BS8005-5 1987 (Sewerage)
BS8005-5 1987 (Sewerage)
BS8005-5 1987 (Sewerage)
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 15-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. BSI
UDC 628.213
BS 8005-2:
BS 8005-2:1987
Amd. No.
Date of issue
BS 8005-2:1987
Committees responsible
Section 1. General
BSI 02-2000
Inside front cover
Inside back cover
BS 8005-2:1987
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 18, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
1) In
BSI 02-2000
This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Civil
Engineering and Building Structures Standards Committee and is directed at
general engineering practitioners who may either be embarking on a career in
sewerage or be dealing with a particular aspect for the first time. It is not
intended to be exhaustive in any field but sets out to present guidance on basic
principles and good practice, indicating where a more detailed and
comprehensive study may be made. BS 8005 supersedes and enhances
CP 2005:1968, which is withdrawn, although some of the material incorporated
is a restatement or a revision of the earlier text.
BS 8005 gives guidance on the planning, design, construction, operation and
maintenance of works to convey sewage, including storm sewage, surface water
and trade effluents to a sewage treatment works, tidal waters or other final place
of disposal. Recommendations are given for the repair, renovation and
replacement of sewers.
Many end users of this British Standard, such as governments, public
authorities, sewerage authorities and consultants, issue their own
recommendations and specifications for sewerage which BS 8005 is intended to
complement rather than replace.
BS 8005-0 directs the reader to sources of more detailed information, particularly
on important and specialized fields such as health and safety. It should be
regarded as supplying essential background information for the other Parts of
BS 8005.
BS 8005 is to be published in six separate Parts, as follows.
Part 0, Introduction and guide to data sources and documentation;
Part 1, Guide to new sewerage construction;
Part 2, Guide to pumping stations and pumping mains;
Part 3, Guide to sewers in tunnel1);
Part 4, Guide to design and construction of outfalls;
Part 5, Guide to rehabilitation of sewers1).
It has been noted that substantial one-part codes and guides take a long time to
revise and if they are reviewed at infrequent intervals, they tend to become out of
date quickly, especially in a field where technological development is rapid. It is
intended therefore to keep a constant watch on new developments and to update
BS 8005, Part by Part, as soon as the work can be justified.
BS 8301 sets out recommendations for building drainage and, while it relates
generally to smaller pipelines, there is some overlap between it and BS 8005.
BS 6297 gives recommendations for the design and installation of small sewage
treatment works and cesspools.
Apart from Part 0, which is directed more specifically at the UK sewerage field,
BS 8005 is for use both in the UK and, in appropriate circumstances, overseas.
Suggestions for the improvement of any Part of BS 8005 will be welcomed by the
Secretary of CSB/5 at 2 Park Street, London W1A 2BS.
A British Standard dose not purport to include all the necessary provision of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
BS 8005-2:1987
Section 1. General
1 Scope
2 Definitions
BSI 02-2000
3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this Part of BS 8005 the
abbreviations given in BS 8005-1 apply.
BS 8005-2:1987
5 Pumps
5.1 General
Pumps for handling sewage should be unchokeable
and wear resisting. They may be divided broadly
into four groups: rotodynamic; reciprocating;
pneumatic and Archimedean screw.
(See also BS 6297.)
5.2 Rotodynamic pumps
Rotodynamic pumps are relatively cheap to buy, of
small overall dimensions in relation to capacity,
light in weight and can be arranged vertically or
horizontally. They may vary from moderate to high
efficiency according to the size of the pump, type of
impeller and the head/quantity characteristic of the
duty to be performed. All types of rotodynamic
pumps afford a high degree of flexibility. Both
quantity and head can be varied by changing the
speed and/or diameter of the impeller.
When two or more pumps are required to discharge
in parallel to a common rising main the
head/quantity characteristics should be studied in
order to obtain stable conditions and a good overall
This important group of pumps is divided into three
a) The centrifugal pump. The capacity of
traditional dry well centrifugal pumps for
reasonably economic working may vary from a
minimum of about 7 L/s up to 700 L/s and more,
with heads varying from 3 m to about 45 m. With
small to medium capacities the pump should be of
the unchokeable type wherein any solid, up to a
maximum of about a 100 mm sphere, that may
enter the pump suction will be passed through
the pump.
