someone (even if she's not actually evil). With a successful Ranged Touch Attack out to 50', she deals 1d6 Fire damage per hit die and 1d6 Cold damage per hit die to a single target. The target must then pass a Will save (Charisma-based) or change their Alignment to match her own for one minute, and treat any of her requests or Suggestions as completely reasonable. DOUBLE SEXY (Ex): at level ten, the True Succubus gains the spellcasting ability of a level 8 Beguiler. Actual levels of Beguiler will stack with this, likewise Prestige Classes that can add to the casting ability..

The Great Pumpkin: You need six servings of vegetables per day... let me start you off.

Requirements: Race: Jack Special: Death Attack +6d6 Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Ref Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Tumble Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special: Eyes of Vegetables Eerie Glow Pumpkin Bomb Burning With Evil Ripe Harvest Seed of Treason Spellcasting: Death Attack: +1 Level +1 Level +1 Level +1 Level +1 Level +1 Level +1d6 +2d6 +3d6

Eyes of Vegetables (Su): The Great Pumpkin can Scry (as the spell) through any vegetables he needs to look into one vegetable, and his vision will extend out through another of his choosing. He can just try for a cabbage out in ___ field or whatever. Also, he suffers no harm from his head being detached, and can still look and talk through his detached head. Spellcasting: every level, The Great Pumpkin gains Caster Level, spells known and spells per day as if he had gained a level in the Assassin class. Eerie Glow (Su): the second-level Great Pumpkin constantly glows as per Ghost Lantern, and radiates an actual Aura of Fear: anyone who he Demoralises who is also within 15' of him, instead of suffering the usual penalties, Panics for 1d4 rounds. Death Attack (Ex): every even level, The Great Pumpkin gains another d6 of Death Attack. Pumpkin Bomb (Su): a number of times per day equal to his class level, the third-level Great Pumpkin can use a Standard action to hurl a small pumpkin bomb up to 50 feet away. It explodes with a 20' radius burst, and all in the area take 1d8 damage per hit die half Fire, half Negative Energy. Those who pass a Ref save (Intelligence-based) suffer only half damage. Anyone who takes any damage from it smells of rotten pumpkin until they next wash (including their gear). Burning With Evil (Su): starting at level four, The Great Pumpkin gains Fire Resistance equal to double his Hit Dice, and anyone who fails their saving throw against his Pumpkin Bomb catches fire and is also Sickened until the flames are put out. Also, The Great Pumpkin's eyes glow with fire, which looks totally rad. Ripe Harvest (Su): with a minute of work and a pumpkin seed, The Great Pumpkin can prepare a mostly-intact corpse so that, that night, it will grow into a subservient Pumpkin Zombie. Treat it as a normal Zombie that has had Awaken Undead cast upon it, and that shares the Fire Resistance of The Great Pumpkin. He may control two hit dice of Pumpkin Zombies per hit die, any excess will cause old ones to fall inert. Seed of Treason (Su): when The Great Pumpkin hits level six, foes had better watch out. Anyone who takes damage from one of his Pumpkin Bombs must pass a Fortitude save (Intelligence-based) or have the vines take root and possess them they instantly turn into a Pumpkin Zombie under his control. Every hour, they may attempt the save again (using the same bonus, despite the change of form). When they succeed (if ever), they transform back, but are Nauseated for 1d4 rounds.

CLASS-BASED PRESTIGE CLASSES: Iron Knight: It's not that it bothers me that you flail away like that, but I have a meeting in an hour...

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +7 Feats: Phalanx Fighter Proficient: Heavy Armour Features: Hit Die: 20 HP per level (plus Con mod as normal) Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort Skill Points: 2+Int Proficiencies Gained: Tower Shields, Giga Armour Class Skills: Concentration, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Spot, Survival Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special: Damage Reduction, Heavy Armour Focus Retaliator Engine of Resistance Spell Resistance Weapon Cogs Even In Death Designate Opponent: +1d6 +2d6 +3d6

Damage Reduction (Ex): the Iron Knight gains Damage Reduction X/-, where X is equal to his Base Attack Bonus. This stacks with other forms of DR the usual way. Heavy Armour Focus (Ex): when wearing Heavy Armour or Giga Armour, the Iron Knight may add his Class Level to the Armour Bonus it provides to AC. Retaliator (Ex): starting at second level, if a foe ever successfully hits the Iron Knight, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity from him. They also provoke an Attack of Opportunity from him if they successfully hit one of his allies while in a square he threatens. Designate Opponent (Ex): every even level, the Iron Knight gains another d6 of Designate Opponent, just like a Knight. If he has Knight levels, this stacks. If not, then it's identical to that, so go read that. Engine of Resistance (Ex): at level three, as long as he is wearing Heavy Armour or Giga Armour, the Iron Knight gets an Enhancement bonus to his Constitution equal to one third of his Hit Dice (round up), as well as Heavy Fortification. Spell Resistance (Su): the level four Iron Knight enjoys Spell Resistance of 11 + Hit Dice. Weapon Cogs (Ex): at level five, the Iron Knight gains weapon cogs, with which he is automatically proficient. These are only available when wearing Heavy or Giga Armour, as they are extensions of the armour itself merging with his body. Forming or Unforming a Weapon Cog requires a Move-Equivalent action. He can always use his Strength modifier on attack rolls with Weapon Cogs, regardless of whether it is a ranged weapon or melee weapon. Attacking with a Weapon Cog only literally requires one hand to use it, but the other hand cannot make a weapon attack in a Two Weapon Fighting sort of way. Weapon Cog weaponry always has an enhancement bonus of 1/3 the character's level to attack and damage, rounded up (no max). Available weapons are as follows: Gear Thrower. This is like a crossbow that never needs to be reloaded and has a very high rate of fire. It has a range increment of 40' + 5' per level, and every time it is fired, the Iron Knight can make two attacks on the same target (or on two different targets if they are within 10' of each other). Each attack does 1d6 of slashing damage with a threat range of 18-20. Rotary Cutter. This is like a buzz saw. It is a melee weapon that does 2d6 of slashing damage with a critical multiplier of x4. Magnetic Dust. This weapon is a series of extremely fine gears held together with magnetic force. It appears vaguely sword or axe shaped, but is grey and semi-transparent. It does 1d8 of piercing damage with a x2 critical, but attacks made with it are melee touch attacks. Diamond Drill. This weapon is a drill. It does 2d6 of piercing damage with a x4 critical. While it is a melee weapon, Strength bonus is not added to damage. But the Drill bypasses any DR or Hardness. Even In Death (Su): a sixth-level Iron Knight will act even after being killed he remains alive and active for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution bonus, before toppling over. Usually it just takes that long for death to get past his armour and muscles.

Prism Mage: Izzy-Wizzy, let's get busy!

Requirements: Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 9 ranks Special: Fire Bolts 2d6, Coldfire 2d6 and Windblast 2d4 Features: Hit Die: d4 Base Attack Bonus: +1/2 Good Saving Throws: Will Skill Points: 2+Int Class Skills: Concentration, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Nature), Listen, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Blended Blast Magical Force Not so Cold Not so Hot Not so Windy Omega Element Smarty Pants Super Blender Terra Element Hell Ball Caster Levels: +1 Caster Level to all +1 Caster Level to all +1 Caster Level to all +1 Caster Level to all +1 Caster Level to all +1 Caster Level to all +1 Caster Level to all +1 Caster Level to all

Blended Blast (Su): the Prism Mage may use a Standard action to target someone with Fire Bolt, Coldfire and Windblast all at the same time. Caster Levels (Ex): every level except four and eight, the Prism Mage gains a Caster Level in each of Fire Mage, Snowscaper and Green Mage. This improves the effects based on Caster Level or Class Level (such as the damage dealt by Fire Bolts), and also grants new Spell-Like Abilities, but does not improve Resistances or grant other benefits. Magical Force (Ex): starting at second level, the Prism Mage can pick either Charisma or Intelligence, and have all of his Spell-Like and Supernatural Abilities gained from Fire Mage, Snowscaper and Green Mage be based on that ability score. Not so Cold (Su): starting at third level, the Prism Mage can, when using Pall of Frost, Wall of Ice or Blizzard, have them deal Fire or Sonic damage instead (and change the subtype to [Fire] or [Air] accordingly). Not so Hot (Su): starting at fourth level, the Prism Mage can, when using Hand of Fire, Fireball or Conflagration, have them deal Cold or Sonic damage instead (and change the subtype to [Cold] or [Air] accordingly). Not so Windy (Su): starting at fifth level, the Prism Mage can, when using Shocking Grasp, Thunderclap or Chain Lightning, have them deal Fire or Cold damage instead (and change the subtype to [Fire] or [Cold] accordingly). Omega Element (Sp): a sixth-level Prism Mage can summon an Elemental or Genie once per day with a Standard action. The creature must have either the [Air], [Fire] or [Water] subtype, and must have a Challenge Rating no higher than the Prism Mage's character level minus two. The summoned creature is subservient, and hangs around for a minute before vanishing. Smarty Pants (Ex): the seventh-level Prism Mage may use either his Charisma or Intelligence modifier instead of his Strength modifier, for attack and damage rolls, with staves. Super Blender (Su): at level eight, the Prism Mage can blend any of his Supernatural or Spell-Like Abilities that deals Fire, Electricity, Sonic or Cold damage, so that it deals one third Fire, one third Cold, and one third Sonic (or, if the effect originally dealt Electricity damage, one third Electricity instead of Sonic). It gains the [Fire], [Air] and [Cold] descriptors. Terra Element (Sp): the ninth-level Prism Mage can summon an Elemental Weird once per day with a Standard action. The creature must have either the [Air], [Fire] or [Water] subtype, and must have a Challenge Rating no higher than the Prism Mage's character level minus two. The summoned creature is subservient, and hangs around for a minute before vanishing. Hell Ball (Sp): at level ten, the Prism Mage masters the art of the Hell Ball, which can be cast with a Standard action. It reaches out to Long range, and explodes in a 30' radius burst, dealing 11d6 Fire damage, 11d6 Cold damage, and 11d6 Sonic damage to all in the area. Everyone is allowed one Reflex save to halve all of the damage (Charisma-based or Intelligence-based, up to the Prism Mage). If the Prism Mage ever has eighteen hit dice, it deals 13d6 of each instead of 11d6, and at twenty hit dice it deals 15d6 of each..

Genocidaire: I will kill your entire family. And friends. And pets. And enemies. And casual acquaintances. And anyone who turns up to the funerals.

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +7 Feats: Murderous Intent, Combat School (that covers the Great Axe) Special: Must have decided killing one person isn't enough and slaughtered their family too Features: Hit Die: d12 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort Skill Points: 2+Int Class Skills: Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Homicide Slice, Axification Boomerang Axe Earth Splitter, Razor's Edge Multiple Homicide Slice Killing Spree Chopping Frenzy Genocide Slice, Megaton Driver Instant Death, Kachop Colossal Fissure Omnicide Slice

Homicide Slice (Ex): with a Standard action, the Genocidaire can make a single melee attack. If it hits, the foe must make a Fort save (Strength-based) or be slain as they are chopped up. This is a [Death] effect. Axification (Ex): the following weapons are added to the Genocidaire's Combat School, along with any ability (such as others gained from this class) that relies on a Great Axe: Halberd, Pike, Scythe, Hand Axe, Glaive, Guisarme, Pick-Axe, Ice Pick, Sickle

Boomerang Axe (Ex): at second level, the Genocidaire can use a Standard action to throw a Great Axe in a line. The line is a number of 5' squares long equal to his Strength modifier (minimum 1), and he makes two attack rolls, that are resolved against every creature in the line foes are denied their Dexterity Modifier to Armour Class against the second. Earth Splitter (Ex): with a Move-Equivalent action, the level three Genocidaire can split the ground up, making all ground in a 30' radius Difficult Terrain. Razor's Edge (Ex): the Great Axe enjoys a doubled Critical Threat range in the hands of a level three Genocidaire. Multiple Homicide Slice (Ex): with a Standard action, the fourth-level Genocidaire can make a single melee attack against every adjacent enemy. Those hit must make a Fortitude save (Strengthbased) or die. Their heads all hit the ground at the same time. This is a [Death] effect. Killing Spree (Ex): starting at level five, when a Genocidaire kills someone with a Coup de Grace, he gains a Haste effect for four rounds. If he does it again before the duration expires, he resets the duration and adds a Vigor effect as well. A further reset adds a Good Hope effect. Chopping Frenzy (Ex): a sixth-level Genocidaire gets to run about murdering people. With a Full Round action he may make one melee attack against every foe in a square he threatens, and then may make one five foot step for every foe he drops. If this movement brings him close enough to new targets, he can attack them as well, and the cycle repeats. He may only attack the same person once per round in this fashion. Genocide Slice (Ex): the seventh-level Genocidaire has a masterful use of the axe that hacks groups of people apart. When using a Great Axe, he may use a Standard action to make one attack that is resolved against every enemy in a 15' radius spread. Everyone hit must pass a Fort save (Strength-based) or die, chopped into a great many pieces. This is a [Death] effect. Megaton Driver (Ex): at level seven, the Genocidaire can freely use a Great Axe in a grapple, despite the difficulties some might imagine him facing. Instant Death (Ex): an eighth-level Genocidaire may use a Standard action to make a single melee attack with a Great Axe. If he hits, the target dies with no saving throw. This is not a [Death] effect, he just fucking kills and murders you to death, even if you're not alive. Kachop (Ex): at level eight, the Genocidaire may make a regular melee attack with a Great Axe as a Swift action. Colossal Fissure (Su): with a Move-Equivalent action, the level nine Genocidaire can chop into the ground with a Great Axe, creating a 20' line that deals 10d6 Fire damage to all in the area if they fail a Reflex save (Strength-based). Additionally, the area burns with lava for 4 rounds. All in the area take 10d6 Fire damage each round and are Slowed. Those who pass the save can elect to move one step to the side and not start their next turn in the lava. Omnicide Slice (Ex): with a Full Round action, the tenth-level Genocidaire may make a single attack with his Great Axe against every enemy he can see. Any enemy hit must pass a Fort save (Strength-based) or be split in half and killed. This is a [Death] effect.

Cupid: Shot through the heart, and I'm to blame! I give love a great name!

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +5 Skills: Diplomacy 8 ranks Feats: Sniper Proficient: Longbow Special: Must consider yourself an agent of LOVE! Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Jump, Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Spot Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Floating Feathers, Charm Person Bow Launcher Shot Through the Heart Flying Feathers, Love Shot Charming Archery Zielreigen Soaring Wings, Charm Monster Heart-Piercing Shot Comet Seeker Heart-Breaking Shot

Floating Feathers (Ex): the Cupid has a constant Featherfall effect. Charm Person (Sp): the Cupid may cast Charm Person at will. The save DC is Charisma-based and goes up with Hit Dice, of course. Bow Launcher (Ex): with a Standard action, a second-level Cupid can launch herself from her bow, snatching it up with her as she goes. Effectively, she may launch herself out to anywhere in her first Range Increment. Shot Through the Heart (Su): with a Standard action, a level three Cupid can fire an arrow at someone that does zero damage. If it hits, though, the target must pass a Will save (Charisma-based) or suffer a Suggestion. Flying Feathers (Ex): at level four, the Cupid gains a Fly speed of 30' (Average). Love Shot (Su): also at level four, the Cupid may shoot someone with LOVE as a Standard action. If the attack hits, it deals Non-lethal damage and the target must pass a Will save (Charisma-based) or be Charmed for one minute. Charming Archery (Ex): a fifth-level Cupid may use her Charisma modifier on ranged attacks instead of her Dexterity modifier, if she so wishes. Zielreigen (Su): at level six, the Cupid knows how to launch a fiery explosive burst of arrows. With a Standard action, she can target a 10' radius burst anywhere in her first Range Increment, and make an Attack Roll. All enemies in the area who would be hit by this are in fact hit by this, and also suffer an additional 1d6 Fire damage per hit die. Soaring Wings (Ex): at level seven, the Cupid's Fly Speed improves to 60' (Good). Charm Monster (Sp): the seventh-level Cupid can cast Charm Monster at will. The save DC is Charisma-based. Heart-Piercing Shot (Su): at level eight, the Cupid can pierce people's hearts with her arrows, drowning them in sorrow as well as injuring them. With a Standard action, she may fire an arrow at a target, and if it hits, it is an automatic Critical Hit, additionally forcing the target to make a Will save (Charisma-based) or be Helpless for one round. After the helplessness, they cry for 4 rounds, granting everyone Concealment against them and treated as though Sickened. Even if they pass the save, they are in tears for 1 round. Comet Seeker (Ex): with a Standard action, the level nine Cupid can actually drop a comet on her foes. She makes one Attack Roll against a 30' radius burst anywhere in her first Range Increment, and those who are hit get smacked by a comet for 6d6 Bludgeoning damage and 4d6 Cold damage. Furthermore, all within a 50' radius of the original point of impact take 10d6 Sonic damage with a Reflex save for half (Dexterity-based). Those who are hit by the attack roll get no save. Heart-Breaking Shot (Su): at level ten, the Cupid can flat-out kill someone with an arrow to the heart. She makes an Attack roll as a Full Round action, and if she hits, the target must make a Fortitude save (Dexterity-based or Charisma-based, her choice) or die. This is not a [Death] effect.

Valkyrie: Let me carry your soul to heaven! What, you're not dead? Oh I'll fix that <3

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +7 Sex: Female (or good at faking it) Proficient: Spear and Great Spear Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Balance, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Religion, The Planes), Listen, Perform, Spot Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Impaler, Speak With Dead Lightning Charge, Grand Skewer Valkyrie Wings, Warsong Meteor Impact Turbulence Divine Strike, Pacify Sky Nail Not Your Time The Dead Speak Back Firestorm, Really Angelic

Impaler (Ex): whenever the Valkyrie successfully hits someone with a Spear or Great Spear, she may elect to make a 5' step afterwards as a Free action. Speak With Dead (Sp): the Valkyrie may cast Speak With Dead three times per day. Lightning Charge (Su): the second-level Valkyrie, when charging, deals +1d6 Electricity damage per hit die or per 5' square moved, whichever is smaller. Grand Skewer (Ex): the second-level Valkyrie improves her Reach by 30', except for when charging. Valkyrie Wings (Ex): at third level, the Valkyrie grows lovely feathered wings and gains a Fly Speed of 50' (Good). Warsong (Su): a third-level Valkyrie may sing her glorious song with a Standard action, and then just needs a Swift action each round to sustain. She makes a Perform (Sing) check when activating it, and divides the result by 10 (round up). The result is the number of allies in 30' who can be affected by this, gaining Haste and Rage effects for the duration. Meteor Impact (Ex): at level four, a charging Valkyrie deals an additional 3d6 points of damage, plus her Constitution modifier. All adjacent foes to the original target are also hit for this extra damage and all are knocked Prone. A successful Fortitude save (Strength-based) negates the extra damage and Prone status, though the original target gets no save. Turbulence (Su): with a Swift action, the fifth-level Valkyrie may enhance her movement for the rest of her turn: after she finishes moving, all enemies she is Adjacent to at any part of the movement automatically take Sonic damage equal to her Hit Dice, and are shunted 5' in the direction of her choice. Divine Strike (Su): with a Standard action, a level six Valkyrie may send a Spear or Great Spear out to home in and strike an opponent from the skies. She can make an attack against a foe who is out as far as Long Range, and if it hits, the attack deals +1d8 Divine damage per hit die. The weapon then returns to her hands. Pacify (Sp): the sixth-level Valkyrie can cast Mass Cure Serious Wounds a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Sky Nail (Ex): with a Standard action, a level seven Valkyrie can make a single attack against an Adjacent foe, as long as she is wielding a Spear or Great Spear. If it hits, she launches the foe into the sky and nails them in place with a ghostly copy of her weapon. They remain there for one minute (needing to beat her attack roll with an Escape Artist check to be released... falling), and every round they take 10d4 Sonic damage and cannot breathe. Not Your Time (Sp): a level eight Valkyrie may cast Resurrection a number of times per day equal to her Charisma Modifier (minimum 1). If she holds onto the newly alive for a full minute, they do not suffer any level loss. The Dead Speak Back (Su): at level nine, the Valkyrie may cast Moment of Prescience once per day. The caster level is equal to her Hit Dice.

Firestorm (Su): at tenth level, the Valkyrie learns the art of the firestorm. With a Full Round action, she may designate a 30' radius burst anywhere in Long Range. She makes one Ranged Touch Attack, and all in the area who are hit take regular weapon damage, as well as 1d8 Fire damage per Hit Die. They also catch fire. This ability only works with a Spear or Great Spear. Really Angelic (Ex): at level ten, the Valkyrie changes her type to Outsider if it isn't already. She gains the [Extraplanar] subtype, and also permanently emits Light as the spell (except for when she doesn't want to), can interact with Incorporeal creatures just fine as though everything she touches is Ghost Touch equipment, and gains Fast Healing 5. She also gains Cold and Sonic Resistance 20.

Carnage Princess: Come here and let me cut you, k?

