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Leadership JCP

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In 2005, Theilmann joined JCP as the executive VP, chief HR He focused on involving
the employee in making an emotional connection with the clients.
He focused on attracting and retaining the best talent in the retail industry. Group 2
Team Diverse Leadership Case Study-JC Penney 5.Ullman has rich domestic and
international experience in the retail industry. (Macys, LVMH, DFS group)
The board wanted the depth and breadth of Mike Ullmans experience. ENTER
ULLMAN, EXIT CASTAGNA 8.Just Call me Mike campaign
Supervisors and others can address each other by first name. Disband of Office Police.
Helped to create friendly work place

9. Winning together principal- Code of conduct

More inclusive and included all the employees 7.Fired New COO: Catherine West
Because she failed to meet performance objectives. Paid US$10 million to her.
She formally worked in banking industry, no experience in retailing, thus not fit for JCP.
The areas previously reporting to West would report directly to Ullman. 6. Set up Retail
Employees were trained in retailing and leadership by top level managers including
This made JCP a great place to develop their career. Create stronger bond between
employees They visited successful companies
such as
The Container store
Southwest Airline
Wegmans Food Markets Inc.
to learnt and followed their best practices.
This means JCP is becoming more open. 12.JCP started looking outside for ideas In fall
2005, JCP used AES" to measure the views of association about the company.
JCP respected the feedback of employees would help the company in determining how to
approach the Long Range Plan. 13.Association Engagement Survey (AES) 10.New
brand positioning, Every Day Matters All the 151,000 Associates were trained to
execute the new initiatives.
They were briefed by the managers on the new branding.
The first such repositioning in JCPs 105-year history.

It formed Deeper, Emotionally-Driven Relationships with customers. Q2. Handys

framework of organisational culture Before: Power Culture
centralized power around a small group.
Power radiates out from the centre, usually a key personality, to other.(Handy 1996)
JCPs initial structure was rigid in nature.
eg. Earl C. Sams, the president of JCP believed the formal way of addressing another in
workplace In power culture
The ability to adapt to changes is centralized in the top management.

This can be positive with rapid change brought from above or can result in they failing to
see the need for change.(Gray 1998) Negative: With Sams formal environment,
Curbing innovation and creativity
Result: high employee turnover,
Positive: Ullmans understood the need for change To form informal organisational
He initiated top-driven changes Role Culture System effectiveness depends upon
adherence to principles rather than personalities. (Handy 1996)
The managers were expected to follow what was prescribed to them.
They were not given an opportunity to voice out but were expected to adhere to the rules
and regulations. Team Culture Appropriate when flexibility and sensitivity are important,
product life is short and reaction speed is critical. (Sheldrake 2003)
JCP's culture shifted to team culture with high flexibility and contribution from the
employees at all levels.
eg."Business casuals" as the dress code
Winning together principle.
Inclusive environment with the lower level also embodying the principles Person Culture
The individual is the focal point; organisation exists only to serve and assist the
individuals within it

The employees take part in the decision making process. training programmes devoted to
Groom them to be future leaders.
Satisfies selactualizationon needs, which in turn retain employees.

Not fully a person culture as it was done for improving employee efficiency towards the
organizational goals Levels of Organizational Development by Cacioppe and Edwards
Before Change: JCP was at Organizing level
A place for everything and every thing in its place. (Cacioppe, R and Edwards, M 2005)
Very bureaucratic
Dress code formal
Not forward looking because of recent turnaround After Change: Co-operating Internal
cooperation and commitment at all levels. Integration fo systems towards goals.
(Cacioppe, R and Edwards, M 2005)

AES survey in 2006 at 73% compared to 2005 at 67%

Operating profit in 2005 US$1.6 billion, a 22.5 percent increase over fiscal year 2004. Q3
Define Leadership in JCP Before Change: Bureaucratic and Transactional Leadership
Relationship between managers and the employees was created through behavioral
Visions that are sensible, clear and uplifting
Empowered action by removing some of the obstacles that were deterring the company
from moving forward.
Made change stick by nurturing a new culture
Effective culture by recognition for job done. References Cacioppe, R. and Edwards, M.
(2005) 'Seeking the holy Grail of organizational development', Leadership and
Organization Development Journal, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp86-105
Gray,R 1998 Organisational Culture and the psychological contrast

[online]<http://www.rodericgray.com/orgculturepsycon.pdf> Available from 15th March

Handy 2006 Gods of management[online] http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=cG6fmxkJo0C&source=gbs_navlinks_s> Available from 15th March 2013.
Sheldrake 2003 Management theory, Cengage Learning EMEA,[online]
http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=59QiX9PEgoC&dq=handy+management+theory&source=gbs_navlinks_s> Available from
15th March 2013.
Muratbekova-Touron, M. (2005) 'Permanence and Change: Case Study of Changes in
Organizational Culture at a Multinational Company'. Journal of Change Management 5
(2), 207-219
Pihlak, and Alas, R. (2012) 'Leadership Style and Employee Involvement during
Organizational Change'. EBS Review (29), 46-66 Thank you !
Q&A J. C. Penney Company, Inc., (JCP) is a chain of American mid-range department
stores based in Plano, Texas.

Founded in 1913, the company operates 1,107 department stores in all 50 U.S. states.
Most JCPenney stores are located in suburban shopping malls. Background Information
Q1.Key change management events 1.Castagna joined in 1999 as the COO
(Target, TJX Cos. and Wal- Mart)
Questrom joined as CEO in 2000.
(Famous for turnaround at Barneys10, Federated11)
First outsiders to join JCP in top level.
They centralized the buying system Slashed the number of items in stores by half.
Working-capital improved, US$1.6 billion 2.Sale of the Eckerd drugstore chain13 for
US$4.52 billion
Increase its financial flexibility and the focus on department store business.
Compensation : salary linked to performance.
4.Started to consider outsiders for higher positions instead of promoting from within,

3.HR team started newsletter for the management to communicate the changes in
compensation plans Top executives encourage creativity, and team members are often
highly engaged in projects and decisions. (Muratbekova-Touron 2005)

Fewer layers of management

Culture more attractive to newly graduates. After Change: Work "by the book." They
follow rules rigorously, and ensure that their people follow procedures precisely. (Pihlak
and Alas 2012)
100 years Motto: Honor, Confidence, Service, Cooperation HCSC
Suppress creativity and flexibility Democratic/Transformational Leadership

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