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India UK PACT - FAQ2

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Urban planning
and mobility
Call for Proposals – Responses to clarification questions
This document compiles questions and answers from the India-UK PACT Call for Proposals
(CfPs) on Urban planning and mobility sector (November 2024).

They are divided in 2 categories:

• Application process and requirements

• Terms of reference

Application process and requirements

Q. We request nominal profit margins to be allowed.

Profit is not an eligible cost within UK PACT grant budgets.

Q. Is the cost for collection of primary data via on ground surveys a part of the funding
or can it be considered as a reimbursable cost item.
The cost for collecting primary data via on-ground surveys can be considered as a
reimbursable cost and built into the budget.

Q. Please clarify that the proposal to be submitted through e-mail on

india@ukpact.co.uk. If the proposal is to be submitted through e-mail, how do we
submit files of big size attachments. Please confirm
The proposal is to be submitted online through this link: India UK PACT | Urban Planning
& Mobility (Page 1 of 19) , following that you’ll receive an auto-reply to upload the

Q. The positions mentioned in the template are Principal expert, Senior expert, Expert,
Junior expert, Assistant to expert, Project manager, Support Staff, Admin assistant.
Whether the consultant needs to submit CVs of Experts along with the Proposal.
Pease confirm.
Yes, CV to be submitted at full proposal stage. If personnel for key positions have not been
confirmed at the full proposal stage this should be indicated in the full proposals and
terms of reference/job descriptions can be submitted in place of CVs.

Q. Should the focus of this grant be limited to the two cities in Tamil Nadu mentioned in
the call, or can it extend to other cities as well?
For this call we are only focusing on two cities of Erode and Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu.

Q. We understand that only the four templates i.e. (1) technical proposal template (2)
budget and work plan template (3) project theory of change form (4) project risk and
issue register template duly filled in to be submitted. Please confirm.
The four templates are to be filled and submitted. If the applicants’ desire to upload any
other relevant documents, they can.
Q. If we want to address the themes in both cities, can we present this in one proposal
for the total amount. amount (£1M) or do you expect two separate proposals?
We are hoping that the grant will come as one consortium project in each city. Thereby, it
is desirable to submit two separate proposals for each city.

Q. Kindly requesting for the split of marking/ weightage between technical and financial
The details on weightage for different areas such as Technical Proposal, Financial
Proposal and Project Management has been mentioned in the ToR on page number 14.

Q. Please let us know whether separate proposals to be submitted for Erode and
Thoothikudi. Please clarify.
We are hoping that the grant will come as one consortium project in each city. Thereby, it
is desirable to submit two separate proposals for each city.

Q. While looking through the India RFP eligibility criteria, our team wanted to know if
you could share further information on the below criteria as we're a For Profit entity -
For profit entities without accounting for profit margin are eligible to apply
Could you also share if this applies to only the lead partner or to all consortium
This applies to all consortium partners along with lead applicants.

Q. Do consortia need to address all three themes? The ToR suggest yes (p.8), but the
Proposal Template suggests that consortia should align their focus with one theme
(see question 2 on Intervention Theme).
We encourage applicants to apply through a consortium that must deliver on all the 3
themes in each city. While filing up the proposal template, please check in all of boxes to
align with the eligibility requirements.

Q. Is involvement of industrial partners in the consortium expected or desired?

It is suggested to collaborate with any for-profit entity, but they would be willing to work
on not-for- profit basis.

Q. The value of up to 500K pounds indicates the grant which will be received by the
applicant (bidding consortium) over the duration of 23 months for providing the TA?
Or does this amount of 500 pounds also include the cost of implementing the
proposed activities / proposals.
The call is for offering technical assistance in year one and institutionalizing the outputs
in the second year. These initiatives are to be undertaken during project duration of 23
months with a possibility of extension.

Q. Referring on the clauses sited here on page 8, 9 and 12- will the project be funded for
just the first year or for entire duration of 23 months?
The project will be funded for entire duration of 23 months.