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +5 Feats: Combat School (must cover Great Swords, Long Swords or Bastard Swords) Note: you don't actually have to be royalty, or even a female. You're still a Princess though. Features: Hit Die: d10 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort and Will Skill Points: 2+Int Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Intimidate, Jump, Spot, Tumble Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Thousand Swords, Blood Walker Blade Rush Hurricane Slice Gore Shower, Euthanasia Stabbing Frenzy Dis-Arm Winged Slayer Felony: Too Many Murders X-Dimension Cut Dimensional Slice

Thousand Swords (Ex): the Carnage Princess never runs out of swords she always seems to have one on her and can pull one from nowhere with a Free action. They are basic trash, but she treats them as Magic Weapons with the basic effect. The swords can be Great Swords, Long Swords or Bastard Swords. Additionally, she may make an attack with any of the above weapons as a Swift action. Blood Walker (Ex): the Carnage Princess is so used to walking on blood that she never slips on liquids blood, grease, napalm, oil, water and so on. Blade Rush (Ex): a second-level Carnage Princess does not have to target the nearest opponent or even move in a straight line when charging. What's more, she may attack everyone she moves adjacent to for the charge. Hurricane Slice (Su): with a Standard action, the Carnage Princess can make a pair of melee attacks against the same opponent who has an empty square adjacent to them and opposite her. She moves so fast as to flank them with herself, and each successful hit deals an additional 2d6 Sonic damage. Gore Shower (Ex): whenever a fourth-level Carnage Princess kills a Medium or larger creature with a melee weapon, the target sprays blood everywhere in a 20' radius spread. This is treated as a Mist that lasts for one round, granting Concealment, however she can see through it just fine. The following round, it effectively makes a Grease effect for 1 minute. Additionally, all in the area aside from her must pass a Fort save when it first happens (DC 10 + half the target's Hit Dice + target's Con mod) or be Nauseated for 1 round. Euthanasia (Ex): at level four, the Carnage Princess gets Murderous Intent as a bonus feat. If she already has this, or selects it later, then she may make a Coup de Grace against foes who are simply Nauseated, Cowering or Exhausted. Stabbing Frenzy (Ex): the fifth-level Carnage Princess becomes lightning-fast with her swords. When using any weapon her Combat School covers, she may use a Full Round action to make a single attack roll, which applies against every adjacent opponent. She cannot score Critical Hits, but gets one hit for every point her attack roll beats the target's Armour Class by. Dis-Arm (Ex): any time a sixth-level Carnage Princess Power Attacks a foe with a Slashing weapon and deals at least 25% of the foe's maximum hit points in damage (after DR) with the one hit, one limb is lopped off. If it's a leg, the target can only crawl 5' with a Move action and can't stand (excepting some creatures with heaps of legs). If it's an arm, it cannot use it to attack, cast spells etc. Winged Slayer (Su): with a Standard action, a level seven Carnage Princess can launch herself into the air, making one attack which applies against every foe in a 60' Cone. This counts as charging, so all benefits and penalties for charging apply. At the end of the attack she lands anywhere she likes that is adjacent to the cone.

Felony: Too Many Murders (Su): starting at level eight, the Carnage Princess is guilty of murdering too many people, but that's okay. She gains a Divine Power effect any time she kills someone, for a number of rounds equal to the victim's CR. X-Dimension Cut (Ex): with a Standard action, the ninth-level Carnage Princess can try to chop someone into Hell. She makes a single attack as a Melee Touch Attack, and if it hits, it deals 10d4 Negative Energy damage in addition to the usual damage, and the target must then pass a Will save (Strength-based) or be sent to Hades. This ability only works with weapons covered by her Combat School. Dimensional Slice (Ex): at level ten, the Carnage Princess has unlocked the final art, learned from a gym teacher or something. With a Standard action, she slices a 30' long line and makes a Melee Touch Attack. All in the line who would be hit by the roll are instantly sent to Hades with no save. Also she may use a Standard action to hack a Travel Gate into existence for one minute.

Sinner: I confess in advance for the murder I am about to commit on you...

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +5 Special: any Fighting Style, a Slam Attack Special: must commit many sins or Felonies, totally a roleplaying thing. Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Armoured in Life, Illegal Punch Twice-Sold Soul Immoral Punch Embezzled Soul Blasphemous Punch Felony: Over-Killing Felony: Too Many Murders, Heretical Punch King of Beasts Felony: Corrupting the Youth, Obscene Punch Big Bang Grand Master Fighting Style Master Fighting Style Master Fighting Style Fighting Style Fighting Styles:

Armoured in Life (Su): Sinner levels are added to Monk levels for the purpose of Armoured in Life. If the Sinner somehow has no Monk levels, then he gains Armoured in Life, using just his Sinner level. Illegal Punch (Ex): the Sinner's Slam attack deals damage as though one size-category larger. It hurts so much it's against the law. Twice-Sold Soul (Ex): the second-level Sinner manages to sell his soul... twice. Upon his death, enemies have to argue over who gets it, giving people time to bring him back. Also he's immune to [Fear] effects, [Death] effects and Negative Levels, and just gains 10,000 GP. Fighting Styles (Su): at second level, the Sinner gets another Fighting Style. At levels five and eight he gains a Master Fighting Style. At level ten, he gains a Grand Master Fighting Style. Immoral Punch (Ex): at third level, the Sinner's punch is pretty immoral good people don't do it. Foes are always denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class against his Slam attack. Embezzled Soul (Ex): at level four, the Sinner manages to Embezzle his soul back and store it in an off-shore bank account. He gains 16,000 Gold Pieces, can always be brought back without fiends claiming his soul, gains Fast Healing 5 and one of the following subtypes: Tanar'ri, Baatezu, Yugoloth. Blasphemous Punch (Su): when a fifth-level Sinner punches someone, it is an abomination in the eyes of the gods, which is awesome. His Slam bestows a Curse as per Bestow Curse, but there is no saving throw. Felony: Over-Killing (Su): a sixth-level Sinner is good at killing people so hard they double-die, however this is actually a felony. Oh well. Damage Reduction and Regeneration do not apply to his Slam attacks, and anyone killed by his Slam cannot be Raised. Felony: Too Many Murders (Su): starting at level seven, the Sinner is guilty of murdering too many people, but that's okay. He gains a Divine Power effect any time he kills someone, for a number of rounds equal to the victim's CR. Heretical Punch (Su): at level eight and beyond, the Sinner's punches are heretical too all religions, which is fucking fantastic. His Slam bestows a single Negative Level with every hit, which lasts for one hour then fucks off, giving the level back. King of Beasts (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Sinner can exert his dominance as a demon and punch the shit out of someone. He makes a Slam attack against one adjacent foe, and although it cannot score a Critical Hit, for every point the attack roll exceeds their Armour Class by, he hits them once. Felony: Corrupting the Youth (Ex): at level nine, the Sinner is guilty of leading people in his footsteps, and gains Minions as per the Leadership deal. He also receives 30,000 Gold Pieces in the mail.

Obscene Punch (Ex): at level nine, the Sinner's punch is so ridiculous that it is an obscenity, and people take offence at it the impact is even censored on pre-midnight television. It gains yet another size-category, and the Threat Range and Critical Multiplier are both doubled. Big Bang (Su): the tenth-level Sinner knows the ultimate punching technique. With a Standard action, he may make a Slam attack that affects a 15x15' square in front of him. He makes one attack roll and compares it to all. Furthermore, all in the area, whether they are hit or not, get compressed into the middle square and must make a Fortitude save or be destroyed (Strength-based or Wisdombased, his choice). They are then shunted back into their original squares. If any of them die (but regardless of how many), it then unleashes a 30' radius Burst centred on the middle square, with all in the area (except the Sinner) taking 20d6 Fire damage with a Reflex save for half (same DC).

Trickster-Yoink!: Haha, gotcha' wallet! And your shoes, pants, watch, glasses, skin, soul, liver...

Requirements: Skills: Sleight of Hand 10 ranks Feats: Combat Looting, Deft Hands Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 8+Int Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Local, Nobility and Royalty), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Me Too!, Thief of Speed Gotcha' Pants!. Lifestealer Thief of Muscles Thief of Brains, Spellthievery Thief of Health Thief of Memories Thief of Loyalty Stowaway Always Guilty, Never Convicted Thief of Souls

Me Too! (Su): if someone adjacent to the Trickster-Yoink flies, the Trickster-Yoink gains an identical Fly Speed (and manoeuvrability) for one round. Thief of Speed (Su): with a Swift action, a Trickster-Yoink can make a Sleight of Hand check against the Armour Class of an adjacent creature which, if successful, grants the Trickster-Yoink a Haste effect for three rounds and Slows the target for three rounds. Gotcha' Pants! (Ex): a second-level Trickster-Yoink can attempt to steal an item with just an Attack action, and can steal any equipped item, no matter how ridiculous. Lifestealer (Su): with an Attack action, a second-level Trickster-Yoink can make a Sleight of Hand check against an adjacent opponent's Armour Class. If he succeeds, he yanks the life force out of them he gains a number of HP equal to his Hit Dice or the target's Hit Dice (whichever is larger), and the target loses an equal amount. Thief of Muscles (Su): at third level, the Trickster-Yoink can pull the very muscle from someone else's body and graft it to himself. With a Standard action, he makes a Sleight of Hand check against the Armour Class of an adjacent foe. If he succeeds, they take 6 Strength damage, and he gains a +6 Enhancement bonus to Strength for an hour. Thief of Brains (Su): at level four, the Trickster-Yoink can pull the thoughts out of people's heads, and their grey matter as well. With a Standard action, he makes a Sleight of Hand check opposed by an adjacent foe's Will Save. If he succeeds, they take 4 Intelligence damage, and he gains a +6 Enhancement bonus to Intelligence for an hour. Spellthievery (Su): starting at level four, any time the Trickster-Yoink is affected by a Spell or Spell-like Ability, he may make a Sleight of Hand check against the caster's Caster Level + 10 as a Free action. If he succeeds, then although he is still affected by the spell, he still steals the magic of it, and can cast it himself as a Spell-like Ability. He casts it at the same Caster Level with the same Save DC (if any), and once cast it is gone. The stored spell lasts for one hour (or until used, whichever happens first). Thief of Health (Su): a fifth-level Trickster-Yoink can yank the good health out of someone and use it to patch himself up even better than before. With a Move-Equivalent action, he may make a Sleight of Hand check, opposed by an adjacent foe's Fortitude Save. If he succeeds, then any Poisons or Diseases afflicting him are automatically cured, and the opponent suffers a single poison of the Trickster-Yoink's choice. Thief of Memories (Su): at level six, the Trickster-Yoink can steal memories the very basis of our abilities from people. With an Attack action, he may make a Sleight of Hand check against an adjacent opponent's Armour Class. If it succeeds, then the target suffers one Negative Level, and he gains a +1 Morale bonus on all d20 rolls. Both last for one hour. If this ability is used multiple times, the bonus increases by +1.

Thief of Loyalty (Su): with a Standard action, the seventh-level Trickster-Yoink can steal even concepts like loyalty. He may use a Standard action to make a Sleight of Hand check against the Armour Class of a foe within 30' and, if successful, the following occur for 3 rounds: He receives Familiar bonuses instead of them (and the familiar will not deliver touch attacks) Their Mount or Animal Companion turns on them Their deity abandons them, making them unable to cast Divine spells (if drawn from a god) Summoned creatures turn against them. Stowaway (Su): starting at level eight, any time someone within 30' casts a spell that just affects them, the Trickster-Yoink may decide to also be affected by it the caster has no say in this matter. Note that if they Harm themselves and are Undead and thus are Healed by it, the Trickster-Yoink still gains the Harm effect and thus is likely to lose HP. Always Guilty, Never Convicted (Su): the ninth-level Trickster-Yoink can never be held for long. He permanently benefits from Freedom of Movement and is immune to the Imprisonment spell. Thief of Souls (Su): at level ten, the Trickster-Yoink finally learns how to rip people's souls out. With a Standard action, he may make a Sleight of Hand check against an adjacent opponent's Armour Class. If it succeeds, they are slain and their soul is stolen, stored in a jar or something for him to sell or whatever. He can also spend it as a Free action to negate a [Death] effect against him.

Magic Knight: This magic blade hath slayethed more than 100 demons! ...or maybe less than 100 demons.

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +5 Proficient: All Martial Weapons Special: Fire Bolts 2d6 or Cold Fire 2d6 or Wind Blast 2d4 Features: Hit Die: d10 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort and Will Skill Points: 2+Int Class Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Nobility and Royalty), Spellcraft Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Winged Slayer Double Cast Special: Fire Stab, Element Boost Cold Stab Breeze Stab, Element Curse Attribute Caster Overkill Stab Sticks and Stabs Mind's Edge Caster Level: +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level

Fire Stab (Su): once per round, when the Magic Knight hits with a melee weapon, she may elect to also deal damage as though hitting the enemy with a single Fire Bolt or, if she lacks that feature, 1d4 Fire damage per Class Level. Element Boost (Sp): with a Move-Equivalent action, a Magic Knight can empower her own elemental abilities, both Offensive and Defensive, as though becoming part elemental herself. She may add her Class Level to a single Energy Resistance she already possesses, and add her Charisma modifier to her Caster Level. Both last until the end of her turn. Cold Stab (Su): once per round, when the second-level Magic Knight hits with a melee weapon, she may elect to also deal damage as though hitting the enemy with a single Cold Fire or, if she lacks that feature, 1d4 Cold damage per Class Level. Caster Level: every even level, the Magic Knight's Caster Level in a single class (Fire Mage, Snowscaper or Green Mage) improves by one. Not only does the Caster Level improve, but she gains any new Spell-like or Supernatural Abilities as though taking another level of that class. She does not, however, gain additional Resistances or Immunities. Breezy Stab (Su): once per round, when the third-level Magic Knight hits with a melee weapon, she may elect to also deal damage as though hitting the enemy with a single Wind Blast or, if she lacks that feature, 1d3 Wind damage per Class Level. Element Curse (Sp): at third level, the Magic Knight gains the ability to curse others, weakening their ties to the elements. With a Swift action, she may designate an opponent within Medium range, and they are automatically affected: she chooses one energy type and, if Immune to it, the opponent merely takes half damage instead. If the foe normally takes half damage or is Resistant, they instead lose this and are affected normally. If they have no special weaknesses, they become Vulnerable, taking double damage. And if they are already Vulnerable, the damage is instead Tripled. This lasts until the beginning of her next turn. Attribute Caster (Su): the level four Magic Knight is full of magical energy, and knows how to hurt people with it. Whenever she deals energy damage of a kind that she is resistant to, she may add her Energy Resistance to the damage. If she is Immune, she simply adds her Hit Dice to the damage. Overkill Stab (Su): at level five, the Magic Knight's power becomes a bit overkill. When she deals a Fire Stab, Cold Stab or Breezy Stab, the energy damage also blasts out to hit all enemies within 30 feet, although they are allowed a Reflex save (Intelligence-based or Charisma-based, her choice) to negate this. Sticks and Stabs (Ex): starting at sixth-level, the Magic Knight is just as good with sharp things as she is with blunt things: any Staff, Short Sword, Long Sword, Bastard Sword or Great Sword she wields can deal Bludgeoning or Slashing damage as she pleases. It also adds any Enhancement bonus it has to her Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls and the Save DC of any Spell-like or Supernatural Abilities she casts.

Mind's Edge (Ex): the level seven Magic Knight blends her magic and martial prowess so well that it's actually hard to tell them apart. She may use her Charisma or Intelligence in place of her Strength when using melee weapons if she likes, and may use her Base Attack Bonus in place of her Caster Level for any ability, if she wishes. Anything that provides a bonus to Caster Level still applies the bonus if she does this. Note that this can result in her using Charisma to trip people with a Tripping weapon and for Break Tests and so on. That is okay. Winged Slayer (Su): with a Standard action, a level nine Magic Knight can launch herself into the air, making one attack which applies against every foe in a 60' Cone. This counts as charging, so all benefits and penalties for charging apply. At the end of the attack she lands anywhere she likes that is adjacent to the cone. Double Cast (Su): the tenth-level Magic Knight is cheeky and can spam her abilities a lot. Technically this only works 10% of the time, except she knows when it won't work and suddenly cancels her action and selects the action again so that it does work, so in practice, ignore that: it always works. When using a Standard action to perform Winged Slayer or to unleash a Spell-like Ability or a Supernatural Ability that emulates a Spell, she may then elect to use a Swift action to do it again targeting the exact same people/area, but making all rolls again. Effectively, many of her abilities can be used twice as often.

Beast Tamer: I like to find monsters in the hallways and tie them up, tee-hee!

Requirements: Skills: Hand Animal 8 ranks, Ride 8 ranks, Use Rope 8 ranks Special: Better Soulmelds Features: Hit Die: d10 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort and Ref Proficiencies Gained: Whip, Trident, Lance, Net, Man-Catcher and Scorpion Claws Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Ride, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope

Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Special: Monstrous Leadership, Pokemastery Wild Groom Domination Magichange Grasp Call Me Queen Bonus Feat Pack Orders Magichange Special Domesticate Beast Saviour

Soulmelds: +1 Soulmeld +1 Soulmeld +1 Advanced Soulmeld +1 Soulmeld +1 Chakra +1 Astounding Soulmeld Very Meldy

Monstrous Leadership (Ex): the Beast Tamer gains a Leadership rating, gaining Minions and a Cohort. They all have to be Monsters, however other playable races are acceptable, as long as they are not Humanoids, as are actual monsters with Challenge Ratings. Pokemastery (Su): the Beast Tamer is considered to be a Pokemaster with a level equal to her Class Level plus 2. With a Standard action she can make a melee attack that is also treated like a Pokeball if it hits. Captured creatures are not stored in Pokeballs, they are just... there. Wild Groom (Su): Beast Tamers are good at making monsters more awesome. With a MoveEquivalent action, the third-level can cast Braveheart (as per the Flower Queen) on all adjacent nonHumanoid allies. Soulmelds (Su): at levels 2 and 3, the Beast Tamer gains another Soulmeld of any kind she is able to gain. At level 6, she gains an Amazing Soulmeld and can from then on choose Amazing Soulmelds when given the option to gain a Soulmeld. At level 7 she gains another. At level 8 she gains another Chakra, and at level 9, she gains an Astounding Soulmeld. In future, any time she can gain a Soulmeld she may pick an Astounding one. At level 10, she gains another Soulmeld, and from then on, if she gains additional Totemist levels, she may add her Beast Tamer level to her Totemist Level to determine what kind of Soulmeld she may take. Domination (Ex): Beast Tamers are strict and their minions know it. If an allied non-Humanoid ever fails a roll and is in Line of Sight, the third-level Beast Tamer can use an Immediate action to allow them to re-roll, adding her Charisma modifier as a bonus (minimum +1). Magichange Grasp (Su): the level four Beast Tamer unlocks the secrets of Magichange. With a Standard action, she can grab an adjacent non-Humanoid ally, transform them into a weapon, and make a single attack with them. She may then either drop them as a Free action, returning them to normal, or continue to wield them, thus being able to make Full Attacks and the like. The rules for Magichanging get their own chapter.

Call Me Queen (Ex): the level five Beast Tamer excels at exerting her will on others. With a Standard action, she can nominate a 10' radius Spread in Close range. All non-Humanoid allies in the area gain a +4 Enhancement bonus to all Ability Scores, and all enemies in the area must pass a Will save (Charisma-based) or Cower. Both effects end at the start of her next turn. Bonus Feat: at level six, the Beast Tamer gets a bonus feat. It can be any Leadership feat, Animal Affinity, Dreadful Demeanour, Legendary Wrangler, Many-Faced or Mounted Combat. Pack Orders (Ex): with a Full Round action, the seventh-level Beast Tamer can call an order out to all non-Humanoid allies within earshot, that they obey with an Immediate action: Attack: if possible, they make a single attack, or a charge, adding her Charisma modifier to damage rolls. Defend: they each make a 5' step closer to her, and until her next turn they add her Charisma modifier to Armour Class and Attacks of Opportunity. Magichange Special (Su): at level eight, the Beast Tamer can use a Standard action to unleash a special attack with a Magichanged creature she is already wielding. Domesticate (Ex): the ninth-level Beast Tamer domesticates her creatures... or subjects them to crazy bondage and the like. It's best not thought about. At any rate, they all become socially acceptable to keep around the place, and they all gain the Elite array if they were previously using the 10s and 11s (default) array. Beast Saviour (Su): at level ten, the Beast Tamer is a pure master of her minions and skilled at getting more. When she elects to hit with the effect of a Pokeball, she instead delivers the effect of a Master Ball (Charisma-based Save DC). Additionally, any non-Humanoid ally adjacent to her deals double whatever damage they roll for any kind of attack or ability.

