Food Hydrocolloids: Milena Corredig, Negin Sharafba Fi, Eleana Kristo

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Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1833e1841

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Polysaccharideeprotein interactions in dairy matrices, control

and design of structures
Milena Corredig*, Negin Sharafbafi, Eleana Kristo
Food Science Department, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Proteinepolysaccharide interactions are of great importance in the design of dairy formulations, as they
Received 22 December 2010 play a key role in the formation of structure and texture in dairy products. With a detailed understanding
Accepted 27 May 2011 of the factors affecting the interactions, the ability of charged polysaccharides to associate with the milk
proteins is continuously exploited to create functional complexes, novel ingredients and delivery
Keywords: systems. In addition, formulations containing non-interacting polysaccharides also need to be carefully
Milk proteins
controlled, as these biopolymers may give rise to segregative phase separation, with important conse-
Casein micelles
quences to the stability and quality of the final matrix. As casein micelles play a major role in imparting
Proteinepolysaccharide interactions
structure to dairy products, emphasis in this review will be given to the molecular details of the
interactions between polysaccharides with these protein particles. Some of the most researched poly-
saccharides will be highlighted in this context, and the progress made in understanding their role during
structure formation of dairy matrices will be discussed. The opportunity of creating novel microstruc-
tures provided by association or/and incompatibility of milk proteins and different polysaccharides will
be assessed.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction described how polysaccharide molecules may interact with

proteins and adsorb to more than one colloidal particle forming
As main components of foods, polysaccharides and proteins play bridges or aggregated structures, or may show incompatibility,
a key role in the formation of the building blocks of structure and forming regions depleted of polymer and drawing protein particles
texture. Polysaccharides are widely used as stabilizers, thickening closer to one another (Doublier, Garnier, Renard, & Sanchez, 2000;
or gelling agents in dairy products, but their concentration levels Grinberg & Tolstoguzov, 1997).
have to be carefully controlled, since the properties of the final food A large number of polysaccharides have been described to be
products will depend on their interactions with the other macro- thermodynamically incompatible with food proteins (see for
molecules present in the system. example, Grinberg & Tolstoguzov, 1997). This is also the case when
When mixing proteins with polysaccharides, the interactions non-interacting polysaccharides are added to milk proteins. Ther-
can be segregative or associative in nature. A homogeneous modynamic incompatibility is observed when the solvente
mixture of co-soluble polymers can be obtained only under very biopolymer interactions are favored compared to biopolymere
specific conditions of concentration and polymer ratios (and biopolymer interactions. This is also called segregative phase sepa-
usually at very low volume fractions). Depending on the type of the ration, as each biopolymer concentrates in a separate phase
polymer, concentration of the polysaccharide present, and the (Tolstoguzov, 1988). In the case of casein micelles, the phase sepa-
environmental conditions of the solution (i.e. temperature, pH, ration is drawn by a depletion mechanism (Doublier et al., 2000;
ionic strength) the proteinepolysaccharide interactions can Tuinier, Rieger, & de Kruif, 2003), and it has been described for
improve the stability or lead to macroscopic destabilization. These caseinehigh methoxyl pectin mixtures at pH 6.7 (Acero-Lopez,
effects can be welcome, for example when the complex formed Alexander, & Corredig, 2010), casein-exopolysaccharides from lactic
improves colloidal stability, or must be avoided, when the result acid bacteria at pH near neutral (Tuinier & de Kruif, 1999; Tuinier,
is a bulk of two separated phases. A number of reviews have ten Grotenhuis, Holt, Timmins, & de Kruif, 1999), casein and
galactomannans (Bourriot, Garnier, & Doublier, 1999a), amongst
* Corresponding author. On the other hand, associative interactions usually occur because
E-mail address: (M. Corredig). of electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged portions of

0268-005X/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1834 M. Corredig et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1833e1841