Q. These activities will include costs related to arrangement of any venues, logistics,
invitations, hospitality, food and beverage related expenses, equipment, 2D and 3D
graphics, simulations and animations, videography, webhosting, website creation,
social media, banners, exhibits, additional and external staff and other resources
related to the project and the seminars, workshops and training which are part of the
project. Do these need to a part of the financial proposal or will these be paid
separately on actuals?
Yes, event and communication costs should be clearly outlined in the budget as separate
line items.

Q. Could a UK based organization (the lead bidder) associate its Indian subsidiary /
sister concern (For-Profit Entities) as a sub-consultant / sub-contractor to them,
given that the Indian subsidiary / sister concern does not hold a FCRA registration
and will be executing the majority part of the work?
Yes, if the lead organization intends to receive foreign contributions, it must be registered
under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). If the lead organization does not
have FCRA registration but is collaborating with a local partner that does, the local partner
can manage the financial aspects of the project, provided they are compliant with FCRA
regulations. In this case, the financial aspects of the project shall be managed by the lead
bidder and the Indian subsidiary needs to work on not-for-profit basis.

Q. Could an Indian organization (profit making) that does not hold a FCRA registration
be appointed as a sub-consultant to the successful bidder at the stage of execution
of services / post winning the project?
Yes, provided that the successful bidder/lead partner is properly structured and
registered in a way that allows them to deliver the project.

Q. Could an Indian organization (the lead bidder) that holds a FCRA registration, appoint
another Indian company (profit making) as a sub-consultant / sub-contractor to
them that does not hold a FCRA?
Yes, an Indian organization that holds a FCRA registration can appoint another Indian
company (even if it’s profit-making) as a sub-consultant or sub-contractor, even if that
company does not hold a FCRA registration.

Q. Could a sub-contractor to a lead bidder, further appoint a sub-contractor to them?

Yes, a lead bidder’s sub-contractor can appoint another sub-contractor, provided it is in
line with the terms of the main contract. The lead bidder must ensure due diligence is
conducted to verify compliance with all regulations, including FCRA, and ensure the
capacity of all parties to deliver the project.

Q. Could a consortium partner to a lead bidder participate with more than one lead
bidder for the same location / project?

Q. Could a sub-contractor to a lead bidder participate with more than one lead bidder
for the same location / project?
Q. The Applicant’s Handbook states – “For sub-contractors, the daily fee rate will be the
exact total invoiced to your organisation that is chargeable to the project”. Can a sub-
contractor under the grant work charge profit element in their fee?
No, sub-contractors' fees should reflect actual costs without a profit margin, in line with
the indicative ranges in the 'Eligible Cost' tab of the Budget and Work Plan Template.

Q. We request you to please confirm if an Indian registered entity (sub-contractor),

which is a sister concern of a UK entity (the lead bidder), both being the members of
the same group company, can charge an arms-length profit on this project which will
be set-off against the input fee of the UK entity thereby leading to a break-even and
an overall zero profit on this project with no additional cost to the client.
An organization that is named in the proposal should have a sub-grant agreement in place
with the lead organization rather than contracts and profit cannot be made on the work
even if it all overall works out to be zero-sum.

Q. Is there any Maximum/Minimum cap for each consortium partner? What is the
Maximum cap for Research Institutions, NGO, Consultancy?
There is no minimum/maximum cap for the consortium partners. This is to be decided
amongst the partners, based on responsibilities.

Q. Is it one theme out of three? It seems that you want all three themes now but I
understood it has one of the three before?
The applications are invited for consortium only that must deliver on all the 3 themes in
each city.

Q. How much money is it, is it £500K per project or per year? Or is it £500K per city per
year? It says two slightly different things in different places.
The budget ceiling of 500,000 GBP for up to 23 months (with a possibility of extension).
We aim to support at least 2 consortium projects – one each in each city of Erode and
Thoothukudi each with a budget of 500k GBP.

Q. Is it only the two cities? We understood it was any city in India.

For this call we are only focusing at the two cities of Erode and Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu.

Q. The extension, is it a no-cost project duration extension or is there a scope of

requesting additional funds to carry out activities during the extension period?
This depends on the budget allocation available for the year.

Q. Are individual organizations eligible to apply for a focused proposal on a particular

theme and reduced resources/budget grant solicited?
The applications are invited for consortium only that must deliver on all the 3 themes in
each city.