Item God: This item is mine. You have no idea how many hours it took, perfect-levelling it,

Requirements: Skills: Appraise 10 ranks Special: Ancestral Weapon class feature, or own a Legendary Weapon or Artefact Weapon Special: must have travelled to 3 or more Item Worlds Features: Hit Die: d12 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Fort, Ref and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Appraise, Climb, Disable Device, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Local, Nature, The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Use Magic Device Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Hundred Level Weapon!, Item World (Rope Trick) Innocent! Pirate Raid Item World (Magnificent Mansion) Innocent!! Mystery Gate Double-Kill Innocent!!! Reverse-Pirate Item World (Genesis), True Item God Weapon Bonus: Wounding Ghost Touch Haste See Invisible Regeneration 5/Dismemberment Size Growth Intelligent Mind Blank Soulstealing More Intelligent

Hundred Level Weapon (Su): the special weapon of the Item God can never be taken from him without actually killing him it is impossible to Disarm, Sunder, Steal or Disjoin, and he can't even give it away. He can put it in a bag or something, but then he's stuck holding the bag basically, the weapon will always be his, no matter what. Item World (Sp): the Item God can cast Rope Trick at will, pulling himself (and friends, if he desires) into the Item World of his weapon. He still has the weapon equipped when inside his own weapon. Don't think about it. At level four, he can cast Magnificent Mansion at will, again located inside the weapon. At tenth level, he can cast Genesis once per week to add to the Item World. Innocent! (Ex): at second level, the Item God's special weapon gains an Innocent inside the Item World. He can go and chat with them, but more importantly they provide a benefit to it: Gladiator: +1 Enhancement bonus to Strength per 3 HD (round up) Coach: +1 Enhancement bonus to Dexterity per 3 HD (round up) Dietician: +1 Enhancement bonus to Constitution per 3 HD (round up) Bodyguard: +1 Deflection bonus to Armour Class per 3 HD (round up) Teacher: +1 Enhancement bonus to Intelligence per 3 HD (round up) Sage: +1 Enhancement bonus to Wisdom per 3 HD (round up) Idol: +1 Enhancement bonus to Charisma per 3 HD (round up) Fortune Teller: +1 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws per 3 HD (round up) Pirate Raid (Ex): starting at third level, the Item God occasionally gets attacked by pirates in his Item World. There is always ample warning, and this basically provides level-appropriate opposition and some treasure, along with a Flying Pirate Ship to call his own. Innocent!! (Ex): at fifth level, another Innocent just moves into the Item God's weapon. Again, they make good conversation, and again, they provide some useful benefit. Alchemist: the weapon delivers a Poison (Str-based, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str) one hit per round Assassin: the weapon Blinds a foe (Fort negates, Str-based) one hit per round Dragon: the weapon deals +1d6+BAB Fire damage per hit. Conductor: the weapon deals +1d6+BAB Sonic damage per hit. Madman: the weapon Confuses a foe (Will negates, Str-based) one hit per round Prankster: the weapon Dazes a foe (Fort negates, Str-based) one hit per round Dentist: the weapon Frightens a foe (Will negates, Str-based) one hit per round Polar Bear: the weapon deals +1d6+BAB Cold damage per hit. Any effect caused lasts for 3 rounds. Mystery Gate (Sp): the level six Item God can cast Planeshift at will. Double-Kill (Su): everyone knows you have to double-kill an Item God to get the full bonuses. Once per week, if the Item God is slain, he returns to life (complete with his weapon returning to him) one minute later as per a True Resurrection.

Innocent!!! (Ex): starting at eighth level, the Item God's weapon benefits from another Innocent: Vampire: the Item God regains lost HP equal to any damage dealt by the weapon Wight: the weapon delivers one Negative Level with each hit, lasting for 1 hour Sensationalist: one hit per round Stuns the target (Fort-negates, Str-based) for 3 rounds Murderer: one hit per round slays the target (Fort-negates, Str-based), a [Death] effect Cat Burglar: one hit per round automatically steals and equips an equipped item Hypnotist: one hit per round makes the enemy fall Asleep (Will-negates, Str-based) for 1 minute Reverse-Pirate (Su): at level nine, the Item God can use his Pirate Ships to go around reversepirating various weapons and items. Basically, once per week he can reverse-pirate a magic item to upgrade it into a Major Magic Item. Likewise, each can be given an Innocent from the first list. True Item God (Ex): at level ten, the Item God becomes ultimate, gaining Divine Rank 0. This bestows: Immortality in the sense of being ageless and not needing to eat, sleep or breathe Maximum Hit Points per hit die The Outsider type A Deflection bonus to Armour Class equal to his Charisma modifier Immunity to [Mind Affecting] effects Immunity to Ability Drain, Ability Damage and Energy/Level Drain Immunity to Transmutation effects (other than ones he wants to be affected by) Weapon Bonus: as the Item God gains levels, his special weapon continues to gain ridiculous bonuses, practically becoming the real character. At first level, it deals 1 Con damage with every hit. At second level, it becomes a Ghost-Touch weapon. At third level, the Item God is constantly Hasted when wielding it. At fourth level, the Item God can constantly See Invisible (as the spell) when wielding it. At level five, the Item God has Regeneration 5 (overcome by dismemberment) when wielding it. At level six, the weapon deals damage as though one size category larger. At level seven, it is an Intelligent weapon with Intelligence 14, Wisdom 10, Charisma 14, Speech, Empathy, 120' vision and hearing, and 2 Lesser Powers of choice. At level eight it can cast Mind Blank on the wielder as a Free Action at will. At level nine, it becomes a Soulstealing weapon those slain are trapped inside and can never be brought back. At level ten, it becomes too smart, becoming Intelligence 18, Wisdom 10 and Charisma 18, gaining 120' Darkvision and Blindsense, Telepathy, and another Lesser Power and two Greater Powers of choice. A Greater Power may be swapped for a Special Purpose and Dedicated Power as normal.

Plasma Professor: Aaaaand... BOOM! Hahaha

Requirements: Skills: Knowledge (Engineering) 8 ranks, Craft 8 ranks, Disable Device 8 ranks Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +1/2 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 8+Int Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Search, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Magic Device Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Plasma Overload, Inventions! Cyber Eyes Constructed Assistant Nano-Repair Better Inventions! Cybernetic Insides Plasma Boost Too Many Assistants Best Inventions! Plasma Fusion Burst

Note: all Invention descriptions are in the appendix.

Plasma Overload (Su): the Plasma Professor is actually plasma-powered. She doesn't need to eat or sleep, but if reduced to zero Hit Points, she explodes in a 30' radius. This deals 1d10 Fire damage to all in the area, with a Ref save for half (Intelligence-based). Inventions! (Ex): each level, the Plasma Professor can build one invention off the following list. All inventions have one (and only one) basic effect, chosen from this list: Enhancement bonus to one Ability Score: +1 per 3 HD (round up) Deflection bonus to Armour Class: +1 per 3 HD (round up) Enhancement bonus to Natural Armour: +1 per 3 HD (round up) Resistance bonus to all Saving Throws: +1 per 3 HD (round up) Energy Resistance to one type of energy: +2 per HD This applies when the invention is being held, worn or equipped. Starting at first level, the inventions can be from the following list: Vacuum Box Beam Sword Emperor Drill Laser UFO-Yoink! Rotor-Scythe Flamethrower Minionbot 3,000 Cyber Eyes (Ex): at second level, the Plasma Professor replaces her eyes with mechanical ones. They can change colour at will, and make her immune to Blindness and Dazzling. She gains LowLight vision and 60' Darkvision, as well as the ability to cast Detect Evil, Good, Chaos, Evil and Magic at will. Constructed Assistant (Ex): at third level, the Plasma Professor builds an assistant: a Prinny. The Prinny is a cohort with the Elite Array, and a number of Hit Dice equal to her own, minus 2. Nano-Repair (Ex): at level four, the Plasma Professor gains Fast Healing equal to her class level, and restores one point of Ability Damage per round. Better Inventions! (Ex): starting at level five, the Plasma Professor can pick inventions from the following, Better, list: Makai Cannon Remote Device Gatling Gun Bomb Bazooka Rocket Boots Assassin Doll Cybernetic Insides (Ex): beginning at sixth-level, the Plasma Professor's robotic body now ignores critical hits 50% of the time, and she gains an Enhancement bonus to Constitution equal to a third of her Hit Dice (round up).

Plasma Boost (Su): the seventh-level Plasma Professor is going turbo from her internal plasma engines, and could go off at any minute. But it's all good she is permanently Hasted, and can throw bolts of Plasma as Ranged Touch Attacks out to 30' with a Standard action. These Plasma Bolts deal 1d6 Fire damage per Class Level. Too Many Assistants (Ex): at level eight, the Plasma Professor gets two more Prinnies, just like the first whether she likes it or not. She also constructs one Rifle Demon, which follows her around and helps in its own special (violent) way. Best Inventions! (Ex): starting at level nine, the Plasma Professor's inventions can be the Best: Accelerator Helldam RX Prinzooka Hom Super Battleship Yoshitsuna Dark Sun Portable Plasma Fusion Burst (Su): the tenth-level Plasma Professor has awesome plasma power. She becomes immune to Cold (her extreme heat just melting it before it reaches her) and Electricity (the electromagnetic plasma field rendering it useless). If reduced to 0 HP or less, her explosion is slightly bigger than before: it becomes a 60' radius, 300' high Column that deals 2d6 Fire damage per Hit Die. There is still the Reflex save for half, however.

Masked Hero: Shining in the darkness, I hide from people and cut evil! PRINNY RANGER!

Requirements: Skills: Jump 10 ranks Proficient: Pistols Saving Throws: Base Reflex Save +7 Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Ref Skill Points: 6+Int Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Special: Super Flight, Scouting Proximal Shot, Mystery Mask! As Fast As Speed Totemkreuz, Stylish Cape! Cosmic Flight, Mr. Gency's Exit

Super Flight (Su): the Masked Hero has a crazy good Fly speed of 50' per Class Level (Perfect). Scouting (Ex): the Masked Hero also has 120' Blindsight and Trapfinding he's just that good a scout in the Item World. And everywhere else. Proximal Shot (Ex): if the second-level Masked Hero shoots an adjacent foe with a Pistol, he may elect to make it the PROXIMAL SHOT! This deals +1d6 Force damage per Class Level, and he then slides up to 30' (his choice, minimum 10') in the opposite direction, which does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. Mystery Mask! (Ex): at second level, whenever the Masked Hero actually does wear a mask, it is a total mystery he gains a +10 Circumstance bonus to Disguise checks, and people seriously won't realise it's him. As Fast As Speed (Su): at third level, the Masked Hero gains a +5 Enhancement bonus to Initiative, and his Land Speed is doubled. Additionally, he may use a Standard action at will to activate a Blink and Mirror Image effect he's moving so fast, people can't keep track of him. Totemkreuz (Su): a level four Masked Hero can shoot rays of fire that explode into burning crucifixes, and people are basically too scared to ask how that works. With a Standard action, he can designate a point in Close range and shoot that, filling a 20' radius, 150' tall Column with flames. All in the area take 1d10 Fire damage per Hit Die, with a Ref save for half (Dexterity-based). Stylish Cape! (Ex): the fourth-level Masked Hero also enjoys a stylish cape. When he is wearing a cape, he is immune to Ability Damage/Drain and Energy/Level Drain. Yeah I know. Cosmic Flight (Ex): at fifth level, the Masked Hero can fly in space with no ill effect. He gains a 1,000' Fly Speed (Poor) that he can use if he wants to go really fast (but can swap down to his other, Perfect, fly speed), and can make special Charge attacks with this speed. As long as he charges at least 1,000 feet, any attacks he makes deal +20d6 Force damage on a hit, from all that explosive kinetic energy and the cosmic radiation wrapped around his fist. Additionally, everyone (besides the Masked Hero) in 30' of the foe is hit with a shockwave, taking 6d6 Sonic damage. Mr. Gency's Exit (Sp): the fifth-level Masked Hero knows the secret emergency exit, Mr. Gency's Exit. He can cast Teleport Without Error at will.

Carnage Denizen: There are many steps involved in reaching the Land of Carnage. Then you meet people like me.

Requirements: Skills: Survival 13 ranks Feats: Great Fortitude Race: any non-Humanoid Features: Hit Die: 20 HP per level (modified by Con as usual) Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort and Will Skill Points: 2+Int Class Skills: Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special: Grand Survivor, One-Shotter Mettle, Walking Boots Magichange Hellscape Survivor Improved Mettle, Walking Boots Summon the Dark Sun, Magichange Special

Grand Survivor (Ex): the Carnage Denizen knows all the tricks to surviving out in the Land of Carnage. He may add his ranks in Survival as a Competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. Additionally, any time he is afflicted with a condition he does not want, he may shed the effect, losing 20 HP (ignoring DR and Regeneration) to drop the effect. One-Shotter (Ex): Carnage Denizens know how important it is to one-shot someone: if you don't win with the first hit, you won't get a second one. They may store all their power up, to unleash bigger attacks ideal for teleport ambushes, or smacking enemies who are tied up with other foes. With a Standard action, a Carnage Denizen may store power. Then, on his next turn, the first successful melee attack he makes deals an additional 2d6 damage per Class Level. If he doesn't unleash it on the next turn, it is lost. Mettle (Ex): starting at second level, any time the Carnage Denizen is hit by an effect with a Fort or Will save for Partial, and makes the save, he suffers no effect, treating it as Save Negates. Walking Boots (Ex): At levels 2 and 5 a Carnage Denizen's experience fighting on strange towers and in strange lands grants him special abilities related to that terrain experience. Every time he gains one of these Terrain-based abilities he also gains a cumulative +2 bonus to all Survival tests to represent general landscape experience from these transferable skills. Cave Crawler: the Denizen suffers no penalty for squeezing, and his Speed is not reduced in poor visibility Cliff Jumper: uneven stone gives no movement penalty to the Denizen, and he gains a Climb Speed equal to half his Land Speed Ice Skater: the Denizen suffers no effects from cold weather, and gains Cold Resistance equal to his HD Fire Walker: the Denizen suffers no effects from hot weather, and gains Fire Resistance equal to his HD Swamp Beast: the Denizen is immune to Nausea, and doesn't treat waterlogged terrain as Difficult Terrain Waste Warrior: the Denizen is unaffected by ash clouds and dust storms, takes twice as long to dehydrate and suffers only half damage from desiccation effects Jungle Commando: the Denizen can move through vegetation as if it wasn't there, treats plant-based Cover as one step better in both directions, and is not hurt or entangled by magical plants (such as Entangle or Briar Web)

Magichange (Su): at level three, the Carnage Denizen can Magichange into a weapon as a Standard action, automatically equipping himself to an adjacent consenting ally, who may immediately make one melee attack. On any turn, he can change back with a Swift action. When he is Magichanged, the wielder uses his BAB or their own, whichever is better, and benefits from any Enhancement, Resistance or Deflection bonuses he has (but they still won't stack, as usual). Check the Magichange section to see what he turns into. Note that although any attacks are made by the wielder on their turn, he can still use Spell-like or targeted Supernatural Abilities on his turn. Hellscape Survivor (Ex): starting at level four, the Carnage Denizen has Energy Resistance 15. The default is Fire, but he can change it each round with a Swift action. Also, he does not suffer from harmful Planar effects, although Gravity and Time affect him normally.

Improved Mettle (Ex): at level five, the Carnage Denizen who fails a Fort or Will save only suffers the effects that are normally suffered for passing the save. This is not in turn reduced to Negated. Summon the Dark Sun (Su): the sixth-level Carnage Denizen can open a Travel Gate to the Plane of Fire at will. Also, once per hour he may actually call the Dark Sun up, creating a Darkness effect with a radius of one mile per Hit Die. Additionally, every round for three rounds, all creatures within 100' of him suffer 10d6 Fire damage with a Fort save for half (Constitution-based). They also gain the [Evil] subtype for the duration, and can thus be hit by Holy Word and so on. Magichange Special (Su): at level six, the Carnage Denizen can unleash his special attack when Magichanged, using his own actions to force the move to occur. The Magichange section explains the special attacks available.


Requirements: Skills: Jump 8 ranks Feats: any [Leadership] Feat Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort and Ref Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Balance, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Local), Spot, Tumble Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Special: The Hero!, Prism Justice Nominate Blue Nominate Green Nominate Yellow, Prism Aura Nominate Orange Nominate Indigo Nominate Purple, Prism Cannon

The Hero! (Su): the Prism Ranger is the leader of the bunch. As such, he can at any time use a Move-Equivalent action to transform, gaining the helmet and red lycra suit. This grants him Fire Resistance equal to his Hit Dice times five, and a constant Haste or Divine Favour effect (his choice). The transformation lasts for an hour, and can be done at will. Prism Justice (Su): the Prism Ranger's melee attacks, when he has transformed, are resolved as Touch Attacks, and deal +2d6 Fire damage. Nominate Blue (Su): with a Swift action, the second-level Prism Ranger can nominate an ally to be the Blue Ranger. They may then use an Immediate action to transform, and they both then gain Cold Resistance equal to five times his Hit Dice. They also both gain a +1 per 3 HD (round up) Enhancement bonus to Intelligence, and the Blue Ranger may add his Intelligence modifier as a Dodge bonus to Armour Class for one round as a Swift action. Additionally, the Blue Ranger adds 2d6 Cold damage to all melee attacks he makes, and can use an Immediate action to add this to an attack made by the Red Prism Ranger. These effects last for an hour and he cannot nominate another Blue Ranger until the effect ends. Nominate Green (Su): with a Swift action, the third-level Prism Ranger can nominate an ally to be the Green Ranger. They may then use an Immediate action to transform, and they both then gain Immunity to Poison. They also both gain a +1 per 3 HD (round up) Enhancement bonus to Constitution, and the Green Ranger may poison a foe with a Swift action, making a melee touch attack (Con-based, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str). Additionally, the Green Ranger adds 2 Constitution damage to all melee attacks he makes, and can use an Immediate action to add this to an attack made by the Red Prism Ranger. These effects last for an hour and he cannot nominate another Green Ranger until the effect ends. Nominate Yellow (Su): with a Swift action, the fourth-level Prism Ranger can nominate an ally to be the Yellow Ranger. They may then use an Immediate action to transform, and they both then gain Electricity Resistance equal to five times his Hit Dice. They also both gain a +1 per 3 HD (round up) Enhancement bonus to Dexterity, and the Yellow Ranger may cast Lightning Bolt (Dexteritybased) with a Swift action. Additionally, the Yellow Ranger adds 2d6 Electricity damage to all melee attacks he makes, and can use an Immediate action to add this to an attack made by the Red Prism Ranger. These effects last for an hour and he cannot nominate another Yellow Ranger until the effect ends. Prism Aura (Sp): a level four Prism Ranger can cast Prismatic Aura a number of times per day equal to his Class Level. As an added bonus, when he casts it, it not only grants him the aura, but all other Prism Rangers he has nominated. Nominate Orange (Su): with a Swift action, the fifth-level Prism Ranger can nominate an ally to be the Orange Ranger. They may then use an Immediate action to transform, and they both then gain Acid Resistance equal to five times his Hit Dice. They also both gain a +1 per 3 HD (round up) Enhancement bonus to Strength, and the Orange Ranger may use a Swift action to cast Vitriolic Sphere (Strength-based). Additionally, the Orange Ranger adds 2d6 Acid damage to all melee attacks he makes, and can use an Immediate action to add this to an attack made by the Red Prism Ranger. These effects last for an hour and he cannot nominate another Orange Ranger until the effect ends.

Nominate Indigo (Su): with a Swift action, the sixth-level Prism Ranger can nominate an ally to be the Indigo Ranger. They may then use an Immediate action to transform, and they both then gain Immunity to [Death] effects. They also both gain a +1 per 3 HD (round up) Enhancement bonus to Charisma, and the Indigo Ranger may add his Charisma modifier as a Luck bonus to Saving Throws for one round as a Swift action. Additionally, the Indigo Ranger adds 2d6 Negative Energy damage to all melee attacks he makes, and can use an Immediate action to add this to an attack made by the Red Prism Ranger. These effects last for an hour and he cannot nominate another Indigo Ranger until the effect ends. Nominate Purple (Su): with a Swift action, the seventh-level Prism Ranger can nominate an ally to be the Purple Ranger. They may then use an Immediate action to transform, and they both then gain Immunity to [Mind Affecting] effects. They also both gain a +1 per 3 HD (round up) Enhancement bonus to Wisdom, and the Purple Ranger may cast Suggestion as a Swift action (Wisdom-based). Additionally, the Purple Ranger adds 2d6 Positive Energy damage to all melee attacks he makes, and can use an Immediate action to add this to an attack made by the Red Prism Ranger. These effects last for an hour and he cannot nominate another Purple Ranger until the effect ends. Prism Cannon (Sp): once per hour, the level seven Prism Ranger can utilise the ultimate attack but only if he has nominated the full cast and they are within 50' of him. He may cast Prismatic Spray (Charisma-based), however he needn't roll to determine the effect everyone in the Spray is hit by every effect in order.

Overlord: I'm one bad-ass FREAKIN' Overlord!

Requirements: Skills: Knowledge (The Planes) 10 ranks Base Attack Bonus: +9 Feats: any [Leadership] Feat Special: must be seriously bad-ass Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Fort, Ref and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Bluff, Appraise, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Ride, Sense Motive, Survival Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Netherworld (Mansion), Payday-Punch First Title! Overlord's Wings Hellish Blade Netherworld (Castle and Grounds), Mana Strike Teleport Without Error Second Title! Eternal Glory Overlord's Wrath Netherworld (Plane), Ultimate Title

Netherworld (Ex): the Overlord has a Netherworld, pretty much by definition, and gains the ability to Planeshift to and from there with a Standard action as a Supernatural ability. He can only travel from there to any place he has actually been, however. At first level, the Netherworld is just a mansion (complete with stocked pantry and everything). At level five, it becomes a huge castle and grounds, complete with gardens and a small forest. At tenth level, it is an entire plane unto itself. Payday Punch (Ex): every time the Overlord hits someone with a melee attack, he gains additional GP or Hell equal to the amount of damage dealt. First Title! (Su): at second level, the Overlord gains the title of [Overlord]. Anyone who uses Detect Magic or Detect (his Alignment) on him will see such an overwhelming aura that they must make a Will save (Charisma-based) or be Dazed for one round. He may cast Dimension Door as a Swift action at will. Overlord's Wings (Ex): at third level, the Overlord actually grows wings or something similar. He gains a 30' Fly Speed (Average) and can cast Wings of Cover as a Supernatural Ability once per day. Hellish Blade (Su): with a Swift action, the level four Overlord can call a weapon from nothingness, pulling it from the aether. It is a Magic Weapon, made from generic substance, and as such looks very spooky. It can be any kind of Melee Weapon that he is proficient with, and disappears when it leaves his hand. Additionally, his melee attacks (with any weapon) ignore all Damage Reduction as though it were an unspecified Energy Type. Mana Strike (Su): a fifth-level Overlord automatically steals the soul of anyone he kills with a melee attack, and can use the soul to craft special items or whatever. Or he can just torment them and boast about it. Teleport Without Error (Sp): three times per day, the level six Overlord the master of Teleport Ambushes can cast Teleport Without Error. This is not the Fiend version, it is the proper spell version. Second Title! (Su): at seventh level, the Overlord's title upgrades to [Bad-ass Overlord] or something similar. His reach improves by 50 feet, however he does not threaten these extra squares he can simply attack into them without moving and so on. Additionally, anyone who views him with Detect Magic or Detect (his Alignment) must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be permanently Blinded by the immense power of his aura. He may also add his Charisma modifier to all damage rolls. Eternal Glory (Ex): at level eight, the Overlord is very nearly an immortal creature. He gains Damage Reduction 10/- as well as Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity and Sonic Resistance 10. He also gains Fast Healing 10 to top it all off.

