DIP 2 Marks
DIP 2 Marks
DIP 2 Marks
L T P C3 0 0 3
H = N X N transformation matrix
T = resulting N X N transform.
1. Specify the objective of image enhancement technique.
The objective of enhancement technique is to process an image so that the result
is more suitable than the original image for a particular application.
2. Explain the 2 categories of image enhancement.
i) Spatial domain refers to image plane itself & approaches in this
category are based on direct manipulation of picture image.
ii) Frequency domain methods based on modifying the image by fourier
3. What is contrast stretching?
Contrast stretching reduces an image of higher contrast than the original by
darkening the levels below m and brightening the levels above m in the image.
4. What is grey level slicing?
Highlighting a specific range of grey levels in an image often is desired. Applications
include enhancing features such as masses of water in satellite imagery and
enhancing flaws in x-ray images.
5. Define image subtraction.
The difference between 2 images f(x,y) and h(x,y) expressed as,
g(x,y)=f(x,y)-h(x,y) is obtained by computing the difference between all pairs of
corresponding pixels from f and h.
6. What is the purpose of image averaging?
An important application of image averagingis in the field of astronomy, where
imaging with very low light levels is routine, causing sensor noise frequently to
render single images virtually useless for analysis.
7. What is meant by masking?
Mask is the small 2-D array in which the values of mask co-efficient determines the
nature of process.
The enhancement technique based on this type of approach is referred to as
mask processing.
8. Give the formula for negative and log transformation.
Negative: S=L-1-r
Log: S = c log(1+r)
Where c-constant and r 0
9. What is meant by bit plane slicing?
Instead of highlighting gray level ranges, highlighting the contribution made to
total image appearance by specific bits might be desired. Suppose that each pixel in
an image is represented by 8 bits. Imagine that the image is composed of eight 1bit planes, ranging from bit plane 0 for LSB to bit plane-7 for MSB.
10. Define histogram.
The histogram of a digital image with gray levels in the range [0, L-1] is a
discrete function h(rk)=nk.
rk-kth gray level nk-number of pixels in the image having gray level rk.
11. What is meant by histogram equalization?
Sk= T(rk) = _ Pr(rj) = _ nj/n where k=0,1,2,.L-1
j=0 j=0
This transformation is called histogram equalization.
12. Differentiate linear spatial filter and non-linear spatial filter.
s.no. Linear spatial filter Non-linear spatial filter
Response is a sum of products of
the filter co-efficient.
R = w(-1,-1) f(x-1,y-1) +
w(-1,0) f(x-1,y) + +
w(0,0) f(x,y) + +
w(1,0) f(x+1,y) +
w(1,1) f(x+1,y+1).
They do not explicitly use coefficients
in the sum-of-products.
R = w1z1 + w2z2 + +w9z9
= _ wizi
13. Give the mask used for high boost filtering.
-1 -1 -1
-1 A+8 -1
-1 -1 -1
0 -1 0
-1 A+4 -1
0 -1 0
14. What is meant by laplacian filter?
The laplacian for a function f(x,y) of 2 variables is defined as,
15. Write the steps involved in frequency domain filtering.
He = ..
he(M-1) he(M-2) he(M-3). he(0)
9. What is concept algebraic approach?
The concept of algebraic approach is to estimate the original image which
minimizes a predefined criterion of performances.
10. What are the two methods of algebraic approach?
o Unconstraint restoration approach
o Constraint restoration approach
11. Define Gray-level interpolation?
Gray-level interpolation deals with the assignment of gray levels to pixels
in the spatially transformed image
12. What is meant by Noise probability density function?
The spatial noise descriptor is the statistical behavior of gray level values in the
noise component of the model.
13. Why the restoration is called as unconstrained restoration?
In the absence of any knowledge about the noise n, a meaningful criterion
function is to seek an f^ such that H f^ approximates of in a least square sense by
assuming the noise term is as small as possible.
Where H = system operator.
f^ = estimated input image.
g = degraded image.
14. Which is the most frequent method to overcome the difficulty to
formulate the
spatial relocation of pixels?
