Frequently Asked Questions: Scope of The Call
Frequently Asked Questions: Scope of The Call
Frequently Asked Questions: Scope of The Call
A: This call focuses on market-oriented RTD projects. Therefore, SMEs and large companies
will be the direct beneficiaries. However, the eligibility of participants depends on the involved
national/regional funding programmes; thus, in some cases academic institutions may need
an industrial partner in order to have access to funding.
Q: What is the minimum size of a consortium?
A: MANUNET is not asking for large consortia. Small consortia of 4 or 5 partners are
welcome. In addition, the minimum requirement of a consortium is the involvement of at least
2 independent SMEs belonging to 2 participating countries, or 2 regions in different
Q: Is it allowed to include partners from countries which are not participating in this
A: It is possible (but not encouraged) to include partners from countries which are not directly
involved in this coordinated call via a national/regional funding programme. For such
countries, no advice can be provided on potential national/regional funding sources.
Participants from these countries cannot be coordinators of projects submitted to this call.
A: Yes, it is possible to participate in more than one project if this is foreseen by the
national/regional funding programme.
Proposal preparation and submission
A: Pre-proposal forms focus on the eligibility check. Proposers have to argument the claimed
added value of the transnational cooperation, and the claimed added value for each
participating region of the partners in this pre-proposal stage. Proposals will ask for a very
detailed work programme and a detailed split of the budget.
Q. Where can I find all necessary forms for submitting a proposal?
A: Both pre-proposal and full proposal templates together with Guidelines for Proposers will
be downloadable from regional/national Programme Managers will also
provide relevant information.
A: The coordinator of the project should submit the pre-proposal on-line on the MANUNET
web site.
A: The pre-proposal should give an overview of the complete project. Based on the preproposal the MANUNET TCT will give advice concerning the submission of a full project
Q: Is it possible to submit a proposal in national/regional languages as well?
A: Pre-proposals and full project proposals should be submitted only in English. The
A: No.
A: The pre-proposals are evaluated by the TCT which will then provide feedback to the
coordinators. Full project proposals and individual funding applications will be subject to the
usual national/regional evaluation procedures.
A: The decision taken by the Consortium is definitive. Applicants, whose pre-proposal has
not been recommended for second stage, will not be able to submit a full proposal.
A: No, a common source of funds cannot be provided in this call. Only national or regional
funds are available.
A: All usual (regional/national) programme rules apply. This means that the regional/national
agencies will need to provide detailed feedback.
Q: Is the funding the same as for purely national/regional projects or is there any
bonus for this call?
A. No, partners are also allowed to participate using their own financial resources, provided
that at least 2 independent SMEs belonging to 2 participating countries or 2 regions in
different countries submit a funding application (and are funded by their respective
Q: What happens if only some partners in the consortium are funded by their
national/regional agencies whereas others do not receive funding?
A: Except for what described in the above question, usually this should not happen: after
submission of the full project proposals the TCT meets in order to coordinate the funding
decisions. Therefore, a proposal should normally achieve the same status in all involved
countries, ie. all partners will be funded or -in case of negative decisions- no partner will be
Project implementation
Q: How long does it take before the projects can actually start?
A: The project should normally start after the contract has been signed. The starting date of
the project could however be a fixed date before the signing of the contract at own risk.