Gospel Doctrine Worksheet New Testament Lesson 16
Gospel Doctrine Worksheet New Testament Lesson 16
Gospel Doctrine Worksheet New Testament Lesson 16
I was blind,
now I see
Purpose: To help
class members
have a greater
and appreciation
of Jesus Christ
as the light of
the world
Shortly before declaring, I am the light of the world (John 9:5) Jesus
gave sight to a man who was born blind. When asked why this man
had been born blind Jesus responded, That the works of God should
be made manifest in him (1 John 9:3) Just like the man born blind,
we too have been born with disabilities. The hard part is admitting it.
Our disabilities may be physical, emotional or spiritual. Whatever they
are, God has given them to us to how his glory. Think about your
personal strengths and weaknesses. How has God used your disabilities
or weakness to manifest His works?
Jesus is
Good Shepherd
Qualities of a Shepherd
In the east, shepherds often brought their flocks into one central
sheepfold every evening. Ty pically a half-a-dozen flocks gathered
together in a single pen and were guarded by a porter or gatekeeper.
In the morning, the shepherds returned and each called his own sheep.
Even thought the flocks had been mingled together, each flock knew
its own shepherds voice and would follow it and no other. How can
you more fully tune out the other voices present in the world and
only focus on the voice of our shepherd?