The point is the most frequent method, which are subsets of pixels whose location
in the input (distorted) and output (corrected) imaged is known precisely.
15. What are the three methods of estimating the degradation function?
1. Observation
2. Experimentation
3. Mathematical modeling.
16. What are the types of noise models?
Guassian noise
Rayleigh noise
Erlang noise
Exponential noise
Uniform noise
_ Impulse noise
17. Give the relation for guassian noise?
Guassian noise:
The PDF guassian random variable Z is given by
Z->Gray level value
_->standard deviation
_2->varianze of Z
->mean of the graylevel value Z
18. Give the relation for rayleigh noise?
Rayleigh noise:
The PDF is
P(Z)= 2(z-a)e-(za)2/b/b for Z>=a
0 for Z<a
mean =a+__b/4
standard deviation _2=b(4-_)/4
19. Give the relation for Gamma noise?
Gamma noise:
The PDF is
P(Z)=ab zb-1 ae-az/(b-1) for Z>=0
0 for Z<0
mean =b/a
standard deviation _2=b/a2
20. Give the relation for Exponential noise?
Exponential noise
The PDF is
P(Z)= ae-az Z>=0
0 Z<0
mean =1/a
standard deviation _2=1/a2
21. Give the relation for Uniform noise?
Uniform noise:
The PDF is
P(Z)=1/(b-a) if a<=Z<=b
0 otherwise
mean =a+b/2
standard deviation _2=(b-a)2/12
22. Give the relation for Impulse noise?
Impulse noise:
The PDF is
P(Z) =Pa for z=a
Pb for z=b
0 Otherwise
reference block, including the prefix source symbol. The code words for the
remaining symbols can be constructed by means of one or more prefix code
followed by the reference block as in the case of binary shift code.
23. Define arithmetic coding
In arithmetic coding one to one corresponds between source symbols and code
word doesnt exist where as the single arithmetic code word assigned for a
sequence of source symbols. A code word defines an interval of number between 0
and 1.
24. What is bit plane Decomposition?
An effective technique for reducing an images interpixel redundancies is to
process the images bit plane individually. This technique is based on the concept of
decomposing multilevel images into a series of binary images and compressing
each binary image via one of several well-known binary compression methods.
25. What are three categories of constant area coding?
The three categories of constant area coding are
All white
All black
Mixed intensity.
The most probable or frequency occurring is assign a 1 bit code 0, other two
categories area assigned as 2 bit code 10 and 11
27. How effectiveness of quantization can be improved?
Introducing an enlarged quantization interval around zero, called a dead
Adapting the size of the quantization intervals from scale to scale. In
either case, the selected quantization intervals must be transmitted to the
decoder with the encoded image bit stream.
28. What are the coding systems in JPEG?
1. A lossy baseline coding system, which is based on the DCT and is
adequate for most compression application.
2. An extended coding system for greater compression, higher
precision or progressive reconstruction applications.
3. a lossless independent coding system for reversible compression.
29. What is JPEG?
The acronym is expanded as "Joint Photographic Expert Group". It is an
international standard in 1992. It perfectly Works with color and grayscale images,
Many applications e.g., satellite, medical,...
30. What are the basic steps in JPEG?
The Major Steps in JPEG Coding involve:
_ DCT (Discrete Cosine Transformation)
_ Quantization
_ Zigzag Scan
_ DPCM on DC component
_ RLE on AC Components
_ Entropy Coding
31. What is MPEG?
The acronym is expanded as "Moving Picture Expert Group". It is an international
standard in 1992. It perfectly Works with video and also used in teleconferencing
Input image Wavelet transform Quantizer Symbol
Inverse wavelet
Compressed image
32. Draw the JPEG Encoder.
33. Draw the JPEG Decoder.
34. What is zig zag sequence?
The purpose of the Zig-zag Scan:
_ To group low frequency coefficients in top of vector.
_ Maps 8 x 8 to a 1 x 64 vector
35. Define I-frame
I-frame is Intraframe or Independent frame. An I-frame is compressed
independently of all frames. It resembles a JPEG encoded image. It is the reference
point for the motion estimation needed to generate subsequent P and P-frame.
