Queue Represents A Certain Number of Customers Waiting For Service of Course

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Queuerepresents a certain number of customers waiting for service of course

the queue may be empty. Typically the customer being served is considered not
to be in the queue. Sometimes the customers form a queue literally people
waiting in a line for a bank teller. Sometimes the queue is an abstraction planes
waiting for a runway to land.
The arriving unit that requires some service to be provided is called the
customer. Thecustomer may represent people, machines, etc.
A server is one who provides the arriving customer the necessary service. It may
be personsin the counter or machines, etc.
The arrival pattern/input is the number of arrivals per unit time. This is
expressed in terms of the mean number or mean inter-arrival time. The arrival
may be single, bulk or batches of fixed or varied sizes.
Service pattern may also be described by the number of customers served per
unit time or the time required to serve a customer
It represents some activity that takes time and that the customers are waiting
for. Again take it very generally. It may be a real service carried on persons or
machines, but it may be a CPU time slice, connection created for a telephone
call, being shot down for an enemy plane, etc. Typically a service takes random
time. Theoretical models are based on random distribution of service duration
also calledService Pattern.

Single channel system:

Another important parameter is the number of servers. Systems with one server
only are calledSingle Channel System.
multi channel system:
Systems with more servers are calledMulti Channel Systems.
System capacity:
Maximum Queue Size(also calledSystem capacity is the maximum number of
customers that may wait in the queue (plus the one(s) being served). Queue is
always limited, but some theoretical models assume an unlimited queue length.
If the queue length is limited, some customers are forced to renounce without
being served.
Queuing Disciplinerepresents the way the queue is organised (rules of inserting
and removing customers to/from the queue).
There are these ways:
FIFO (First In First Out) also called FCFS (First Come First Serve) orderly queue.
LIFO (Last In First Out) also called LCFS (Last Come First Serve) stack.
SIRO (Serve In Random Order).
Priority Queue, that may be viewed as a number of queues for various
Many other more complex queuing methods that typically change the
customers position in the queue according to the time spent already in
the queue, expected service duration, and/or priority.

Characteristics of queue:
Characteristics of queuing processes are explored in this section. They are
Arrival pattern of customers.
Service pattern of servers.
Queue discipline.
System capacity.
Number of service channels.
Number of service phases.

queue length:
the expected number of customers who are in the queue (queue length) for
This is denoted by Lq.
Waiting time:
The average ( or expected ) time of an arriving customer has to wait in the
queue (denoted by Wq) before being served.
Transient state and steady state:

A service syster progresses after having started through a number of changes.

However, it is able to attain stability after sometime. Before the state of the
service operations, it is very much influenced by the initial conditions (number
of customers in the syster) and elapsed time. This period of Transitions termed
as Transient-State.
However after sufficient time has passed, the system becomes independent of
the initial conditions and of the elapsed time (expected under very special
conditions). It the enters a steady state condition.

In the development of queueing theory model, it is assumed that the system has
entered a steady-state primarily for two reasons.
(i)Most of the time the system operates in the steady-state condition.
(ii)Transient case is much more complex.
If the queueing system is discussed under steady state conditions
Let Pn(t) denote the probability that there are n customers in the system at time
t. The rate of change in the value Pn(t), with respect to time t is denoted by
derivative of Pn(t) with respect to t, ie)Pn(t).
In this case of steady state we have
limPn (t)=Pn(independent of t)

lim d/dt{ Pn (t)}= d/dt( Pn )


(or) limPn(t)=0

This queueing system deals with a single server queueing system wherein the
arrival of the units follow the poisson process with varying arrival rates in
different states and the service time of the units follow the poisson distribution.
The server may take a vacation of a fixed duration or may continue to be
available in the system for next service. Using probability argument, construct
the set of steady state equations by introducing the supplementary variable

corresponding to elapsed service time. Then we obtain the probability

generating function of the units present in the system. And we obtain the
expected number of units in the queue.
Model description :
M/M/1 queueing system with deterministic server vacations:
The server may decide to take a vacation of fixed length d (>0) at the
completion of each service with probability p or may continue to be
available in the system for the next service with probability 1-p.
The units arrive in the system according to poisson fashion with state
dependent rates.
The service of the units is rendered according to the poisson distribution.
The FCFS service discipline is followed to select the customer for the

Notations and symbols:

1 - Mean arrival rate of the units in idle state.
2 - Mean arrival rate of the units in busy state.
3 - Mean arrival rate of the units in vacation state.
p- Probability of the server may go on vacation.
d- Duration of the servers vacation
- Hazard rate of service completion.
n- number of units in the queue, excluding the unit, which is in service (0)

Wn- probability of n units in the queue at time t when the server is busy in
rendering service.
Vn- Probability of n units in the queue at time t when the server is on vacation.
P(z)- probability generating function of the number of units in the system.
Q- probability of that there are no units in the system and the server is in the
idle state at time
Lq- The expected number of units in the queue.