proteins and polysaccharides. Hydrogen bridging and hydrophobic Klostermeyer, 1998; Ye, 2008) and the present review summa-
interactions also play a part in the stabilization of the complexes rizes the recent advances in the study of polysaccharide interac-
(coacervates) formed (Doublier et al., 2000; Turgeon, Schmitt, & tions with casein micelles, focusing mainly on how segregative and
Sanchez, 2007). Soluble complexes can form at specific pH values, associative interactions can modify the structure of dairy products.
when the electrostatic repulsion forces are minimized (Turgeon et al.,
2007) and interactions occur between charged patches of the 2. Milk proteins
molecules (de Kruif, Weinbreck, & de Vries, 2004; de Vries, 2004).
Since the main forces involved in associative complexation of Caseins comprise 80% of the total protein in bovine milk, the rest
proteins and polysaccharides are electrostatic in nature, the extent of being whey proteins (mainly, b-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin and
the interactions depends on environmental conditions such as pH bovine serum albumin). In bovine milk the four main caseins, as1-,
and ionic strength. Furthermore, stiffness and charge density of as2-, b- and k-casein, are assembled together in an aggregated
polysaccharide may influence the type of aggregates formed (see for structure, called the casein micelle. These proteins do not possess
example, Weinbreck, Nieuwenhuijse, Robijn, & de Kruif, 2003). While well defined tertiary structures, and they, with the exception of k-
a number of studies have focused on the associative interactions of casein, have phosphoseryl residues that bind to calcium phosphate
various proteinepolysaccharide binary systems taken in isolation, nanoclusters. The casein micelles are highly hydrated (about 4:1
less is known on the changes of the complexes in mixed systems, or ratio of water to protein), polydisperse in size, with an average
during processing, when the conditions critical to the formation and diameter of 200 nm, and the proteins are held together by calcium
stability of the aggregates can change over time. Only recently the phosphate nanoclusters, hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen
study of the potential for creating different functional structures and bonding and van der Walls interactions (Dalgleish, 2011; Holt,
of their stability during processing (Flett, Corredig, & Goff, 2010), de Kruif, Tuinier & Timmins, 2003; Horne, 2002).
storage (Dickinson, 2008; Nigen, Croguennec, Renard, & Bouhallab, A large proportion of k-casein is located on the surface of the
2007) or digestion (Vandenberg, Drolet, Scott, & de la Noue, 2001) casein micelle, where this protein imparts steric stability, by
has become a focus of research. protruding into the serum phase with its hydrophilic glycosylated
Considering the complexity of proteinepolysaccharide interac- portion. The uneven, rough surface of the casein micelles
tions, gathering complementary information by using several (Dalgleish, Spagnuolo, & Goff, 2004) is of particular relevance in the
techniques is becoming critical to describe the molecular details study of the interactions with other biomolecules, such as poly-
occurring during changes in processing, storage or digestion. The saccharides. To large molecules the interior of the micelles will not
nature of the biopolymers (molecular weight, charge, distribution be accessible, and the polyelectrolyte layer of k-casein is what
of charges), the ratio between the polymers and their concentra- drives the polysaccharide molecules to attraction or repulsion at
tion, as well as the environmental conditions are all important close distance. On the other hand, for relatively small molecules
parameters affecting the formation of the structure of a dairy (such rennet or transglutaminase enzymes, polyphenols, b-casein,
matrix. A number of techniques have been proven useful in b-lactoglobulin), the casein micelle structure is porous enough to
providing information on the overall mechanisms involved during provide some access to the internal structure of the micelles.
structuring of dairy products containing polysaccharides. Besides While casein micelles are mostly unaffected by heating at
rheological techniques, spectroscopic, light scattering, and micro- temperatures < 100  C, whey proteins unfold and denature at
scopic methods have been employed to better describe the nature temperatures > 60  C, leading to the formation of aggregates of
of the interactions and the dynamics of structuring during pro- whey proteins with themselves or with casein micelles. With
cessing of dairy products. Other powerful techniques such as heating, k-casein is also released in the serum phase, where it
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR and diffusivity NMR), fluores- associates with the whey proteins. These whey protein aggregates,
cence recovery after photo-bleaching and diffusing wave spec- formed via hydrophobic interactions or disulphide exchanges
troscopy are also used to obtain information on the diffusivity of between the proteins, are either dispersed in the soluble phase or
macromolecules in these mixed systems. adsorbed on the surface of the casein micelles. The size of the
An example of the complexity of dairy matrices and the soluble aggregates is reported to be between 30 and 100 nm in
dynamics of change during processing is the structuring occurring diameter, and their ratio of soluble/bound aggregates changes
to a fermented milk gel in the presence of lactic acid bacteria depending on the pH of milk (Donato & Guyomarc’h, 2009).
producing exopolysaccharides (EPS). At the beginning of fermen- The destabilization of the casein micelle in milk is at the basis of
tation, the pH is near neutral, the proteins are negatively charged, the formation of structure and texture in dairy products. Gels can
and little amount of polysaccharide is produced. However, be formed by enzymatic hydrolysis (usually using chymosin) or by
depending on the charge, molecular dimensions and concentration acidification, or a combination of both. Rennet coagulation can be
of EPS, thermodynamic incompatibility between the proteins and described as a two stages process. In the primary enzymatic phase,
EPS may occur, even at very low concentrations. During fermenta- the hydrophilic portion of k-casein (the C terminal casein-
tion, the gradual acidification causes the molecules to decrease their omacropeptide (CMP)) is released from the surface of the casein
overall charges and casein micelles to release their colloidal calcium micelles, as a consequence of the specific hydrolysis of the protein
into the serum phase, with important consequences to the ionic at the Phenylalanine105eMethionine106 bond. The release of CMP
conditions. These changes will affect the mechanisms involved in decreases steric repulsion of the casein micelles, enhancing the
the interactions between the polysaccharide and the casein interactions and leading to aggregation. When >85% of k-casein is
micelles. Finally, the casein micelles will form a network at the pH of hydrolyzed (Dalgleish, 1980), the caseins form a gel. Heating
gelation and the bacteria, still producing EPS, may now be entrap- treatment impairs rennet-induced aggregation, because of the
ped in the pores formed by the proteins, creating pockets rich in presence of whey protein complexes on the surfaces of the casein
polysaccharides. This example of the complex dynamics occurring micelles, the complexes of whey proteins and k-casein in the
in a fermented milk system containing EPS illustrates the impor- serum, as well as the changes in composition of the serum phase.
tance of studying the system under relevant conditions, with In the case of fermentation or direct acidification, destabiliza-
minimal sample disruption and with a multi-technique approach. tion of the micelles occurs near the isoelectric point of the caseins.
The fundamentals of polysaccharideeprotein interactions The reduction of pH causes shrinking of casein micelle size, which is
have been presented before (see for example, Syrbe, Bauer, & attributed to the collapse of the polyelectrolyte layer of k-casein on
M. Corredig et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1833e1841 1835