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
7.4 Telemetry
The purpose of any telemetry system is to provide
operational and management data to a remote
management centre and, in selected cases, to
provide the facility for override control of the plant
from the management centre.
Telemetry systems usually cover a sewage
treatment works and any pumping stations within
its catchment.
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
9 Miscellaneous
9.1 Pump protection
Sewage pumps are designed to handle solids and
consequently they are less efficient than pumps for
clean water. The solids vary in character and
include unexpected items which get into sewers and
become potential hazards. Rags are a frequent
source of trouble; grit may be a problem after
storms. Proprietary refinements in certain sewage
pumps are directed to reducing the risk of pump
blockage by solids.
In some circumstances special pumps or plant may
be provided to reduce the risk of failure of the
pumps. Special plant is usually unnecessary at a
small pumping station which is served by small
sewers. It should be considered for larger stations
where it is vital to maintain uninterrupted pumping
capacity. The character of the incoming sewage may
be a factor if it is known to have an unusual solids
Coarse screens can be used to prevent large objects
and some solids from entering pumps. They always
collect rags and this, with the large objects, causes a
build-up which may restrict the sewage flow. The
screenings need to be removed, either manually or
by a machine, and either macerated and returned to
the flow or otherwise disposed of. Although the
plant can be automatic it will need attention and
maintenance. The selection of screening plant is a
matter of experience and judgement as there are
several basic types and refinements. If there is
doubt as to the need for a coarse screen, provision
can be made for its installation later after a period
of operational experience.
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
10 General
The type and size of pumping stations and pumps
depends on the pumping duties, the location,
whether the station will be attended, and the
preferences of the user and designer.
The conventional pumping station has a dry well for
pumps and other plant and a separate wet well,
usually housing some of the control equipment. The
roof of the dry well, which may extend partly or
wholly over the wet well, should be above ground
(and flood) level and serves as the floor of the
superstructure building for motors and electrical
The building can include facilities for operators such
as a toilet, messroom and store. At large stations it
can also have a workshop and garage. Because of
possible smell and noise problems it is not usually
advisable to locate offices or amenity buildings at
pumping stations.
It may be possible and necessary to construct a
pumping station partly or wholly underground, for
instance to deter vandalism, but this calls for special
precautions in designing the substructure and in
observing health and safety requirements.
A screw pumping station is used to discharge into a
channel or gravity sewer and not into a pumping
main. The motors and control gear should be housed
and, if the screws are in the open, they should be
provided with removable safety covers.
Small pumping devices, such as ejectors, may have
an integral reception chamber and can therefore be
installed in basements rather than in separate
BSI 02-2000
13 Pumping heads
For a selected pumping rate the total pumping head
(or pressure) comprises the static lift, the friction in
the pumping main, the friction through the pumps
and station pipework and valves and the entry and
exit head losses.
BS 8005-2:1987
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
16 Substructure design
The form of substructure should suit the types and
layout of the pumps and other plant. If alternatives
are being considered it will probably be found that
submerged pumpsets require the smallest
substructures, vertical pumpsets the next larger
and horizontal pumpsets the largest.
The following guidelines apply to all pumping
stations including the very small, and to ejector
a) Adequate access openings should be provided
for all operational and safety items that will have
to be introduced into the station and which may
have to be removed from it.
b) There should be liberal dimensional tolerances
in level and location for all installed items so that
they can be conveniently fitted together and fixed
to the structure.
c) Pipework is normally anchored where it is built
into the walls of the station and at these locations
some designers provide cast or welded-on puddle
flanges. Elsewhere the pipes and fittings should
be supported to avoid excessive strain on the
joints. Large valves should have individual
supports. Vertical pipe runs can be supported at
the base on duckfoot bends and horizontal runs
on reinforced supports with detachable metal
straps. The supports and anchorages may need to
withstand both test and surge pressures. They
should not impede dismantling.
d) Reasonable access facilities and working space
should be available for operation and
e) Floor drainage for a dry well should be
generous as it will be needed during construction
and also when pumps and pipework are emptied.
It is usually better to add the floor surfacing after
installation of the major items of plant and
pipework. A sump pump should normally be
17 Wet wells
17.1 Capacity
The size of a wet well should be related to the
pumping rates as, except at large stations, it
provides storage for intermittent pumping. At large
stations the incoming sewers can provide some of
the wet well capacity.