Overlord's Wrath (Su): a level nine Overlord finally develops his own special destructive super move. He may use it once per three rounds, but all details must be decided on when first chosen. It deals 20 damage per Hit Die of any one type (Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Sonic, Magical Slashing, Magical Bludgeoning, Magical Piercing), with a Saving Throw for Half (select one: Fort, Ref or Will). The Save DC is Charisma-based. The Area of Effect can be any of the following: 60' Zig-Zag Close Range Heart Pattern (see below) 50' Line 20' Cone 10' radius Burst in Close Range Heart Pattern: OAOAO AOAOA AO OOA OAOAO O OAO O The A squares are targeted, the O squares are not. Ultimate Title (Ex): at level ten, the Overlord becomes truly bad-ass and ultimate, gaining the Title of [God of all Overlords]. He wins the game, and gains the following as a Rank 0 Deity: Immortality in the sense of being ageless and not needing to eat, sleep or breathe Maximum Hit Points per hit die The Outsider type A Deflection bonus to Armour Class equal to his Charisma modifier Immunity to [Mind Affecting] effects Immunity to Ability Drain, Ability Damage and Energy/Level Drain Immunity to Transmutation effects (other than ones he wants to be affected by)

Supreme Ninja: Nin-Nin!

Requirements: Skills: Hide 8 ranks and Disguise 8 ranks Special: Death Attack +8d6 Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 6+Int Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Perform, Search, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Speed of Dark, Charm Monster Darkness, Poison Mist Shock Dart, Bestow Curse Blindness/Deafness, Confusion Missed Me! Hold Monster Kill the Weak Sleep Mist Neural Shock Awful Poison Death Attack: +1d6 +2d6 +3d6 +4d6 +5d6 +6d6 +7d6 +8d6 +9d6

Speed of Dark (Ex): the Supreme Ninja may add her Charisma modifier to her Initiative, and her base Movement Speed increases by 50' when not wearing armour heavier than Light. Charm Monster (Sp): once per day, the Supreme Ninja can cast Charm Monster. The save DC is Charisma-based. Darkness (Sp): a second-level Supreme Ninja can cast Darkness at will. Poison Mist (Su): with a Standard action, the second-level Supreme Ninja can call up a floating mist of toxic liquids. This creates a 15' radius Spread in Close range, and it hinders view like mist, lingering for one full round. All who are in the area when it is summoned, or who move into the area before it dissipates, must make a Fortitude save against Poison. The primary damage is being Sickened for one minute and taking 1d4 Strength damage, the secondary damage is 1d4 Strength. The DC is Charisma-based. Death Attack (Ex): starting at second level, the Supreme Ninja continues to be good at murdering people who don't know what's about to hit them. Shock Dart (Su): third-level Supreme Ninjas are pretty tricky, and good at stopping people in their tracks. With a Standard action, she may make a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close rang, throwing a small dart. If it hits, the target must make a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be Anchored for three rounds. Bestow Curse (Sp): at level three, the Supreme Ninja can cast Bestow Curse three times per day (Charisma-based). Two curses can stack up to a Greater Curse. Blindness/Deafness (Sp): Ninjas work best when people can't see or hear them. At level four, the Supreme Ninja can cast Blindness/Deafness three times per day (Charisma-based). Confusion (Sp): additionally, the fourth-level Supreme Ninja can also cast Confusion three times per day (Charisma-based). Missed Me! (Ex): whenever someone attacks the fifth-level Supreme Ninja, she may use an Immediate action to cause a 50% Miss Chance to occur against that attack or effect. Hold Monster (Sp): a sixth-level Supreme Ninja unlocks the deadly art of paralysis. Three times per day, she may cast Hold Monster (Charisma-based). Kill the Weak! (Ex): at seventh-level, the Supreme Ninja understands how to murder people who are not at their absolute best. Against any foe who is Cursed, Charmed, Blind, Deaf, Confused, Anchored or Paralysed, any attack she makes is an automatic Critical Hit, and benefits from Death Attack damage.

Sleep Mist (Su): at level eight, the Supreme Ninja learns how to call up a mist that lulls people to sleep. With a Standard action, she can nominate a 15' Spread in Close Range. It hampers vision just like a real mist, and lingers for one full round. Those who are in the area when it appears, or who enter the area before it disappears, must make a Will save (Charisma-based) or fall Asleep for one minute. Neural Shock (Su): a ninth-level Supreme Ninja has improved upon her Shock Dart. Although she can still use it to Anchor people, she may instead elect for the target to be Paralysed for 3 rounds on a failed save. Awful Poison (Su): at level ten, the Supreme Ninja can poison people just by looking at them, filling their veins and lymph nodes with deadly toxins. With a Standard action, she may cause any one target in Close Range to make a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) against a [Poison] effect. If they succeed, they take 1d8 Con damage. If they fail, they are Nauseated for one minute. One minute after this initial save is passed or failed, they must save again or Die. If they pass this second save, they still take 1d8 Con damage.

Storm Blade: My sword is so sharp it cuts time. Can yours cut time? I didn't think so.

Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +5 Proficient: Bastard Sword Feats: Subtle Cut Features: Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Concentration, Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty), Listen, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Silver Flash, Poetry Cut the Weather The Shadow, Tea Ceremony Storm Cutter Wind Slicer, Dance Thunderblade Four Seasons Cut, Bonsai Perfect Slice Blade of Disaster, Hobnobbing Cut Through Time and Space

Silver Flash (Ex): the Storm Blade may add his Charisma modifier to any melee weapon damage. Additionally, he may make a single attack with a Swift action each round. Poetry (Ex): the Storm Blade, being a samurai, is automatically skilled with poetry. He adds his class level to all Perform (Poetry) checks. He may also Scribe Scrolls he doesn't have to know the spells, but can only scribe scrolls with a Spell Level equal to or less than half his Class Level (round up). Cut the Weather (Su): the second-level Storm Blade can actually cut weather up. As such, he constantly benefits from an Endure Elements effect. The Shadow (Ex): at third level, the Storm Blade masters the second sword art, The Shadow. He may charge a foe with a Standard action, and resolves the charge with a Touch Attack. Tea Ceremony (Ex): a third-level Storm Blade learns how to perform proper tea ceremonies. He may add his class level as a bonus to Perform (Tea Ceremony) checks, and when he prepares the tea, everyone in the ceremony may treat it as a potion of Cure Light Wounds if they like. Storm Cutter (Su): at level four, the Storm Blade can create a hurricane of sweeping blades, slicing the enemy so many times they lose count. With a Full Round action, he may make two Full Attacks, each hit also dealing +1d6 Electricity damage. Wind Slicer (Su): the fifth-level Storm Blade can cut the wind and the waves, to create a safety zone. He is immune to strong waves and currents, as well as strong winds, and anyone on the opposite side of him to the weather effect, up to 20' away from him, is also immune. Dance (Ex): at level five, the Storm Blade is also a pro at dancing a requirement for the upper class. He may add his class level to all Perform (Dance) checks, and to Diplomacy checks made when dancing with other nobility. Additionally, he is never surprised or flat-footed when dancing. Thunderblade (Su): at level six, the Storm Blade develops the next devastating sword art, and may channel a lightning storm through his sword into an opponent. With a Standard action, he may make a single melee attack. If it hits, the foe suffers an additional 1d8 Sonic/Electricity damage per Hit Die, and must pass a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be Deafened for one minute. Additionally, all unattended objects within 15' are subject to a Shatter effect. Four Seasons Cut (Su): a seventh-level Storm Blade can perform a perfect iaijutsu slice that embodies all four seasons and can draw a crowd. The hot Summer sun gleams off the blade and draws their shadows out, Autumn leaves drift through the air, crunching underfoot as the cut is made, the foe collapses onto the Winter snow, red blood mixing with the white, and then for their final speech, cherry blossoms of Spring drift past. The Storm Blade makes a single melee attack with a Standard action, and the target, if hit, must pass a Fortitude Save (Wisdom-based) or be slain. Even if the save is made, the target takes 3d6 Fire damage from Summer, 3d6 Desiccation damage from Autumn, 3d6 Cold damage from Winter and 3d6 Poison damage from Spring. Bonsai (Ex): at level seven, the Storm Blade is a master of flower arrangement and similar things. He can add his class level as a bonus to all Craft (Bonsai) checks, and Plants are not immune to his Critical Hits or similar effects.

Perfect Slice (Ex): a level eight Storm Blade can even cut magic and anti-magic. He is never considered to be in an Anti-Magic Field, nor a Wild Magic area, as he slices the aether ahead of him. Anyone on the opposite side of him to the effect, as far as 20' away from him, is also safe from these effects. He may also move through Walls of Force as though they did not exist, but others cannot follow him through in this manner. Blade of Disaster (Su): once per round, the ninth-level Storm Blade may force a foe he has hit with a melee weapon that round to make a Fortitude Save (Wisdom-based). If they fail, they suffer a Disintegration effect, taking 2d6 damage per Hit Die. If slain by this, they are reduced to dust and can't be Raised. This may also be used to carve the ground out, destroying one 5' cube at a time. Hobnobbing (Ex): a ninth-level Storm Blade is the friend of all nobility. He may add his class level as a bonus to Gather Information and Sense Motive checks when dealing with nobles, and to Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty checks. Likewise he instinctively knows when another Noble is plotting his demise. Cut Through Time and Space (Su): a tenth-level Storm Blade can cut anything, even reality itself. He can cast Time Stop once per day, and can also cast Gate (travel-version only) at will.

Officer: Come on! I order you to combine into a robot and shoot the ground so a volcano forms!

Requirements: Skills: Diplomacy 9 ranks, Intimidate 9 ranks Feats: any [Leadership] Feat Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will Proficiencies: Pistol, Long Sword, Short Sword and Whip Skill Points: 8+Int Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform (Oratory), Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Use Rope Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Special: Quick Command, Braveheart Reactive Command, Commanding Hit Contingent Command Ludicrous Order, Mass Braveheart Suicide Order, Usurp Leadership Discipline Bonus: +1d4 +1d6 +1d8 +2d6 +3d6

Quick Command (Ex): with a Swift action, the Officer can shout an order out to al ally within 60 feet of her. The ally may then do any one of the following with an Immediate action: Charge someone Make a move action this does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity Make a single attack Perform a combat manoeuvre such as a Trip or Grab Consume a consumable item Braveheart (Sp): the Officer can cast Braveheart at will, just like a Flower Queen. At level four, she can cast Mass Braveheart like a Flower Queen. Discipline Bonus (Su): as the Officer gains levels, she gets better at bossing people about. All allies within 30 feet gain the listed amount as a bonus to all damage rolls as long as she is standing (or mounted on something). Reactive Command (Ex): with an Immediate action, a second-level Officer can suddenly shout out an order to an ally within 60', just like Quick Command except on someone else's turn. This does not actually use up her Swift action for the following turn, although she still can't take multiple Immediate actions in one turn. Commanding Hit (Ex): when the second-level Officer hits a foe with either a Charge or a Standard attack, she is very commanding about it. One ally within line of sight gains a Good Hope effect, and the enemy struck must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or Cower for one round. Contingent Command (Ex): every day, the third-level Officer may make a number of Contingent plans equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). These last until the end of the day or until triggered, whichever happens first. She simply needs to specify the trigger for the contingency (such as when I am attacked or when anyone is hit or when an enemy is seen within range) and the action taken (any Move-Equivalent or Standard action or a Charge). When the conditions are met, she may designate an ally (not an action) to make the specified action. This can happen out of turn, even when Flat-Footed, and is a Free action. Ludicrous Order (Su): a fourth-level Officer gives orders so absurd that people have to be magical to pull them off. Yet they still try. With a Standard action, she may give an order to any ally within 100 feet. They may then perform a Standard or Move-Equivalent action, or make a Charge, as an Immediate action, and additionally benefit from one of the following from the start of this action until the beginning of the Officer's next turn: Burrow 50' Fly 50' [Perfect] A Breath Weapon (60' Cone or 120' Line, Con-based DC, 1d10 Fire per HD) Teleport Without Error as a Spell-like Ability Growth of one size category (with ability score changes as normal) Suicide Order (Ex): a fifth-level Officer can use a Standard action to order someone within 100' to commit suicide. They must make a Will Save (Charisma-based) or spend 4 rounds making their best efforts to kill themselves. Usurp Leadership (Sp): the level five Officer may cast Song of Discord at will. The Save DC is Charisma-based.

Pretty Princess: I like using Wall of Fire to heat my tea-pot~!

Requirements: Skills: Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 8 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Use Magic Device 8 ranks Special: a Caster Level Exception: if the character can cast actual spells, she needn't have the Use Magic Device ranks The character need not be pretty, female or a princess. Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +1/2 Good Saving Throws: Fort, Ref and Will Skill Points: 6+Int Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Magic Device Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special: Ribbon Twirl Armour of Contempt, Prettiness +1 Magic Tea Party Heart Breaker Love-Shot, Prettiness +2 Arcane Sweet Tooth Spellcasting: +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level

Ribbon Twirl (Su): the Pretty Princess can summon and twirl a magical ribbon, to hurt and annoy those around her. With a Standard action, she makes one attack against every enemy in 30 feet, and those who she hits take 1d6+Cha Force damage. They must also make a Reflex Save (Charismabased) or be Entangled until the end of her next turn. Spellcasting: at every level except two and five, the Pretty Princess is considered to have gained a level in a spell-casting (or spell-like ability) class she has, gaining additional Caster Level, Spell Slots, Uses Per Day, Spells Known, Spell-like Abilities known and all that jazz. Armour of Contempt (Su): a second-level Pretty Princess is too important to be hurt by common people. As such, she may add her Charisma modifier to her Armour Class at all times, even when asleep, and once per round, when damaged by an effect, may attempt a Will save (DC = damage dealt) to halve the damage as she disbelieves. Prettiness (Ex): at levels two and five, the Pretty Princess gains a Prettiness bonus. This is added to the Caster Level and Save DC of any [Charm] effect she uses. Magic Tea Party (Sp): a third-level Pretty Princess may hold a special Magic Tea Party once per day. This takes an hour to perform, and everyone involved benefits from a Heroes' Feast effect. However, the people involved are completely unable to attack (or plan the demise of) each other for the following 24 hours, and all must make a Will Save (Charisma-based) against a [Mind-Affecting, Charm] effect or be Charmed by her. She may also choose to serve one of the following at the party, granting a benefit to all who partake of it: Strawberry Shortcake: All forms of Fire damage are Empowered for 24 hours Lemon Meringue: All forms of Acid damage are Empowered for 24 hours Blueberry Muffin: All forms of Cold damage are Empowered for 24 hours Peppermint Cheesecake: All forms of Sonic damage are Empowered for 24 hours Boysenberry Tart: All forms of Electricity damage are Empowered for 24 hours Heart Breaker (Su): the level four Pretty Princess can break the hearts of those around her with ease. With a Standard action, she may designate someone within Close Range. They must make a Will Save (Charisma-based) against a [Charm] effect or be Charmed. If that save is failed, they must make another Will Save (Charisma-based) or suffer a Crushing Despair effect. Love-Shot (Su): at level five, the Pretty Princess develops the special magical skill of shooting people through the heart with a love shot, BOOM! With a Standard action, she designates someone within 250 feet, and they must make a Reflex Save (Charisma-based) or suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per Hit Die and be Dazed for 1 round. Arcane Sweet Tooth (Su): a sixth-level Pretty Princess has a real sweet tooth for magic, and for sweets. She may serve all of the options at a Magic Tea Party, granting all benefits. Additionally, she gains Basic access to the Majesty Sphere. If she already has Basic access, it becomes Advanced. If she already has Advanced access, it becomes Expert. If she already has Expert access, she can pick any other Sphere.

Archmage: Behold, power of the universe! Cosmic Storm!

Requirements: Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks Special: Caster Level 7 Features: Hit Die: d4 Base Attack Bonus: +1/2 Good Saving Throws: Fort and Will Skill Points: 6+Int Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft

Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Special: Book Shock Know-It-All Flare Sphere Magic Book Lore Thunder Cage Hurricane X Chrono-Sabre Volcanic Blast Soul Chiller Aqua Nova

Spellcasting: +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level

Book Shock (Su): any time an Archmage is holding a book of any kind, and deals damage with a Spell, Spell-Like Ability or Supernatural Ability, he deals 1d6 + Int Electricity damage as a bonus, after any saves are made. Spellcasting: every level except three, six and nine, the Archmage continues to gain spellcasting ability or whatever in an existing class such as Wizard or Fire Mage. Know-It-All (Ex): the second-level Archmage may add his class level as a bonus on all Knowledge checks, and may make Knowledge checks untrained he's just that clever (and has read that many books). Flare Sphere (Sp): the third-level Archmage gains a new power, that requires he hold a book to cast it: he may cast Flaming Sphere, except it is Not an Action to redirect it each turn, and it deals 1d8 Fire damage per Hit Die. Magic Book Lore (Sp): a fourth-level Archmage can Scry on people, as the spell. However he must use a book to do so, and sees the image on the pages of the book. Thunder Cage (Sp): at level five, the Archmage learns a new special magical art. He can cast Forcecage at will, though may only have one effect going at a time, and there is a Reflex save (Intelligence-based) to avoid it. Those trapped inside take 1d8 Electricity damage per two Hit Dice each round. Hurricane X (Sp): a level six Archmage learns how to cast Greater Whirlwind at will, though only one such effect can be active at a time. Chrono-Sabre (Su): with a Swift action, a seventh-level Archmage can call forth a Chrono-Sabre and make a single melee attack, using his Intelligence modifier instead of his Strength modifier. If it hits, the target takes 2d6+Int in damage, and must pass a Will save (Intelligence-based) or fall into a Stasis effect for one (real-time) hour. For the duration of this, the Archmage is Hasted.

Volcanic Blast (Sp): at level eight, the Archmage can cast Volcanic Blast once per hour with a Standard action. One square within Medium Range is targeted. Any creature there takes 10 Fire damage per Hit Die, with a Reflex Save (Intelligence-based) for half. If the save is failed, then the target is Slowed and Entangled for one minute, and continues to take 10d6 Fire damage every round they remain in that square. Everything within 30' of the square takes 2d6 Fire damage per Hit Die (Ref half), and those from 35-60' take 1d6 Fire damage per Hit Die (Ref half). Soul Chiller (Sp): a ninth-level Archmage can freeze the souls of others with just a Standard action. One target in Medium Range takes 10 damage (half Cold, half Negative Energy) per Hit Die, with a Fortitude Save for half (Intelligence-based). If the save is failed, the target also suffers 2 Negative Levels and 4 Strength damage. Aqua Nova (Su): at level ten, the Archmage can summon mighty blasts of water that hurl enemies far away. With a Standard action, he unleashes a powerful wave that extends out to 200' from him. Every creature in the area suffers 10 damage (half Cold, half Bludgeoning) per Hit Die, with a Reflex Save for half (Intelligence-based). Those who fail the save are shoved to the very outer limit of the effect, or slammed against any barriers that might block that travel. If the latter occurs, they take another 1d6 damage for every 5' they cannot travel.

Heretic: Damn me? Oh, I'm already damned. Come join the club.

Requirements: Spells: ability to cast Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds or Heal Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks Feats: Tomb-Tainted Soul or Product of Infernal Dalliance Special: an Outsider or Undead needn't meet the Feat requirement Features: Hit Die: d6 Base Attack Bonus: +3/4 Good Saving Throws: Fort and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (The Planes, Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Spot Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Special: Reverse-Healing Healing Drain Basic Heresy Blasphemous Aura 1 Desecrated Aura Advanced Heresy, Unhallowed Aura Turmoil Blasphemous Aura 2, Anti-Life Expert Heresy Anti-Restorative Spellcasting: +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level +1 Caster Level

Reverse-Healing (Su): the Heretic's mystical powers warp, becoming better at maiming people. Any time he casts a spell or Spell-like Ability that restores lost Hit Points, he may elect to instead deal the target an equal amount of damage. If the spell causes gradual healing, like Vigour, then the damage is gradual as well. This is not negative energy, and damages Undead. Caster Level: every level except sixth, the Heretic continues to improve in spellcasting ability Caster Level, Spells per day, Spells known and all the rest. He does not continue to gain extra spells through Advanced Learning, however. Healing Drain (Su): starting at second level, the Heretic can suck the life from people to heal others. When casting a spell or Spell-like Ability that restores Hit Points to one target, he may also designate another target within range (making a Touch Attack if need be) to take an equal amount of damage. Heresy (Sp): at third level, the Heretic gains Basic access to the Heresy Sphere. At level six, this becomes Advanced, and at level nine, it becomes Expert access. Blasphemous Aura (Su): at level four, the Heretic is surrounded by an aura of Blasphemy, sucking life away from others and towards himself. He has Fast Healing 2, and all creatures within 10' lose 2 HP per round. At level eight, he gains Fast Healing 5, and all creatures within 25' lose 5 HP per round. He can suppress this at will, though it makes the Dark World sad. Desecrated Aura (Su): starting at fifth level, the Heretic radiates an Aura of Desecration wherever he goes is considered to have a Desecrate spell cast on it, centred on him. He also counts as being a shrine to an evil deity for the purpose of Undead gaining bonus HP. Unhallowed Aura (Su): at level six, the Heretic radiates an Unhallow effect (though with no rider spells) wherever he goes. Turmoil (Su): at level seven, the Heretic has a 50' aura that messes with the healing of others. Any time a Spell or Spell-like Ability is cast that restores Hit Points, if the caster or target is within 50' then the Heretic may elect to reverse the effect and have it deal damage instead. Anti-Life (Su): a ninth-level Heretic's casting is so wicked that it is able to reverse life into death. If he can cast Raise Dead or a similar spell, he may instead reverse-cast it as Slay Living. If he can cast Resurrection or True Resurrection, he may instead reverse-cast it as Finger of Death. Anti-Restorative (Su): the tenth-level Heretic is even able to reverse his restorative spells so as to cause terrible afflictions. He may choose to cast any of the following spells (that he is able to cast) as their opposite (in brackets): Remove Curse (Bestow Curse), Neutralise Poison (Poison), Cure Disease (Contagion), Lesser Restoration (a target within 30' must make a Fort save or take 1d4 ability damage to any one ability score), Restoration (a target within 30' takes one Negative Level), Break Enchantment (Feeblemind) and Greater Restoration (Energy Drain).