Q. Budget and Funding Availability (page 8): “UK PACT has committed to deliver projects
under the agreed scope of support for the first year. Funding is potentially available
for subsequent years for expansion.” Can you please clarify what this means? Will
the full funding amount of up to GBP 500,000 (per project) still be available to the
implementing partner to carry out the work over the 23 months?

Q. Timelines and Duration of Projects (page 9): “Applicants should propose projects up
to 2 years in duration as is relevant to Can you please clarify whether this means that
the project timeline can be shorter and completed in less than 23 months? the
intervention. Projects must be no shorter than 12 months long.”
Can you please clarify whether this means that the project timeline can be shorter
and completed in less than 23 months?
The project timeline can be 23 months or shorter.

Q. Can an international NGO with an affiliate organisation (a for-profit organisation) in

Tamil Nadu apply as the "local partner"?
Yes, you may apply provide the affiliate organization should be able to work on not-for-
profit basis.

Q. Eligibility criteria: “One implementing partner or member of consortia can bid for
more than one project.” Does this mean that one implementing partner (who is not
the lead) can be a part of multiple consortiums and bid for the same project?
Yes. That is correct.

Q. Can you please expand more on what capital expenses or tangible assets include?
UK PACT does not fund infrastructure, construction or capital expenditure (CAPEX)

Q. Given that UK PACT has defined services and a milestone-linked payment structure,
could this arrangement potentially be framed as a “contract for services” rather than
a “grant”? This clarification will be essential for aligning our operational approach
with the project’s requirements.
UK PACT operates under a grant framework, not a contract for services. While payments
are milestone-based, they are tied to project outcomes rather than specific deliverables
or services, maintaining the funding nature of the arrangement.

Q. Could you confirm whether the funds will be provided directly from the UK or through
a UK PACT presence in India?
Funds will be provided through the Grants Manager appointed by the FCDO for the India

Q. UK PACT might also suggest that Applicants work closely together or form consortia’
– We request clarification on whether this will be applicable after the Applications
are submitted by an single entity/ consortia?
It is desirable to submit consortium applications, as matchmaking and consortium
orchestration is not UK PACT standard practice.

Q. Regarding the Proposal Template, is there a word limit for question 6 (Methodology)?
There is no word limit, but ideally it should be written to clearly outline the methods and
processes you will use to achieve the project's objectives. Avoid unnecessary jargon, but
ensure you provide enough detail to demonstrate a solid understanding of the approach.
Q. Can you provide details on the eligibility criteria in terms of experience and expertise
for consortium members?
We are looking for a consortium of institutions that have the relevant knowledge, skills
and experience. We are aiming to have a consortium of national and international
organisations that have complementary skills and experience to strengthen delivery
capacity. Please refer to Application guidance section with the Terms of Reference.

Q. The notice for application was issued in last week of October 2024. The whole last
week of October and first week of November 2024 was a festive week and holiday in
India. Given that the submission will necessitate a comprehensive proposal,
administrative and logistics modalities, formation of a consortium, we kindly
request that an additional two weeks be allowed from current/present date of
We regret to inform that it would not be possible to extend the current call for proposals.
However, in case there is any, would be communicated on the UK PACT website on 29 th
Nov 2024.

Q. Please clarify, how for-profit organisations/ firms will be eligible to apply? Please
also confirm what documentation needs to be provided by for profit organisations/
consultancies to be eligible for application.
For-profit organisations/firms must be able to work on a non-profit basis, to be eligible to

Q. Our organization has an office in Chennai. Please clarify if local presence will suffice
or if we still need to associate with a local partner.
Local presence at the state level is acceptable.

Q. We understand a detailed template is available on the website. Requesting you to

kindly clarify how should we submit any additional information, if needed
Step 1 - Complete Form > Step 2 - Upload documents via the unique submission link sent
to your email address following form submission. Any additional document can be
submitted from the same unique submission link.

Q. Can one organisation submit multiple proposals as the lead in a consortium for
either a single city or both cities?
Yes, this is possible.