the surface of the micelle. This decreases the steric repulsion and each other, resulting in the formation of a weak three dimensional
increases the interactions between the particles, leading to aggre- network, which is very important for stabilization of the structures
gation. In addition, during acidification, the colloidal calcium (Bourriot, Garnier, & Doublier, 1999b). Indeed, it has been demon-
phosphate, bridging between the caseins is gradually released in strated that both adsorption to the micelles and helixehelix asso-
the serum phase. This causes a shift in the balance between the ciations are required to prevent macroscopic phase separation.
colloidal and the soluble calcium in milk, and this is of particular Although bulk phase separation is prevented, the mixtures are
relevance when charged polysaccharides are present in acidified microscopically phase separated with micro-domains rich in casein
milk systems, as the concentration of calcium in solution is modi- micelles (Spagnuolo, Dalgleish, Goff, & Morris, 2005; Thaiudom &
fied during the process. While the caseins in unheated milk show Goff, 2003).
a gelation pH of about 4.9, in heated milk, gelation occurs at At the stabilizing concentration of k-carrageenan, below gelling,
a higher pH, because of the presence of whey protein aggregates, the casein micelles still show considerable diffusivity (Alexander &
bridging between the casein micelles. The participation of the whey Dalgleish, 2007). In spite of the presence of these loose networks of
proteins in the acid gel affects the structure development and the k-carrageenan (present at concentrations of 0.015%) in milk there is
gel modulus, measured by small oscillatory rheology (Guyomarc’h, no effect on the development or the timing of the solegel transition
Law, & Dalgleish, 2003). during renneting, compared to that of a milk system without
polysaccharide (Acero-Lopez et al., 2010). It is worth noting that the
3. Associative interactions between casein micelles specific site for the interactions seems to be in proximity of the
and polysaccharides same region of k-casein where the enzymatic cleavage would occur.
As the functionality of the casein micelles is then preserved, it is
The association of polysaccharides with casein micelles is possible to use this associative behavior of k-carrageenan to control
mostly electrostatic in nature, and the strength of the attraction the formation and development of phase separated micro-domains
depends on the type and density of the charges present on the within casein networks.
molecules. This is clearly demonstrated by the differences in the At low pH, charge interactions between pectin and acidified
interactions between caseins and different types of carrageenan or casein particles are often exploited to stabilize acid milk beverages.
pectin molecules (see below). With the exception of chitosan Pectin is an anionic cell-wall polysaccharide (pKa around 3.5) that
(a(1,4) 2-amino-2 deoxy-d-glucose polymer), which is positively is generally extracted from citrus, apple or beet, and composed of
charged at pH close to neutrality (with a pKa of 6.5), most poly- D-galacturonic acid residues, esterified with methoxyl groups. The
saccharides employed in dairy systems are negatively charged. extent of esterification influences the charge distribution of the
Hence, in general, most of the complexes between caseins and chain and the overall charge of the polysaccharide chains. When
polysaccharides are formed close or below the isoelectric point of pectin molecules with different charges and charge distributions
the proteins. were tested at various concentrations and pH, it was shown that
An exception is the specific association of k-carrageenan with pectins with a high degree of esterification can stabilize milk at
casein micelles at neutral pH. Carrageenans are polysaccharides pH > 4.0, whereas those with low degree of esterification (con-
extracted from red seaweed, composed of galactose and 3,6 anhydro- taining more overall charge) are less effective in stabilizing the