36. Define P-frame
P-frame is called predictive frame. A P-frame is the compressed difference
between the current frame and a prediction of it based on the previous I or P-frame
37. Define B-frame
B-frame is the bidirectional frame. A B-frame is the compressed difference
between the current frame and a prediction of it based on the previous I or P-frame
or next P-frame. Accordingly the decoder must have access to both past and future
reference frames.
1. What is segmentation?
Segmentation subdivides on image in to its constitute regions or objects. The level
to which the subdivides is carried depends on the problem being solved .That is
segmentation should when the objects of interest in application have been isolated.
2. Write the applications of segmentation.
* Detection of isolated points.
* Detection of lines and edges in an image.
3. What are the three types of discontinuity in digital image?
Points, lines and edges.
4. How the derivatives are obtained in edge detection during formulation?
The first derivative at any point in an image is obtained by using the magnitude of
the gradient at that point. Similarly the second derivatives are obtained by using
the laplacian.
5. Write about linking edge points.
The approach for linking edge points is to analyze the characteristics of pixels in a
small neighborhood (3x3 or 5x5) about every point (x,y)in an image that has
undergone edge detection. All points that are similar are linked, forming a boundary
of pixels that share some common properties.
6. What are the two properties used for establishing similarity of edge
(1) The strength of the response of the gradient operator used to produce the edge
(2) The direction of the gradient.
7. What is edge?
An edge isa set of connected pixels that lie on the boundary between two regions
edges are more closely modeled as having a ramplike profile. The slope of the ramp
is inversely proportional to the degree of blurring in the edge.
8. Give the properties of the second derivative around an edge?
* The sign of the second derivative can be used to determine whether an edge
pixel lies on the dark or light side of an edge.
* It produces two values for every edge in an image.
* An imaginary straightline joining the extreme positive and negative values of
the second derivative would cross zero near the midpoint of the edge.
1. Explain the steps involved in digital image processing.
Explain various functional block of digital image processing
# Image acquisition
# Preprocessing
# Segmentation
# Representation and Description
# Recognition and Interpretation
2. Describe the elements of visual perception.
# Cornea and Sclera
# Choroid Iris diaphragm and Ciliary body
# Retina- Cones and Rods
3. Describe image formation in the eye with brightness adaptation and
# Brightness adaptation
# Subjective brightness
# Weber ratio
#Mach band effect
#simultaneous contrast
4. Write short notes on sampling and quantization.
# Sampling
# Quantization
# Representing Digital Images
5. Describe the functions of elements of digital image processing system
with a diagram.
# Acquisition
# Storage
# Processing
# Communication
# Display
6. Explain the basic relationships between pixels?
# Neighbors of a pixel
# Connectivity, Adjacency, Path
# Distance Measure
# Arithmetic and Logic Operations
7. Explain the properties of 2D Fourier Transform.
# Separability
# Translation
# Periodicity and Conjugate Symmetry
# Rotation
# Distribution and Scaling
# Average Value
# Laplacian
# Convolution and correlation
# Sampling
8. ( i )Explain convolution property in 2D fourier transform.