Q. Is a local partner mandatory for each city or atleast in one city, if one applies for both
As there would be two separate proposals for both the cities, therefore, it is advisable to
have local partners who work/ have presence in both the cities. There could be two
different local partners across two cities or one local partners across two cities.

Q. For the submission process, applicants have to first fill the 19 pagers google form
and submit to generate a link for the uploading of the application templates. Is this
understanding, correct? Can we get a downloadable version of this form, as we are
unable to move to the next page in the google form to get an idea of the other
questions without filling the responses in the initial page?
Yes, this is correct.
Step 1 - Complete Form > Step 2 - Upload documents via the submission link send
following form submission. We cannot share the downloadable version of the application
form, as it is a dynamic form, and changes depends on values selected by applicants.

Q. Does local partner need to be FCRA compliant?

Yes, if the lead organization intends to receive foreign contributions, it must be registered
under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). If the lead organization does not
have FCRA registration but is collaborating with a local partner that does, the local partner
can manage the financial aspects of the project, provided they are compliant with FCRA

Q. Since the funding value per city is £500K, can we apply for 2 cities for a value of £1M?

Q. Can we account for budget staff under the staff lists or they have to be accounted for
under overheads?
Yes, budget staff can be accounted for under the staff list.

Q. Is there any letter of support required from any city officials at this stage?
This is not a mandatory requirement.

Q. Is there any documentation required at this stage to ensure that proposal is ‘Value
for Money’?
No specific document is required, but applicants must clearly demonstrate how their
project and budget offer value for money. This will be a key consideration during the due
diligence process.

Q. Is it mandatory for an organization to have VFM policy while applying for this grant?
No, a formal Value for Money policy is not required. However, applicants must
demonstrate how their project and budget offer value for money. This will be assessed
during the application and due diligence.

Terms of Reference

Q. Kindly requesting clarification on the type of data sets that will be available for the
concerned 2 cities of Erode and Thoothukudi.
Theme 2 is aimed at building upon the work done under the Smart City program of the
Government of India. Through the program, both cities have developed integrated
command and control centres. The current activities being tracked are limited to waste
collection (in Erode) and amenities provision and traffic enforcement (in Thoothukodi).

Q. Climate action plan includes many sectors to what extent would water, drainage and
sanitation be expected to be included as part of the project.
They may be part of the wider urban planning context but not key focus areas for this call.
Q. The proposal addresses urban planning and mobility. Is the primary focus on
mobility solutions, including land-use and transport integration, or should also
consider elements like blue and green infrastructure, flood mitigation, and urban
A broader urban planning approach is possible (even encouraged) but with the caveat that
mobility (including land-use and transport integration) must be a key focus area.

Q. For Theme 1 – Integrating Climate into City-Level Urban Plans, should the focus be
solely on mobility, or can we also address other urban planning issues? The theme
states: "Develop a climate-integrated urban planning and governance strategy
across sectors, to be prioritised by the city administration, which maximises climate
mitigation goals along with adaptation co-benefits, while also supporting capacity-
building of key city departments for enabling institutionalisation." This suggests that
a broader urban planning approach may be possible.
A broader urban planning approach is possible (even encouraged) but with the caveat that
mobility must be a key focus area.

Q. Since the program has been designed in consultation with stakeholders, could UK
PACT clarify the data (including indicators and the span of years covered) that is
available with the urban local bodies (ULBs) of the two cities? This would be
particularly helpful in developing our approach for Theme 2.
Theme 2 is aimed at building upon the work done under the Smart City program of the
Government of India. Through the program, both cities have developed integrated
command and control centres. The current activities being tracked are limited to waste
collection (in Erode) and amenities provision and traffic enforcement (in Thoothukodi).

Q. We are considering proposing the use of AI based decision support tools that would
apply to this work. However, these tools are not completely tested in this space. You
say you aren't able to fund fundamental research, would testing and development of
tools count as fundamental research? And are you expecting the tools that are
produced to be deployed by the end of the project?
AI tools are fine if it links clearly to other outputs and intermediate outcomes and any tool
thus developed should be institutionalized/ embedded within counterpart processes.

