Review and Herald: He Leadeth Me
Review and Herald: He Leadeth Me
Review and Herald: He Leadeth Me
He Leadeth Me
IN pastures green? Not always;
, -- '
. , ..
All Through the Christian Era Men and Women Have Studied the
Scriptures, Longing and Praying for the Second Advent. How
Blessed Are We in These Closing Days of Earth's History to See on
Every Hand the Tokens of Christ's Return, and to Know That in
Our Time Will Come the Consummation of the Christian's Hope
Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Thursday by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, at Takoma Park,
Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Entered as second-class matter, August 14, 1903. at the post office at Washington, D.C., under the Act of
Congress of March 3, 1879. Vol. 118, No. 15. One year, $2.50.
The SanctuaryNo. 4
APRIL 10, 1 9 4 1
now. Truth is more precious than all besides. Notwithstanding the agencies combined against the truth,
a large number take their stand upon the Lord's
side." "The Great Controversy," pp. 611, 612.
The Authority of the Church
O feature of our distinctive health teachings has been stressed more in the writings
of the Spirit of prophecy than that of the
relation of the mind to the body in the matter
of health. This is perhaps best stated in the following from "Ministry of Healing:"
"The relation that exists between the mind and the
body is very intimate. When one is affected, the other
sympathizes. The condition of the mind affects the
health to a far greater degree than many realize.
Many of the diseases from which men suffer are the
result of mental depression. Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend to break down
the life forces, and to invite decay and death.
"Disease is sometimes produced, and is often greatly
aggravated, by the imagination. Many are lifelong invalids who might be well if they only thought so.
Many imagine that every slight exposure will cause
illness, and the evil effect is produced because it 'is
expected. Many die from disease, the cause of which
is wholly imaginary.
"Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love, promote
health and prolong life. A contented mind, a cheerful
spirit, is health to the body and strength to the soul.
`A merry [rejoicing] heart doeth good like a medicine.'
"In the treatment of the sick, the effect of mental
influence should not be overlooked. Rightly used, this
influence affords one of the most effective agencies for
combating disease."Page 241.
Again, we read in the book "Education" this
Dedication of Montevideo Church
ABBATH, December 14, was a high day for
our believers in Uruguay, for it was then
that their beautiful new church building in
Montevideo, the capital city, was dedicated. This
new building, which is in a quiet, though prominent, part of the city, is well situated, and is
accessible to the important bus and streetcar, lines
of the city.
Not only is the church well located, but it has
been carefully planned to meet the varied demands
of a church in this center. The well-lighted auditorium has a seating capacity of approximately
four hundred, and is dignified and appropriately
furnished. Just to the rear of the platform are
sliding doors which, when opened, allow the beautiful stained-glass window just behind the baptismal font to be seen. In the basement are
large rooms for the children's Sabbath school
and young people's meetings, besides a culinary
department to care for workers who are called
in for workers' meetings. In the enlarged tower
in the front of the building are living quarters
for a worker, and on the third floor are the conference office and the Book and Bible House
depository. An elevator serves these two floors.
The entire building, including the lot, represents
an investment of approximately $22,500, the cost
of the lot being just over $4,000. Those who have
been responsible for the planning and construction of this church are to be highly complimented
on the completion of such an appropriate and
spacious building at such a moderate figure.
ventists. Our own people stood around the outside and down the aisles. Many prominent people
of the city attended, including the British ambassador to Uruguay. A special program was
prepared, and appropriate music was rendered by
two choirs. The entire service was broadcast.
Toss the
God Answers Prayer
N registration day, just after
the United States entered the
last World War, I was attending the San Luis Valley Academy, at Jaroso, Colorado. My home
was in Woods County, Oklahoma.
At the Enid camp meeting I had
met a man from Jaroso who was
endeavoring to get students to go
out there to school, and he interested me in going. At that same
camp meeting I had also met a
schoolteacher, who later became my
As I was registered in Colorado,
I had to go when Colorado was sending its quota. When I left Alva,
Oklahoma, bound for Camp Travis,
there was only one other prospective soldier in our group. Two
weeks after we arrived at camp he
was sent to France. The ship he
was on went down at sea.
I did some earnest praying about
going into the Army. I wrote a
letter to President Wilson about my
conscientious objections, and received a reply from the Secretary
of War, telling me to report for
duty when I was called, and provision would be made for all conscientious objectors at the camp. I
took this letter with me when I
went to camp and showed it to the
sergeant who was classifying the
He read it, and said, "Hold on
here. This man goes down to Company 60." So I was sent down to
a company in the depot brigade,
where there were a number of other
boys who were also classified as
conscientious objectors.
I had been praying all along that
the Lord would be with me and
help me over the hard places, and
He certainly did. About half of
the boys in our detachment refused
to do any work of any kind whatsoever in the Army. When I was
called up, they asked me what I was
willing to do, and I told them that
I was willing to do almost anything
I could, but that I did not want to
bear arms or work on the Sabbath.
