Metropoloitan Anthony - Christ Is Risen

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Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh


9 April 1972
(Romans VIII:34-39)Christ

is risen!

When Christ first rose from the tomb and appeared to His
disciples and the myrrh-bearing women, He greeted them with
the word "Rejoice!". And then later when He appeared to the
Apostles His first words were "Peace be unto you!"; peace,
because their confusion was very great - the Lord had died. It
seemed as though all hope had perished for the victory of God
over human wickedness, for the victory of good over evil. It would
seem that life itself had been slain and light had faded. All that
remained for the disciples who had believed in Christ, in life, in
love, was to go on existing, for they could no longer live. Having
tasted eternal life they were now condemned to expect cruel
persecution and death at the hands of Christ's enemies. "Peace
be unto you", proclaimed Christ. "I have arisen, I am alive, I am
with you, and henceforth nothing - neither death nor persecution will ever separate us or deprive you of eternal life, the victory of
God". And then, having convinced them of His physical
resurrection, having restored their peace and an unshakable
certainty of faith, Christ uttered words which may in the present
age sound menacing and frightening to many, "As the Father sent
Me, so I send you". Only a few hours after Christ's death on the

cross, not long after the fearful night in Gethsemane, the betrayal
by Judas when Christ had been taken by His enemies, condemned
to death, led out beyond the city walls and died on the cross,
these words sounded menacing. And it was only faith, the
conquering certainty that Christ had risen, that God had
conquered, that the Church had become an invincible force that
transformed these words into words of hope and triumphant Godspeed.
And the disciples went out to preach; nothing could stop them.
Twelve men confronted the Roman empire. Twelve defenceless
men, twelve men without legal rights were out to preach the
simplest message, that divine love had entered the world and
that they were willing to give their lives for the sake of this love,
in order that others might believe and come to life, and that a
new life might begin for others through their death. [I Cor. IV :913]
Death was indeed granted them; there is not a single apostle
except St. John the Divine who did not die a martyr's death. Death
was granted them, and persecution and suffering and a cross (II
Cor. VI: 3-14).
But faith, faith in Christ, in God Incarnate, faith in Christ crucified
and risen, faith in Christ who brought unquenchable love into the
world, has triumphed. "Our faith which has conquered the world is
the victory."
This preaching changed the attitude of man to man; every person
became precious in the eyes of another. The destiny of the world
was widened and deepened; it burst the bounds of earth and
united earth to heaven. And now we Christians, in the words of a
western preacher, in the person of Jesus Christ, have become the
people to whom God has committed the care of other people; that
they should believe in themselves because God believes in us;
that they should hope for all things because God puts His hope in

us; that they should be able to carry our victorious faith through
the furnace of horror, trials, hatred and persecution - that faith
which has already conquered the world, in the faith in Christ, God
crucified and risen.
So let us also stand up for this faith. Let us proclaim it fearlessly,
let us teach it to our children, let us bring them to the sacraments
of the Church which, even before they can understand it, unite
them with God and plant eternal life in them.
All of us, sooner or later, will stand before the judgment of God
and will have to answer whether we were able to love the whole
world - believers and unbelievers, the good and the bad - with the
sacrificial, crucified, all-conquering love with which God loves us.
May the Lord give us invincible courage, triumphant faith, joyful
love in order that the kingdom for which God became man should
be established, that we should truly become godly, that our earth
should indeed become heaven where love, triumphant love lives
and reigns. Christ is risen!