Q. Isn't the time between "building blocks" Feb'25-Mar'26 and "institutionalizing"

Apr'26-Dec'26 is too short to deliver on technical support to city administration begin
implementing the strategies and piloting recommendations. How does UK-PACT
view from the point of proposal review, delivery capabilities?
Institutionalization refers to processes that help in the use and adoption of the technical
assistance support through strategy and roadmap development for example being
provided in year 1. Institutionalizing would mean working with local government partners
to incorporate developed trainings for example into annual/mandatory training for staff.

Q. What is the readiness and baseline situation of the existing data infrastructure in
either city? This concerns the extent of resource commitments and timeline
particularly for feeding into the broader objective of climate integrated UP and
mobility framework.
Please make an assessment based on a general understanding of Tier 2 cities in Tamil
Nadu. If you are looking to apply with a local consortium partner, you may benefit from
specific information from the cities.
Q. There was a separate RfQ for technical support and review of city plan by UK-PACT,
how does that relate to the SoW of this 2-year grant RfP?

The technical support for review of Thoothukudi master plan from a climate lens is an
expert Deployment that respond to a short-term counterpart demand by the city. The
Expert deployment is expected to set the stage for the CfP related work as part this current

Q. Can you please clarity if UK PACT is expecting the implementing partner to develop
a new climate integrated comprehensive mobility plan? OR, is the expectation to
amend/revise existing mobility plans with climate integrated urban planning and
governance strategies? If so, how many city-level urban plans are expected to be
The focus is on augmenting existing plans by adding climate considerations and ensuring
they are all coordinated to ensure there is one holistic development plan for the city that
is climate ready. However, in cases where these plans do not exist, the IP will be expected
to develop one. We would expect all key sectors that would normally be covered under a
comprehensive development plan be covered.

Q. How many pilot interventions are expected to be initiated?

The number will depend on the demand and consultation with the counterpart.

Q. How many trainings are expected to be carried out within the two-years? Are these
trainings only at city or at the state level as well?
As mentioned, this is a demand led initiative. You may build in numbers considering your
experience with city officials in delivering such trainings.

Q. We request the clarification on the Anchor Department at the State and City level for
the 2 projects, which will help us in preparing a well-rounded proposal. Hence, we
request the following:
i. Anchor State Government Department for the 2 projects – whether it is Housing
& Urban Development Department or Municipal Administration & Water Supply
Department or Environment and Climate Change Department or Transport
Department or Energy Department?
The Anchor state government department is to be confirmed by the consortium during
or before the inception workshop. Principal Secretary, State Municipal Corporation
Dept is likely to be a key stakeholder.

ii. Anchor cell/department/unit within the Erode and Thoothukudi Municipal

Corporations for the projects.
iii. The Anchor government department will be the Municipal corporation with the
Municipal Commissioner leading it.

iv. Whether any role or function identified for Smart City SPVs of Erode and
This is for the consortium to decide on the methodology and approach based on the
outputs and outcomes the consortium is aiming to acheive .
Q. We request clarification on the key city departments and relevant stakeholders
(including non-state) for whom training is to be conducted. We also seek clarification
on whether the development of training modules and conducting training is to be
considered in the Budget proposed by the Applicant.
The key departments will be identified by the IPs in collaboration with the city authorities.
The development and delivery of training modules should be considered as part of the

Q. We request clarification on payment schedule. Our request is for quarterly payment

schedule. Requesting to share a sample Work Order/ Contract copy to ascertain the
legal and contractual risks applicable such as liabilities, penalties, insurance, etc.
Our default is to make payments quarterly in alignment with a quarterly reporting

R. We request clarification on the Experts’ roles and responsibilities. Also, we are

requesting clarification whether these long-term and short-term Experts are to be
named in our application and their personnel costs are to be considered.
Q. It is advisable to mention specific expert days in the proposal application. Personnel
costs for both long-term and short-term experts should be included in your budget.

R. We request clarification on the constituents of local government partners.

The key local government departments to be engaged will be the municipal corporation
and the details of engagement will be determined during the inception workshop.