APPENDIX I: GIGA ARMOUR Giga Armour is Heavy Armour, except so specially heavy it has its own Proficiency separate to Heavy Armour. It weighs about a tonne, but is built in such a way that its weight is not counted towards encumbrance. Movement speed is halved in Giga Armour, and running is impossible. It provides a -15 penalty to Skill Checks, has a +0 Dexterity maximum, has 250% Arcane Spell Failure, but does grant some benefits: a +8 Stability bonus to avoid being Tripped or Lifted, +4 to Saving Throws against Spells, and +13 Armour Bonus. Additional benefits depend on the wearer's ranks in Survival: 9 ranks: Movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity 15 ranks: the wearer does not take falling damage. 21 ranks: the wearer may use his Fort Save in place of any Will Saves.

APPENDIX II: INVENTIONS Vacuum Box: this large box requires two hands to use for its various powers, and seems vaguely mechanical. It has two functions, and using either is a Standard action, but requires a MoveEquivalent action to wind it up first. The first use is to cast Shadow Well on a target, just like the spell. Every round they spent in the shadow realm (sucked inside the box), they take 2d6 Crushing damage from the gears. The second use is to hurl it up to 30' away, where it makes one Ranged Attack against everything within a 10' spread. Those hit take 6d6 Slashing damage, and it has a 1720/x2 threat range. (Reference: Makai Kingdom) Beam Sword: this is a Magic Long Sword, except attacks are resolved as Touch Attacks and the damage is Light damage. Additionally, once per minute it may fire a beam out in a 20' long Line, dealing 1d8 Light damage per Hit Die to all in the area with a Reflex save for half (Strength-based). (Reference: Makai Kingdom (and high-end weapons in Disgaea)) Emperor Drill: this giant two-handed weapon deals 1d12+Str damage it is too bulky to multiply the Strength modifier. It ignores Damage Reduction and Hardness, and has a x4 Crit Multiplier. Additionally, you can use it to Tunnel at half your Land Speed. (Reference: Makai Kingdom) Laser: this is a Ray Gun (powered by trickle-down economics!) and can be fired one-handed with an Attack action. It reaches out to 60 feet, and deals 3d6 Light damage, as well as making a pewpew sound. It is also a Magic Weapon. (Reference: Disgaea) UFO-Yoink!: this must be held in one hand, and looks like a little flying saucer, complete with Bodak faces occasionally appearing. It can be hurled out to 30' away with a Standard action, allowing one of the following: A Ranged Touch Attack to steal one non-worn item from a target A Ranged Touch Attack, then a Sleight of Hand check (DC 20 + BAB of target) to steal a worn item from a target A Ranged Touch Attack to render the target Prone (until they stand) and Shaken (for one minute). If anyone says Roll for Anal Circumference, everyone else may punch them. (Reference: Makai Kingdom) Rotor-Scythe: this horrifying device involves a pole, several scythe-heads and a rotor engine. With a Standard Action, the wielder can make one attack (as a Magic Scythe) against each adjacent foe. The threatened area is then treated as Difficult Terrain for one round, and anyone hit is treated as Entangled on their next turn. If they are also in the area (ie the wielder doesn't move away), they suffer another 2d4 Slashing damage on their turn. (Reference: none, I don't think) Flamethrower: this giant two-handed weapon sets people on fire. With an Attack action it blasts a 30' Cone area, dealing 6d6 Fire damage to all in the area, with a Reflex save for half (Intelligencebased). Those who fail the save catch fire, suffering 2d6 Fire damage each round until it is put out. (Reference: Makai Kingdom) Minionbot 3,000: this construction actually follows the inventor around and tries to help out as best it can. It is a Giant Soldier Ant with the Elder Eidolon template applied. If the inventor has 12 ranks in Craft, the Minionbot is granted another 2 Hit Dice. At 15 ranks, it gains another 2 Hit Dice and grows to Large size. At 20 ranks it gains a final 2 Hit Dice. (Reference: Disgaea has weird robot things here and there. Most of them do, really.)

Better Inventions! Makai Cannon: this bizarre creation requires two hands to use. It grants a +4 bonus to Grapple checks, and has a special Claw attack as a Standard action: it requires a Touch Attack, which deals 1d8 damage, plus a Shocking Grasp effect (no limit to damage dice, however), and allows for a free Grapple check. Additionally, if it kills someone, their soul is trapped inside, unable to be brought back until released. With a Standard action, the wielder may release a soul, effectively Summoning and controlling a Spectre for 4 rounds. After that, the soul is free. (Reference: Makai Kingdom) Remote Device: this strange object requires both hands to use, and can bestow each of the following effects once per minute with a Standard action, out to 60' away: Create a Parboil effect (this ability can be used at will) Cause a Confusion effect, plus deal 5d6 Fire damage to the target Cause a Dominate Monster effect for 3 rounds Any save DC is Intelligence-based. (Reference: Makai Kingdom) Gatling Gun: this giant gun is a Magic Weapon, requires two hands to wield, and is fired with a Full Round action in a 30' Line. Make one ranged attack roll. Each target in the line suffers a number of hits equal to the amount the roll beats their AC by. The weapon cannot threaten a Critical Hit, and the base damage is 1d6 Piercing and 1 Constitution damage per hit, but remember that it is a Magic Weapon. (Reference: Makai Kingdom and Disgaea) Bomb: this is a giant, round bomb, the kind that looks like a cannonball with a fuse. It requires two hands to throw, and can be thrown out to 50' away with a Standard action, exploding in a 20' radius. All in the area take 1d6 Fire damage per rank in Craft the inventor has, with a Reflex save for half (Intelligence-based).They must also pass a Will save (same DC) or be Panicked for 2 rounds. Bombs are quick to replace, requiring an hour of work. You can even stock up whatever. (Reference: Disgaea. See: Prinnies) Bazooka: a heavy, two-handed firearm that can fire a missile out as far as 250' with a Standard action. It then explodes in a 30' radius (the missile, not the bazooka), dealing 1d6 Fire/Sonic damage per HD to all in the area. Targets are allowed a Fortitude save (Intelligence-based) for half damage, and if they fail, they are knocked Prone. (Reference: Disgaea, Makai Kingdom) Rocket Boots: these clunky boots allow for a Fly Speed of 50' (Average Manoeuvrability), and if the flyer moves directly over a target, the target must pass a Reflex save (Dexterity-based) or suffer Fire damage equal to the inventor's ranks in Craft. (Reference: Can I Be The Hero Dood?, a few enemies in Disgaea) Assassin Doll: the inventor manages to craft a special assistant: a Marionette Assassin, with a total level equal to her own level, minus two. It may take the Killer Puppet Prestige Class when it qualifies. (Reference: Marionettes are standard for Disgaea)

Best Inventions! Accelerator: this is a set of false teeth to be worn in the mouth. Don't ask why*. The wearer is permanently Hasted, triples all movement speeds, and can cast Dimension Door at will. (Reference: all the Disgaea games) *It's a reference to the anime Cyborg 009, where one of the characters can activate super speed by pushing a button on one of his teeth. The more you know. Helldam RX: this mecha suit is effectively a giant suit of armour that provides many benefits: Plus one size category (do not adjust ability scores or natural armour) +10 Armour Bonus to AC Damage Reduction 20/ +6 Enhancement Bonus to Strength and Constitution Fly Speed 30' (Poor Manoeuvrability) One arm has a mini-gat that can be used at will: 45' Cone, 1d8 Piercing damage per 2 Hit Dice, with a Ref save for half (Intelligence-based) The other arm can wield a weapon or invention, or can make a Slam attack (Magic Adamantine Weapon, base damage 2d6) (Reference: Makai Kingdom, which totally isn't referencing Gundam) Prinzooka: It's a very special bazooka, that fires cluster-prinnies. It requires two hands to use, and a Standard action to fire, firing out to Long range. It detonates in five 20x20' squares, arranged in an X pattern, with all in the area taking 10 Fire/Sonic damage per Hit Die with a Reflex save for half (Intelligence-based). (Reference: Prinny + Bazooka?) Hom: congratulations, you manage to construct a Homunculus. Let's not talk about the various ingredients involved, all right? This is an Android with levels in Mana Alchemist or Gadgeteer, depending on what kind of things you want it to make. The total level will always be two less than the inventor's total level. (Reference: Atelier Rorona) Dark Sun Portable: this is a portable, plasma-powered dark sun that hovers above the inventor (whether she wants it to or not). It may create a Deeper Darkness or Damning Darkness effect at will, can cast Scorching Ray at will (doing half Spooky Blasphemous Damage and using the inventor's attack bonus), and grants the inventor Fire Resistance equal to triple her hit dice and an Enhancement bonus to Charisma as standard for a magic item. Finally, any enemy within 30' that has taken any damage suffers 2 points of Constitution damage per round as it sucks the life force out of them. This is doubled if they have a Felony class feature. (Reference: the Dark Sun in Disgaea 2) Super Battleship Yoshitsuna: this is a giant space ship. Treat it as a Galleon, except made from Adamantine, and although it doesn't really float so well, it has a Fly speed of 100' (Poor) in normal terrain, or 500' (Good) in space. It has six plasma cannons that can all be fired with one Standard action from the pilot, even at different targets. They fire out to Long range, require only ranged touch attacks to hit, and deal 4d6 Fire/Electricity damage each on a successful hit. (Reference: Makai Kingdom and Disgaea 3)

APPENDIX III: MAGICHANGE Certain prestige classes gain the Magichange ability, because magichange is hilarious. Any creature can be magichanged into a weapon, with the exception of Humans, Elves, Halflings, Gnomes, and bullshit variants of the above. All Magichanged creatures count as Magic Items, and the wielder can use their own ability scores (for Attack rolls, Damage rolls and the Save DC for any abilities) or those of the weapon, whichever is best. If either has an Enhancement bonus to an Ability Score, they both do. The wielder is always considered to be proficient with a Magichange Weapon. It is totally acceptable to take Combat School (Magichange Weapons) (although doing so would only cover actual magichange weapons so an Alraune Great Spear but not a normal Great Spear). If some obscure monster is magichanged, treat them as some kind of 2-handed melee weapon. They deal 2d6 damage (Bludgeoning, Slashing or Piercing) if wielded by a Medium creature, and have a critical value of 20/x2. If they have an Alignment subtype, they deal additional damage equal to their Hit Dice to targets of the opposing alignment, and if they have the Fire or Cold subtype, they deal +2d6 damage of the appropriate energy type. They have no special attack. Most common things, however, are covered here: Alraune: Great Spear, special: Thorn Skewer Android: Duelling Pistol, special: Photon Cannon Mk II Angel: Holy Longsword, special: Divine Cross Cockatrice: Dire PeckPick, special: Stone Garden Dragon: Great Axe, special: King's Cut Efreet: Flaming Great Sword, special: Fire Tornado Empusa: Merciful Quarterstaff, special: Lovely Emanation Eryngi: Lance, special: Mushroom Surprise Galactic Demon: Katana, special: Magnet Beam Gargoyle: Adamantine Maul, special: One Tonne Stomp Ghost: Ghost-Touch Longbow, special: Eerie Wave Hell Hound or other Dog: Pair of Scorpion Claws, special: The Great Fang Jack: Scythe, special: Reaper-Reaper Marionette: Composite Longbow, special: Puppet String Mothman: Crossbow, special: Toxic Shot Nekomata: Pair of Tiger Claws, special: Cat Kick Extreme Nightmare: Falchion, special: Smoke Slash Orc: Morning Star, special: Meteor Mash Prinny: Sawn-Off, special: Cluster Bomb Rifle Demon: Rifle, special: Evil Electron Slime: Acidic Great Spear, special: Gloop Stabber Treant: Mace, special: Bulb-Planter Vampire: Vampiric Dire Syringe, special: Hell Jab War Slug: Shocking Goad, special: Lightning Rod Wood Golem: War Hammer, special: World Shaking Zombie: Flail, special: Limb Shower

Magichange Special Attacks: For any formation following, O is an empty square, an arrow is the user, and X is a square that is affected. Thorn Skewer (Alraune) Standard Action Make one attack, and compare it to everything in a 15' Line. All who are hit take damage as normal, and suffer 1d6 Con damage as part of the spear breaks off and burrows within. They then take 2d6 damage per round for one minute. Photon Cannon Mk II (Android) Standard Action The Ray Gun fires an effect identical to the Radiant Assault spell. Divine Cross (Angel) Standard Action Make one attack, and apply it to everything in the following formation: OOOOOXO > XXXXXX OOOOOXO All who are hit not only take damage, but suffer a Holy Word as well (with a save as normal, Charisma-based). Stone Garden (Cockatrice) Full Round Action Make one attack against each creature in the following formation: OXOX > OXO OXOX All who are hit not only take damage, but also suffer 2d6 Dexterity damage. If reduced to zero Dexterity by this, they completely turn to stone. King's Cut (Dragon) Full Round Action Five squares in the following pattern, within Medium Range, suffer 1d6 Energy damage per point of BAB the wielder or Dragon (pick the highest) has. There is no saving throw. The damage is the same as the Dragon's breath weapon. If it lacks one, just use Fire. OOO OOO OOO Fire Tornado (Efreeti) Standard Action Every target within 10' of the wielder is struck for regular weapon damage plus 5d6 Fire damage. A successful Reflex Save (Strength-based) halves this damage. Those who fail the save catch fire, burning for 1d12 Fire damage per round.

Lovely Emanation (Empusa) Full Round Action All creatures within 15' take 1d6 Non-lethal damage per Hit Die with a Will Save for half (Charisma-based). Those who fail the save are Charmed for one minute. Mushroom Surprise (Eryngi) Standard Action Make one attack against all foes in the following pattern: OOXOO OXOXO XO>OX OXOXO OOXOO The targets are denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class, and if hit, also suffer a Poison effect (Constitution-based, Damage: 1d8 Con/1d8 Con) Magnetic Beam (Galactic Demon) Standard Action Make one attack against all foes in a 30' Line. Those hit suffer weapon damage, plus 5d6 Electricity damage, and must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be Anchored in place for 3 rounds. One Tonne Stomp (Gargoyle) Standard Action Make a Jump check or melee attack, whichever has the better bonus, against all adjacent creatures. If the check/attack equals or exceeds the Armour Class of a target, they suffer weapon damage and are knocked Prone. Additionally, they are squished such that their Size category is reduced by one step for one turn. Eerie Wave (Ghost) Standard Action Make one attack against a 50' Zig-Zag. All creatures in the area who are hit suffer 5d6 Force damage and must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Confused for 3 rounds. The Great Fang (Hell-Hound) Full Round Action Make one attack against the following pattern, within Short Range: OXO XXX OXO Each foe is hit a number of times equal to the amount the attack roll exceeds their Armour Class. This attack is unable to threaten a Critical Hit. Reaper-Reaper (Jack) Full Round Action Make an attack against each adjacent creature. Any hit becomes an automatic critical hit, and those struck must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or Panic for three rounds. Puppet String (Marionette) Full Round Action Make a single attack against one creature. If struck, they must pass a Fortitude Save (Intelligencebased) or be Dominated for one minute.

Toxic Shot (Mothman) Standard Action Make a ranged attack against one target. If hit, they are Nauseated for one round. They must also make a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or suffer 2 Constitution damage per round for three rounds. Cat Kick Extreme (Nekomata) Standard Action Make a single attack roll against one adjacent target. This cannot threaten a Critical Hit, but instead deals a number of hits equal to the amount the roll exceeds the target's Armour Class. Each hit also deals one point of Constitution damage. Smoke Slash (Nightmare) Standard Action Make one attack against every creature in the following pattern: OOOX OOOX > XXX OOOX OOOX Those hit take regular damage, and must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be Nauseated for one round. The area is filled with thick smoke, granting Concealment, for one round. Meteor Mash (Orc) Standard Action All creatures in a 10' radius Burst in Close Range must make a Reflex Save (Strength-based) or suffer a Critical Hit from the weapon and be knocked Prone. Cluster Bomb (Prinny) Full Round Action A 30' radius explosion erupts within Medium Range, dealing 6d6 Fire/Sonic damage to all in the area with a Fortitude Save for half (Constitution-based). Those who fail the save are also knocked Prone and hurled to the edge of the blast. Additionally, four more 10' radius Blasts occur within 60' of the original (but none overlapping). Those in the smaller blasts suffer 4d6 Fire/Sonic damage, with a Reflex Save for half (Constitution-based). Evil Electron (Rifle Demon) Standard Action A 30' Line of lightning is blasted out, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage per point of BAB, with a Reflex Save for half (Strength-based). Creatures with the [Good] subtype suffer double damage, and terrain and unattended objects are just outright destroyed in the area. Gloop Stabber (Slime) Standard Action Make one touch attack against each creature in a 15' Line. Those hit suffer weapon damage, plus 5d6 Acid damage. They suffer another 3d6 Acid damage on their next turn.

Bulb-Planter (Treeant) Standard Action Make a single attack against an adjacent foe. If hit, they are buried up to their neck in the ground (as well as taking weapon damage) and are effectively Immobile and Helpless. After three rounds they just pop up. Hell Jab (Vampire) Standard Action Make a single melee touch attack against an adjacent foe. If you hit, the target suffers a Vampiric Touch effect, granting you the benefit. Additionally, they must make a Fortitude Save (Intelligencebased) or take 1d10 Constitution damage. Lightning Rod (War Slug) Standard Action Make a single attack against a foe in Close Range. If struck, they take weapon damage as well as 1d6 Electricity damage per Hit Die. They must also pass a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or be Stunned for 1 round. World Shaking (Wood Golem) Full Round Action You produce an Earthquake effect. All saves are Strength-based. Limb Shower (Zombie) Standard Action A 15' radius Burst in Close Range is showered with zombie parts, and must pass a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or take weapon damage and 2 Constitution damage, and be Nauseated for 1 round.

APPENDIX IV: OTHER CLASSES MENTIONED IN THIS DOCUMENT THE GADGETEER "When my Armageddon Clock is complete, no-one will ever again laugh at me!" Alignment: whatever you like Starting Age: as the Rogue or something Starting Wealth: I don't actually care Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int BAB: 3/4 Good saves: Fort and Ref Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Abuse Magic Device Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour as well as any Armour built as a Gadget, Simple Weapons as well as any Weapon built as a Gadget Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Special: Gadgetry, Coax Device Invention Evasion Good Gadgets Invention, Duct Tape Confuse Magic Device Specialty Field Greater Gadgets Invention Crafted Companion Rapid Rebuild Giga Gadgets Invention, Percussive Maintenance Specialty Field Command Magic Device Galactic Gadgets Invention, Throw a Spanner at it Stronger, Faster, Expensiver! Cybernetic Soldier The Grand Contraption Daily Blueprints Known 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 Charged Blueprints Known 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 13

Gadgetry: [Ex] The Gadgeteer is able to create Gadgets. As he gains levels, he learns more blueprints (according to the table). Some are "Daily" - the preparation involved means they are set up at the beginning of the day (requiring an hour in total) and then once used, are unavailable for the rest of the day. Others are simpler, and can be used essentially at will, as long as they are charged (covered in the item description). Making multiples of the same thing does not allow more uses, for reasons unknown. Devices can be handed to other people to use, however they are not automatically considered proficient (anyone with "All Martial Weapons" proficiency should be considered proficient with weaponlike Gadgets), and the Gadgeteer must continue to maintain the items (as part of his "pool" of Gadgets) for them to continue functioning. Any save DC is 10 + half level + Int modifier. Anything that scales with level uses the character level. Coax Device: [Su] The Gadgeteer can always take 10 on Abuse Magic Device and Disable Device checks, even if threatened, rushed or on fire. Inventions: [Ex] Any time the Gadgeteer becomes able to make an Invention, he may base it on anything he currently holds a blueprint to - at the time of gaining the ability (so they cannot be stored up for later levels to cash them all in for Galactic Gadgets). An Invention takes twice as long to build, but grants one of the following benefits when equipped, not counting as a magic item for the limit: +1/3 levels Enhancement bonus to Int (round up) +1/4 levels Deflection bonus to AC (round up) +1/3 levels Resistance bonus to saving throws (round up) +1/4 levels Enhancement bonus to all attack rolls (round up) Damage Reduction 1/2 levels, overcome by Adamantine (round up)

Additionally it may be used twice per day if a Daily, or truly at will without charging if Charged. Evasion: [Ex] At third level the Gadgeteer gets Evasion. Good Gadgets: At level 4, the Gadgeteer starts to learn blueprints for Good Gadgets Duct Tape: [Sp] At level 5, the Gadgeteer gains the ability to perform quick repairs on things. He may cast Mending, Make Whole and Repair Light Damage at will, with a caster level equal to his character level. Confuse Magic Device: [Su] At level 6, the Gadgeteer gains the ability to confuse magic items with an Abuse Magic Device check. If it possesses charges, adding +10 to the DC can activate the item without using a charge (this does not apply to single-use items). If it casts a spell that deals a type of damage, or grants protection against a type of damage, this can be changed for that use by adding +5 to the DC. It can be Widened or Extended by adding +5 to the DC as well. Finally, traps that use a magic form of detection are not triggered by the Gadgeteer.