The steady state equations

In this section, we formulate the set of governing equations of the system using
the appropriate rates as follows;

Wn (x) + (2 + (x)) Wn (x) = 2 Wn-1 (x); n 1 (1)

W0 (x) + (2 + (x)) W0 (x) = 0


1 Q = (1-p)

Vn = p

(x) (x) dx + V0K0

(x) (x) dx ; n0



The above equations ae to be solved subject to the following boundary


Wn (0) = (1-p)

(x)(x) dx + V0Kn+1 + V1Kn + ... + Vn+1K0; n1


W0(0) = (1-p)

(x)(x)dx + V0K1 + V1K0 + 1Q (6)

We define the following probability generating functions:

W(x,z) =

V(z) =

The analysis

(x)zn; W(z) =


zn; (7)

In order to derive various performance indices, we obtain the probability

generating function of the number of units in the system using the above set of
equations as follows: on multiplying Equations (1) and (2) by zn, summing over
n and using Equation (7), we have Equation (8):

W(x,z) + (2 - 2z + (x)) W(x,z) = 0


Similarly, multiplying Equation (4) by zn, summing over n

V(z) = p


Now we obtain

zn =

Using Equations (5) to (7), we derive equation (10):

zW(0,z) = (1-p)



With the help of equation (3), the above Equation can be written as


W(0,z) =


From equation (8), we get Equation (12):

W(x,z) = W(0,z)e


Using Equation (12), we have Equation (13):

W(z) = W(0,z)


Theorem 1 The probability generating function of the queue length, whether

the server is on vacation or available in the system is

Theorem 2 The probability generating function of the number of units in the

system is

Theorem 3 The expected number of units in the queue is

In M/M/1 deterministic vacation queuing model, we set

In Equation 20 so that

M/Ek/1 deterministic vacation model: E(v2) =

M/M/1 deterministic vacation model: E(v2) =

M/D/1 deterministic vacation model: E(v2) =

Interval analysis arithmetic

Let I1and I2be two interval numbers defined by ordered pairs of real numbers
with lower and upper bounds.
I1= [a, b], a b ; I2= [c, d], c d.
Define a general arithmetic property with the symbol *,

where * =

[+, -, , ] symbolically the operation.

I1* I2= [a, b] * [c, d] represents another interval. The interval calculation
depends on themagnitudes and signs of the element a, b, c, d.
[a, b] + [c, d] = [a + c, b + d]
[a, b] -[c, d] = [a -d, b -c]
[a, b] [c, d] = [min(ac, ad, bc, bd), max(ac, ad, bc, bd)]
[a, b] [c, d] = [a, b] 1 , 1
d c

[a,b] for >0


provided that 0 [c, d]

[a,b] for <0

where ac, ad, bc, bd, are arithmetic products and 1 , 1

are quotients.

d c

-3pd-2 =[15,20]-(0.1)[1,2] [1,2] [15,20] [1,3]

=[15,20] (0.1) [min(1,2,4),max(1,2,4)] [15,20] [1,3]
=[15,20]-(0.1)[1,4] [15,20] [1,3]
=[15,20] (0.1) [min(15,20,60,80),max(15,20,60,80)] [1,3]
=[15-3,20-1]-(0.1) [15,80]
=[12,19]-(0.1) [15,80]
=[12,19]- [1.5,8]

-3pd+1+1p-2 =[4,17.5]+[4,6] +(0.1)[4,6] [15,20]

=[4+4,17.5+6] (0.1) [min(60,80,90,120),max(60,80,90,120)]
=[8,23.5]-(0.1) [60,120]
=[8,23.5]- [6,12]


- 3pd 1+1p -2


=[14,17.5] [1/35.5,1/14]

2 12

2 [4,18]

= [0.02,0.16]

2 12p

2 (0.1) [4,18]

(0.2) [4,18]

=(0.2) [0.2,1.2]
p 1 3d=(0.1) [4,6] [1,4] [1,4]
=(0.01) [4,24] [1,4]
=(0.01) [4,96]

p 13d

2 [4,18]

(0.1) [4,96]

=(0.1) [0.2,6.4]
2 12

+ 2 12p

p 1 3d +

p 13d

= [0.02,0.16] + [0.04,0.24] + [0.04,0.96] + [0.02,0.64]



[15,20] [1,3] (0.1) [1,2] [1,2]



[12,19] (0.1) [1,4]



[12,19] [0.1,0.4]



=2 [0.58,1.26]
=2 [0.58,1.26] [0.58,1.26]
=2 [0.34,1.59]




=[0.04,2.94] [0.11,1.25]
Lq = [0.004,3.68]


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