Q. We request clarification on deployment of experts: Whether they could be public or

private sector organisations/ individuals. Time duration for short term and long-term
Expert Deployment will be supported based on counterpart requirement.

Q. Any views on the GEDSI-specific outcome indicators that need to be included in the
project design and monitoring framework?
Applicants are advised to propose relevant indicators aligned to their project scope and
thematic, including disaggregation and other GEDSI-specific measures. There are also a
number of UK PACT specific indicators (ICF KPIs) highlighted in the call for proposal’s
technical proposal template, which we encourage applicants to include in their MEL
plans where feasible and relevant. This includes the ICF methodology for measuring
emissions avoided or reduced (ICF TA KPI 5). If selected, projects will undergo a co-
creation stage prior to the grant agreement signature, where prospective implementing
partners will be able to discuss and refine MEL plans and indicators together with the UK
PACT MEL team.

Q. Are there any specific success stories or case studies from previous projects that
can serve as benchmarks? If yes, then please share. Can you clarify the specific
deliverables expected under each of the three themes?
Please go through the Terms of reference and the Theory of change document shared with
you. The deliverables/ specific outputs would draw from the proposal of the consortium.
Q. How will the collaboration with city administrations be structured and managed?
Any guidance on the expectations for working with local government and other
We expect the applicants to design the stakeholder engagement plan, in accordance with
planned outputs.

Q. Can you please provide more details on the tools and technologies that needs to be
used for the baseline GHG inventory? Examples of specific policies or processes
that can be used as reference.
The applicant is free to propose the tool for conducting the inventory. However, the
method should be in alignment with the GHG Protocol: Global Protocol for Community-
scale GHG Emission Inventories (GPC).

Q. Are there any key competencies that the capacity-building efforts aim to develop
that have been prioritized? What kind of technical support will be provided to the city
administrations? How will the training modules be integrated into the annual training
for staff?
The tools and outputs developed through this program will showcase how climate should
be included in current and future urban planning and mobility decisions. Capacity
building should enable city officials to similarly incorporate climate considerations into
their decision-making processes on urban planning and mobility.

Q. What specific types of technical assistance will be provided to support the

development of innovative financial models? How will the success of these financial
models be evaluated?
The technical assistance under this theme is aimed at enabling Tier-2 cities access
alternative financing streams which until now have been focused on Tier 1 cities in India.
The success of these models will be assessed in line with the published MEL framework

Q. What could be the possible key performance indicators for measuring the success
of the project? How will the GHG emissions and other climate impacts be monitored
and reported? How will the project be reviewed and adapted based on emerging
demands and feedback?
Applicants are advised to propose relevant indicators aligned to their project scope and
thematic, including disaggregation and other GEDSI-specific measures. There are also a
number of UK PACT specific indicators (ICF KPIs) highlighted in the call for proposal’s
technical proposal template, which we encourage applicants to include in their MEL
plans where feasible and relevant. This includes the ICF methodology for measuring
emissions avoided or reduced (ICF TA KPI 5). If selected, projects will undergo a co-
creation stage prior to the grant agreement signature, where prospective implementing
partners will be able to discuss and refine MEL plans and indicators together with the UK
PACT MEL team.

Q. Is there a business case available and ToC for this programme, which can be referred
while developing the project specific ToC/ Impact Pathway as per the template?
We'd ask Implementing Partners to work along the ToC template provided to work out
project specific impact pathway.

Q. We understand that this is demand-led TA/programme and would need clarity on

how this would impact the submitted costed work-plan, KPIs etc
We would use the co creation process with consortium lead to refine the proposal to
ensure the proposal responds to counterpart needs. Consortium members need to
demonstrate flexibility in tweaking outputs (only if required) to respond to the emerging
needs, but these will likely remain non disruptive in nature.

Q. For mobility, is the plan to prepare a sustainable mobility plan for the city or is it
specific to any mode?
Developing a sustainable mobility plan or a multimodal plan can be proposed and
developed under this grant support. This should respond to specific demand that the city
government would want the project to support with.

Q. When wellbeing and liveability is being considered, are we considering or prioritising

any specific frameworks for application and data collection?
The choice of frameworks is to be decided upon by the Implementing partners and the

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