Audit & Assurance Study Guide 2015
Audit & Assurance Study Guide 2015
Audit & Assurance Study Guide 2015
Study Guide
Study guide
Key resources
ACA Overview
The ICAEW chartered accountancy qualification, the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning and
professional development programmes available. Its integrated components provide you with an indepth understanding across accountancy, finance and business. Combined, they help build the
technical knowledge, professional skills and practical experience needed to become an ICAEW Chartered
Each component is designed to complement each other, which means that you can put theory into
practice and can understand and apply what you learn to your day-to-day work. The components are:
Professional development
ICAEW Chartered Accountants are known for their professionalism and expertise. Professional
development prepares you to successfully handle a variety of different situations that you'll encounter
throughout your career.
The ACA qualification improves your ability and performance in seven key areas:
Adding value
Decision making
Problem solving
Team working
Technical competence.
Study Guide
options. This ensures that once qualified, all ICAEW Chartered Accountants have a consistent level of
knowledge, skills and experience.
Certificate Level
There are six modules that will introduce the fundamentals of accountancy, finance and business.
Each module is examined by a 1.5 hour computer-based assessment which can be sat at any time. You
may be eligible for credit for some modules if you have studied accounting, finance, law or business at
degree level or through another professional qualification.
These six modules also provide a stand-alone certificate, the ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting
and Business (ICAEW CFAB). Once you have completed all six Certificate Level assessments, you can
apply for the ICAEW CFAB certificate of completion, visit for more information.
The aim of the Assurance module is to ensure students understand the assurance process and
fundamental principles of ethics and are able to contribute to the assessment of internal controls and
gathering of evidence on an assurance engagement.
Professional Level
The next six modules build on the fundamentals and test your understanding and ability to use
technical knowledge in real-life scenarios. Each module has a 2.5 3 hour exam, which are available to
sit four times per year. These modules are flexible and can be taken in any order. The Business Planning:
Taxation and Business Strategy modules in particular will help you to progress to the Advanced Level.
The knowledge base put into place at Assurance is taken further in the professional level module, where
the aim will be to enable students to understand the critical aspects of managing an assurance
engagement. This includes acceptance, planning, managing, concluding and reporting.
Advanced Level
The Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management modules test understanding and strategic
decision making at a senior level. They present real-life scenarios, with increased complexity and
implications from the Professional Level modules.
The Case Study presents a complex business issue which challenges your ability to problem solve,
identify the ethical implications and provide an effective solution. The Case Study tests through
contextualisation the ability to apply your knowledge, skills and experience.
The Advanced Level exams are fully open book, so they replicate a real-life scenario where all the
resources are at your fingertips. The Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management exam will
consist of two scenario-based questions, forming a stepping stone to the Case Study. Access further
exam resources and support at
Syllabus area
1 Legal and other professional regulations, ethics and current issues
2 Accepting and managing engagements
3 Planning engagements
4 Concluding and reporting on engagements
Your exam will consist of
Part one
20 marks
Part two
3 questions
(2 worth around 20 marks and 1 worth around 40 marks)
80 marks
The Audit and Assurance module is examined using traditional paper-based exams. The paper-based
exam is 2.5 hours long. The exam tests each of the four syllabus areas in accordance with the
weightings set out in the specification grid. Ethics and law may be tested in any of the questions and
candidates may use the open book text.
Study Guide
Study guide
Keeping in mind how all the detail you need to know fits
into the whole picture will help you understand it better.
Take notes.
Answer the questions in each chapter.
Draw mindmaps.
Try 'teaching' a subject to a colleague or friend.
This topic list is shown in the contents for each chapter and helps you navigate
each part of the book; each numbered topic is a numbered section in the
The practical significance and working context sections for each chapter, set
out in this study guide give you the big picture in terms of the context of the
chapter. The Examination context guidance shows what the examiners are
looking for and tells you why the topics covered in the chapter need to be
Step 3
Section overviews
Section overviews give you a quick summary of the content of each of the
main chapter sections. They can also be used at the end of each chapter to
help you review each chapter quickly.
Step 4
Step 5
Note taking
Take brief notes, if you wish. Don't copy out too much. Remember that being
able to record something yourself is a sign of being able to understand it. Your
notes can be in whatever format you find most helpful; lists, diagrams,
Step 6
Work through the examples very carefully as they illustrate key knowledge and
Step 7
Check yours against the suggested solutions, and make sure you understand
any discrepancies.