For small and medium stations the size of the wet
well should be such that the pumps will not start
and stop too frequently (six to 12 starts per hour is
a guide).
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
17.2 Design
17.3 Operation
A build-up of scum and grease at the sewage surface
in a wet well can affect the operation of control
equipment and access should be provided for
cleaning the control equipment and, if necessary, for
removing the scum. The part of the wet well in
which the pump control equipment is located should
have a sewage surface which is always reasonably
Adequate ventilation should be provided as a
safeguard against the accumulation of dangerous
gases or vapours.
BSI 02-2000
19 Lifting facilities
At every pumping station appropriate and suitable
lifting equipment should be provided, maintained in
a serviceable condition and used. This could take the
form of a simple pulley block, or in a large station an
overhead gantry crane.
BS 8005-2:1987
20 Superstructure
The superstructure of a sewage pumping station
will have to suit the substructure in providing
accommodation for pumping units, equipment and
operators. The design of the actual building requires
special consideration in respect of size, type and
Buildings should be substantial, well-proportioned
and with a choice of materials suitable to
operational and climatic conditions. This includes
provisions such as damp-proofing, insulation,
air-conditioning and protection against the weather.
Pumping stations should also be protected against
vandalism and unlawful entry by fitting adequate
locking devices to windows and doors. For remote
stations and in high-risk areas, alarm systems can
be fitted in addition. If resort is to be made to
underground stations for security purposes, the risk
of flooding, fire and explosion should be seriously
taken into account.
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
22 Velocities of flow
To avoid sedimentation, the minimum
recommended velocity in pumping mains is
about 0.75 m/s, but if there is a velocity of
about 1.2 m/s for several hours each day, the
minimum velocity can be as low as 0.5 m/s. The
maximum velocity should normally not be
above 3 m/s. Power considerations usually impose
this limit.
23 Diameter
The diameter of a pumping main should be
determined by an economic analysis of the pipeline
and pumping costs and by an assessment of the
engineering factors which may sometimes override
the economic analysis. Alternative diameters should
be examined which produce minimum and
maximum velocities within the acceptable limits,
and pumping costs should be estimated taking
account of the normal rate of pumping (not
necessarily the peak rate). The most economical
scheme will be the one which involves the lowest
overall annual cost, including repayment of capital
cost, running and maintenance.
If septicity of the sewage is likely to be a problem the
retention period in the pumping main should be
reduced by adopting a smaller diameter and
accepting a higher velocity of flow, even though this
may mean higher power consumption.
The minimum diameter of a main is usually 100 mm
but sometimes smaller mains may be considered to
maintain a minimum velocity and avoid septicity.
Mains as small as 50 mm can be used but it is then
necessary to install a macerator in the system to
reduce the size of solids.
24 Number of mains
Duplication of pumping mains should be considered
in the following circumstances.
a) To provide a standby in the event of the other
main being temporarily out of action. Duplication
may be provided for the whole length or for part
of the length, e.g. at crossings of watercourses,
canals and railways.
b) To accommodate storm sewage flows which
could not be carried in a single main within the
acceptable limits of velocity.
c) To permit parallel working of the centrifugal
pumps where their characteristics do not lend
themselves to combined working through a single
25 Pressures
The maximum friction head (pressure) arises at the
maximum velocity. It should be calculated by one of
the recognized hydraulic systems for friction losses
in a pipeline flowing full. It should be remembered
that friction factors and viscosity of the liquid are
likely to change when air or oxygen injection is
employed to control septicity (see BS 8005-1).
The possibility of positive and negative pressures
due to surge (water hammer) should be considered.
They are more likely to be significant in long mains
or where high velocities arise. Surge analysis is
complicated and is usually only undertaken when
surge pressures are expected to be important. There
are now many computer programmes available to
assist in this analysis.
Surge pressures can be alleviated by various means
as follows:
a) a suitably designed regulating or non-return
valve in the main;
b) a pressure regulating or surge chamber on the
c) flywheels on the pumps to avoid sudden shut
d) a standpipe, close to the pumping station;
e) double-acting surge relief valves on system.
Other methods can be included such as stage
shut-down, or variable speed drives to reduce
long-term fatigue failure of pipelines due to the
effect of surge pressures.
Surge pressures influence the selection of material
and class of pipe of a pumping main.