Homily 2
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
16 April 1989

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
We keep today the memory of Saint Mary of Egypt in the gradual
progression from glory to glory which Lent is, and which must lead us
step by step to facing the supreme glory of the Divine Love crucified,
the sacrificial love of the Holy Trinity.
Saint Mary of Egypt was a sinner, someone whose sin was known to
everyone and not to God alone; perhaps she was the only one who was
least of all aware of it because sin was her life. And yet, one day, she
wanted to go and venerate an icon of the Mother of God in a church.
The supreme beauty of womanhood in the Mother of God reached her
heart, touched it. But when she came to the gate of this church, a power
prevented her from crossing the threshold. The Publican had been able
to stand there because his heart was broken; Mary of Egypt had no
broken heart, and the entrance of the church was forbidden to her. And
she stood there, aware that what she was, was incompatible with the
holiness of the Presence, the presence of God, the presence of the
Mother of God, the presence of all that is holy on earth and in heaven.
And she was so profoundly shaken by this experience that she left
all that had been her life, retired into the desert, and with a life which
the service books define as extreme, fought to conquer her flesh, her
soul, her memories - everything that was sin, but also everything that
could lead her away from God. And we know how glorious her life was,
the kind of person she became.
What lesson can we receive from her life? How often is it that we
have knocked at the door of God in the way in which Mary tried to
come into His presence? How often have we tried to pray, to be in His
presence in silence? How often has our longing been to God, and how
often have we felt that between our prayer and Him, between our
silence and Him, between our longing and Him there was a barrier
which we could not pass. We were crying, praying into an empty sky,
we were turning towards icons that were silent; all we could perceive
was the Divine absence, and an absence so frightening, because not
only could we not reach Him, but we perceived that unless we reached
Him, our soul was laid waste, there was within us nothing but
emptiness, an emptiness that if it continued, if it became our definitive
condition would mean more than death - ultimate separation.
But how often also has God knocked at the door of our heart. You

remember the word of the Book of Revelation: I stand at Thy door and I
knock... How often has God, in the words of the Gospel, in the events of
our life, in the weak promptings of our soul, in a whispering of the Holy
Spirit, in all the ways in which God tries to reach us - how often has He
knocked at this door, and how often have we made sure that this door
does not open. Either didn't we simply care to open it because we were
busy with things that mattered to us at that moment more than His
interrupting, disturbing presence; and how often did we refuse to open
the door because the coming of the Lord to us would have meant the
end of things which were precious to us, which mattered to us... And the
Lord stood knocking, and the door was shut in His face: exactly in the
same way in which every door was shut in the face of the Mother of
God and Joseph on the night of the Nativity.
We may not be aware of it with the intensity which should be ours;
and yet for each of us, simply, the proof of it is that we are here, and
millions of other people at some moment have suddenly perceived the
presence of God, have heard His knocking, have let perhaps the door
ajar, have listened to what He was saying, had a moment of elation, a
moment when suddenly we came to life, and then we shut the door
again. We chose our aloneness, we chose to be without Him, and what
we imagined to be free from Him: we are never free; we are never free
not because He enslaves us, not because He hunts us down. We are
never free because He is ultimately in the end the only supreme longing
of our whole being, because He is the fullness of life, the glory of life,
the exultation of life for which we long and which we try to glean right,
and left in vain.
Mary of Egypt confronted with the Divine absence, with Gods
refusal to allow her into His presence, confronted with a shut door
within herself felt that unless the door opened, everything was vain.
And she turned away from everything that stood between her and God,
and life, and fullness, and exultation.
Isn't she for us an example, a call, an image of what could be the life
of each of us? But we may say, Yes, this applied to her, she was a
prospective saint Each of us is called to commune with God in such a
way, that God and each of us should become one, that each of us should
become partaker of the Divine nature, a living member, a brother, a
sister, a limb of Christ, a temple of the Holy Spirit, a son and a daughter
of the Living God! This is our vocation; but can that be achieved by our
own strength? No, it cannot! But it can be achieved by God in us if we
only turn to Him with all our mind, all our heart, all our longing,
determinably, yes: it is determination, and it is longing, a passionate,
desperate longing... And then - and then all things become possible. I
have said so often that when Saint Paul asked God for strength to fulfil
his mission, the Lord said to him, My grace suffitheth unto thee, My
power deploys itself in weakness... And at the end of his life, having

fulfilled his vocation, Paul, who knew what he was saying, said, all
things are possible unto me in the power of Christ Who sustains me...
All things are possible, because God does not call us to more than can
be achieved by Him with us and in us.
How much hope, how much inspiration can we find in each of the
Saints of God, as frail as we are, and in whom the power, the glory, the
victory, the life unfolded itself, deployed itself gloriously.
Let us once more receive inspiration from what we hear, receive
inspiration from what we meet face to face in the Gospel, in Holy
Communion, in prayer, in the silence in the presence of God. And let us
move one step more forward towards the vision of the love of God
made manifest in Holy Week, in the last steps of the way of the Cross,
in the final victory of crucified Love, and in the victory of the
Resurrection of God. Amen.

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