Step 8
Chapter summary
Review it carefully, to make sure you have grasped the significance of all the
important points in the chapter.
Step 9
Step 10
Learning objectives
Use the Self-test to check how much you have remembered of the topics
Ensure you have ticked off the Learning objectives.
Moving on...
When you are ready to start revising, you should still refer back to the Study Manual.
As a source of reference (you should find the index particularly helpful for this).
As a way to review (the Section overviews, Examination context, Chapter summaries and Self-test
questions help you here).
Remember to keep careful hold of the Study Manual you will find it invaluable in your work.
Study Guide
Practical significance
Working context
Due Date
Study Guide
Practical significance
Working context
Laws and regulations
Related parties
Money laundering
Due Date
Practical significance
Working context
Due Date
Fundamental principles
FRC Ethical Standard requirements.
Study Guide
Practical significance
Working context
Due Date
Practical significance
Working context
Due Date
Risk analysis
Legal issues
Study Guide
Practical significance
Working context
Finish the chapter by trying the selftest questions and the sample paper
Due Date
Practical significance
Working context
Due Date
Use of:
Internal auditors
Other auditors (in a group
Study Guide
Practical significance
Working context
Overall review
Going concern
Subsequent events.
Due Date
Practical significance
Working context
Essential points:
Due Date
Study Guide
Identify and advise upon the professional and ethical issues that may arise during an
assurance engagement.
2, 4
(b) Recognise the professional and ethical issues that may arise during an assurance
engagement, explain the relevance and importance of these issues and evaluate the
relative merits of different standpoints taken in debate.
2, 4
Judge when to raise legal and ethical matters arising from assurance work with senior
colleagues for review and possible referral to external parties.
(d) Discuss the purposes and consequences of UK laws and other regulatory requirements
surrounding assurance work.
2, 4
2, 3, 4
Explain the standard-setting process used by national and international (IAASB) bodies
and the authority of the national and international standards.
Explain, in non-technical language, significant current assurance issues being dealt with
by the national standard-setting body and the IAASB.
(g) Explain, using appropriate examples, the main ways in which national legislation affects
Audit engagements
(h) Explain the main ways in which national legislation and other regulations affect the
scope and nature of the audit and the appointment and removal of auditors (including
the relationship between the law and auditing standards).
2, 6
Explain the principles behind different auditing requirements in different jurisdictions and
describe how national and international bodies are working to harmonise auditing
requirements, including requirements to report on internal controls.
Describe the principal causes of audit failure and their effects and the gap between
outcomes delivered by audit engagements and the expectations of users of audit reports.
Identify the legal, professional and ethical considerations that an individual or firm must
consider before accepting a specified assurance engagement.
(b) Identify the sources of liability (including professional negligence) arising from an
assurance engagement and their impact upon the conduct of the engagement.
Discuss the issues which underlie the agreement of the scope and terms of an assurance
engagement (new or continuing).
5, 6
(d) Formulate the approach suitable for management of the assurance engagement.
Study Guide
(g) Describe how quality can be monitored and controlled through procedures external to
the organisation.
Audit engagements
(h) Discuss the process by which an auditor obtains an audit engagement.
Discuss the issues and risks that an individual auditor or audit firm must consider with
regard to the acceptance of an audit engagement (new or continuing) with a client,
including terms of engagement and their documentation.
Identify the legal, professional and ethical considerations that an individual auditor or
audit firm must consider before accepting a specified audit engagement.
Planning engagements
Candidates will be able to plan assurance engagements in accordance with the terms of the
engagements and appropriate standards.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
All assurance engagements
Recognise the circumstances under which it may be necessary to bring in expertise from
other parties to support assurance processes.
(d) Identify the risks arising from, or affecting, a given set of business processes and
circumstances and assess their implications for the engagement.
Identify the risks arising from error, fraud and non-compliance with law and other
regulations and assess their implications for the engagement.
Assess significant business risks identified for their potential impact upon an organisation,
in particular their potential impact on performance measurement.
7, 10
Discuss the benefits and limitations of analytical procedures at the planning stage.
Audit engagements
Identify the components of audit risk for a specified audit engagement, including the
breakdown of audit risk into inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.
Outline the aspects of employment and social security law which are relevant to statutory
(m) Discuss the differences between the audit of a non-specialised profit oriented entity and
the audit of a given specialised profit oriented entity.
(n) Discuss the differences between the audit of a non-specialised profit oriented entity and
the audit of a given not-for-profit entity.