Recommendations are given in CP 312-2 and
CP 2010-2, CP 2010-3, CP 2010-4 and CP 2010-53).
The pumping main should be so designed as to be
capable of withstanding a hydraulic test pressure of
not less than 1.5 times the maximum working
pressure or not less than 1.5 times the maximum
surge pressure, whichever is the greater, subject to
the recommendations in the above codes.
Under revision
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
26 Valves
27 Profiles
Where possible, a pumping main should be laid with
a continuous uphill grade and with gentle curves on
both horizontal and vertical planes. When a
continuous uphill grade is not possible, air release
valves should be incorporated at high points and as
the profile of the main dictates. Washout valves
should be installed at low points.
28 Discharge arrangements
The discharge of a pumping main should be
arranged to avoid turbulence or splashing. It is
preferable to avoid a vertical drop pipe and to
arrange that the end of the pumping main is always
full. If this is not possible, and the sewage may be
septic, the surfaces of the structure at the discharge
should be protected against corrosion.
Chambers into which pumping mains discharge
should be well ventilated. (See clause 11.)
29 Anchorages
Pumping mains require anchorages to resist the
thrusts developed at changes of direction, tapers,
tees, valves and blank ends. Anchorages should not
impede flexibility or expansion and, as far as
possible, they should allow for possible replacement
of fittings in the pipeline. The maximum thrusts
usually occur when the pipelines are being tested.
In situ concrete blocks should be provided for buried
pipelines. For horizontal mains they should take the
form of a cradle wedged against the undisturbed
trench side; the design should be based on the safe
bearing pressure of the ground. Vertical or inclined
fittings should be clamped with metal straps to
concrete blocks beneath them. Inclined pipelines,
steeper than 1 in 6 should be anchored by concrete
blocks cast across the pipes and set into undisturbed
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:1987
BSI 02-2000
30 Control of septicity
Septicity in pumping mains can be prevented or
controlled by the addition of oxidants to the sewage
either in the form of oxygen or oxidizing chemicals
such as hydrogen peroxide. Chlorine injection, with
appropriate safeguards, may also be considered.
The injection of gaseous oxygen, either pure or as
air, causes complications which should be taken into
account when designing the pipeline. Automatic air
release valves at peaks may be incompatible with
the process and it may be better to have air release
cocks for occasional purging. Materials in the
pipeline, fittings, valves, etc., should be compatible
with the oxygen/chlorine/sewage mixture.
The use of air instead of oxygen is not advised as the
quantity needs to be five times greater. Oxygen
absorption from air is less efficient than from
undiluted oxygen and it may be necessary to remove
a considerable volume of nitrogen.
BS 8005-2:1987
Publications referred to
BS 1710, Specification for identification of pipelines and services.
BS 3535, Specification for safety isolating transformers for industrial and domestic purposes.
BS 5153, Specification for cast iron check valves for general purposes.
BS 5304, Code of practice. Safeguarding of machinery.
BS 5345, Code of practice for the selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres (other than mining applications or explosive processing and
BS 5839, Fire detection and alarm systems in buildings.
BS 5839-1, Code of practice for installation and servicing.
BS 6297, Code of practice for design and installation of small sewage treatment works and cesspools.
BS 8005, Sewerage.
BS 8005-0, Introduction and guide to data sources and documentation.
BS 8005-1, Guide to new sewerage construction.
BS 8005-3, Guide to sewers in tunnel4).
BS 8005-4 Guide to design and construction of outfalls.
BS 8005-5, Guide to rehabilitation of sewers4).
BS 8007, Code of practice for design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids.
BS 8301, Code of practice for building drainage5).
CP 312, Code of practice for plastics pipework (thermoplastics material).
CP 312-2, Unplasticized PVC pipework for the conveyance of liquids under pressure.
CP2010, Code of practice for pipelines6).
CP2010-2, Design and construction of steel pipelines in land.
CP2010-3, Design and construction of iron pipelines in land.
CP2010-4, Design and construction of asbestos cement pipelines in land.
CP2010-5, Design and construction of prestressed concrete pressure pipelines in land.
CIRIA Technical Note 119: Screens and Grit in Sewage: Record, treatment and disposal.
4) In
5) Referred
6) Under
revision as BS 8010.
BSI 02-2000
BS 8005-2:
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