Specialty Field: [Ex] At levels 7 and 14, the Gadgeteer gains a specialty field. This is an area of expertise with the type of Gadget in question. The benefits depend on the field chosen: Energy: all Fire/Electricity/Light damage dealt by Gadgets is Empowered (multiplied by 1.5) Locomotion: any movement speeds or teleport ranges are doubled Durability: any Gadget has twice as many HP and +10 to Hardness, which means fuck-all for ray guns but is awesome for steam tanks. Efficiency: any non-instantaneous duration is multiplied by 1.5 (round up) Destruction: all damage (except for Fire/Electricity/Light) dealt by Gadgets is Empowered. Overcharge: any areas of effect are doubled in size. Homing: Gadgets ignore soft cover and any Concealment less than total, and may re-roll failed Miss Chances.

Greater Gadgets: At level 8, the Gadgeteer starts to learn the blueprints for Greater Gadgets. Crafted Companion: [Ex] At level 10, the Gadgeteer may build a cohort, mount or familiar - a Construct with a CR at least 3 less than his level. As he levels, he may add to it, to keep the creature's CR up - or outright disassemble and rebuild into a new form. It takes 8 hours to construct. If it is destroyed, all he needs to do is repair it or build a new one. Rapid Rebuild: [Ex] At level 11, the Gadgeteer becomes faster at making things he is familiar with. As long as he has built something once in the past, he may rebuild it in half the time it would take to build normally (including his cohort), and can use a full round action to restore 150 HP to any Gadget or Invention. Giga Gadgets: At level 12, the Gadgeteer begins to learn blueprints for Giga Gadgets. Percussive Maintenance: [Su] At level 13, the Gadgeteer learns how to fix (and damage) objects with a solid kick. With a melee attack that must hit the AC of the target, he may duplicate a Heal or Harm effect that only works on Constructs (ignoring any usual immunities to Heal/Harm or supernatural effects in general). Command Magic Device: [Su] At level 15. the Gadgeteer knows how to command magic devices that don't even belong to him: no Construct will ever attack him, even sentient ones, unless he attacks them first. Furthermore, with a DC (15 + CR of Construct) Abuse magic Device check, he may control it (as per Dominate Monster, except it affects the Construct despite immunities, and allows no save) for one minute, after which it cannot be controlled by him again that day. Additionally, as a standard action he may activate a magic item somebody else is using or holding, from up to 50 feet away, as long as he is aware of it and targets it. This adds +10 to the activation DC. He may also make an Abuse Magic Device check as an immediate action (DC = base DC to activate) to prevent it from being used, wasting the attempt.

Galactic Gadgets: At level 16, the Gadgeteer begins learning blueprints for Galactic Gadgets. Throw a Spanner at it: [Ex] At level 17, the Gadgeteer learns how to affect Constructs at a distance. The Percussive Maintenance ability can work with any ranged attack, though actually throwing a construction tool gains a +5 Circumstance bonus to the attack roll. Stronger, Faster, Expensiver: [Ex] At level 18, the Gadgeteer learns how to make impressive golem bodies for people. With 24 hours and some amount of planar currency, he may transfer someone (even himself) into a body of iron, granting them the following benefits: Type: Construct (Augmented (former type) as Subtype) Leave BAB, HP, ability scores (even Con) etc. all the same +6 Enhancement bonus to Strength Double one movement speed Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine Natural weapons overcome DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantine (they are) Not immune to Mind-Affecting Effects Always counts as Exhausted (ignore the immunity to such). A full round action spent winding them up (they can do this to themselves) negates this for one minute.

Cybernetic Soldier: [Ex] At level 19, the Gadgeteer adds pieces of gadgetry to himself to become a sort of cyborg. Don't think sleek Shadowrun stuff, he probably has a key in the back of his head. He gains the following benefits: Immune to Mind-Affecting Effects Medium Fortification -3 Circumstance Penalty to all Int-based skills unless a standard action is spent winding up or whatever, which turns it into a +3 Enhancement Bonus for one minute. Low-Light Vision and Darkvision 120' Always-on Detect Magic effect

The Grand Contraption: [Ex] At level 20, the Gadgeteer wins the game.

GADGETS: Flamethrower [Daily] This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. This creates a 30' cone or 60' line of fire, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Those who fail the save catch fire. Additionally, the area is filled with thick smoke that causes Concealment and forces a Fort save to all in the area, against being Nauseated for one round due to choking. It dissipates after 1d4 rounds. This also ignites any unattended flammable objects in the area. Shotgun [Daily] This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires an attack action to activate. It can be activated twice before being used up for the day. Each activation deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage per level to a 20' cone (Ref half). Additionally, everyone within 30' must make a Fort save or be Deafened for 1 minute. Mining Drill [Daily] This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then lasts for one minute, though requires a Standard action to utilise each round. With a Standard action it can destroy an adjacent 5' cube of anything softer than stone, or deal 1d6 piercing damage per 2 levels (round up), ignoring material DR or DR/magic, to a target. As a steam-powered device, this is quite noisy and grants a -10 penalty to Move Silently checks when activated. Hover Pack [Daily] This must be worn on the back, and requires a Swift or Immediate action to activate. it then lasts for one hour, causing the wearer to fall slowly (as Featherfall), and hover up to 20' above the ground (though only able to move up to 15' per round in a given direction). Dynamite [Daily] This device is small enough to be carried or stored in a pocket, and requires a Swift action to activate. Three rounds later, hopefully with the user nowhere near it, it explodes in a 50' radius spread. This deals 1d10 Fire/Sonic damage per level to all in the area, Ref half, and anyone who fails the save is knocked prone. Additionally, it specifically affects all objects and structures in the area (including individual 5' cubes of terrain), dealing double damage and ignoring Hardness less than that of Steel. Extend-O-Fist [Daily] This device is worn like a glove, and uses rocket fuel to launch off. It allows you to, with a Swift action, make a Ranged Attack out to 50' that deals Bludgeoning Damage to foes (2d6 for a Medium character). Additionally, foes are shoved back 15' unless they pass a Fort save. Helper [Charged] This Construct resembles a snake or centipede, is Tiny sized, and crawls along after you with a Move speed of 20'. Spending a Full Round action winding it up powers the brain enough to allow it to take cover, make attacks of opportunity, and make Aid Other attempts (Str 8 Dex 12 Int 10, has no skill ranks but a BAB equal to the creator's). It reaches out 5' and its Bite/Sting/Slam attack deals 1d4-1 damage, +1 per 3 levels. It can also carry half a dozen potion-sized objects, and when charged up, can understand commands and hand them to/use them on people, or even fling them at enemies.

Shock Staff [Charged] This device can be wielded in one hand, and has reach. It requires a Move Equivalent action to charge up by winding, then holds the charge for up to a minute or until used. A melee touch attack activates it, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage per 2 levels (round up) and requiring the target to make a Fortitude save. If they fail the save, they are Dazed for 1 round. Glider [Charged] This device can be folded up to take little space, but must be worn in the Cloak slot to be used. It is effectively charged by any rush of air, so any time you would want to use it, it is going to be charged anyway. This causes the wearer to slowly fall instead of plummeting to their death, at the rate of 10' per round, but they may also move up to 20' per round in any other direction except for up. Launch Boots [Charged] These bulky boots must be worn on the feet (duh), and require the user to move 30' or more in order to charge, at which point they remain charged until used, which requires a Move action. Doing so launches them up to 50' in the air (this can be adjusted on use in 10' increments so as to only go, say, 20' up). The jumper may move as far forward as upward. The fall afterwards is treated as though 10' less for the purpose of working out falling damage. Harpoon [Charged] This weapon must be wielded in both hands to activate. it requires a Full Round action to fully wind up, and can then be activated at any time with a Swift action, firing out to 60' away. It deals 1d6 piercing damage per level, and if it deals any damage (after DR/Hardness), sticks in firmly, requiring a DC 20 Strength check to remove. A cable attached can be wound up as a Moveequivalent action, allowing the user to either pull himself towards the landing point, or drag a target towards him with an opposed Strength check. Steam Spray [Charged] This weapon must be wielded in both hands to activate. It requires one minute to charge up, but will then boil away happily for up to 8 hours or until used up. Charging it provides 3 activations, each one requiring a Standard action. Doing so creates a 20' cone of steam, dealing 1d4 Fire damage per level (Ref half) but also really cleaning the targets, though they may not appreciate it. Failing the save causes a -2 morale penalty to attacks and a -4 morale penalty to AC for 3 rounds. Wind-up Flare Lantern [Charged] This device may be freely worn on the shoulder or even on top of a helmet, but takes a free hand to activate or adjust the settings. Winding it up for one minute provides a charge to keep it providing light (as per a Light) spell for one hour or a Daylight effect that even reveals Ethereal/Incorporeal creatures for 10 minutes. At any time a Standard action may be used to end this effect, suddenly using up all the remaining power in one flash. This forces all in 50' to attempt a Fortitude save or be rendered Blind for 1 round per level. Those warned may cover their eyes with a Reflex save. Proximity Detector [Charged] This device takes up no slot, whirling around the wearer. If it is moderately windy (enough to potentially knock a lightweight travelling hat off a head or lift a summer dress), this requires no charging at all, otherwise it requires the use of a Swift action every turn to turn a crank that helps the wheels spin. Using sonar echoes, it grants Blindsense out to 15' and Trapfinding to the wearer.

GOOD GADGETS: Pressure Jetpack [Daily] This device must be worn on the back, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then fires a blast of steam, lifting the wearer into the sky and allowing them to Fly with a speed of 40' (Average). This lasts for 1 hour before it runs out of water and overheats, used up for the day. It will sputter and slowly lower to the ground when this happens. Oil Spray [Daily] This device can be carried and fired with just one hand, and firing it takes a Standard action. A 40' cone is filled with a fine mist of oil - the ground is affected as though by Incendiary Slime, as are all people in the area, and all in the area must additionally make a Fortitude save or be Nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Gatling Gun [Daily] This device must be carried in both hands when activated, requiring a Full Round action to do so. It then fires for that entire round, and the next two rounds (Standard actions are required to keep control of it for this duration) before finally running out of ammunition. Each round of use, one target of choice within 60' takes 1 hit per 3 levels that each deal 4d6 Piercing damage (Ref negates). For every save passed, the next target behind them (providing they are also in range) is hit and must save, and so on until you run out of targets/range/hits. Cannon [Daily] This device can be assembled or taken apart with a Full Round action, but must otherwise be rolled or carried about. To activate, it must be set on the ground, braced and lit, requiring a Full Round action. On the following round it fires, Bullrushing the user with a bonus of +10, and deafening all in 30' on a failed Fort save. However even more damage happens at the other end, where the shot lands: one 40' radius blast is designated up to 250' away, dealing 2d6 Fire/Bludgeoning damage per level to all in the area (Ref half). Those who fail the save are knocked prone, and Stunned for 1 round. Defibrillator [Daily] This device can fit inside a regular backpack (barely), but to activate, one component must be held in each hand (assuming two hands), and a Standard action used on an adjacent ally. This causes an incredible bolt of electricity, burning out the mechanisms. This duplicates a Raise Dead spell, but with no level loss, or can stabilise anyone who is Dying. Spy Balloon [Daily] This device can easily be stored in a pouch when not in use, then takes only one Full Round action to activate. A small balloon fills with air and starts to drift at the speed of 50' per round, assisted by small nozzles controlled via wire attached to the control box. It has a glass ball connected to a long fibre leading back to a "screen" on the control box, as well as a basic speaker system: two horns connected by string. Effectively, it can be controlled out to 1000' and requires a Spot check of DC 10 + class level + Int mod in order to spot. It allows the user to see and hear through it, and pass messages on as well. After two hours of use, however, it runs out of air and must be rewound and stored away, to be refilled and the wires repaired the next day.

Static Blade [Charged] This is a two-handed melee weapon, usually a Great Sword. It can be charged by dragging it along the ground, and loses the charge when used or at the end of the round (basically meaning you have to move to use it as a Gadget). It can be wielded as a regular Masterwork weapon of its type (with the usual Tome magic weapon rules applying), however if charged it also deals 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die on a successful hit. Cog Powered Fist [Charged] This device must be worn on one hand, like a bulky gauntlet, and provides a -3 penalty to skill checks involving that hand. It must be wound up to be activated, requiring a Standard action to provide enough power for five rounds. When powered, it can be used to make Slam attacks that deal 2d6+Str for a Medium creature, with a critical value of 20/x3. It also adds a +6 Enhancement bonus to the wearer's Strength, and grants a Constrict attack of automatic Slam damage. Pump-Action [Charged] This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires an attack action to activate. It can be activated eight times before being used up, needed 10 minutes to make another 8 shells, and one Full Round action to load them all in. Each activation deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage per level to a 20' cone (Ref half). Additionally, everyone within 30' must make a Fort save or be Deafened for 1 minute. Frost Blaster [Charged] This device is worn as a back-pack, but to be used it also has an attachment that must be wielded in one hand. It has three uses per charge, with a minute required to re-fill it. With a Standard action, it unleashes a very cold spray in a 20' cone. This deals 1d4 Cold damage per level (Fort half), and all who fail the Fortitude save become Entangled for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat. Anyone already Entangled instead becomes Slowed for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat, and anyone already Slowed becomes Paralysed for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat. Lightning Rod [Charged] This device can be carried in one hand quite easily. It can be charged either by winding it up to generate power (requiring one Standard action per charge) or by being hit by a source of electricity that would do at least 5d6 Electricity damage (providing one charge). it can hold one charge at a time, and can be discharged with a Standard action. Doing so unleashes a Lightning Bolt (as per the spell), except the damage is uncapped. Additionally, if it is not charged, it will automatically absorb any electricity-based attacks aimed at the wielder (until it is charged). Jetskates [Charged] These are worn on the feet like bulky boots. To create a fuel charge requires a minute of work, and they can hold up to three charges at a time. Activating them requires only a Swift action, and allows the user to move at 100' per Move action and skim over water, but they cannot fly. Turning is possible but difficult and stopping is out of the question, as though flying [Clumsy]. Each charge lasts for one round.

Fuel-Efficient Flamethrower [Charged] This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. This creates a 30' cone or 60' line of fire, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Those who fail the save catch fire. Additionally, the area is filled with thick smoke that causes Concealment and forces a Fort save to all in the area, against being Nauseated for one round due to choking. It dissipates after 1d4 rounds. This also ignites any unattended flammable objects in the area. Refilling the device with fuel takes three full rounds. Flashbang Generator [Charged] This device is carried as a staff, and holds one charge at a time. It takes three rounds to mix up another charge to load in, but only a Move equivalent action to activate. Activating it creates a bright flash of light (as the Flare Lantern, double the duration) and a loud "bang", causing those who pass the save to be Deafened for 2d6 rounds, and those who fail to be Stunned for 1 round and Deafened for 2d6 minutes.

GREATER GADGETS: Cog Staff [Daily] This staff must be held in two hands to use properly. It requires a Standard action to activate by twisting, the cogs turning and grinding to produce a charge of energy similar to magic. This burns the cogs out, but creates an (Ex) effect from the following list: Shadow Evocation Eyebite (2 or more HD more than inventor: Sickened, within 1 HD of inventor: Panicked and Sickened, 2 or more HD less than inventor: Comatose, Panicked and Sickened) One 10' radius burst in 60' takes 2d6 Fire damage per level (Fort half), with those who fail the save becoming Nauseated for one round Maximised Lightning Leap

Teleport-Pump [Daily] This fold-out device can be carried in one hand or stored in a pack until unfolded (a Swift action). It then takes a Full Round action to pump up until it sparks, frying the fuse and teleporting the user as per Teleport Without Error. Fume Engine [Daily] This device is bulky, but fits in a backpack. It also comes with a gas mask that can be worn on the face to provide immunity to inhaled Poisons and Diseases, as well as gases and smell-based effects. The main device, however, can only be used once per day, with a Swift action to activate. One round later, the engine starts, running for one minute before being empty. For the duration, it creates a 20' radius spread of Poison gas. It obscures vision, granting Concealment to all, but also poisons all who breathe it in (Fort negates). Primary and Secondary damage are both 2d6 Con. Boiler-Powered Armour [Daily] This armour must be worn all over the body, except the hands, feet and head. It is treated as Adamantine Full Plate normally, but when activated (a Standard action to start the boiling process, then a one minute wait), it provides 4 hours of uninterrupted power. When powered, the user gains a +6 Enhancement bonus to Constitution, and replaces the Armour bonus with a Deflection bonus to AC. Additionally, they gain a +10 bonus to Break checks and their melee attacks ignore Hardness. As long as at least one full hour remains the remainder may be used up in one burst, granting a +10 Enhancement bonus to Strength and treating the wearer as two size categories larger, both for only one round. It is a Swift action to do this. Turbine Laser [Daily] This weapon must be held in two hands, with an additional mount on a shoulder or on the head, consisting of a turbine. It requires some form of breeze to charge, providing one charge per two rounds unless in strong winds where it provides a charge every round, or hurricane force winds, where it provides three charges in one round. It may store up to three charges at a time, and requires an Attack action to fire - however it can only be fired once per day, the power destroying the laser components. Once activated, it makes a Ranged Touch Attack with a maximum range of 200'. This deals 1d6 untyped energy damage per level and has a regular critical hit (20/x2). If two charges are stored when it is fired, it deals 2d6 damage per level. If three charges are stored when it is fired, it deals 3d6 damage per level.

Wand-Gatler [Daily] This device can be wielded in one hand, though a second hand is needed to actually turn the handle. One to five wands must be slotted in before use. Turning the handle is a Standard action, and activates all wands at the same time, with the same target/targets/area of effect (or closest match). The magical overload burns the engine out. Makai Cannon [Daily] This bulky bazooka houses an angry ghost of some description, and every time it is fired, a new Gasket Engine Thrombulator must be configured, with a new set of Grub-Nuts to hold a spirit in. It can be fired with a Standard action, unleashing a 60' Cone of ghost energy. Everyone in the area takes 1d4 Force damage per HD (no save), and must pass a Will save or Panic for 5 rounds. Elemental Microwave [Charged] This is a sort of gun that houses a trapped Fire Elemental. To charge, it must be vigorously shaken for a Full Round, to make the elemental energetic (but not actually angry: they happily burn away in the container). It can then be fired with a Standard action within 3 rounds, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d6 Nonlethal Fire damage per level and 2 Int damage, with a Fort save for half (both). On a failed save, they also burst into flames, catching fire, and must make a Will save or become Confused for 3 rounds as their brain is fried. Aero-Amplifier [Charged] This device can be held in both hands or worn around the shoulders. It resembles a giant brass instrument, with one handle. As long as there is even a light breeze or source of sound, a Standard action can be used to squeeze the handle, opening the valves and amplifying the noise and airflow. This creates a 30' cone that deals 1d6 Sonic damage per level (Fort half). All who fail the save are knocked prone and hurled 50' backward, +/- 10' for every size category smaller/larger than Medium. Those who pass the save are merely shoved back 10'. Simple-Ammo Gat [Charged] This device must be carried in both hands when activated, requiring a Full Round action to do so. It then fires for that entire round, and the next two rounds (Standard actions are required to keep control of it for this duration) before finally running out of ammunition. Each round of use, one target of choice within 60' takes 1 hit per 3 levels that each deal 4d6 Piercing damage (Ref negates). For every save passed, the next target behind them (providing they are also in range) is hit and must save, and so on until you run out of targets/range/hits. Once it runs out of ammunition, it takes only 10 minutes to make a new chain of ammunition, and a Standard action to load in. Turbo Boost [Charged] This device is worn like a vest, clamped onto the torso. It has a key which must be wound to power it up. One Full Round action of winding supplies one minute of power, treating the wearer as though under a Haste effect.

Clockwork Chainsaw [Charged] This bulky melee weapon must be wielded with two hands, and requires one Full Round action to provide power for three rounds. Up to 9 rounds of power can be charged up at a time. Using it is as simple as making a melee attack, where it has the following profile (treated as a magic weapon): +1 Adamantine Chainsaw, 3d6+1 (+ Str*1.5) Magical Slashing, 18-20/x3 Flesh Tearing: anyone hit by the Chainsaw takes 1 point of Ability Damage to each of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. This is tripled on a critical hit. Romero Effect: this weapon can score critical hits against corporeal Undead. Buggy [Charged] This device cannot be carried (save by a very strong character) but can instead carry four Medium creatures (or any mix that equals the same amount of space). It requires one minute to power up via turning the handle and pouring more basic fuel in, in order to keep it moving for one straight hour. This device has 200 HP and Hardness 15, and provides Full Cover to everyone inside. It trundles along at 100' per round (and cannot run, make double-move actions etc.) Spells such as Heat Metal have an especially intense effect on those inside, causing double damage. Being rammed (requiring a "ranged" attack by the driver that does not benefit from Rapid Shot or whatever) deals 2d8+10 bludgeoning damage and a Bullrush at +13 (+8 size, +5 Strength) Perpetual Pressure Jetpack [Charged] This device must be worn on the back, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then fires a blast of steam, lifting the wearer into the sky and allowing them to Fly with a speed of 40' (Average). This device somehow recharges itself, using steam power at first, which also turns turbines to store up power, letting it be used at will.