This seemed to please them very
much, and they gave me orderly
work and Sabbaths off. I did not
have any trouble getting a pass to
go to San Antonio to Sabbath
My first sergeant was very cordial to me, and so was my company
commander. The first sergeant told
me that his mother used to be a
Seventh-day Adventist, and that his
brother was a Seventh-day Adventist minister,
We could not stay in the depot
brigade indefinitely, as we had to be
transferred to some branch of the
service to make room for more new
recruits. They gave me my choice
of three branches: the quartermas-
Reward of Diligence
ENLISTED in the United States
Navy in the winter of 1917 at
Nashville, Tennessee, and was
sent to Norfolk, Virginia, for training. About the first thing I did was
to try to establish the fact that I
was a Seventh-day Adventist and
would like to have Sabbath privileges.
The first few days were so full of
changes that it was hard to anticipate my next stop. Therefore,
I found myself constantly wondering what to do about arranging my
Sabbaths. Finally I was transferred to permanent quarters on
Friday. I could not find my officer
in charge, so began to prepare for
Sabbath morning we had the
usual morning inspection and were
released, but we were immediately
called back and told to get ready for
work. I tried to get released
quietly, but was ordered to either
We solicit and welcome reports for this Department from our workers throughout the
world field. But our space is limited; so please be brief, concise in what you write.
Asheville Effort
URING the summer of 1940
the writer, assisted by B. F.
Kneeland, district leader ; A.
J. Clark, pastor ; Mrs. M. Lucas,
Bible worker; Archer Livengood,
(Continued on page .21)
APRIL 10, 1 9 4 T
Central Union
A Sabbath school of 27 members
was organized at the close of the
recent effort at Alma, Nebraska.
There is no Adventist church in
that town, but an abandoned Baptist church building has been
cleaned and redecorated and is
being used for their meetings.
Seven precious converts have already been baptized,
Cooperative effort is finally making possible the dream of the members of the Wilsonville church, in
Nebraskaa new church building.
By the help of the faithful Dorcas
Society, the money has been raised,
and the men of the church are now
erecting the building.
On Sabbath afternoon, February
22, a baptismal service was held at
Powell, Wyoming, at which time 3
persons were buried in the watery
A new church building is planned
for Powell, Wyoming, and work on
it is to begin as soon as possible.
William H. Ludwig began a
series of meetings on March 2 in
the Odd Fellows Hall, in Torrington, Wyoming.
The effort which C. H. Miller has
been holding in the York Street
church, Denver, Colorado, has already resulled in the baptism of 9
new believers.
Columbia Union
A six-acre tract of land upon
which to erect a Seventh-day Adventist church has been donated by
a non-Adventist at Burtonsville,
Lake Union
A junior choir was organized in
the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, church
early in the year, with a membership of 25. This has now been increased to 37. The choir has a
double purposethe rendering of
special musical selections and the
training of voices for the senior
church choir. It is planned that
this junior choir shall take the
place of the senior choir in the
church service once a month.
E. L. Green, treasurer of the
Illinois Conference, has been holding some very helpful church
officers' finance councils in the
churches of the conference. Instruction is given at these gatherings on the handling of church
finance. Church elders, treasurers,
and clerks are particularly invited
to these councils, and any other interested church officers; also members who care to be present are
Northern Union
The third floor of the main building at Sheyenne River Academy, in
North Dakota, is being remodeled
Pacific Union
The church at Pacific Grove, California, is putting forth every effort
to welcome into their midst the
Adventist young men who are in
training at the Army camps on the
Monterey peninsula. The seating _
capacity of the church has been enlarged. An alert, friendly church
hostess greets the visitors at the
door, and the church members are
inviting the men to share the hospitality of their homes. Also a
special church service is held in
the afternoon for any of the men in
medical work in the Army camps
who are not able to complete their
duties in caring for the sick in
time for the morning services.
As the first fruits of evangelistic
services at Gridley and Marysville,
California, six persons were recently baptized.
The Fruitvale and Hayward
churches, in Northern California,
have united in a program to provide a new church building. They
have purchased a well-located lot,
and it is planned this summer to
erect a two-room church school on
the property.
Southern Union
Myron Harvey, formerly connected with the Florida Book and
Bible House, is now assistant in the
Carolina Book and Bible House.
Doris Meridith, of the Atlanta.
No. 2 church, Georgia, deserves
honorable mention. She set a goal
for herself of reading the Bible
through in as short a time as possible, and succeeded in completing
it in one month.
On March 8 the members of the
West Palm Beach church met in
their church home with a special
feeling of thankfulness that they
had completely paid for the remodeling which has recently been
done on their church, which cost
about $1,200. The renovation of
the building included an addition
of sixteen feet to the main auditorium, a modern front built onto
the church, the entire building
painted inside and out, grass and
shrubbery in the front, and fluorescent lights and Venetian blinds installed.
Southwestern Union
A church building is being
erected in Portales, New Mexico.
The colored church at Hot
Springs, Arkansas, are joyful in
having completed payment on the
church building which they have
been buying.
The members of the Mt. Pleasant,
Arkansas, church are building a
new church. The members themselves are doing most of the construction work.
Asheville Effort
(Continued from page 19)
singing evangelist; Mrs. Oscar
Olson, pianist; Miss Gertrude
Nichols, stenographer; and Mrs. E.