galactose repeating units. The three main forms of carrageenan differ protein particles (Liu, Nakamura, & Corredig, 2006). In experiments
for the number of sulfate groups per disaccharide unit (1 for k-, 2 for with diluted milk slowly acidified with glucono-d-lactone, the
i-, 3 for l-carrageenan). This charge difference affects their function, dynamics of these interactions have been clearly demonstrated.
as k- and i-carrageenan undergo a coilehelix transition with cool- The high methoxyl pectin adsorbs on the casein micelles by elec-
ing, at a temperature that depends on the ionic environment, while trosorption (Maroziene & de Kruif, 2000), and the interactions
the most charged of the carrageenans, l-carrageenan does not show occur between pH 5 and 4.5, at the point where the casein micelles
a transition from coil to helix, and does not gel (Nilsson & Piculell, show the shrinking of size and collapse of the polyelectrolyte layer.
1991). This molecule, with a distance between the sulfate groups The mechanism of stabilization of the acid casein particles is
of 0.3 nm, uniquely associates with the casein micelles at tempe- attributed to the adsorption of the pectin onto these particles, but
ratures > 60  C (Langendorff et al., 2000; Nilsson & Piculell, 1991). the formation of a three dimensional network of casein/pectin
On the other hand, the association of k- and i-carrageenan with the complexes is also, at least in part, responsible (Laurent &
casein micelles occurs only at temperatures below the coilehelix Boulenguer, 2003; Tromp, de Kruif, van Eijk, & Rolin, 2004).
transition, when the polysaccharides are in their ordered confor- However, the non-adsorbed pectin does not seem to be needed to
mation and the mean distances between the sulfate groups maintain stability, as stability can be maintained if removed from
decreases from 1 and 0.5 nm (coil) to 0.4 and 0.2 nm (helix) for k- the particles after homogenization (Tromp et al., 2004). The pres-
and i-carrageenan, respectively (Nilsson & Piculell, 1991). At ence of heat-induced aggregates of whey protein and k-casein
temperatures above the coilehelix transition, k- and i-carrageenan present in the milk serum does not seem to affect the interaction
molecules will cause phase separation because of depletion floc- between high methoxyl pectin and casein micelles (Rediguieri, de
culation of casein micelles (Langendorff et al., 2000). Freitas, Lettinga, & Tuinier, 2007).
The unique interacting behavior of k-carrageenan with the Another polysaccharide molecule with similar applications in
casein micelles at neutral pH has been attributed to a specific acid milk gels is soybean soluble polysaccharide (SSPS). SSPS,
charge interaction with the positively charged patch of k-casein extracted from soybean cotyledons, contains about 20% galactur-
between residues 97 and 112 (Snoeren, Both, & Schmidt, 1976). This onic acid and has a structure less elongated that that of pectin
associative interaction is widely exploited in dairy systems, as it molecules, with a hydrodynamic radius of about 30 nm (Wang,
prevents macroscopic phase separation and destabilization of Huang, Nakamura, Burchard, & Hallet, 2005). During homogeni-
mixtures containing non-interacting polysaccharides such as guar zation of casein particles at low pH, SSPS adsorbs on the surface of
gum, locus bean gum or flaxseed gum (Chappellaz, Alexander, & the casein particles and stabilizes acid drinks at pH values as low as
Corredig, 2010; Thaiudom & Goff, 2003). At concentrations below 3.8 (Liu et al., 2006). It is also important to mention that at pH near
gelling (<0.03%) (Schorsch, Jones, & Norton, 2000), k-carrageenan neutral, while pectin induces depletion flocculation, SSPS at similar
adsorbs on the surface of the casein micelles, and helixehelix concentrations does not show macroscopic phase separation and
associations between the chains cause the molecules to bridge with the mixtures still have low viscosity (Liu, Verespej, Alexander, &
1836 M. Corredig et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1833e1841