GIGA GADGETS: Hurricane Device [Daily] This device requires ten minutes of assembly (if the user doesn't wish to carry around a 20' long pole with a rotor on top), and must be placed on the ground before use. Activating it simply requires turning the handle for one minute, at which point the storm begins. It creates a hurricane with a 2 mile radius, lasting for 6 hours, with a safety zone in the eye of the storm - a 50' radius spread originating from the device itself. If the device moves, the storm moves, and if the device is disassembled or destroyed, the storm will simply remain in place for the duration. Disintegration Torch [Daily] This device can be carried in one hand, and requires only a Standard action to activate. The fuel ignites, sending out a blast of plasma that is hot enough to effectively annihilate whatever it torches. One creature, object or 15' cube of material must be hit with a melee touch attack and, if hit, must succeed on a Fortitude save that affects objects. If they fail the save, they are reduced to a carbon shadow (this is not a [Death] effect). If they succeed, they still take 2d6 Fire damage per level. Should this be enough to kill them, they are also completely destroyed. The heat is even sufficient to destroy [Force] effects. Mechanical Suit [Daily] This suit is very similar to the Steam-Powered Armour (above), but is powered by a fuel engine and cogs, and more powerful. It is treated as +3 Adamantine Full Plate normally, but when activated (a Standard action to start the engine), it provides 4 hours of uninterrupted power. When powered, the user gains a +10 Enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution, and replaces the Armour bonus with a Deflection bonus to AC. Additionally, they gain a +10 bonus to Break checks and their melee attacks ignore Hardness. The wearer is also treated as two size categories larger, gains a 4d8+2*Str Trample, and pumps out smoke. All creatures adjacent to the wearer must pass a Fort save each round or be rendered Nauseated for the round. Additionally, the furnace can blast excess fire out from large shouldermounted pipes, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per level in a 30' cone (Ref half, those who fail the save catch fire) as a Standard action. The suit of armour has 300 Hit Points, and only stops functioning when reduced to zero. Mind Control Helmet [Daily] Although it isn't subtle, the device is still effective: it consists of a bulky remote that must be held in two hands, and a bulky helmet with an antenna and a key. The helmet, if placed on the head of a creature not immune to [Mind Affecting] effects, must then be activated with a Standard action by turning the key. The wearer is then under the control of whoever has the remote, for up to 4 hours or until the helmet is removed or destroyed, whichever happens first. There is no saving throw against this effect initially, but any time the controller attempts to make them do anything particularly against their personal beliefs/ethics/morality/code, they are entitled to a Will save to resist that command. It requires a Standard action to input a command, and commands cannot be received from further than 100' away.

Shadowcrank [Daily] This device could fit into a small backpack, and has a large crank attached to a pipe, in turn attached to the device by a cable. Turning the crank for three rounds activates it, sucking darkness in through the plane of shadow and squeezing it out to replicate any of the following effects as an (Ex) ability: Mass Invisibility Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Greater Aero-Barrier [Charged] This device can be worn as a backpack, and has a mouth-piece for activation. Activating it requires a Move-Equivalent action each round, and prevents speaking. Each round that it is activated, it provides a bubble of protection for one full round (thus allowing it to be maintained indefinitely). This bubble extends out to 5' in each direction past the space occupied by the user, and prevents anything from getting in, like a [Force] effect. An opposed check (Strength of intruder against Int of user) can break past this to force entry, though this requires a Standard action. If attacked from outside the Bubble, anything not requiring an Attack roll automatically fails, and against things that do require an attack roll, it is treated as a +10 Deflection bonus to AC. Scalding Mist Generator [Charged] This bulky device must be carried in both hands to be activated, and as such, comes with protective clothing in the form of a thick, water-resistant sheet and goggles. Those who forego the goggles, feeling they do nothing, are not protected from the effects. To activate, a mere Swift action is needed to switch it on, however it will take two full rounds for steam to start pouring out. Once this happens, it keeps going for a full minute, creating a 75' radius spread of mist that obscures vision. Additionally, all in the area who are not protected take an automatic 5d4 Fire damage every round (though no ignition occurs). Anyone not wearing protective goggles must also pass a Fort save or be rendered permanently blind as well as suffering a -2 Morale penalty to attacks and -4 Morale penalty to AC for 10 minutes. Those wearing goggles need only save against the penalties. The penalties are a [Pain] effect. Anti-Magic Pressure Generator [Charged] This large pump can be carried in one hand, but needs two hands to use. It can be activated with a Standard action, using incredible pressure to force magic out of the area. This creates a 30' radius Anti-Magic Field, however it will reduce by 15' radius per round until ended. Every round that the device is activated, the radius extends by 25', allowing it to slowly grow in size if kept up. Prism Flash Bulb [Charged] This device can be mounted on a shoulder or on the head and looks quite pretty, though looking pretty is not the main use. Powder must be loaded into it (a Move-Equivalent action) before it can be activated (a Swift action), and creating the powder only requires a minute of work. When activated, it duplicates an (Ex) Prismatic Spray effect. I know it can banish people to other planes, that sounds pretty extraordinary to me.

Airship [Charged] This device cannot feasibly be carried, and actually requires 6 full hours to build. Once built, however, it is built to last, with 300 HP and Hardness 10 for the main section of it. It has an engine that must be stoked and filled every 10 minutes to retain power, and generally requires somebody to pilot it, spending a Standard action every round. When active, this device flies with a Fly speed of 150' (Average), and provides Full Cover for those inside, although it does have arrow slits. People may elect to climb up onto the roof so as to leap off, throw things etc. however this requires a Balance check to avoid falling off (10 if sailing smoothly, 15 for some turbulence, 20 for clouds and heavy turbulence, 25 for hurricanes or snowstorms, +10 for being in active combat). It can carry six Medium creatures inside, or any other combination equating to the same. Steam Tank [Charged] This device requires 4 hours to build, and only carries up to two Medium creatures. It provides Full Cover to those inside, though it has arrow slits that can be closed, and rumbles along at up to 40' per round. it has 300 HP and Hardness 20, and a +8 Stability bonus to avoid being knocked over. Every ten minutes, the boiler must be attended to (a Standard action) or it will run out of steam and stall. Best of all, a large cannon sits on the top, and can be rotated and fired at any angle, treated as the Good Gadget: Cannon. Crafting more shot and powder takes a full minute, and loading it from inside takes another full minute, so it is a slow process but a safe one.

GALACTIC GADGETS: Mechanical Globe [Daily] This big world globe has very special cogs and wheels that somehow connect to the world, likely by magnetising tiny pieces of Arbitrarium and aligning them to poles in the real world or something. When used, the magnetic fields break down, but it can cause any one of the following effects: One land mass/continent is shifted anywhere else that it could reach without ramming another land mass out of the way. One land mass/continent is wracked by earthquakes for an hour, and suffers a tsunami on every coast. One island sinks below the ocean or rises above the ocean. A mountain range topples or is formed. Doomsday Cannon [Daily] This device is similar to the Cannon, except three times as large in each dimension, and thus involves more effort to trundle it around. Firing it requires one round to simply get it aimed in the right general vicinity, then a Standard action to fire it afterwards. It can be fired anywhere out to 1 mile away, however cannot be fired at a point within 200 feet of itself. Everything within 500' of the point of impact has an extremely bad day. Everything - including objects and the ground itself must make a Fort save or be obliterated. Even those who pass still take 2d6 Fire/Bludgeoning damage per level and are Stunned for 1 round and permanently Deafened. The terrain is also obliterated, effectively becoming a giant, cracked, smoking crater. Gate-Gun [Daily] This device involves a one-handed gun attached to a belt. When fired (a Standard action), the point designated opens up into a Gate, as per the Gate spell. This can be the travel kind or the broken kind. Timestop Clock [Daily] This looks like a simple watch, however a Standard action to halt it shows otherwise. Time is stopped for all but the one who activated it, as per the Timestop spell. If the watch then breaks or is destroyed, the effect ends. Otherwise, in 10 pseudo-rounds, time will resume as the tightly wound springs snap, smashing the watch to pieces. 20MT Bomb [Daily] This bomb is as large as a Medium creature, and weighs about 500lbs, so may be difficult to carry, but using it is worth the effort. To activate, one merely needs to strike the end of it (a Standard action, or dropping it from a height). At this point, everything within 500' takes 2d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half) and 2d4 Negative levels (Fort half), and everything out to 1 mile takes 1d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half) and 1 Negative level (Fort negates). The 0-500' radius area is then obscured completely by thick smoke for one minute.

Dragonmech [Daily] This Colossal device can carry only one Large or smaller pilot inside, sadly, and requires a minute to activate. Once activated, it can be controlled for a full hour, with a Fly speed of 100' (Poor). It has Hardness 20, an Armour Class of 35 (+0 Dex, -8 Size, +28 Armour, +5 Deflection), and 300 Hit Points. If used to attack, use the BAB of the pilot, plus the Strength (50) of the Dragon. It has one Primary Bite (4d6+Str*1.5), two Secondary Claws (2d6+Str*.5) and one Primary Tail (3d6+Str*1.5), as well as a breath weapon once per 3 rounds: a 100' cone of fire that deals 2d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Additionally, the eyes may fire one Lightning Bolt per 3 rounds, and once per minute it may create an Acid Fog effect beneath it with a Standard action. It also has a payload of six bombs, any number of which can be dropped as one Standard action. They explode like Dynamite upon hitting the ground. The bombs may instead be replaced with a pair of Gatling Guns, though they may not be used if the dragon is unpowered. When unpowered, it still lumbers along with a Fly speed of 50 (Clumsy) and provides the basic protection, but lacks the Deflection bonus, lightning, acid fog and fiery breath, and only has a Strength of 30. Storm Treadmill [Charged] This device is fairly large and bulky, taking up most of a 5' square, but being only 1 foot tall. The user may activate it by setting it down and running in place atop it (a Full Round action). Doing so causes a Whirlwind or Storm of Vengeance effect, though the effect ends on the round the user stops running. Gravity Pump [Charged] This device can be carried in one hand, but requires both hands and a Standard action to activate. Doing so creates a Reverse Gravity and Vertigo Field effect in a 100' spread, though the user can elect to not include his own occupied space (at time of use) in this area. This lasts until undone by a second activation, or for 10 minutes, whichever comes first. Boiler of Untouchability [Charged] This boiler is big and heavy, but can still be carried in both arms. It must be set down to be used, and requires a Swift action to activate, though there is a three round wait as the boiler gets going. It then remains active for one minute, though towards the end of this, a Full Round action can be spent adding more water and fuel to extend it for another minute. While active, a force field is created, creating a safety bubble of 30' radius. Nothing is able to pass through it, and it blocks line of effect. Binding Box [Charged] This box is about 1' cubed, and can be carried with little difficulty. Activating it is a Full Round action, twisting the cogs to make them spin. The box opens and whirls, and one designated target within 100' is sucked inside despite the size, and trapped there as though by an Imprisonment effect. Only one creature at a time can be stored there, and when released (a Standard action or the destruction of the device), there is a 50% chance that they will be dead and a 50% chance that they will be alive. This is only revealed when actually released - until that moment they are in a quantum state and cannot be affected by any effect that targets only the dead/undead (such as Resurrection) or only the living.

Turbine of Death [Charged] This device can barely be carried in both arms, and is quite heavy. To activate, it must be set down and a Swift action spent pulling a lever. It then charges up for three rounds if there is a breeze (two rounds if in strong winds, one round in a hurricane, impossible if there is no breeze). After it has charged, it unleashes on the following round: everyone within 100' except for those actually touching it must pass a Fort save or die instantly. Fusion Torch [Charged] This device works exactly like the Disintegration torch, aside from being Charged, except where noted below: It is effectively unlimited in use, always charged. It can be used with an Attack action. Passing the save still bestows a Negative level on top of the damage.

MANA ALCHEMIST: "I... am an inventor! Well, I say inventor. More of a drug dealer, really." Anything that involves a Save DC is always 10 + half HD + Int mod. Hit Die: d8 BAB: Medium Good Saves: Fort, Ref and Will Skill Points: 4+Int Class Skills: Appraise, Concentrate, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Use Rope Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light and Medium Armour Age: Medium Starting Money: pick one of the rich ones Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Special: Mana Alchemy, Recipes Mana Infusions (Earth, Fire, Water, Air) Secret Ingredients Tasty Recipes Toxin-Free Rapid Steeping Mana Infusions (Stone, Plant, Aroma, Metal) Delicious Recipes Lead to Gold! Dual Infusion Brew Potions Mouth-Watering Recipes Alchemical Blood Mana Infusions (Life, Illusion, Song, Poison) Divine Recipes Secret Recipe Elixer of Life Good Strong Hot Strong Warming Good Fresh Recipe Recipes Known: 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26

Mana Alchemy (Su): Starting at first level, the Mana Alchemist learns how to create consumable items out of raw mana power. Doing so takes one minute, which is a lot faster than one might expect these things to be made. Only one of each item may exist per Mana Alchemist at any one time - they cannot create ten of the same thing all in one batch. Other than that, they last for 24 hours or until consumed. To use an edible or potable item is a Standard action - or a Full Round action to force down the throat of another. Other items simply require a Standard action either way. Recipes (Ex): At first level, the Mana Alchemist knows three recipes. Every level, he learns a new recipe, except for levels where he unlocks a new tier of recipes, where he gains two. Mana Infusions (Su): Starting at level 2, the Mana Alchemist gains the ability to force elemental mana power into an item. Doing so takes a Standard action, and lasts for 12 hours. No item may hold more than one mana at a time. At level two he gains access to Earth, Fire, Water and Wind. At level seven, he gains access to Stone, Plant, Aroma and Metal. At level fifteen, he gains access to Song, Life, Illusion and Poison.

Element: Earth Fire Water Air Stone Plant Aroma Metal Song Life Illusion Poison

Infused Weapon: Target must make a Fortitude Save or fall Prone Deals Fire Damage, target catches fire on failed Reflex Save Deals Cold damage, Quenches all flames +5' reach, ignores Cover less than Full Target drops what they hold on failed Fort save Improved Grab and Constrict (weapon damage) Target is Dazed 1 round on failed Fort save Adamantine weapon with Augmented Critical Deals Sonic Damage and effects Incorporeal Creatures as though they weren;t Regain HP equal to damage, does not kill* Deals non-lethal damage and 1d6 Int damage Target must save against Dragon Bile Poison

Infused Armour: No penalty for being Prone Immune to being Slowed, Cold Resistance (HD*2) Swim Speed equal to Land Speed, cannot be set on Fire Constant Featherfall Effect Gain Powerful Build Attackers Entangled 1 round Attackers Slowed 3 rounds on a failed Will Save Heavy Fortification, DR 15/Adamantine Attackers Charmed 3 rounds on failed Will Save Gain Fast Healing 10 Disguise Self at will and 50% Miss Chance against attacks Attackers must save against Bebilith Poison

Any effects that require a save will only trigger once per target per round. *Stops 1HP short of doing so if damage would kill them - and stabilises.

Secret Ingredients (Su): Starting at level four, the Mana Alchemist may add a single secret ingredient to any given recipe when making something. All secret ingredients are learned, but only one may be used on a given recipe at a time. Enjoy your Chocolate Chocolate with a side of Chocolate and just a hint of Strychnine.

Ingredient: Doughy Filler Rare Spices Copper Shavings Nevermelt Ice Never Fading Flower Pixie Dust A Hint of Strychnine

Effect: Widens the effect (if it has an Area) Changes Damage/Resistance type to Fire Changes Damage/Resistance type to Electricity Changes Damage/Resistance type to Cold Extends the Duration (unless Instantaneous) Removes or adds a descriptor from/to the effect Empowers any random variables

Cost: 50 GP 50 GP 70 GP 50 GP 100 GP 500 GP 200 GP

Tasty Recipes (Ex): Starting at level four, the Mana Alchemist can learn Tasty Recipes. Note that some have requirements. Toxin-Free (Ex): Starting at level five, the Mana Alchemist is immune to Poison. Rapid Steeping (Su): Starting at level six, creating items via Mana Alchemy only takes a Full Round action per item. Delicious Recipes (Ex): Starting at level eight, the Mana Alchemist can learn Delicious recipes. Note that some have requirements. Lead to Gold! (Su): Starting at level nine, the Mana Alchemist can, with one minute of work, turn up to 1 pound per level of any nonmagical metal into an equal weight of gold. Dual Infusions (Su): At level ten, the Mana Alchemist gains the ability to infuse items with two Mana elements with the same action, and they can hold any two Mana elements at a time. If two conflicting abilities are given ("Deals Fire damage" and "Deals Cold damage"), then take the average ("Deals half Fire and half Cold damage") if possible. Otherwise select one to be ignored. Brew Potions (Su): At level eleven, the Mana Alchemist gains the ability to make potions, as per the feat. He can create Potions of any spell of level 0-3 from the Cleric, Druid or Sorcerer/Wizard lists, as though he knew the spells. He needn't pay any XP costs for this. Mouth-Watering Recipes (Ex): Starting at level twelve, the Mana Alchemist may learn Mouth-Watering recipes. Note that many have requirements.

Alchemical Blood (Ex): Starting at level fourteen, the Mana Alchemist's body starts producing chemicals which are usually beneficial. With a Swift action, the Mana Alchemist can gain the effects (good and bad) of any drug, and with a Standard action he can produce it in his saliva, to create a dose to bottle (though it turns to water after one day) or to spit out, delivering as a ranged touch attack to 15 feet. The save DCs are 10 + half HD + Con. Divine Recipes (Ex): Starting at level sixteen, the Mana Alchemist may learn Divine recipes. Note that most of these have requirements. Secret Recipe (Ex): At level seventeen, the Mana Alchemist develops a secret recipe, which does something. If I told you what it does, it wouldn't be much of a secret, now would it? It's awesome, though. Really. Elixir of Life (Su): Starting at level eighteen, the Mana Alchemist can produce the Elixir of Life. Doing so takes a full day, and when complete, it will last for seven days or until consumed, whichever happens first. When poured down someone's throat, they are restored to life with no level loss, even if killed by things that prevent Raise Dead or Resurrection from working (though if it prevents True Resurrection from working, you're SOL). They are also cured of all negative levels, ability damage, ability drain, HP damage, nonlethal damage, Vile/Frostburn damage and debilitating conditions. Good Strong Hot Strong Warming Good Fresh Recipe (Ex): At level twenty, the Mana Alchemist wins the game.

RECIPES: Black Tea (Potable): when consumed, this delicious tea soothes the system and cleans it of toxins, Neutralising any poisons and removing the following conditions: Sickened, Nauseated. Green Tea (Potable): when consumed, this slightly bitter tea clears the mind, removing the following conditions: Dazed, Stunned, Confused Electric Flapjack (Edible): this doughy food contains a common herb that provides a bit of pep but temporarily makes the consumer stupid. It removes Fatigue and Exhaustion, but also causes a -4 Intelligence penalty for one hour. Flammable Oil (Other): this slick oil may be splashed around a 10x10' square, treating it as a Grease effect. Additionally, any [Fire] effects or Fire damage in the area ignite it, causing all in the area to take 4d6 Fire damage (Ref half) and catch fire. The oil continues to burn for one round, dealing 2d6 Fire damage to any who enter the area, before burning up. Mead (Potable): this alcoholic drink is stronger than it seems. The imbiber must pass a Fort save or become drunk (-4 penalty to all attacks and skill checks), loud (unable to pass Move Silently checks) and clumsy (unable to Run without falling Prone at the end, automatically failing Balance and Tumble checks) for one hour. Bread (Edible): this warm, fluffy bread has healthy whole grains in it, and grants 2 Temporary HP per hit die, lasting one hour (or until used up, or replaced by gaining more Temporary HP). Acid (Other): this flask of super-strong acid must be handled with care. It functions as per an acid flask, but deals 2d6 Acid damage, plus 1d6 per 2 levels, and deals 5 points of splash damage. Tobacco (Other): any doctor will tell you that tobacco smoke is good for clearing out the airways and keeps the bugs away (as well as repelling Hitler). This makes the smoker immune to gases and suffocation (even drowning) and repels Vermin. All effects last for one hour. Sleep Incense (Other): when burnt, this incense creates a thin purple cloud of smoke that causes drowsiness. All in a 20' radius cloud must make a Fort save or be drowsy, counting as Slowed, and on the following round must pass a Fort save or fall asleep. Those who pass on one round merely delay the effects unless they leave the area. Drowsiness lasts for one round, sleep lasts for a minute (unless woken up or already due for a full sleep) and the cloud hangs around for one minute. Chocolate (Edible): this delicious sweet has two effects. To non-Humanoids, it is treated as a poison (ingested, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con). To anyone it grants a +4 Morale bonus on Will saves, Reflex saves and Caster Level checks to beat Spell Resistance for one hour. It is also addictive - make a DC 15 Will save after the hour is up or take a -2 Morale penalty on the above actions for one hour. Garlic Incense (Other): once mixed, this starts to burn off, creating a 20' radius emanation from the creation, dissipating after 4 rounds. All in the area must make a Fortitude save each round or be Sickened, whereas all Vampires* in the area must make a Fort save that can affect Undead or be Nauseated for the duration + 1d4 rounds. *Including Vampire Dragons, Illithid Vampires, Vampire Spawn, Half Vampires, Dhampyr and anything else that is basically a Vampire or Vampire-related thing.

