What Is Time Management?: Choosing A Time Management Method That Works For You
What Is Time Management?: Choosing A Time Management Method That Works For You
What Is Time Management?: Choosing A Time Management Method That Works For You
Time management is the managing of your time so that time is used to your advantage and it gives you a
chance to spend your most valuable resource in the way you choose. Time management is a skill that can be
learned which involves techniques for prioritizing activities and using time effectively while eliminating
disruptions and time wasters. Time Management is an endless series of decisions, small and large, that
gradually change the shape of your life.
No one has total control over a daily schedule. Someone or something always will always make
demands. However everyone has some control and probably more than they realize. Even within structured
time, there are opportunities to select which tasks or activities to handle and what priority to assign to that task.
It is through the exercise of these choices that allow you control over your time.
The secret to effective time management lies in organizing and planning. Each person will plan their own
week to harmonize with his or her unique requirements, inclinations and interests. Each thirty minutes saved
through planning is time which can be used to make life richer and better. Time management begins with the
use of an assessment of your current time usage, followed by the creation of a calendar, schedule or planner
with daily lists.
To begin, make a semester calendar. Use a wall or desk calendar for major exams, due dates, and
meetings; basically the events that you must do and that do not change. Use your class syllabi to help you
complete the calendar. You should then keep a pocket calendar or use the month calendars in a planner as a
reminder of classes, appointments, meetings, and errands.
In addition, a weekly schedule should be used, which should be made once a semester of all classes,
exercise routine, work and extracurricular activities, housekeeping duties, sleeping and eating, and blank spaces
to fit in necessary activities as they come up, which is usually done weekly, preferably on a Sunday night before
the week begins. These blank spaces should be utilized for studying and the completion of assignments. Study
time should be scheduled at a ratio of two hours of study per hour of class. Moreover, a daily list should be
made each day, either when you wake up in the morning or each night before you go to bed. The list should be
kept short, about five or six items, both academic and personal. The list should also be prioritized and the items
should be small specific goals such as read five pages in psychology, not read a chapter of psychology.
Additionally, you must learn to use your schedules every day and learn to say "no" so that you can keep to your
Choosing a Time Management Method that Works for You
Not all time management methods work for everyone. Understanding who you are as a student/learner
can help you assess which method is best for you. After assessment, choose a time management organizational
tool that can assist you in being a more productive time manager
Monthly Calendar
Semester on a Page
Use a General Course Catalog
2. Plan sufficient study time to do justice to each subject. Most college classes are planned to require about
two hours of outside work per week per credit. By multiplying your credit load by two you can get a
good idea of the time you should provide for studying. Of course, if you are a slow reader, or have other
study deficiencies, you may need to plan more time in order to meet the competition from your
classmates. Break assignments into smaller segments, such as library research, read articles & take
notes, rough draft, edit paper, final draft. Break study tasks into smaller segments, such as: read chapter,
outline chapter, make note cards, study note cards, review for exam.
3. Study at a regular time and in a regular place. Establishing habits of regularity in studying is extremely
important. Knowing what you are going to study, and when, saves a lot of time in making decisions,
finding necessary materials, etc. Avoid generalizations is your schedule such as "study". Commit
yourself more definitely to "study history' or "study chemistry" at certain hours.
4. Study as soon after class as possible. Check over lecture notes while they are still fresh in your mind.
Start assignments while your memory of the assignment is still accurate. Remember, one hour of study
immediately after class is probably better than two hours of study a few days later.
5. Utilize off hours for study. Those scattered one or two hours free periods between classes are easily
wasted. Using them for study will result in free time for recreational activities later on.
6. Study no more than two hours on any one course at one time. After studying for two hours you begin to
tire and your ability to concentrate decreases rapidly. To keep up your efficiency, take a break and then
switch to studying another subject.
7. Borrow time-don't steal it. Whenever an unexpected activity arises that takes up time you had planned to
use studying, decide immediately where you can trade for "free" time to make up the missed study time
and adjust your schedule for that week.
Taken from Effective Study Materials P.O. Box 603, San Marcos, Texas
In addition to blocking in time commitments, designate a section for listing and grouping phone calls by
priority. Group errands in a time/geographical/priority sequence and make a If I get everything else done list.
Maximize your efficiency by working with your body cycles.
Cognitive Tasks 8am-12pm
Cognitive, or mental, tasks such as reading, calculating, and problem solving are performed most
efficiently in the morning.
Short Term Memory 6am-10am
Short term memory tasks such as last minute reviewing for tests performed early in the morning.
Long Term Memory 1pm-4pm
Longer term memory tasks such as memorizing speeches and information for application are best
performed in the afternoon.
Manual Dexterity 2pm-6pm
You are most efficient at tasks involving the use of your hands such as keyboarding in the afternoon and
early evening.
Physical Workouts
Because of Circadian Rhythms it is best to engage in physical activity in the evening when your large
muscle coordination is at its peak.
Task Description
1 = Urgent and important - These activities are important because they fulfill your key responsibilities (Step 2), but are also urgent because a deadline
is attached
2 = Important but not urgent - These are items that fit into your long-range plan. They may be put off for a time but should reappear later as a 1
3 = Not urgent or important - These may be quick and easy items that give you a sense of accomplishment
4 = Should be done by someone else - Analyze your activities to see what you can delegate
Daily Total
Weekly Total
Spend in school?
Study or do homework?
Watch TV?
Work at a job?
Time Wasters
Lack of Planning
Possible Causes
Failure to see benefit
Activity orientation
Successful without it
Recognize that planning takes time but saves time in the long run
Emphasizes that success is often in spite of, not because of, methods
Lack of Priorities
Possible Causes
Lack of goals and objectives
Write down goals and objectives
Possible Causes
Broad interests
Choose a few, then say NO to further requests for involvement
Decide which things must come first
Develop a personal philosophy of time, relate priorities to a daily/weekly "To Do" list
Management by crisis
Possible Causes
Lack of planning
Unrealistic time estimates
Problems orientation
Allow for adequate time; allow for interruptions
Be opportunity oriented
Act instead of react
Possible Causes
Impatience with detail or routine matters
Responding to the urgent
lack of planning ahead
Attempting too much in too little time
Take the time to do it right the first time, saves doing it over
Distinguish between urgent and important
Take time to plan
Attempt less; delegate more.
Possible Causes
Enjoyment of socializing
Inability to say no
Do it elsewhere
Meet visitors outside or at the door
Avoid situations where you know you like to visit but don't have the time right then
Say no
Be unavailable; modify open door policy
Suggest doing something at another time
Possible Causes
Lack of confidence in the facts
Insistence on all the facts - paralysis of analysis
Fear of the consequence of a mistake