Corredig, 2007). The differences in the associative behavior of SSPS interactive and segregative processes, may assist in fine-tuning the
and high methoxyl pectin molecules have been recently illustrated formation of different microstructure. It is important to note,
with a model system consisting of a soy oil emulsion droplet however, that, while mixing of the negatively charged poly-
covered with sodium caseinate (Liu et al., 2007). Fig. 1 summarizes saccharides with the emulsion droplets could stabilize the particles
the differences in the stabilizing behavior of SSPS and high during acidification, the same conditions do not apply in milk, as
methoxyl pectin when slowly acidifying the mixture using glu- calcium is released from the micelles, charges are shielded, and the
cono-d-lactone. While the control emulsion, with no poly- adsorption of the polysaccharides efficiently stabilizes the particles
saccharide added, showed destabilization at pH of 5.4, in the only after homogenization at acidic pH (Liu et al., 2006).
presence of 0.2% high methoxyl pectin, there was no aggregation, A group of polysaccharides of particular interest in dairy appli-
but a small increase in the hydrodynamic radius at the pH of cations are those produced by lactic acid bacteria during fermen-
adsorption. The change in radius (relative to the initial radius) tation of milk. Their presence in starter cultures can modify the
indicated the adsorption of the pectin molecules onto the interface. texture and increase the water retention of fermented products,
On the other hand, in the case of SSPS, although destabilization was acting as natural stabilizers and thickeners. The presence of asso-
again inhibited, no change in size was noted. Because of its smaller ciative interactions between the exopolysaccharide (EPS) and milk
structure, it could be suggested that SSPS penetrates better proteins is still under debate. It is important to note, however, that
between the inhomogeneities of the interface, causing charge and the production of EPS is strain and media specific therefore different
steric stabilization, but with little change in the overall hydrody- strains could produce different types of EPS. As previously
namic radius of the particles. Fig. 1 also shows the changes in the mentioned, the study of EPS during structure formation of a fer-
ultrasonic attenuation for the same samples undergoing acidifica- mented product is particularly challenging because of the dynamics
tion. Ultrasonic spectroscopy is well suited to look at the interac- of change of polymer concentration, casein micelles charge, desta-
tions occurring in concentration dependent systems, as dilution or bilization conditions and ionic equilibrium. Therefore, while at pH
sample disruption is not required. near neutral phase separation may be induced by EPS (Girard &
The difference in the signature of ultrasonic attenuation Schaffer-Lequart, 2007; Tuinier & de Kruif, 1999), at acidic pH
between the samples containing SSPS and high methoxyl pectin is interactions may occur with negatively charged polysaccharides.
caused by the segregative behavior of high methoxyl pectin with Microstructural studies on fermented milk gels (Hassan, Ipsen,
the emulsion droplets at high pH, causing micro-phase separation. Janzen, & Qvist, 2003) have shown networks with large interstitial
Hence, the values of ultrasonic attenuation of the emulsions con- cavities filled with bacterial colonies surrounded by polysaccharide.
taining high methoxyl pectin were lower than those of control and The interactions between milk proteins and EPS have been
samples with SSPS at the initial pH. Depletion flocculation caused studied using scanning electron microscopy (Ayala-Hernandez,
spatial rearrangements, and droplet rich domains showed an Goff, & Corredig, 2008). This technique is employed to observe
overlap that reduced ultrasonic wave thermal losses and a decrease interactions between proteins and polysaccharides, as the sample
in attenuation. At a pH of about 5.6, the pectin molecules start preparation includes a step where the proteins are covalently
decrease their incompatibility, because of the loss in negative linked to the carbon support. A washing step can then be carried
charges on the casein surface, and with the decrease in pH, they out and anything that remains after the washing step can be
start to associate with the oil droplets and titrate the positive assumed to be associated to the proteins that are linked to the
patches, causing a change in the interparticle distance between the carbon support (Ayala-Hernandez et al., 2008; Azim, Alexander,
oil droplets. The changes in ultrasonic attenuation (Fig. 1, empty Koxholt, & Corredig, 2010; Martin, Goff, Smith, & Dalgleish, 2006).
symbols) reflect this behavior. Fig. 2 is a micrograph taken at pH 4.6 for a whey protein suspension
The model system described in Fig. 1 illustrates the complexity fermented with Lactococcus lactis. The EPS is clearly present with
of the polysaccharide interactions with dairy proteins during pro- the proteins and appears as filament strands attached to the protein
cessing, and demonstrates how, understanding the dynamics of the