Rubber (Other): once created, this substance will set in 2 rounds. During that time, it can be smeared onto shoes, armour etc. For the next hour, the rubber will protect the user from falling damage, negating it completely, though they are treated as Dazed for one round after if they fall far enough that they normally would take damage. Alternatively, if just set as a thick rubber band, it can be used to tie things like a flexible rope, or to "ping" enemies with a range equal to double your natural reach. This deals 1d6 nonlethal damage per 5 feet of potential range, plus your Strength modifier. After one hour, the rubber becomes useless. Distilled Nue (Other): this uses Nue juice to make a highly flammable mix which is then hardened into a small rock. It can be thrown like a flask, and on a successful Ranged Touch Attack it deals 1d4 Fire Damage per Hit Die of the Alchemist, and the target catches fire. Alternatively it may be (carefully) crushed and thrown as a spray, dealing Fire Damage equal to the Alchemist's Hit Dice to all in a 10' radius Spread. There is a Reflex Save for half, and those who fail also catch fire. Flask of Rain (Other): once this flask is opened, the liquid trapped inside becomes a gas and floats up to the sky or ceiling. After 1d4 rounds (inside) or 1 minute (outside), it draws moisture in, and forms a cloud with a radius of 10' per hit die. At level eight it becomes 100' per hit die, and at level fifteen it becomes one mile per hit die. It then rains in a downpour for one minute per level. Glue (Other): this substance forms a sticky glob. It can be thrown to cover a 5' patch of ground, in which case it works like the spell Sticky Floor, or it can be used to stick one object to another, as the Sovereign Glue, or it can be used to make a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet. If it hits, a target is Entangled for 1d4 rounds, and unless a Full Round Action is spent scraping as much off as possible, after that time they take a -6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity for one minute.

TASTY RECIPES: Opium (Other): this highly bitter powder or sap-like residue can be consumed to feel really good. I mean really fucking good. It grants immunity to [Pain] effects and non-lethal damage and negates all Morale penalties, both for one hour. After that, it has a risk of addiction like chocolate, with a DC 19 Will save vs a -4 penalty for one hour. Requirements: Any Tea or Tobacco Coffee (Potable): this aromatic hot beverage tastes quite bitter but provide an energy kick. It grants immunity to Slow and Sleep effects for one hour, though the imbiber may end this at any time as a Free action to gain a one-round Haste effect. Requirements: Black Tea Grape Wine (Potable): this sour wine is even worse than mead. The imbiber must pass a Fort save or become drunk (as with Mead), foul-smelling (-10 penalty to Diplomacy checks, all adjacent creatures must make a Fort save or be Sickened every round) and angry (treat as the Rage of a level 1 Barbarian) for one hour. Requirements: Mead Plum Wine (Potable): this sweet wine can also be considered worse than mead in some ways. The imbiber must pass a Fort save or become drunk (as with Mead), happy (treated as Friendly to anyone who does not attack him) and too talkative (needing to make Will saves to resist telling the truth when asked questions). Requirements: Mead Chocolate Cake (Edible): this cake is delicious, but very filling. It provides 5 Temporary HP per HD which last for one hour or until used up or replaced by new Temporary HP, as well as granting Fast Healing 1 for one minute, but causes the consumer to feel bloated, counting as Sickened for half an hour. Requirements: Chocolate, Bread Carrot Cake (Edible): this cake is still delicious, but slightly healthier than Chocolate Cake. It restores 1d4 HP per HD to the consumer. Requirements: Bread Geisha Tea (Potable): this green tea is a little sweeter and fruitier, and helps the imbiber to feel friendly and relaxed. They gain a +4 Enhancement bonus to Charisma for one hour, though may end this at any time as a Standard action to "cast" Charm Monster as a Supernatural ability, using the save DC of the tea itself. Requirements: Green Tea Spice Tea (Potable): this black tea has some delicious spices added to it. The imbiber gains Cold Resistance equal to twice their HD, for one hour, and can end this at any time as a Standard action to exhale a 30' burning cone of steam and fiery spices. This deals 1d10 Fire damage per level, Ref half, using the save DC of the tea itself. Those who fail the save suffer a -2 Morale penalty to Attack and a -4 Morale penalty to AC for 3 rounds. Requirements: Black Tea

Flammable Dust (Other): This fine powder has a tendency to ignite easily and burn-off at a very low temperature. When thrown in a 10' radius cloud within 30', anything Invisible in the area stops being Invisible as their outline is covered by the flaring dust. Additionally, all in the area must pass a Ref save or be Blinded. Both effects last for 3 rounds. Requirements: none Cyanide (Potable): this powder smells like bitter almonds, which somehow everybody knows the smell of. Mixed with liquid, it has a peculiar taste, but more importantly is a deadly poison (Ingested, 3d6 Con/3d6 Con). Requirements: none Whiskey Thunder (Potable): whoever drinks the Whiskey Thunder rumbles uncontrollably for 1 minute, dealing 1d4 Sonic damage per level to all adjacent creatures and objects (ignoring Hardness) every round (Fort negates). Requirements: Mead Slime (Other): this creates a gelatinous cube or Living Spell (Grease, CL = HD of Alchemist) which happily starts living and existing for about an hour before bubbling away into nothing. It can basically be created with one very simple in-built command such as "stay here and eat things you come across", "stay here and don't eat ____" or "wander about and eat all metal/rock/organic stuff". Requirements: Rubber or Glue Glacier Solution (Other): if released into a body of water, this solution will cause it to freeze, with a radius of 15' per hit die and a duration of 1 minute per hit die. Creatures in the water when this happens will be highly inconvenienced unless they can escape with a Reflex save when the effect first occurs. Alternatively, it may be hurled at a creature like a flask, dealing 1d8 Cold Damage per two Hit Dice against the target and forcing them to make a Fort Save or be Slowed for 3 rounds. If the target has the [Water] subtype, the damage is 1d6 per Hit Die and if they fail the save they are rendered Helpless for 3 rounds. Requirements: none Lesser Mana (Other): this mixture of raw elements, magic ingredients and strange objects creates a Mephit, which is loyal, but stupid. The mephit can be of any type, and for every Hit Die the Alchemist has in excess of four, it has an extra Hit Die (even in excess of the racial maximum of seven). It lasts until dismissed or slain. At six Hit Dice it gets Basic Access to a single relevant Sphere. Requirements: none Lottery Jam (Edible): whoever eats this must roll 1d12 to see which effect they are afflicted with: 1: Cure Light Wounds 2: Neutralise Poison 3: Poison (Fort Negates, 1d6 Strength/1d6 Dexterity) 4: Cure Critical Wounds 5: Fortitude Save vs Nausea for 3 rounds 6: Remove Disease 7: Restoration 8: Fortitude Save vs Sleep for 1 minute 9: Heal 10: Heroism 11: Use 1 Breath Weapon in the next hour: 60' Cone or 120' Line, 1d10 Fire damage/hit die 12: Divine Power Requirements: Glue

DELICIOUS RECIPES: Teacake (Edible): anyone who eats this delicious, sticky cake becomes immune to the following for the next hour: Poison, Disease & Ability Damage. They will also be cured of any of those conditions. Requirements: Black Tea, Any Cake Cheesecake (Edible): anyone who eats this incredibly light dish gains the ability to Fly for the next hour (as per the spell), and also gains a +4 Morale bonus on all Saving throws, Attacks and Damage rolls for the same duration. This effect may be ended at any point to use an ability bestowed by any [Combat] feat the character does not possess, even if they lack the BAB for that ability. Requirements: Any Cake Vodka (Potable): the imbiber becomes extremely drunk (as above), however also treats every idea as a Suggestion for the next hour, so great does everything sound at the time. They gain a Will save as normal, based on the save DC for all Alchemical goods. Requirements: Any Wine White Powder (Other): the consumer becomes Hasted for 10 minutes, as well as gaining 3 temporary HP per hit die they possess. They also become irritable and, generally, dickheads, gaining a -40 Competence penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks for the duration. Requirements: Coffee or Tobacco Perfume (Other): once this is sprayed on, the user is immune to the effects, but there is a 10' radius cloud that hovers around them. All others in the area must pass a Fort save or be Fascinated until 1d6 rounds after they leave the area (or rather, the area leaves them). The wearer may speak a single Suggestion in the duration, and all who are currently affected must make a Will save or carry it out. The perfume hangs around for 10 minutes. Requirements: Sleep Incense Green Rose Tea (Potable): this refreshing tea instantly removes all negative levels, Ability Damage and Ability Drain from the imbiber, as well as restoring levels that have been "permanently" lost due to failed saves at removing negative levels. Requirements: Geisha Tea Arctic Fire Tea (Potable): the imbiber gains, for one hour, Cold and Fire Resistance equal to twice their level, and can end this at any time as a Standard action to exhale a 30' burning cone of ice and fire. This deals 2d6 damage per level, Ref half, using the save DC of the tea itself. Those who fail the save suffer a -2 Morale penalty to Attack and a -4 Morale penalty to AC for 3 rounds. The damage is half Fire and half Cold. Requirements: Spice Tea The Other Acid (Potable): anyone who consumes or is splashed by this clear liquid must pass a Fort save or become Confused for 1d4 hours. If this save is failed, they must then pass a Will save or also become Frightened for the first minute, and must save again every hour until the duration is over. Requirements: none Laudinum (Potable): anyone who consumes this liquid becomes immune to Pain and non-lethal damage for one hour. Unfortunately, they are also automatically Confused for the entire duration and an hour afterwards. Requirements: Opium, Any Wine

Dynamite (Other): once thrown, this will explode in a 30' radius. All in the area take 2d6 Fire/Sonic damage per level of the Alchemist and are knocked Prone and Stunned for one round. A successful Ref save halves the damage, and a successful Fort save negates the Prone and Stunned - however only one save may be taken, each victim must decide what to try. Requirements: Flammable Dust or Distilled Nue Mille Feuille (Edible): whoever eats this light dessert will become insubstantial, similar to a shadow or a ghost. They may move unimpeded through physical barriers, fly, and cannot interact with the real world (or vice versa), although they can see and hear just fine - and be seen and heard. This lasts for one hour. Requirements: Chocolate Cake Metal Slime (Other): this recipe creates a slime made of liquid metal, which is treated as a Gelatinous Silver Wyrmling Dragon. It can be given basic instructions when made, then continues to happily exist for an hour before bubbling out and becoming a shiny piece of metal, ideal for a mirror. Requirements: Slime Spring Chalice (Potable): this recipe creates a magical liquid that, once poured into a glass, cup or some other container, becomes any Potion (still subject to spell level limits) of the alchemist's choice. Requirements: none Witch Salve (Other): this weird salve is gooey and unpleasant. It can be thrown like a flask, and if it hits, the target must make a Fortitude Save or else roll 1d4 and suffer the effects: 1: Nausea for 1 minute 2: Fall Asleep for 1 minute 3: Suffer a Curse (as Bestow Curse) 4: Turn into a Frog (as Baleful Polymorph) for one minute Requirements: Opium Flask of Acid Rain (Other): once unbottled, this creates a lovely Acid Fog Effect. Requirements: Flask of Rain, Acid

MOUTH-WATERING RECIPES: Green Teacake (Edible): whoever consumes this is filled with healing energy, receiving both a Heal and Regenerate effect. Furthermore, if they are slain during the next minute, they are instantly brought back to life with no Level Loss. Requirements: Green Tea, Teacake Rolling Clouds Tea (Potable): as soon as this is consumed, the imbiber gains Sonic and Electric Resistance equal to triple their level for 1 hour and gain a Blur effect. Additionally, at any one point during this hour, they may clap their hands as a Swift action, unleashing a thunderclap (a Greater Shout effect) centred on them, and unleash a Lightning Bolt (DC based on the Alchemist, 2d6 per level without a limit). Requirements: Arctic Fire Tea Buddha's Tears Tea (Potable): as soon as someone drinks this tea, they become enlightened and their Chi is balanced. They become immune to Breath Weapons, Auras and Gaze Attacks, as well as any "_____ Wall" or "Wall of _____" spell, for the next ten minutes. Additionally, the first time they attempt an Attack roll, Saving Throw or Skill Check within this duration, they needn't roll and are instead assumed to have rolled a natural 20. Requirements: Green Rose Tea Strawberry Cheesecake (Edible): the consumer of this cake is surrounded by an aura of love and desire for the next hour. All within 30 feet of them feel quite happy (gaining a +3 Morale bonus on all Attack rolls, Skill checks and Saving throws), but must make a Will save (applying the bonus as a penalty instead) or be Charmed by the consumer, and treat their every word as a Suggestion (with a save each time). Once someone passes their save against the Charm effect, they are immune for the rest of the duration. Any effects still apply after they leave the aura. Requirements: Cheesecake Plastic Explosives (Other): this plasticine-like substance is perfectly harmless, until it either takes Electricity damage or is triggered by the Alchemist with a Standard action from up to 100 feet away. When that happens, it will explode in a 50' radius. All in the area take 3d6 Fire/Sonic damage per level of the Alchemist and are knocked Prone and Stunned for one round. A successful Ref save halves the damage, and a successful Fort save negates the Prone and Stunned - however only one save may be taken, each victim must decide what to try. Requirements: Dynamite Vodka Chocolate Cocktail (Potable): whoever drinks this must make a Fortitude save or become drunk for one hour (as Mead, above), however they also fall in love with/want to get in the pants of everyone they encounter. For the duration, every time they see someone they must pass a Will save or be affected by a Charm Monster effect (once per person, even if they see them multiple times). Requirements: Vodka, Chocolate Speedball (Other): as soon as someone consumes this blend, often by smoking it, they instantly get an extra Full Round action to do as they please, and then gain the effects of Haste and Righteous Might for 1d10 minutes. After this duration expires, they "crash", becoming Exhausted and afflicted by Crushing Despair for 3d6 hours. Requirements: Opium, White Powder

Djinn Essence (Other): as soon as this substance is released into the air, magical energy flares up, attempting to grant the wishes of whoever used it - effectively granting a single Wish as per the spell, however not doing anything that would have an XP cost greater than that of the base spell itself. Requirements: Living Mana, either Electric Flapjack or Burning Dust Mars Dust (Other): as soon as this toxic substance is consumed, the consumer flies into a rage for 1d6 minutes. They gain the effects of Rage, Divine Power, Divine Favour and Righteous Might, and also gain a +10 bonus to Break attempts, as well as ignoring all Hardness and Material DR with their attacks. Requirements: White Powder Bottled Death (Other): once uncorked, this releases a 20' radius cloud of doom, with one edge of the cloud adjacent to the holder of the bottle (unless they wish to actually be inside the area of effect, in which case they can place the cloud anywhere). It settles like a mist, and will hang around for 5 rounds unless dispersed. All in the area must make a Fortitude save against Death, and those that succeed or are immune must then make a Will save or fall Comatose with fear for 3 rounds, then wake up and Panic for 1 minute. Requirements: Cyanide Seven Layer Cake (Edible): eating this cake bestows a Prismatic Aura effect on the consumer, lasting for ten minutes. Requirements: Mille Feuille Liquid Fire Slime (Other): this recipe creates an 11 HD Conflagration Ooze, which actually has a decent enough Intelligence to be given instructions. It is loyal to the Alchemist, and lasts for an hour before turning into a pool of magma. Requirements: Metal Slime, either Flammable Dust or Distilled Nue Nostradamus Jam (Edible): once consumed, this delicious jam grants a Foresight effect or a 100% accurate Augury effect. If mixed with Lottery Jam, you can choose the effect upon consumption. Requirements: Lottery Jam Conjurating Ink (Other): once this magical ink is used to draw a picture of something, the picture becomes real it can be used to create objects as per the Wish spell. Requirements: none Flask of Infernal Rain (Other): once released into the air, this can do one of two things: summon a Hellwasp Swarm (and another one per two levels beyond 12), or create a purple cloud with a radius of 100' per hit die, lasting for one minute, that has a strange rain: all Divine activity is cut off in the area for the duration Divine Spells treat the area as an Anti-magicField, Turning/Rebuking Undead does not work, and so on. Requirements: Flask of Acid Rain Recipe For Disaster (Other): once this is made, it immediately causes one of the following effects: Earthquake, Greater Whirlwind, Meteor Swarm. The alchemist can direct the effect as though the caster, but is not particularly resistant to the effects. Requirements: Dynamite

DIVINE RECIPES: Snow Dragon Tea (Potable): as soon as this delicious tea is consumed, the imbiber becomes empowered for 1 hour, gaining the Half Dragon (White) template, and also gaining the following Supernatural abilities at will: Control Weather Call Lightning Storm Avalanche Control Winds

Requirements: Buddha's Tears Tea, Rolling Clouds Tea Pavlova (Edible): whoever eats this gains a Flight speed of 250' (Perfect), as well as Regeneration equal to the Alchemist's level (overcome by Fire). Additionally, all of their allies within 100' benefit from this as well - although the effects will end for the allies as soon as they leave the area. These effects, for the consumer, last for ten minutes. Requirements: Strawberry Cheesecake Plutonium Dust (Other): when released into the air, a 10' radius sphere is filled with the dust, with the edge adjacent to the user. All in the area immediately suffer 2d4 negative levels that last until the sun next sets or rises (whichever happens first). The area then becomes dangerous, dealing 10d6 Negative energy damage per round to all who enter or remain in the area, for three rounds (Fort half). Requirements: Flammable Dust Corrosive Gas (Other): when the bottle is uncorked, a 30-foot radius cloud is released. The edge must be adjacent to the user, or the user must be within the area of effect. The gas persists for one minute or until dispersed - if dispersed in a direction it affects everything in a 60' wide, 300' long line like a wave. All who are in the area (either the original one or the line of dispersal) take 1d6 Acid damage per level (Ref half), ignoring Hardness. Afterwards, anyone who enters or begins their turn inside the area takes 1d6 Acid damage per level (Fort half), ignoring Hardness. Requirements: Acid, Bottled Death Bottled Elemental (Other): when this bottle is uncorked, an Elemental Monolith is summoned, under the Alchemist's control. It remains for one minute before escaping back to its own plane. Requirements: Djinn Essence Demon Dust (Other): when this dust is hurled up to 30 feet away as a Standard action, there is a burst of fire, smoke and brimstone. All within 10 feet of the point of impact must make a Fort save or be Nauseated for 1 round - even on a successful save they are Sickened for 1 round. The smoke lingers for 3 rounds, obscuring all sight. More importantly, at the point of impact, a Demon is summoned, under the control of the Alchemist, and lasts for 1 minute. It must have a CR at least 3 lower than the Alchemist's character level, and cannot use any summoning of its own. Requirements: Mars Dust Fentanyl (Potable): whoever consumes this gains 20 Temporary HP per hit die, lasting for 1 minute. This replaces any existing Temporary HP. The consumer also gains immunity to all forms of pain, and takes only half the damage from all sources. One round after taking this, they must make a Fortitude save or immediately lapse into a coma. They will remain in the coma for a full week unless a Heal spell is used on them (or killed). Requirements: Laudinum

Angel Souffl (Edible): whoever eats this light, delicate dessert dish transforms into a Solar for 5 rounds, without the Cleric spellcasting ability (but retaining the Domain powers). This is complete character sheet replacement - they do not keep any of their own equipment, feats, skills, spells, teeth, hit points or ability scores. Every single aspect except for their memory and personality is changed. After the five rounds, they change back completely. Requirements: Green Tea Cake Transmigration Potion (Potable): once this is consumed - and nobody may benefit from it more than once per thirty days - the imbiber's race changes. They may select one of the following: Change their race to any other race of equal power, and likewise change any racial classes/prestige classes/feats - or may keep them, and still count as meeting the requirements. Reincarnate (as per the spell), picking their new race from the list. Permanently change their race to a slightly more powerful one, typically one that, by this level, doesn't affect the balance of the game (DM fiat). Requirements: none Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (Potable): as soon as this drink is consumed, the imbiber gains a moment of insight - the next time someone attacks them, they are completely aware of it and know it is coming, so the attack automatically fails. Additionally, they may instantly make a single Knowledge check with a +20 Insight bonus. Afterwards, they become completely drunk (as per Mead), but gain Damage Reduction 100/- while the drunkenness remains. Requirements: Chocolate Cocktail Infinity Pretzel (Edible): whoever eats this pretzel causes a brief infinite loop. They gain a Maximised Time Stop effect, however at the end of its duration, the universe shunts them into a hard-to-escape pocket dimension to force-end the loop, also sucking in anything adjacent to them. Requirements: Bread Immortal Blood (Potable): consuming this turns the imbiber completely immortal. They cease ageing, losing any penalties gained from ageing and no longer gaining penalties or bonuses from such. Additionally, their time is never up, and they even gain Regeneration 10, bypassed by tearing their unconscious body into many pieces. They also gain immunity to [Death] effects. The only catch is that as soon as another dose is made - not even consumed - by the same Alchemist, the effect immediately ends, and they continue to age normally. Requirements: Djinn Essence, Slime Cauldron in a Cup (Other): this bubbling liquid can be hurled like a flask. If someone is struck, they must save against each of the following effects: Sleep 1 minute (Will) Stun 5 rounds (Will) Nausea 5 rounds (Fort) Confusion 10 minutes (Will) Blindness and Deafness 10 minutes (Fort) Bestow Curse 1 hour (Will) Baleful Polymorph into a Frog 10 minutes (Fort) Poison 2d6 Con/2d6 Con (Fort) Turn to Stone for 1 hour (Fort) Requirements: Witch Salve

Flask of Prismatic Rain (Other): once this flask is uncorked, it releases its contents into the air, where a Prismatic Deluge effect takes place. Requirements: Flask of Infernal Rain: Living Mana (Other): this mixes up to create an Elemental Weird. Although it is stuck in the same place, it is loyal to the alchemist and generally friendly and helpful. It will vanish after one minute or if slain, but if the same element is chosen again in future, it will act as though the same one, remembering the creator. Requirements: Lesser Mana


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