* 1D Continuous
* 1D Discrete
* 1D convolution theorem
* 2D continuous
* 2D Discrete
* 2D convolution theorem
(ii) Find F (u) and |F (u)|
9. Explain Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in detail.
# FFT Algorithm
# FFT Implementation
10. Explain in detail the different separable transforms
# Forward 1D DFT & 2D DFT
# Inverse 1D DFT & 2D DFT
# Properties
11. Explain Hadamard transformation in detail.
# 1D DHT
# 1D Inverse DHT
# 2D DHT
# 2D Inverse DHT
12. Discuss the properties and applications of
1)Hadamard transform 2)Hotelling transform
# Properties of hadamard:
Real and orthogonal
fast transform
faster than sine transform
Good energy compaction for image
# Appl:
Image data compression,
4. What are image sharpening filters. Explain the various types of it.
# used for highlighting fine details
# HPF-output gets sharpen and background becomes darker
# High boost- output gets sharpen but background remains unchanged
# Derivative- First and Second order derivatives
# Medical image
# electronic printing
# industrial inspection
5. Explain spatial filtering in image enhancement.
# Basics
# Smoothing filters
# Sharpening filters
6. Explain image enhancement in the frequency domain.
# Smoothing filters
# Sharpening filters
# Homomorphic filtering
7. Explain Homomorphic filtering in detail.
# f(x, y) = i(x, y) . r(x, y)
# Calculate the enhanced image g(x,y)
1. Explain the algebra approach in image restoration.
# Unconstrained
# Constrained
2. What is the use of wiener filter in image restoration. Explain.
# Calculate f^
# Calculate F^(u, v)
3. What is meant by Inverse filtering? Explain.
# Recovering i/p from its o/p
# Calculate f^(x, y)
4. Explain singular value decomposition and specify its properties.
# U= m=1_r___m _m
This equation is called as singular value decomposition of an image.
# Properties
The SVD transform varies drastically from image to image.
The SVD transform gives best energy packing efficiency for any given
The SVD transform is useful in the design of filters finding least
square,minimum solution of linear equation and finding rank of large
5. Explain image degradation model /restoration process in detail.
# Image degradation model /restoration process diagram
# Degradation model for Continuous function
# Degradation model for Discrete function 1_D and 2_D
6. What are the two approaches for blind image restoration? Explain in
_ Direct measurement
_ Indirect estimation
1. What is data redundancy? Explain three basic data redundancy?
Definition of data redundancy
The 3 basic data redundancy are
_ Coding redundancy
_ Interpixel redundancy
_ Psycho visual redundancy
2. What is image compression? Explain any four variable length coding
compression schemes.
Definition of image compression
Variable Length Coding
* Huffman coding
* B2 Code
* Huffman shift
* Huffman Truncated
* Binary Shift
*Arithmetic coding
3. Explain about Image compression model?
The source Encoder and Decoder
The channel Encoder and Decoder
4. Explain about Error free Compression?
a. Variable Length coding
i. Huffman coding
ii. Arithmetic coding
b. LZW coding
c. Bit Plane coding
d. Lossless Predictive coding
5. Explain about Lossy compression?
Lossy predictive coding
Transform coding
Wavelet coding
6. Explain the schematics of image compression standard JPEG.
Lossy baseline coding system
Extended coding system
Lossless Independent coding system
7. Explain how compression is achieved in transform coding and explain
about DCT
_ Block diagram of encoder
_ decoder
_ Bit allocation
_ 1D transform coding
_ 2D transform coding, application
_ 1D,2D DCT
8. Explain arithmetic coding
_ Non-block code
_ One example
9. Explain about Image compression standards?
_ Binary Image compression standards
_ Continuous tone still Image compression standards
_ Video compression standards
10. Discuss about MPEG standard and compare with JPEG
_ Motion Picture Experts Group
1. MPEG-1
2. MPEG-2
3. MPEG-4
_ Block diagram
_ I-frame
_ p-frame
_ B-frame
1. What is image segmentation. Explain in detail.
Definition - image segmentation
Discontinity Point, Line, Edge
Similarity Thresholding, Region Growing, Splitting and
2. Explain Edge Detection in details?
* Basic formation.
* Gradient Operators
* Laplacian Operators
3. Define Thresholding and explain the various methods of thresholding in
The role of illumination
Basic adaptive thresholding
Basic adaptive thresholding
Optimal global & adaptive thresholding.
4. Discuss about region based image segmentation techniques. Compare
threshold region based techniques.
* Region Growing
* Region splitting and merging
* Comparison
5. Define and explain the various representation approaches?
chain codes
Polygon approximations
Boundary segments
6. Explain Boundary descriptors.
Simple descriptors.
Fourier descriptors.
7. Explain regional descriptors
Simple descriptors
i. Statistical approach
ii. Structural approach
iii. Spectral approach
8. Explain the two techniques of region representation.
_ Chain codes
_ Polygonol approximation
9. Explain the segmentation techniques that are based on finding the
_ Edge detection line detection
_ Region growing
_ Region splitting
_ region merging
10. How is line detected? Explain through the operators
_ Types of line masks
1. horizontal
2. vertical
3. +45,-45