Change from the initial diameter (nm)

600 40
Ultrasound attenuation (m-1)

400 36
200 32
0 28
6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Fig. 1. Effect of acidification (0.3% glucono-d-lactone) on the stability of 10% soybean

oil emulsions stabilized with 1% sodium caseinate. Control emulsions (triangles),
emulsions containing 0.2% high methoxyl pectin (circles) or 0.2% soy soluble poly-
saccharide (squares). Filled symbols show the change in droplet diameter (left hand Fig. 2. Field emission scanning electron micrograph prepared using a self assembled
scale) as measured by dynamic light scattering, with lines drawn for more clarity. monolayer technique to covalently bind the proteins to the gold support, and then
Empty symbols show the changes in the ultrasonic attenuation (measured at 8 MHz) of wash any material not attached to the proteins. Image was fixed at pH 4.5, after
the samples (right hand scale). Samples were resuspended in their own permeate in fermentation of milk serum permeate containing 6% whey protein isolate. Scale bar is
light scattering experiments. For details, see Liu et al. (2007). 600 nm. For details, see Ayala-Hernandez et al. (2008).
M. Corredig et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1833e1841 1837

aggregates as well as to the bacteria cells. Therefore, although it is In the phase separation diagram, the binodal curve shows the
possible to hypothesize that although once the protein network has concentration of protein and polysaccharide present in the upper
formed around the bacteria, the EPS will reside in separated and lower phases of the mixture after phase separation. The tie line
pockets within the gel, interactions with the milk proteins may also connects the points related to the composition of protein and
play a major role in the structuring behaviour of EPS. polysaccharide in each phase after demixing, together with the
initial composition of the mixture located in between. Any mixture
4. Non-interacting polysaccharides: segregative composition sitting on the tie line will result in the same concen-
phase separation tration of protein and polysaccharide in the upper and lower phases
after demixing. In the case of a high molecular weight b-glucane
As already mentioned, when adding a non-interacting milk mixture it is clearly shown that there is very little room below
biopolymer to milk, depletion flocculation of the casein micelles the binodal curve where the biopolymers would be co-soluble
occurs. The incompatibility between the biopolymers causes the (Fig. 3). In most cases, the mixture would readily phase separate.
formation of a depleted layer around the casein micelles, with an In general, mixtures with polymers concentrations below the
osmotic pressure gradient, which drives the casein micelles to binodal curve will not phase separate, while mixtures with
attract one another. These types of interactions result in the sepa- biopolymers concentrations higher than the binodal will be in
ration of the mixture in two liquid layers, one rich in protein a state of thermodynamic instability or metastability. As a result,
(caseins), and the other in polysaccharide. This mechanism has mixtures will not be homogeneous with mixing, and colloidal
been described theoretically and compared to experimental data structures will form. A few examples of such microstructures are
(see for example, Bhat, Tuinier, & Schurtenberger, 2006; Tuinier illustrated in Fig. 3. The type of these microstructures mainly
et al., 2003). In a study of guar gums with different degrees of depends on the initial volume fraction of protein and poly-
hydrolysis, it has been demonstrated that phase separation is saccharide. Droplet-like structures form when the volume fraction
affected by the molecular mass of the biopolymer. Thus, the critical of one phase is higher than the other (similar to those found in oil in
concentration of guar gum to cause phase separation increases with water emulsions), while undefined, interconnected, or bi-
decreasing the molecular weight of the gum (Tuinier et al., 2003). continuous structures are formed when the volume fractions of
The phase behavior of mixtures of polysaccharides and milk both phases are similar to each other. These structures grow fast
proteins has been described in detail with phase diagrams for over time and lead to formation of two liquid layers.
a number of polysaccharides (see for example, Bourriot et al., It may be possible to create kinetically stable systems and
1999a; de Bont, van Kempen, & Vreeker, 2002; Schorsch et al., different microstructures in food matrices, with consequences to
2000; Tuinier & de Kruif, 1999). It is important to note that in texture, mouthfeel or digestion functionality. Research on the
most cases, the volume fraction of casein micelles is obtained by evolution of these structures, the formation and coarsening of the
reconstituting skim milk or protein concentrates. This would result domains over time or under shear, has become of increasing
in differences in the ionic composition as well as lactose concen- interest (Chappellaz et al., 2010; de Bont, Hendriks, van Kempen, &
tration of the mixture. Fig. 3 illustrates the phase diagram of Vreeker, 2004; Gaaloul, Turgeon, & Corredig, 2009; Hemar,
a mixture of milk proteins and high molecular weight b-glucan Tamehana, Munro, & Singh, 2001). It has been shown that, the
(106 Da). In this case, the mixtures were prepared by mixing structures resulting from the demixing lead to an increase in the
concentrated milk (prepared by ultrafiltration) with b-glucan viscosity of the system, which should be considered in formulating
dispersed in milk serum, preserving in all cases the ionic environ- new dairy products with high concentrations of polysaccharides
ment of the casein micelles. While this may not be critical for other (Garnier, Bourriot, & Doublier, 1999; Hemar et al., 2001).
proteinepolysaccharide mixtures, maintaining the correct ionic Scattering techniques, combined with microscopy and rheo-
equilibrium is important for maintaining the integrity of the logy, provide information on the mechanisms involved in phase
structure of the casein micelles. separation (Chappellaz et al., 2010; Corredig & Alexander, 2008),
and how to control the dynamics to kinetically stabilize these
structures (Acero-Lopez et al., 2010; Doublier et al., 2000; Tuinier &
de Kruif, 1999). Although the resulting mix may still show homo-
geneous appearance, microscopically it will be non-homogeneous.
Starch is a polysaccharide with widespread applications in dairy
technology, because of its structure enhancing properties, its
availability and low cost. Despite the industrial significance of
starchemilk protein mixtures, little fundamental research is
available on starch-milk protein interactions. It has been shown
that concentration, botanical origin, composition and processing
history are critical in understanding the changes occurring in the
starchemilk protein systems. As native starches possess low shear
and thermal resistance and high tendency to retrogradation,
chemically modified starches that maintain the granular structure
during processing are preferred in dairy applications.
Studies concerning mixtures of milk with starch have been
conflicting, as both associative and segregative interactions with
milk proteins have been reported. Associative interactions are
mostly observed in mixtures of potato starch (which shows anionic
character due to phosphate ester groups of amylopectin) and milk
Fig. 3. Phase diagram for a mixture of milk proteins with high molecular weight proteins (Grega et al., 2003; Oh, Anema, Wong, Pinder, & Hemar,
b-glucan. Initial mixtures (>); stable initial mixtures (C), upper phase (6), lower
phase (7), binodal curve (e), and tie line (.). Confocal scanning laser microscopy
2007). Reports of interactions of modified waxy maize granules
images of selected mixtures taken using rhodamine B and calcofluor stains. Scale bar is with whey proteins during heating are also available (Vu Dang,
50 mm. Loisel, Desrumaux, & Doublier, 2009). However, the majority of
1838 M. Corredig et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1833e1841