R. Fulk, Bible worker, conducted
an evangelistic effort in the city of
Asheville, North Carolina.
The Sunday night and Sunday
afternoon services were held in the
new city auditorium, shown in the
accompanying picture with the campaign workers, and the week-night
programs were conducted in the
Masonic Temple. Assistance was
given by the church members, and
a health program was featured once
a week by the doctors and the
nurses of the Mountain and Pisgah
Sanitariums, under the directing of
Mrs. 0. S. Linberg, R. N.
It proved to be a rainy summer,
with two severe mountain floods.
But we thank the Lord for the fiftytwo who have been baptized or received on profession of faith, and
for another class that is being now
prepared for baptism.
The Asheville church membership is now the largest in the Carolina Conference, and the tithe increase for the first two months of
1941 was $342.58. The increase in
Sabbath school offerings for the
same period amounted to $46.76.
When I consulted the city manager about securing the city auditorium for these services, he said,
"I will be frank with you, Mr. Griffin, I am personally interested in
the program of your people. I just
yesterday brought my wife home
from having treatments at the
Mountain Sanitarium."
Literature Ministry Leaders and Colporteurs in Attendance at the Potomac Conference Gospel Sales School, Conducted in the CapitalMemorial Church, Washington, D. C.
Reward of Diligence
Why I Am an Adventist
C. E.
Coming Soon:
"What Do Those Common Pains Mean?"
A series of articles under this title will tell you
what may be the significance of a pain in the
chest, side, abdomen, or some other part of the
body. Every mother will be interested in the series,
"Home Care of the Sick," which will explain better
ways of co-operating with the doctor when caring for a
patient at home. There will be a series of articles, "How
to Build Your House for Health." And most interesting of all,
perhaps, will be "Case Studies on Mental Adjustment," which
will help you to understand better some of the queer quirks of
otherwise normal individuals. Then there will be a host of general articles on a variety of subjects,
including cancer, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, colds, diet, and weight reduction. LIFE AND
HEALTH would ordinarily bring you all these good things at the regular price of $1 a year, but
now you may take advantage of this
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1 year
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2 yearly subscriptions to separate addresses
3 years to one address
3 or more yearly subscriptions to separate
addresses, each
$ .60
2 Years for S1
or three or more yearly subscriptions at
50 cents each.
Redeem the Time
HE year 1941 will probably be a
crucial year in the history of the
world. A conservative, unofficial
estimate of the cost of the present
world conflicts during 1941 is one
hundred billion dollars. However,
incomparably more serious than the
cost in dollars is the legacy of bitterness, hatred, revenge, reversion
to paganism, and disregard for all
things religious.
The European crisis is not only
international; it is a conflict not
only between nations, but also between groups within nations on
grounds of class distinctions and
a politico-economic ideology. It
threatens the Christian church, and
because of this situation there has
come to the people of God a greater
responsibility than they have ever
faced before. The unity of the advent movement must be maintained
at all costs, and through it all the
work of God must be pressed onward to completion. Surely we need
to stay our faith upon God, for may
we not believe that the events which
are unfolding before us are "the
beginning of sorrows"?
Soon the time may come when we
shall be compelled to withdraw our
missionaries permanently from certain countries and leave the responsibility of the work of God in the
hands of the national or native ministry. Already we have withdrawn
the foreign corps of workers from
certain fields and from parts of
other fields. This withdrawal we
hope will be only temporary. We
are led to believe that we are very
near the end of all things, and that
the events which are occurring
throughout the world are permitted
by God to prepare us for a mighty
advance in the finishing of His
work on earth. The all-absorbing
question that comes to this people
just now is: How can we increase
and strengthen the native ministry
in all our mission fields? We believe that one of the most effective
ways is by the establishment of
strong educational centers. In
countries where we have training
schools, we have an efficient ministry growing into strength.
This year's Big Week, April
12-19, is an opportunity to help in
the advancement of a number of
training schools. The beneficiaries
of this year's budget include many
new projects. Every one of them is
most important for mission extension, and the larger number are for
training workers. We need a larger
national or native ministryyoung
men trained to work for their own
Literature has been provided as
a means of raising funds. We are
suggesting that all our members in
North America join our conference
and institutional workers in con-
tributing one day's income to missions. Then, too, there may be those
who will join with others in their
church and give an amount sufficient to complete one of these
We have come to difficult times.
"The work which we are now doing
ought to have been done years ago.
Our plans must enlarge, our operations must be extended. What is
needed now is a church whose individual members shall be awake
and active to do all that it is possible for them to accomplish. We
are not left alone in this work. We
are laborers together with God, in
partnership with divine resources.
The Lord has agencies that He will
put in operation in answer to the
importunate prayer of faith. . . .
The truth which we profess offers
the highest encouragement to the
most devoted self-denial and persevering effort that mortal energies
can bestow. We should have the
courage of heroes, and the faith of
martyrs.""Historical Sketches,"
p. 294.
Let us hasten to redeem the time,
and as a people accomplish that
which "ought to have been done
years ago."