(o) Specify and explain the steps necessary to plan, perform, conclude and report on the
audit of the financial statements of a non-specialised profit oriented entity in accordance
with the terms of the engagement including appropriate auditing standards.
7, 11
(p) Evaluate the impact of risk and materiality in preparing the audit plan, including the
nature, timing and extent of audit procedures.
7, 9
Describe the nature and timing of specific procedures designed to identify subsequent
events that may require adjustment or disclosure in relation to the matters being
reported on.
(b) Describe the nature and timing of specific procedures designed to identify the
appropriateness of the going concern assumption, including compliance with relevant
legal and regulatory requirements.
(d) Draw conclusions on the ability to report on an assurance engagement which are
consistent with the results of the assurance work.
Draft suitable extracts for an assurance report (including any report to the management
issued as part of the engagement) in relation to a specified organisation on the basis of
given information, including in the extracts (where appropriate) statements of facts, their
potential effects, and recommendations for action relevant to the needs and nature of
the organisation being reported upon.
Audit engagements
(h) Draw conclusions on the ability to report on an audit engagement, including the opinion
for a statutory audit, which are consistent with the results of the audit work.
Explain the elements (both explicit and implicit) of the auditors report issued in
accordance with the International Standards on Auditing and statutory requirements and
recommend the nature of an audit opinion to be given in such a report.
Draft suitable extracts for an audit report (including any report to the management
issued as part of the engagement) in relation to a specified organisation on the basis of
given information, including in the extracts (where appropriate) statements of facts, their
potential effects, and recommendations for action relevant to the needs and nature of
the organisation being reported upon.
Study Guide
Technical knowledge
The tables contained in this section show the technical knowledge covered in the ACA syllabus by
For each technical topic, the level of knowledge required in the relevant Certificate or Professional Level
module and at the Advanced Level is shown.
The knowledge levels are defined as follows:
Level D
An awareness of the scope of the standard.
Level C
A general knowledge with a basic understanding of the subject matter and training in its application
thereof sufficient to identify significant issues and evaluate their potential implications or impact.
Level B
A working knowledge with a broad understanding of the subject matter and a level of experience in the
application thereof sufficient to apply the subject matter in straightforward circumstances.
Level A
A thorough knowledge with a solid understanding of the subject matter and experience in the
application thereof sufficient to exercise reasonable professional judgement in the application of the
subject matter in those circumstances generally encountered by Chartered Accountants.
Audit and
The Authority Attaching to Standards Issued by the International Auditing and Assurance
Standards Board
The Authority Attaching to Practice Statements Issued by the International Auditing and
Assurance Standards Board
Discussion Papers
Working Procedures
Audit and
250 B The Auditors Right and Duty to Report to Regulators in the Financial Sector
260 (Revised October 2012) Communication with Those Charged with Governance
265 Communicating Deficiencies in Internal Control to Those Charged with Governance and
315 Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Through Understanding the
Entity and its Environment
540 Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates and Related
705 (Revised October 2012) Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditors
706 (Revised October 2012) Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in
the Independent Auditors Report
720 A (Revised October 2012) The Auditors Responsibility Relating to Other Information in
Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements
Study Guide
600 Special Considerations Audits of Group Financial Statements (including the Work of
Component Auditors)
610 (Revised June 2013) Using the Work of Internal Auditors
Audit and
2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the
IFAC Statements
ISQC1 Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Financial Statements,
and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements
Other Guidance
6 Key resources
Student support team
Our student support team are here to help you as much as possible, providing full support throughout
your studies.
T +44 (0)1908 248 250
F +44 (0)1908 248 069
Student website
The student area of our website provides you with information on exam applications, deadlines, results
and regulations as well as applying for credit for prior learning (CPL). The study resources section
includes advice from the examiners, module syllabi, past papers and sample papers, webinars and study
guides. The study guides are designed to help put the learning for each module into context and
highlight the practical significance of what youll learn. They also include the syllabus, technical
knowledge grids and learning outcomes for each module, enabling you to gain an overview of how
your learning links to the qualification. Visit for these resources and more.
If you are studying for the ICAEW CFAB qualification, you can access exam resources and support at
The ICAEW Partner in Learning scheme recognises tuition providers who comply with our core principles
of quality course delivery. If you are receiving structured tuition with an ICAEW Partner in Learning,
make sure you know how and when you can contact your tutors for extra help. If you are not receiving
structured tuition and are interested in classroom, online or distance learning tuition, take a look at our
recognised Partner in Learning tuition providers in your area, on our website
Study Guide