the reports on milk protein mixes with non-ionic starches seem to of the two mechanisms. Polysaccharides present in the mixture
be in agreement that the properties of these mixtures are a conse- have a profound effect on the formation of the building blocks of
quence of thermodynamic incompatibility or segregative interac- the gel structure and the dynamics of the system.
tions between the components. Agar-milk protein gels are interesting systems with unique
The starch components, amylose and amylopectin, that leach properties. Agar, an algal polysaccharide comprised of repeating
from disrupted starch granules during pasting at elevated units of D-galactose and 3-6 anhydro-L-galactose, forms fully
temperatures, cause phase separation in skim milk or milk protein reversible gels with an open structure with pore sizes that depend
concentrate dispersions (Noisuwan, Hemar, Wilkinson, & Bronlund, on the concentration of polysaccharide. The gels hold a substantial
2009). The rheological properties of the milk mixtures containing amount of unbound water. In agar-milk gels the polysaccharide is
native starches depend on the starch source. For example, in homogeneously distributed, and the elastic modulus (G0 ) of the gel
sodium caseinate mixtures, the apparent viscosity of the casein/ is dominated by the polysaccharide network. In these structures
tapioca starch mixture decreases and that of casein/wheat starch the casein micelles are still free diffusing in the void spaces
and casein/potato starch increases, despite the fact that in all cases (Alexander & Dalgleish, 2007). So, albeit there is a high G0 in these
the swelling and solubility of starch decreases in the presence of gels, the casein micelles could still be destabilized in clusters.
the protein (Doublier, Marzin, Visdeloup, & Lefebvre, 1994). On the Similar, but reverse dynamics have been shown for non-interacting
other hand, the addition of modified starches (where there is no polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules in casein gels (rennet or acid)
leaching of starch components during pasting) to milk, causes where these biopolymers are employed as diffusivity probes, which
a substantial volume fraction effect of swollen starch granules, have been reported to travel undisturbed through the gel with
which in turn causes an increase in local concentration of milk a diffusion rate dependent on the size of PEG molecules
proteins with consequences to processing functionality (Azim et al., (Le Feunteun & Mariette, 2007). These types of gels will not be
2010; Matser & Steeneken, 1997). discussed further in this review, as they represent bi-continuous
homogeneous systems.
5. Structuring of polysaccharides in casein gels When normal starch pasted at temperatures lower that the
temperature of granule disruption or when modified starch gran-
Gelation of milk is usually triggered by either the release of the ules (resistant to disruption) are added in milk, the starch granules
caseinomacropeptide (renneting) or acidification, or a combination act as inert fillers that absorb water increasing the local

Fig. 4. Confocal scanning electron microscopy images of milk fermented to pH 4.6. Set (a, c) and stirred (b, d) acid casein gel containing 0% starch (a, b) and 2.5% starch (c, d). The
protein network was stained with rhodamine B. Bar ¼ 50 mm.
M. Corredig et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1833e1841 1839

concentration of casein micelles. This increases the strength of the distributed in the void spaces and the rearrangement of the casein
continuous network of caseins formed during acidification or aggregates in bigger, denser structures in the presence of swollen
fermentation (Azim et al., 2010; Zuo, Hemar, Hewitt, & Saunders, starch granules is one more indication of the lack of interaction
2008). In the case of modified waxy maize starch, although when between starch granules and caseins.
added at a 1% concentration it does not affect the gelation pH Gels prepared with native starch granules can be quite different
during milk acidification, increasing the concentration to 2.5% than those described above for crosslinked starch. When milk is
results in a higher pH of gelation and a shorter time of gelation, heat-treated and homogenized, the native starch granules are
most probably due to the volume fraction effect of starch granules disrupted and amylase and amylopectin leach into the continuous
distributed in the continuous phase (Azim et al., 2010). The differ- phase, and will cause phase separation in milk. It has been reported
ence between acidified gels prepared with or without modified that acidified milk gels containing native rice starch show a signi-
waxy maize starch is illustrated in the confocal images shown in ficantly lower complex modulus compared to the gels that con-
Fig. 4. Prior to the confocal imaging, the milk was homogenized, tained rice starch pasted at low temperatures (where granules are
heated at 95  C for 5 min, cooled and fermented at 40  C until pH not disrupted) (Zuo et al., 2008).
4.6. Stirred and set yogurt gels with or without modified waxy EPS produced by lactic acid bacteria during milk fermentation
maize are compared in Fig. 4. Set gels show an open and uniform present a specific case of milkepolysaccharide interactions in acid
structure, but in the presence of starch, the proteins form a denser milk gels since EPS are produced continuously during fermentation,
network with larger dark voids than those in the milk gels without gelation and to some extent during cooling and storage. If EPS
starch. Swollen starch granules are embedded throughout the continues to be produced after the onset of aggregation of the
pores of the protein network, and no direct interactions between casein micelles, it will remain in proximity of the bacteria cells, and
the starch granules and the milk proteins are observed. It has been will be constrained in pockets. Such confinement may minimize
shown previously (Azim et al., 2010) that the density of the gel interactions of EPS with caseins and intensify the formation of thick
network increases with increasing starch concentration and that casein networks. Breaking of the acid-induced gel containing EPS
casein and starch domains can be distinguished by microscopy. In will result in less dense protein aggregates, with less connectivity
the stirred gels (Fig. 4b and d), the presence of 2.5% modified waxy and a large number of void spaces containing EPS (Kristo, Miao, &
maize starch granules seem to cause the aggregates to reorganize Corredig, in press).
themselves in greater clusters compared to those shown in the In recent years, increasing attention has been devoted to non-
control sample. Even after stirring the starch granules are equilibrium systems, where non-interacting polysaccharides

Fig. 5. Confocal scanning laser micrographs of rennet-induced gels after 120 min of incubation. Control skim milk (a) and skim milk containing 0.18% pectin (b) and 0.18% pectin,
and 0.015% k-carrageenan (c). Scale bar is 50 mm. For details, see Acero-Lopez et al. (2010).
1840 M. Corredig et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1833e1841

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